Handbook of the Russian language. Combinations of letters CHA - SCHA, CHU - SCHU Letter combination chascha chu schu

Class: 1

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Goals of the teacher: Strengthen ideas about hard consonant sounds [zh], [sh]; train children in traditional writing of combinations zhi-shi with a letter And, thicket with a letter A , chu-chu with a letter u.

Planned educational results:

Subject (scope of development and level of competence):

  • will learn: correlate the pronunciation of stressed vowels in combinations zhi-shi, cha-sha, chu-schu and their designation by letters; find these combinations in words, select examples of words; write words with combinations zhi-shi, cha-sha, chu-schu;
  • will have the opportunity to learn: evaluate the results of completed tasks, work with the page for the curious.

Metasubject (components of cultural competence experience/acquired competence):

  • educational – mastering the ability to understand learning task lesson and strive to fulfill it; answer questions; generalize your own idea; relate the concepts learned to examples from real life;
  • communicative– develop the ability to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue, master the dialogical form of speech;
  • regulatory – evaluates his achievements in class.

Personal: developing a respectful attitude towards other opinions; acceptance and development social role student, development of motives educational activities and the formation of personal meaning of learning.

Methods and forms of training: explanatory and illustrative; individual, frontal, work in pairs.

Educational Resources: individual cards with deformed text ( Application). Table of vocabulary words. Presentation.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment.

Psychological mood.

Teacher's words:

The sun rose a long time ago
He looked into our window.
It hurries us to class,
We have another lesson now!

Guys! Imagine that the sun is shining its warm rays on us, under them we all become kinder, smarter, more attentive. Now mentally send your rays to each other, smile. WITH good mood we are starting the lesson.

II. Updating knowledge.

A calligraphic moment.

– Now we will repeat writing letter combinations. Look

look carefully at the screen and tell me what letter combinations we will repeat?

– Write down words with the letter combinations you have learned and underline them. What combinations did you highlight?

– What letter combinations have we just repeated? (CHK, CHN, CHT)

III. Self-determination for activity.

Picture dictation.

Pictures representing words are displayed on the screen:ro now, live raf, shi shka, chu gong, I feel ka, cha ynik.Students pronounce these words.

(Problem situation)

– What three groups can these words be divided into? (zhi - shi, cha - sha, chu - schu)

– Write the words in three columns.

– Exchange notebooks in pairs and check each other’s work using the template.

– Who will name the topic of our lesson?

IV. Work on the topic of the lesson.

1. Observations on the merger syllables ZHI, SHI.

– Write a transcription of the merging syllables live. ([zhy], [shy].)

– What did you notice? (The sounds [zh], [sh] are hard, after them the vowel “y” is heard.)

– Sounds [ and], [w] – always hard, but after letters and And w need to write And. This is what people agreed among themselves. Once upon a time, a long time ago, these sounds in our language were soft, and since then the rule has remained.

Zhi And shi with a letter And always write:
Mice, hedgehogs, snakes,
Skis, puddles, reeds.

(The teacher hangs a card with the combinations ZH – SHI on the board)

2. Observation of the consonant sounds [h’], [h’].

Do a sound-letter analysis of words cloud, grove . [clouds a], [grovesA]. (according to options)

– What sounds are in these words [ h’], [sch’]? (Consonants, soft, deaf, hissing).

- Letters h And sch denote soft unpaired sounds[ch’], [sch’], therefore, before any vowels they are read softly. People agreed that after h And sch letter is written A.

(The teacher hangs a card with the combinations CHA - SHA on the board)

– Now do a sound-letter analysis of words eccentric And pike. (according to options)

– What did you notice? (the sounds [ch’], [sch’] are pronounced softly, but the letter u is written. That’s how people agreed).

– What rule can we derive? (Cha - write with the letter A; chu - schu we write with the letter at).

(The teacher hangs a card with the combinations CHU - SHU on the board)

Work according to the textbook.

And now we will put our knowledge into practice and start working with the textbook.

Ex. 1 p. 115.

Open the textbook with. 115 and find exercise. 1.

- Read it.

– What “work” do letters do? and, a, y in each of these letter combinations, and which one is not fulfilled?

– Why do you need to remember the spelling of vowels in letter combinations? zhi - shi, cha - sha, chu - schu?

– Read what you need to pay attention to.

– Why is the letter I written in the letter combinations ZHI – SHI?

– Why is the letter A written in the letter combinations CHA – SCHA?

– Why is the letter U written in the letter combinations CHU – SHCHU?

Exercise for the eyes.

You are marking the brooms
Cool my eyes.
Children blink their eyelashes.
You need to close your eyes
And rest a little.
Children close their eyes and sit quietly.
Little eyes, little eyes, wake up
Get to work.
Children open their eyes and begin to work with the textbook.

Ex. 2 s. 116.

– Read the words from exercise again. 1 and write down these words. Underline the letter combinations in which the spelling of vowels must be remembered.

– Complete the task yourself.

– Read the language information.

– How are the combinations ZHI – SHI written?

– How are the combinations CHA – SHA written?

– How are the combinations CHU – SHCHU written?

Ex. 3.

– Look at the pictures and say the words-names of the objects.

- Say the sound that is in all words. ([Y].)

– What letter should be used to denote it in writing? (AND,)

- Write the words-names of objects.

V. Physical education minute.

We sat in silence. ( Stand up, walk in place).
I want to jump again. ( Jumping in place).
Place your hands on your shoulders. ( Circular rotations with hands).
I feel, feel, feel,
I'll put my hands down. ( Bend down with arms outstretched).
Right now
We squat, not food. ( Squats).
Let's sit in silence now. ( Sit down at the desk).

VI. Consolidation of the studied material.

1. Work according to the textbook.

Ex. 4 (p.117).

- Read it.

– What letter combinations are missing in each word? (ZHI or SHI.)

– Copy any group of words by inserting the missing letter combinations.

– Read the words you wrote down. Name the letter combinations in each of these words.

– Choose other words that contain letter combinations live And shi.

– Name the words that you chose yourself.

2. Vocabulary work.

- Guess the riddle.

Drinks gasoline like milk
Can run far.
Carries goods and people.
You know her, of course? (Car.)

Find in explanatory dictionary lexical meaning of the word car and read it.

Inna: “A machine is a mechanism that does some work”

Savely: “A car is a car”

- That's right, guys! And it came from Latin to French, and then to Russian. And it came from the word “colossus” - structure.

- Write the word in your notebook car. Put emphasis, emphasize the dangerous place.

- Come up with a word car sentence and write it down.

3. Individual work with cards over deformed text.

- Read it. What interesting things did you notice? (The lines are not in order.)

– Determine in what order the lines must appear to form a poem.

– Read the resulting poem. Remember who the author of these lines is. (S.Ya. Marshak.)

– Name words with letter combinations ZHI – SHI. (Puddles, cold.)

- Write down the poem you composed.

– Do a self-test of the text using the template.

Ex. 6 (p. 118).

- Read it.

– How many objects do these words name? (One.)

- Change these words so that they name several objects.

– Read the last task. Do it yourself.

4. Recording from dictation.

Dasha has a cat named Ryzhik. He is red and fluffy. The tip of the tail is white. Ryzhik loves to play.

– Emphasize the combinations ZH – SHI.

VII. Reflection.

Game "Photographer".

Pictures with combinations are displayed on the screen: cha, sha, chu, schu, zhi, shi. Children read the words, then within 2 minutes pronounce them several times to themselves, as if photographing them. Then they write down the words from memory: cha sy, sleep live nka, shi on, chu brow, I feel finger, cha shka, now vel, thicket, bad now yeah. After recording, they check their writing according to the template, after exchanging notebooks in pairs.

– Underline the spellings you have learned.

– What rule do you need to know in order to correctly write words with these letter combinations?

– Who has already learned to write such words without mistakes?

– Who else needs to practice?

VIII. Summing up the lesson.

– What new did you learn in the lesson?

In combinations zhi – shi,
Only And always write!
In combinations cha - sha
Write only the letter A!
In combinations chu - chu
Write only the letter y!

– Why you need to remember the spelling of vowels in combinations zhi-shi, cha-sha, chu-schu?

- Well done! Thanks for the lesson! You all did a great job!

1. Here is a grove. Magpies are chattering. The jackdaws have their little jackdaws screaming. The rook has rooks. The hare's babies are squeaking. (15)

2. We went for sorrel. A cloud came over. The thicket began to rustle. The firs swayed. Drops of rain began to patter frequently. We rushed home. (16)

3. Streams are babbling. The sun illuminates the earth. The grove is turning green. Masha saw a rook. Magpies are chattering. Welcome spring! (14)

4. Warmth. The hares gave birth to bunnies. Wolves have wolf cubs. Blackbirds have blackbirds squeaking. Jackdaws and starlings appeared. It's a hot time. (17)

5. We say goodbye to winter. Frost does not crack. We are welcoming spring. Soon the jackdaws and starlings will squeal. (15)

6. There is a sentry in an overcoat standing on the square. A shepherd sits nearby. The little jackdaws are screaming on the plank roof. The shepherd began to grumble. (17)

7. More often than not, bird nests look like a teacup. They are woven from twigs. Often the nests are insulated with down. (16)

8. Kolya met Sveta on the square. A cloud was floating across the sky. The cloud confused Kolya. He doesn't have a cloak. (16)

9. The rain began to pound on the plank roof. The wind shakes the branches. The little jackdaws are squeaking in the nest. (13)

11. Arctic terns bravely defend their nests from polar bear. Daredevils don't just scream loudly. Birds often grab the poor thing by the tail and ears. (23)

12. Students often walk around the square. There is a sentry there. It stands for a long time - two hours. He's cold. He's wearing gloves, but no cape. The guys are screaming and chattering like jackdaws. The sentry doesn't pay attention. (30)

13. The shepherd gave birth to puppies. They growl. Now mom will feed them. The puppies silently suck milk. Milk is their food. M came to see the puppies. The shepherd notices us. She starts to grumble. (29)

14. Thicket of the forest. Wolf cubs are playing in the clearing. They! growl, squeak. The she-wolf often glances at them. She notices everything. She hears birds screaming in the thicket. The cubs stop playing and run after their mother. (31)

15. There is an ominous cloud in the sky. The rabbits notice her. They squeak and scream. It might start raining in an hour. The little rabbits are running home. The darkness deepens. The first drops are hitting the roof. The rain promises to be long. (29)

16. There is a cottage in the forest. An old grandfather lives in it. His grandchildren often visit him. He meets them and seats them at the table. They drink tea together. Then the grandchildren say goodbye to their grandfather. They promise to come more often. (32)

17. We often go to the forest. There are grasshoppers chattering there. One was very loud. We listened to the violinist for an hour. Wonderful artist! We said goodbye to the violinists. When we were returning, a cloud came over. We rushed home. (31)

18. We have been walking through the forest for an hour. Our shepherd is with us. The forest began to thicken. This is a thicket. It's time to go back. We cross the stream on a plank bridge. Here is the grove, and behind it is our dacha. (30)

Words with combinations CHU, SHU

CHU, SHCHU write with the letter U.

1. I solve a problem. I'm looking for an answer. Then I learn the rule. (10)

2. I came to someone else's house. I want to come in and I knock. The dog smells me. (13)

3. I drag the stuffed animal to the garden. I will grow vegetables. They will be amazingly good. (13)

4. I drag the pike out of the water. I'm glad for this monster. I want to cook fish soup. The pike squints its eyes. (16)

5. I want to find a cast iron pot. I'm looking in the closet. I spin it in my hands and drag it into the house. (17)

6. Pika is a small bird. Her nose is awl. I look - miracles! Pika dances a waltz. She circles around the spruce tree and makes wonderful jumps. This is Pikakhin's waltz. (23)

7. The grimy scarecrow lived in a cast iron pot in the closet. His eyes illuminated the monstrous darkness. What kind of miracle? Is this a monster or a weirdo? His name is Chushchuk. The tentacles have fancy stockings. One day Chushchuk felt trouble. He sailed down the Shchura river. (35)

8. Birds lay eggs. Fish spawn. The eggs hatch into fry. Pike, bream and catfish spawn in the spring. (17)

9. I want to catch a big pike. Having cast the fishing rod, I sit down on a block of wood. I sit and remain silent. I feel the pike is biting. I'm dragging her. When you drag, I’ll grab it. Here's a little more! I scream with joy. (29)

10. We went to the beach. Suddenly we saw a cloud, My brother Sasha squinted. The wind whips. The waves are rushing in the sea. They look like monsters. Lightning flashes in the sky. I want to go home. (29)

11. The food of arctic foxes is fish and birds. Where do Arctic foxes hide their prey? Arctic foxes store food in permafrost. They put their prey in a hole. Food lasts a long time in such a wonderful refrigerator. (27)

12. A miracle happened in the kingdom. A terrible monster appeared. It has huge tentacles. The prince found chain mail in the closet. Went out to fight. Here comes the monster. The prince narrowed his eyes. He fired a wonderful arrow. There is no more scary monster. (31)

13. Wolves prowl, looking for food. Who is the stranger here? Wolves smell prey. The hare senses danger. The hare has wonderful legs and sensitive ears. He ran into the grove. He runs without feeling his feet. He ran into our closet. Got dirty on the cast iron. He became grimy. (37)

14. We caught a pike. They poured water into the cast iron. Add a little salt. There will be a wow! Our shepherd smelled fish. She has good instincts. We're running out of wood. I'll look for more and bring them back. Then I'll peel the potatoes. (30)

15. I met a knight in chain mail. He is a stranger. I want to invite him to my place. Let him live. He's a weirdo. He went into the closet and sat. I'm silent. It's hard to live in a foreign land. (28)

16. I'm dragging a pike from the river. I clean the fish. I want to cook fish soup. I put the pike in a cast iron pot and put it in the stove. My shepherd Chunya smells the wonderful fish soup. In an hour I'll take out the cast iron. The ear is amazingly good. (37)

17. Yasha Chukin had a puppy named Chubrik. Chubrik saw a garden scarecrow. The kid was a little scared of the monster. The puppy narrowed his eyes. What a puny weirdo! What a miracle of nature! (22)

18. I want to plant vegetables. I'll grab a shovel from the closet. I will find a place for each vegetable. I'll bring a watering can with water. I'll put a scarecrow in the garden. I will grow carrots, parsley, dill. I'll treat my friends. (27)

Source: Internet

1st GRADE, 2nd QUARTER (December, 3rd week)

JOB #1

TOPIC: Word, sentence, text.

PURPOSE: to check the development of the skill of independent writing of words, the spelling of which does not differ from the pronunciation; Ability to write a proposal.


We are working.

Soon New Year. The children make their own decorations for the Christmas tree. There is glue, bright paper, and paints on the desks.

The Christmas tree will be beautiful! (18)

Grammar tasks

In the first sentence, above the words, indicate the number of syllables.

In the second sentence, put an accent mark above the words.

In the third sentence, emphasize the soft consonants in the words.

*Come up with and write down one word each, consisting of one, two, or three syllables.

*Write down a sentence on the topic “Winter” that corresponds to the diagram (three words).


Our yard.

We love our yard. There are swings and a horizontal bar. In summer, boys chase a ball. Girls play with dolls. In winter, the older guys make a slide. (24)

Grammar tasks

1. Write down in numbers how many words are in the first sentence.

In the words of the last sentence, emphasize the vowels.

In the second sentence, find a word with two syllables.

*Make three words from these syllables: sha, zhi, e, schu, cha, ka.

Emphasize the vowels after the sibilants in the words. Write one word for these rules.

5. *Write down a sentence on the topic “Winter” that corresponds to the diagram (4 words).

1st GRADE, 3rd QUARTER (February, 1 week)

WORK No. 2.

TOPIC: Soft sign at the end and in the middle of a word.

GOAL: test spelling skills with soft sign at the end and in the middle of a word; Ability to write a proposal.


The whole sky is in clouds. It's raining heavily. There are large puddles on the porch. The cat jumped onto the stone. He began to drink water from the puddle. (21)

Grammar tasks

Choose a word that has more letters than sounds: forest, cone, stump, spruce.

*Hide the soft sign in the middle of the word and write down the words:

Day..., wing..., stump..., fire..., Mashen... .

5.* Write down the names of the summer months, emphasizing the soft consonants in them.


Winter evening.

It's bitterly cold outside. A blizzard is blowing. And the house is warm. The coals are smoldering in the stove. Vaska the cat went to sleep in the corner. Yura is reading. Little Nadya is listening. (24)

Grammar tasks.

1. Underline the soft sign in words.

Separate words for transfer: strong, blizzard, embers.

Choose a word that has more letters than sounds: squirrel, knives, horse, spruce forest.

*Write down the names of the winter months, emphasizing soft consonants.

*Write down 2 words from memory with a soft sign at the end and in the middle of the word.

1ST CLASS, 3rd QUARTER (March, 3rd week)

JOB No. 3

TOPIC: Vowels after sibilants.

GOAL: to check the development of the skill of spelling words with the combinations zhi-shi, cha-shcha, chu-shu, chn-chk, as well as the ability to formulate a sentence in writing.


Fluffy snow covered the winter forest.

I'm going into the thicket of the forest. A spotted woodpecker knocks on an oak tree. There are cones under the tree. (19)

Grammar tasks

1. Emphasize the combinations zhi-shi, cha-scha, chu-schu in words.

Divide the words into syllables: lily of the valley*, square*di, ch*desa.

Change the words hedgehog, siskin, mouse so that they have 2 syllables.

*Add the syllables, underline the letters denoting the hissing sound:

cha..., ro..., lu..., stri..., small.....

5. *Make a sentence with the phrase fragrant tea.


The children are going to the dacha. They will live with Grandma Masha. Her grandchildren will help her dry the hay. Children will run into the grove and pick sorrel in the meadow. (24)

Grammar tasks

Emphasize the combinations zhi-shi, cha-sha, chu-shu in the words.

Divide the words into syllables: grandchildren, dry, grove.

Use a number to indicate the number of letters and sounds in the word dacha and draw a sound diagram.

*Write down one word each with the combinations zhi-shi, cha-sha, chu-shu.

*Finish the sentence: They are busy in the grove…………….. .

1ST CLASS, 4TH QUARTER (April, 3rd week)

JOB #4

TOPIC: Capitalization in proper names.

GOAL: to check the development of the spelling skill of capital letters in proper names.


Anya Petrova lives in the village of Lesnoy. She loves animals. The girl has a dog Sharik and a kitten Fluff. Anyuta gives them bread and milk. (22)

Grammar tasks

Underline the capital letter in proper names.

In the words of the first sentence, emphasize the voiceless consonants.

Separate words for transfer: secrets, gray, lights.

*Insert the first letter and write the words:

...ashenka, ....anechka, ...ndryusha, ...etenka.

5. *Write down 2 sentences: - What is your name?

What city do you live in?


A new student, Kostya Demin, has entered the class. The boy came from the city of Astana. Lived

he is there on Pushkin Street. The guys quickly became friends with the newcomer. (22)

Grammar tasks

1. Underline the capital letter in proper names.

2. In the words of the first sentence, emphasize the voiced consonants.

3. Divide to hyphenate words: new, newcomer, arrived.

4. *Write down 3 names of girls and boys.

5. *Write down 2 sentences: - What is your name?

What city do you live in?

1ST CLASS, 4TH QUARTER (May, 3rd week)

JOB #5

Final test for 1st grade.

PURPOSE: to check students’ mastery of the basics of Russian graphics (sentence formatting, spelling of words based on the rules learned)


Warm days are here. The guys walk along the path to the river. It's noisy and fun there. Kids play in the sand. They are building a big house. (23)

Grammar tasks

2. In the words v e s elo, r e b i a t a, emphasize soft consonants.

3. Write down in numbers how many letters and sounds there are in the word d e n k i.

4. *Choose words that are opposite in meaning: tall -……

narrow - …..

far- …

5.* Compose and write 2 sentences with the words Ryzhik, saffron milk cap.


The boys Yura and Vanya go into the forest. The dog Bimka is running nearby. Red squirrels are jumping along the branches. There's a mink under the tree. Gray hedgehogs took refuge there. (25)

Grammar tasks

1. Write down in numbers how many syllables are in the words: dog, mink, hedgehogs.

2. In the words of the squirrels, they took refuge to emphasize soft consonants.

3. Write down in numbers how many letters and sounds there are in the word boys.

4.*Choose words that have opposite meanings:

high - …. distant -…. narrow - …. Kind - ….

5.*Make and write 2 sentences with the words fruit, raft.


Capital letter in first names, patronymics and last names,

in the names of cities and rivers

No. 1. Auditory dictation.

Children are happy about winter. It's snowing. Kolya and Mitya run home. My hands are chilly.

No. 2. Visual dictation.

Names of cities and rivers.

Chita, Kazan, Ufa, Sevastopol, Istra, Kaluga, Yaroslavl, Uglich, Angara, Don, Irtysh, Oka, Amur.

No. 3. Auditory dictation.

Vasya and Yura go to school. Olya writes a letter to her brother. He lives in Ufa. There is the Belaya River. My brother often fishes.

No. 4. Visual dictation.

1. My uncle Vasily Petrovich left for Saratov. 2. My aunt Olga Alekseevna lives in Samara. 3. Evgenia Nikolaevna teaches children. 4. Ksenia Petrovna is the director of a school in Kolomna.

No. 5. Visual dictation.

1. There is a river Moskva in Moscow. 2. The Oka and Kama flow into the Volga. 3. Rivers of Siberia - Ob, Yenisei, Amur, Lena. 4. The Dnieper and Dniester flow into the Black Sea.

Words with letters i, yu, e, e

No. 6. Visual dictation.

Hare, sowed, raspberries, mine. Yasha, strawberry, paw, frog, what, berries, barley, yours, stand.

No. 7. Auditory dictation.

1. Dad took Yasha to the nursery. 2. Zoya and Valya were in the garden. 3. Olya played ball.

No. 8. Visual dictation.

Turkey, iron, key, beam, bale, circle, cook, onion, give.

No. 9. Auditory dictation.

1. Misha is small. Lesha mashed cranberries. 2. There is an ox in the meadow. Dad was taking his son to school.

No. 10. Visual dictation.

1. Viper is a poisonous snake. 2. A goose is coming. Geese and goslings are coming. 3. The fishermen are pulling the net. A big perch got caught in the net. 4. It rains often. 5. Bears sleep all winter. The bear loves honey. 6. Cranes are flying. The crane is a large bird.

Note. This material can be divided into two dictations.

Combinations zhi, shi

No. 11. Visual dictation.

Babies, puddles, swifts, ruffs, saffron milk caps, fat, spring, sewn, write, rose hips.

No. 12. Auditory dictation.

1. I fed the hedgehog. 2. Snakes hiss. 3. There is a car parked near the house. 4. We lived in the forest. 5. Swifts flew by the river.

No. 13. Visual dictation.

Six - six, overcoat, whisper - whisper, hut, yolk - yellow, width - width, puddles, roofs.

Combinations cha, sha, chu, schu

No. 14. Visual dictation.

Cloud, candle, shepherd, teapot, food, sorrel, square, bowl, squeak, rooks, goodbye.

No. 15. Auditory dictation.

1. We walked for an hour. 2. There are seagulls above the river. 3. Kolya lived with his sister. 4. My sister lives in Moscow.

No. 16. Visual dictation.

Pike, closet, squinted, stocking, knock, drag, treat, teach, rinse, chock.

No. 17. Auditory dictation.

The day is clear. Yura and Senya are walking. Here is the river. There is a spruce forest across the river. The boys sat down on a stump. It's quiet all around. Only the hedgehog rustles in the grass.

Paired consonants at the end of a word

No. 18. Auditory dictation.

Sickle, coat of arms, oak, tooth, pillar, sheepskin coat, club, mushroom, dill.

No. 19. Visual dictation.

Hawk, flood, chill, forehead, sheaf, ice hole, bread, dove, snowdrift, log house.

No. 20. Auditory dictation.

1. Gleb goes for a walk. 2. Steppe. Cold. 3. Wet bush. Light rain.

No. 21. Auditory dictation.

Mole, move, brother, garden, blackbird, bone, nail, hammer, knife.

No. 22. Visual dictation with analysis of words by meaning. (Each of the named students must parse one pair of words.)

Flexible rod, deep pond, ripe fruit, light raft, green onion, green meadow.

No. 23. Visual-auditory dictation.

Factory, news, hike, compote, pilot, trench, square, roughness, fireworks, route, ice, brush, ford, honey, vegetable garden, plane.

No. 24. Visual-auditory dictation.

Snow, haystack, turkey, friend, flag, student, beetle, shore, overnight stay, hunter, top, iron, bunny, circle, boy, boot.

No. 25. Auditory dictation.

1. There is a haystack in the yard. 2. Lena goes to the pond. 3. Big ravine. 4. Delicious pie. 5. May beetle.

No. 26. Visual dictation.

1. Haymaking has begun. 2. Take a shower. 3. Walrus is a sea animal. 4. Your eye is a diamond. 5. Take care of your nose in severe frost.

No. 27. Visual dictation. (The teacher writes words in a row on the board, and the children write animate and inanimate nouns in columns.)

Taras, frost, lesson, top, luggage, boy, horse, sailor, student, snake, beach, boot, nail, cargo, bear, circle, shore, ear, pie, order, ice, oats, canopy.

No. 28. Auditory dictation.

1. Leo is a strong beast. 2. Old wardrobe. 3. Sew up the sleeve. 4. Beak, throw, carrots.

No. 29. Visual-auditory dictation.

1. The train goes to Volgograd. 2. Vera has a white scarf. 3. There are grapes on the table. 4. There was a rose bush growing under the window.

No. 30. Auditory dictation.

1. Vasya bought this notebook. 2. Children are walking in the grove. 3. There is a spruce forest near the house. There are a lot of saffron milk caps there. 4. Fragrant lilies of the valley.

No. 31. Auditory dictation.

It was frosty. Petya was walking in the garden. Petya's ears and nose were cold. Aunt Zina gave me a warm scarf.


No. 32. Auditory dictation.

The squirrel lives in a hollow. The squirrel often comes out of the hollow. For the winter, the squirrel dries mushrooms. The squirrel has cones in the hollow.

Syllable. Emphasis. Sounds and letters

Writing combinations zhi, shi, cha, sha, chu, schu

Hedgehogs, knives, pears, skis, puddles, ears, cones, siskins, good, wide, be friends, sew, circle; thicket, grove, tea, cup, dacha, knock, be silent, shout; miracle, pike, looking, wanting, silent, teaching, crying.


1. Write down poems. Underline words with combinations zhi, shi, cha, shcha, chu, schu.

In combinations zhi, shi

Just and always write!

Mice, hedgehogs, snakes,

Skis, puddles,


Giraffes, tires and walruses,

Rose hips and pencils,

Circle, serve, make friends and live,

Hurry, laugh, hiss and sew.

Remember the syllables zhi and shi

And write only with the letter.

In combinations cha, sha

We write only the letter a.

Heap, thicket, tower,

Cloud, grove, locusts,

Thicket, dacha and seal

You need to write it with the letter a.

In combinations chu, schu

They only write the letter y.

I want to write correctly

I’m learning words for Chu and Shu:

Stocking, and miracle, and cast iron,

The eccentric, and the pike, and the grumbler,

Grimy, scarecrow, block,

Wonderful, feelings and closet,

I scream, I grumble, I search, I drag.

I write and feel and feel.

(From the collection “Entertaining


2. Write down the sentences. Underline words with combinations zhi, shi, cha, shcha, chu, schu.

1. I am in first grade. 2. Siskins live in the forest. 3. The guys are looking for bumps. 4. Fragrant flowers grew in the flowerbed. 5. Never take other people's things. 6. Grandma treats us to a pie. 7. The giraffe has a long neck. 8. There are mice in the closet. 9. A seagull is circling over the sea. 10. I never cry.


1. Listen to excerpts from poems. Write down and read words with the combinations zhi, shi, cha, scha, chu, schu.

Good for the carpenter

And it’s better for an engineer

I would go build a house -

Let them teach me.

I'll draw first

The house is the way I want it.

Nice house, great house

On all four sides

And the guys will live in it

Comfortable and spacious.

(V. Mayakovsky)

Squinting my eyes and frowning my brows,

Growling into his mustache,

Watchmaker Ivan Petrovich

Carefully took the watch

(S. Mikhalkov)

2. Listen to riddles and proverbs. Write down words with combinations zhi, shi, cha, shcha, chu, schu.

Golden sieve

There are plenty of black houses.

How many little black houses,

So many little white residents. (Sunflower)

Lying under the fence

Yes, he wags his tail. (Pig)

I don't upset anyone

But I make everyone cry. (Onion)

Flies like an arrow

Buzzing like a bee. (Airplane)

One-Eyed Old Woman

Embroiders patterns. (Needle)


1. Don’t rake in the heat with someone else’s hands! 2. You can’t hide an awl in a bag. 3. Don’t rush with your tongue – hurry with your actions. 4. It is better to lose wealth than to break your word. 5. No matter how eager the pike is, it will not take the ruff from its tail.


Underline words with combinations zhi, shi, cha, shcha, chu, schu.

There is silence on the river in the morning. We are sailing a boat along a wide channel. Wonderful white water lilies float on the water. A dragonfly circles above them. Dragonflies look like little helicopters.


My dad loves fishing. He often takes me with him. Yesterday we went by car to the lake. Dad caught a big bream and a pike. He put them in the fish tank.


Our school is inhabited by hedgehogs, mice and a hare. The guys take care of the animals. After lessons we run to the living corner and treat our friends to something tasty.

Writing combinations zhi, shi, cha, shcha, chu, schu - Russian language

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1. Here is a grove. Magpies are chattering. The jackdaws have their little jackdaws screaming. The rook has rooks. The hare's babies are squeaking. (15)

2. We went for sorrel. A cloud came over. The thicket began to rustle. The firs swayed. Drops of rain began to patter frequently. We rushed home. (16)

3. Streams are babbling. The sun illuminates the earth. The grove is turning green. Masha saw a rook. Magpies are chattering. Welcome spring! (14)

4. Warmth. The hares gave birth to bunnies. Wolves have wolf cubs. Blackbirds have blackbirds squeaking. Jackdaws and starlings appeared. It's a hot time. (17)

5. We say goodbye to winter. Frost does not crack. We are welcoming spring. Soon the jackdaws and starlings will squeal. (15)

6. There is a sentry in an overcoat standing on the square. A shepherd sits nearby. The little jackdaws are screaming on the plank roof. The shepherd began to grumble. (17)

7. More often than not, bird nests look like a teacup. They are woven from twigs. Often the nests are insulated with down. (16)

8. Kolya met Sveta on the square. A cloud was floating across the sky. The cloud confused Kolya. He doesn't have a cloak. (16)

9. The rain began to pound on the plank roof. The wind shakes the branches. The little jackdaws are squeaking in the nest. (13)

11. Arctic terns bravely defend their nests from polar bears. Daredevils don't just scream loudly. Birds often grab the poor thing by the tail and ears. (23)

12. Students often walk around the square. There is a sentry there. It stands for a long time - two hours. He's cold. He's wearing gloves, but no cape. The guys are screaming and chattering like jackdaws. The sentry doesn't pay attention. (30)

13. The shepherd gave birth to puppies. They growl. Now mom will feed them. The puppies silently suck milk. Milk is their food. M came to see the puppies. The shepherd notices us. She starts to grumble. (29)

14. Thicket of the forest. Wolf cubs are playing in the clearing. They! growl, squeak. The she-wolf often glances at them. She notices everything. She hears birds screaming in the thicket. The cubs stop playing and run after their mother. (31)

15. There is an ominous cloud in the sky. The rabbits notice her. They squeak and scream. It might start raining in an hour. The little rabbits are running home. The darkness deepens. The first drops are hitting the roof. The rain promises to be long. (29)

16. There is a cottage in the forest. An old grandfather lives in it. His grandchildren often visit him. He meets them and seats them at the table. They drink tea together. Then the grandchildren say goodbye to their grandfather. They promise to come more often. (32)

17. We often go to the forest. There are grasshoppers chattering there. One was very loud. We listened to the violinist for an hour. Wonderful artist! We said goodbye to the violinists. When we were returning, a cloud came over. We rushed home. (31)

18. We have been walking through the forest for an hour. Our shepherd is with us. The forest began to thicken. This is a thicket. It's time to go back. We cross the stream on a plank bridge. Here is the grove, and behind it is our dacha. (30)

Write words with combinations chu, schu chu, schu with the letter y.

1. I solve a problem. I'm looking for an answer. Then I learn the rule. (10)

2. I came to someone else's house. I want to come in and I knock. The dog smells me. (13)

3. I drag the stuffed animal to the garden. I will grow vegetables. They will be amazingly good. (13)

4. I drag the pike out of the water. I'm glad for this monster. I want to cook fish soup. The pike squints its eyes. (16)

5. I want to find a cast iron pot. I'm looking in the closet. I spin it in my hands and drag it into the house. (17)

6. Pika is a small bird. Her nose is awl. I look - miracles! Pika dances a waltz. She circles around the spruce tree and makes wonderful jumps. This is Pikakhin's waltz. (23)

7. The grimy scarecrow lived in a cast iron pot in the closet. His eyes illuminated the monstrous darkness. What kind of miracle? Is this a monster or a weirdo? His name is Chushchuk. The tentacles have fancy stockings. One day Chushchuk felt trouble. He sailed down the Shchura river. (35)

8. Birds lay eggs. Fish spawn. The eggs hatch into fry. Pike, bream and catfish spawn in the spring. (17)

9. I want to catch a big pike. Having cast the fishing rod, I sit down on a block of wood. I sit and remain silent. I feel the pike is biting. I'm dragging her. When you drag, I’ll grab it. Here's a little more! I scream with joy. (29)

10. We went to the beach. Suddenly we saw a cloud, My brother Sasha squinted. The wind whips. The waves are rushing in the sea. They look like monsters. Lightning flashes in the sky. I want to go home. (29)

11. The food of arctic foxes is fish and birds. Where do Arctic foxes hide their prey? Arctic foxes store food in permafrost. They put their prey in a hole. Food lasts a long time in such a wonderful refrigerator. (27)

12. A miracle happened in the kingdom. A terrible monster appeared. It has huge tentacles. The prince found chain mail in the closet. Went out to fight. Here comes the monster. The prince narrowed his eyes. He fired a wonderful arrow. There is no more scary monster. (31)

13. Wolves prowl, looking for food. Who is the stranger here? Wolves smell prey. The hare senses danger. The hare has wonderful legs and sensitive ears. He ran into the grove. He runs without feeling his feet. He ran into our closet. Got dirty on the cast iron. He became grimy. (37)

14. We caught a pike. They poured water into the cast iron. Add a little salt. There will be a wow! Our shepherd smelled fish. She has good instincts. We're running out of wood. I'll look for more and bring them back. Then I'll peel the potatoes. (30)

15. I met a knight in chain mail. He is a stranger. I want to invite him to my place. Let him live. He's a weirdo. He went into the closet and sat. I'm silent. It's hard to live in a foreign land. (28)

16. I'm dragging a pike from the river. I clean the fish. I want to cook fish soup. I put the pike in a cast iron pot and put it in the stove. My shepherd Chunya smells the wonderful fish soup. In an hour I'll take out the cast iron. The ear is amazingly good. (37)

17. Yasha Chukin had a puppy named Chubrik. Chubrik saw a garden scarecrow. The kid was a little scared of the monster. The puppy narrowed his eyes. What a puny weirdo! What a miracle of nature! (22)

18. I want to plant vegetables. I'll grab a shovel from the closet. I will find a place for each vegetable. I'll bring a watering can with water. I'll put a scarecrow in the garden. I will grow carrots, parsley, dill. I'll treat my friends. (27)

Lesson 27 Combinations cha, sha, chu, schu

We learn to correctly pronounce and write words with the combinations cha, shcha, chu, schu

193. Read. Say the tongue twister quickly. Wolves often prowl in the thickets, looking for prey.

In the Russian language, the sounds [ch’] are always soft, so the letter combinations cha, shcha, chu, shchu must be pronounced but written after h, shch followed by a, u:

Cha, now write with a. Chu, chu write with u.

194. Read. Pronounce the combinations cha, sha, chu, schu correctly.

Sorrel, cast iron, luck, pike, gloves, playground,

Teapot, grove, square, looking for, often, part of, miracles.

Make up sentences with two words (your choice).

195. Task of choice.

1. Form words with the combinations cha, chu and write them down.

2. Change the words given in brackets so that the letter combinations chu, schu appear in them. Write it down.

Solve (problem), call (doctor), go to (grove). 196. Read. How can you answer the question posed in the title of the text?


I know that teapots live in the sea, teapots live in the mountains, and teapots live in the kitchen.

Turtles live in the sand, worms live in the ground, and humans live in the garden. Besides, I know

Although I have never seen that some kind of black monster lives in a black closet.

But I still don’t know who lives in the clock. No matter how many times I carefully unscrew them, there is nothing there except wheels and screws. Who's ticking there?

According to G. Yudin

Write out the words with missing letters from the text. Explain the spelling.

Look at the pictures. Which of them can be called an illustration for the text? Why?

Find words in the text with the combination zhi.

197. Find words that are close in meaning. Write them down in pairs.

Wizard, miss, regret, sad, sorcerer, spare.

198. Using the example, replace these words with opposite meanings. Write down, underline cha, chu.

Sample. Joy - sadness.

My own - h..., rarely - h..., I say - m..., the end - n....

199. Test yourself! The main words of the lesson.

Combinations cha, sha, chu, schu, spelling, pronunciation.

200. Write by inserting the missing letters.

1. Always help, comrade... 2. Appreciate someone’s work. 3. Check the time by hour, and the person by business. 4. You yourself perish, but your comrade... help (Proverb).

Combinations cha, sha, chu, schu - Russian language

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