Mysterious moon. Secrets of the Moon

Secrets of the Moon

The moon is the only thing celestial body Solar system on which man has set foot. This satellite of our planet is under the constant “sight” of telescopes, it is studied from Earth and from space, but, according to scientists, our knowledge about the Moon has not increased much over the past forty years and the number of mysteries surrounding this planet has not decreased, but on the contrary, increases.

After graduation American program Apollo began to slowly forget about the Moon - astronautics rushed to other areas. Meanwhile, “left to its own devices,” the Moon more and more often presented scientists with unsolvable mysteries. The greatest confusion was caused by the case of the Clementine robotic probe launched in January 1994 - a joint brainchild of NASA and the now safely deceased military program SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative), better known as the program star wars" The purpose of the probe's mission was to test advanced technological developments, in particular new supersensitive measuring instruments. Clementine photographed the surface of the Moon from an altitude of 400 kilometers, and then moved towards the asteroid 1620 Geographos. And the photographs sent by the probe to Earth caused a storm of surprise in the scientific community: at the bottom of several craters located in the southern hemisphere of the Moon, there is probably... frozen water!

It was a sensation - after all, the Moon was traditionally considered a dead body. The conditions of the Moon seemed to completely exclude the very possibility of ice formation. The fact is that the lunar day is 28 times longer than the earth’s. During this period, the entire surface of our satellite is illuminated by the Sun during the lunar day, and there is no atmosphere on the Moon and the surface temperature can reach 122 degrees Celsius. Where does ice form here? But photographs taken by Clementine indicate that ice may persist in places where the sun's rays cannot reach, such as at the bottom of some deep craters. In the southern hemisphere of the Moon there is a huge crater with a diameter of 2,500 kilometers and a depth of 12 kilometers, and the bottom of this huge basin is dotted with smaller depressions. It was in these depressions that traces of what scientists are inclined to consider ice were discovered...

But where does water come from on the Moon? It is believed that it could have landed on the Moon along with meteorites that have been bombarding the surface of the Earth’s satellite for billions of years. Some of the ice had evaporated a long time ago, while others could have been preserved at the bottom of the craters.

But hypothetical water on the Moon is only one of the mysteries of this planet. NASA experts have formulated five main mysteries of the Moon, which science will work to unravel in the coming years: How did the Moon become a satellite of the Earth? What is the history of the Moon? When and how did craters appear on the Moon? What is the history of the Moon's atmosphere? What mysteries of the solar system are associated with the Moon?

As you can see, these mysteries are mainly related to the past of the Moon. What can we say about the future of this earthly satellite?

...People, houses, trees, entire rocks, as if torn from their place by an unprecedentedly strong hurricane, fell, collapsed, scattered into dust, sweeping away everything in their path. And although the planet itself survived, in a few moments there was not a single living creature left on it, which nature had carefully nurtured for millions of years before...

No one will be able to resist this global cataclysm, no matter what technical means of protection he uses. In the face of catastrophe, even the horrors described in the Apocalypse fade, and every day brings earthlings closer to it. And this threat comes from... the Moon, the satellite of our planet.

The influence of the Moon on the life of mankind has been studied by traditional and non-traditional sciences. We are accustomed to considering the Moon as a natural satellite of the Earth, which, in essence, has nothing to do with our destinies. This is a small, desert planet, whose surface is furrowed with craters and which passively circles around the Earth, obeying the law of gravity. How can she threaten us?

The Moon is 384 thousand kilometers away from the Earth and has a diameter of 3476 kilometers, which is four times less than the diameter of the Earth. But not only the Earth attracts the Moon, but also the Moon, in accordance with all the laws of physics, attracts the Earth. It turns out that the Moon circles around us, and we circle around it, and both planets are inextricably connected. And although the presence of the moon is a necessary condition to keep the Earth as part of the solar system, the price for this “service” is the inevitable murder of all life on Earth, which this dwarf planet will someday commit. And the murder weapon will be... the insignificant gravitational force of the Moon!

When the Moon floats above our heads in the night sky, it attracts everything that falls into its gravitational field. And the most striking manifestation of this is the ebb and flow of the ocean. The moon attracts huge masses of water to itself, and then the tide ebbs. And when the Moon, circling in orbit, moves away from the Earth and “releases” the ocean from its gravitational field, the tide is coming. And so on, in a circle. But what seems to us to be the natural movement of water is, in essence, the movement of the Earth. After all, when the Moon “holds” the heaving ocean in its field, the Earth continues to rotate around its axis, so it is not the water that moves towards the continents, but, on the contrary, the continents towards the water. And every time the Moon “pulls” our oceans toward itself, the Earth, rotating, is forced to overcome the force of friction of the water mountains “standing on end” on its surface. And with each such effort, the Earth loses its speed of rotation around its axis and will never regain its previous speed...

The Earth received its rotational impulse from the gravitational field of space four or five billion years ago, when the planets of the Solar System were just forming from wildly rotating clouds of hot gas and cosmic dust. Over the elapsed time, the Earth has already significantly reduced the speed of rotation that it acquired in the first phase of its development. And every loss of energy is irreplaceable! The slowdown in the Earth's rotation caused by the Moon is 0.00164 seconds every day, and this slowdown has been going on for several billion years. For our planet, which is rotating more and more slowly around its axis, this braking begins to pose an increasingly greater threat.

When dinosaurs lived on Earth 200 million years ago, the Earth's year was 385 days—after all, the Earth's orbital time around the Sun changes much more slowly—but the day was shorter, amounting to 23 hours. But 400 million years ago, when the first plants were just colonizing the earth’s land, the year was 405 days, and the day lasted 21 hours and 30 minutes. And the older the Earth gets, the longer the day becomes. The Earth, slowed down by the Moon, rotates more and more slowly around its axis.

Today, every day is approaching that fateful hour when our satellite will finally “press on the brake.” To understand how it will look, remember your feelings when the driver of a crowded bus rushing at full speed suddenly presses the brake pedal and everyone on the bus falls into a heap... Is it possible that anything or anyone will be able to resist the onslaught of the disrupted sudden braking from the place of mountains and oceans...

The moon traditionally occupies one of the central places in esotericism. Some clairvoyants who, when going into the astral plane, manage to visit the Moon, claim that it is the short distance from the Moon to the Earth that allows us to see our deceased loved ones in our dreams. They also claim that this planet very often “attacks” us on full moon days, when the Moon has the greatest gravitational force, and lunar vampirism can bring even the strongest organism to death. Such cases have occurred repeatedly. In most cases, the Moon overtook its victims during sleep, at a time when all the protective functions of the body were reduced to a minimum. During the full moon, headaches and sleepwalking are common. Therefore, during the full moon, evening walks should be avoided, and while sleeping, windows should be tightly closed with curtains so that moonlight does not penetrate the room. It is also recommended on such nights to place some kind of energy shield next to the bed, even just a glass of water.

According to most esoteric teachings, the Moon will be the next planet on which life will develop, but not in physical, but in spiritual (mental) form. The moon is still only “preparing” for this role; it must concentrate as much energy as possible. One of the main sources of this energy is the Earth and the processes of life and death occurring on it. During a person’s life, the Moon controls his actions and actions. The inspirations of the Moon are in many ways the motivation for events on Earth. Even in ordinary situations we are not always able to free ourselves from its influence. The inspirations of the Moon are capable of awakening the basest actions in a person, prompting him to murder and theft, and at the same time they can push a person to a heroic act, force him to sacrifice himself for the sake of others. Even ordinary everyday activities are largely carried out under the influence of the Moon.

“Okay,” you say, “but if a person performs all his actions under the influence of the Moon, then where is the person himself? Where is the human personality, where is its free will?

A legitimate question. If a person manages to develop sufficient strength of spirit and will, if he devotes his earthly life to spiritual self-improvement, he manages to partially or completely free himself from the power of the Moon, and in this case, after death, he can avoid the notorious ordeals. If a person’s soul was subject to passions throughout his entire earthly life, if a person lived floating like a chip with the flow, then...

At the moment of death, a known energetic substance, traditionally called the soul, leaves the physical body of a person. This energy is attracted by the Moon like a huge electromagnet. Souls that come to this planet retain some of the knowledge and memory accumulated during the years of physical life. And since, like it or not, these souls belonged to the inhabitants of the Earth and are burdened with those earthly vices to which they were partial during life, on the Moon they are forced to enter into a cycle incomparably longer than earthly life, development of your spiritual powers. This is a very difficult process, but since the soul did not do this during its life on Earth, it will have to go through this path on the Moon - in more difficult conditions. At the same time, the soul remains on the Moon in an unchanged form of existence, from which there are no other options for exit (on Earth, the exit from material life is called death) except through the path of spiritual development. This is purgatory - a quarantine form of existence before further wanderings of the soul across the vastness of the Universe...

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The Moon is a satellite of our planet, which is quite unusual space object, and even exploration of it by automatic stations and landing on the surface of this cosmic body the astronauts did not diminish its mystery. The mysteries of the Moon, the latest data about which are constantly updated, are not only among astronomers, but also ufologists, amateur astronomers and individuals interested in everything mysterious. And if various hypotheses are proposed to explain mysterious observations and incomprehensible phenomena, then some observed paradoxes cannot be explained scientifically, logically, or paranormally.

Moon - riddles and hypotheses

The mystery of some types of “moonquakes” has not been solved to this day. Due to the lack of magmatic activity on our satellite, ground vibrations caused by volcanic activity or seismic activity should not be observed. However, an explanation has been found for three types of “moonquakes”:

  • tremors caused by the fall of meteorites, small asteroids and other space “junk”;
  • soil vibrations caused by external gravitational influences leading to deep movements of lunar layers;
  • thermal shocks arising due to a sharp temperature change caused by the thermal energy of the Sun.

However, according to NASA, a fourth type of oscillation is observed on the satellite of our planet - “moonquakes” with an amplitude of up to 5 points on the Richter scale. Their duration can reach tens of minutes, and no explanation has been found for them. American astronauts observed this phenomenon during one of the landings on the Moon, and, according to their feelings, “... the Moon was ringing like a church bell.”

A mysterious substance, the origin of which has been the subject of several hypotheses, is lunar dust. Organoleptically it resembles extremely abrasive wholemeal. According to the observations of American astronauts, due to the reduced gravitational field, dust is highly fluid, tends to fill any fold, and upon contact with the human body causes a mysterious disease, which was dubbed “moon fever.” Due to its abrasiveness and stickiness, it caused concern among astronauts that it could destroy the boots of their spacesuits during prolonged walking.

The topic of the presence of unidentified objects on the surface of the Moon, which they explain as traces of the activities of extraterrestrial civilizations or structures left by aliens, is always relevant and popular among ufologists and lovers of paranormal phenomena. A favorite subject of discussion are lunar pyramids - structures of regular geometric shape that quite accurately imitate their terrestrial counterparts. There is a lot of information about the observation of unidentified flying objects spotted near the surface of our satellite. Some ufologists have observed architectural structure in the form of a castle floating above the lunar surface. But the most striking thing in these observations is not the very fact of discovering incomprehensible objects - ufologists have a rich imagination, and you never know what you might see after many hours of looking through a telescope. Neither the NASA specialists who launched the Apollo mission to the Moon, nor the Russian scientists who explored the Earth’s satellite using the automatic stations “Luna” and “Lunokhods” in any way refute or comment on these observations. In addition, the Moon, the mysteries and hypotheses about which have at least some explanation, gives researchers a lot of reasons to think about those phenomena that, at the current level of development of science, cannot be clearly substantiated.

Unsolved mysteries of our satellite

The main mystery, which is of great interest to all inquisitive non-professional researchers of the Moon, is hidden not on it, but on our planet. Why, after intensive research carried out in the 60s and 70s of the last century, were they frozen for almost half a century? In his book, the famous American astronomer Carl Sagan believes that a cave with a volume of 100 cubic kilometers discovered on the Moon during its research is a cavity of artificial origin, intended for the life and development of alien creatures. And the alleged contact with them led to a ban on studying our satellite.

At the same time, the mysteries of the Moon, the latest data about which are no less paradoxical, are intriguing and raise a number of questions:

  • it is not clear why expensive programs for studying deep space, when most of the lunar mysteries are not solved;
  • why, while obtaining beautiful photographs of the rings of Saturn or the surface of Pluto, there are no high-resolution photographs of the lunar surface;
  • If an American and Russian spy satellite is able to “read” a newspaper editorial, why don’t similar spacecraft explore anomalous structures and formations on the Moon with the same accuracy.

Tonight, two Grail satellites crashed into the Moon at a speed of 6000 km/h with an interval of 20 seconds. The impact site was near the North lunar pole in the area of ​​the Goldschmidt crater. And on September 11, NASA launched a secret mini-shuttle, the goals and objectives of which are unknown.

What is the purpose of NASA sending two streamers?spacecraft at high speed to one point on the lunar surface? Official version -studying mechanical properties And chemical composition lunar regolith.

The two Grail satellites were relatively small in size (about the size of a washing machine), but given the weight and the enormous speed with which they hit the surface of the Moon at the point of collision, the impact was devastating. Moreover, the blow is double with an interval of 20 seconds.

The cost of both satellites and the mission to operate them in orbit around the Moon cost the United States $500 million. There was fuel left on board both vehicles to run the engines, but NASA couldn't find anything better than just sending them to the Moon?

What was the mission of the probes before the fall? NASA writes that with the help of the Grails, scientists have “significantly deepened their knowledge of the lunar crust - it turned out to be less dense and more porous than previously thought, and also riddled with cracks filled with solidified magma. These cracks were likely formed in the distant past.” the past of the Moon as a result of the expansion of its lithosphere. The map of the gravitational field of the Moon obtained by the “twins” has the highest resolution and quality to date."

The devices found their final refuge on an unnamed mountain near the north pole of the Moon and the Holschmidt crater. As David Lehman, another project leader from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, said, the site for the mission's finale was chosen by navigation experts to minimize the likelihood that the twins would crash in the places where the spacecraft landed in within the Apollo and Luna programs.

50 minutes before the crash, Low Tide and High Tide turned on their engines and accelerated to a speed of 6000 km/h. The devices minimized their orbital altitude and crashed into a mountain, moving at an angle of 1 degree to the horizon.

According to official NASA statements, as a result of the collision, they literally shattered into pieces, leaving behind small potholes in the rim of the crater. But this is impossible to verify. Video and photo shooting was not carried out due to the fact that the impact zone was in the shadow of the Earth. Agree that NASA could have chosen a better moment in terms of lighting to hit the Moon, but it did so at a time when not a single astronomer from Earth could see the impact site and its consequences. Astronomers were unable to see any noticeable flash from the crash of the probes.

Selenologists, according to NASA, hope to obtain information from the crash about the mechanical and chemical properties of the crater rim. Images of the area where the probes fell will be obtained from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) in a few weeks. But knowing NASA, you shouldn’t expect unedited images...

Food for thought

A black hole with a diameter of 130 meters was discovered on the Moon

According to updated data, the diameter of the hole is 130 meters. Depth is unknown. The bottom is not visible. There is only an assumption that the passage may lead to a system of lunar dungeons, including tunnels and vast halls, located on the far side of the Moon in Southern Hemisphere in the Sea of ​​Dreams (Mare Ingenii). The resolution of the images is a little more than half a meter per pixel.

By the way, in their press release dedicated to the anniversary (one year) of the LRO probe being in orbit, NASA experts report that there is another hole - slightly smaller than the one from the Sea of ​​​​Dreams. But its coordinates are not reported. And they don’t show high-resolution pictures.

Food for thought

Hollow inside

In 1969, Moscow scientists M. Vasin and A. Shcherbakov published the work “The Moon is a Creation of the Mind,” which put forward the hypothesis that our “natural satellite” is artificial celestial body, having two protective shells: FIRST - a heat-meteoprotective layer, about four kilometers thick and SECOND - an armored protective layer, approximately fifteen kilometers thick, under which there is a huge habitable cavity…

The researchers proceeded from the fact that lunar craters and circuses, which, according to world science, are of meteorite origin, despite the enormous variation in diameters (from hundreds of meters to hundreds of kilometers), have almost the same depth - UP TO THREE KILOMETERS...

This could only happen if meteorites, “bumping” into the armored protective layer, scattered the heat-meteoprotective shell over the surface of the Moon, since all the energy released during the collision met an insurmountable obstacle on its way...

This is precisely what caused the formation of lunar ring mountains (“circuses”), from the center of which the ridges of the mountains are not always visible, because the latter are located beyond the lunar horizon.

“But if the Moon is truly an “artificial body,” the scientists wrote, “then it should be empty inside the body, and on it inner surface massive propulsion systems, energy generators, gigantic shell repair machines, as well as other equipment in the form of concentrated metallic masses must be located ... "

The hypothesis of M. Vasin and A. Shcherbakov received experimental confirmation in 1969, when during the study of the Moon under the program "Apollo", powerful gravitational and magnetic anomalies were discovered, indicating the presence of metallic masses hidden under the lunar surface ("mascons" and "micromascons"), and during seismic sounding of the Moon by dropping the take-off stages of the Apollo lunar landing modules onto its surface “Reverberation” was opened, i.e. residual sound of the Moon, lasting up to TWO HOURS!!!

Lunar librations

As Dr. Thomas Paine (then NASA director) stated about one of these experiments: “The moon was buzzing like a bell. We are unable to explain this phenomenon...”

But if the hypothesis of M. Vasin and A. Shcherbakov that the inhabitants of the Moon live under its surface, having an artificial atmosphere there, is correct, then it is logical to assume that ventilation devices will be required to release excess or exhaust gas, and that During such emissions, the appearance of the lunar surface will be distorted. (Remember the haze over the hot asphalt on a summer day or the trembling air over a blazing fire...)

And indeed, among tens of thousands of photographs of the lunar surface, a very large percentage consists of just such “nebulae and blurriness”...

Seismometers installed by the Apollo astronauts in the area of ​​the Bulliald crater (the southeastern part of the visible disk of the Moon) systematically transmit signals to Earth that, unlike rare sporadic moonquakes, have some kind of monotonous rhythm...

George Leonard's colleague, Dr. Dan, having studied seismograms of this 37 mile crater and its photographs, came to the conclusion - “Such rhythmic moonquakes can be caused by the passage of “lunar metro” trains...

Dr. Samuel Wittcomb (Mount Palomar Observatory, California), a specialist in deciphering lunar images, based on a careful study of photographs of the Bulliald crater, came to the conclusion that there is a giant electric generator here that supplies energy to subsurface mechanisms. The size of this “lunar power plant”, based on the scale of the image, exceeds... The Bronx is a residential area of ​​New York.

Regarding its amazing size, Dr. S. Whitcomb writes: “We must abandon our outdated ideas about the Moon. They must be discarded, like an old-fashioned frock coat that has become narrow... On the Moon, everything is gigantic in size..."

This opinion of the famous scientist also applies to heavy-duty propulsion systems located under the surface of the Moon. Their presence in the form of concentrated metallic masses is indicated by the gravitational and magnetic anomalies of the Moon - “mascons”.

(According to the latest data, under the lunar surface there are five huge objects ranging in size from 8 to 22 kilometers. Some of them were identified in the infrared range by the European research satellite COSMIC LEB in 1999 - V.K.)

The gigantic dimensions of lunar objects, as well as the “spaceship” itself (the Moon itself), according to the author, are explained by the super-tasks that their creators set for these “structures”.

It is not difficult to understand that a long space flight, especially interstellar flight, places increased demands on meteorite, thermal and radiation protection. We have no right to approach the assessment of the size of the “interstellar supership” with our own earthly standards. After all, if this ship were smaller, its crew would hardly be able to protect themselves from the hostile influence of outer space during not only a long flight, but also many thousands of years in the orbit of our Earth’s satellite...

It should be added to the above that the spherical shape of the Moon is the most optimal for artificial space objects, since it allows you to isolate the maximum volume with a surface with a minimum area...

Of course, the long-term meteorite bombardment over thousands of years has done its job, and the tens of thousands of large and small craters visible today only indicate that they are new,

“brand new”, the Moon was an interstellar ship a very long time ago...

Food for thought

Interesting facts about the Moon

The moon does full turn around the Earth in 27.3 days. It is always turned to the Earth with one side. The far side of the Moon was not visible to the human eye until 1959, when the Soviet Luna 3 spacecraft photographed it.

A powerful telescope can see more than 500,000 lunar craters. The largest of them is called Bayi, its diameter is approximately 300 km, and its area is slightly more area Scotland.

Dark spots visible to the naked eye on the lunar surface are called maria. There is no water in them, but millions of years ago they were filled with volcanic lava. Some of them are very large, for example, the Ocean of Storms is larger than the Mediterranean Sea.

There is no air or water on the moon. Its soil is so dry that nothing can grow on it. However, scientists have found that plants can grow in samples of lunar soil brought to Earth.

Unlike the surface of the Earth, which is constantly changing by the action of water and wind, the lunar surface remains unchanged. The footprints left on the Moon by the Apollo astronauts will be visible for at least 10 million years.

Earthquakes, called moonquakes, occur on the Moon, but compared to those on Earth they are very weak. There are more than 3,000 moonquakes every year, but their total energy is barely enough to produce a small fireworks display.

The average density of the moon is 3.34 g/cm3, a conclusion from the obtained astronomical data shows that the inner part of the moon is most likely a hollow rather than a homogeneous sphere.

The moon's orbit around the earth is an oval rather than a circle, so the distance from the center of the earth to the center of the moon varies constantly.

With every second, the moon moves away from us, expanding its orbit by 4 cm per year. Scientists say that when the moon was first formed (4.6 billion years ago), it was at a distance of 22,530 km from the earth. Now this distance is more than 450,000 km.

There is an echo on the moon. On November 20, 1969, the crew of Apollo 12 ejected the lunar module onto the lunar surface, and the noise from its impact on the surface triggered an artificial lunar earthquake. The consequences were unexpected; after this, the moon rang like a bell for another hour.

The Earth's gravitational force causes the Moon to revolve around the Earth. However, the gravity of the Moon also affects the Earth, primarily the seas and oceans, causing tides. When the Moon is at its closest distance, its gravitational pull increases and the tides reach their highest levels.

Food for thought

The US Air Force launched the secret X-37B space shuttle from Cape Canaveral, Florida, on Tuesday, December 11th.

The Atlas 5 launch vehicle with the device on board took off from the ground at 13:03 East Coast time (22:03 Moscow time). The unmanned spaceplane, enclosed in a special capsule at the top of the rocket, was supposed to separate from it a few minutes after launch, ITAR-TASS reports citing representatives of the United Launch Alliance company, which carried out the launch in the interests of the US Department of Defense.

This is the second launch of such an unmanned aircraft. spacecraft. The X-37B shuttle was previously in orbit for seven months in 2010.

Then the entire flight and landing at the American base air force Vandenberg (California) took place in automatic mode and, according to experts, were successful. Only during landing, after touching the runway, the tire of one of the landing gear wheels shattered, but overall the spaceplane was not damaged.

The dimensions of this spacecraft are four times smaller than the dimensions of previous models of American shuttles. According to some assumptions, this shuttle may be equipped with special sensors that are designed to collect intelligence data, AP notes.

However, no details were provided about what the next mission of the X-37B is.

The X-37B was developed by Boeing. It has a take-off weight of almost 5 tons, reaches 8.9 m in length, 2.9 m in height. The span of its small delta wings is 4.5 m. It is equipped with solar panels, which, when deployed in orbit, serve as a source of electricity.

According to data previously presented by the Pentagon, the spaceplane is designed to operate at altitudes from 200 to 750 km, and is capable of quickly changing orbits and maneuvering.

It can perform reconnaissance missions, deliver small cargo into space, and is convenient for testing new devices that can be used, for example, on spy satellites.

A number of experts see the X-37B as a prototype of a future space interceptor, capable of inspecting and, if necessary, disabling enemy satellites, and perhaps even launching missile and bomb attacks from orbit. The Pentagon denies this, assuring that this device is just a platform for testing new technologies...

Lunar civilization

The more I study lunar photographs, the more I am inclined to believe that the Moon is spacecraft. The ship has been in a grandiose space battle (as evidenced by numerous traces of damage to the outer hull), damaged and placed in eternal parking near the planet Earth.

Moon - Artificial object. Studying NASA photographs. Part-2

Moon - Artificial object. Studying NASA Photos

 5.11.2011 13:03

We will talk about unearthly structures on the Moon, as well as traces of intelligent beings on the cosmic body closest to us.
Washington. March 21, 1996 National Press Club.
“...NASA scientists and engineers who participated in the Moon and Mars exploration programs reported on the results of processing the information received. For the first time, the existence of artificial structures and man-made objects on the Moon was announced.”

It was also mentioned at the briefing that Soviet Union once also possessed part of the photographic materials concerning irrefutable evidence of the presence of traces of intelligent activity on the Moon. And although the nature of this activity has not yet been established, thousands of photo and video documents received by Apollo and the military space station“Clementine” made it possible to identify and topographically designate numerous areas of the lunar surface where facts and traces of extraterrestrial activity were discovered and clearly visible. The briefing featured videos and photographs taken by American astronauts during the Apollo program. When asked why this information was not brought to the attention of the public earlier, NASA experts replied: “...20 years ago it was difficult to predict how people would react to the message that someone was or is on the Moon in our time. In addition, there were other reasons not related to NASA."
Some researchers believe that the structures on the Moon were created by alien civilizations, and were used as a transit base for their activities on Earth.
Such guesses are confirmed in legends and myths different nations of our planet. Many kilometers of ruins of lunar cities, huge transparent domes, many tunnels and other structures are forcing scientists to reconsider their views on the problems associated with our ideas about the Moon. Its origin and the peculiarities of its movement relative to the Earth remain a mystery to researchers today.
On the surface of what we thought was our satellite, large number buildings that do not raise doubts about their artificial origin.
“Some partially destroyed objects on the surface of the Moon cannot be attributed to natural geological formations,” experts say. “They contain a complex organization and geometric structure.”
In the area of ​​the Tycho crater, mysterious terrace-like rock excavations were discovered. The concentric hexagonal excavations and the presence of a tunnel entrance on the slope of the terrace are difficult to explain by natural processes. It's more like open-pit mining.

Rice. 1. Candidate for archaeological objects of the Moon or traces of intelligent beings.

The moon surprises with its riddles

Rice. 2. An aerial photograph of the ruins of the ancient Assyrian capital of Ashur resembles a lunar lattice structure.

NASA has at its disposal large archives of astronomical observations that indicate that on our closest neighbor the Moon, not everything fits into the framework of a lifeless and uninhabited desert. Many interesting facts can be found in the NASA Lunar Anomaly Catalog, containing observations of strange short-term lunar phenomena (SLE) on our satellite from 1540 to the present day. The most comprehensive catalog of this data was published by NASA in 1978.
In this regard, observational facts will be interesting mysterious phenomena on the Moon from astronomical archives before the rocket period.
1064“A star of enormous brightness appeared in the circle of the Moon a few days after its separation from the Sun (chronicle of J. Malvetius).”
1540 Many people saw a star on the body of the Moon “right between the ends of her horns” (an old English chronicle).
1668 November 26“...A star appeared below the body of the Moon, inside her horns” (J. Josselyn. “Two Trips to New England,” 1675).
1737 March 1st. During a total eclipse of the Sun, a strange spot of light was observed on the disk of the moon in the region of the Sea of ​​Crises. The spot was visible as long as sunlight did not interfere.
1794 March 7. A mysterious light was spotted on the night side of the Moon (an old drawing is shown).
1874 Czech astronomer Safarik saw a luminous object moving across the lunar disk, which then left the Moon and flew into space.
1875. Astronomer Schröter observed a luminous spot on the Moon moving in a straight line from the Mare Mons to the north. A second similar spot appeared in the south. The estimated speed of their movement relative to the surface of the Moon was 63 mph (110 km/h).
1888 July 15. On the dark side of the Moon, in the northern part of the lunar Caucasus, Holden noticed a bright “star” of the first magnitude.
1910 From the territory of France, they observed how some kind of body similar to a rocket launched from the surface of the Moon.
1912 American astronomer Harris observed a dark object about 50 miles (80 km) moving around the Moon, and its shadow could be seen moving across the lunar surface.
1943 May. Morning. “Suddenly I hear one of the fighters shout: “Look, in the middle of the darkened Moon, a star is shining.” We looked, and sure enough: it was a month, and next to it there was a bright star. There was an uproar of surprise here, saying, how can a star shine through the Moon? And she suddenly began to move. Gradually it emerged from the lunar disk, went around it and began to move away... Everything described by me can be confirmed by my fellow soldiers who survived” V. Zaitsev.
1954 or 1955 October-November. 21-23 hours. Full moon. Moskvich V.I. Tikov, who was in the city of Ordzhonikidze, observed with the naked eye how some kind of elongated luminous point separated from the upper edge of the Moon and, turning sharply to the right, quickly flew around the right side of the Moon’s disk, after which it turned sharply again and connected with the lower part of the Moon. The entire observation lasted about 6 seconds, the trail from the flight lasted for another two seconds.
1955 May 24“Behind the southern horn of the narrow crescent [of the Moon], where the Sun touched the tops of the Leibniz region, there were two bright points. ...In addition, between them there was another light, weaker than the other two; but he jumped and sparkled; finally, a weak beam of light separated from it, which soared vertically into the sky above the Moon, flaring up as it rose and at the same time dying out at the base, and then disappeared. The total length of the beam without projection was about 100 miles (160 km), and it rose for 2 seconds, perhaps a little more... I tried to manipulate the image in the field of view of the telescope to see if a similar effect could arise only due to the optical properties of the instrument, but without success ; so the phenomenon seems to be real” (English astronomer V.A. Firsov).
1955 August 7-10 Observing the Moon through a homemade telescope, V.V. Yaremenko (Novocherkassk) witnessed how “above the disk [of the Moon] parallel to its edge, at a distance of approximately 0.2 lunar radius, flew luminous body, similar to a 3rd magnitude star under normal observation. Having flown a third of the circle (it took 4-5 seconds), the body descended along a steep trajectory onto the lunar surface. Of course, this was not a projection of a meteorite falling to Earth. The body was quite large and... manageable! And no artificial satellites existed in those years.”
1959 F. Almor and other members of the Stellar Astronomical Society of Barcelona observed a dark ellipsoidal object that maneuvered 2000 km above the lunar surface and crossed the lunar disk in 35 minutes, after which it reappeared like a satellite. Its diameter was estimated at 35 km (W. Drake “Messengers from the Stars”).
1963 A group of astronomers at the Flagstaff Observatory (Arizona) observed 31 identical luminous objects on the Moon, each 5 km long and 0.3 km wide. These objects moved in a clear formation, and small objects with a diameter of about 150 m moved between them. In addition, giant domes were observed on the Moon that changed colors and had no shadow, as if absorbing sunlight.
1964 astronomers Harris and Cross observed a white spot over the Sea of ​​Tranquility for one hour moving at a speed of 32 km/h, which gradually decreased in size. In the same year, another spot was observed, moving for two hours at a speed of 80 km/h.
1967 Montreal astronomers observed a dark rectangular spot in the Sea of ​​​​Tranquility, moving from west to east.
Thus, from the examples shown, it is clearly seen that on the Moon in the pre-rocket period there were observations of very mysterious objects performing intelligent maneuvers. For example, the flyby of the Moon described by V.I. Timakov and V.V. Yaremenko, as noted by lunar phenomena researcher A.V. Arkhipov, requires amazing speeds of 1000 km/sec and accelerations of the order of 46’000 g. From the point of view of traditional rocketry and physics, this is simply impossible. Only UFOs observed in the atmosphere have similar properties.

is. 3. Sea of ​​Tranquility: Blair Cuspids. The anomalous structures are seven obelisks that clearly cast shadows from the morning sun. The largest obelisk is about 200 meters high. For obelisks 2 and 3, the shadows are curved, like a hockey stick. Anomalous structures may be interstellar ships, ancient ruins, or high cliffs. Materials Lunar Orbiter II LO2-61H3.gif (345k file).

According to Dr Richard Shorthill NASA: “If cuspids were the result of a series of geophysical processes, then one would naturally expect obelisks to be randomly distributed. In fact, based on the results of triangulation d of the system with coordinates x, y, z, correct geometric formations appear: right angles, six isosceles triangles and two axes, each consisting of three points.”

Rice. 3. Unidentified object on the surface of the Moon. District WALLACE WOLFF B.

On the relevance of the search for ancient extraterrestrial artifacts on the surfaces of celestial bodies were pointed out by many authors (for example: A. Clark, I.S. Shklovsky, K. Sagan, J.W. Foster, A.R. Freitas, M.J. Carlotto, D.L. Holmes). The main goal of the research is to develop a methodology for searching for candidates for archaeological objects of the Moon and traces of intelligent beings, as well as compiling a catalog of the most interesting areas and objects for further study.
1. Arkhipov A.V. Selenites. M.: Novation, 1998.
2. Kolchin G.K. The UFO phenomenon view from Russia. St. Petersburg, 1994.
3. Maksimov A.I. A space odyssey. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1991.
4. Levantovsky V.I. Mechanics of space flight in an elementary presentation. M.: Nauka, 1980.
5. Golovanov Ya. The truth about the “APOLLO” program. M.: EKSMO-Press, 2000.
6. Alexandrov V. They are watching us // Miracles and adventures. 1993. N8. P.50-51.
7. Butusov K. American lunar program “Apollo” // UFO. Incredible legendary. Supplement to the newspaper "Kaleidoscope". 1997. N5(39) May. P.13.
8. Volkov A. Americans were not allowed to go to the Moon // World of News. 1999. N30 (292). July 24. P.10.
9. Nepomnyashchy N.N. Have the Americans fooled everyone? Why were there no stars above the surface of the Moon? // book: Nepomnyashchy N.N. Riddles and secrets of history. M.: AST, 1999.
10. Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval, John Grigsby. Secrets of Mars. M.: Veche, 1999.
11. Rakov A. We come in peace. Lenizdat, 1991.

Moon...secret zone

Doc. a film about the mysterious manifestations of alien civilizations on the Moon, Strange lights, unknown spaceships, UFOs. In short, we were given to understand that the Moon is already occupied. That is why, according to the authors of the film, all lunar programs were unexpectedly curtailed

The moon surprises with its riddles

A sensational article appeared in the American newspaper The New York Times: “A human skeleton was discovered on the Moon.” The publication refers to Chinese astrophysicist Mao Kang. It was he who, back in 1998, shocked the entire scientific world by presenting at a conference in Beijing a photo where the imprint of a human foot was clearly visible on the surface of the moon. Now the astrophysicist presented scientific world photographs showing a human skeleton, reports
It is technically possible to see such small details on the surface of the Moon. The capabilities of modern optics make it possible to read the texts of the headlines of newspapers spread on the ground from Earth orbit. But this is why the “reliable US source” cited by Mao Kann is in no hurry to officially release these photographs.
Back in the early 70s, the sensation spread throughout the world. The American Viking 1 satellite flew around Mars and received images from it where cone-shaped structures are clearly visible. Not far from them was a giant human face carved out of the rock. In appearance they were clearly of artificial origin.

All this did not fit with the generally accepted scientific concept and scientists unanimously decided that this was simply a natural phenomenon and a play of light and shadow. But still, talk that we are not the only ones in this universe did not subside among journalists and ordinary people. And there were reasons for this.
In the late 60s they laurated Nobel Prize researcher Pollak enters into the computer all the data about the planet Earth - the composition of the soil, atmosphere, cosmic and solar radiation, all physical parameters and everything known to science data about living beings. He asked the computer a question: is protein life possible on a planet with such conditions? The computer's answer was clear: no. On a planet where the absolute solvent is water, which is in abundance and in which glass and all metals disintegrate over time, the emergence of a protein substance is not possible. The experiment was repeated later at the Kiev Institute of Cybernetics and the same result was obtained.

This question from Pollack to the computer was not accidental. A little earlier, scientists made an amazing discovery that all living creatures on our planet have one biological code. This was not possible according to the world-established theory of the origin of life and its evolution. But the fact remains a fact. And some scientists began to come to the conclusion that life on earth originated with the help of the Higher Mind. And planet Earth is something like a laboratory where more developed beings conduct genetic engineering experiments.

Those who laughed at all these conclusions really found it hard to laugh when astronaut Neil Armstrong, who saw the far side of the moon for the first time, shouted out, forgetting all the instructions, that he was seeing spaceships. The response from flight control was immediate; communication was interrupted. Subsequently, this exclamation was disavowed. Armstrong never mentioned spaceships again.
Let's look at what the Moon actually is, and most importantly, where it came from in our sky. Scientists astronomers have concluded that 20 thousand years ago it did not exist at all. They assume that due to some space catastrophe, it left its orbit and fell into the Earth's gravitational field. But this explanation satisfies few people. Over many years of research, experts have not encountered wandering planets. There are many meteorites and comets, but there is no such thing as “living” planets wandering around. After all, there is volcanic activity on the Moon, which is why it is considered a “living” planet. Then the hypothesis was born that the Moon is nothing more than a spaceship controlled by someone. After all, the Moon’s position was very interesting. It turns around its axis so that we cannot see it reverse side. It is precisely on the side that we do not see that Armstrong noticed spaceships.
Chinese astrophysicist Mao Kann said that the Americans are deliberately hiding information from the public, calling their actions criminal. He accused the American government of hiding stunning facts, saying that they hid a photograph of a human footprint for 20 years, and a photograph of a human skeleton for even longer. He believes that such photographs are the property of all humanity.

The US space and intelligence services did not comment on the words of the Chinese astrophysicist. Even after he claims that he has more than 1000 photographs taken by NASA, where a footprint and a human skeleton are clearly visible. The most interesting thing is that there were no comments, and there was no refutation of this information from the responsible persons.
As mentioned above, today’s optical capabilities make it possible to discern the smallest details. So, examining photographs of the human skeleton, you can see that the person wore jeans during his lifetime. In an airless atmosphere, decomposition of body tissues is not possible. Thus, if a person died on the Moon, the entire corpse would be preserved, not the skeleton. Consequently, death occurred elsewhere, and somehow only one skeleton ended up on the Moon. Here one involuntarily recalls people’s stories about being abducted by aliens. In any case, Mao Kann has no doubt that these are photographs of a human footprint and a human skeleton, and that extraterrestrial civilizations regularly interfere in our lives. But people will not know the whole truth until the Americans declassify the information they have and make it available to humanity, states Mao Kann.

The moon is another reality

The Moon is humanity's closest satellite on our journey to outer space, as well as the only celestial body we visited. However, despite its relative proximity to us and its apparent simplicity, our satellite continues to hide a lot interesting secrets, and some of them are worth learning about.

1. Moonquakes

Despite the fact that, in essence, the Moon is just a dead piece of rock with extremely low geological activity, crustal movements occur there too. They are called moonquakes (by analogy with earthquakes).
There are four types of moonquakes: the first three - deep moonquakes, vibrations from meteorite impacts and thermal moonquakes caused by solar activity - are relatively safe. But moonquakes of the fourth type can be quite unpleasant. They typically range up to 5.5 on the Richter scale, which is enough to make small objects shake. These tremors last for about ten minutes. According to NASA, such moonquakes cause our Moon to "ring like a bell."
The most frightening thing about these moonquakes is that we have no the slightest idea about what exactly causes them. Earthquakes on Earth are usually caused by the movement of tectonic plates, but on the Moon there are simply no tectonic plates. Some researchers think that they may have some connection with the tidal activity of the Earth, which, as it were, “pulls” the Moon towards itself. However, the theory is not supported by anything - tidal forces are associated with full moons, and moonquakes are usually observed at other times.

2. Double planet

Most people are sure that the Moon is a satellite. However, many argue that the Moon should be classified as a planet. On the one hand, it is too large for a real satellite - its diameter is equal to a quarter of the diameter of the Earth, so the Moon can be called the largest satellite in the world. solar system, if we take this ratio into account. Pluto, however, also has a satellite called Charon, whose diameter is half the diameter of Pluto itself. But Pluto is no longer considered a real planet, so we won’t take Charon into account.
Because of its large size, the Moon is not actually in Earth orbit. The Earth and Moon revolve around each other and around a certain point in the center between them. This point is called the barycenter, and the illusion that the Moon is orbiting the Earth is caused by the center of gravity currently being inside earth's crust. It is this fact that does not allow us to classify the Earth and the Moon as a double planet, but in the future the situation may change.

3. Lunar trash

Everyone knows that there was a man on the moon. But not everyone knows that Man (let’s specifically write this word with capital letters) used the Moon as a standard place for a picnic - the astronauts who visited the Moon left a lot of garbage there. It is believed that about 181,437 kg of artificial materials rest on the surface of the Moon.
Of course, the astronauts are not the only ones to blame - they did not deliberately scatter sandwich wrappers and banana peels on the Moon. Much of this debris was left over from various experiments, space probes and lunar rovers, some of which are still in operation today.

4. Moon Grave

Eugene "Gene" Shoemaker, a renowned astronomer and geologist, is something of a legend in his circles: he developed methods scientific research cosmic influence, and also came up with techniques that the Apollo astronauts used to explore the Moon.
Shoemaker himself wanted to become an astronaut, but was unable to get the job due to minor health problems. This remained the biggest disappointment throughout his life, but Shoemaker nevertheless continued to dream that one day he would be able to visit the Moon himself. When he died, NASA did his best cherished wish and sent his ashes to the Moon with the Lunar Prospector station in 1998. His ashes remain there, scattered among the moon dust.

5. Lunar anomalies

Some pictures taken by various satellites show very strange things on the surface of the Moon. There appear to be artificial structures on the Moon, ranging in size from very tiny ones, usually shaped like a parallelepiped, to “obelisks” at least 1.5 km high.
Fans of paranormal phenomena even “found” among these objects a large castle “hanging” high above the surface of the Moon. All this seems to indicate an advanced civilization that previously lived on the Moon and allegedly built complex structures.
NASA has never refuted these strange theories, despite the fact that all the images were most likely faked by conspiracy theorists.

6. Moon dust

One of the most amazing and at the same time most dangerous things on the Moon is lunar dust. As everyone knows, sand penetrates everywhere on Earth, but dust on the moon is an extremely dangerous substance: it is fine, like flour, but at the same time very rough. Thanks to its texture and low gravity, it penetrates absolutely anywhere.
NASA had numerous problems with lunar dust: it ripped astronauts' boots almost completely apart, penetrated ships and space suits, and caused "lunar hay fever" in unfortunate astronauts if they inhaled it. It is believed that with prolonged contact with lunar dust, any, even the most durable object can break.
Oh, by the way, this devilish substance smells like burnt gunpowder.

7. Difficulties with low gravity

Although the gravity on the Moon is only one-sixth that of Earth, moving on its surface is real feat. Buzz Aldrin said that it would be extremely difficult to establish settlements on the Moon: the legs of astronauts in bulky spacesuits were buried in lunar dust by almost 15 cm.
Despite low gravity, human inertia on the Moon is high, making it difficult to move quickly or change direction there. If the astronauts wanted to move faster, they had to pretend to be lumbering kangaroos, which was also a problem since the Moon is full of craters and other dangerous objects.

8. Origin of the Moon

Where did the Moon come from? There is no simple and accurate answer, but, nevertheless, science allows us to make several assumptions.
There are five main theories about the origin of the Moon. The fission theory states that the Moon was once part of our planet and separated from it by very early stage history of the Earth - in fact, the Moon could just be located in the place of the modern Pacific Ocean. Capture theory says the Moon was simply "wandering" around the Universe until it was captured earth's gravity. Other theories say that our satellite was either formed from asteroid debris, or remained from the collision of the Earth with unknown planet the size of Mars.
The current most credible theory for the origin of the Moon is called the Ring Theory: a protoplanet (a planet that is just forming) called Theia collided with the Earth, and the resulting cloud of debris eventually came together and turned into the Moon.

9. Moon and sleep

The influence of the Moon and Earth on each other cannot be denied. However, the influence of the Moon on people is a source of constant debate. Many people believe that the full moon is the reason for people's strange behavior, but science cannot provide conclusive evidence for or against this theory. But science agrees that the moon can disrupt the human sleep cycle.
According to an experiment conducted at the University of Basel in Switzerland, the phases of the moon affect human sleep cycles in a strictly defined way. As a rule, people sleep the worst during the full moon. These results can fully explain the so-called “lunar madness”: according to the experiment and the assurances of many people, it is during the full moon that they most often have nightmares.

10. Moon shadows

When Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin first walked on the Moon, they made an amazing discovery: the shadows on the Moon are much darker than the shadows on Earth due to the lack of an atmosphere. All lunar shadows are absolutely black. As soon as the astronauts stepped into the shadows, they could no longer see their own feet, despite the sun's disk burning brightly in the sky.
Of course, the astronauts were able to adapt to this, but such a contrast between dark and light areas of the surface still remained a problem. The astronauts noticed that some shadows—namely, their own—had halos. They later learned that the eerie phenomenon was explained by the opposition effect, in which some dark shadow areas appear to have a bright halo, provided that the observer looks at the shadows from a certain angle.
Moon shadows became the bane of many Apollo missions. Some astronauts found it impossible to complete spacecraft maintenance tasks because they couldn't see what their hands were doing. Others thought that they had accidentally landed in a cave - this effect was created due to the shadows cast by the slopes.

11. Lunar magnetism

One of the most interesting mysteries of the Moon is that the Moon has no magnetic field. What's surprising is that the rocks that astronauts first brought from the Moon to Earth in the 1960s magnetic properties possessed. Maybe the stones have alien origin? How can they have magnetic properties if there is no magnetic field on the Moon?
Over the years, science has established that the Moon once had a magnetic field, but so far no one can say why it disappeared. There are two main theories: one states that the magnetic field disappeared due to the natural movements of the Moon's iron core, and the second states that it may be due to a series of collisions between the Moon and meteorites.