The theme of trees in autumn in the middle group. Complex lesson in the middle group “Autumn trees”

Formation complete picture peace

"Autumn has come to visit us." OO integration:"Communication", "Reading" fiction", "Physical culture".

Conversation: "How wild animals prepare for winter"

Consideration illustrations, paintings, photographs on the topic “Autumn” and a conversation on them

Teacher's story based on the picture:"Early Autumn"

Excursion: "Autumn Park"

Looking at leavesbirch, oak, maple, rowan.

Consideration images of an autumn tree (structure of the tree, naming the parts of the tree), examination of the fruits of various trees

Learning to solve riddlesabout autumn based on pictures

Research activities:

examining and comparing tree leaves (by shape, size, color);

properties of wet sand.

Observations in nature: for weather phenomena (direction and strength of wind, rain, sun, clouds); leaf fall and colorful leaves; how passers-by are dressed; what different trees are there; autumn flowers; behind seasonal changes in nature;

Didactic games:

“What did the artist mix up”(development of visual perception, attention, memory, thinking)

"Colorful Leaves"(consolidating the skill of distinguishing leaves of different trees)

"Pick a sign"(development of thinking, memory; clarify children’s ideas about the main signs of autumn);

"Summer or autumn?"with a ball (to consolidate children’s knowledge of the signs of autumn);

“Name it in one word”;

"The Fourth Wheel"(teach children to identify them in objects essential feature and make the necessary generalizations on this basis, activate the subject vocabulary);

“What has changed?”, “What has disappeared?”;

“Collect a picture”;

"What happens at this time of year"(consolidate the concept of phenomena occurring at this time of year);

“When does this happen?”;

“Signs of Autumn”;

“Run to the named tree!”;

“Find the tree by description”;

“Which branch are the kids from?”

D/i "Find a tree by seeds."

D/i "Find a sheet like I show you"

Cognitive research and productive (constructive) activities

Organized educational activities:“Autumn Bouquet” Integration of OO: “Cognition” (FCCM, FEMP), “Communication”, “Music”, “Physical Education”

Formation of elementary mathematical concepts

Organized educational activities:Lesson No. 4. Integration of OO: “Cognition” (FCCM), “Communication”, “Physical Culture”

Didactic games:

"Laying out the leaves"(orientation in space: right, left, top, bottom)

"Let's count the leaves"(correlation of words “one”, “two”, “many”, “none”)

"Collecting leaves"(children's exercise in counting within 5, comparing sets)

“Count the leaves in the noisy picture”;

"Compare trees by height"(practice comparing two objects in height, denoting with words: high - low; higher - lower)

Counting sticks


1. Lay out as many counting sticks as there are pieces of paper I show.

2. Lay out as many counting sticks as you can hear the names of trees.

3. Rolling sticks over fingers and palm while reading a poem:


When laying out, children use the fingers of the same name on their right and left hands.

To complete the task, hexagonal sticks are used.

Goal: - to give children knowledge about trees (birch, rowan, aspen, their structure, the purpose of parts (root, trunk, branches, leaves);

To cultivate in children a kind attitude towards living objects of nature;

Reinforce techniques for carefully using paper and glue;

Continue to develop team creativity skills.

Progress of the lesson

Organizational moment

Guys, let's say hello to the guests and warm them with our smiles. What else warms us up and improves our mood? (Sun.) Oh, we will imagine that our hands are rays of sunshine, we will touch each other with them and give warmth to our friends.

Sunshine, sunshine

We are your rays

Be good people

Teach us!

Creating gaming motivation

Today Kolobok came to us from a fairy tale. He wants to tell us something.

I lived with my grandparents, lying on the window. I got bored at the window and rolled from the window onto the porch, from the porch onto the path into the woods, I rolled, and towards me a white-sided Magpie flew and chirped:

Autumn has arrived, the trees are preparing for winter...

How does one prepare for winter, who are the trees, how do you recognize the trees?

I wanted to ask Magpie - white-sided, but she flew away.

And I really wanted to meet them.

Don’t worry Kolobok, now we’ll tell you everything.

Listen, I’ll tell you riddles, and you try to guess them.

Without caring about the weather

Walks in a white sundress

And one warm day

May gives her earrings (birch)

In the forest, birch brings many benefits to humans, animals, and other plants. This tree gives us tasty and healthy sap. Even birds and animals love this juice. Birds make nests on birch branches, and mushrooms can be found under the birch tree. They are called boletus mushrooms. And people also call the birch “white-trunked”.

I'm always shaking from the cold

I'm afraid of everything in the forest

Neither birch nor rowan

I'm shy (aspen)

Pay attention to the aspen leaves; they are round in shape, very light and seem to tremble in the wind. We also know a funny poem.

The aspen will chill

Shaking in the wind

Gets cold in the sun

Freezing in the heat

Give it to the aspen

Coat and boots

Need to warm up

Poor aspen.

Autumn has come to our garden

Red torch lit

Here are blackbirds and starlings scurrying about

And they peck at her noisily. (Rowan.)

Where do we meet her every day?

What kind of leaves does rowan have?

What can you tell us about rowan berries?

That's right guys, you guessed all the riddles, how can you call aspen, rowan, birch in one word?

What do you think all these trees have in common?

Game "Autumn Leaves"

Teacher's story based on a tree diagram

All trees have large roots in the ground. They hold the tree so it doesn't fall. The roots of the tree also know how to drink water and healthy vitamins from the ground. Then the water with vitamins rises up the trunk to the twigs and leaves.

In autumn, the sun does not provide much warmth, it becomes colder, and it rains. It is harder for the water to rise up the trunk, then the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off. By winter, all trees should lose their leaves. In winter, trees will not grow, but will sleep and rest.

Physical - just a minute.

Autumn leaves are quietly spinning

Leaves fall quietly under our feet

And they rustle and rustle underfoot

It looks like they want to start spinning again.

And as a farewell, the guys and I, for you Kolobok, we want to make an autumn tree gift from children’s palms.

Getting the job done.

Analysis: Look how beautiful it turned out. I beg you not to break branches on the trees! Let the leaves bloom on them and the birds build nests for little chicks.

Result: - Who came to visit us?

What did he want to know?

What trees did we tell Kolobok about?

What did we give Kolobok?

Painting lesson for preschoolers of the middle group “Tree in autumn.”

Target: development creativity children.
- instill the ability to see beauty in the surrounding reality;
- create a desire to learn new things;
- develop the ability to work with a brush and paints, to see the shape of an object.
Materials for the lesson: watercolor or gouache, brushes of different sizes, album sheets, jars of water, cloth and paper napkins, unfinished drawings made by the teacher to demonstrate drawing techniques. Reproduction of a painting by I. Levitan, I. Shishkin.
Preliminary work: targeted walks to the park, looking at different trees, foliage (shape, color), getting acquainted with the paintings of I. Levitan, I. Shishkin, V. Vasnetsov.
Progress of the lesson:
(paintings by I. Levitan and I. Shishkin are located on the easels)

The world around us amazes with its beauty in every manifestation. The most striking embodiment of the beauty of nature is a forest, park, or forest. Look at these paintings, how vividly, accurately the artists depicted all the variety of autumn trees, how precisely the smallest details (twigs, leaves, curls) were drawn.
Poem by G. Sorenkov “Autumn Beauty”

The sun is shining from the sky.
The day says goodbye to summer.
We're going to wonderland
To the beautiful autumn.
Autumn in fabulous beauty
Meet us soon:
Yellow ribbon in a braid
The birch tree is glowing,
Bunches of berries near rowan trees -
Bright lanterns.
There's a ruby ​​in every berry
Precious little one.
And among the thin aspens
Autumn is a paint store.
Miracle colors are different.

Some artists loved to paint nature, they chose very beautiful interesting places, admired it yourself and shared such beauty with us. Now these paintings are in galleries, everyone can come and look at them, do you like these paintings? (Yes). So, today we will try to draw a tree. Children, tell me, what time of year is it now? (autumn) That's right! You and I will draw a “Tree in Autumn.” What paint colors will we use? (brown, yellow, red, green) Well done!
Now let's play and stretch our fingers.

Finger game:
I'll rub my palms hard.
I'll twist each finger.
I'll say hello to him
And I'll start pulling out.
Then I will wash my hands...
I'll put a finger in a finger,
I'll lock them up
And I’ll take care of the warmth!

To begin with, we will define the main component of any tree, without exception - the presence of branches of different sizes and, naturally, a trunk, which is the basis. Its thickest side is located near the ground, the thinnest is at the upper end. All branches are on the trunk, along it, and are directed upward. Long branches are located at the bottom of the tree, short ones are located towards the top.

First, we begin to draw the main part of the tree - the trunk, since the image of almost every tree begins with the trunk. As we already know, the upper part of the trunk is thinner, the lower part is thicker.

When using a brush, we begin to draw the trunk from above and the branches, which are depicted similarly to the trunk - at the top they are quite thin, and closer to the trunk they are more massive. The thin part always points upward. During the work, it is important to remember that all branches should be located at different distances.
Next, we make a crown for our tree, consisting of small branches extending from large ones, and even smaller ones on them. There should be a lot of small branches in the picture and they all have the same diameter. Despite the fact that they are very thin, all the branches, just like the large ones, are directed upward.

Now we wash the brush, dissolve the brown paint well, and paint the barrel. After that, we dip the brush in red paint and apply it to the branches, these are our red leaves, then in yellow paint we have yellow leaves and green ones, we show how the leaves fall to the ground.

Well done!!!

The tree is ready!

After the lesson, the children show their drawings.
Exhibition of works.

SAMPLE PLANNING OF EDUCATIONAL WORK (for a week – from 06.11. to 09.11.2018) Group: II middle group Topic: "Trees".Target:To consolidate knowledge about trees as representatives of the earth's flora, their beauty and benefits. To consolidate ideas about the structure of a tree and seasonal phenomena. Develop the ability to distinguish between coniferous, deciduous and fruit trees. To develop knowledge about the use of wood by humans (furniture, household utensils, paper, houses). Cultivate a caring attitude towards plants.Dateholding the final event: GCDDrawing "Spreading tree" 08.11.2018Responsible for the final event: educators

Day of the week

Main part

Variable part


DOW component













Conversation: “Trees of our site” (garden, dacha) to broaden one’s horizons. D/I “Which tree is the leaf from” to develop the ability to distinguish trees and name them.

With Roma, Artem, Arina, Denis, consolidate the techniques of drawing autumn tree.

Situational conversation “Why should you wash your hands with soap?”, form knowledge of healthy lifestyle.

Introduce stencils, develop the ability to trace and paint over images of various trees..

Herbarium “Leaves of the Forest and Meadows”

Tuesday 06.11. 2018

Thursday 06.11.14

1. GCD Music

According to the manager's plan

2. GCD Modeling Theme: “Magic Forest” by Davydov “Plastic Legs” page 11

P/WITH:promote knowledge about diversity flora. Learn to communicate at work characteristic features external structurewood through plasticine printing. Strengthen cognitive interest to nature.


Observe the wind, note the strength of the wind, where there is no wind and why?. Labor to collect leaves. P/N “We are funny guys” respond to the signal.

Ability to climb a ladder, following the rules with a subgroup of girls (coordination of movements)

Research activity “What kind of leaves became after the rain” - compare, draw conclusions.

Remote material for games and free activities..

P/I “We are funny guys”

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics.

Walking along massage paths. D/U “What grows where?” clarify children's knowledge, develop speech, memory.

With Seryozha, Savely, Artem, develop the ability to name the first sound in a word.

CHHL: memorizing O. Vysotskaya’s poem “The Herringbone”; pronounce the words clearly.

Introduce stencils, create a desire to trace and paint over objects.

O. Vysotskaya “Herringbone”


Observation at work as a janitor. Labor: cleaning the veranda. P/N: “From bump to bump” respond to the signal.

“Throw it into the ring-dexterity, eye, with Nadya, Lera, Misha..

Education of CGN, self-service skills and mutual assistance when dressing and undressing..

Outdoor material for games and work in nature.

P/I “From bump to bump”


Role-playing game

"Journey into the autumn forest" the ability to play together, develop gaming skills, the ability to describe the beauty of the autumn forest.

ZKR with Artem, Savely, Dasha.To develop the ability to distinguish and correctly pronounce the vowel sounds A, O, U, I.

Printed board games of children's choice. Cultivate perseverance, the ability to bring the game to the end, and play together.

Offer children pencils to reinforce their ability to draw trees.

Working with parents:

Consultation “Introduce children to nature native land»

Day of the week

Main part

Variable part


Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a development environment for independent children's activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

National-cultural component

DOW component




Educational activities in special moments










Conversation “We will take care and protect nature”- summarize and consolidate knowledge. D/I “Find the same leaf” compare, find similarities.

Examination of the painting by I. I. Levitan “ Golden autumn"with a subgroup of children, speech, memory, thinking.

Game situation “Let’s teach Dunno how to use personal hygiene items.”

Looking at photo illustrations, albums, books about trees.

Design the album “Plants of the Orenburg Region”


GCD 1. Cognition of FEMPKolesnikova No. 9 p. 35

P/WITH:Learn: guess mathematical riddles based on visually perceived information; write the number 3 in dots; understand learning task and do it yourself; find the number 3 among many other numbers. Introduce number 3 as sign 3. Strengthen children's knowledge about the time of year.

2.Physical education

According to the manager's plan.


Watch passersby. P\I “Two circles” agility. Labor to collect leaves, twigs - to create a desire to work.

Game competition"Who's first?" with Artem, Arina, Lera, Nikita

Research activity “Which tree is the leaf from?” Develop the ability to compare, find similarities and differences.

Removable material for cleaning the area: buckets, scoops.

P/I “Two circles”.

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics.

Walking barefoot along the massage path. D/U “Name it in one word” to teach classification.

D/I "One-many"

By lexical topic"Trees"with a group of girls

CHHL: E. Mashkovskaya “Grandfather Tree”,develop the ability to answer questions fully and accurately

Creative activity in the plastinography art studio “Autumn Forest”, the desire to work with plasticine.

E. Mashkovskaya “Grandfather Tree”


Monitoring weather changes Labor: maintaining order in the area. P!I “Cat and Mice” respond to a signal

Exercise on OVD: hit the target, with Mira, Savely, Roma, agility, eye.

Development game speech breathing“Leaf fall”, develop the skills to direct the exhaled stream of air through the mouth

Remote material for organizing work in nature and playing with sand.

P/I "Cat and Mice"


S/R game Shop “World of Plants” children’s ability to creatively reproduce the plot of the game in games and develop dialogic speech.

WITH Misha, Arina, Masha secure techniques for drawing geometric shapes.

Constructive games “Forester's House”, to develop the ability to build buildings and play with them.

Submit a poster "The structure of a tree"

consolidate knowledge and ability to name parts of a plant.

Working with parents:

Article “Speech of a 4-5 year old child.”

Day of the week

Main part

Variable part


Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a development environment for independent children's activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

National-cultural component

DOW component




Educational activities in special moments










Conversation " Safe behavior in the forest"activate speech, consolidate knowledge of life safety. D/U "Young Forest Defenders"deepen children's knowledge

With Denis, Savely, Mira, the ability to compare objects by length, count to 5, distinguish numbers.

Formation of CGN and self-service skills Game situation “Napkins and handkerchiefs”.

Listening to songs about autumn, A. Vivaldi “The Seasons. Autumn” teach to listen to the natural sounds of music.

Exhibition of books about trees and shrubs

Thursday 08.11. 2018

1. GCDDrawing Theme:“Spreading tree” by Komarov No. 44 page 56

P/N: teach children use different pressure on the pencil to depict a tree with thick and thin branches. Cultivate the desire to achieve good result. Develop imaginative perception, imagination, creativity.

2. GCD Physical education.

According to the manager's plan.


Observation of autumn trees “Find out and name the tree.” P/I “Run to the tree” attention, orientation. Labor: collect an autumn bouquet - lure

"Jumping off the bench" with Masha, Nadya, Artem, strengthen the ability to perform jumps correctly.

Situational conversation “Why the leaves fell”develop the ability to analyze and draw conclusions.

Remote material for independent play activity children.

P/I “Run to the tree”

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics.

Walking along the massage path barefoot.« Finger game "Herringbone"combine finger movementswith the text, pronounce phrases clearly..

Examination of illustrations related to dangers in the forest (fire, thunderstorm, strong wind, etc.) with a subgroup of children. Expand your horizons and speech.

Memorizing the poem “Oak” by I. Tokmakova evokes a desire to learn poetry, pronounce words clearly, and tell expressively.

Games and activities as desired, monitor the relationships between children..

I. Tokmakova “Oak”


Animal observation. P/I “Empty space”speed, dexterity. The labor of assembling toys is to cultivate diligence.

ORU (walking in a squat, side step, spring) with Seryozha, Dasha, Misha. clarify children's skills.

Education of CGN, self-service skills. D/U “Who is the neatest?”

Remote material for organizing work in nature and games - balls..

P/I “Empty space”


S/R game “Gardener” - the ability to display people’s workin the game, to develop the ability to play in a coordinated, friendly manner.

Game for developing phonemic awareness “What’s extra?” with Egor, Vika, Denis

Strengthen the skills of a culture of behavior during joint games, the ability to play amicably, calmly, and negotiate with each other in the game.

Games in the sports corner “Ball School”: roll, catch, hit the ball, develop the ability to perform exercises.

Working with parents:

Design of the exhibition of drawings “Spreading Tree”

Day of the week

Main part

Variable part


Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a development environment for independent children's activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

National-cultural component

DOW component




Educational activities in special moments










Conversation “On the benefits of trees for humans”(purify the air, give us shade and coolness on hot days, healing properties of trees) D/I “Name the tree” ability to distinguish

D/I " Where did the leaf fall? - form the correct use of prepositions in speech(“on”, “under”) with Arina, Nadya, Vika

KGN. Strengthen the ability to sit correctly at the table, monitor children’s posture, and chew food thoroughly.

Examination of illustrations of various trees (comparative analysis).


1.GCD Speech development Topic: Composition stories based on Gerbov's painting No. 4 p. 62

P/S:check whether children are able to adhere to a certain sequence when composing a story based on a picture; did they understand what it meant to title a picture?


According to the manager's plan


Observation of mountain ash. Labor: cleaning the area from fallen leaves. P/I “Catch a leaf”agility. Labor: rake leaves into a pile, desire works

To develop the ability to climb a gymnastic ladder, teach to observe safety precautions with a subgroup of girls.

Research activity: examining and comparing tree leaves (by shape, size, color).

Providing outdoor materials for fun games and cleaning.

P/I “Catch a leaf”

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics.

Hardening procedures.

P/I “Autumn Forest” pronounce the words of the text combining them with finger movements.

With Saveliy, Nikita, Nadya, perform jumps on two legs moving forward.

CHHL: “Where did the table come from” S. Marshak the ability to listen and answer questions with complete answers.

Printed board games of children's choice. Develop perseverance and the ability to complete the game, clean up the playing area after the game.

S. Marshak, “Where the table came from”


Bird watching,note the weather conditions. Labor: cleaning sand from benches

P/i "Mousetrap" speed.

"Get in the basket." develop accuracy, eye, with Roma, Masha, Dasha.

Developing self-care skills, taking off and folding clothes, taking care of appearance.

Remote material for games and work activities..

P\I "Mousetrap"


S/R game “Dacha” gives an idea of ​​working at dachas in the fall, planting fruit trees, and developing gaming skills

Situational conversations about the rules of behavior in nature (in the park, in the forest)with a subgroup of children

Household work in the play corner, gluing boxes, bathing dolls - arouse a desire to help adults.

Suggest to those on duty to water indoor plants and wipe the leaves from dust.

Working with parents:

Conversation with Misha B’s mother, Mira M. “Teach finger games with your children.”

Abstract directly educational activities on artistic and aesthetic development on the topic: “Autumn tree” in the middle group

Target: creating an image of an autumn tree using the cut-out appliqué technique.


Educational: to develop the ability to convey a beautiful image of an autumn tree in an application

Developmental: to promote the development of the technique of cut appliqué;

Develop creative imagination, sense of color, fine motor skills.

Educators: cultivate perseverance, interest and love for living nature.

Preliminary work: observing autumn trees in the area kindergarten; making bouquets of autumn leaves; memorizing poems: “Autumn in the Park” by I. Vinokurov, “Aspen” by R. Sef, “Autumn Has Come” by A. Erikeev; examination of a reproduction of I. Levitan’s painting “Golden Autumn”; didactic games“Which tree did the leaf fall from?”, “One, two, three - run to the birch (fir tree, linden, maple...).”

Methods and techniques: playful, visual, display, explanation, practical activity for children.

Materials and equipment: tinted sheets 4A with a silhouette image of a tree without leaves, glue stick, trays, strips of colored paper in warm colors, a basket with autumn leaves.

Progress of activities:

I. Introductory part:

Organizational moment: the teacher brings a basket to the group.

Children, if you guess my riddle, you will find out what is in my basket.

“Gold coins fall from a branch” (autumn leaves)

That's right, here they are. The teacher shows the leaves and asks the children to name which tree they come from, examine and compare the leaves by color, and note their beauty.

That's right, guys, now there is a very beautiful period of “Golden Autumn” in nature. But soon all the leaves will fall off, darken, and become ugly. What to do? How to preserve the beauty of golden autumn?

The teacher offers to make an application. Children look at the finished work. Next, the teacher explains the technique for performing the appliqué: “We tear off small fragments from the colored strip and glue them, forming the crown of an autumn tree. Choose colors and shades yourself. Don’t forget to follow the rules when working with glue.”

II. Main part: independent work(children sit at tables). Before starting work, finger exercises are performed

"Autumn Leaves"

We came to the autumn park, - we bend our fingers, starting with the thumb

There was heavy leaf fall

We will collect leaves. - clench and unclench your fists

Birch leaves - bend your fingers, starting with the thumb

Rowan leaves,

poplar leaves,

Aspen leaves,

We will collect oak leaves,

Let's take an autumn bouquet to mom - her fingers are “walking” on the table.

III. Final part: children consider finished works, read poems about autumn.