Quiz on speech development outline of a literacy lesson (preparatory group) on the topic. Quiz on speech development “Let's talk - let's talk” for children in the pre-school group Quiz for preschoolers on speech development

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the preparatory group.

Quiz “Smart fidgets”


1. Promote speech development, cognitive interests, mental operations (analysis, synthesis, attention, memory, thinking), creative abilities.

2. Develop speech, communication, memory. Ability to compose sentences using a diagram. Ability to pronounce tongue twisters, classify general concepts, making a word from letters.

3. Foster the desire for knowledge, the ability to work in a team, help a friend, self-control and self-regulation. To instill in children kindness, responsiveness and interest in their native language.

Progress of the lesson:

You guys are funny and you won't be bored. We will answer the quiz questions with you! You answer in unison and there is no doubt about it. Today friendship will be the mistress of victories. And let the struggle rage more intensely, the competition stronger. Success is not determined by fate, but only by your knowledge, and by competing with you, we will remain friends. Let the struggle rage stronger, and our friendship grows stronger with it.

The teacher divides the children into two teams and introduces the teams

I. Competition “Living Word”.

Each subgroup needs to spell out the team name. If there is difficulty, children can focus on the numbers indicating the serial number of the letter in the word - the name of the team.


II. Competition "Funny Riddles".

1. In the thicket, with your head up.

A giraffe howls from hunger. (Wolf)

2. Who knows a lot about raspberries?

A clubfooted brown... wolf. (Bear)

3. Daughters and sons

An ant teaches you to grunt. (Pig)

4. Who likes to run around the branches?

Of course, a red... fox. (Squirrel)

5.In your warm puddle

Barmaley croaked loudly. (Little Frog)

6. From the palm tree down, to the palm tree again

A cow jumps deftly. (Monkey)

7.Hoop, ball and wheel,

You will be reminded of the letter...(O)

8. All children have known for a long time:

The cow knows the letter...(M)

9.If I make sponges

A very thin tube

I'll make a sound later

Then you will hear the letter... (U)

10. In the word mouth and in the word mole

This letter lives.

In the word tiger she roars,

In the word scream she screams. (P)

11. In the word we and in the word you there is such a letter - ... (У)

12. It’s been buzzing for a whole hour

On the flower there is a letter...(F)

13. Pussy drinks cream from a bowl,

This letter is in toffee.

All my friends know

This letter is the letter...(I)

14.At dawn the bell rings,

There is a lock on the door.

There is a splinter and a goat

This letter is the letter...(Z)

III. Competition "Funny Animals".

Children are given the task of selecting pictures (toys) of animals: for the first team - wild animals whose names contain the sound [L], for the second - domestic animals whose names contain the sound [K], name where in the word this sound lives?

! V. Competition “Say it in one word.”

Table, chair, bed, wardrobe, bedside table - furniture. Cook, salesman, doctor, builder - professions. Summer, autumn, winter, spring - seasons. Tit, magpie, crow, pigeon, sparrow are birds. Butterfly, ant, mosquito, fly, beetle - insects. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday – days of the week.

V. Physical exercise.

And now you and I will have a little rest and play one very interesting game, it's called

"Say it the other way around"

Early - late.

Joyful - sad, sorrowful

Black – white

Dry – wet

Silence is noise

Light - dark

One is many

Open - closed

Hot – cold

Top - bottom

Clear – cloudy

Freezing - warming up

Left - right

Clean - dirty

VI. Contest

“Speak the tongue twister clearly and quickly.” First, we will warm up a little, let's remember the tongue twisters that we know, and then you will need to say a tongue twister to one team about animals, and to the other about insects.

VII. Contest .

Make a proposal using a diagram on the theme “Autumn”


"Magic bag"

We count the tokens, in the end friendship won, because we are so great today, we managed to do so much, what did we do today? And now we will all go together, in unison, to look for a well-deserved reward: treasure! To do this, we will line up in one line and listen carefully to my commands, but don’t look at my actions, I will confuse you. (The game “Confusion” is played)

Summary of the game - quiz in the preparatory group on the topic “Lucky Accident”

Author: Marina Vladimirovna Kozlova, teacher at MBDOU CRR – kindergarten No. 7 “Chamomile”, Novoaltaisk, Altai Territory.
Description of material: I offer you a summary of the joint activities of parents with children in the preparatory group, with ONR children (II - Level III) on the topic “Happy Accident”. This game will help teachers: consolidate children's knowledge about nature; will contribute to the development of moral consciousness and the need to acquire environmental knowledge, through the assimilation of norms and rules of competent interaction with living nature, showing kindness, sensitivity, mercy to animals and flora not only among children, but also among parents of preschoolers.
Summary of the game - quizzes for children and parents in the preparatory group “Happy Occasion”.
Priority direction: social and personal development.
Integration of educational areas:“Health”, “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Safety”, “Artistic creativity”, “Music”.
Target: consolidate children's knowledge about the natural world around them.
Educational: Help consolidate children's knowledge about plants and animals.
Developmental: Create conditions for the development of visual-figurative and logical thinking, memory.
Speech: To promote the development of coherent speech, the ability to answer questions quickly, with a complete and clear answer.
Educational: Create conditions for emotional rapprochement of family members in joint play. To form a consciously correct attitude towards nature in adults and children.
Preliminary work: direct educational activities on topics: “Plants of the forest”, “Wild animals of Russia”, “Trees are our friends!”, “Migratory birds”, “Beware - poisonous!”, “Insects”, “Four seasons”, “Rules of communication” with nature! Reading fairy tales by B. Zakhoder “The Gray Star”, “Little Little Rus”. Didactic games: “Who will be who!”, “Who was who?”. Guessing riddles about animals. Outdoor game “We won’t tell, but we’ll show!”
Material: emblems for teams with images of a squirrel and a bunny; 2 vases, artificial flowers; cards lined into two parts, empty on the left, and an animal or plant on the right; cards with pictures of trees; 2 diagrams of animal tracks; printed song lyrics for parents; medals.
Methodical techniques: intellectual warm-up, productive activity, sketches, tests, descriptive riddle, problematic situations and questions.
Progress of the game.
Children are divided into two teams: “Bunnies” and “Squirrels”. There is a vase in front of each team. For each correct answer, an artificial flower is placed in the vase. The team with the most flowers in the vase wins. Parents sit behind the participants in the game; they are fans. The jury is selected. The quiz is led by a presenter.
Leading: Attention! Attention! We are starting the game “Lucky Chance” and let’s see who will be lucky in this game today. I think that kind, smart and passionate nature lovers will be lucky. Do you agree with me? Then let's begin.
1 game Warm-up “Question and answer!”
The presenter asks questions that the children must answer quickly and correctly. If they are wrong, the presenter says the correct answer and asks the next question.
Questions for the “Squirrel” team:
1. Where do mushrooms grow? (In the forest, in the meadow).
2. Name the wintering bird. (Any one).
3. Coniferous tree. (Spruce, pine).
4. Name the forest nurse. (Woodpecker, wolf, etc.).
5. Who lives in the hole? (Badger, fox, mole, etc.).
6. Name a wild herbivore. (Hare, squirrel, etc.).
7. Red berry. (Any).
8. Which animal sleeps in winter? (Hedgehog, bear, etc.).
9. What are the fruits of an oak tree called? (Acorns).

11. Name a poisonous plant. (Crow's eye, henbane, etc.).
12. The heroine of B. Zakhoder’s fairy tale “The Gray Star”. (Toad).
13. The warmest time of the year. (Summer).
Questions for the Bunnies team.
1. Where do cranberries grow? (In the swamp).
2. Name migratory bird. (Any one).
3. Deciduous tree. (Any).
4. Who pollinates plants? (Bees, bumblebees).
5. Who lives in a hollow? (Owl, squirrel, etc.).
6. Name insectivorous animals. (Hedgehog, mole, etc.)
7. Black berry. (Any).
8. Which animal does not sleep in winter? (Wolf, fox, hare, etc.).
9. Name the tree - the symbol of Russia. (Birch).
10. Name the insect. (Any).
11. Name a poisonous mushroom. (Fly agaric, pale toadstool, etc.).
12. The hero of B. Zakhoder’s fairy tale “Little Rusachok”. (Hare).
13. The coldest time of the year. (Winter).
The jury counts the correct number of answers and evaluates.
Game 2 “Who was who?”
Children are given a card lined in half, blank on the left, and a picture of an animal or plant on the right. Children on the card on the left should draw who was who before (a frog - an egg, a hare - a hare, a butterfly - an egg or a caterpillar, a dandelion - a seed, a bird - an egg, a mosquito - a bloodworm, a Christmas tree - a seed, a crocodile - an egg, etc. ). Then each participant speaks, and the jury sums up the results.
Game 3 “Where have you been, what have you seen?”
The children of each team come up with some action, and the other team guesses. (Parents can help children come up with an action)
For example, they pick mushrooms, wash berries and eat them, listen to birds singing, how bees collect nectar, how a hare protects itself from a kite, etc.
Game 4 “Game with spectators”.
The host asks the fans of each team questions (answers are in bold).
1 team:
1) Why can't the gopher sleep?
A) afraid of freezing.
b) remembers summer.
c) guards supplies.
2) Who has the strongest claws?
a) at the bear.
b) at the anteater.
c) at the lion.
3) Which mammal is the fastest?
a) deer.
b) dolphin.
V) cheetah.
4) Why does a hare have big ears?
a) to hear better;
b) so as not to overheat;
c) for braking when cornering.
5) Do monkeys brush their teeth?
a) do not clean;
b) sometimes cleaned;
V) Clean with pleasure.
Team 2:
1) Why does a woodpecker “drum”?
a) cleans the beak;
b) tells someone something;
c) is interested in music.
2) Who is the largest among rodents?
a) beaver;
b) capybara;
c) brown hare.
3) Which snake is the most poisonous?
a) viper.
b) cobra.
c) rattlesnake.
4) Why do dolphins cry?
a) for nervous relaxation.
b) to protect eyes from damage.
c) to remove excess moisture.
5) Who has ears on their feet?
a) in butterflies and beetles.
b) in flies and mosquitoes.
V) in grasshoppers and crickets.
Game 5 “Dark Horse”.
The presenter presents the animal with riddles, and the teams must guess. After each proposal addressed to a particular team, the presenter pauses so that the players can make their version.
This is an animal.
It has a head, body, paws and tail.
He has a big house. This animal is clean.
He has sharp teeth. He cannot live without water.
He needs trees to live.
He can swim well. He is called an engineer.
They are also called a builder.
Lives in the river.
His house is called a hut.
(An adult comes out dressed as a beaver.)
Questions from the beaver:
- I love trees, so I’ll ask you about them, and you show me the answer (the children have cards with pictures of trees on the table):
1) A coniferous tree, but in winter it stands bare. (Larch).
2) People call this tree “sweet”. (Linden).
3) A tree that doesn’t heat up in the sun? (Birch).
4) In spring this tree is all white, and the smell of its flowers can be felt from afar. It's a pity that people only break it because of the flowers. (Bird cherry).
5) This tree is long-lived. Its fruits are eaten by wild boars, squirrels and many others. (Oak).
6) The berries hang on this tree all winter, it feeds the birds. (Rowan).
- And now a riddle for you - the picture “What happened here?”
In one picture the tracks of a hare and a fox are schematically drawn, and in the other picture the tracks of a mouse and a fox are drawn. Children must find out and tell what happened.
- Goodbye, friends! I see that you love and know nature very much.
The jury sums up the results.
Game 6 “Race for the leader”.
The facilitator reads the questions to both teams in turn. If children do not know the answer or are in doubt, they can ask their parents for help. Children explain why they think this way.
1) Is it possible to leave glass bottles in the forest? (No).
2) Can a person live without birch sap? (Yes).
3) Do poisonous mushrooms need to be trampled? (No).
4) Do birds need to be fed in winter? (Yes).
5) Do animals need salt? (Yes).
6) Is it necessary to take home a chick that has fallen to the ground from the nest? (No).
7) Do plants need snow in winter? (Yes).
8) Is it necessary to save drowning animals in the spring? (Yes).
9) Can a person in the forest listen to music loudly? (No).
10) Can a person live in the world without harming an animal or plant? (Yes, he can try).
Leading: Well done! I congratulate you on completing the game, and while the jury is summing up the results of the last game, I suggest everyone sing a song together.
Joint performance of the song of children with their parents “On the Road of Goodness” lyrics. Yu. En-tina, music. M. Minkova.
Leading: It's time to count the flowers in the vases. (Count everything together)
The jury announces the winners!
The winners are awarded medals.
Result. The game took place on high level. The children enjoyed playing with their parents. There were small incidents, when the presenter asked questions to the parents, and the children answered, and when the children asked their parents for help, they did not know the correct answer. Many parents have thought about expanding their knowledge about wildlife!

Municipal state educational institution

Khanty-Mansiysk region

Average secondary school village Batovo

Prepared and carried out

Educator Rogulina N.A.


Target: formation of communicative and speech activity of parents.


Activate adult speech;
- develop memory and logical thinking;
- develop the ability to enjoy communicating with each other;
- promote the establishment of partnerships in the team of parents;
- develop communication culture skills.

Quiz progress:


SPEECH DEVELOPMENT OF A CHILD- one of the main factors in the development of personality in preschool childhood, determining the level of social and cognitive achievements of the preschooler - needs and interests, knowledge, abilities and skills, as well as other mental qualities.

The problem of the formation of human communicative and speech activity is becoming increasingly higher value V modern life. Speech fulfills the most important social functions: helps to establish connections with other people, determines and regulates norms of behavior in society, which is a decisive condition for the development of personality. Different situations communication requires developed communicative and dialogic skills, which are important to develop starting from an early age.

IN preschool age the content of communication, its motives, communication skills and abilities are constantly changing; one of the components of psychological readiness for learning at school is formed - communication. The child treats adults selectively, gradually beginning to understand his relationships with them: how they treat him and what they expect from him, how he treats them and what he expects from them.

They help enrich children’s verbal communication, make it more natural and relaxed. non-verbal means communications. It is important that the child can adequately perceive non-verbal information and distinguish between similar but not identical emotional states of the interlocutor. The development of nonverbal skills creates additional features to establish contacts, choose the right line of behavior, enhances efficiency social interaction preschoolers.

It is noted that problems of interpersonal (dialogical) communication for a child begin mainly in the family. Reluctance to communicate (due to lack of time, parents' fatigue), inability to communicate (parents do not know what to talk about with the child, how to build dialogical communication with him) negatively affects the activity and mental well-being of the baby. It is the close interaction between teachers and parents that allows us to comprehensively solve this problem.

The basis for interaction with families on this issue is the following principles:

  • partnership between parents and teachers;
  • a common understanding among teachers and parents of goals and objectives;
  • help, respect and trust in the child from parents;
  • knowledge by teachers and parents of the educational capabilities of the team and family, maximum use of educational potential in working together with children;
  • constant analysis of the process of family interaction and preschool, its intermediate and final results.

An effective form of interaction is to hold various events.

That's why I I invite you to take part in the quiz "Developing our speech."

(Parents are divided into 2 teams: “Experts”, “Smart Guys”. The quiz is competitive in nature. For each round, the team receives a chip. The team with the most chips is the winner. Team members sit at the tables).

Round 1: “Don’t yawn when answering questions, answer very quickly!”

1 task: Remember the concepts of the Russian language and name them in one word.
- Words used by a resident of a particular area. (Dialect).
- Words that have opposite meanings.(Antonyms).
Task 2: On the easel there are 2 paintings depicting trees, at the roots of which the words are written on cards: snow, winter. Write words with the same root on cards and attach them to branches. (Double-sided tape is glued to the branches).
Snow - snowball, snowy, snowman, snowflake, snowfall, snowy.
Winter - wintering, winter, wintering, wintering, wintering, wintering.

Task 3: Explain the name of the plants: raspberries, currants.
Raspberry - from the words “small”, “small”. The raspberry consists of small parts, as if intertwined with each other.
Currant - "stench" - smell, leaves and berries smell strong.
Task 4: Guess the word - homonym.
One is growing in the garden,
The other one will hit the target with an arrow. (Onion).
The first one shines in the sky at night,
And in the second there are 30 days. (Month).
Task 5: Words are written on the cards for which you need to find a synonym. Each team chooses 2 cards.
Friend - (buddy).
Run - (rush).
Carefully - (carefully).
Quickly - (instantly).

Task 6: Find a word that sounds similar (at a fast pace).
Matches - titmouse,
Hook icon,
Robe - salad,
Christmas tree - needle,
Squirrel - arrow,
The palace is a singer,
Ax - fence,
Crow - crown.

Round 2: Proverbs and sayings."

1 task: Find and fix the error.
- I came, I saw, I bought. (I won).
- The sun paints the earth, and the hairdresser paints man. (Labor).
- It’s not enough to want - you have to beg. (Be able to).
- From time immemorial, television (Book) raises a person.
Task 2: Make a proposal.
- Tongue, head, chatting, answering, eh. (The tongue chatters, but the head answers).
- The book, no, beckons, to, itself, but, gingerbread. (The book is not a carrot, but beckons).
- Always, empty, nose, up, ear, tearing. (An empty ear always turns its nose up.)
- Fool, but smart, loves to teach, learn. (A smart person loves to learn, and a fool loves to teach).
Task 3: We know many sayings, but they have become sayings in our time, since the second part has been forgotten. You need to remember or come up with their second part.
“It’s young and green...(ordered to take a walk).”
“Hunger is not an auntie...(she won’t slip you a pie).”
“Don’t open your mouth to someone else’s loaf... (but get up early and start your own).”
“The hat is for Senka...(the cap is for Yerema).”
Task 4: Translate the proverb (saying) into Russian.
- When the lady gets out of the car, the car goes faster. (English). (A woman with a cart - it’s easier for a mare).
- He ran from the rain, got caught in the downpour. (Arab). (From the frying pan into the fire).
- He who asks will not get lost. (Fin). (The language will take you to Kyiv).
- Where there is no fruit, beets will pass for an orange. (Iran). (For lack of fish and cancer, fish).

Round 3: “What a delight these fairy tales are!”

1 task: Answer the question.
- What insects did King Guidon turn into? (Fly, mosquito, bumblebee).
- Of the three girls, one became a queen, the other a weaver. And who did their sister become? (Cook).
Task 2: Name a fairy tale character who could place such an advertisement in a newspaper. At the same time, remember the title of the work and its author.
- A key made of precious metal is lost. (Pinocchio from the fairy tale “The Golden Key” by A.N. Tolstoy).
- Veterinary services with travel to any part of the world. (Doctor Aibolit from the fairy tale of the same name by K.I. Chukovsky).
- A travel company organizes an air trip along a milk river with jelly banks. (Fairy tale “Geese - Swans”).

Round 4: "Surprise"

The teams stand opposite each other. Give each other a compliment and take a step forward.

(Until they are next to each other to shake hands).
The presenter counts the chips. Announces the winner.

Awarding with souvenirs.

Synonyms - words that are different in sound and spelling, but have the same or very similar lexical meaning.
Antonyms are words that differ in sound and spelling and have directly opposite meanings: truth - lie, good - evil, speak - remain silent.

Homonyms are units of language that are different in meaning, but identical in sound.

Celebration of correct speech.

Dear guests! Dear guys! Today is our special day. Today is the holiday of correct speech. We invite game participants to a fun quiz - competition.

"Fun Grammar"

Let's greet the participants of the game with friendly applause.

We open our merry holiday with a familiar merry song.

“They teach at school” - song.

So we invite the teams to greet each other.


Our team "Bukovka"

Our motto: “You memorize these letters, more than 3 dozen of them. And for you they are the keys to all good books. You are taken not to forget the bunch of magic keys. You will find a way into any story, you will enter any fairy tale.


Our team: “Reader”.

Our motto:"Reader - once
Reader - two

Let's put words together, it's not interesting to live without words. Remember the letters - be prepared.

Captains competition.

Riddles for each other.

A beauty walks, she comes with affection

Easily touches the earth and with his fairy tale

Goes to the field, to the river with a magic wand

And by the snow and by the flower. Will wave in the forest

(SPRING) the snowdrop will bloom.

Reading poems about spring.

The sun dropped the sparrow from the birch tree

Golden ray. Jump onto the path!

The dandelion has grown, there is no more frost

First, young. Chir - chirp!

It has a wonderful smell in the air in spring
Golden color. My garden is turning green
He is a big sun. And sings in the shadow of the branches

Small portrait. Soloveyko, nightingale.

Spring is coming to us. The grass is turning green.
Quick steps. The sun is shining.

And the snowdrifts are melting, Swallow with spring,
Under her feet. It flies towards us in the canopy.
Black thawed patches, With her the sun is more beautiful,
Visible in the fields. And spring is sweeter.
True, very warm twitters from the road
Spring has legs. Greetings to us soon.

You are spring, spring is red. April - April!

What did you bring with you? Drops are ringing in the yard.

I brought it for the meadows. Streams run through the fields.
Blanket of flowers. There are puddles on the roads.
Brought it for the Christmas tree. The ants will come out soon.
New needles. After the winter cold.
For aspens and birches the bear makes its way
Fresh leaves a whole cart. Through the dead wood

And the snowdrop blossomed.

And now, dear guys, we invite Akulina to visit us.

(Dobrynin’s song “Akulina” plays).


I was almost late, but I collected a whole box of tongue twisters.

Repeat in a friendly manner, Don’t swallow the syllables.

Speaking tongue twisters with Akulina together.

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

Yashka in a cap rides on a turtle.

Remember and name the tongue twisters to the teams one by one.

Crumble potatoes and peas into okroshka.

Senya carries hay in the canopy. Senya will sleep on the hay.

The little chatterbox was chattering milk. She chatted but didn’t blurt out.

Our bear has big bumps in his bag.
There is grass in the yard. There is firewood on the grass.

Mow your hair while there is dew. Dew away and we're home.

Round dance "KOSTROMA"

I’ll tell you another poem, just don’t yawn.
Substitute the word into the rhyme until the end together.

The bushes are very green. In our garden (bushes).

We came to visit today. Brought to the dog (bones),

A rocket is flying across the sky.

(A cow) is grazing in the meadow.

A (carriage) is driving along the road.

The king has a golden (crown).

I'm too lazy to go far. I'd rather sit on (a stump).

Here a cart is a wheelbarrow. The house in the garden is called (dacha).

The rhyme is easy to build.

The rhyme is breaking.

And in the ditty for her too.

Life is fun.

Sing me at least one

Yes, do it with your soul.


I'm chewing, chewing, chewing

The chewing gum is very tasty

I will be obedient.

I'm cheerful, I'm cheerful
I stomp my feet

I dance and sing

I clap my hands.

Mine, I'm cleaning mine

All the toys at once.

Afterwards mom washes

I'm grimy for the girl.

I wash the cups, wipe them,

I arrange, I break.

I do everything quickly.

How skillful.

My mother is a virgin.

I give her some water.

My mother sieves me.

I'm running.

And now children from another group came to visit us and brought some for our teams.

We have all sorts of goodies in our basket. Yes, healthy, vitamin-rich. Only before we eat them, we want to read everything.

Lay out fruits and vegetables and count.

One is a carrot

Two - beetroot

Three - cabbage.

Unnoticed, Akulina takes and hides any of the laid out vegetables.

Something seems to be missing

None of the guys know.

What kind of vegetable is missing here?

The children call it “WHAT IS NOT HAPPENING.”

Pears, tomatoes, beets, apples, oranges, onions, turnips.

Listen to what has grown into a miracle - in the garden and plant miracle vegetables. Name them.

The release is cabbage.

Morcofel - carrots

Garlic - garlic

Radish - radish

Lurepa - turnip

Pea - peas

I found myself not simple work.

Go to the summer forest for a photo hunt.

Where the thick grass grows

The head is not visible from this grass.

But I just couldn’t understand.

Who in this grass could understand this?

Who could walk so importantly in this grass?

Show pictures and names of tails.

It was a wonderful photo hunt.

My mistakes have been corrected and now I offer you a game where it’s always the other way around.

If I tell you LOW, say HIGH.

If I suddenly tell you CLOSE, answer - FAR.







The guys' backs are tired. We really need a warm-up. Announcing a change. We all dance "MACARENA"


I want to ask for your attention. I offer you poems only without titles, the rhyme is easy to construct, just help me. Cleverly insert the desired word at the end.

Our Tanya is loud……..

Dropped it into the river…….

We are sitting on …….. (Stairs)

And we sing……… (Songs)

Quieter than a mouse, the cat came to our…….. (Roof)

The hedgehog sews eight leather ones for the ducklings...... (Boots)

My cheerful, sonorous……..(Ball)

It's dark in the forest. Everyone has been sleeping for a long time. One owl per bitch……(sitting)

Tamara and I walk…… (as a couple)

The spruce tree looks like a hedgehog. Hedgehog in needles Christmas tree... (Same)

They decided to play hide and seek with words.

You put everything in order.

The goat brought food to the girl.

Mom carries the bag to the cabbage.

Len broke the cup.

The road goes by car.

Gena broke the ball with the glass.

Olya is drawing her dad with a picture.

Stage 4 - Now who can guess right away.


Compote without apples and without pears.

Tree without branches.



And winter without snow.

Clouds without sky.

New Year no Christmas trees.

Hedgehog without needles.

And there is a river without fish.

And without a chimney the stove.
A car without wheels.

Product without a store.

A book without pages.

House without windows.

And a gate without doors.

Sunshine without summer.

A word to sum up the results of the JURY.

For several years, at our Center during the holidays, I have been conducting speech therapy training “Learning to speak correctly and beautifully,” which includes various topics(“Journey to the autumn forest”, “Visiting Santa Claus”, “Visiting a fairy tale”, “Sounds, sounds we hear you!” and others). I also involve parents in participating in leisure activities. An unusual, innovative form of interaction arouses their interest and helps them better understand their role in the process of automation of sounds in a child and the development of his speech. Such events significantly improve the quality of pronunciation, have a positive effect on the emotional coloring of children’s speech, liberate preschoolers in communication, and help in mastering program material.
I propose the development of one of these events.

Speech therapy quiz “Question for backfilling”

Target :

  • consolidate acquired pronunciation skills.


  • develop observation, general and fine motor skills, spatial orientation, self-control skills correct pronunciation sounds in your own speech.
  • develop phonemic awareness, sound-letter analysis skills.
  • cultivate a sense of collectivism, a sense of responsibility, and mutual assistance.

Equipment :

  • cards with subject pictures for tasks, 2 magnetic boards, magnets, 2 bowls with various natural materials, 2 bells, cut-out pictures, pyramids, medals, tokens.

Quiz progress:

Introductory speech by a speech therapist.

One, two three, four, five -
We will be there again now:
Watch, listen, think,
But don't interfere with each other.
Speak clearly, clearly
Don't fidget, don't be naughty.

Dear guys, dear guests, today we gathered for the speech therapy quiz “Question for backfilling”. The purpose of such an event is not a competition, not a desire to see who is better or who is worse, but to show what the guys have learned. We hope that the game will be interesting, exciting and educational.

We wish the guys
Don't be bored and don't yawn,
Answer the speech therapist’s questions quickly!
Let's start the quiz!
Warm-up round.
I'll ask you questions now...
It's not easy to answer them!

1.Which night bird hunts mice and is that why it is nicknamed the “feathered cat”?

b) finch
c) stork

2. Mom has a cat Fluff, a dog Druzhok and a daughter Dasha.

How many children does mom have in total?

3. Why did the sawfish get its name?

a) for bad character
b) looks like a saw (+)
c) you can cut anything with it.

4. What always wins in fairy tales?

5. Who held on to the granddaughter in the fairy tale “Turnip”?

Round "Question for filling"

You will need to answer questions.

What does any spoken word consist of?

1) from letters;
2) from numbers;
3) from sounds.

What is the first sound in the word gnome?

What color should we paint the first sound in the word gnome?

1) blue;
2) red;
3) green.

What do we see when reading a book?

1) sounds;
2) letters;
3) numbers.

What sounds do the words end with: gnome, house, sound, key, speech therapist?

1) vowels;
2) hard consonants;
3) soft consonants.

What did Cinderella lose in famous fairy tale Charles Perrault?

1) walking boots;
2) key;
3) a shoe.

Round “Syllable toys”

In the center of the room there are bowls with various natural materials on the tables - beans, stones, shells.

Your task is for each team member to find a toy in a bowl and determine the number of syllables in the word.

Round “You for me, I for you”
I know everything, I teach everyone,
But I myself am always silent.
To make friends with me,
We need to learn to read and write (book)
A white bunny jumps on a black field.
Leaves traces.
Children read them
And then they wash it. (chalk).

Round "Fizkultgreet"

Game "Pyramids" (quickly and correctly assemble pyramids)

Game "He-She"

I have a game for you called “He-She”.
I ask you not to yawn,
Add a word to my verse.
He is an elephant - she is…..an elephant
He is a moose, she is……..a moose.
He is a cat and she is…..
Of course not! This is a cat
Well, you were a little mistaken.
Well, let's play again
I want to beat you.
He is a walrus - she is...
He is a hare - she is...
He is a hedgehog - she is.....
He is a bull - she is.....
Is everyone familiar with this word?
Yes, yes, yes! She's a cow.

Round “Collect pictures” (I use cut pictures)

Round "Change"

I invite the kids to a fun game! Stand in a circle.

The game “It happens - it doesn’t happen.”

If it happens, we jump, if it doesn’t happen, we squat.

A hare gallops through the forest.
A hare flies across the sky.
The girl draws a house.
The house draws a girl.
At night the sun shines brightly.
In the morning the sun shines hot.
Children study at school.
Grandfather is studying at school.
The fish went across the field. Fishes swim in the sea.
The daughter is younger than her mother.
Mom is younger than daughter.

Round "Special task".

This round is for mentors (for parents) who are not afraid to answer children's questions. We will check with parents from each team how they do articulation gymnastics with their children at home.

Listen carefully to the instructions: open your mouth, lips in a smile, tap behind your upper teeth with the wide tip of your tongue, pronouncing “d.”

What is the articulation exercise called?

b) hammers
c) musicians.

Round "Missing letters".

Gray ox, hungry, angry,
Wanders through the forest in winter. (Ox - wolf)
The table is high, three meters,
Holds the lights tightly.
(Table - pillar)

An old cat is digging the ground,
He lives underground.
(Cat is a mole)

The faucet turned on blue -
You and I will watch the film.
(Crane - screen)

Tied a ball around his neck
And I didn’t catch a sore throat.
(Ball - scarf)

Sloth with branched horns
Rushing to meet me and my mother.
(Laziness is a deer)

From a funny spicy duck
We laughed all day long.
(Ducks are jokes)

The fish are sitting in a boat,
My eyes are fixed on the float.
Round "Troubles from a Barrel".

The speech therapist reads out mathematical problems:

Six funny little bears
They rush into the forest for raspberries,
But one kid is tired,
I fell behind my comrades.
Now find the answer:
How many bears are there ahead? (five).

Five guys played football.
One was called home.
He looks out the window, counts.
How many of them are playing now? (four).

Three fluffy cats
We sat down on the window.
Then one came running to them.
How many cats are there together? (four).

I have three girlfriends
Each one has a mug.
How many mugs do my girlfriends have? (three).

Misha has one pencil,
Grisha has only one pencil...
How many pencils?
Both kids? (two)

Round "On the contrary"

I will say a word highly,
You answer low.
I'll say the word far away,
You answer close.
Do you understand the task?

Young – (old).
Fast – (slow).
Beginning – (end).
Ceiling – (floor).
Wet - (dry).
Quiet - (loud).
White – (black).
Wide – (narrow).
Clean – (dirty).
Dark – (light).
Night – (day).
Empty – (full).
Good – (bad).
Hard – (soft).
Cowardice - (bravery).
Rich - (poor).
Hot – (cold).
Thick – (thin).
Heaven - (earth).
Small - (big).

Quiz result.

We thought and had fun
And sometimes they even argued
But we became very good friends
Behind our game,
Game is replaced by game,
The game ends
But the friendship doesn't end there.
Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

So our meeting ended. Thank you for good game. I hope everyone liked it. Try to speak beautifully, correctly! Goodbye, friends! See you again!

Anisimova A.V.,
speech therapist teacher