September 15th Library Day presentation. Library lesson

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International School Libraries Day The first International School Libraries Day was held on October 18, 1999. Since then, School Libraries Day has been celebrated annually on the fourth Monday of October. In Russia, this holiday was first celebrated in 2008

The most ancient libraries In one of the tombs near Egyptian Thebes, a box with papyri from the 18th-17th centuries was discovered. BC e The most famous ancient Eastern library is a collection of cuneiform tablets from the palace of the Assyrian king of the 7th century BC. e. IN ancient Greece The first public library was founded in Heraclea in the 4th century BC. e. The Library of Alexandria became the largest center of ancient books. It was created in the 3rd century BC. e. Ptolemy I and was the center of education of the entire Hellenistic world.

In the Middle Ages, monastery libraries were centers of book learning.

Due to the enormous cost of manuscripts and the laboriousness of their production, books were chained to library shelves

The largest libraries of our time Library of Congress Oxford University Library

The first libraries in Russia The very first Russian library appeared thanks to Yaposlav Mydroma in 1037. Then it was founded in Kiev at the Cathedral of St. Sophia.

Largest library Russia – 42 million storage units

Libraries are: educational, private, public, for the blind, children's, youth, university, academic, special, etc.

School libraries in Russia School libraries are one of the oldest types of libraries in our country. School libraries in Russia arose in early XVIII century. Now in the country there are more than 60 thousand libraries located in schools.

The first books were cursive

Handwritten books

Vintage initial letters

Practical task No. 1 Write your name using an image of an initial letter in the Old Church Slavonic style. To do this: Select any of the proposed fonts Find required letters of your name Write them down in red Decorate the capital letter with a pattern in 2-3 other colors

Personal, family libraries

Practical task No. 2 Wrap your book, write its title, author

Book signs of famous people

What types of bookplates are there?

What is needed to create a bookplate Drawing on paper - it is transferred to linoleum using carbon paper A small sheet of linoleum - to create a Stichel engraving or special cutters - they are used to cut out an engraving on linoleum Printing ink - it is rolled onto the finished engraving A special roller for applying paint to engraving A blank sheet of paper onto which the drawing from the engraving is printed - its size should be larger than the size of the finished engraving Spoon for making an impression

Stages of creating a bookplate 1 2 3 4

Features of typographic design!!! The resulting image is mirror symmetrical to the drawing on paper and the engraving cut out on linoleum!

Practical task No. 3 Decorate the cover of your book with your bookplate To do this: - Select any of the proposed printed drawings - Find a place in the selected drawing and write your name, surname or initials in any font with a simple pencil - Add something of your own to the drawing, circle everything in black felt-tip pen - Cut and paste the finished drawing onto the cover of the book

May 27, 2016 All-Russian Day
libraries. Established in 1995
year by Presidential Decree
Russian Federation.

All-Russian Library Day is
professional holiday of librarians
our country. In 1995 it was installed
Librarian's Day celebration date – 27
May, this decision was made on the basis
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. Exactly this day, May 27
1795 is considered the day in which there was
the first in Russia accessible to everyone was founded
for those who wish, the state library,
which was called the Imperial Public
library. Today it is called
Russian National Library.

The concept of "library" is translated as
“place where the book is kept” and in fact
at all times there was a library
institution in which they gathered and
printed and written documents were kept
works. The library is not
only a common area, but also
organization implementing
reference and bibliographic

The most famous ancient library of the East
considered a collection of cuneiform tablets,
dating back to the 7th century BC, found in
palace of the Assyrian king Ashurbanipal.

Created in the 3rd century BC, the Alexandrian
the library is rightfully considered the largest
center of ancient books. Alexandria
the library was part of the whole complex,
consisting of a zoological and botanical garden,
observatory, living rooms, dining rooms,
reading rooms and the library itself. This complex
was called a museum and later it was replenished with statues and
busts, astronomical and medical
tools, stuffed animals, necessary
for training. The complex stored 200 thousand papyri and
700 thousand documents. All ancient libraries
were built at temples. In 270 AD significant
part of the Library of Alexandria and the complex itself
were destroyed.

In Russia in the Middle Ages at the monasteries
libraries had scriptoria (workshops)
by copying manuscripts), where they copied in
mainly church scriptures, as well as
works of ancient authors. Because of
labor-intensive production of manuscripts and their
books of high value were chained to
shelves in libraries.

With the advent of printing in the life of libraries
big changes have taken place and their work
ceased to be similar to the activities of archives.
Library collections began to grow rapidly.
But libraries have truly become
in demand during the period of universal inclusion
to literacy.
Today in libraries there is
about 130,000,000 book titles.


National libraries provide storage and
free access to all printed materials published in
state or has any connection with it. So that the fund is like this
libraries were always full, many countries practice the rule
legal deposit. In our country, national libraries
exist in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Public libraries supply readers with the most popular and in-demand publications.

Public libraries supply readers with the most popular and in-demand publications.

Special libraries store specific publications, such as government standards, printed music, or patents. Often a necessity

Special libraries store specific
publications, for example state standards, sheet music
publications or patents. Often the need to create such
libraries is dictated by the special conditions for storing books.

The Library for the Blind provides free access to
information for visually impaired and blind readers. In such
libraries contain books written in raised font
Braille and audiobooks. The largest library in Russia
for the blind consider the Russian State Library for
blind, which in addition to books contains an extensive collection
three-dimensional models created so that a blind person could
get acquainted with the appearance of a variety of objects.

Institute, university, and school
libraries are mainly created to provide
literature of students and students. Their
The difference from special libraries is that they
serve only a certain circle of readers. But
sometimes university libraries provide everyone
those who wish free access to the information stored in them
In addition to the above, libraries can be
public, private, municipal,
educational, industry (medical, technical,
artistic, etc.), as well as family (personal).

Library structure
There are two traditional forms
services for readers in libraries. First -
is the purchase of a subscription that gives
the reader has the right to receive something for a certain period of time
or other publication for personal use.

Another option is a reading
hall, that is
the reader can get acquainted with literature
only in the library itself.

Other important characteristic libraries are
the structure of its fund. Usually the most
part of the publications in demand by readers
is kept freely accessible, where each
visitors can familiarize themselves with the publication
right next to the bookshelf. The main part
publications is in the book depository, from where it is
can be obtained by ordering from the catalogue.

This is especially true for remote areas, as well as special categories of citizens living in homes for the disabled, the elderly, etc. For the purpose of

There is also the practice of mobile
library points that contribute
facilitating public access to books.
This is especially true for remote areas, as well as
special categories of citizens living in homes for the disabled,
elderly, etc. For the purpose of such delivery, we use
vans, buses, and sometimes even donkeys, as in

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WE ARE GOING TO THE LIBRARY The presentation was prepared by Elena Vladimirovna Dubinina, teacher-librarian of the MBOU “Khomutovskaya Secondary School”

From the outside you look: the house is like a house, But there are no ordinary residents in it. There are interesting books in it, standing in close rows: Chernomor, and Tsar Guidon, and the good grandfather Mazai. What is this house called? Try to guess!

What is a library?

A library is a collection of books that one person or many people have collected with love and stored with care.

Readers are those who read, to whom works of literature are addressed; those who visit the library.

Library form - a standard registration card used in library work

Subscription Reading room Book Depository

SUBSCRIPTION – a place where books are issued at home.

READING ROOM - a specially equipped room at the library for reading and studying with books.

BOOK DEPOSIT - a room for storing books

School Library Foundation school library 4270 copies textbooks 9,624 copies. fiction

Arrangement of books in the library collection Books in the library are arranged in a certain order. People have learned to group information, combining it based on common features.

Arrangement of books in the library collection Shelf dividers help you find the right book

A catalog is a collection of cards with any information, arranged according to certain rules.

Rules for using the library You must be quiet in the library, because... noise disturbs other readers. Books must be returned on time, because other readers are waiting for them. You can borrow a book from our library for 10 days. Library books must be handled with special care so that as many children as possible can read them. Library books must not be lost, otherwise there will not be a single book left in the library. Books in the library (from the open access collection) must be placed exactly in the place where you got them. Otherwise, the librarian will not be able to quickly find this book for another reader.

Was created as an information center spiritual communication and youth leisure, a methodological center for libraries of all systems and departments working with youth and resources mass media in 1976, and in June 1978 it opened its doors to readers. In 2008, the library celebrated its 30th anniversary. The library's collection includes about 106 thousand copies of books, more than 160 titles of newspapers and magazines, 3,700 copies of audio and video cassettes, CDs. The library's reference and bibliographic apparatus consists of traditional and electronic catalogs and card files. Today, the most popular among readers is the electronic catalog of the RUB, which contains more than 300 thousand bibliographic records for book publications, video and audio materials, CD-ROMs, sheet music and annotated articles from periodicals subscribed to by the RUB. A catalog has been formed using the ABIS "Ruslan" since 1996 on the basis of new acquisitions to the fund and retro-cataloging of the fund. The library is always in full swing. Among the library users, 85% are students and students, as well as teachers and youth educators. Information days are held for them, career guidance work, conversations are organized with specialists (medics, psychologists, lawyers, etc.) Great attention is paid to aesthetic and environmental education. The library is popular among young people as a cultural and leisure center. Our young users and their educators come to us not only for answers to numerous questions, but also for meetings with writers, poets, and literary critics of Kazan. They enjoy visiting: “Youth Reading Center”, youth intellectual club “MIK”, psychological support studio “Vershina”, youth art salon “Inspiration”, young family club “Ochag”, information and educational lecture on the history and architecture of Kazan “Local History” Express", "Local History Lounge". Today we can firmly say that the library is in demand by readers and has a unique face in the library space of our city and republic. The library structure has 12 departments and sectors that work in close cooperation and are focused on solving the problems facing the library. The structure is always mobile and changes in accordance with the requirements of the time. A specialized department "Iceberg" was opened, which in the republic is a creative laboratory for propaganda healthy image life. In 2009, two new departments were created: mass work and marketing. Modern information Technology are actively used by employees in working with readers, librarian work is automated. The basic package for automating information and library processes is the automated library and information system (ALIS) "Ruslan". Automated workplace(AWS) - workplace of a librarian and specialists.

All-Russian Library Day is rightfully a professional holiday Russian libraries arey Happy Librarian's Day. This professional holiday was established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin 539 of May 27, 1995 “On the establishment of an all-Russian library day.” The Decree states: “Taking into account the great contribution of Russian libraries to the development of domestic education, science and culture and the need to further enhance their role in the life of society, I decree: 1. Establish an all-Russian Library Day and celebrate it on May 27, coinciding this date with the founding day in 1795 the year of the first state public library of Russia, the Imperial Public Library, now the Russian National Library. All-Russian Library Day is rightfully also a professional holiday of Russian librarians - Librarian's Day. This professional holiday was established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation B. N. Yeltsin 539 of May 27, 1995 “On the establishment of an all-Russian library day.” The Decree states: “Taking into account the great contribution of Russian libraries to the development of domestic education, science and culture and the need to further enhance their role in the life of society, I decree: 1. Establish an all-Russian Library Day and celebrate it on May 27, coinciding this date with the founding day in 1795 the year of the first state public library of Russia, the Imperial Public Library, now the Russian National Library. May 27th anniversary of the founding in 1795 of the first state public library of Russia May 27th anniversary of the founding in 1795 of the first state public library of Russia

From the history of libraries in the world In Antiquity and the Ancient East, libraries existed in two forms: as book depositories and as public centers whose tasks included the dissemination of knowledge. In the early Middle Ages, libraries appeared at monasteries and cathedrals. At the turn of the 13th - 14th centuries, under the influence of the emerging university culture, a turning point occurred in relation to books and libraries. The monastic book, in its spiritual and intellectual function, played, first of all, the role of a treasure. In contrast, a university book becomes an instrument of knowledge. In Antiquity and the Ancient East, libraries existed in two forms: as book depositories and as public centers whose tasks included the dissemination of knowledge. In the early Middle Ages, libraries appeared at monasteries and cathedrals. At the turn of the 13th - 14th centuries, under the influence of the emerging university culture, a turning point occurred in relation to books and libraries. The monastic book, in its spiritual and intellectual function, played, first of all, the role of a treasure. In contrast, a university book becomes an instrument of knowledge.

Libraries at universities appeared in Paris, Bologna, Padua, and Oxford. In the Age of Enlightenment, an increase in the volume of literature on natural science, history, and art in the library strengthens its educational function. In the 18th century educational function libraries is realized in the availability of books and information to the public. Libraries at universities appeared in Paris, Bologna, Padua, and Oxford. In the Age of Enlightenment, an increase in the volume of literature on natural science, history, and art in the library strengthens its educational function. In the 18th century, the educational function of libraries was realized in the availability of books and information to the public. In the 20th century, the dominant type of library became the mass public library. The main tasks of the library in the USSR were to promote books, guide reading, and form and regulate reader interests. The library, like a museum and theater, was an important part of the cultural space of the city. In the 20th century, the dominant type of library became the mass public library. The main tasks of the library in the USSR were to promote books, guide reading, and form and regulate reader interests. The library, like a museum and theater, was an important part of the city's cultural space.

Facts of library history The first information about libraries dates back to the time of Sumer (3000 BC). The books of the tablet were then kept in clay jars. On each shelf there was a clay “label”, the size of a little finger, with the name of the branch of knowledge. The preservation of the funds was helped by a formidable warning: “Whoever dares to carry away these tables: let him punish Ashur and Belit with his anger, and the name of him and his heirs will forever be consigned to oblivion in this country.” The first information about libraries dates back to the time of the existence of Sumer (3000 BC n. e.). The books of the tablet were then kept in clay jars. On each shelf there was a clay “label”, the size of a little finger, with the name of the branch of knowledge. The safety of the funds was helped by a formidable warning: “Whoever dares to carry away these tables: let him punish Ashur and Belit with his anger, and the name of him and his heirs will forever be consigned to oblivion in this country.” The outstanding scientist mathematician Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky simultaneously served as rector of Kazan University ( gg.) and director of the university library. The outstanding mathematician Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky simultaneously served as rector of Kazan University and director of the university library. Writer and fabulist Ivan Andreevich Krylov worked for 30 years at the Imperial Public Library of St. Petersburg. The following people worked in the same library: the scientist-historian Ermolaev, Korf, the writer and philosopher Odoevsky. Writer and fabulist Ivan Andreevich Krylov worked for 30 years at the Imperial Public Library of St. Petersburg. The following people worked in the same library: the scientist-historian Ermolaev, Korf, the writer and philosopher Odoevsky.

The first library in Rus' is considered to be the library at St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv, founded in 1037 by Yaroslav the Wise. The first library in Rus' is considered to be the library at St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv, founded in 1037 by Yaroslav the Wise. In the 15th century, the Italian Duke Federigo da Montefeltro developed instructions in which he formulated the requirements for a librarian: scholarship, pleasant character, representative appearance, eloquence. In the 15th century, the Italian Duke Federigo da Montefeltro developed instructions in which he formulated the requirements for a librarian: scholarship, pleasant character, representative appearance, eloquence. The French scientist Gabriel Naudet worked for many years in the library of Cardinal Mazarin. He was the author of the work “Advice on the Organization of a Library” (1627). Naudet was convinced that “a disorderly collection of books cannot be called a library, just as an armed crowd cannot be considered regular army or a pile building materials home." The French scientist Gabriel Naudet worked for many years in the library of Cardinal Mazarin. He was the author of the work "Advice on the Organization of a Library" (1627). Naudet was convinced that "a disorderly collection of books cannot be called a library, just like an armed crowd cannot be called consider a regular army or a pile of building materials to be a home." At the end of the 20th century, they wrote and spoke especially a lot about the end of the traditional library and the new information era, although back in the 19th V.F. Odoevsky described a certain mathematical formula that would be derived "in order to so that in a huge book, attack exactly the page that is needed and quickly calculate how many pages can then be skipped without a flaw. F. Odoevsky described a certain mathematical formula that would be derived “in order to attack exactly the page in a huge book that is needed and quickly calculate how many pages can then be skipped without a flaw.”

In the 20th century, one of the most daring forecasts for the development of libraries was made by Stanislav Lem in his novel “The Magellan Cloud”... “...In 2531 it was introduced new way storage of human thought. They began to use trions: small quartz crystals. A crystal the size of a grain of sand could contain as much information as is contained in an ancient encyclopedia. A single one for everything was created globe Central Trion Library..."

And more: And more: The sinister heroine of the Russians folk tales Baba Yaga was the keeper of the "library of balls", i.e. librarian She sat quietly in a hut on chicken legs and gave out to the lost Ivan Tsareviches works of knot writing, threads with signs made from knots, wrapped in balls. Unwinding the ancient guidebook, Ivan read the knotted notes and thus found out how to get to the place. Apparently, the Tsarevichs were undisciplined readers, because the tales are silent about the return of the balls to the forest pick-up point. monastery, lived in the archimandrite’s cell and was revered “like a kind scribe.” The sinister heroine of Russian folk tales, Baba Yaga, was the keeper of the “library of balls,” i.e., a librarian. She sat quietly in a hut on chicken legs and gave out works of knotted writing with threads to the lost Ivan Tsareviches signs made of knots, wrapped in balls. Unwinding the ancient guide, Ivan read the knotted notes and thus found out how to get to the place. Apparently, the Tsarevichs were undisciplined readers, because the tales of the monastery are silent about the return of the balls to the forest point of delivery. in the archimandrite's cell and was revered "like a good scribe. Tradition says that the monk deacon Grigory Otrepyev, the future False Dmitry I, was Chudov's librarian and scribe."

In the library chronicle, people, events, and assessments changed, and based on the vast experience accumulated over thousands of years, working methods were verified, and library traditions were created. Along with talented craftsmen who have decorated and glorified their native land from century to century, the librarian has always occupied, and will continue to occupy, a special place, since he works in the field of spiritual culture. In the library chronicle, people, events, and assessments changed, and based on the vast experience accumulated over thousands of years, working methods were verified, and library traditions were created. Along with talented craftsmen who have decorated and glorified their native land from century to century, the librarian has always occupied, and will continue to occupy, a special place, since he works in the field of spiritual culture.

Russian State Library Russian State Library Library by natural sciences RAS Library of Natural Sciences RAS Scientific Library of Moscow State University Scientific Library of Moscow State University State Public Scientific and Technical Library State Public Scientific and Technical Library Library of Congress US Library of Congress US Library of electronic preprints Library of electronic preprints Presidential Library Presidential Library. B.N. Yeltsin: im. B.N. Yeltsin:

Dear “book marshals”! Congratulations on your holiday! May your wishes come true. Be healthy and happy! Dear “book marshals”! Congratulations on your holiday! May your wishes come true. Be healthy and happy!