Biology is the science of living organisms presentation. Biology - the science of the living world

Compose a syncwine of the concept “biology”. Adjectives and verbs must reveal the concept, and the sentence must have a semantic character. Example of a syncwine: 1. Biology 2. Interesting, significant 3. Opens, studies, experiments. 4. Helps you understand wildlife. 5. Science.

Biology - science about the living world. Biology studies the diversity, structure and functions of living beings and natural communities, the distribution, origin and development of organisms, their connections with each other and with inanimate nature. The exploration of nature began at the very early stages development of mankind - it ensured people's survival.

Biology is the science of the living world. People memorized information about animals and plants, passed them on from generation to generation, and later they began to compile lists of useful plants and animals, characterize their properties, and methods of cultivation. In 1802, the French naturalist J.B. Lamarck introduced the term “biology” into science.

Biology is the science of the living world. Biology belongs to the fundamental sciences, since its conclusions have fundamental theoretical and applied significance. Science-sphere human activity, spiritual production aimed at developing and systematizing objective knowledge about activity, one of the forms of social consciousness, a cultural phenomenon.

Difference between natural sciences The main difference between natural sciences (biology, chemistry, physics) and humanities (literary criticism, art criticism) is that in natural sciences To obtain answers to questions, experiment is used - the most important method.

Research methods in biology. 1. Observations (to understand existing properties); 2. Descriptive (collection and description of facts); 3. Comparative (comparing organisms and their parts, finding similarities and differences) 4. Experimental (study under precisely established conditions, reproducible)

Research methods in biology. The modeling method allows us to foresee what is impossible to recreate in reality. A model is a form and means of cognition, any system that reflects the original, replaces it, and provides information about it. A hypothesis is a scientific assumption put forward to explain any phenomena.

Research methods in biology. A hypothesis supported by numerous and varied data obtained from reproducible experiments is considered a theory. Facts are events or objects that are repeated regularly or about which there is indisputable data.

Algorithm for conducting scientific research. 1. Statement of the problem, formulation of the topic, goals and objectives of the study. 2. Proposing hypotheses. 3.Planning the course of the study, choosing a methodology. 4. Conducting the practical part of the study, recording qualitative and quantitative results.

Biology is the science of the living world. Modern biology is a complex science consisting of a number of independent scientific disciplines with your research objects. Botany - studies plants, Zoology - animals, Human biology - anatomical and physiological properties of humans, Microbiology - bacteria

Biology is the science of the living world. Depending on the area of ​​human activity where biological knowledge is used, disciplines such as biotechnology are distinguished - a set of industrial methods that make it possible to use living organisms in the production of products valuable to humans (amino acids, proteins, enzymes, vitamins, antibiotics, hormones);

We will look at what biology does, what subsections it is divided into and what it studies, we will find out what its main task in the field scientific knowledge, let's get acquainted with the history of its origin and development in the study of the surrounding world.

Basic for-da-cha Biology consists of interpreting all the phenomena of living nature, identifying the laws, once again -see life, and come close, in this way, to the understanding of life as an amazing fe-no-me -on, arose on our plane.

The history of biology is very ancient. In fact, biology has become the first thing to be used for the study of our ancestors. . Knowledge of biology at the dawn of mankind was almost the main condition for survival (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. The survival environment of our ancestors ()

People needed to know which plants, animals or mushrooms were dangerous or poisonous, and which ones could be used for food ; what to treat, what to make clothes from, hunting tools and other tools, what is better to build from find housing. This knowledge is what people need and transfer from one generation to another. Later, people began to create lists of useful plants and animals, give them names, and study their properties. Thankfully, with this knowledge, people learned to grow their own culture, culture -to give them away, this is how agriculture appeared (Fig. 3), transforming man's neck - so-bi-ra-te-lya and hunting -not in the land business, which gave a powerful impetus to the development of human society in the form in which we have it we know now.

Rice. 3. Formation of agriculture ()

The term “bio-logy” itself arose only in the very late XVIII century, it was first mentioned by the German professor Ana-to-mii Ruz. In 1802, the French na-tu-ra-list Jean-Baptiste La-Marc (Fig. 4) suggested using this term to denote -science, studying living organisms, which was logical.

Rice. 4. Jean-Baptiste Lamarck ()

Translated from Greek, “bios” means “life”, “logos” means “teaching”.

Biology uses various research methods (Fig. 5), for example, a lot of biological research research takes place directly on the surface - on the blueprint, description, comparison, measurement, possibility no-ring. At the same time, a significant part of the research requires la-bo-ra-to-rii. In la-bo-ra-tor conditions, bio-logs are ex-per-ri-men-you, implement-la-yut mo-de-li-ro-va- tion. Biology is not alien to research methods, because biology studies living organisms -ga-low-we are in development, and this development can last mil-o-years. Analysis, comparison - all these powerful research methods are used in biology.

Rice. 5. Natural, laboratory, historical methods and analysis()

The benefit of this is that biology has extensive data that allows us to deeply understand the manifestations knowledge of life and its laws, to establish the principles of the class-si-fi-ka-tion of living beings, especially their beings existence and interaction with the environment. Biology is a fundamental science; its findings not only have a very important theoretical character, but also applied.

Life today is unthinkable without biology. This science is based on many races, without which the existence of man has existed since would be impossible: agriculture, medicine, environmental protection (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Biology in various fields ()

Nowadays, before the bio-lo-gi-she, there are a hundred fan-ta-sti-ches for-da-chi, about which in the past centuries, one could only dream. Gene engineering is a young science (Fig. 7), pos- sible to bring the organiza- tions together with the needs human properties are also a branch of biology.

Rice. 7. Genetic engineering ()

A modern biologist must think not only about getting something new. He must clearly understand how to preserve what already exists and not destroy the foundation of our existence. This is precisely why so much attention is being paid to ecology itself - the science of the environment, some-paradise is also a bio-lo-gi-che-dis-cy-pli-noy.

You and I will study general biology, which studies the common for all or-ga-nis-mov for-ko-no-mer-no-sti, that’s why it’s more important dis-ci-pli-na-mi , with whom we have to become acquainted, will become biochemistry, cytology- science of the cell, genetics, biology development, evolutionary science And ecology.


  1. Mamontov S.G., Zakharov V.B., Agafonova I.B., Sonin N.I. Biology. General patterns. - Bustard, 2009.
  2. Ponomareva I.N., Kornilova O.A., Chernova N.M. Fundamentals of general biology. 9th grade: Textbook for 9th grade students educational institutions/ Ed. prof. I.N. Ponomareva. - 2nd ed., revised. - M.: Ventana-Graf, 2005.
  3. Pasechnik V.V., Kamensky A.A., Kriksunov E.A. Biology. Introduction to general biology and ecology: Textbook for grade 9, 3rd ed., stereotype. - M.: Bustard, 2002.
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  1. What is biology and what disciplines does it study?
  2. What is the main task of biology?
  3. What does general biology include?


Umaralieva M. T.

Biology teacher at the Academic Lyceum at Tashfarmi

  • Biology (Greekβιολογία; from Old Greekβίος - life + λόγος - doctrine , science) - a system of sciences, the objects of study of which are living things and their interaction with environment .

  • Biology studies all aspects life, in particular, structure, functioning, growth, origin, evolution and distribution of living organisms on Earth. Classifies and describes living beings, their origin species, interaction between each other and with environment .

  • The term "biology" was introduced independently by several authors:
  • Friedrich Burdakh V 1800 ,
  • Gottfried Reinhold Treviranus V 1802 year
  • Jean Baptiste Lamarck .

  • Modern biology is based on five fundamental principles:
  • cellular theory ,
  • evolution ,
  • genetics ,
  • homeostasis
  • energy .
  • Currently, biology is a standard subject in secondary and higher education. educational institutions all over the world. More than a million articles and books on biology are published annually, medicine And biomedicine

Life forms

  • Non-cellular life forms
  • viruses
  • bacteriophages
  • Cellular life forms - organic world

Prokaryotes Eukaryotes

Bacteria - fungi

Blue - plants

green - animals

algae (cyanobacteria)

Organic world can be divided into four kingdoms





What unites bacteria, fungi, plants, animals into one single organic world?

What do they have in common?


1. Cellular structure

8. Movement

9. Irritability






  • Community chemical composition . The main features of the chemical composition of a cell and a multicellular organism are carbon compounds - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, nucleic acids. These compounds are not formed in inanimate nature.
  • The commonality of the chemical composition of living systems and inanimate nature speaks of the unity and connection of living and inanimate matter. The whole world is a system based on individual atoms. Atoms interact with each other to form molecules. Rock crystals, stars, planets, and the universe are formed from molecules in nonliving systems. From the molecules that make up organisms, living systems are formed - cells, tissues, organisms.

1. Cellular structure

Cell- a structural and functional elementary unit of the structure and vital activity of all organisms (except for viruses, which are often spoken of as non-cellular forms of life), which has its own metabolism, is capable of independent existence, self-reproduction, or is a unicellular organism.

  • Metabolism– all living organisms are capable of exchanging substances with the environment, i.e. absorbs from it substances necessary for nutrition, and excretes waste products.

  • - the ability of parents to pass on their characteristics and developmental characteristics to next generations. Due to this, all individuals within a species are similar to each other.

  • This continuity of hereditary properties is ensured by the transfer of genetic information stored in DNA molecules.

  • -the ability of organisms to exhibit new signs and properties. Due to variability, all individuals within a species are different from each other.

  • - the process of absorption of food by living organisms to maintain the normal course of physiological processes vital activity, in particular, to replenish stock energy and process implementation growth and development .

Carbon source

Energy source

Inorganic carbon

Light energy

Organic carbon

Autotrophs (self-feeding)

Chemical energy



Green plants


Photosynthetic bacteria

Chemotrophic bacteria N, H, S, Fe (do not require prepared food)


  • Autotrophs(autotrophic organisms) - organisms that use carbon dioxide as a carbon source (plants and some bacteria). In other words, these are organisms capable of creating organic substances from inorganic ones - carbon dioxide, water, mineral salts.

  • Depending on the source of energy, autotrophs are divided into phototrophs and chemotrophs.
  • Phototrophs organisms that use light energy for biosynthesis (plants, cyanobacteria).
  • Chemotrophs organisms that use energy for biosynthesis chemical reactions oxidation inorganic compounds(chemotrophic bacteria: hydrogen, nitrifying, iron bacteria, sulfur bacteria, etc.).

  • Heterotrophs(heterotrophic organisms) – organisms that use carbon as a source organic compounds(animals, fungi and most bacteria). In other words, these are organisms that are not capable of creating organic substances from inorganic ones, but need ready-made ones. organic matter Oh.

  • Saprophytes organisms feeding on dead, decaying food. Enzymes are released directly onto the food product, which is digested or broken down and absorbed by the saprophyte.
  • For example: green euglena, fermentation bacteria, putrefaction bacteria, yeast, molds, cap mushrooms

  • - a process in which organic substances obtained as food undergo oxidation, breakdown, and at the same time energy is released, which is spent on the synthesis of ATP.
  • Aerobic respiration
  • C 6 H 12 O 6 +6O 2 →6CO 2 +6H2O+Q 38ADP+ 38H 3 PO 4 →38 ATP
  • Anaerobic respiration:
  • A) lactic acid fermentation:
  • C 6 H 12 O 6 → 2 lactic acids + Q 2ADP + 2H 3 PO 4 → 2ATP
  • B) alcoholic fermentation:
  • C 6 H 12 O 6 → ethanol+ CO 2 +Q 2ADP+2H 3 PO 4 →2ATP

  • – response of living organisms to the influence of environmental factors:
  • 1) Response of living organisms that do not have nervous system called: taxis, tropism, nastia.
  • Phototaxis– motor reactions of freely moving plants and animals under the influence of light (green euglena, chlamydomonas)
  • Phototropism– motor reactions of a plant under the influence of light, the direction of which depends on the direction of the light.
  • Photonasty– motor reactions of plants under the influence of light, the direction of which does not depend on the direction of the influence.
  • 2) The response of living organisms that have a nervous system is called reflex .

  • (reproduction or self-reproduction) – the ability of organisms to reproduce their own kind.
  • Living organisms reproduce in two ways:
  • a) asexual reproduction;
  • b) sexual reproduction.


  • Height

quantitative increase while maintaining its own structure.

  • quality update.
  • In living organisms there are:
  • a) individual development- ontogenesis(Haeckel, 1866)
  • b) historical development- phylogenesis .

  • Regeneration– restoration of lost body parts (tissue, organ, cell) after damage
  • Self-regulation- Every organism has a self-regulation mechanism. This property is associated with homeostasis.
  • Homeostasis– ensuring consistency external structure, internal environment, chemical composition and the course of physiological processes in response to continuously changing environmental conditions.

  • – a property of all living systems associated with the constant supply of energy from the outside and the removal of waste products. In other words, the organism is alive as long as it exchanges substances and energy with the environment.

  • The levels of organization of living systems reflect the subordination and hierarchy of the structural organization of life. Levels of life differ from each other in the complexity of the organization of the system.
  • The standard of living is the form and way of its existence . For example, a virus exists in the form of a DNA or RNA molecule enclosed in a protein shell. This is the form of existence of the virus. However, the virus exhibits the properties of a living system only when it enters the cell of another organism. There it reproduces. This is his way of existence.

  • Molecular genetic level represented by individual biopolymers (DNA, RNA, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and other compounds);
  • Organoid - cellular - the level at which life exists in the form of a cell - the structural and functional unit of life. At this level, processes such as metabolism and energy, information exchange, reproduction, photosynthesis, nerve impulse transmission and many others are studied.
  • Organismal - is the independent existence of an individual - a unicellular or multicellular organism.
  • Population-species – level, which is represented by a group of individuals of the same species – a population; It is in the population that elementary evolutionary processes take place – the accumulation, manifestation and selection of mutations.
  • Biogeocenotic – represented by ecosystems consisting of different populations and their habitats.
  • Biosphere – a level representing the totality of all biogeocenoses. In the biosphere there is a circulation of substances and the transformation of energy with the participation of organisms. The waste products of organisms participate in the process of evolution of the Earth.

  • 1. The main sign of a living thing is
  • 1) movement;
  • 2) increase in mass;
  • 3) growth;
  • 4) metabolism and energy;
  • 2. What is the unit of structure and vital activity of an organism?
  • 1) Fabric.
  • 2) Organ system.
  • 3) Organ.
  • 4) Cage.
  • 3. What signs are characteristic of all living organisms?
  • 1) Active movement.
  • 2) Breathing, nutrition, growth, reproduction.
  • 3) Absorption of mineral salts dissolved in water from the soil.
  • 4) Formation of organic substances from inorganic ones.

  • 4. The cellular structure of organisms indicates:
  • 1) about the similarity of living and inanimate nature;
  • 2) about the unity of the organic world;
  • 3) about the connection of the organism with the environment;
  • 4) about the difference between plants and animals.
  • 5. All organisms are capable of
  • 1) breathing, nutrition, reproduction
  • 2) active movement in space
  • 3) the formation of organic substances from inorganic
  • 4) absorption of minerals dissolved in water from the soil
  • 6. Mushrooms are living organisms, since they
  • 1) feed, grow, reproduce;
  • 2) change under the influence of the environment;
  • 3) have a variety of shapes and sizes;
  • 4) constitute one of the links in the ecosystem.

  • 7. Genetics is a science that studies patterns:
  • 1) heredity and variability of organisms
  • 2) relationships between organisms and the environment
  • 3) historical development of the organic world
  • 4) individual development organisms 8. Science studies the structure and functions of cell organelles:
  • 1) genetics 3) selection
  • 2) cytology 4) phenology 9. Living systems are considered open because they:
  • 1) built from the same chemical elements, as nonliving systems
  • 2) exchange substances, energy and information with the external environment
  • 3) have the ability to adapt
  • 4) capable of reproducing
  • 10. Interspecies relationships begin to manifest themselves at ... level:
  • 1) biogeocenotic 3) organismal
  • 2) population-species 4) biosphere

  • Answers:
  • 1 – 4
  • 2 – 4
  • 3 – 2
  • 4 – 2
  • 5 – 1
  • 6 – 1
  • 7 – 1
  • 8 – 2
  • 9 – 2
  • 10 - 2