Read the story of the return in abbreviation. A

Main character books Alexey Alekseevich Ivanov was leaving the army for demobilization, his comrades saw him off well, and he went to wait for the train. The train was many hours late. While waiting for the train, he saw a girl, Masha, with whom he lived in the same unit, she was an assistant cook, and now she was also returning home. Ivanov got into a conversation with Masha, and he felt good.

Masha is a young, kind and open girl; when she left her native army, she thought about her new civilian life. It was unusual and scary for her to go home to relatives from whom she had become unaccustomed.

Ivanov moved closer to Masha and asked her to allow him to kiss her on the cheek in a friendly way. After thinking a little, she allowed... Then Ivanov prepared dinner for them and lit a fire, and at night the long-awaited train arrived. They drove for two days, and on the third day Masha reached her town, Ivanov went out with her, she was happy about this, because she was afraid to stay in the city alone, her parents were kidnapped by the Germans, here she only had a few relatives left for whom she had no feelings kindred feelings. And Ivanov had his wife and two children waiting at home, who had not seen him for 4 years, Masha did not know about it. A couple of days later Ivanov went home.

His wife Lyubov Vasilievna, having received a telegram from her husband, which he sent from the unit, asked for time off from work every day and ran to the station to meet her husband; on that day she sent the children. He was met by his son Petrusha, who was already 12 years old, the father did not immediately recognize his son, Petrusha took his bag, and they went home. His wife was already waiting for him on the porch; he hugged her and remembered the forgotten warmth of his loved one. She prepared a festive dinner.

The father of the family watched the children, the youngest five-year-old daughter did not recognize him, and the eldest son became the head of the family. Gave orders to his mother and sister. Ivanov examined his house, every object in it, remembering his former life. Nastya helped her mother prepare dinner, peeled potatoes and listened to her older brother. The husband began to ask his wife about how she lived without him, and she was so unaccustomed to him that she even blushed and was shy in front of him. She said that at first it was hard for them, she worked as a laborer, came home late, had to look after the household, then the children began to adapt and manage it on their own. She got a job at a brick factory, at a press, and it became easier with the help of her children.

During lunch, Peter ate very little, and Nastya, looking at him too, Peter wanted to save food so that it would last for a long time. This surprised the father; he could not understand why such changes had occurred in the boy’s character; he seemed to him like an old grandfather.

During lunch, little Nastya asked her mother if Uncle Semyon would come. And this is a man who sometimes came to them. The war took Semyon Evseevich’s wife and children away. To drown out the pain, he asked Lyubov Vasilievna to allow him to come to their house and play with the children. He almost never came “empty.” He always brought something for the guys and sat with them when she was at work.

In the evening, Lyubov Mikhailovna prepared dinner early in order to quickly feed the children and talk with her husband. But the children could not sleep: Nastya fussed for a long time, and Peter grumbled, then they finally calmed down. He woke up from the raised tones of his parents, he listened to what they were saying. Ivanov condemned his wife, scolded her, but she made excuses; they sorted things out for a long time. Then he woke up the children, he wanted to tell them what a bad mother they had. Nastya began to cry, Petrusha pretended that he had been woken up. They talked, Petrushka told his father that he was wrong and defended his mother.
In the morning, the father left anyway, he was already in the train carriage, he saw two children running after the train, he did not understand that they were his children, he threw the duffel bag out the window and went down the steps, and returned home.

I believe that the title “Return” is dedicated precisely to this decision of Ivanov - to return to his family.

Great Patriotic War left a mark on the soul of every Russian person. Much has been written about her in different ways, but in the first post-war years everything basically came down to exalting the image of a hero soldier returning to his family after a long separation. In principle, no one argued with this, but there was another side to this joyful event. A. Platonov dedicated his story to this. “The Return,” a brief summary of which is given here, became a work that forced us to take a fresh look at how difficult it was for yesterday’s warriors to get used to peaceful life.

Scandalous publication

Authorities have long been wary of creativity. The situation worsened after the magazine " New world” published his new work “The Ivanov Family” (later the title changed and became more succinct). "The most disgusting slander against Soviet people“- this was the description of the story “Return” a few months later in an article by V. Ermilov. Platonov (a brief summary of the text will show this) portrayed Alexei, who returned from the front, not at all in a heroic aura. Moreover, some of his actions cause condemnation from the reader, which is contrary to the established tradition. Let's see what is unusual about the story.

The long-awaited mobilization

It was September 1945. The captain of the guard with the common surname Ivanov (this fact is not accidental) was given the opportunity to go home. For four years he did not see his little daughter. I sent a telegram in advance and began to prepare for a meeting with my family. This is how Platonov’s story “The Return” begins.

The unexpected meeting of the hero with Masha is an important moment. Alexey’s train was delayed for the second day when he saw an acquaintance at the station. The girl served in the dining room, and now she was also heading home. They quickly got along, as both were afraid of meeting with past life, from which we lost the habit during the war years.

On the way home: summary

Platonov’s “Return” continues with a story about a short relationship that arose between Alexei and his friend. When the train entered the city where Masha lived, Ivanov suddenly got off with her. The twenty-year-old girl was very grateful to her companion, as she was afraid of the future. Her parents were kidnapped by the Germans, and she felt lonely. Alexey also experienced incomprehensible confusion. He should have gone home, but he kept putting off meeting his family.

Meeting with family

They had been waiting for Alexey Alekseevich at home for the sixth day. The wife asked for leave from the brick factory and went to the train three times. On the day of arrival, twelve-year-old Petrusha (or Peter, as an adult called him in the story “The Return” by Platonov) was waiting for his father at the station. Summary the dialogue that arose and the description of their meeting is as follows. The father saw in his son a little man who was accustomed to everyday problems. And he behaved like an adult. He sensibly asked why he had been traveling for so long and how many orders he had received, then he took his duffel bag and headed towards the house.

Lyubov Vasilievna was waiting on the porch. She had already tidied up the house, and only one thought bothered her - Semyon Evseevich, who had lost his family and was now attached to her children.

Alexey hugged his wife and felt a “familiar warmth.” Little Nastya, who did not remember her father at all, grabbed his leg and tried to pull him away from her mother.

We entered the house. While his wife and children were busy preparing dinner, Ivanov looked around the room and seemed to be getting to know it all over again. The smell of his home and the observation of the bustle that was taking place evoked pleasant and at the same time disturbing thoughts in him - the author conveys their brief content.

Platonov’s “return” is more a description of Alexey’s “getting used to” his new life. He seemed to see his family in front of him, but for some reason he did not feel joy from the meeting. Lyubov Vasilievna, who had become unaccustomed to him, was shy and behaved as in her youth. The daughter did simple housework. Petrushka gave commands in a familiar tone and somewhat resembled a grumbling old man.

Alexey looked at them and tried to understand how they lived without him. And he felt shame because he did not have a strong fatherly feeling for his son.

First family dinner

Finally everyone gathered at the table. Parsley ate a piece of the pie and collected all the crumbs. When asked to take more, he seriously replied that he was full. His words: “I want you to get more” made the parents shudder. Nastya also moved her piece away. She said that this was for Semyon Evseevich. Alexey tensed - this moment became the beginning of a difficult conversation between the spouses. Lyubov Vasilyevna tried to avoid the topic, briefly answering that the man had lost his family and was now coming to them to tinker with the children. This makes her feel calmer: she works late, and the guys are under supervision. However, Ivanov did not like the answer.

Petrushka, sensing something was wrong, turned the conversation to the weather, then gave orders for tomorrow. They also concerned my father, who urgently needed to register and receive cards. Alexei suddenly felt timid in front of his son, who had matured early.

They ate cabbage soup in silence, as if trying to enjoy quiet family happiness - this is how A. Platonov ends the story about dinner.

“Return”: the content of the night conversation

Lyubov Vasilievna was waiting for the evening to be alone with her husband. But the conversation did not work out. Parsley woke up and heard the loud voices of his parents. Alexey accused his wife of having an affair with Semyon Evseevich, and she tried to explain that there was nothing between them. Lyubov Vasilievna talked about the difficult life with two small children - Petrushka did not immediately become a housewife. About the fact that I always thought only about my husband. And only once did she succumb to feelings, when it was already unbearable to endure both the hardships of life and endless loneliness. But she immediately noticed that the meeting with the district committee instructor made her understand how much she lived in hope of his return. Platonov (a summary of the conversation cannot convey all the feelings of the heroine) draws attention to a woman who did not feel guilty, but was also unable to convince her husband of this. The sound of the glass cracking on the lamp - it was crushed by Alexey - forced his son to intervene in the conversation. He stood up for his mother and told a story about a local man, Khariton. While he was fighting, his wife lived with others. When he returned, he was angry at first, and then he came up with a story that he also had women. Now they live on good terms. Ivanov was embarrassed: “I thought he would say about my Masha too...”

Unexpected insight

What happened this morning can be called a “real comeback.” Platonov - summary and full text The ending of the story proves this - by this word I meant not just the hero’s arrival home.

Waking up, Petrushka saw Nastya. She said the father took the bag and left. The boy understood everything, grabbed his sister’s hand and ran to the station.

At that time, Alexey entered the vestibule of the moving train: he was thinking about Masha. Suddenly Ivanov saw children running after the train. They fell, but got up and moved forward again, this time towards the crossing. Suddenly Alexey realized that it was Petrushka and Nastya. His chest became hot, and his whole being was filled with “warmth and shuddering.” An unusual feeling gripped the hero. “Before he felt another life through the barrier of pride and self-interest, but now he suddenly touched it with his naked heart.”

He threw the bag onto the ground and got off the train...

An analysis of Platonov’s “Return” makes it possible to understand how difficult the process of getting used to the peaceful life of yesterday’s soldier was, who for a long time saw only death and destruction.

Having served throughout the war, Guard Captain Alexey Alekseevich Ivanov left the army for demobilization. At the station, while waiting for a long time for the train, he meets a girl named Masha, the daughter of a space operator, who served in the canteen of their unit. They travel together for two days, and for another two days Ivanov lingers in the city where Masha was born twenty years ago. Ivanov kisses Masha goodbye, remembering forever that her hair smells “like autumn fallen leaves in the forest.”

A day later, Ivanov’s son Petrushka meets him at the station in his hometown. He is already twelve years old, and the father does not immediately recognize his child in the serious teenager. His wife Lyubov Vasilievna is waiting for them on the porch of the house. Ivanov hugs his wife, feeling the forgotten and familiar warmth of a loved one. The daughter, little Nastya, does not remember her father and is crying. Parsley pulls her back: “This is our father, he is our relatives!” The family begins to prepare a holiday meal. Petrushka commands everyone - Ivanov is surprised at how mature and old-man-wise his son is. But he likes little meek Nastya better. Ivanov asks his wife how they lived here without him. Lyubov Vasilyevna is ashamed of her husband, like a bride: she has lost the habit of him. Ivanov feels with shame that something is preventing him from wholeheartedly rejoicing at his return - after many years of separation, he cannot immediately understand even the closest people.

The family is sitting at the table. The father sees that the children eat little. When the son indifferently explains: “And I want you to get more,” the parents, shuddering, look at each other. Nastya hides a piece of pie - “for Uncle Semyon.” Ivanov asks his wife who this Uncle Semyon is. Lyubov Vasilievna explains that the Germans killed Semyon Evseevich’s wife and children, and he asked them to go play with the children, and they saw nothing bad from him, but only good... Listening to her, Ivanov smiles unkindly and lights a cigarette. Petrushka manages the household chores, instructs his father to get his allowance tomorrow, and Ivanov feels his shyness in front of his son.

In the evening after dinner, when the children go to bed, Ivanov asks his wife for details of the life she spent without him. Petrushka overhears, he feels sorry for his mother. This conversation is painful for both - Ivanov is afraid of confirmation of his suspicions of his wife’s infidelity, but she openly admits that she had nothing with Semyon Evseevich. She was waiting for her husband and loved only him. Only once, “when her soul was completely dying,” did one person become close to her, an instructor at the district committee, but she regretted that she had allowed him to be close. She realized that only with her husband could she be calm and happy. “Without you, I have nowhere to go, I can’t save myself for the children... Live with us, Alyosha, it will be good for us!” - says Lyubov Vasilievna. Parsley hears her father groaning and crushing the glass of the lamp with a crunch. “You wounded me in my heart, and I am also a person, not a toy...” In the morning, Ivanov gets ready. Petrushka tells him everything about their hard life without him, how his mother was waiting for him, but he arrived, and his mother cries. His father gets angry with him: “You still don’t understand anything!” - “You yourself don’t understand. We have a job to do, we have to live, and you are swearing like stupid people...” And Petrushka tells the story about Uncle Khariton, whose wife cheated on him, and they also quarreled, and then Khariton said that he also had a lot of things at the front, and he and his wife laughed and made peace, although Khariton made up everything about his infidelities... Ivanov listens to this story with surprise.

He goes to the station in the morning, drinks vodka and takes the train to go to Masha, whose hair smells like nature. At home, Petrushka wakes up and sees only Nastya - her mother has left for work. After asking Nastya how her father left, he thinks for a minute, dresses his sister and leads her along.

Ivanov is standing in the vestibule of a train that passes not far from his house. At the crossing he sees figures of children - the bigger one quickly drags the smaller one behind him, who does not have time to move his legs. Ivanov already knows that these are his children. They are far behind, and Petrushka is still dragging behind her the slow-moving Nastya. Ivanov throws his duffel bag on the ground, goes down to the bottom step of the carriage and gets off the train “on that sandy path along which his children ran after him.”

Summary of Platonov’s “Return”

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Having served throughout the war, Guard Captain Alexey Alekseevich Ivanov left the army for demobilization. At the station, while waiting for a long time for the train, he meets a girl named Masha, the daughter of a space operator, who served in the canteen of their unit. They travel together for two days, and for another two days Ivanov lingers in the city where Masha was born twenty years ago. Ivanov kisses Masha goodbye, remembering forever that her hair smells “like autumn fallen leaves in the forest.”

A day later, Ivanov’s son Petrushka meets him at the station in his hometown. He is already twelve years old, and the father does not immediately recognize his child in the serious teenager. His wife Lyubov Vasilievna is waiting for them on the porch of the house. Ivanov hugs his wife, feeling the forgotten and familiar warmth of a loved one. The daughter, little Nastya, does not remember her father and is crying. Parsley pulls her back: “This is our father, he is our relatives!” The family begins to prepare a holiday meal. Petrushka commands everyone - Ivanov is surprised at how mature and old-man-wise his son is. But he likes little meek Nastya better. Ivanov asks his wife how they lived here without him. Lyubov Vasilyevna is ashamed of her husband, like a bride: she has lost the habit of him. Ivanov feels with shame that something is preventing him from wholeheartedly rejoicing at his return - after many years of separation, he cannot immediately understand even the closest people.

The family is sitting at the table. The father sees that the children eat little. When the son indifferently explains: “And I want you to get more,” the parents, shuddering, look at each other. Nastya hides a piece of pie - “for Uncle Semyon.” Ivanov asks his wife who this Uncle Semyon is. Lyubov Vasilyevna explains that the Germans killed Semyon Evseevich’s wife and children, and he asked them to go play with the children, and they saw nothing bad from him, but only good... Listening to her, Ivanov smiles unkindly and lights a cigarette. Petrushka manages the household chores, instructs his father to start receiving allowances tomorrow, and Ivanov feels his shyness in front of his son.

In the evening after dinner, when the children go to bed, Ivanov asks his wife for details of the life he

but spent it without him. Petrushka overhears, he feels sorry for his mother. This conversation is painful for both - Ivanov is afraid of confirmation of his suspicions of his wife’s infidelity, but she openly admits that she had nothing with Semyon Evseevich. She was waiting for her husband and loved only him. Only once, “when her soul was completely dying,” did one person become close to her, an instructor at the district committee, but she regretted that she had allowed him to be close. She realized that only with her husband could she be calm and happy. “Without you, I have nowhere to go, I can’t save myself for the children... Live with us, Alyosha, it will be good for us!” - says Lyubov Vasilievna. Parsley hears her father groaning and crushing the glass of the lamp with a crunch. “You wounded me in my heart, and I am also a person, not a toy...” In the morning, Ivanov gets ready. Petrushka tells him everything about their hard life without him, how his mother was waiting for him, but he arrived, and his mother cries. His father gets angry with him: “You still don’t understand anything!” - “You yourself don’t understand. We have a job to do, we have to live, and you are swearing like stupid people...” And Petrushka tells the story about Uncle Khariton, whose wife cheated on him, and they also quarreled, and then Khariton said that he also had a lot of things at the front, and he and his wife laughed and made peace, although Khariton made up everything about his infidelities... Ivanov listens to this story with surprise.

He goes to the station in the morning, drinks vodka and takes the train to go to Masha, whose hair smells like nature. At home, Petrushka wakes up and sees only Nastya - her mother has left for work. After asking Nastya how her father left, he thinks for a minute, dresses his sister and leads her along.

Ivanov is standing in the vestibule of a train that passes not far from his house. At the crossing he sees figures of children - the bigger one quickly drags behind him the smaller one, who does not have time to move his legs. Ivanov already knows that these are his children. They are far behind, and Petrushka is still dragging behind her the slow-moving Nastya. Ivanov throws his duffel bag on the ground, goes down to the bottom step of the carriage and gets off the train “on that sandy path along which his children ran after him.”

Retelling - V. M. Sotnikov

Good retelling? Tell your friends on social networks and let them prepare for the lesson too!

The story “Return” begins with the guard captain Alexey Alekseevich Ivanov returning to his home after demobilization from the army. Arriving at the station and waiting for the train, the captain meets a beautiful girl Masha. She was only twenty years old. She was the daughter of a space manager and worked in the cafeteria. Ivanov liked Mashenka very much. After spending two days together on the train, the former serviceman wanted to stay a couple more days in Masha’s hometown. When Ivanov said goodbye to the girl, he kissed her and remembered how her hair smelled of fallen autumn leaves.

A day later the captain arrives at his hometown, where his son Petrushka meets him at the station. The boy was already twelve years old, and at first the father did not recognize his child in the serious young man. His wife Lyubov Vasilievna was waiting for Ivanov on the porch of the house. The captain hugged her tightly, and at the same time felt the familiar warmth and smell of a loved one. At that moment, Ivanov’s daughter Nastya began to cry, not recognizing her father, and Petrushka began to calm her down. Then the family begins to prepare dinner, in which the most important thing was the twelve-year-old boy. Ivanov was surprised at him, but he liked Nastenka more. The captain of the guard began to ask his wife about their life without him, but she, having become unaccustomed to her husband, began to feel shy. Alexei understands that something is stopping him from enjoying his return home and that after many years, he cannot understand his family. Already sitting at the table, the father sees that his children are eating little, to which Petrushka replied: “I want you to get more.” Then the parents shuddered and began to look at each other. At this time, Nastenka hid a piece of pie for Uncle Semyon. Ivanov began to ask his wife who he was, and she told him that this man had lost all his relatives. Semyon also asked Lyubov Vasilievna to play with her children. Listening to his wife, the captain began to smile wickedly. At this time, Petrushka indicates to his father that he should be on allowance, and the captain of the guard felt timid in front of his son.

After dinner, the children went to bed, and Alexey asked his wife how she lived without him all this time. He was afraid that his suspicions about his wife's betrayal would be justified. Lyubov Alekseevna said that they had nothing to do with Semyon, but once she succumbed to temptation with the district committee instructor. But she regrets it. Meanwhile, Petrushka was eavesdropping on everything. And when the father is about to leave, he tells him everything about how difficult it was for them without him and that other people also quarrel, but make up, because they have no one left except themselves. The captain listened to his son with surprise, but still decides to leave.

The next morning, Alexey goes to the station, drinks vodka and gets into the carriage to go to Masha. At that time, Petrushka saw that his father was gone. He wakes up Nastya, dresses her and goes to the station. The story ends with Ivanov standing in a vestibule that passes not far from his house. There in the distance, he sees the silhouettes of his children who are trying to catch up with the train. Then Alexey Ivanov throws his duffel bag on the ground, and he gets off the train and goes to meet his children.