How I feel about him. How to understand what you feel for a person

I woke up because I was very hot. Then I felt breath on the top of my head, I opened my eyes and realized that I was lying in an embrace with Cockerel. I wanted to get up, but he hugged me to him. Well, okay, let’s lie down, what g. I lay there and looked at him. But he was nothing like that. Dark hair, a dimple on his cheek, slightly open lips, it all seemed so familiar, with him I felt protected? He’s like an older brother to me, I don’t see him as a guy, I see him as an older brother who will protect and pity, will feed, warm and cheer. He suddenly opened eyes in which you can drown or have I already drowned in them? perhaps.

“Am I so beautiful that you can’t take your eyes off?” he asked and smiled broadly.

I don’t know why, but I smiled back.

And to you Good morning, let me go, I’ll go take a shower.

Kiss me, I'll let you go

Look what you want. - I won’t kiss him, that’s it.

Well then, let's lie down, I have a lot of time.

Well, okay.” I leaned on him and kissed him. On the cheek, of course. “Now let me go.”

No, this is not a kiss. - He turned over and I found myself under him. We look into each other’s eyes, then his gaze drops to my lips, a slight grin and he kisses me. I don’t know what came over me, but I kissed him back. He was so gentle, no one kissed me like that, but what about I? I actually kissed only 2 times.

That's a kiss, now go.

“I’ll know from now on,” I said and went to the bathroom. And only now I realized that all this time I had been wearing his T-shirt. I flew out of the bath to find this... man

Dimochka, where are you? - I asked, because he was not in the room.

In the kitchen, he was - he came into the room

Why am I wearing your T-shirt? And where are my clothes?

You yourself asked to give me your T-shirt, and your clothes are in the closet, am I free?

No, do you have a hairdryer?

In the cabinet under the sink.

Now free.

I went back into the bathroom, took a shower and washed my hair, looked in the mirror and saw scarecrows like me at the moment, they should be in horror films. All my smoky eyes spread across my face. MDA. I washed off this horror, dried my hair, left the room and changed clothes. Then I went to the kitchen, it smelled of coffee and pancakes.

“Sit down, eat, I prepared for you.” He said and sat down opposite.

Won't you?


I was very hungry and began to greedily eat pancakes, all this time Dima was looking at me.

Are you going to watch it like that?

Well, yes.” He answered with a smile on his face.

I finished eating and was about to go home, but no.

Are you leaving already? - He turned me towards him, we stood very close, I looked at the floor, afraid to raise my eyes. What’s happening to me?

He gently lifted my chin so that I looked into his eyes.

Y-yes, I said uncertainly, he ran his thumb over my lips and left a light kiss on them.

You are so defenseless and small, what are you doing to me?

“I-I have to go,” I said stuttering and left.

I opened my door and walked in, Vika was already sitting in the hall, and I don’t even know what time it is.

Hello - I said.

“Where have you been?” Vika asked somehow rudely.

Let me tell you everything later.

“Okay,” she said cheerfully, “Shall we go have tea?”

I looked at the time 15:12. How long did I sleep?

We drank tea and went to our rooms.

I went to VK, a friend. Dima Karpov wants to add you as a friend. Hmm... Well, okay. I added it and turned on the movie, then we had dinner and I went to bed. When I fell asleep, I heard a notification about a new message, but I was too lazy to read it and fell asleep.


Answer a few questions for yourself, be frank, otherwise this test will not be useful. What attracts you to your soulmate? If you have good looks, a slim figure, a pretty face, this is a passion. Only interest in a person can speak of deeper feelings X. Naturally, appearance should not be in last place, just like physical attraction, but if spiritual inner world your partner is not important to you, there can be no talk of love.

How did the relationship begin? Love does not arise instantly, and there are exceptions, but this is one case out of a thousand. We met, a spark flared up, time passed, it died out, that’s all the development of most of these scenarios, indicating only infatuation. To truly fall in love, you need some time, at least to get to know the person better.

Your attitude towards others? When we are infatuated with someone the world around us as if it does not exist, only your passion is before your eyes, and love implies that the person you have chosen is naturally more important than everyone else, but in life there are also friends, relatives, and work.

Understand your feelings you can, by thinking about the expected future. If you want to be made a happy person, if in the first place from a relationship you are looking for benefits for yourself, then such a relationship is nothing more than a hobby. True love has always been, is and will be selfless. The desire to give all of yourself to your loved one person, without demanding anything in return, can indicate love. Selfishness and love are incompatible things.


  • person's feelings for person

To express your feelings, sometimes there are not enough words, sometimes there are too many, and none of them seems suitable. The ability to express emotions is the same skill as writing correctly or riding a bicycle. And practice, practice and more practice will help here.


Think about what exactly you want to say. Be specific about your thoughts. To understand your emotions, talk about them with someone else you trust and who knows you well. Read books, lyrics, correspondence between Mayakovsky and Lily Brik. Poets are able to express in one precise phrase the entire complexity of emotional experiences, the nuances of human feelings. Learn this art from them. It is not necessary to memorize Byron's poems or quote Petrarch. Perhaps you will choose simpler and more prosaic words, but the main thing is your own.

Remember that people find it easier to organize their thoughts when they put them on paper. Psychologists advise writing down your feelings in the third person, as if talking about a stranger. Be creative. Write a short dialogue to try out different options. This technique will allow you to relax and throw out all your emotions on paper. After this exercise, you will better understand what exactly you want to say.

If it's easier for you to express in writing feelings, turn to the epistolary genre. But instead of using SMS messages and social media, write a real paper letter. Many people miss envelopes, postage stamps and jagged lines with emotional cross-outs and drawings in the margins. A paper letter will emphasize the personal, intimate nature of the message. If you are not ready to fill a whole sheet with your thoughts and feelings mi, use a postcard. In this case, even a very laconic letter will not seem too small.

Place colored stickers on the walls, on each of which write the name of one of the feelings you experience. For example, if it’s hard to find the words to apologize, write on sticky notes: “repentance,” “regret,” “sadness,” “loneliness,” “pain,” “love.” When the person to whom you are addressing such a message finds all the notes, explain each of them. If you want to confess your love, use stickers instead balloons with helium. Then you can give a whole bouquet of your feelings.

Video on the topic

Useful advice

Write a message on the pavement under your loved one's windows. This technique, although not new, is still effective. By staying concise, you can express a lot.

There are situations and relationships when it is impossible to accurately determine own feelings. Their diversity and inconsistency cause irritation and anxiety. But the worst thing is that because of long doubts you can really lose dear person.

If you cannot decide on your feelings towards a young man, try breaking up with him for a while. Most best way to do this - go on some trip. Perhaps during a long separation you will understand how much you miss him. Or, on the contrary, you will feel that you absolutely do not need him.

Another option is to live together. This will show whether you are ready for a more serious relationship and how suitable you are for each other. After all, it’s one thing to meet from time to time in a romantic setting, and quite another to live in the same room, solve everyday and pressing issues, and see each other in a bad and depressed mood.

Think about whether you are ready to give your child such a father. If you are tormented by even the slightest doubt or there are some “buts”, you should not continue to build a serious relationship, since this issue is fundamental in love and marriage.

Get to know the person better. Perhaps the inconsistency of your feelings comes from the fact that you know him very little. Try to talk more, ask him about his dreams and aspirations, find out about the problems he solves, his interests and hobbies. Maybe this will help you make your choice.

Don't hesitate to ask him for help difficult situations, because it is at such moments that a person’s soul and his feelings are revealed. No matter how wonderful and affectionate he may be during meetings, everything can change in hard times- not everyone is capable of self-sacrifice or infringement of their interests for the sake of others.

If you don’t know what to do in any situation, try to consider it from a variety of angles, and not just the one that is closer and more convenient to you. In any case, taking risks and trying is always better than doing nothing and missing all the chances given by fate.


Feelings can be very different: bewilderment, sadness, melancholy, joy, happiness... If you don’t express them, then the people around you will simply think that you don’t feel anything. This happens quite often. Therefore, the first thing to start showing your feelings to others is to admit to yourself that you are experiencing certain feelings. Decide to express them. Honest expression of your feelings will allow you to build truly harmonious and sincere relationships with others; this is the basis in relationships between people.

Be careful not to judge others, but to speak in the first person. For example, if you are upset that your partner came home so late without warning you in advance, you are likely to tell this person that he is being mean to you. Instead, you should say that you are upset about this, that you were expecting him earlier and hoped to see him soon. Talk about how you feel, even if it seems awkward. The fact is that people, both adults and children, really don’t like being criticized or evaluated. Even when trying to communicate that you feel bad, you risk being unheard if you frame it as a reproach or complaint to which the other person will react with protest.

Talk about your feelings in a simple tone. There is often something to tell in simple words that you are sad or hurt, happy or excited is incredibly difficult. In this case, people use a wrapper: irony, sarcasm, joke. But the interlocutor will not understand that you are sincere; he will decide that this is irony or sarcasm. The simpler your tone and words, the more likely it is that the meaning they express will reach the recipient.

Choose your time. Sometimes people are in a hurry to “dump” everything that worries them on their interlocutor’s head, not noticing that he is tired or is preoccupied with something. The more important it is to you to be heard, the more carefully you choose the moment to say how you feel. Of course, you shouldn’t go to the opposite extreme: considering that there is no right moment, you shouldn’t say anything.

It happens that a person has suppressed in himself for so long not only the desire to share his feelings, but also them themselves, that it turns out that it is difficult to say about them even to himself. To understand exactly what you're feeling, it can be helpful to keep a journal. This is a practice that is often recommended by psychologists and psychotherapists. Leo Tolstoy also wrote that a diary is a way to talk to yourself, to your authentic self. Don't miss this opportunity. Once you realize what your feelings are, you will find a way to express them in the best possible way.

Question for a psychologist:

This year I entered the university, in the adjacent group with me there was a guy who seemed very familiar in appearance, as if I already knew him, but I couldn’t remember his name. After 1.5 months, we met by chance, because I felt bad, and he was attentive to me (from the moment we met, I had severe pain in the abdominal area and he, noticing this, bought me medicine and food).

I really enjoyed communicating with him, I tried to look good and prepare better for classes in order to seem smarter. I even thought that I felt something for him, but I was not sure of his feelings.

On the 9th day of dating, we went for a walk and he made it clear that he wanted a relationship.

As a result: after the confession, my pain went away, and my interest in him subsided; I didn’t feel anything during the kiss.

But at the same time, I feel calm, fun and interesting with him, we have a lot in common. I don’t want to lose such a person, but I’m probably not ready for a serious relationship either.

Everything happened too quickly, usually I need a lot of time to understand whether I need this person or not, to study him for a couple of months. And here, already on the 9th day, we conditionally began a relationship. And he also told me that my face seemed very familiar to him, as if we had seen each other before (he told me this first, and then I told him that I was experiencing the same thing). But this is not possible, since he lived in another country.

Plus, I live with very domineering parents who will go crazy if they find out that I have a boyfriend and give me biased interrogation and lectures (which I really don’t want).

I think that I feel for him not as a man, but as a caring loved one, whom I always missed (my father was rarely at home and paid almost no attention to me). With him I feel weaker, more careless, younger and not interested in intimate contact.

How can I understand how I really feel about him and what should I do about it?

I will lose him in any case, either I will push him away now, or 2-3 months of relationship and we will break up.

I will be very grateful if you help me.

Psychologist Elena Alekseevna Lobova answers the question.

Hello, Sonya!

It’s strange that many people are concerned about the question, what will their parents say?

you might think the parents don’t know anything and are not in the know at all, but really?) then where did we all come from?

and what’s wrong with the fact that you have a boyfriend - it’s natural (not a girl)), in order to pacify their power, just say that you’ll get a girlfriend, if they don’t give you freedom in this step, just convince them that you know, How to make sure that “kinder doesn’t turn out to be a surprise.”

But after a while, those questions that we are so afraid of are asked to us in a different form. If now everyone is surprised that you have an MP, then in five years everyone will be surprised that you do not have an MP, and in ten years they will already insist: why not an MP, “the clock is ticking”, and in 15 years they will already convince you that you squandered your happiness and it’s too late for you to start, and in 20 you will believe it yourself (and you will think, why didn’t I go with him then... and now, you can’t return anything... youth, youth, beauty, you can’t return and in the worst case, women marry “anyone”, as long as they are not alone, but this is not the topic now, “as long as not alone” is raised in many of my articles))

Where did it all begin, where did life break down? precisely in the fear of this question, precisely in the fear of the parents’ reaction to changes in our lives. It is beneficial for them that we are alone - this fact can be easily reproached and manipulated (in the beginning: you are alone because you are still small, and later, you are alone because no one needs you and you are not capable of anything - you see how convenient it is - that’s all because we were scared one day, what will they say? - Yes, let them say what they want, if they can speak, but we are already 18 years old and from now on we are responsible for our own lives)

so take life into your own hands, you don’t look into their bed, do you? No? then on what basis will someone else do this to you? This is already personal) so don’t be afraid of anything. Eat and be happy...

Now to what you feel for him: imagine that he is not there and will no longer be, how will you react? trace your first reaction, what is inside you - pity or joy or what? I personally cannot predict your relationships and reactions, I can only suggest that you diagnose your attitude yourself and determine for yourself, what’s next? marriage and love are two different things, and if a person is serious and reliable, isn’t it better not to miss this option?

Now, perhaps, you are waiting better for “princes on horses”? or without horses? but then, unfortunately, there will be “horses without princes” options, and this is at best. What we encounter in our youth are the best options - it’s like dessert, it’s like an advance in life - you didn’t take it, well, you missed it, who’s to blame? Then be content with little or “thirty cats” after 50 years. Rating 4.56 (9 Votes)

Emotions are what we experience every day in response to the changes that happen around us.
For some people, emotions manifest themselves more vividly and vividly; their emotions are difficult not to notice. Other people are more reserved and their emotions are not so easy to grasp.
IN different situations we experience emotions of varying intensity: if the situation is ordinary, familiar, we may experience minor emotions, so moderate that we ourselves may not notice them.

And if the situation is unusual, shocking, out of the ordinary, then we can experience very strong emotions for a long period of time. For example, if we lose loved one, the emotions of grief can last from one to two years. And this is normal, this is a healthy mental reaction to painful circumstances.
Sometimes our emotions are clear to us, and sometimes they are mixed up in such a “Lump” that we find it difficult to understand what we feel. And in this case, knowing what emotions are felt will help us understand our experiences.
The famous psychologist, K. Izard identified 13 basic emotions that are familiar to every person:





Let's talk about each of them in more detail:
When we are interested in something, we usually try to look at it. We turn our heads towards the object of interest, turn our whole body in its direction, we can even move a little, lean forward. We become attentive and ready, as it were, to “Absorb into Ourselves” what is happening.
Internally, a feeling of interest can be felt as excitement, impatience, a desire to learn, understand, understand. In some cases, breathing may even quicken or freeze, and the heartbeat may increase. According to scientists, the interested person's pupils may even dilate.

We feel joy when something pleasant for us happens. The heart begins to beat faster, we feel an inner rise and inspiration. I want to smile, laugh, even hum. And the mood improves.

We feel fear when something threatens us. The threat can be real or imagined, physical or social (for example, fear of condemnation is a threat to our peace of mind or reputation.
When we feel fear, we shrink, our breathing may freeze, our palms will sweat, our legs will give way (or they become like cotton wool), our hands may tremble, our voice may tremble. Ilil is the opposite - the heart begins to beat strongly, there is a noise in the ears. There may be a desire to run away and hide.

Guilt is one of the most difficult feelings a person experiences. It can be felt as heaviness in the chest, a feeling of general oppression, depression. The desire to look into the eyes of the person to whom you are guilty may disappear; more precisely, the desire to lower your eyes may arise. The look of the one to whom you are guilty may seem unbearable. These feelings are often accompanied by remorse and a desire to ask for forgiveness.
This is an important emotion that allows us to maintain relationships between people, despite our mistakes and mistakes in front of each other.

It’s also a very difficult, difficult feeling. When we are ashamed, we want to hide our eyes, our cheeks begin to burn. There may be a desire to hide, to run away, a feeling that I am somehow different, bad, unsightly. Shame helps us feel when we “step over” the line of what is permitted, violate social or moral norms. In other words, it helps to keep oneself “within the framework” of moral rules.

When we are embarrassed, we often blush, we want to lower our eyes, and our heart rate may increase. But these sensations are more pleasant, softer, unlike, for example, feelings of shame or guilt. You may feel the urge to sneak a look at the person who has embarrassed you.
We often experience embarrassment when there is an awkward moment of emotional intimacy with another person. For example, we are talking about something important, about some important experiences, or another person says something very pleasant and unexpected to us. For example, when men compliment women, many women feel embarrassed.

Contempt feels like an unpleasant feeling, it is an expression of hostility. We feel contempt, for example, when we learn that someone is committing a low, ugly, unpleasant, unworthy act. Contempt feels something like this - we feel something repulsive, and we may frown, wrinkle our nose, our upper lip may rise a little, or seem to wrinkle at the corners of our lips. Or we can seem to bite one of the corners of our lips from the unpleasantness of what is happening.

It feels like an unpleasant, repulsive feeling. Often associated with a feeling of dirt, the vileness of what is happening. There is a desire not to approach; it may be unpleasant to talk about the subject that caused this feeling. In its external manifestations it is somewhat similar to contempt. We lower the corners of our lips, frown, wrinkle our forehead.

It is felt as a feeling of flight, inspiration, craving for the object of love. We want to be close to who or what we love and talk about it. Our eyes sparkle, our voice becomes louder and clearer, we want to do wonderful and wonderful things, to become better ourselves. Sometimes we tend to idealize the object of love and not notice the flaw in it.

It occurs when we don’t like something, are very unhappy, or cause discomfort. It is experienced as strong excitement, internal boiling, there may be a sensation of expansion in the chest (some say that it is as if a balloon is inflating there), the hands become heavy, and one wants to clench them into fists, we frown, and the heartbeat quickens. There is a desire for immediate action, movement, a desire to speak, even to scream.

It occurs when something important and pleasant ends, or the connection with it is lost. Something has passed irrevocably. It feels like general depression, confusion, some sadness, and there may be a desire to cry. The facial expression takes on an unhappy hue; you don’t want to laugh, joke, or have fun. The corners of our lips droop, the corners of our eyes droop. I want to be silent. Sometimes it feels like a bright feeling - kind of sad, but somehow in a good way, a feeling of pleasant sadness.

Grief is usually experienced when we lose something important to us - either a loved one, or health, or serious material assets(for example, grief can be experienced by a person whose house has burned down. Grief is pain, it is the experience of a kind of catastrophe in personal life. There is a feeling of joylessness, pain, gloom, you want to cry, think and talk only about what is lost. General depression, there may be a reluctance to do something, a feeling of hopelessness.
Nature has arranged it in such a way that despite the severity of this emotion, we are able to survive it, but sometimes we need help - from loved ones, friends, acquaintances, psychologists. If you are experiencing grief, do not be afraid to talk about it with others. Most people feel better when they talk about their experiences.

It occurs when we encounter something unusual, unusual, non-standard. There may be a feeling of misunderstanding - what is this? What's happening? Surprise is quite easy to feel facially. When surprised, we raise our eyebrows, wrinkle our forehead, and our mouth may open involuntarily, especially if the surprise is strong. We can scream, “throw up” our hands.
In order to learn to notice your emotions, it is first important to learn to listen to and trust your body. If there is a tingling or tingling somewhere, this is not always a sign of illness, sometimes it is simply a manifestation of emotions.
Listen to yourself and ask:

What do I feel? - What's happening to me? - What is this connected with? Our emotions really help us sometimes. By listening to emotions, we gain access to intuition.

How do you understand that what you feel is love?

I used to think that love is when something just clicks in your head and heart, and you realize that you are in love. Out of the blue. Like the blow of Cupid's arrow. And you just know. Right?

Not really. After 38 years of life and many years of marriage, I no longer consider love that way. Now Cupid is more like Santa Claus to me.

Love is a series of decisions. The first decision is based on many factors, including chemistry, principles, logic, humor, intelligence, figure, social status, dreams and aspirations...

The list goes on, and the importance of each item is different for everyone. Based on these factors, we either decide to begin the love process or not. If we decide to do this, then there may be moments “when something just clicks.” The way she looked at you. How he touched your hand, etc.

But just like when flying an airplane, there are areas of turbulence. Quarreling. Conflicts. Little things that irritate. His socks. Her shopping. We begin to doubt what we have accepted the right decision.

And when we begin to doubt, we have to make the next decision: continue the “flight” with this person or get off the plane. This decision is again based on a hundred other factors.

If we decide to get off, scary free fall will make us either stronger or more miserable. But sooner or later we will find ourselves at the airport again, waiting for the next plane. And there will be turbulence again. Or maybe it won't. Maybe we'll change the destination. But the choice remains the same: fly further or jump off?

Love is the daily making of such decisions: to love or not to love. That's it.

It's simple. To continue all this or not. We can fall in love and we can fall out of love. And this does not mean that we do not love this person. This means that we have made a decision. We may continue to feel love, but we have decided not to love him anymore. The decision to love is not a feeling, it is an action.

That's why it's so difficult. This requires action from us. And this doesn’t just mean buying flowers. This means putting your needs into the background. But, like chemistry, the ability to love is not constant. It depends on what generally happens to us in life.

Sometimes love is easy. Sometimes it's very difficult. But at the end of the day, it's still our decision.

At the same time, love can intensify. The longer we stay in this flight, the more we endure together, the easier it is for us to fly. We become stronger as a couple, as individuals.

The decision to love creates opportunities to deal with things in life that we could never handle alone, and that is what makes our decision worthwhile.

So how do you know what you love? This is the wrong question. Question: Do you decide to love this person or not? Right now. Not tomorrow. Today. Make a decision. Yes or no. If the answer is yes, love as much as you can. If the answer is no, promise one thing: let that fall from the plane make you stronger.

How to understand your feelings for a person

If the attitude towards a person lends itself to at least some logical analysis, then with feelings things are much more complicated and confusing. Not all people easily identify their emotions, personal sensations and feelings. But you need to learn to listen to yourself, to your inner voice and intuition.

To do this you need complete concentration, absence of noise and fuss. It is best to determine your inner sensations alone, when nothing distracts you from the process of comprehending the great secret of your soul. Think about the person you are interested in and try to understand what exactly your heart feels towards him. Do you feel positive emotions, or vice versa? Do you want to be with him or not? You may need to think about it for a few days or even weeks, but the result you come up with will be fairly accurate.

In addition, it is quite easy to become convinced of the depth of your feelings if you live with the person you like for some time. It is in everyday life that one understands the compatibility of two people, as well as their ability to change, adapting to each other. You can be mistaken for a long time, naively believing that you are madly in love with your partner, but a few months spent together can easily and simply dispel this myth. But if you are dealing with a real soulmate, then no quarrels, trials or obstacles will allow you to throw him out of your life.

Therefore, try to communicate as often as possible with a person of the opposite sex that interests you. Only in this way will you be able to comprehend the unknown facets of his character, which can both increase your sympathy for him and kill all feelings. If you begin to experience severe discomfort in communication, you may decide to break off this connection or want to change yourself in order to save your relationship. In any case, it is not reason or the advice of friends and relatives that will help you make the right decision in the field of love and emotions. Listen only to your soul, which will not deceive you.

It happens that people confuse the concepts of love and passion. If you met relatively recently, and your thoughts revolve only around him, you cannot sleep peacefully, and during the day you constantly turn your phone in your hands in anticipation of an SMS, congratulations - you have fallen in love!

But falling in love and falling in love are two completely different things, and without knowing the differences between one and the other, you risk doing a lot of rash actions. How can you understand your feelings for a person if serious passion has flared up between you, and there is no time to figure out what you are really experiencing?

First of all, you need to realize that this is a temporary stage that will not last forever. The so-called “candy-bouquet period” will pass quite quickly, and the person will begin to reveal a different side to you. It is quite possible that on Fridays he likes to drink with friends in a bar, and not enjoy the work of Russian artists in art gallery. Accept as an option that your passion is far from a gift, and then his positive qualities will become a pleasant surprise for you.

How to understand what you truly love

  1. Unselfishness. True love is a selfless feeling. If a man or woman is looking for benefits, constantly waiting for the chosen one to do something for him or, especially, help him financially, there is no need to talk about love. These are not emotions, but use.
  2. Sexual attraction. Can true love exist without sex? It’s difficult to say, since everyone hears about so-called platonic love, which does not imply physical contact. However, many psychologists are confident that love is always combined with sexual attraction, which is completely natural. Along with the desire to possess, a person in love wants to see and hear the chosen one, to be close just like that, not because of the satisfaction of “animal” instincts.
  3. Unconditional acceptance. To love is to accept a partner with all his advantages and disadvantages. A person in love does not seek to remake the chosen one to suit his patterns. Do you want to change something about your dear friend? Most likely, this is not love.
  4. Trust. The ability to trust a loved one - important indicator true love. If you are used to sharing your problems and joys with your partner, you are not afraid that you will not be understood or laughed at, this is SHE. Incomplete trust is one of the signs that you still do not love this person.
  5. Consistency. True love differs from falling in love in that it is not influenced by any external circumstances. For example, if relatives and friends oppose the chosen one, loving person will defend his opinion and feeling. In addition, real emotions do not change plus for minus, even if the partner turned out to be far from perfect.
  6. Sacrifice. Love implies the willingness to sacrifice oneself for the sake of the one whom the heart considers the best person in the world. Sacrifice does not imply the desire to receive anything in return, the most important thing is moral satisfaction from the happiness of a loved one.

To understand your attitude towards your husband, you need to understand what you are ready for for him. What troubles and misfortunes will you go through together, shoulder to shoulder? Below are a series of questions that require a yes or no answer:

  • Can you trust this person with your life?
  • Will you allow me to make important decisions for you?
  • If he gets sick, will you be able to give away a kidney or part of his liver so that he can live?
  • Would you give your life for your loved one?
  • Are you ready to be with him if he ends up in a wheelchair, to care for him and support him in difficult times?
  • Are you ready to see this person every day of your life?
  • After spending time apart (for example, a month), will you miss, yearn for your husband and wait for his return?

If you answered yes to all these questions or most of them, then this is really love, and you should think about connecting your whole life with this person.

Preoccupation with the thoughts, behavior, and feelings of the “loved” person leads to dependence on his or her approval. The self-perception and self-esteem of a dependent partner reflects the reaction of the “beloved” person. Expressing real emotions and thoughts becomes too risky. Therefore, playing it safe is important and can take the form of repetition or even ritual. For example, a statement such as “if you don't call me from work from nine to three every day, then you don't really love me” is not uncommon. With addiction comes intolerance for the time a couple spends apart from each other. Ownership, jealousy and patronage prevail over trust. A dependent person cannot tolerate being apart, even when there is conflict in the relationship or when the relationship is unhealthy.

Experiencing unhealthy attachment in a relationship, a dependent person, at the slightest possibility of separation, clings tightly to his “other half”, feeling hopeless. Being apart can cause physical symptoms such as impatience, lethargy or loss of appetite.

The feeling of falling in love is a wonderful and amazing feeling that captures or, on the contrary, scares us. Sooner or later, every person experiences it.

If you fall in love, then in the future you will no longer be able to imagine your life without your soulmate.

It is worth remembering that each person experiences love in completely different ways. Probably everyone who has experienced this feeling will agree that it is the most excellent and beautiful on Earth.

So let's read 10 ways to understand that you really love that person or you just like him:

1. Waking up early in the morning - this is the first person you think about

2. Your loved one is the best part of the day.

One famous American musician and actor Childish Gambino sings in one of his songs: “When I'm alone, I'd rather be with you.” Even those few minutes that you spend every day with your loved one are the best for you. You will never get tired of your soulmate and will always look for a reason to meet her.

No matter how good the day was, your loved one and dear one can brighten it with just their presence. If you just like a person, she or he will be able to make him or her better, but most likely they will not be able to be the best part of him.

3. Self-interest comes second

While you are alone, your interests are the most important to you. Love is selfless. If you really meet your true love, then the interests of your soulmate will be much more important to you than your own. This is what love is all about. Your own interests will always seem insignificant in contrast to the interests of your loved one.

4. You are not afraid to express your feelings in front of everyone.

If you really love this person, then you want the whole world to know about it. You are never shy about your feelings. If you just like a person, then you will refrain from showing feelings in public.

5. You are ready to do anything

When you are in love with someone, you will definitely do anything to make your loved one happy.

6. You plan for the long-term future.

A person in love cannot imagine his future without a specific person. Based on this, you will probably plan your future life with your loved one for the long term.

If you just like a person, then planning the future will be very scary.

7. Your love is imperfect

Love is the ability to accept the shortcomings of a loved one. You may jokingly mention them to your loved one, but in reality you will adore these imperfections of hers or his.

8. Your feelings are not conditioned by anything.

True love is not limited by conditions. When you love your soul mate unconditionally, it means only one thing - your love is absolute and it knows no conditions.

9. You get better

There are no ideal people and there is always room to grow further. If you love someone, then you always want to become the best “version” for that person.

10. Your love is your best friend

After a while, almost everyone understands that your loved one becomes for you best friend. You can reveal your deepest secrets to him or her. Your soulmate becomes a partner in crime and together you are ready to move mountains.

My question is this: it’s difficult for me to tell my boyfriend what feelings I have for him. He confesses his love and often asks, what do you feel for me? I can't say that I love him, but I know that the feeling is growing. And now he is very close and dear to me. But even this is difficult for me to tell him. For some reason, it seems to me that when he realizes that he has completely conquered me, he will become uninteresting in me and he will leave...

    If your boyfriend really loves and appreciates you, he will never leave you. And if all these are just words, then...
    I came up with a small test for myself that helps me understand how I feel about a particular person. I ask myself 3 questions: do I love this person? Do I want to spend my whole life with this person? and do I want this person to become the second parent of my child? very often I answered no to the last question.. I hope it will help you too)
    Love and be loved)

    You offended him very much)) if he really loves you, he is now sitting and tormented, why don’t you reciprocate his feelings. if your feeling really grows, there is nothing wrong if you say a declaration of love. even if someday everything goes wrong, you won’t lose anything!!! It’s another matter if you intuitively don’t like the guy or scare him. let's say you don't trust. then you can try to find out the reason for your antipathy. dig into yourself and think about what you are missing. if your feeling grows, and this guy doesn’t disgust you, then it makes sense to tell him a confession. especially since he was the first to tell you, and you are insured against failure. Think for yourself, if you continue to delay, he will suffer greatly in his feelings and think that you dislike him for something, that you are ignoring him. you are afraid that he will leave you. supposedly he will think that he has completely conquered. but these are psychologically illiterate thoughts. understand, he does not read your thoughts from a distance, and if feelings are not expressed in words, he may think that you have no feelings and will actually leave you. he will misunderstand your coldness and may become offended and leave. All love is based on emotions. For example, I was the first to admit to my boyfriend that I loved him, and I wasn’t afraid of anything. and I was absolutely not afraid of refusal, and I was in a sober mind. and he reciprocated. We've been dating for 3 years and are planning to get married. so your thoughts, supposedly you confess and he will immediately leave you, this is complete nonsense. Apparently you are afraid of relationships. There's nothing wrong with that. even if you had confessed first, he would not have left you. now, if you don’t confess soon, he will start to suffer a lot. because he will think that you don't care about him at all. but he is a living person, think about his feelings, he is suffering and worried.

    He who doesn't take risks doesn't drink champagne! and if this happens, it will be because he was not sincere. if the problem is only in your doubts...

    No need to talk. This is not at all necessary. Someone speaks, someone is silent. For example, do you often tell your mother that you love her? I think not, but you love her more than anyone. Don’t overstep yourself, you are you, and he loves you exactly as you are, why change? I saw an old demotivator about how a girl gradually changed her boyfriend for herself and then left her with the words “you are no longer the one I loved.” Think about it ;)

    Doubts, doubts... and fear...
    Fear of losing someone you value!!! You shouldn’t restrain yourself in your feelings, we only live once in this world. Confess your love in return and for your sake, he will move mountains. Good luck to you and love!!!

    It’s better to say it like it is, simply and clearly. Otherwise, he has growing doubts that you will succeed, and this is bad. Be honest and everything will work out =) There are no relationships without trust, sooner or later they break...

    If he is a warrior male who wins a female, then maybe he will leave. If you want a warrior male, there should always be intrigue and an element of war in the relationship. And if he is a normal guy and loves you, then your words will make him happier.

    You shouldn’t think so. Everyone is pleased and wants to see and also hear reciprocity.

You see a question that one of the site users asked the Universe, and the answers to it.

The answers are either people very similar to you, or your complete opposites.
Our project was conceived as a way psychological development and growth, where you can ask advice from “similar” people and learn from “very different” ones what you don’t yet know or haven’t tried.

Do you want to ask the Universe about something important to you?