Demo version of OGE Fipi. Demo versions of GIA in Russian

control measuring materials for carrying out
in 2018 main state exam

1. Purpose of CMM OGE- to assess the level of general education training in mathematics of graduates of IX grades of general education organizations for the purpose of state final certification of graduates. The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes. high school.

OGE is carried out in accordance with Federal law Russian Federation dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On education in the Russian Federation.”

2. Documents defining the content of CMM

The content of the OGE examination paper is determined on the basis of the Federal component state standard main general education in mathematics (order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 03/05/2004 No. 1089 “On approval of the federal component of state educational standards of primary, general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education”).

In addition, in exam paper reflected the conceptual provisions of the Federal State educational standard basic general education (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 17, 2010 No. 1897 “On approval of the federal state educational standard of basic general education”). CMMs are developed taking into account the position that the result of mastering the basic educational program of basic general education should be the mathematical competence of graduates, i.e. they must: master knowledge and activities specific to mathematics; learn to transform knowledge and its application in educational and extracurricular situations; to form the qualities inherent in mathematical thinking, as well as to master mathematical terminology, key concepts, methods and techniques.

3. Approaches to content selection and CMM structure development

The structure of the KIM OGE meets the goal of building a system of differentiated teaching in mathematics in modern school. Differentiation of training is aimed at solving two problems: the formation of basic mathematical training in all students, which forms the functional basis of general education, and the simultaneous creation of conditions conducive to the receipt of training by some students higher level, sufficient for the active use of mathematics during further education, primarily when studying it in high school at a specialized level.

In order to ensure the effectiveness of testing the mastery of the basic concepts of a mathematics course, the ability to apply mathematical knowledge and solve practice-oriented problems, as well as taking into account the presence in the practice of a basic school of both separate teaching of subjects of the mathematical cycle and teaching of an integrated mathematics course, two modules have been allocated in the examination work : “Algebra” and “Geometry”.

4. Communication examination model OGE with KIM Unified State Exam

The substantive unity of the state final certification for basic and secondary school courses is ensured by common approaches to the development of codifiers of content elements and requirements for the level of preparation of graduates in mathematics. Both codifiers are based on the “Mathematics” section of the Federal component of the state standard of general education.

5. Characteristics of the structure and content of CMM

The work consists of two modules: “Algebra” and “Geometry”. Each module has two parts, corresponding to testing at basic and advanced levels.
When testing basic mathematical competence, students must demonstrate mastery of basic algorithms, knowledge and understanding of key content elements (mathematical concepts, their properties, methods of solving problems, etc.), the ability to use mathematical notation, and apply knowledge to solutions mathematical problems, not reducible to the direct application of the algorithm, as well as apply mathematical knowledge in the simplest practical situations.

Parts 2 of the modules “Algebra” and “Geometry” are aimed at testing mastery of the material at an advanced level. Their purpose is to differentiate well-performing schoolchildren by level of training, to identify the most prepared part of graduates, who make up the potential contingent of specialized classes. These parts contain tasks of an increased level of complexity from various sections of the mathematics course. All tasks require recording solutions and answers. The tasks are arranged in order of increasing difficulty - from relatively simple to complex, assuming fluency in the material and a good level of mathematical culture.

The Algebra module contains 17 tasks: in part 1 - 14 tasks; in part 2 - 3 tasks.

The "Geometry" module contains 9 tasks: in part 1 - 6 tasks; in part 2 - 3 tasks.

There are 26 tasks in total, of which 20 are basic level tasks, 4 advanced level tasks and 2 high level tasks.

control measuring materials for carrying out
in 2018 main state exam

1. Purpose of CMM for OGE- to assess the level of general educational training in the Russian language of graduates of IX grades of general education organizations for the purpose of state final certification of graduates. The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools.

The OGE is conducted in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

2. Documents defining the content of CMM

3. Approaches to content selection and CMM structure development

Conceptual approaches to the formation of CIM for the OGE in the Russian language were determined by the specifics of the subject in accordance with the normative document specified in paragraph 2.

The competency-based approach outlined in the Federal component of the state standard of basic general education and implemented in the materials of the unified state exam was also reflected in the content of the OGE exam paper. The work tests the linguistic competence of students (knowledge of language and speech; the ability to apply linguistic knowledge in working with language material, as well as identification, classification, analytical educational and language skills). The degree of development of language competence is indicated by the skills and abilities of students associated with compliance with language norms (lexical, grammatical, stylistic, spelling, punctuation). Communicative competence is tested in work at the level of students' proficiency in productive and receptive skills of speech activity.

Completion by examinees of the set of tasks presented in the work allows us to assess the compliance of the level of their preparation, achieved by the end of their studies in primary school, with state requirements for the level of training in the Russian language, which ensures the possibility of successfully continuing their studies in high school.

The exam paper for the OGE is structured taking into account variability: examinees are given the right to choose one of three options essays.

The system for assessing individual tasks and examination work as a whole was created taking into account the requirements of the theory and practice of pedagogical measurements and domestic traditions teaching Russian language.

4. Characteristics of the structure and content of CMMs

Each version of CMM consists of three parts and includes 15 tasks that differ in form and level of complexity.

Part 1 - summary(task 1).

Part 2 (tasks 2-14) - tasks with short answers.

The examination paper offers the following types of short-answer tasks:

  • open-type tasks to write a self-formulated short answer;
  • selection tasks and recording one correct answer from the proposed list of answers.

Part 3 (alternative task 15) is an open-type task with a detailed answer (essay), testing the ability to create your own statement based on the text read.

FIPI (Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements) - state scientific institution, carrying out activities in the following areas:

  • scientific research and provision of final tests of the OGE and the Unified State Exam;
  • development and testing of CMMs for various subjects;
  • development of a system for assessing final certifications for students in grades 9 and 11;
  • technical support and maintenance of information resources of Rosobrnadzor;
  • development and distribution teaching aids and collections;
  • organization of conferences;
  • participation in international educational programs and projects.

The official information portal of FIPI ( provides the opportunity to obtain the most up-to-date information on the issues of passing the OGE and the Unified State Exam 2018. The institute's website contains:

  1. Documents that form the regulatory framework for the final certification of graduates.
  2. Specifications and codifiers for all subjects.
  3. Demo versions of tasks different years, developed by FIPI, which will help students in grades 9 and 11 prepare for tests.
  4. Training collections for self-preparation.
  5. Analytical and methodological materials.

Innovations of the OGE 2018 for 9th grades

Working to improve the educational level of graduates secondary schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, FIPI is introducing a number of significant changes that will affect 9th grade students taking the OGE in 2017-2018 academic year.

Required subjects

Unlike previous years, in 2018, ninth-graders will have to demonstrate knowledge in 5 subjects, two of which (Russian language and mathematics) will definitely be mandatory, and three more students will be able to choose independently, based on the following list:

  • social science;
  • story;
  • physics;
  • informatics;
  • biology;
  • geography;
  • chemistry;
  • literature;
  • foreign language: English, German, French or Spanish.

Discussion about the number of mandatory OGE subjects not yet completed. It is quite possible that, without the right to choose, they will have to take not 2 but 4 subjects, and ninth-graders will be able to choose only one themselves, based on the direction chosen for further education.

According to the Ministry of Education and Science, history and a foreign language claim to be mandatory.

Unified CMM system

Over the years, tasks for the OGE have been developed by teachers educational institutions and taking into account the level of training and profile of the educational institution. Starting from 2018, uniform tasks will be offered to all schools, lyceums and gymnasiums of the Russian Federation, which FIPI specialists have been working on for a long time.

The solution has three main goals:

  1. Set uniform criteria for assessing knowledge in certain subjects.
  2. See the real level of training of 9th grade graduates.
  3. Build a unified educational trajectory for educational institutions in different regions of the country.

The weight of the OGE assessment

In the 2017-2018 academic year, ninth-graders should take their preparation more seriously, because the exam results will now affect the overall certificate score. This fact is especially important for those who want to change their usual school life to study at one of the prestigious colleges or lyceums in Russia.

Overcoming minimum threshold at least 4 mandatory out of 5 subjects taken are a prerequisite for obtaining a certificate!

But students who failed to pass the OGE the first time will get a second (and even third) chance. Although, it will be possible to retake only 2 out of 5 subjects.

Oral part in Russian language

Graduates of 2018 will have to take oral Russian. This decision was made after the results of an audit showed that many regional schools do not provide students with a sufficient level of proficiency in the Russian language, which is a necessary condition for admission to any university in the country.

About the innovation, watch Anna Mozharova’s video:

More up-to-date information about what innovations await students completing 9th grade in the 2017-2018 academic year, as well as what changes FIPI plans to make to the OGE in individual subjects, you will find on the pages of our information portal.

OGE schedule 2018

Early period




Foreign languages


Russian language


Social science


Reserve days of the early period




Foreign languages

Russian language



Social science


Main period

Foreign languages

Foreign languages

Russian language


Social science







Social science

Reserve days of the main period

Russian language


Social science




Foreign languages



All items

All items

First September retake

Russian language





Social science



Foreign languages

Last retake (by decision of the State Examination Committee)

Russian language





Social science



Foreign languages

All items

Russian language | OGE 2018

The solution to the online OGE test in the Russian language introduces schoolchildren to the tasks of the 2018 OGE demo version and helps them master the necessary skills in solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to practice exercises and control knowledge.

Take the test "OGE 2018 Russian language Training option No. 1" online

Russian language | OGE 2018

Take the test "OGE 2018 Russian language Training option No. 2" online

Russian language | OGE 2018

The solution to the online OGE test in the Russian language 2018 introduces schoolchildren to the tasks of this OGE and helps them master the necessary skills in solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to train and monitor students. Training option The OGE in the Russian language was compiled in accordance with the 2018 demo version.

Take the test "OGE 2018 Russian language Training option No. 3" online

Russian language | OGE 2018

The solution to the online OGE test in the Russian language 2018 introduces schoolchildren to the tasks of this OGE and helps them master the necessary skills in solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to train and monitor students. The training version of the OGE in the Russian language is compiled in accordance with the demo version of 2018.

Take the test "OGE 2018 Russian language Training option No. 4" online

Russian language | OGE 2018

The solution to the online OGE test in the Russian language 2018 introduces schoolchildren to the tasks of this OGE and helps them master the necessary skills in solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to train and monitor students. The training version of the OGE in the Russian language is compiled in accordance with the demo version of 2018.

Take the test "OGE 2018 Russian language Training option No. 5" online

Russian language | OGE 2018

The solution to the online OGE test in the Russian language 2018 introduces schoolchildren to the tasks of this OGE and helps them master the necessary skills in solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to train and monitor students. The training version of the OGE in the Russian language is compiled in accordance with the demo version of 2018.

Take the test "OGE 2018 Russian language Training option No. 6" online

Russian language | OGE 2018

The solution to the online OGE test in the Russian language 2018 introduces schoolchildren to the tasks of this OGE and helps them master the necessary skills in solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to train and monitor students. The training version of the OGE in the Russian language is compiled in accordance with the demo version of 2018.

Take the test "OGE 2018 Russian language Training option No. 7" online

Russian language | OGE 2018

The solution to the online OGE test in the Russian language 2018 introduces schoolchildren to the tasks of this OGE and helps them master the necessary skills in solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to train and monitor students. The training version of the OGE in the Russian language is compiled in accordance with the demo version of 2018.

Take the test "OGE 2018 Russian language Training option No. 8" online

Russian language | OGE 2018

The solution to the online OGE test in the Russian language 2018 introduces schoolchildren to the tasks of this OGE and helps them master the necessary skills in solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to train and monitor students. The training version of the OGE in the Russian language is compiled in accordance with the demo version of 2018.

Take the test "OGE 2018 Russian language Training option No. 9" online

Russian language | OGE 2018

The solution to the online OGE test in the Russian language 2018 introduces schoolchildren to the tasks of this OGE and helps them master the necessary skills in solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to train and monitor students. The training version of the OGE in the Russian language is compiled in accordance with the demo version of 2018.

Take the test “OGE 2018 Russian language Training option No. 10” online

Russian language | OGE 2018

The solution to the online OGE test in the Russian language 2018 introduces schoolchildren to the tasks of this OGE and helps them master the necessary skills in solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to train and monitor students. The training version of the OGE in the Russian language is compiled in accordance with the demo version of 2018.

Take the test “Demo version of control measurement materials for the 2018 main state exam in MATHEMATICS” online

Mathematics | OGE 2018

The solution to the OGE online test in mathematics introduces schoolchildren to the tasks of the 2018 OGE demo version and helps them master the necessary skills in solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to train and monitor students.

Take the test "OGE 2018 Mathematics Training option No. 1" online

Mathematics | OGE 2018

Take the test "OGE 2018 Mathematics Training option No. 2" online

Mathematics | OGE 2018

The solution to the 2018 OGE online test in mathematics introduces schoolchildren to the tasks of this OGE and helps them master the necessary skills in solving CMM problems. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to train and monitor students. The training version of the OGE in mathematics corresponds to the demo version of 2018.

Take the test "OGE 2018 Mathematics Training option No. 3" online

Mathematics | OGE 2018

The solution to the 2018 OGE online test in mathematics introduces schoolchildren to the tasks of this OGE and helps them master the necessary skills in solving CMM problems. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to train and monitor students. The training version of the OGE in mathematics corresponds to the demo version of 2018.

On the official website Federal Institute pedagogical measurements (FIPI) published demonstration OGE options in Russian language (grade 9) for 2009 - 2020.

Consist of three parts.

The first part is a short written work based on the listened text (condensed presentation).

The second and third parts contain tasks that are performed based on the same text read. The second part contains tasks of two types: tasks where you need to choose one or more of the proposed answers, and tasks where you need to give a short answer yourself.

In the third part, you need to choose one of three tasks and give a detailed, reasoned answer to it (you need to write an argumentative essay).

Demo options OGE in Russian language also contain examination evaluation system. The assessment system contains the listening text required to complete task 1. The correct answers are given to the tasks of the second part, and the assessment criteria are given to the tasks of the first and third parts.

IN changes:

  • was number of tasks reduced in examination work with 15 to 9 ,
  • decreased With 39 to 33 ,
  • in part 2 work given 7 tasks:
    • 4 tasks (tasks 2–5)
    • 3 tasks (tasks 6–8)

Demo versions of the OGE in the Russian language

Note that demo versions of the OGE in Russian are presented in pdf format, and to view them you must have, for example, the free Adobe Reader software package installed on your computer.

Demo version of the OGE in Russian for 2009
Demo version of the OGE in Russian for 2010
Demo version of the OGE in Russian for 2011
Demo version of the OGE in Russian for 2012
Demo version of the OGE in Russian for 2013
Demo version of the OGE in Russian for 2014
Demo version of the OGE in Russian for 2015
Demo version of the OGE in Russian for 2016
Demo version of the OGE in Russian for 2017
Demo version of the OGE in Russian for 2018
Demo version of the OGE in Russian for 2019
Demo version of the OGE in Russian for 2020

Scale for recalculating the primary score

  • for completing the examination work 2020 to a mark on a five-point scale,
  • scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the examination work 2019 to a mark on a five-point scale,
  • scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the examination work 2018 to a mark on a five-point scale,
  • scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the examination work 2017 to a mark on a five-point scale,
  • scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the examination work 2016 to a mark on a five-point scale,
  • scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the examination work 2015 to a mark on a five-point scale,
  • scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the examination work 2014 to a mark on a five-point scale,
  • scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the examination work 2013 to a mark on a five-point scale.

Changes in demo versions for Russian language

IN demo version of the OGE in Russian language 2009 The evaluation criteria have undergone changes.

In 2013 in demo version of the OGE in Russian the following were introduced changes:

  • was task C2 changed,
  • was alternative task excluded (C2.2)

In 2014 in demo version of the OGE in Russian There were no fundamental changes compared to the 2013 demo version.

In 2015 in demo version of the OGE in Russian The following changes have been made:

  • The number of tasks in the work was abbreviated With 18 to 15 .
  • The maximum score for completing the work was reduced With 42 to 39 .
  • Numbering tasks became through throughout the entire version without letter designations A, B, C.
  • The form for recording the answer in tasks with a choice of answers has been changed: the answer now needs to be written down number with the number of the correct answer(not circled).
  • Were two alternative tasks added 15.2 and 15.3 (essay-reasoning)

IN demo versions of the OGE 2016-2019 in the Russian language compared to the 2015 demo version there were no changes.

IN demo version of the 2020 OGE in Russian Compared to the 2019 demo version, the following occurred: changes:

  • was number of tasks reduced in examination work with 15 to 9 ,
  • primary score for completing the work decreased With 39 to 33 ,
  • The genre specificity of the text for presentation has changed: texts of various genres can be offered (travel notes, notes, essays, reviews, diaries, etc.),
  • in part 2 work given 7 tasks:
    • 4 tasks (tasks 2–5) check the ability to perform spelling, punctuation, and grammatical analysis;
    • 3 tasks (tasks 6–8) check the depth and accuracy of understanding the content of the text; understanding the relationships of synonymy and antonymy, important for meaningful text analysis; recognition of the studied means of expressive speech.