Distance learning college of physical education. College of Physical Culture and Sports "Sparta"

GBPOU "SPK" Moskomsport is unique educational institution of the city of Moscow, providing training for the sector physical culture and sports in the secondary system vocational education in the following areas:

- 49.02.01 Physical education, qualification - teacher of physical education and sports (based on the basic general education- 3 years 10 months, on the basis of secondary general education - 2 years 10 months);

- 02.49.02 Adaptive physical education:

qualification - teacher of adaptive physical culture and sports (from 09/01/2018 on the basis of basic general education - 3 years 10 months);

qualification - teacher of adaptive physical education (until 2021, (on the basis of basic general education - 3 years 10 months).

An individual training schedule is provided for current athletes, which allows them to master educational program based on individual work with teachers, use of modern remote technologies training and take exams and tests at a time convenient for them in accordance with the schedule of the educational and training process.

To implement the Federal State Educational Standard for secondary vocational education, the college has a modern educational and sports base. All classrooms of the educational cycle are equipped with multimedia equipment. The fleet of computers in computer science classrooms has been updated. The college has 8 modern sports halls (universal sports hall, gymnastics, training, martial arts, fitness, dance hall, sports dance hall, table tennis hall), has a physical therapy and massage room, a shooting range, and a library with reading room equipped with computers connected to the Internet, a dining room, a cafe, an assembly hall with a platform for sports dancing, a first-aid post, free WI-FI.

For the timely receipt and exchange of information, the College has official pagesVKontakte and Twitter.

TO educational process The college employs highly qualified teachers: 3 Doctors of Science, 7 Candidates of Science, 33 teachers have the highest and first category, 7 teachers are experts in the Demonstration Exam according to Worldskills Russia standards, 1 teacher is an expert at Worldskills Russia with the right to conduct the Regional Championship in the competency Physical Education, Sports and fitness.

In the educational process, active and interactive forms conducting classes in combination with extracurricular work. When studying the disciplines of the educational cycle OD, OGSE, EN, teachers use materials that correspond to the professional orientation of students’ training.

Fund valuation means complies with the phased requirements of the PPSSZ and the Federal State Educational Standard. Intermediate and final certification comply with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Each discipline curriculum has methodological developments on extracurricular activities independent work, on the implementation of practical and laboratory work. Developed methodological recommendations and layouts coursework and final qualifying work.

To help students complete practical training, methodological recommendations have been developed for completing practical tasks for each type of practical training. In the specialty 49.02.02 Adaptive physical culture, a collection “Adaptive physical culture” has been published. Students undergoing practical training. (workshop. Tests, control tasks, practice assignments)."

For organization industrial practice Internship programs have been developed for each professional module of the curriculum. Training and production process during the passage educational practice organized on the basis of the college. When undergoing internship in their specialty profile, students are sent, according to contracts, to institutions of the Moscow Sports Department, the Moscow Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population and the Moscow Department of Education according to the specifics of the education received. The main types of control over internships are reports, a practice diary, student characteristics and employer reviews.

There is a teaching and research laboratory on the basis of the College. At the moment, the laboratory has equipment, including analytical medical system automatic testing "AMSAT". This system is innovative and allows you to obtain an integral, systemic multi-level assessment of the condition functional systems and reserve capabilities of the body, determine the integral response to the use of functional stress tests and test tests, which is especially important when determining the reserves of compensation and protection of the body.

In 2019, college students are conducting a study “Studying the influence of health-improving physical culture (Nordic walking) on ​​the functional state of the body of older people” together with employees of the State Budgetary Institution of Further Professional Education “MUSC” of Moskomsport as part of the “Moscow Longevity” project.

The college operates internal system education quality assessment (hereinafter - ESQA), which determines the quality of student training, the content of control procedures and expert assessment quality of education.

College students demonstrate a high level of training when participating in the Regional Championships “Young Professionals” (WorldSkills Russia). In 2017, college students took 3rd and 4th place, in 2019 - 1st place.

College graduates, if desired, are employed in institutions of the Moscow Sports Department and the Moscow Department of Education. 75% of graduates continue their studies in specialized universities:


All students say what prestigious institution they study at, referring to its name. I beg you, no matter who you tell it, no one has heard of any RANEPA.
Everything inside is well equipped and cozy. The toilets are a bit dirty, there is almost never any paper, and there is no soap either. The dryers on some floors barely work. A huge minus is that sometimes there are no trash cans in the women's cubicles... well, you know why they are needed, in this case women's accessories are lying around somewhere behind the push - not surprising. It happens that they post on doors some offers to work as a pawnbroker, well, that’s not surprising either.
Teachers love to lie and scare. If you do, don’t trust anyone, doubt everything and check everything. Think with your head, don't be naive.
The director at the meeting said that they would expel all truants who had more than 120 hours per semester (60 classes, approximately 15 days). I could be wrong in the numbers, I may be wrong, but something like this. This is one example of their lies and intimidation. For each absenteeism, you had to write an explanatory note and personally explain the reason for the absenteeism, and have it signed by three people. “I went to the hospital” won’t do. Need help? As a result, a person who went to college 40 times over 3 years of study received a diploma! And the person who lost the entry card is excluded, although the session is closed and went daily. Fair enough, right?
Adults are treated like children. Not on a couple? The curator calls the parents.
The locker rooms are full of trash. At the beginning of the year you will have to stand for 25 minutes. It’s good that they thought of making sure everyone picked up their item on their own.
There is no place to sit in the dining room. (by the way, it’s better to take food with you, because you can go broke there) The corridors are worse than in the subway, the crowd is terrible. We wanted to remove the set after 11th grade, maybe it will dissolve a little. I think they shouldn't have done it. It may be good for the college, but for the people? Everyone is trying to make learning more mobile and convenient, but this solution will not work.
On paid training they take everyone. I remember the enrollment was 25 people, in the end there were 31 in the group. So don’t worry.
Physical education is absolutely brutal. If you have no preparation or simply hate this business, do something to avoid going there.
Whoever got to Anna Petrovna, don’t worry, you’ll hand over everything. Not in a month, but in six months. How much nerves did this teacher waste on me... “God knows if I’m a 5, I’m a 4, you’re a 3.” For 3 you need to learn 8 topics by heart, ideal. Do you want a red diploma? Learn everything at once, especially the subject, don’t put it off, don’t think it will pass, don’t think you’ll write it off. It was probably easier to write off the Unified State Exam.
Regarding knowledge. 4/10. Some teachers just wanted to chat and sit on the phone. Eh, I wish I knew accounting. I tried to somehow figure it out myself, but with this discipline as with mathematics. We need explanations. A good teacher was fired because she swore, she was a good woman, albeit with her cockroaches, she taught the subject as it should have been taught. It would be better if they fired accounting teachers)))
Some teachers simply dictated 10 sheets of paper and nothing was clear, but as coursework and theses- ideal and caring.
About coursework and diplomas. Get ready to fuss with the design and retype everything 40 times. For some reason, each teacher has his own vision of design. By the way, no one allows you to print anywhere. It’s better to chip in with the whole group for the printer, IT WILL BE MAXIMUM USEFUL.
About the atmosphere. There are a lot of non-Russians who like to sort things out, a lot of rednecks. Those who smoke may not smoke anymore. Just leave the college campus, breathe a little and that's it - you're already high for the whole day.
Overall, the college is not bad. If this is your choice, go for it.

Why more than 15 positive ratings for 2015? Because they are fake. In IT college they study things that were relevant 10 years ago. Then graduates get a job for 20 - 25 thousand or not in their specialty. Teacher with specialized higher education for programming - no. At best, programmers are taught by a mathematician.

I usually don’t leave reviews anywhere, but I just can’t pass it up here. I'm happy with the college! I am in my last year and will be graduating very soon. I will say this, they prepare you very well for exams here and answer all your questions. In general, it’s easy to learn, the information is basically accessible. The teachers know their stuff, the canteen, the dormitory, everything is there!

Sports colleges in Moscow after 9th grade on a budget basis

Rating of sports colleges in Moscow after 9th grade on a budget basis. List of the best sports colleges, vocational schools, colleges and technical schools in Moscow after grades 9, 10 and 11 at state universities.

Search results:
(establishments found: 2 )


10 20 30

Sports colleges provide a fairly diverse education. On the one hand, you can start your athlete’s career with them. Having received a diploma from such a college, you can teach in schools or kindergartens. In addition, you can start a career as a sports event attendant. Or start coaching some youth team. In general, graduates of sports colleges have a huge choice for career self-realization. The main thing is to have a desire to develop yourself and not bury your talent in the ground, a little perseverance and luck and you are at the peak of the career ladder.

Opportunities upon graduation

The most promising direction is to work in the service staff of a team or athlete. In any sport, behind the athlete there is not only a coach, but also a huge number of service personnel. These are doctors, massage therapists, technicians, psychologists and many other specialists. Not all colleges teach these subtleties. Most likely they will give you general program, and you will have to master private skills additionally in the form of self-study, personal practice, or at additional education seminars.

Being a school teacher is not a dream for those starting a career in sports, but it can be the first step in a huge coaching career. This kind of work gives you excellent stress resistance and a talent for building relationships. If a coach can cope with schoolchildren and teach them something, then he can easily get a job sports school or a sports club coach. There he will learn a lot of prose, since the students themselves will make contact and show a desire to learn. employers know the specifics of the work of a school coach and value the experience of such work.

In addition, while studying at a sports college, you can simultaneously participate in some sports club. Then you will be able to put theoretical information into practice, which will allow you to improve your overall training results and raise your level of skill. It will be much easier for such a trained athlete to get into a team and compete.

Sports fitness trainers are very popular. No special sports or pedagogical training is required, and the salaries are huge. The main thing is to sell your services correctly. It is best to study to attract your first clients. When you manage to recruit students, you should think about expanding your knowledge. First of all, you will need to expand your knowledge of dietetics and create a nutrition course for your clients that will help them achieve the desired results. Having seen you as a professional, your clients will recommend you to their friends, and your circle of clients will begin to develop rapidly.

Choosing a Sports College

It is best to choose a college from a sports club, as there will be a prospect of joining this club and receiving training from current athletes or professional trainers. Whether to choose Moscow sports colleges or study in the regions depends on the type of sport. You need to focus on the general state of this sport in each region and choose a college that is located in regions with a developed sports infrastructure.

Address: 121359, Moscow, Marshal Timoshenko street, 36, building 2
“Youth”, author. No. 127 to the stop “Ulitsa Akademika Pavlova”, bus. No. 251 to the stop “Med. school")
Telephone: 8-499-149-29-68
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.sparta-kfks.rf

Director - Glushkov Alexey Yurievich - Honored Master of Sports, Vice-President of Wrestling of the Moscow Region, 3-time European and World Champion, bronze medalist of the Olympic Games in Sydney, multiple Champion of Russia.

The college prepares physical education specialists with secondary special education. Specialty – “Teacher of physical education and sports”
Form of study: full-time (full-time), correspondence

- full-time (free)
- based on 9 classes - 3 years 10 months,
- based on 11 classes – 2 years 10 months.

1. Physical education - Physical education and sports teacher - 2 years 10 months.
2. Physical education - Teacher of physical education and sports with additional training- 3 years 10 months.
3. Physical education - Physical education and sports teacher - 3 years 10 months.

Entrance exams:

Physical training (practical implementation of standards for exercises:
- standing long jump;
- pull-ups on the crossbar (number of times) for boys;
- flexion and extension of the arms while lying down (number of times) for girls;
- 100 m run;
- 1000 m run
Completing the standards assigned for exams in one day.
Testing on the theory of physical culture and sports within the framework of the secondary school program.
On correspondence department Persons with secondary (complete) general, primary vocational, secondary vocational or higher education are accepted.
Special requirements for applicants to full-time (full-time) studies:
- presence of a sports category (documented);
- ability to swim (confirmed by the applicant in person during a survey and filling out a questionnaire);
- registration of a resident of Moscow or the nearest Moscow region.

Acceptance of documents from June 1 to July 20.
Competitive admission and exams:
- full-time students are enrolled in two streams in June and August;
- for the correspondence department: from June 1 to September 20.

Paid preparatory courses open from February 2 to May 25. The basis for attending preparatory courses is a standard agreement concluded between the State Budget Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education KFKS "Sparta" and parents.

When enrolling in preparatory courses, you must submit the following documents: application form; copy of passport; medical certificate (form 086у); copy of medical insurance policy

The college cooperates with the Moscow City pedagogical university(PIFK), as well as with MOPU, MIFKiS, MFPA, MGPI, RGUFK SIT.


CodeSpecialityForm of studyEnroll at the baseCost (RUB/year)