Hexagram 37 love interpretation. Outer and Inner worlds

Jia-ren (Homemade): jia - house, dwelling, household; family, relatives, clan; business enterprise; school of Life; mastery of skills; have something in common with others; the hieroglyph depicts a roof over a pig or a dog, the most revered domestic animals; jen - people; human personality; humanity; the hieroglyph depicts a person kneeling in a pose of prayer or submission.

Favorable woman stamina.

It is a group of people living and working together, a family or a clan, bound by bonds of mutual feeling. Pay attention to your relationships with people, to the living space that you share with them. Joy and enlightenment will come from a woman and from the feminine yin. Take care of things, nourish and nurture them. Light and heat will spread throughout the house. When you are at home, you are in a complex web of feelings and relationships. Use words to connect with people. The feminine principle can correct the inner; the masculine principle can correct the external. Together they reflect great way Heaven and Earth.

Departure from the wide outward manifestation, which was characterized in the previous hexagram, leads to a situation in which a person is limited to activities within only his family. He is completely occupied only with his household. Therefore, the domestic environment is considered here. However, it should not be forgotten that the arrangement of the house, which is based on the improvement of the steward in ancient China, as, for example, reflected in the “Great Teaching” (“Daxue”), is the basis for putting the whole world in order. In family significant role played by a woman, so, at least, the commentators of the Book of Changes believed. It talks about what a woman should be in a family. Aphorisms of individual traits further develop it.

External and inner worlds: Wind (Wood) and Fire

Warmth connects people from the inside, the wind carries their feelings outside.

Being with people in a common home contains a hidden opportunity to accumulate energy for an important new business.


When you are amazed on the outside, you inevitably come to the dwelling. Awareness of this is the basis of life with family members.


Home means what's inside.


The wind is born over the fire. Home.
The words of a noble person have power, and his movement is unceasing.

Hexagram lines

Line 1

Nine first

Shut up and start your house.
Repentance will disappear.

You are completely immersed in family affairs. That's the way it should be. The time for action has not yet come. If you lock yourself in your circle and take care of its arrangement, you will not regret it.

In the first position, a person is completely immersed in this closure within his own family. This is what should be here. He will not have to repent of anything if, remaining in this narrow environment, he will take care of its organization.

Line 2

Six second

She (wife) has no one to follow.
And her point is to focus on food.
Resilience is a blessing.

This position is characterized by the image of a woman engaged in providing for the family. She has no one to follow, and she does not need to. What matters is that you stick to your responsibilities. Do the same and the path will be open.

The activities of a woman, wife and mistress, are closed by the interests of the family, and mainly by the interests of food. This image of isolation within the family is characterized in this position. There is no need to perform anywhere, and there is no one to follow. All that is needed is the stamina that was mentioned in the general introduction.

Line 3

Nine third

When there are harsh shouts among the household,
That will be repentance in severity, but there will be happiness.
When the wife and children chat and laugh,
In the end, there will be regret.

This is the time for strict measures and discipline to keep your home in proper order. If you dismiss your household, then later you will have to regret it.

A person in this situation, if he must act, then only within his family. However, within these limits, he needs to take responsibility for his house, really manage it. In order to manage his family, he must not be tough, but harsh. Although his severity can be perceived as something terrible, however, it leads to the fact that the house is subordinate to him and he, having taken responsibility for the successful life of his family, leads it along a completely conscious path. On the contrary, to dismiss your household, to give them the opportunity for self-willed actions, means to conduct business in such a way that later you will have to regret a lot.

Line 4

Six fourth

Rich house. Great happiness.

As a result of your efforts, prosperity appears in the family. The path is open. May the abundance in your home serve a worthy purpose.

As a result of the activity that is systematically guided by the head of the family, and if this activity is carried out correctly, prosperity comes in the house. The correctness of such activity is emphasized by the proximity of this position to the fifth extreme line.

Line 5

Nine fifth

The king approaches the owner of the family.
Do not take it to heart.

Do not look for favors from above. Your position does not allow you to engage in active activities outside the home. Take things as they are, take care of your neighbors. Then the path will be open to you.

A person should be so involved in the affairs of his family that the expectation of any blessings from the side of people placed above is something unnatural and unusual for him. However, if a person does not correctly consider his position, then he may be impressed by the mercy shown from above. This would lead to a certain interest in social life outside his home, i.e. out of harmony with this situation.

Line 6

Top nine

There is harshness in the possession of truth.
In the end - happiness.

There is a connection with the spirits in the situation. You will need endurance and a certain severity, but not cruelty. You will impress those around you. The path is still open.

Here again the theme of severity appears, outlined already in the third line, which stands in accordance with the sixth. But first of all, it must be emphasized that severity is meant, not cruelty. Cruelty is devoid of truthfulness, while severity can be quite truthful.

The symbol denotes a quiet time in the family circle and warns against changes in the house.

Success and well-being awaits you where your heart aspires. Here is your place, light and warmth.

Joy will bring communication with a woman and loved ones. Caring for loved ones and home will bring peace and prosperity.

Now it would be a mistake to change the place of residence. Do not leave your land, even if it seems to you that somewhere the grass is greener and the sun is brighter. You will soon see that you are wrong.

The best thing for you is communication with friends and loved ones, family life and peace in the house. Surround yourself with the care of your family and enjoy a calm family life.

Desire will be fulfilled with the help of others.

For the interpretation of the next hexagram, go to the page.

Explanation for the interpretation of hexagram 37. Family (Home)

If the answer of the ancient Chinese oracle is not fully understood and seems vague to you, read the explanation for the hexagram, which contains the main idea of ​​the message, this will help you better understand the oracle of ancient China.

The answer to the question posed is Jia-ren - Family (Home).

The hieroglyph depicts a roof over a domestic dog or a pig, the most revered animals.

Jia - dwelling, house, household; clan, relatives, family; business enterprise. Have something in common with others. Mastery of skills, school of life.

The hieroglyph depicts a kneeling person in a pose of submission or prayer.

Ren - people; humanity, the human person.

Semantic connections of hexagram 37. Jia-ren

Read the associative interpretation, and your intuition and creative thinking help you understand the situation in more detail.

Figuratively, this hexagram can be represented as symbolizing the time spent among the home. Pay attention to your relationships with people who live and work with you, to a family or clan that is connected by ties of mutual feeling. Take care of this group of people, nurture and nurture them and the living space you share with them. Light and warmth, joy and enlightenment will come from a woman, which will spread throughout the house. A complex web of feelings and relationships can be resolved with words. Use speech to connect with loved ones. The yin feminine can correct inner things; the masculine principle can correct the external. Combining together, they symbolize the great path of Earth and Heaven.

Interpretation of the hexagram in the translation of the canonical text of the Book of Changes

Read the translation of the canonical text, perhaps you will have your own associations in the interpretation of the thirty-seventh hexagram.

[Fortitude is favorable to a woman]

I. Nine at the beginning.

Shut up and start your house.

- Repentance will disappear.

II. Six second.

She has no one to follow, [and her business] is to focus on food.

- Fortitude to happiness.

III. Nine third.

When there are harsh shouts among the household, there will be repentance in severity, but there will also be happiness.

When the wife and children chat and laugh, in the end, there will be regret.

IV. Six fourth.

Home enrichment.

- Great happiness.

V. Nine fifth.

The king approaches the owner of the family.

Don't take this to heart.

- Happiness!

VI. Top nine.

In the possession of the truth - severity!

- In the end - happiness.

The previous symbol described the work of a person in the outside world, but now the situation has changed, and it is time to completely reduce the activity to the scale of the family.

Hexagram 37 is the interpretation of domestic communication and home arrangement, as well as the interpretation of the self-improvement of the ruler of the house - a woman on whom order depends. According to the book of fate, it is the representative of the weaker sex that has the leading meaning in the family, which means that attention should be paid to her character in the symbol.

Hexagram 37, Jia-ren, Close (Home, Family, Clan, Genus).


Stick together, close-knit group; adapt, nourish, support.

Favorable woman stamina.

The outer trigram of the symbol is distinguished by the understanding of accidents, which are represented as Insight and Refinement. The inner world is characterized by the trigram of Clarity, which speaks of the process of creating a family and relationships with loved ones. In this way, the pictogram communicates that if it is possible to predict the formation of a happy married couple in advance, then family life itself is determined only by unexpected turns.

According to Chinese traditions, the family is always bound by bonds of mutual feelings and is closely related to the concept of the clan. People can not only live but also work together, so the common space must be carefully analyzed.

Hexagram 37, Jia-ren, Close ones, predicts happiness and enlightenment from the feminine Yin principle, which changes internal problems. The masculine principle is responsible for external interactions. Their competent synthesis reflects the whole path of the greatness of the Earth and Heaven.

Now light and a sense of warmth are beginning to spread throughout the house. A person needs to take care of many things despite the complexity of all relationships. According to the Chinese book, only sincere and frank words can help establish contacts.

Characteristics of Yao according to Zhou Gong

  • Nine at the beginning. The family is isolated as an independent unit. Past disappointment melts away. Try not to disclose internal scandals and remember that every relationship has its own problems. Easy success is not possible, so force others to do everything for a full victory despite possible reciprocal irritation.
  • Second six. A woman should not follow whims. If you leave now with fears, then you can return with a victory. Try not to become a black sheep in the family. Focus on the main responsibilities and forget about impulsive desires.
  • Nine third. Passions flare up. Children's games can lead to disaster. The Chinese Book of Changes explains the meaning of this Yao through the image of a girl who, after maturity, must find a husband. The one who grew up in poverty suffers less than the wealthy family. Tell those who do not work that they are lazy, otherwise things will not get off the ground.
  • Fourth six. The woman becomes the treasure of the family. It is impossible to repay the mother's care and love even in conditions of constant joy. Soon everyone will appreciate the man who maintains order in the house with the help of ordinary things.
  • Nine fifth. Get rid of fear. The approach to the family resembles that of a king. The wisdom of a mother lies in the healthy raising of children. At first, a person thinks about the best performance of his work, but in the collective work he encourages others.
  • top nine. The work deserves respect. Hard work brings benefits and puts a person ahead of the rest. Blessings will go to those who have enough good deeds.

Detailed meaning of the hexagram

  1. First, the individual completely dissolves within the framework of his own family, closes on it. It should be so, so there will be no remorse. It's time to start building a home and educating the younger generation, which will help you get out of the black streak of social life.
  2. Mistress, i.e. wife and mother, is now busy with family needs, first of all, with the issue of food. This is also a kind of closed activity that does not require sharp attacks or following the leader. All that is required is general fortitude leading to happiness. The meaning of hexagram 37 in this position is the cessation of the struggle with outside world. Try not to spend finances on issues that are not related to everyday life.
  3. Actions within the home require a certain responsibility for the family, if you want to manage it for real. You also need to show severity in time in actions and words, but you should not be too tough. A strict strategy can be perceived negatively, but it is precisely this strategy that ultimately allows the subject to lead the whole family along the path of conscious and successful development.
    If everyone in marriage will be self-willed in actions and show licentiousness, regret cannot be avoided. General discussion of family matters requires patience and mutual respect. Reconciliation and concessions help to create an atmosphere of harmony, peace and contentment. Children and girls should be especially carefully watched, who need to develop a sense of tact and modesty in order to avoid disorder in the house.
  4. The multidimensional study of the pictogram says that the right activity under the guidance of the head of the family ensures prosperity in the house. A person is on the right path, so great happiness is not far off. The fourth line predicts a good road for the family, its public recognition. Good relations between relatives will also be restored. Through a family business, success can also be achieved with additional support.
  5. Now the process of waiting for blessings and gifts from high-ranking persons seems unnatural, since you need to go as far as possible into family affairs. Of course, some may like favors from powerful people, but this leads to the interests of the public sphere, which in itself is disharmonious with the current situation. Therefore, achieving happiness is possible only through indifference towards “meeting the king”. Perhaps the appearance of unexpected guests who need to pay attention and time, but the efforts will not be in vain.
  6. Rigidity is once again becoming a necessary feature of the household manager, Yijing says. The book of changes determines the interpretation of the sixth line by the need to possess the truth. Cruelty is completely inappropriate here, since it is associated with a lack of truthfulness. As a result, a person expects happiness and prosperity in many endeavors. Good luck will come to stubborn people and owners of professional talents.

Extended interpretation of the sign

Now luck smiles at a person, but he is not destined to cope with the implementation of ideas. And the thing is that success directly depends on other people, so it is so important to take their advice and support in fulfilling desires. A full study of the symbol shows that now you do not need to leave your native land, so business trips or travel should be abandoned. Accumulate strength at home and hurry to carry out plans related to friends or family. Due attention to household chores and the solution of money matters guarantee prosperity and harmony.

This life segment is beautiful because the calm and peaceful aspirations of the soul are combined with the spirit of good luck, as well as with the fruitful results of friendly and family communication. With regard to avoiding activity in business and work, for a man this is a more difficult decision, since taking care of the house does not always give recognition in society and satisfy ambition.

However, now is a favorable time: everyone is able to find themselves in family joys. However, the hexagram is more successful for women. Therefore, adaptation to environment wears more Yin, i.e. passive character. Flexibility, kindness, compliance and sensitivity help to adapt to the current situation in the outside world.

The decoding of the pictogram shows that adversity in the professional field remains invisible due to the approval of loved ones. Now it is more useful to create a financial rear, with the help of which it will be possible to conduct a new business in the future.

Remember that a successful person always prepares the conditions for action in advance. It is also useful to hold activities that will help strengthen collective bonds at work. Turn your business into an organization with a family level of trust, and it will pay off.

This symbol does not guarantee a peaceful existence in the family. Lack of confidence in the future, irritability and conflicts are found in almost every house with several generations and a small common territory. The situation can be easily resolved if you pay attention not to material, but to moral problems.

Create comfort in the house at the expense of warmth and cultivate respect for the elders in the family. As practice shows, the 37th hexagram, the expanded interpretation of which boils down to the improvement of life, advises even unmarried people to move on to creating a family nest.

Changes in the home hierarchy may not please all family members, but right now consistency in decisions is required. Look at any situation from a perspective rather than a momentary convenience. A clear line of conduct in the house guarantees results. But at the same time, you don’t need to completely move away from friends and colleagues, be a good diplomat. Rest from duties at home and at work is also necessary.

Associative reading of the hexagram

  • The woman's hand reaches out to the official. A great sign to create a marriage.
  • A drawn bow is an image of the need to energize and be ready to solve difficult problems.
  • The official on his knees receives some papers. The Yijing book, the interpretation of this symbol is reduced to expressing gratitude for career advancement.
  • By the water is a belt on a rope. The personification of passing through the river and mud, an expression of indecision.
  • A document is drawn among the clouds. The picture is identified with the imperial mercy.
  • The central image is swimming in the deep sea for pearls.
  • The main symbol is flowers turning into fruits.

Interpretation of the sign by Wen-wang

  1. According to the Yijing, a woman's perseverance leads to success.
  2. The hexagram refers to June, so it is useful in the spring, but it manifests itself negatively in the summer and winter periods.
  3. Friends are distinguished by negative ideals and principles. No need to blame them, because they simply lack education. Influence them with positive behavior, be an example.

How to interpret a symbol when divining

  • The love sphere is distinguished by a very smooth development of events. There is a clear and trusting relationship between partners. Probably also the birth of the first-born son.
  • Interpersonal interaction should be built on the basis of maintaining all moral positions. Remember to protect what is rightfully yours. Any lawsuits will bring victory.
  • The public and political spheres are becoming stable according to the book of changes. They need to be put in order and behave prudently. clear understanding will bring success to your goals.
  • Businesses are mediocre, but businesses need to grow. A lot depends on the boss. Any doubts require a review of the position of the head and replacements. Profits are now stable, albeit small. No collapses are planned.
  • The area of ​​health is complicated by possible allergic reactions, in particular to animals in the house. There is also a risk of bronchial asthma.

Hexagram 37 is an interpretation of a fresh life vector aimed at restoring stability in the family. Right now, all activities should be wrapped up for the benefit of the house. Follow the development of any relationship and avoid conflict situations.

Family man

He who cannot instruct his household for good cannot learn for himself.
Confucius (Kung Tzu)



In connection with the XUN sign above, we considered the element corresponding to it - WIND. But we did not touch the element WOOD. Let's talk about this element.


Vertical. Pliny claimed that trees were the first temples. The ancients associated sacred trees with deities. There were many such trees. Oak has always been associated with Jupiter, willow - with Venus, laurel - with Apollo, olive - with Minerva, the vineyard corresponded to Bacchus. Each Sephira of the Tree of Sephiroth corresponds to a certain tree, flower, plant. The druid horoscope is also based on the correspondence of each zodiac sign to a specific tree.

Forests have long been chosen as a place for offering sacrifices to the gods. Even today, among the trees in the forests, you can find statues with tablets about votive offerings.

Numerous myths in many stories speak of special trees, for example: the ash of the Celts, Yggdrasil, the celestial bud, the ash of Edda Heimdal, the plant of life, the flower of eternal youth, which Gilgamesh goes to look for in the middle of the ocean, the oak of Zeus, where he placed the continents and the sea, about the apple tree with which Idunn is identified in Scandinavia, etc.

Tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden - symbol paradise lost, immortality, which man lost, having lost agreement with God. The Universal Tree of Life with twelve types of fruits (the number "twelve" corresponds to cyclic renewal, as well as the heavenly Jerusalem of the Apocalypse, the number of golden apples in the garden of the Hesperides) symbolizes the center of spirituality, ascending to the "apple tree of the Universe" on the Hindu Mount Meru. The "Apple Tree of the Universe" satisfies all desires, it is the tree of periods, the axis of the world, located in the Center of the Garden of Eden, surrounded by four other gardens, in each of which the best apple tree is an emanation of the first cosmic tree growing on Mount Meru. This is the central tree, connecting Heaven and Earth, which serves as a spiritual guide for a person.

The Tree of Sephiroth in the Hebrew tradition connects Heaven and Earth through three worlds: the world of divine emanations, creations - Heaven, the world of embodied creations and forms - Earth and the underworld - the underworld, symbolized by the Tree of Death. This is how the world of all things is presented.

The exact analogue of the Tree of Sephiroth is the Chinese Tree of the End of the World, whose trunk reaches more than a hundred leagues in height, and ten suns hang from the branches, continuing through ten hells. It resembles a Christmas tree, the prototype of which was the Cosmic Tree, brightly lit up at midnight in the middle of winter (spruce branches have always been considered a symbol of the end of the year). The symbolism of spruce corresponds to the symbolism of evergreen trees, the embodiment of the power of life and prosperity, as opposed to what death brings. Cypress trees, often found in cemeteries, symbolize the life of the soul after death.

The prickly tree in general is a symbol of virginity, virgin nature, the Burning Bush, the crown of which embodies the infinity of the Cosmos, candles are the reflections of the constellations, golden and silver balls are the Sun and the Moon, multi-colored balls are the planets.

In the Upanishads, the upside down tree represents the universe.

Until the 17th century, a maypole placed in front of the door and decorated with ribbons indicated the one who was being honored. The tree has always served as a symbol of brotherhood, harmony between states. The source of turbulent life, the tree, whose dense crown and fruits symbolize fertility, is a symbol eternal life, and the trunk, directed to the sky, is a phallic symbol. The roots that go into the ground where the dead are buried remind us of the frailty of everything earthly.

This is the element that the XUN sign reflects in addition to what has already been said about the wind (see the ninth sign).


People in the family. Home person. Family man. Family man.

Structure Explanation

The wind causes a stormy Fire, comes out of the Fire. A family man is a man of duty and conscience, and father - fatherly, son - sonically, elder brother - elder brotherly, younger - younger brotherly, husband - husband, wife - wife, and the WAY-DAO of the family will be true, unshakable.

The structure of both guas



The family is protected from within, by its fortress.


Each family person has his own duties, his unshakable foundations. Obedience, order - the smoothness of the family life.


If there is disorder in the family, the order of the universe is violated. A father must be strict and, in the name of order, punish those who disobey him.



Great happiness - a family rich in traditions.


Rulers set an example for others through their families; the stronger the family foundations, the stronger the state.

The main thing in gua

Yang occupies the fifth level, the level of the Ruler, and Yin occupies the second level in the lower gua, masculine and feminine occupy the correct levels. This is the great meaning of the closure of Heaven (Father) and Earth (Mother of all things).

Main thesis

The basis of any family is health, external and internal. The unity of speeches and movements, and in speeches restraint is necessary, in actions - constancy.

Divinatory Aspect

If we are talking about about marriage, it is possible and necessary.
When it comes to relationships among relatives, one should show wisdom and insight, upholding family traditions.
Everything related to family property should be protected.
Possible offspring.
Family disorder should be removed in time, because the wind can blow out the fire of the family hearth.

Correspondence with Tarot

Arkan II, the High Priestess, as well as the Minor Arcana, the Ten of Cups, speaks of harmony in the family, well-being in family life.

Arcanum V speaks of marriage.

Ten Cups has a truly "crayfish" meaning: home, family, hearth, homeland. She has absorbed everything that can keep the soul in balance.

When there is discord in the family, disorder, then there will certainly be a disagreement, therefore, we will further consider the sign KUY, DISSOLVE, OPPOSITION.

Summary. Divination interpretation

1. Public position, politics.

In all spheres of life - stability, order, prudence. Themis takes care of this gua sign. Smoothness, clarity of goals - that's the guarantee of success.

In business, success is average; further growth of enterprises is possible and shown. Leadership role. In case of doubt, the manual should be thoroughly understood and replaced if necessary. Profits are moderate but stable. Collapse is not a threat.

2. Business (everything connected with the material world, Taurus, Pentacles).

Marriage shown. In love, relationships are smooth, clear, trusting.

3. Relationships (love, gender relations, family life)

Relationships should be built correctly, defending both their moral positions and positions in the physical world. Protect what is rightfully yours. If it's about litigation or other legal issues, then you will win.

4. Interpersonal relationships.

The appearance of offspring is possible, and the first-born is a son.

5. Health (on the physical and subtle planes).

Severe allergies, bronchial asthma. Absence of any animals in the house due to allergic reactions.

6. Trend.

The direction of the vector of life, activity, relationships and everything else is correct.


Arcanum II, the High Priestess, as the personification of wisdom and prudence, the Ten of Cups, as the personification of harmony in the family, and Arcanum V, the High Priest, as the personification of legal marriage.

The High Priestess personifies prohibition, restriction, punishment in divination. Enlightenment, clergy. Confidence friendliness, benevolence. Prestigious position, training. On the Arcana field is the Popess, motionless, impregnable, covered with a transparent cover (a symbol of mystery). A veiled papyrus scroll on her lap symbolizes the truth - unknown, but achievable. The popess is a little like the Sphinx, and she seems to suggest that we live in a reality free from illusions, not to dream, but to strive to reveal the true meaning of life.

Vera Sklyarova. Card canon "I-Ching"

Your place is where the heart is drawn, and well-being awaits you there. Hope with outside help. Perhaps you think to yourself that somewhere the grass is greener, but believe me, if you leave your land now, you will be convinced very soon that you have made a mistake. Enjoy family life, communication with friends, peace in the house.

Departure from the wide outward manifestation, which was characterized in the previous hexagram, leads to a situation in which a person is limited to activities within only his family. He is completely occupied only with his household. Therefore, the domestic environment is considered here.

However, we should not forget that the device of the house, which is based on the improvement of the housekeeper in ancient China, as, for example, reflected in the Great Teaching (Daxue), is the basis for putting the whole world in order. In the family, a woman plays a significant role, at least so the commentators of the Book of Changes believed. It talks about what a woman should be in a family. Aphorisms of individual traits further develop it. It only says here:

Home. Favorable woman stamina.

In the first position, a person is completely immersed in this closure within his own family. This is what should be here. He will not have to repent of anything if, remaining in this narrow environment, he will take care of its organization. So the text here only says the following:

Strong in the beginning. Shut up and start your house. Repentance will disappear.

The activities of a woman, wife and mistress, are closed by the interests of the family, and mainly by the interests of food. This image of isolation within the family is characterized in this position. There is no need to perform anywhere, and there is no one to follow. All that is needed is the stamina that was mentioned in the general introduction. So the text here says in simple words following:

Weak trait in second place. She (wife) has no one to follow. And her point is to focus on food. Happiness fortitude.

A person in this situation, if he must act, then only within his family. However, within these limits, he needs to take responsibility for his house, really manage it. In order to manage his family, he must not be tough, but harsh.

Although his severity can be perceived as something terrible, however, it leads to the fact that the house is subordinate to him and he, having taken responsibility for the successful life of his family, leads it along a completely conscious path. On the contrary, to dismiss your household, to give them the opportunity for self-willed actions, means to conduct business in such a way that later you will have to regret a lot. So in this case the text says:

Strong feature in third place. When there are harsh shouts among the household, there will be repentance in severity, but there will also be happiness. When the wife and children talk and laugh, then in the end there will be regret.

As a result of the activity that is systematically guided by the head of the family, and if this activity is carried out correctly, prosperity comes in the house. The correctness of such activity is emphasized by the proximity of this position to the fifth extreme line. So the text here only says:

Weak trait in fourth place. Rich house. Great happiness.

A person should be so involved in the affairs of his family that the expectation of any blessings from the side of people placed above is something unnatural and unusual for him. However, if a person does not correctly consider his position, then he may be impressed by the mercy shown from above. This would lead to a certain interest in social life outside his home, i.e. out of harmony with this situation. So the text here warns:

Strong trait in fifth place. The king approaches the owner of the family. Do not take it to heart. Happiness.

Here again the theme of severity appears, outlined already in the third line, which stands in accordance with the sixth. But first of all, it must be emphasized that severity is meant, not cruelty. Cruelty is devoid of truthfulness, while severity can be quite truthful. Therefore the text advises:

Above is a strong feature. There is harshness in the possession of truth. Ultimately, happiness.