The heroes of the story are the hare's paws by Paustovsky. Characteristics of the main characters, idea, moral issues of the story “Hare's Paws” (Paustovsky K.G.)

3rd grade. Literary reading lesson.

Subject: " Konstantin Paustovsky " Hare's feet"What the characters feel and experience."

Lesson type: combined .

Target:Create conditions for the development of skills to carefully and consciously read a work and analyze inner world heroes of the work; promote the development of the ability to identify genre work of art .

Planned educational results :


Accept and save learning task;

Take into account the action guidelines highlighted by the teacher in the new educational material in collaboration with the teacher;

Plan your actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation, including in the internal plan.


Work with the text: highlight the topic and main thought (idea, experience), different life positions (point of view, attitudes, mindsets); highlight the information specified by the aspect of consideration and retain the stated aspect.


Take into account different opinions and strive to coordinate different positions in cooperation.

Progress of the lesson.

I .Org. moment

Checking readiness for the lesson. Having a general attitude towards the lesson. Greeting students. Recording of absentees.

II .Introduction to the topic.

Read the epigraph of our lesson.

Lesson epigraph: “The ability to see the miraculous in the ordinary is a sign of wisdom!”

How do you understand these words?

Guys, Which writers’ works did we get acquainted with while studying the topic “Learning to love”?

Test yourself on the content.

- Today we will get acquainted with the work of another writer. And you will recognize the hero by guessing the riddle.

Not a lamb or a cat,

Wears a fur coat all year round.

Gray fur coat - for summer,

For winter - a different color.(Hare.)

-Find the author's last name and the title of his work by content.(K. Paustovsky “Hare’s Paws.”)

Do you know this writer?

(Showing a portrait)

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky is a great Russian writer. He loved to travel and reflected his impressions of what he saw and people in his stories. His works about nature and animals teach people kindness, compassion, responsiveness, love for native land. You will get acquainted with one of his works today. This is the story “Hare's Paws”, which Paustovsky wrote in 1937. But until now this story cannot leave the reader indifferent.

III . State the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Read the topic of the lesson carefully.

What will we learn in class?

Formulate the objectives of the lesson by continuing the phrases:

I would like to meet….

I would like to know...

I would like to develop the skill...

Today we will get acquainted with the work of Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky "Hare's Paws", we willanalyze the inner world of the heroes of the work.

IV .Work on new material.

1. Meet the writer.

To understand why K. G. Paustovsky wrote “Hare’s Paws,” you need to know at least a little about the author himself.

Konstantin Paustovsky born in 1892 in Moscow. He spent his childhood in Ukraine with his grandparents. The writing life began with the desire to know everything, see everything and travel. Even as a child, Kostya dreamed of traveling. Over time, he realized his dream, visiting many countries. Impressions from these trips, meetings with different people formed the basis for many of his essays. But, as the writer himself later admitted, there are no better places in Central Russia. Paustovsky said that he writes more and more willingly about ordinary unknown people - shepherds, ferrymen, artisans, forest guards, “watchmen and village children - his bosom friends.” That’s why K. G. Paustovsky created “Hare’s Paws” - a story in which a boy and an old man are trying to save a little hare. But not everything is so simple in this work...

2. Vocabulary work.

Work in groups.

Since the work was written a long time ago, it contains many ancient words that require explanation.

Now, working in groups, find in explanatory dictionary meanings of words.

Group 1 is looking for the meaning of words:

Ogolets - boy, young guy.

Patient - a patient being treated by a doctor.

Pince-nez - glasses that are held in place by a spring on the bridge of the nose.

Staff – a long cane, a stick for support when walking.

Group 2 is looking for the meaning of words:

Mumble – speak slurred due to missing teeth.

Seni, Sensi - a room between the residential part of the house and the porch in a village hut.

Hurricane – wind of unusual, destructive force.

Die (will die) – dialectal; peculiarity of the pronunciation of words in a certain area.

Group 3 is looking for the meaning of words:

Onuchi - wrapping for the foot under the boot, footcloth.

Vet – animal treatment specialist.

Lapti - in the old days, peasant shoes woven from bast (linden).

Konoval - a healer who treats horses (about a bad, ignorant doctor).

Group 3 is looking for the meaning of words:

String - a series of similar objects moving one after another in a chain.

Zenith – in astronomy – point celestial sphere, located vertically above the observer's head.

Amber – petrified resin from coniferous trees, transparent to dark red in color, processed for decoration.

Felt hat – dense felted material made from high-quality wool.

3. Reading the story “Hare's Paws” by Konstantin Paustovsky 1st part by the teacher, 2-3 parts by students in a chain.

Did you like the work?

Express your opinion about the story you read in one word.

What did you like most about this story?

What does this work teach?

4. Physical education minute

4. Work on content.

Who told us this story? What is it about? (About how grandfather and grandson saved a hare.)

Why did this story happen?

Find words and expressions that indicate that the summer was hot.

Let's check if you read the text carefully.

Do you think the hare that the grandfather saved with the help of the doctor is the same one that he shot? What episode is this from?

Find and read what the grandfather told Dr. Karl Petrovich. What detail confirms that this is the same hare?(The hare had a torn ear.)

What feelings did your grandfather experience during the fire?(He felt death approaching.)

Find evidence in the text.(“Death overtook my grandfather...”)

Find the most tense moment in your grandfather's story. Re-read it and underline the grandfather’s actions during the fire with one line, and the actions of the hare with a wavy line.

- What can you say about your grandfather’s behavior? (He was in a panic and didn't know what to do.)

How did he manage to escape? Read how the author explains it.

Why do you think the grandfather strives so hard to save the hare: after all, he wanted to kill him while hunting?(Grandfather wanted to repay salvation for salvation.)

– Why did Vanya go to the veterinarian? Why did Vanya and grandfather go to the city?

Read how the vet treated the bunny. Why did the vet refuse to treat him?

Read and briefly tell about the conversation between your grandfather and the pharmacist.

Who cured the hare? Who helped and how to save the sick animal? Read the passage.

Why does Vanya take such part in the fate of the sick hare?

- Who participated in saving the hare? ( Vanya Malyavin, grandfather Larion Malyavin, grandmother Anisya, doctor Karl Petrovich, pharmacist.)

- What can you say about Van? (He is a kind, sensitive, resilient, persistent, caring boy.)

Confirm with words from the text, try not to miss anything. ( Vanya is very worried when the village veterinarian refuses to treat the hare. On the way home, he tries to feed the hare soft leaves. Vanya runs straight through the forest to the lake to give the hare a drink in the heat.)

Now prove that almost everyone who in one way or another participated in the fate of the hare are very good people.

What part did Grandma Anisya take in the fate of the hare?

We'll find it on p. 164 and re-read the conversation between Vanya and grandmother Anisya. What actions can you note?(Didn’t pass by; sympathized; took pity on the hare; gave advice.)

- How do these actions characterize her?(Compassionate, inquisitive, sincere, kind.)

What words confirm that she is an elderly village resident?(“Mumbled”, “don’t die”, “let go”, “heartfelt”.)

How did Vanya and grandfather find the doctor? Who helped them?

Re-read the dialogue between the pharmacist and grandfather.

- How do you imagine a pharmacist? (Fat, old, wearing pince-nez, nervous, irritable, angry.)

Why do you think the pharmacist didn’t want to help his grandfather at first?(Approximate answer. The pharmacist, having heard the story about the hare, at first thought that it would be awkward to bother an old, no longer practicing children’s doctor on such a matter, but then he became imbued with the story and shouted out the address.)

Who cured the hare? Why did the doctor agree to treat him?

Let's re-read the conversation between the grandfather and the doctor and draw up a verbal portrait of Karl Petrovich. ( An old man with gray ruffled eyebrows, intelligent, educated, strict, kind, knew how to play the piano.)

- What actions did the grandfather take to save the hare? ( Went to the city; asked for the address; convinced the doctor to treat the hare.)

- What human qualities did he show? (Persistence, he didn’t profit from the hare, he released it into the wild.)

What is your attitude towards each of them? characters?

V . Consolidation.

1. Drawing up a story plan.

What is the story about?

What events does it narrate?

Let's draw up a story plan listing the chain of events.


    Vanya is at the veterinarian.

    Grandmother Anisya's advice.

    Road to the city.

    Meeting with the doctor.

    Forest fire.

    Grandfather's hare.

Work in pairs.

Guys, look at our plan and compare these chains of events. Clarify in what sequence the events actually occurred and in what order the writer spoke about them.

Students have a recording.

Events in the story. Events in life.

    Vanya is at the veterinarian. 1. Forest fire.

    Grandmother Anisya's advice. 2. Vanya at the veterinarian.

    Road to the city. 3. Advice from grandmother Anisya.

    Meeting with the doctor. 4. The road to the city.

    Forest fire. 5. Meeting with the doctor.

    Grandfather's hare. 6. Grandfather has a hare.

Why is the story about the forest fire moved to the very end of the story?

(to answer them, you should turn to the third part again and re-read it).

(The sequence of events in the story is broken in order to emphasize the most dramatic episode in it and thereby help the reader understand main idea: animals are our friends, we must treat them with care.

2. Drawing up a verbal portrait of the characters, their main features, characteristics of speech.

Now let’s work in groups, creating a verbal portrait of the heroes.

1 group- How do you imagine Vanya?

Check (Vanya is restless, hardy, stubborn, caring, diligent, quick, very kind)

Speech: whispers worriedly

2nd group- How did Vanya and grandfather find the doctor, who helped them?

Read and discuss the dialogue between the pharmacist and the grandfather. Tell me, what is a pharmacist?

Check (The pharmacist is nervous, angry, strict, irritated, but kind. He speaks angrily)

3 group- Find the conversation between your grandfather and Karl Petrovich in the story, read it and make a verbal portrait of the character.

Check (Doctor Karl Petrovich is intelligent, educated, strict, kind. He speaks strictly.)

4 group- Tell me what story Grandfather Larion told the doctor?

Describe your grandfather. How do you imagine it?

Check (Grandfather Larion is sympathetic, timid, kind. Speech: stubbornly mumbles)

What would you do?

Guys, let's summarize our discussion of heroes.

What is this story about? Is it about a hare?

(This is a story about human kindness and responsiveness, about a person’s ability to respond to someone else’s pain. A sick hare is at the center of events, and each character is tested for kindness and humanity. Some pass this exam, and some don’t! But! Good luck and there are much more sympathetic people in the story than bad ones. Thanks to them, the hare is saved!)

VI .Homework.

1. Prepare expressive reading.

2. Prepare a creative retelling on behalf of the hero of the work - a boy.

3. Draw an illustration for the story.

VII .Lesson summary.

What work did we meet today?

What impressed you the most?

What did you not know, but now you know - is it new to you?

Which tasks did you find most interesting?

Guys, why is this story placed in this particular chapter?

What excites you? What are you thinking about?

II X. Reflection.

Year of publication of the story: 1937

Paustovsky's story "Hare's Paws" is a very short work. This is a work by a nominee for Nobel Prize according to the literature presented in school curriculum and largely thanks to this, it got into the ratings of our site. But Paustovsky’s work is in demand not only due to the presence of curriculum and the high place of the writer in our the best for that confirmation.

The plot of the story "Hare's Paws" briefly

In Paustovsky’s short story “Hare Paws,” you will learn the story of Vanya Malyavin, who brought a small hare with burnt paws and belly to the veterinarian. But the veterinarian ordered the grandfather to fry a hare with onions as a snack and sent the boy out. Fortunately, I met the compassionate grandmother Anisya, who advised Vanya’s grandfather, if he really wanted to cure the hare, to take him to the city to Karl Petrovich. Vanya wiped his tears and walked barefoot along the sandy road home to Lake Urzhenskoye. It was incredibly hot, and the recent fire avoided the lake only by a miracle. Now the only reminder of the fire was the smell of burning. Vanya wanted to feed the hare wrapped in a torn cotton jacket, but he only helplessly lowered his head onto the leaves.

The next morning, Larion Malyavin put on new bast shoes, took a staff, a crust of bread and went to the city. Vanya carried the hare from behind. The city was empty and hot. The main characters of the story “Hare's Paws” by Paustovsky asked for a long time about Karl Petrovich, but no one knew anything about him. The pharmacist helped them, who said that Karl Petrovich Korsh is a children's doctor who has not seen him for 3 years. He lives on Pochtovaya three. Karl Petrovich was playing the piano when he was puzzled by a strange request. At first he did not want to treat the hare for a long time - after all, he is not a veterinarian. But then his grandfather told him the story of how this hare saved him. Then Karl Petrovich agreed. Grandfather left, and Vanya was left to follow the hare. Two days later, the whole town was buzzing about the fact that Karl Petrovich was treating the hare who saved his grandfather. On the third day, a young man came to the doctor, who introduced himself as an employee of a Moscow newspaper and asked to tell him about the hare.

Soon the main character of Paustovsky’s story “Hare’s Paws” was cured, and Vanya went home. The only reminder of this story was a Moscow professor who persistently asked to sell him a hare. But the grandfather dictated a letter to Vanya, in which he said that a living soul is not for sale. Vanya found out the whole story with the hare already on an October night. Grandfather couldn’t sleep, and the hare with a torn ear slept in the hallway. From time to time he would tap his hind paw on the rotten floorboard in his sleep.

In August my grandfather went hunting. The heat was terrible. Suddenly a little hare with a torn left ear jumped out at the grandfather. Grandfather fired from an old gun tied with wire, but missed. Grandfather walked further, but then he heard that from the Lopukhov side there was a strong smell of smoke. Then smoke and wind appeared. The grandfather realized that a forest fire had started and the fire was coming straight towards him. It was simply impossible to escape from the fire; the hurricane accelerated the fire to 30 km/h. And then a hare jumped out. He could barely drag his feet, which were burned. Animals sense the movement of fire better, and the grandfather rushed after the hare. They both ran out to the shore of the lake, exhausted, and fell down. The grandfather picked up the hare and now he lives with him. But my grandfather still felt guilty. Vanya was surprised: “Why?” Grandfather ordered to take a lantern and look at the hare. His left ear was torn, so it was this little bunny that he wanted to shoot main character Paustovsky's story "Hare's Paws".

The story “Hare's Paws” on the Top Books website

Paustovsky’s story “Hare’s Paws” is so popular to read that it took a high place in our ranking. But the presence of the work in the school curriculum contributes a lot to this. Therefore, we predict that the story “Hare's Paws” will appear more than once in the ratings of our site.

You can read Paustovsky’s story “Hare’s Paws” online on the Top Books website.

Konstantin Georgievich is a great Russian writer. He loved to travel and reflected his impressions of what he saw and people in his stories. His animals teach people kindness, compassion, responsiveness, and love for their native land. You will become acquainted with one of his works by reading summary. Paustovsky wrote “Hare's Paws” in 1937. But until now this story cannot leave the reader indifferent.

Brief biography: the development of a writer

To understand why K. G. Paustovsky wrote “Hare’s Paws,” you need to know at least a little about the author himself.

He was born in Moscow in 1892, on May 31. Konstantin's father worked as a railway statistician. According to the writer himself, the mother was a stern and domineering woman. Talking about his family, Konstantin Georgievich said that they loved to engage in various arts - they played the piano a lot, visited theaters.

Due to the fact that the family broke up, Konstantin, from the sixth grade, was forced to work on an equal basis with adults in order to earn money for his studies and for a living. The boy became a tutor. And he wrote his first story in 1911, it was published in the magazine “Lights”.

Even as a child, Kostya dreamed of traveling. Over time, he realized his dream, visiting many countries. Impressions from these trips and meetings with different people formed the basis of many of his essays. But, as the writer himself later admitted, there are no better places in Central Russia.

Paustovsky said that he writes more and more willingly about simple unknown people - shepherds, ferrymen, artisans, forest guards, “watchmen and village children - his bosom friends.” That’s why K. G. Paustovsky created “Hare’s Paws” - a story in which a boy and an old man are trying to save a little hare. But not everything is so simple in this work...

The beginning of the story

It's time to reveal the summary. Paustovsky wrote “Hare's Paws” to clearly show that there is no need to do evil, as you will regret it later. This piece shows nobility ordinary people, one of whom stumbled, but then corrected himself.

Paustovsky’s work “Hare’s Paws” begins with an introduction. The reader is presented with a boy living in a village on Lake Urzhenskoe. The child's name is Vanya Malyavin.

A child brought a small bunny wrapped in a boy’s cotton jacket to the veterinarian. From the very first lines there is pity for this little creature; the author writes that the hare was crying, his eyes were red from tears. But the veterinarian didn’t even ask what happened; he shouted at the boy, saying that he would soon be carrying mice to him. The child could not stand it and replied that there was no need to swear, this hare was special, his grandfather had sent him to cure him.

When the veterinarian asked what happened, the boy replied that his paws were burned. Instead of helping the animal, the veterinarian pushed the child in the back and shouted after him that he did not know how to treat them and advised them to roast the hare. The boy did not respond to such cruel words. This is how the story begins: The hare's paws were damaged due to a forest fire. The reader will learn about this incident later.

Ivan's compassion

After leaving the veterinarian, the boy also began to cry. Grandma Anisya saw him. The child shared his sadness with her, to which the old woman advised him to contact Dr. Karl Petrovich, who lives in the city. Vanya quickly went to his grandfather to tell him everything.

On the way, the child picked herbs for the pet and asked him to eat. Ivan thought that the bunny was thirsty, so he ran with him to the lake so that he could quench his thirst. Let's continue with the summary. Paustovsky created “Hare's Paws” so that children with youth learned compassion. After all, the boy Vanya felt sorry for his long-eared friend, so he tried to cure him, feed him and give him something to drink.

Searching for a doctor

At home, the child told grandfather Larion everything, and the next morning they set off. Arriving in the city, the old man and grandson began asking passers-by where Karl Petrovich lived, but no one knew it.

Then they went to the pharmacy, the pharmacist gave the doctor’s address, but upset the travelers by the fact that he had not been accepting patients for three years. Larion and Vanya found the doctor, but he told them that he was not a veterinarian, but a specialist in childhood diseases. What for? old man replied, saying, what difference does it make who is treated, a child or a bunny?

Meeting with a doctor, recovery

The doctor began to treat the hare. Vanya stayed with Karl Petrovich to look after his ward, and Larion went to the lake in the morning. Soon the whole street learned about this incident, and after 2 days the whole city. On the third day, a newspaper employee came to the doctor and asked for an interview about the hare.

When the little ear finally recovered, Vanya took him home. This story was quickly forgotten, only a professor from Moscow really wanted his grandfather to sell him a four-legged celebrity. But Larion refused.

What happened then in the forest?

Next, a brief summary moves on to the main events. Paustovsky wrote “Hare's Paws” in such a way that the reader learns about the cause of the eared ear burns closer to the end. From this moment it becomes clear that the story is being told on behalf of Konstantin Georgievich himself. He says that in the fall he visited his grandfather Larion and spent the night in his house on the lake. The old man could not sleep, and he told about the incident.

This was back in August. One day my grandfather went hunting, saw a hare and shot. But providence wanted him to miss and the hare to run away. The old man walked on, but soon he smelled burning, saw smoke and realized that it was a forest fire. Hurricane winds contributed to the rapid spread of the fire. The old man ran, but began to stumble and fall. The fire overtook him.

Will the old man be saved?

Larion felt that the fire was already grabbing him by the shoulders, but then he saw a hare jump out from under his feet. He ran slowly, it was clear that he was injured hind legs, as he dragged them. The old man rejoiced at the beast as if it were his own. He knew that animals have a special sense; they sense where to run to escape a fire.

With the last of his strength, the elderly man ran after the hare, asking him not to run quickly. So the little eared one brought Larion out of the fire. Once on the shore of the lake, both fell exhausted. Then it was time for the old man to take care of his savior. He took his little friend in his arms and carried him home. When Ushastika was cured, the old man kept him with him.

The ending of the story is predictable for some, unexpected for others. Larion repented that he was guilty before the animal. After all, it was the same hare with a torn ear that he almost shot.

Like this interesting story written by K. G. Paustovsky.

"Hare's Paws": main characters

The work begins with an acquaintance with Vanya Malyavin. The author then talks very briefly about his grandfather. These are the two main characters of the story. Undoubtedly, the third is the hare, who behaved heroically and nobly - he saved Larion, despite the fact that he almost killed him at the beginning of their meeting. But good begets good. And in a difficult moment for the animal, the old man did not leave his savior, he overcame various obstacles - the indifference of people, the long way to help the animal.

Is here and minor characters. Some of them, like grandmother Anisya, Karl Petrovich, are positive, since they did not remain indifferent to the misfortune of others. Against the background of the nobility of these people, the murderous indifference of the veterinarian, who almost killed the animal, because he did not even examine it, is especially clearly visible.

Analysis: “Hare's Paws”, Paustovsky

In his work, the writer raises important issues, talking about the indifference of some people and the kindness of others, about the close relationship between nature and man. Analyzing the internal form of the story, it can be argued that at the very beginning the story is impersonal. Towards the end of the work it becomes clear that it is written on behalf of the author.

Analyzing the main characters, we can say that the author told little about their external appearance, but gave the reader the opportunity to see the internal state of these noble people. The writer said that the old man walked in boots and with a stick. It was with a high sense of responsibility. Vanya is also a good and caring boy, he sincerely worries about the hare, which speaks of the child’s responsiveness and kind heart.

If we analyze natural landscapes, it is clear that the author presented them in two forms. The first is the heat, the hurricane, which started a strong fire. The second is a cold autumn, October night, when it is so good to sit with a cup of tea in the house and talk, as Konstantin Georgievich and Larion did. Natural descriptions help the reader to be completely immersed in the story, to be at the scene of events with the characters. This concludes the brief retelling.

Paustovsky wrote “Hare's Paws” for readers of all age categories. Both adults and children will benefit from reading this interesting and instructive story.

Konstantin Georgievich is a great Russian writer. He loved to travel and reflected his impressions of what he saw and people in his stories. His works about nature and animals teach people kindness, compassion, responsiveness, and love for their native land. You will become acquainted with one of his works by reading the summary. Paustovsky wrote “Hare's Paws” in 1937. But until now this story cannot leave the reader indifferent.

Brief biography: the development of a writer

To understand why K. G. Paustovsky wrote “Hare’s Paws,” you need to know at least a little about the author himself.

He was born in Moscow in 1892, on May 31. Konstantin's father, from a family of Zaporozhye Cossacks, worked as a railway statistician. According to the writer himself, the mother was a stern and domineering woman. Talking about his family, Konstantin Georgievich said that they loved to engage in various arts - they played the piano a lot, visited theaters.

Due to the fact that the family broke up, Konstantin, from the sixth grade, was forced to work on an equal basis with adults in order to earn money for his studies and for a living. The boy became a tutor. And he wrote his first story in 1911, it was published in the magazine “Lights”.

Even as a child, Kostya dreamed of traveling. Over time, he realized his dream, visiting many countries. Impressions from these trips and meetings with different people formed the basis of many of his essays. But, as the writer himself later admitted, there are no better places in Central Russia.

Paustovsky said that he writes more and more willingly about ordinary unknown people - shepherds, ferrymen, artisans, forest guards, “watchmen and village children - his bosom friends.” That’s why K. G. Paustovsky created “Hare’s Paws” - a story in which a boy and an old man are trying to save a little hare. But not everything is so simple in this work...

The beginning of the story

It's time to reveal the summary. Paustovsky wrote “Hare's Paws” to clearly show that there is no need to do evil, as you will regret it later. This work shows the nobility of ordinary people, one of whom stumbled, but then corrected himself.

Paustovsky’s work “Hare’s Paws” begins with an introduction. The reader is presented with a boy living in a village on Lake Urzhenskoe. The child's name is Vanya Malyavin.

A child brought a small bunny wrapped in a boy’s cotton jacket to the veterinarian. From the very first lines there is pity for this little creature; the author writes that the hare was crying, his eyes were red from tears. But the veterinarian didn’t even ask what happened; he shouted at the boy, saying that he would soon be carrying mice to him. The child could not stand it and replied that there was no need to swear, this hare was special, his grandfather had sent him to cure him.

When the veterinarian asked what happened, the boy replied that his paws were burned. Instead of helping the animal, the veterinarian pushed the child in the back and shouted after him that he did not know how to treat them and advised them to roast the hare. The boy did not respond to such cruel words. This is how Konstantin Paustovsky begins his story. The hare's paws were damaged due to a forest fire. The reader will learn about this incident later.

Ivan's compassion

After leaving the veterinarian, the boy also began to cry. Grandma Anisya saw him. The child shared his sadness with her, to which the old woman advised him to contact Dr. Karl Petrovich, who lives in the city. Vanya quickly went to his grandfather to tell him everything.

On the way, the child picked herbs for the pet and asked him to eat. Ivan thought that the bunny was thirsty, so he ran with him to the lake so that he could quench his thirst. Let's continue with the summary. Paustovsky also created “Hare’s Paws” so that children would learn compassion from a young age. After all, the boy Vanya felt sorry for his long-eared friend, so he tried to cure him, feed him and give him something to drink.

Searching for a doctor

At home, the child told grandfather Larion everything, and the next morning they set off. Arriving in the city, the old man and grandson began asking passers-by where Karl Petrovich lived, but no one knew it.

Then they went to the pharmacy, the pharmacist gave the doctor’s address, but upset the travelers by the fact that he had not been accepting patients for three years. Larion and Vanya found the doctor, but he told them that he was not a veterinarian, but a specialist in childhood diseases. To which the elderly man replied, they say, what difference does it make who is treated, a child or a bunny?

Meeting with a doctor, recovery

The doctor began to treat the hare. Vanya stayed with Karl Petrovich to look after his ward, and Larion went to the lake in the morning. Soon the whole street learned about this incident, and after 2 days the whole city. On the third day, a newspaper employee came to the doctor and asked for an interview about the hare.

When the little ear finally recovered, Vanya took him home. This story was quickly forgotten, only a professor from Moscow really wanted his grandfather to sell him a four-legged celebrity. But Larion refused.

What happened then in the forest?

Next, a brief summary moves on to the main events. Paustovsky wrote “Hare's Paws” in such a way that the reader learns about the cause of the eared ear burns closer to the end. From this moment it becomes clear that the story is being told on behalf of Konstantin Georgievich himself. He says that in the fall he visited his grandfather Larion and spent the night in his house on the lake. The old man could not sleep, and he told about the incident.

This was back in August. One day my grandfather went hunting, saw a hare and shot. But providence wanted him to miss and the hare to run away. The old man walked on, but soon he smelled burning, saw smoke and realized that it was a forest fire. Hurricane winds contributed to the rapid spread of the fire. The old man ran, but began to stumble and fall. The fire overtook him.

Will the old man be saved?

Larion felt that the fire was already grabbing him by the shoulders, but then he saw a hare jump out from under his feet. He ran slowly, it was clear that his hind legs were injured, as he was dragging them. The old man rejoiced at the beast as if it were his own. He knew that animals have a special sense; they sense where to run to escape a fire.

With the last of his strength, the elderly man ran after the hare, asking him not to run quickly. So the little eared one brought Larion out of the fire. Once on the shore of the lake, both fell exhausted. Then it was time for the old man to take care of his savior. He took his little friend in his arms and carried him home. When Ushastika was cured, the old man kept him with him.

The ending of the story is predictable for some, unexpected for others. Larion repented that he was guilty before the animal. After all, it was the same hare with a torn ear that he almost shot.

This is an interesting story written by K. G. Paustovsky.

"Hare's Paws": main characters

The work begins with an acquaintance with Vanya Malyavin. The author then talks very briefly about his grandfather. These are the two main characters of the story. Undoubtedly, the third is the hare, who behaved heroically and nobly - he saved Larion, despite the fact that he almost killed him at the beginning of their meeting. But good begets good. And in a difficult moment for the animal, the old man did not leave his savior, he overcame various obstacles - the indifference of people, the long way to help the animal.

There are also minor characters here. Some of them, like grandmother Anisya, Karl Petrovich, are positive, since they did not remain indifferent to the misfortune of others. Against the background of the nobility of these people, the murderous indifference of the veterinarian, who almost killed the animal, because he did not even examine it, is especially clearly visible.

Analysis: “Hare's Paws”, Paustovsky

In his work, the writer raises important issues, talking about the indifference of some people and the kindness of others, about the close relationship between nature and man. Analyzing the internal form of the story, it can be argued that at the very beginning the story is impersonal. Towards the end of the work it becomes clear that it is written on behalf of the author.

Analyzing the main characters, we can say that the author told little about their external appearance, but gave the reader the opportunity to see the internal state of these noble people. The writer said that the old man walked in boots and with a stick. He was a kind man with a high sense of responsibility. Vanya is also a good and caring boy, he sincerely worries about the hare, which speaks of the child’s responsiveness and kind heart.

If we analyze natural landscapes, it is clear that the author presented them in two forms. The first is the heat, the hurricane, which started a strong fire. The second is a cold autumn, October night, when it is so good to sit with a cup of tea in the house and talk, as Konstantin Georgievich and Larion did. Natural descriptions help the reader to be completely immersed in the story, to be at the scene of events with the characters. This concludes the brief retelling.

Paustovsky wrote “Hare's Paws” for readers of all age categories. Both adults and children will benefit from reading this interesting and instructive story.