Annual Czech language courses in the Czech Republic. Language courses in the Czech Republic

Terms modern life They allow young people to decide for themselves how and in which country to build their future lives and careers.

Fortunately, European countries are increasingly accepting young and talented citizens of Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries who cannot find their place in hometown and are committed to learning foreign universities

Compare for yourself:

  • In legendary Prague, the percentage of employed university graduates has been 90-92% for many years. Perhaps we shouldn’t mention the sad statistics that are relevant in our countries?
  • In Vienna, Munich and Berlin, every young man and woman has a chance to get the job they want, thanks to effective internships and truly quality education. All these components easily open the doors to the necessary offices.

But there is still one important condition - knowledge of the English language is required. This is not the theory that we were taught at school and will be taught at university. In Europe, it is important that you speak real spoken English, which will allow you to charm admissions committee(if you decide to study at a university) and win over your future boss.

For more than 13 years, this international organization on educational and cultural relations has been creating opportunities for young people to study not only English language, but also the cultures of other countries. But why should you take 32 seconds and pay attention to the courses? British Council?

  • There are no people on the teaching staff who are obsessed with theory. Each of them is a highly qualified specialist using the latest teaching methods. This is why every lesson is especially interesting, exciting and at the same time filled with large quantity useful knowledge.
  • You have an amazing choice - to study at any time of the year, in a program that suits your needs and abilities. The main thing is the desire to start studying. Today the British Council and MSM invite you to pay attention to autumn, winter and summer courses duration 8, 10 and 14 days!
  • Classes are specially conducted in English - this way you will quickly get into the right atmosphere of communication, you will be able to quickly get used to the new language and begin to understand its native speakers faster.
  • Are you now worried that you will be laughed at for your bad English? Discard these stereotypes - during classes the emphasis is on developing communication skills, so your mistakes will be very gently and correctly corrected by the teacher, and you will be able to prevent them in the future.
  • In classes organized by the British Council, special textbooks and specially selected materials are used to help you master the English language faster.
  • In addition, the learning process takes place in modern, well-equipped classrooms. You will have powerful computers and, of course, Internet access at your disposal.
  • You will find yourself in a very pleasant and friendly atmosphere in which there is no room for competition. Therefore, you will be as open as possible to learning, experimenting and analyzing the teacher’s recommendations.
  • A pleasant bonus - during the breaks you will be able to personally enjoy the riches of culture and architecture of European countries, get acquainted with the peculiarities of the economy, social and everyday life of their inhabitants.

Result: excellent knowledge and the right certificate

Upon completion of the training, you will be issued a certificate that is recognized by employers and most institutions in all European countries. Therefore, you will have an excellent trump card at the moment when you want to enter a university or get a job.

Are you interested? This means it's time to act

Many people miss the most important moments in life only because they are afraid that their loved ones will not understand them, that something will not work out for them, that something will happen to them in another country.

Forget it. You will have a different story. The International Union of Youth, which is the exclusive representative of the British Council in Ukraine, will help you and provide all opportunities for studying the English language course.

Do you want to learn from the best teachers? Make the right decision and take the first step - call or write to us. We will answer all questions and advise the best way which will lead you to a successful life.


Program Country Program type Language
Czech Republic English
Czech Republic Language courses English
Czech Republic English
Czech Republic Language courses English
Czech Republic Language courses, University preparation Czech, English
Czech Republic Language courses, University preparation English, Czech
Czech Republic Language courses, University preparation English, Czech
Czech Republic Language courses, University preparation Czech, English
Czech Republic Language courses, University preparation Czech, English
Czech Republic Language courses, Summer camps English
Czech Republic Language courses, Summer camps German
Czech Republic Language courses, Summer camps Czech, English

Study can be combined with relaxation. Here you can wander through the medieval castles of Bohemia, admire the picturesque vineyards of South Moravia, enjoy aromatic knuckles with fragrant beer in Brno or heal in Karlovy Vary.

The low cost of language courses in the Czech Republic is one of the most important advantages for Russian students.

Local residents will be happy to talk to you in both Czech and English. You will have enough language practice.

The educational institutions where you will study have official accreditation, so there will be no difficulties in obtaining a visa.

Who should study Czech in the Czech Republic?

For applicants. If you are planning to enroll in a university in this country, language courses in the Czech Republic will help you pass entrance exams and study for free in the future.

For students. Are you an international student and want to improve your knowledge? Courses Czech language in the Czech Republic during the holidays will help you improve your skills and attract attention in your university classes in the new year.

For businessmen. If you cooperate with this country in business, studying at language schools in the Czech Republic will help you establish contact with partners and clients and learn professional terminology.

For emigrants. For those who are planning to move or have already moved, without knowing the language they will not be able to get a job or meet friends. Language courses in the Czech Republic at a competitive price from STAR Academy will help fill this gap and start life from scratch in a new place.

Types of courses

Czech language courses in Prague or preparatory courses in Prague are the best option for young people who later intend to become students at one of the Prague universities. After all, Prague is not only an architectural monument and a tourist city, but also an important business, scientific and educational center of Europe; it is the 14th largest city in the European Union, so obtaining higher education in this city can be the first step towards your success. If you want to enroll in one of the Prague universities, the most convenient option would be to take Czech language courses in Prague.

We offer Czech language courses in Prague and preparatory courses at the following public universities:

  • Czech language courses at Charles University in Prague, Podebrady, Marianske Lazne –
  • Czech language courses at the Prague Technical University CTU – – Attention discounts!
  • Czech language courses in Prague economic university HSE –
  • Preparation for admission to state universities in Brno –

Advantages of courses in Prague

Living and studying Czech language courses in Prague, you will be able to devote more time to studying the possibilities of entering universities in this city, for example, attending days open doors at the universities you are interested in, and, if necessary, preparatory courses in the subjects that you will take at the entrance exams (if your Czech language courses do not include preparation in specialized subjects).

If, while taking courses, you are going to find a job or part-time job during your studies, then choosing Czech language courses in Prague is again the best option for you, because in the capital there are always more opportunities and more job offers than in other cities. This also applies to those course students who already have an education, and after nostrification of their diploma and mastery of the Czech language at a conversational level, they can begin to look closely at job offers in numerous international companies with offices in Prague.

We also recommend Czech language courses in Prague to those students who want to live in the capital and feel at the center of social and cultural life. After all, it is in Prague that most concerts, exhibitions, competitions and other cultural and sports events are held.

Czech language courses in Prague – Charles University

We offer preparatory courses at Charles University lasting from six weeks to one year. The annual Czech language courses at Charles University in Prague are divided into two groups: courses in which only the language is studied, and preparatory courses for certain specialties, which, in addition to studying the Czech language, also include training in subjects that will need to be taken in the entrance exams.

In Prague, at Charles University, students can prepare for admission to humanities, technical and economic specialties, as well as prepare for admission to a master's program. These are not only Czech language courses, but comprehensive preparation for entrance exams. Students are also taught the subject “Introduction to the Specialty”, by studying which they improve special Czech vocabulary and find themselves in an atmosphere close to their future studies in Czech at the university.

Offered preparatory courses in Prague at Charles University:

  • Annual Czech language courses lasting 10 months (Prague-Albertov)
  • Annual Czech language courses lasting 12 months (Prague-Albertov)
  • Semester Czech language courses (Prague-Albertov)
  • Six-week intensive Czech language courses (Prague-Albertov)
  • Preparatory courses for humanities and technical specialties (Prague-Krystal)
  • Preparatory courses for economic specialties (Prague-Gloubetín)
  • Preparatory courses for admission to the master's program (Prague-Gloubetín)

We also offer a special adaptation program for courses at Charles University. You can read more about Czech language courses at Charles University.

Czech language courses in Prague – Czech Technical University CTU

Admission to the Czech Agricultural University in Prague CZU without exams

The unique opportunity that this university offers is admission to a public university in Prague without entrance exams, without nostrification and without losing a year. Training is conducted in English. Students are enrolled in the first year of a bachelor's degree in advance. During their first year of study, they prepare for entrance exams and get a nostrified certificate or diploma, and a year later, after passing the entrance exams and providing a nostrification document, they are immediately enrolled in the second year. Many subjects are taught by teachers from English speaking countries, so studying under this program is a great opportunity to improve your English. Students in this program learn Czech in a “natural” way, being in a Czech environment and interacting with Czech students.

Program cost:

From 3.620 euros.

Since education at the university is conducted in English, training in subsequent courses is also paid, but its cost is incomparably lower than when studying in English at other universities in the Czech Republic. (Bachelor's degree - approximately 400 euros for the second and third years, master's degree - approximately 600 euros for the second year).

Study programs:

Bachelor's degree:

  • Economics and management
  • Informatics
  • Business Administration

Master's degree:

  • Economics and management
  • Informatics
  • European agricultural diplomacy
  • Business Administration

Preparatory courses in Prague – HSE University of Economics in Prague

We offer two training programs Czech language courses in Prague, organized by the Prague University of Economics. These are annual and semester programs.

The first semester is devoted only to Czech language courses, which are taught 25 academic hours per week; in the second semester, preparatory courses in specialized subjects are added (20 hours per week devoted to the Czech language and 5 hours to other subjects). Semester preparatory courses at the Higher School of Economics in Prague are structured according to the same scheme as the second semester of annual courses.

The Prague University of Economics provides its students with a unique opportunity to attend seminars and lectures of the university already in the process of studying Czech language courses. In this way, students can, firstly, improve their knowledge of the Czech language, especially specialized vocabulary, and secondly, the credits accumulated while studying these subjects during the courses are counted toward them when further education at the university. You can read more about Czech language courses at the Prague University of Economics here.

What do Czech language course programs in Prague include?

In addition to Czech language courses in Prague or preparatory courses, our programs also include the entire range of additional services necessary both to obtain long-term student visa to the Czech Republic (or a residence permit for the purpose of studying in the Czech Republic), and for comfortable and calm adaptation in an unfamiliar country, and for admission to a state university in the Czech Republic with the maximum probability of success.

Even during your stay at home, we provide you with all kinds of consultations, provide you with complete and up-to-date information about Czech language courses and educational programs in the Czech Republic, we help you decide on the choice of courses: will it be Czech language courses in Prague or in another city in the Czech Republic. Together we collect the necessary package of documents for applying for visas, we send you confirmation of study, accommodation reservation and a completed visa application form, we advise and prepare you for an interview at the embassy.

After arriving in the Czech Republic, you or your children do not feel alone in an unfamiliar environment, but receive comprehensive support and assistance in adaptation: meeting at the airport or train station, registration with the police for foreigners, accommodation in a hotel or hostel, connection to a mobile operator and assistance in purchasing a travel pass, support and translations in emergency situations (communication with doctors, health insurance companies), organization of free time (excursions, communication with native speakers, visiting open days at universities).

We also provide you or your children with comprehensive assistance and support when entering state universities in the Czech Republic, organize nostrification of a diploma or certificate, help with choosing a university and specialty, provide full information about specialties and conditions for admission to universities, submitting applications to universities, etc.

You will find more detailed information about what our Czech language course programs in Prague include on the respective program pages. You can also contact us on our email address, and we will be happy to answer all your questions!

Language requirements in the Czech Republic

Common European competences of ownership foreign language: learning, teaching, assessment (CEFR – Common European Framework of Reference) - a system of levels of foreign language proficiency used inEuropean Union.

The main purpose of the CEFR system is to provide an assessment and teaching method applicable to all European languages.

The CEFR system divides student knowledge and skills into three broad categories, which are further divided into six levels:

AElementary possession

A1Survival level

A2Pre-threshold level

BSelf-sufficient ownership

B1Threshold level

B2Threshold advanced level


C1Proficiency level

C2Mastery level

Levels of Czech and English languages are divided into 3 main ones ( A,B,C) and 6 sublevels (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2).

For each level, the knowledge and skills that a student must have in reading, listening comprehension, speaking and writing are described:



% ratio vocabulary to a higher level

% ratio of vocabulary to level C2

I understand and can use familiar phrases and expressions necessary to perform specific tasks. I can introduce myself and introduce others, ask and answer questions about my place of residence, acquaintances, and property. I can participate in a simple conversation if the other person speaks slowly and clearly and is willing to help.

I understand individual sentences and frequently used expressions related to basic areas of life (for example, basic information about myself and my family members, purchases, getting a job, etc.). I can perform tasks related to simple exchange of information on familiar or everyday topics. IN simple expressions I can tell about myself, my family and friends, describe the main aspects of everyday life.

Understand the main ideas of clear messages made on literary language on different topics, typically arising at work, study, leisure, etc. I can communicate in most situations that may arise during a stay in the country of the language being studied. I can compose a coherent message on topics that are known or of particular interest to me. I can describe impressions, events, hopes, aspirations, express and justify my opinions and plans for the future.

I understand the general content of complex texts on abstract and concrete topics, including highly specialized texts. I speak quickly and spontaneously enough to constantly communicate with native speakers without too much difficulty for either party. I am able to give clear, detailed messages on various topics and present my view on the main issue, showing the advantages and disadvantages of different opinions.

I understand long, complex texts in various topics, recognize the hidden meaning. I speak spontaneously at a fast pace, without having difficulty finding words and expressions. I use language flexibly and effectively for communication in scientific and professional activities. I can create an accurate, detailed, well-structured message on complex topics, demonstrating mastery of text organization models, means of communication and the integration of its elements.

I understand almost any oral or written message, I can compose a coherent text based on several oral and written sources. I speak spontaneously at a fast pace and high degree accuracy, emphasizing shades of meaning even in the most complex cases.

The language school of the Czech-Russian educational complex "Věda" regularly conducts courses at all international levels of knowledge of the Czech, English and Russian languages.

We specialize in intensive Czech language courses for Russian-speaking students.

We have courses that prepare you for studying in Czech or working in the Czech Republic in your specialty.

The courses allow Russian-speaking students to move to the Czech Republic and, in the optimal time frame, learn the national language at the level necessary for further professional development.

Czech language for study

Many of our students learn Czech with the specific goal of obtaining a free higher education in the Czech language in the Czech Republic.
For admission and further study at the university, knowledge of the Czech language at level B2 is required. Typically, reaching this level requires a year of intensive training.

Annual courses “Standard” and “Premium”

To achieve level B2 you need to complete at least 500–600 lessons. We provide training on the annual course “Standard” (560–620 hours) and “Premium” (870 hours).

The choice of course depends on what specialty and what university you are enrolling in - how high the demands the department places on the language competence of foreign applicants. When enrolling in humanities, as well as when enrolling in leading universities (Charles University, Czech technical university, graduate School Economics, Higher School chemical technology) we recommend choosing the maximum language training.

In Prague and Brno

You can take annual courses for admission at the training center in Prague or the training center in Brno. At the same time, after completing the course, you can, of course, enroll in any university in the country.

Brno is the second largest city in the Czech Republic, very popular among foreign students

Beginning of training – September / October / November

Our annual preparation courses for admission to universities in the Czech Republic begin in September, October and November.

As part of the “Standard” or “Premium” course, you will study the appropriate number of hours; the intensity will depend on the start date - from 4 to 6 lessons per day.

Of course, it is better to immerse yourself in the environment and start learning the language as early as possible.

Why you need to learn Czech in the Czech Republic

Upon admission Czech University it doesn’t matter where or how you learned Czech. But, as a rule, in order to successfully prepare for entrance examinations in Czech you need to learn the language in the country, with native speakers and intensively - 5 lessons a day for a whole year. In addition, studying at annual courses solves many organizational issues related to admission - nostrification of documents on previous education, choosing a university and specialty, submitting applications to universities, etc.

How much does a yearly Czech language course cost?

Annual Czech language courses preparing for admission cost from 2,700 euros to 5,000 euros - depending on the city of study (Prague or Brno) and the number of hours.

Within the framework of the Higher Education program

The “Standard” and “Premium” entry courses form the basis of our program “ Higher education" This means that the cost of the courses includes comprehensive support for the admission process: visa support, assistance with nostrification, submission of documents to universities and consultations.

Upon completion of training - state exam

We are accredited by the Ministry of Education Czech Republic to conduct state exam in Czech language. Students of the annual courses “Standard” and “Premium” have the opportunity to take a prestigious state exam for free, which corresponds to level B2. The certificate of passing the state exam is accepted by most Czech faculties.

Semester courses

We also offer intensive semester courses from February 1st (480 academic hours). They are primarily suitable for applicants wishing to study at private universities in the Czech Republic.