Changing the past - recapitulating childhood as a new gift of magic. How to rewrite the past and change your life How to change the past to change your life

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A person's life experiences influence his present. Once a person stumbles on something, he will no longer follow the same path or will be too careful. This often prevents you from being fulfilled in life, taking risks and achieving success. But the most offensive thing is that most of the reactions are formed not at a conscious age, but in deep childhood, and a person may not even realize what is behind his fear or indecision.

Today professional psychologists and representatives of esoteric teachings offer to change the past, or rather the set of reactions. The principle of operation is similar: with the help of conversation, meditation or hypnosis, the cause of events in the present is clarified. For example, constant non-payment of bonuses and large salaries by employers. The situation is recurring and very unpleasant. It is necessary to find out what lies behind it. Often this is the fear of big money, the fear of losing money. It can come from the person’s past, when he accidentally dropped a sum of money that was important to him in childhood. Or maybe he witnessed when there were troubles in the life of his parents because of money. Any circumstances can be considered using this method.

If such or similar emotions exist, a person subconsciously creates events when money does not come into life. He finds a job where he is not paid, or he finds himself in various situations where the money flows away very quickly. He cannot save anything because he subconsciously does not want to have money. He himself may not realize this, but simply observe what is happening. But experts see similar phenomena.

When the moment of loading the program that the applicant lives by has been found, it is necessary to change it. What is happening is the transformation of the underlying opinion to another. For example, the statement that “money brings trouble” can be replaced with “money is a source of joy.” This is done in different ways, each master offers his own version. You can even work on your own using affirmations, but this is a little longer than working with a specialist.

Replacing children's attitudes and reactions is possible. This cannot be called a change in the past; it is a change in the reactions that existed earlier. Such phenomena help a person to live differently. After all, in this way you can remove big grievances, psychological traumas, and deep experiences. Such an experience allows you to enjoy the present, and not return in your thoughts to what has already been passed. And this is a huge achievement modern psychology which greatly improves life.

Greetings, my dear reader. I am with you, Oksana Manoilo. Now I want to talk to you about how by changing the past, we can change our present and future.

Often people tend to cling to their past, blaming it for their unsatisfactory present. They say, “it’s all the parents’ fault - they didn’t like them or generally behaved so obscenely that there’s not enough anger against them.”

Or - “it was such a hectic and difficult time, I got it, but modern people roll like cheese in butter, but I had to take a sip.” And, as a result, “If everything was as it should be, everything was “like people”, I would most likely also be successful, happy and live a high-quality life filled with joy.” Let's figure out how you can change the past and, therefore, your future.

Is it possible to change the past?

I’ll immediately make a reservation that a similar line of thinking is present among people who are not yet aware and it is unlikely that they read this.

Those who did find this article have probably already passed a certain point on the path of self-improvement and know that without taking responsibility for your life, nothing can be changed in it for the better.

Therefore, blaming the responsibility for your present failures on the circumstances of the past means enthusiastically remaining in the same swamp without a chance to harmonize anything, but in this way it is even possible to lift the mud and turbidity around you from the bottom.

Yes, I do not deny that the circumstances of our past influenced the creation of the present us, our views, beliefs, the way we relate to life, the “scenery” that life gives us in response. But our strength lies in the fact that only we decide whether to be content with what has developed in our lives during the time our consciousness was closed or not. Leave it as is, or change it for the better.Let's start with the fact that the past no longer exists. Every second we live dissolves like smoke, just as the future does not yet exist.

How to go back to the past and change it?

Only our present, “here and now,” is real. And the memory of past events is comparable to a hologram; our Soul needs it, which from incarnation to incarnation collects particles of experience, which is our entire life from birth to the transition to the subtle plane. And there is absolutely no need for us to rummage through the baggage of our memory, it’s like “sawing sawdust.” Our happiness can begin right from the current moment - that’s the trick!

Resentment towards parents

But what to do in the case when, despite all of the above, resentment towards your parents and life does not go away and poisons your present with difficult thoughts and memories?

Here you just need to know a few things. If you think that your parents could have behaved differently with you or that life could have been kinder to you, know that it could not have been any other way. Simply because you chose it for yourself.

All Souls, before incarnation on Earth, in order to complete tasks and collect certain experiences, themselves determine in what conditions, at what time and in what place to be born.

Someone in a previous incarnation abused the luxury in which he lived and sent the Soul along the path of degradation, and this time he chose the experience of minimal comfort and prosperity so as not to forget and accomplish everything he came for. In addition, the Soul chooses exactly those parents who can provide the conditions for its necessary development.

But the tasks of all Souls are different... Someone in past life he himself was cruel and unfair towards his children, he gained the experience of being a tyrant in full and now he needed a counterbalance experience - the experience of a victim, which restored balance.

Moreover, often the same Souls agree to perform such roles for each other from life to life, simply because it is very difficult and you need to have a huge concentration of love in order to agree to such an experience.
So it turns out that, most likely, your parents, against whom you have so many claims, were in past lives, or even in a greater way, because times were much tougher then.

Few people in childhood do not have one or another traumatic experience, because everyone feels differently: for some, the miraculous experience of Auschwitz is an unconditional drama, and for others, once in their life they saw a scandal with a fight between parents who had previously lived in love , and now there is a trauma no less destructive in its power.

It’s just that everyone’s tasks are different, and therefore their sensitivity is different, but everyone can do everything, because everyone came here initially to work, and not just to inhale the aromas of flowers.

The time of flowers begins only now in our days, when there will be no more repetition of karma, this experience has been fully received by the Creator, the last dramatic performances are being played out and our task from now on is to generate love.

In fact, this is a rather wise device of the universe - to go through the necessary traumatic experiences in childhood, and not in adulthood. Judge for yourself. There are unprocessed karmic tasks and there is no escape from this, we need to work them out.

And in childhood, especially in early childhood, the psyche is very plastic, pain and tragedy are experienced more superficially in the “here and now” state, because there is still no value judgment and life experience, the child does not know that things could be different at all.

If an adult with his mature, violent mind had been allowed to experience the childhood trauma in a child’s body again under the same “then” opportunities and circumstances, he would have collapsed or his mind would have melted from internal groans - “For what?! This is unfair!!! Why?! Why is this happening to me?! How can you?!” Therefore, this course of events is actually very humane. And that's the only reason the right way out- look at the negative events of your childhood from the position of the eternal wise Soul, because if you continue to remain in the role of a small child, you can choke on tears and self-pity for what you got in life.

The magical practice of changing the past

And now to the miracles.

Now is the time when all kinds of magic and alignment, transformation of your life is given simply and easily.

The main thing is to allow yourself to do it. This, by the way, is the main criterion of “correctness”. If you come across new information or meditation or material on working with yourself and this information makes you feel good, easy, everything seems simple and understandable, then this is the truth for you and “what the doctor ordered.” And vice versa, complicated, confusing, with a bunch of conventions - these are all relics of heavy three-dimensionality, look for something lighter.

Back to the past - change everything!

So, there is a way that is easier than easy and more pleasant than pleasant. Every morning, after waking up, before jumping out of bed, urgently realize that you are the master of your life and destiny, a kind of king or queen in your kingdom, where absolutely everything is under your control.

And now, with a joyful desire for change, armed for clarity with an imaginary magic wand, or whatever you want, go into your past at its most unpleasant moments - and change! For example, a person shrinks from memories of punishment in childhood, maybe beatings.

Mentally tell yourself: “I cancel!” and, waving your wand, create a new reality. Instead, in response to the same situation, urgently imagine that you are not beaten, but hugged, kissed and affectionately chided: “Well, okay, I love you very much, and these are little things.” Feel it fully, say mentally “So be it!” and let joy and lightness be the only feelings you feel at this moment. You have not been a child for a long time. You are a strong Spirit to whom everything is subject.
Or, for example, in your childhood there was a lack of basic things and at some points you were ashamed of your, perhaps shabby clothes or the lack of wealth that others saw. Again: “I cancel!” And, closing your eyes with pleasure in the state of the Creator, the Artist who draws what he wants, imagine completely opposite scenery. Here you are in a luxurious, but at the same time in a cozy home, in your own room, which has everything you need, which is bright, new, beautiful.

There is always plenty in the house, and the tables are laden with treats. Try, feel, enjoy - it's all yours! And reject the mind that tells you that this did not really happen, because it is wrong!

He is wrong only because the past, present and future are not actually linear, and exist in a single moment. From the present one can transform both the past and the future. And now, more than ever, these possibilities for transformation are open.

No one denies that the past has a strong influence on us. But now, being in the energy of a new formation, we ourselves can decide not only how we should relate to our past, but also what, in fact, it should be! And the trick is that the more regularly you “rewrite from scratch” the events of the past that do not suit you, the sooner positive changes will begin to happen in your life!

After all, the destructive that was experienced earlier and rolled through life as a severe trauma, wrapping around itself like a snowball with events similar in negative vibrations, crumbled, and instead a new positive past appeared, which from now on attracts only bright life events.

It doesn't just work, it works amazingly, the main thing is to believe that it is possible.
By the way, “believe” and “allow to be” are the key skills without which there is simply nowhere in the updated world now, because new opportunities will continue to open up, and the further, the more often, the more amazing and beautiful. And in this way we can change our past, present, and future. The main thing is not to let go of the magic wand!

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We have experienced a return to the past, which can be quite painful, but is always necessary to fill the gaps in life learning.

Why change the past

Due to the fact that we live in three-dimensional space, it is very difficult for us to understand that time is nonlinear. For example, scientists have proven that there are alternative universes in which time flows backwards. It is difficult for us to understand the value of time because we have not gone beyond the limits of our reality. But, nevertheless, time exists constantly, but since we can only move forward in relation to time, it seems to us that it itself moves only in one direction.

Think about it for a second: If you can mentally go into the past, why can't you change it? You, of your own free will, scroll through situations you were in 5 or 10 years ago and easily navigate through your memory as you please. Viewing memories is not your only option. You can truly change situations simply by returning to them in your mind.

Now important question: Why do you need this? For only one simple reason - changing the route of life. Probably many have seen the film “The Butterfly Effect”, where changes in the events of the past changed the future of people. This can be done in reality, it’s just a pity that in life there is no such quick editing as in films and you cannot see the results instantly.

How does this work

The present happens in a person’s head, and reality is only a field of activity. In a trial situation, there is one platform - the trial. But how this process happened will be told to you in different ways by the judge, the jury, the accused, the lawyers and the audience. Each will have their own court, certainly intersecting somewhere in general provisions, but everyone’s emotions will be individual.

We sometimes subconsciously change our past without even noticing it. For example, when we remember how afraid we were of the neighbor’s dog or how we twitched in class when we heard “Petrov, to the blackboard.” When we replay the situation, we sometimes smile, remembering that in fact all these were empty childish fears and now everything is not so scary, there was nothing to be afraid of. This, in fact, is the entire technical process of changing the past. You need to scroll through it, feel it and give the situation new emotions, a new sensual coloring.

This may seem easy and therefore ineffective. Try to remember a situation when you were really seriously offended, when you were unfairly punished, and how hard it was small child cope with such strong emotions. If you have such a memory, then strong emotions will certainly arise. It can be anything: indignation, hatred, anger, desire for revenge, envy, powerlessness, fear. And if such emotions exist (and they always exist), then Memories like these pull our strings. We are no longer aware of this revenge, we are not aware of the terrible fear, but we continue to live as if they exist here and now. Oh yes! There is no time difference for our brain, for him everything happens here and now, and if you remember your worst nightmare, then the brain will reproduce it in real time, you will have very real sensations in your body, for example, tears.

What will happen as a result

If you manage to change the past, you will change the priorities of the past, they will already free you from obsessive goals in the present, and, therefore, will change your future. You will no longer take revenge, prove something to someone, meet some requirements, conquer the world for the sake of others. You will begin to understand what you, an adult, want here and now, without becoming attached to your childhood fears and grievances.

What does it take to change the past? First you need to have a great desire to do this. Then go back to that very past and live that nightmare moment. And having lived as an adult, you can understand some things in a new way, forgive the participants in the situation and let go of the situation itself.

This is difficult, because some of these memories are behind the special protection of the subconscious, as especially dangerous. But if these memories pull your strings, dictating their own rules of the game, then you definitely need to get rid of them. After all, fears and resentments only lead to self-destruction of the individual. Therefore, you need to let go and forgive.

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Who among us has not regretted the past? Who among us would not dream of changing some events in our lives or, returning to the past, to act differently in a given situation? In fact, it is possible, some scientists believe.

Science fiction writers have long been turning to this topic, considering multiple versions of the time machine and other ways of influencing the past.

Scientists agree that there are certain difficulties with time travel that are not yet possible to overcome.

In particular, the laws of physics prohibit travel into the past. By changing the course of events in the past, we would essentially change the present and the future. The most frequently cited example in this area is the “grandfather paradox.” If you go back in time and kill your grandfather as a baby, he will never meet your grandmother. Your father will not be born. Accordingly, so do you. This means that you cannot go back in time to change it.

However, modern science is ready to expand the horizons of perception of reality. Thanks to quantum physics Today, many scientists are ready to look at the connection between the past and the future.

At the level of quantum particles, scientists have found confirmation of the so-called Wheeler “delayed choice” experiment. In other words, it has been proven that at the level elementary particles Actions taken in the present can have an impact on the past.

Perhaps people are already doing this, just not realizing that a time machine is not necessarily a device. Perhaps the time machine is a quantum effect that each of us is capable of.

Wheeler's experiment

Moreover, the Australian physicists who carried out this experiment claim that it proves the illusory nature of existence.

“Our research proves that measurement is everything. At the quantum level, reality doesn't exist unless you see it,” study leader Andrew Truscott, a physicist at the Australian national university in Canberra.

The essence of the experiment, first proposed by American theoretical physicist John Wheeler in 1978, is to determine at what point an atom is determined to behave as a particle or as a wave. It is now known in science as the Wheeler delayed choice experiment.

In the experiment, the researchers trapped helium atoms in a “Bose-Einstein condensate” state, which allows them to observe quantum effects at the macroscopic level, and then removed all but one of the atoms.

This single atom was then passed between two laser beams, which acted in the same role as a fine mesh acts for light beams. Those. in the role of an uneven lattice.

Then a second such “grid” was added along the path of the atom. This caused the atom's path to become distorted, sending it down both possible paths just as a wave would. Thus, the atom took two different paths.

However, during the next experiment, the second “grid” was not added. And the atom chose only one possible path. Behaving not like a wave, but like a particle.

According to the researchers, the fact that the second “mesh” was added after the atom had crossed the first “crossroads” suggests that the atom was still undecided about its nature before being observed a second time.

Simply put, if you accept that the atom chose a particular path at the first crossroads, the experiment proves that future measurements can influence the atom's past, explains study leader Andy Truscott.

“The atom did not travel between conventional points A and B,” he explains. “Only after measurements at the end point of observation, it became clear whether the atom behaved like a wave, dividing in two directions, or like a particle, choosing one.”

New confirmation

A recent study by a group of Italian physicists showed that the experiment can be repeated even when the photon travels a significant distance. During their experiments, the photon traveled 3.5 thousand km and still chose the path according to “deferred choice”.

According to American scientific observer Mike McRae, it is the same as if a horse ran 3.5 thousand km and only then decided which race it was participating in and which route it was running.

Of course, photons are not people or animals. And it is not yet clear whether larger-scale objects can be in a state of quantum superposition. And it is not clear that larger objects can also determine their past by the choice of an observer from the future.

Wheeler was convinced that our consciousness is somehow connected to the fabric of space-time. But modern science does not yet know how to prove or disprove this assumption.

Eyes of the Observer

Quantum physics actually remains a “thing in itself,” and its inconsistency with General theory Einstein's relativity is one of the main problems modern science. And yet, cases are not uncommon when research in other fields of science does not contradict the achievements of quantum physics.

Thus, in the authoritative journal Annalen der Physik (the same one where Einstein published his most famous works), in the fall of 2016, the work of Dmitry Podolsky, a theoretical physicist from Harvard University, was published.

Podolsky argues that the “arrow of time” is directly related to the observer. Time itself does not exist, the physicist states. Time is just a characteristic that is associated with the observer’s ability to retain memories of the events he experienced.

In turn, it is time that explains the fact that we (observers) do not see quantum effects at the macro level.

It would seem that if quantum superposition (when a particle is simultaneously in two states) exists at the level of elementary particles, then it should exist at the macro level. But this doesn't happen.

When we open the box with the cat in Schrödinger's famous experiment, we learn one of two things - the cat is either alive or dead.

In fact, playing the role of observer in the system, we not only influence its existence, including in the past, but we are also part of it. By making a “measurement,” we determine the “fate” of the cat and become part of a reality in which the cat is already either alive or dead.

The very appearance of the “arrow of time,” which points from the past to the future, is associated with our ability to retain information about already experienced events, Podolsky points out.

Consequently, as soon as we make a certain “measurement” in the present, which affects the past, we remember events in a certain sequence. And other versions of the past do not exist in our memory.

Preserving memories of the past is the only evidence that time “moves” forward and not backward.

And time itself does not play any role in any of the known laws of physics, states Podolsky. Neither in Newton's laws, nor in Einstein's equations. Nowhere do we see evidence of time “moving” forward.

In Einstein's theory of relativity there is no assumption that there is any “special” present. On the contrary, the theory of relativity states that all moments are equally real, Podolsky argues.

Thus, we may be constantly changing the past through our present actions, but we simply do not retain memories of it.