How and where to choose courses. How to choose specialized training courses correctly? About fundamental education in Internet marketing


Let's start with courses for those entering university, or, as they are also called, with preparatory courses. As a rule, these are courses at a specific university, in which classes are taught by teachers from this university. They give lectures and give various tasks to prepare for the Unified State Exam or, if the university has additional exams, for these exams. As a rule, classes last for one or two years (accordingly, they can be attended by students aged 10 or 10 years). There are so-called “intensive” courses: their duration does not exceed one month. Eleventh graders attend such courses in May or June.

The most optimal choice would be one-year courses: in a year, as a rule, the teacher has time to explain all the material necessary for the course. Two-year courses are also good, but the fact that a high school student took courses in 10, he may forget before admission. This kind of “leisurely” learning is not for everyone. "Intensive" courses are an emergency option. They are attended by those who did not manage to enroll in year-long courses on time or simply did not want to do so for one reason or another. They are of little use, since it is quite difficult to cover a year’s worth of material in a month, but if the student has not prepared for admission at all, then they are also suitable. The cost of one year of study at universities depends on the specific university and subject.

English language courses are popular among children and adults. Sometimes parents may feel that their child's school does not teach English well. Some specialists need English for work, but they did not study it at the proper level at school or university. Such people either turn to private tutors or sign up for courses. The main requirement for courses is that their program corresponds to the student’s goals. For example, a manager needs to learn business English, a secretary needs to learn conversational English. Accordingly, you need to choose courses where English is taught according to the desired program. It is also important to take into account the number of classes per week - there should never be less than 2, but preferably 3-4. Groups should not be too large: maximum quantity students should not exceed 12 people. It is also worth asking who will teach you what he has completed. The best English teachers are, as a rule, graduates of Moscow State University or Moscow State Linguistic University (formerly Inyaz named after Maurice Thorez).

The choice of special courses (accounting, mini-MBA, personnel management, design) depends primarily on the desires and capabilities of the student. There are short intensive courses lasting 3-4 months. They are usually inexpensive: from 20,000 rubles. However, they can only teach you the basics of the profession, and you should expect certain difficulties when finding a job after them. There are more “fundamental” courses lasting a year or more. They cost more (from 60,000 rubles or more), but they also provide more benefits. Such courses exist both in private educational centers, and at universities. For example, RUDN University offers many different courses.

When choosing courses, everyone has a specific goal, but there are things that you should always pay attention to. Courses at universities almost always provide a decent level of knowledge, since classes are usually taught by teachers from these universities. Longer courses involve a more in-depth study of subjects than "intensive" courses. It is always worth looking for reviews about courses and their teachers on the Internet, since there is often a risk of studying with a teacher who is too young and not qualified enough. It is also important to find out how graduates of certain courses find employment. If they can't find it for a long time good job, as a rule, this means that the diploma or certificate issued by these courses is not sufficiently valued by employers.

The Internet offers many types distance education, available thanks to modern technologies. You can take courses, improve your qualifications, prepare for entering a university, or learn a new hobby - makeup artist or interior design - via the Internet. Moreover, today there are higher educational institutions offering distance learning via the Internet. In this case, you need to take the choice of university and specialty seriously.


The main problem that university graduates may face is the distrust of employers in . Higher education obtained via the Internet is generally valued lower than usual. This can be explained by poor awareness and misunderstanding of the learning process. Therefore, it is advisable to choose serious, large and well-known higher education institutions. In Russia, Moscow is provided via the Internet state university Economics, Moscow State University. Lomonosov, Eurasian Open University and others. Choose a university depending on the specialty you want to obtain. Experts do not recommend obtaining legal or economic specialties. Computer and mathematics majors are best suited for this type of training.

Having chosen a university and a specialty, evaluate it and check whether it has the appropriate license. Get to know the teaching staff, inquire about the reputation of this institution on professional community forums, and ask questions to employment consultants. After you are sure of the correctness of your choice and have made a decision, pay for the training.

First of all, you will need a computer and the Internet. The ideal set for a student is high-speed Internet, ICQ and Skype programs, and a webcam. Having passed entrance exams and enrollment, you begin training according to a certain scenario. You will be given a personal password to register on the site. Typically, students receive email assignments with various materials: audio, texts, video. Some universities make these materials available for download on their website. The student must study them and complete the assignment and submit for verification. After which the teacher checks the work and leaves his remarks and comments.

Some universities have a more advanced training scheme. For example, you can study in a virtual classroom - lectures will be broadcast via the Internet. There are special video conferences and so-called webinars (seminars held online), where you can ask questions and start discussions with teachers and colleagues.

Duration of training for recipients higher education via the Internet are the same as for correspondence students, since they study according to the same plan, which was approved by the Ministry of Education. The cost of such education is often lower than classic full-time or distance learning.


  • Electronic labor market - how to get an education via the Internet
  • how to get higher education via the Internet

All courses on the Internet can be divided into free and paid. The latter are not always more useful or informative. Many famous universities periodically give everyone the opportunity to listen to certain lecture programs completely. At the same time, many paid courses turn out to be a completely useless waste of time, and sometimes even outright fraud.

First of all, you need to determine the courses in which area you are interested in. After this, you can start searching. If you own English, many more interesting opportunities open up for you.

Free courses

If you just want to get acquainted with a certain area (cooking, sewing, modeling) in order to understand whether this or that activity is suitable for you, you can look for the simplest free courses. There are a lot of them on the Internet. Conventionally, they can be divided into nameless courses created by altruists and courses that professionals use for their promotion (or they post them online out of the kindness of their hearts).

Having selected several potentially interesting courses, look for information about them in a search engine. All kinds of reviews will allow you to understand whether it is worth spending time on a particular free course or whether you need to look for something else. Focus only on constructive feedback. Formulations like “I listened for twenty minutes, complete nonsense” do not deserve attention. After reading the reviews, choose the most suitable option.

Paid courses

With paid courses, everything is a little more complicated. They are usually suitable for more in-depth study subject of interest to you, but there are several nuances. First, you need to make sure that you are not dealing with scammers. Carefully study the information provided on the website of the organization that wants to sell you the course. Be sure to pay attention to certificates and so on. Secondly, it is worth considering that very often reviews directly on course websites can be fake, so it is best to look for information about such courses on third-party pages.

It is best to choose courses on the advice of friends. This way there is much less chance of running into scammers. By the way, when paying for courses, do not use your bank card, but electronic money or PayPal to comply with safety precautions. In general, if the course website has only one payment option by bank card, this may indicate that you are dealing with scammers who are collecting personal payment information. Choose courses that offer alternative payment options.

Video on the topic

Tip 4: In-demand and popular professions on the Internet: copywriter, photographer, blogger

If years ago the Internet was just a resource of information, now it is a real digital world. People here communicate, have fun and even work. As in real life, the Internet also has its own professions that attract more and more people. Perhaps after reading the article you will want to try yourself in at least one of them.


No website is complete without articles. Moreover, they should not only be interesting and competent, but also unique. Therefore, anyone needs the services of a copywriter - a person who creates unique articles. If you know how and love to write, try yourself in this matter. Read more about this profession, watch copywriting lessons and get to work.

If you are not confident in your knowledge or do not want to study the topic and spend a lot of time to create your own article, engage in rewriting - retelling finished articles. However, remember that the price for such work will be lower, and not everyone can immediately achieve maximum uniqueness.

Everyone has heard the phrase that “you need to invest,” or, in Russian, invest. Accordingly, if you have come to the conclusion that you need to invest in knowledge, then in this article you can get some tips on how to choose courses for your studies.

1. If your search started on the Internet, look at the course website

If you don't like the site (we're not talking about your tastes regarding classic or contemporary art, but rather about general sloppiness, as if it was made by an amateur), then the question arises: “What will they teach you if this organization cannot make a website for itself with dignity?”

2. It’s not the office that teaches, but the teacher.

No matter how many years the training center has existed, a specific person will work with you. Find out as much as you can about the teacher: who he is by education, where he worked and how many years of experience he has in the subject he teaches. Most best way- this is to communicate with the teacher himself. In this case, he is personally responsible for what he promised you regarding the knowledge that you can obtain.

Sometimes, behind the loud name of an educational institution and a long time of existence, there is a completely “no” teacher. Often this can be yesterday's student.

3. Read course information wisely

If on the course website you see an assurance that by completing the course you will become a “master” and find yourself in demand as a specialist - this is an outright lie.

If you believe this, you will deceive yourself. Perhaps the teacher of such courses himself at one time took this “miraculous” course and became a “master”, and now teaches others.

You can also see the following phrases: “The course program will be adjusted to you,” “Class time will be adjusted to you,” and here you can also add the phrase “And you will not need to go to classes at all.”

When training in groups, how can you tailor the program to everyone? Or how can each lesson be coordinated with each student, even if it is a mini group of 4 people? Usually they don’t think about this, naively believing that this is possible.

4. Duration of the course

The biggest catch in specifying course duration is the different concepts of an hour. There is an astronomical hour, by which everyone lives, and there is an academic hour. An academic hour is equal to 45 minutes. 2 academic. hours are equal to 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Accordingly, if course “A” lasts 10 lessons of 2 academics. hours, and course “B” is 8 lessons of 2 regular hours, then the total duration of course “A” is 15 hours, course “B” is 16 hours. Draw your own conclusions, although at first glance 10 is more than 8.

5. Review the course syllabus

Yes, it can be long and with unclear words. But if you see the same program on different sites, then the course will not correspond to what is stated in the program, because it was not written, but was simply copied from another site to pretend that it exists, in the hope that no one will read it.

6. Look at the classroom

Take your time and go and see where the courses are located and how the classroom is equipped. This may save you from disappointment and wasted money. If you are told that you need to bring your own laptop to classes, this means that there is no classroom equipped for classes, but there is simply a room where classes are held. Keep in mind that working in graphics packages on a laptop is much worse than on a desktop computer, because the screen diagonal on a laptop is smaller, and then you will feel how inconvenient it is to work. Color rendition, especially with regard to light and dark shades, in laptops is also very poor.

It is possible that you will see a classroom with old “barrel” monitors. If a training center cares about its students, then it will equip the classroom modern technology and the projector will be installed, that is, it will create comfortable conditions for learning.

7. Do they provide a certificate upon completion?

Since stagnant times, the idea that a diploma is needed has taken root in the mind! That’s why people often go to college not for knowledge, but for a higher education diploma.

The situation with courses is this: courses are not a licensed type of activity, and there are usually no exams for courses. Accordingly, what they will give you at the end of the course (and they will give you almost everywhere, even if you just went to classes and did nothing, played the fool) will be just a piece of paper, sometimes a beautiful piece of paper, which you will have as a memory of what you when We attended courses. Let us immediately clarify that employers value knowledge and skills, not pieces of paper.

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The profession of a hairdresser has many advantages. If you decide to learn hairdressing and choose courses for yourself, then take seriously the choice of a school or master to whom you will entrust your training and future.

1. Decide why you want to study at a hairdressing course?

It doesn’t matter whether you dream of owning your own fashionable hair salon or want to learn how to do amazing hairstyles for yourself and your friends! The level of your hairdressing professionalism should be equally high.

If you are planning a future career in hairdressing, make sure that the hairdressing courses you choose teach you what you will need in the future. Do you want to work at home, in a salon, or just want to diversify your hairstyle - depending on your goals, you need courses at different levels and with different training programs.

In the article, we examined in detail what is taught in hairdressing courses, and what is useful for those who are starting from scratch. Take a look there after you finish reading this article :)

2. How much does it cost to study to become a hairdresser - the price of hairdressing courses?

In Moscow and St. Petersburg the average price for hairdressing courses starts from 1000 rubles per academic (!) hour, in the regions it is 30% cheaper. If you find very cheap hairdressing courses, find out if the cost includes materials and if a model is provided.

The quantity and quality of supplies will directly impact your hairdressing training. If the school does not provide its students with supplies and a model, you will pay twice as much for various materials and waste your time and nerves searching for a model. It’s worth knowing about this in advance so that it doesn’t become an unpleasant surprise for you at the first lesson of your hairdressing course.

Too cheap hairdressing courses should confuse you. It is unlikely that you will benefit from classes with low-quality materials, outdated technology, or just theory without practice. And practice in the hairdressing profession is important (read further and we will tell you more about this).

3. Pay attention to the quality of equipment in hairdressing courses

First of all, make sure that the studio or school where the hairdressing courses will be held is equipped with high-quality equipment, tools and all the necessary cosmetics. Usually masters place full information in the course description, but you can also “peek” at what conditions the classes are held in the photo in the course descriptions.

Ideally, all the necessary tools, equipment (hair dryer, curling irons, curling irons, etc.) and consumables should be provided to you by the organizers, but it is better for you to immediately purchase some for independent practice at home: your own scissors, various combs.

Before signing up for a course, pay attention to the space in which the training will take place. The room should be spacious enough, light and ventilated - remember that you will be working with toxic materials: paints, varnishes, etc. and you'll need space to comfortably work on your hair. Don’t be too lazy to ask the organizers of the hairdressing courses how things are with the ventilation?

4. What should be the ratio of theory and practice in hairdressing courses?

In learning hairdressing, practice is most important. In ideal hairdressing courses, each theoretical lesson should be reinforced by practical experience - on mannequins or “live” models. At the end of your studies at a good school you will have one or more hairstyles done as an exam.

If nothing is said about the practical part, do not agree to study in such courses.

During the theoretical part, the teacher can both explain the basics on the board and demonstrate directly on a mannequin. It depends on the learning style.

Speaking of models, if a hairdressing course gives you the opportunity to practice on them, this will provide you with the necessary skill in the future. If possible, look for classes where this type of practice is guaranteed.

5. Group size for hairdressing courses - how many people should there be in the group?

No matter how impressive the room, the teacher will not be able to pay attention to a large number of people at once, which means the quality of your training will decrease. Look for hairdressing courses in which 5-7 people will study at the same time, no more.

The teacher at the courses should pay enough attention to you. Don’t hesitate to ask questions and clarify whether you are doing everything correctly - then the learning result will be as high as possible

6. Read reviews about the selected hairdressing courses

With the help of reviews of hairdressing courses, you can learn about many pitfalls that await you during your training.

A damp room, insufficient lighting, faulty or old equipment - you can only learn about all these things from those people who have already attended the hairdressing courses that you have chosen. Do not neglect their experience and carefully read everything that past course participants write.

7. Meet the hairdressing course teacher - learn everything about your future mentor

What is important to know about him? Get to know him as much as possible using the Internet. How competent is he, which confirms his level of professionalism in hairdressing? Check out the gallery of his work and the awards he's received for his images.

8. The road to the hairdressing course - think over your route

Location is one of the key factors when choosing a hairdressing course. Training requires a lot of time and effort, so it is worthwhile to reduce energy costs on the road as much as possible. You don't want your training to be detrimental to you, do you? Look for hairdressing courses close to your home or your main job.

Don't kid yourself that long walks after work will do you good; eventually, fatigue will win out. And you and your dreams and aspirations will lose.

I finished training as a hairdresser - what to do next?

Many schools offer employment after graduation and issue diplomas or certificates - this will be very useful in your future work as a hairdresser.

Among the huge number of offers, you will definitely find what you need. Choose hairdressing courses carefully, don’t be afraid to ask the organizers everything that interests you and settle only for the best.

And you will definitely succeed!

Duration of the program: what should be taught

When assessing manicure training hours, it will be important to clarify: will the group be taught full or not? full days, according to academic or astronomical hours, in blocks or continuous topics.

It is more correct if manicure training is carried out:

  • “topic of the day” blocks – theory, demonstration by the teacher, independent practice;
  • full days - some procedures and techniques are very lengthy and require a lot of time to master and perform;
  • according to a rich program - in addition to the manicure itself, beginners must be given lectures on dermatology, safety, and sanitation;
  • according to a strict schedule - the program is systematized and understandable to beginners.

If it is possible to undergo manicure training not for a long time, but intensively thematic courses, then you can choose this option. It allows you to delve deeper into the topic and gain exactly the knowledge that a novice master needs right now.

A diploma is a nice bonus and nothing more

Learning to manicure involves obtaining some kind of educational document. It’s good if it’s of a state standard, but you shouldn’t chase just the “piece of paper”. For clients and managers of beauty salons, where many neophytes strive to get into, the professionalism of the master is more important than a piece of paper that says about super courses.

When choosing manicure training, you should prepare yourself for long-term work. After all, manicure, like many others creative professions, implies continuous improvement. Courses are just the first step. In fact: learning to manicure is a fascinating process that never stops!

Training courses are an opportunity to learn new profession or upgrade your existing professional classification over a certain period of time. Currently everything training courses are carried out on a paid basis, with the issuance of a certificate or diploma of completion.

The issue of employment has recently become so pressing and painful for many that they try not to miss even the slightest opportunity to get a good job. That is why the number of applicants attending various courses is increasing every year. What do you need to know to choose the right training courses? What should you pay attention to so as not to lose the money invested and, as a result, not to receive a certificate that no employer will pay attention to?

Basic rules for choosing training courses

1. Availability of a state license for carrying out activities in the field of education by a company or educational institution;

2. Clarify what format the certificate will be issued after completing the training courses. As a rule, any training courses must issue state documents (this rule applies to both universities and training courses);

3. Clarify the issue of employment. As you know, most courses train applicants with subsequent employment. This question needs to be clarified initially.

4. Number of training hours for curricula for each specialty (from 3 months to 1.5 years depending on the profession).

5. Visit the educational institution at the specified address, inspect the classrooms and places equipped for educational process. Find out how long such training courses are held at this institution.

6. Ask curriculum working programs that are developed in this educational institution. You pay for training and have every right to know what, how and how much you will be trained.

7. Teaching staff, conducting training in specialized training courses must have appropriate education and academic degree(everyone understands that people on the street simply cannot teach without the appropriate level of education).

8. Cost of training. It is imperative to clarify how and in what amount tuition will be paid. In addition, it would be a good idea to find out whether there is an additional fee for the purchase. educational materials, tools, passing exams, etc.

9. Mandatory conclusion of an agreement for the provision of training services, which clearly stipulates all the rights and obligations of both parties.

10. If you miss classes good reasons(for work-related issues or illness) you must be refunded for missed classes or replaced with other classes. If you demand money for missed classes, you have every right to terminate the contract and go to court.

Self-education is always a step forward. But before you take this step, think it through. I wish you easy learning and career ups!