What shape is the globe? The earth is flat or what truth is being hidden from us...

Hello dear friends and blog readers. Ruslan Miftakhov is in touch. Lately I have been haunted by one topic: is the earth really structured the way we were told in school?

If you ask any person passing by, is the earth round or flat? Almost everyone will say without hesitation that the earth is a sphere, someone else will add in the form of an ellipse. And maybe one in a hundred will say jokingly - the earth is flat.

Or maybe everything we were told about the earth, we just believe in it as God without evidence.

Let's think together about what they are hiding from us, whether it is really spherical and what is happening around us in general.

Let me say right away that I am not a supporter of flat-earthers, but flat-earthers put forward their own theory, thereby breaking stereotypes about the sphericity of the planet. And forcing us to think with our own heads, and not stupidly believe in everything that is imposed on us by the human programming center (read school).

Let us remember from history that previously everyone was convinced that the earth was flat. Then humanity was convinced that the earth is spherical, that the planet rotates around its axis and around the sun. And to this day we all unquestioningly believe in this, without wondering whether it really is so.

If there is no proof, then it is just a guess. How could Copernicus prove in the Middle Ages that the earth is spherical? How? Have you flown into space and looked from above?

Or maybe there really is no space. Why is it not developing? space program after flying to the moon back in the last century? What is hidden behind this? Maybe it's all fake? And there was simply no flight to the moon?

Yes, you can troll me about my lack of education, that I didn’t do well at school, and so on. But think about this, are you sure that in the programming centers of humanity called school, reliable information was poured into our brains, and not that which was beneficial to the superior race?

Are you wondering how many times larger Russia is than Africa? You will be surprised when you watch this video.

For example, I was convinced that the story in school curriculum the majority lie, or simply do not tell the truth or outright lie. So maybe we are not being told the whole truth about our planet?

And since in adulthood all the vessels in a person’s head are filled with knowledge, whether false or not, he is skeptical about new information, rejecting it as immunity. Try to free your vessels a little from the old one and fill in the new information.

Are you ready for new information? Then look further, you might be shocked...

A giant mine from another civilization

The most interesting thing in the video begins at the 12th minute, telling that all the rocks, canyons, gorges on our planet are nothing more than giant quarries for the extraction of minerals for another civilization, since 95% of the production disappears into nowhere.

The essence of the video is that our Earth is not a planet, it is a giant quarry in which the entire periodic table is mined in the most barbaric way.

Truth from the movie John Carter

After watching the video about the quarry, then watch the movie John Carter if you haven’t already. Movie from the fantasy category of 2012, as they say in every fairy tale there is some truth. I read somewhere that it failed at the box office. Or maybe there is a reason for this?

Below I have posted an excerpt from the film.

I was especially impressed by the conversation with the thorn that all planets have the same fate - overpopulation and destruction as such.

Well, what is your goal? - asked John Carter.

He answered - but it doesn’t exist, we are not haunted by the specter of mortality like you, we are immortal. We played these games when this planet (Mars) did not yet exist and we will play it after yours (Earth) disappears.

But we are not the ones who bring the planets to destruction, captain, we control them, we feed on them, if you like. But the same thing happens on every planet... population growth, division in society, widespread wars.

And at this time the planet is devastated and quietly fading away.

Remember what's been going on with us lately? The world's population has exceeded 7 billion, there is division in society between the poor and the very rich, and constant wars.

And there is no doubt that it is being devastated, just from Russia how much is being extracted and taken away in an unknown direction. But who and where is unknown, and it is unlikely that we will find out.

And how much timber they put in our Siberia is simply appalling. Although this is not a forest, and we don’t have trees, these are all bushes compared to what... however, watch the video below.

There are no forests on earth

Watch this video and you will be shocked that all these mountains, which we are accustomed to taking for trunk mountains, are not mountains at all, but... the stumps of large trees.

I used to be amazed at the shapes of some mountains and suspected that they were probably artificially created. But it didn’t even occur to me that this was the base of a tree.

Waterfalls from the mountains, where does so much water come from?

As a continuation of the previous video, watch the video about waterfalls. Decide for yourself how plausible this is, I’m not imposing anything on you, I’m just giving food for thought.

Life under the dome

Let's return to the topic of flat earth. In general, I wanted to publish this article back in September 2017, but I considered this topic nonsense, and it remained gathering dust in my drafts. But having collected some arguments, I returned and supplemented the article with information that I thought was interesting. And the article gained the right to life.

Back in the fall of 2017, when meeting a friend, a conversation came up, did you see a video on YouTube about the fact that the earth is flat?

I say: I saw it, but I don’t quite believe it. And this is what he answered me...

He remembered one film where he starred in leading role Jim Carrey. The plot is that main character for 30 years he lived in the largest film studio in the form of an island under a dome.

All around was normal life, people went to work and back, drove cars, day gave way to night, there were rains, nothing strange in general, except for one thing...

There were all actors around, except for that one man named Truman.

Without suspecting anything, for many years he thought that everything around him was true and did not doubt it. Until one girl couldn’t stand it and told him the truth, which shocked him a little.

Afterwards, he found more and more evidence that everything around him was false and decided to leave the island. But they prevented him from doing this in every possible way, and then one night he escapes.

However, you can watch this film yourself, it’s called The Truman Show. Oddly enough, the film is from 1998, but I didn’t even know about this film if a friend hadn’t told me about it.

And so I began to understand what he was driving at.

Have you ever thought that everything around us is an illusion, a deception that we accept as the truth. Once upon a time, everyone believed that the earth was flat and stood on three elephants, and elephants on a turtle.

Now this seems nonsense, doesn’t it? And we believe that the earth is spherical and revolves around the sun. Is this really true? Maybe this is all a matrix and we live in this program and are being watched from the outside.

Or maybe we all live under such a dome and the earth is not round at all?

Why is it that when we look at the sky at night, we see stars. And pictures from space show that the sky is black and there are no stars. Who to believe? Your eyes? Or maybe there is a dome on top, and the stars are just a hologram.

Well, you’re probably thinking now that I’m crazy and making things up here. Then tell me, where is it really? But there is no truth. Here we live our lives in our own little world and entertain the viewer named God.

No, of course the earth is spherical, spinning around its axis and around the sun. There is a universe where there are many stars, but no one knows what is there next.

Have you ever wondered if there are other planets like ours in the universe?

I will say this, when the overall picture is built and you understand how it all works, your soul simply becomes calmer from the awareness and understanding of the rules of the game in this world.

Who thinks about this, please write in the comments. Be sure to share this article with your friends by clicking the special buttons social networks down.

I was with you, Ruslan Miftakhov

The Earth has the shape of a ball with a diameter of 12,742 km - but this is only at first glance. Any celestial body of sufficient size eventually becomes spherical under the influence of its own gravity.

#36: The best Popular Mechanics materials for 2019.

Rocky objects that, according to very rough estimates, are at least 600 km across and have a mass of at least 0.01% of the mass of our planet also take on this form. But then the details and subtleties begin. Firstly, the rotation of the Earth creates centrifugal force, and at the equator it is higher than at the poles. Because of this difference, the planet is slightly flattened and its diameter passing through the equator becomes 43 km larger. If it were completely covered by an endless ocean, it would form a slightly elongated ellipsoid, and this figure more accurately corresponds to the actual shape of the Earth. But that’s just the first thing.

Mass is not distributed quite evenly over the surface of our planet. As a rule, continental lithospheric plates are thicker than oceanic ones. High mountains and deep depressions, thick ore deposits - all this creates weak anomalies, areas in which the gravitational field is slightly stronger or weaker than usual. Gravity anomalies are detected by their effect on the flight altitude of satellites operating on low earth orbit. For example, two identical probes of the GRACE mission circled the planet for about 15 years, passing over each section of the surface once a month and tracking the distance to each other with pinpoint accuracy. Flying over any gravitational anomaly caused minor changes their positions, and the data collected at the same time, made it possible to compile the most detailed map of the Earth’s gravitational field and clarify its shape. Such a surface is called a geoid: unlike a flat ellipsoid, its height in each area is determined by the precise balance between centrifugal force and local gravity.

Compared to the size of the entire planet, even the largest details of its surface will seem very tiny. For example, for the Challenger Deep (10.9 km below sea level), the deviation from the average radius of the Earth is only 0.17%, and for Chomolungma (8.8 km) - 0.14%. Moreover, anomalies in the shape of the geoid will be even more invisible: its surface deviates from the ellipse in the range from -85 to 106 m. Therefore, the 3D model prepared by scientists of the American National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has been strengthened: the anomalies on it are additionally highlighted. However, in other respects it relies entirely on GRACE data and clearly demonstrates the complex shape of our generally round planet.

At the end of September, the domestic program “The Most Shocking Hypotheses” aired on REN-TV, which excited the public.

For a whole 45 minutes, in all seriousness, specialists, experts and even a whole former NASA employee prove to the viewer that planet Earth actually flat.

If you don't believe me, here's the show, enjoy:

Ask any schoolchild what shape our planet is. Average answer: spherical. And why all?

- Yes, they teach us that at school.

Stop fooling us! WITH light hand REN-TV More and more people are starting to believe in a flat Earth.

Earth figure

Any child will say that the Earth is round. Well almost. Officially, our planet has the shape of a geoid, that is, a ball slightly flattened at the poles.

Adherents of revolutionary theory deny this. Among them it is believed that we live on a flat disk with curved edges, which is covered with a dome on top. The North Pole is located in the center of the disk, and the South Pole does not exist as such. This is a kind of ice wall that protects us.

Doesn't remind you of anything?

In Game of Thrones, for example, the world is also flat. And the border is a huge wall, beyond which wildlings live, and white walkers rule the roost. Who knows, maybe this is not fiction, but real story.

Why don't we know anything

There is an opinion that NASA is constantly misleading us ordinary people.

In the program “The Most Shocking Hypotheses,” ex-NASA employee Matthew Boylan himself claims that the Earth is flat and its real appearance can be seen on the UN flag.

For several years he painted a blue round planet and passed it off as reality. So, in his opinion, the department exists only to promote the theory of the sphericity of the planet.

The only way to check is to get a job in the department.


Scientists came up with the curvature parameter. In reality, neither architects, nor militaries, nor planners ignore the fact that the planet is spherical. When calculating, it is assumed that the Earth is stationary and flat. And everything works out: the shells fall where they should, the buildings are not destroyed. If we live on a geoid, then why doesn’t this fact count?

In practice I can give an example: The city of Chicago is visible across the bay from a distance of 140 km, which contradicts science.

If the Earth were a ball, the city would sink about 1.5 km down relative to the observer.

Check it out for yourself

In May 2017, American Darryl Marble was able to simply and easily prove the flat-earther hypothesis while flying on an airplane.

If the Earth is spherical, then the ship should fly along a curved trajectory; thus, at certain intervals, the pilot needs to lower the nose of the aircraft so that it does not fly into space or into the upper atmosphere.

Darryl took a building level with him on the flight. However, throughout the 23 minutes or 326 km of travel, the plane never lowered its nose. Means, it flies exactly in a horizontal straight line, and the Earth is flat.

Try it too. Launch the construction level on your phone during your next flight.

What about space flights?

Everything is set up! The filming was edited, fortunately technology allows it. In fact, humanity has never left the near-Earth dome.

Pictures are taken using a Fisheye lens. So any straight object in the photo will become spherical. The videos are generally all edited using chromakey technology. Attentive observers notice air bubbles, studio lighting, and reflections in spacesuits.

Is everything we know a myth?

You will say that ships sooner or later disappear on the horizon. Yes, but this does not happen because the surface is curved. We simply cease to clearly distinguish objects due to the density of the atmosphere.

They say gravity doesn't exist either. Our disk simply flies upward with an acceleration of 9.8 m/s 2 and thus keeps us on the surface. True, it is not yet entirely clear why birds remain in the air, for example.

Admit it, you didn’t hold a “candle” in space. There is no 100% evidence that the Earth is spherical. This year we are celebrating the 60th anniversary of the launch of the first artificial satellite Earth. Did this really happen? Was the satellite really launched into space? Or is everything rigged and we are being deceived?

It’s up to you to believe long-proven truths or become supporters of a shocking hypothesis. As they say, “trust but verify”! Whose side are you on?

In June 2010, the European Space Agency revealed the first detailed geological maps of our planet, it was also the first time the world saw what shape the Earth actually has. All this became possible thanks to the GOCE research satellite, which was launched into orbit in 2009.

The concept of a geoid was introduced in 1873 by the German mathematician Johann Listing to characterize the shape of the Earth, because it is not spherical, but flattened at the poles. The ocean level in a “state of rest” was taken as the imaginary surface of the geoid and hypothetically continued under the surface of the continents, as a result, scientists received an ideal figure - an ellipsoid. This rather hypothetical figure is still used in geodesy. However, in modern times it became clear that the Earth's gravitational field is not uniform. At first, some deviations from the ellipsoid were considered local gravitational anomalies, but with the development of satellite navigation and global positioning systems (GPS) it became clear that “local” anomalies are planetary in nature! For example, GPS devices on board an airplane or ship show altitude fluctuations while moving, although it really remains unchanged. This is caused by the fact that the hypothetical surface of an ellipsoid with the Earth’s center of mass was included in the navigation satellite program as a reference point, and the strengthening or weakening of the force of gravity, which exists in reality, leads to deviations in the readings of GPS devices. Moreover, due to the different intensity of gravity, objects falling freely deviate from the classical line perpendicular to the ellipsoid, however, they move along a perpendicular trajectory precisely to the surface of the geoid.

GOCE in its instrumentation contains an ultra-precise gradiometer with three pairs of platinum accelometers that are capable of recording the slightest hesitation, up to one ten-trillionth of a gal (1 gal = 1 m/s2 – a measure of acceleration), In the Earth’s gravitational field. To map changes in gravity, the satellite orbits in an extremely low orbit of just 254.9 km, passing through dangerous polar regions. At such an altitude, the frictional force of the rarefied atmosphere slows down the movement of GOCE, so in order to maintain speed and not leave orbit, the satellite has an acceleration system - an ion engine, which from time to time shoots a jet of compressed inert xenon gas.

As it turned out, thanks to the work of GOCE, the geoid not only does not have that ideal ellipsoid shape, but in general looks like a “withered and wrinkled apple during the winter” with its protrusions and depressions... Data analysis showed that the Earth’s gravitational field has three huge areas with increased strength attraction: North America, India and the Himalayas, as well as the Southern Pacific Ocean with Antarctica. Most high level gravity is established in the northern part of the Indian Ocean and on the Hindustan Peninsula, where the ocean surface level is more than 100 m below the ellipsoidal plane! At the same time, there are three areas with weak gravity - the North Atlantic with Europe, Oceania with Australia and the South Indian Ocean. Most low level strength gravity exists over Iceland and Papua New Guinea - level ocean waters here it rises approximately 80 m above the plane of the ellipsoid’s surface.

The results obtained by the probe still need to be worked out, but it is already becoming clear that the inhomogeneity of the Earth’s gravitational field plays almost a key role in the circulation of ocean currents, both horizontal and vertical. Scientists also hope to improve existing models of future climate change, now that they have an accurate tool for predicting ice dynamics in the polar regions. In addition, knowing the ocean level, which is determined by earth's gravity, and not just the ebb and flow of tides arising under the influence of the Moon’s gravity, it will be much easier for oceanographers and ecologists to monitor its changes. Overall, this mission will contribute to the advancement of geoscience in many ways and will also be commercially viable.

Our planet is one of 9 that revolve around the Sun. Back in ancient times the first ideas appeared about the shape and size of the Earth.

How have ideas about the shape of the Earth changed?

Ancient thinkers (Aristotle - 3rd century BC, Pythagoras - 5th century BC, etc.) many centuries ago expressed the idea that our planet has a spherical shape. Aristotle (pictured below), in particular, taught, following Eudoxus, that the Earth, which is the center of the Universe, is spherical. He saw proof of this in the character that lunar eclipses have. With them, the shadow cast by our planet on the Moon has a rounded shape at the edges, which is possible only if it is spherical.

Astronomical and geodetic research carried out in subsequent centuries has given us the opportunity to judge what the actual shape and size of the Earth is. Today, everyone knows that it is round, young and old. But there were times in history when it was believed that planet Earth was flat. Today, thanks to the progress of science, we no longer doubt that it is round and not flat. Indisputable proof of this is space photographs. The spherical shape of our planet leads to the fact that the earth's surface is heated unevenly.

But in fact, the shape of the Earth is not quite the same as we used to think. This fact is known to scientists, and it is currently used to solve problems in the field of satellite navigation, geodesy, astronautics, astrophysics and other related sciences. For the first time, the idea of ​​what the actual shape of the Earth was was expressed by Newton at the turn of the 17th-18th centuries. He theoretically substantiated the assumption that our planet, under the influence of gravity, should be compressed in the direction of the axis of rotation. This means that the shape of the Earth is either a spheroid or an ellipsoid of revolution. The degree of compression depends on the angular speed of rotation. That is, the faster a body rotates, the more it flattens at the poles. This scientist proceeded from the principle universal gravity, as well as from the assumption of a homogeneous liquid mass. He assumed that the Earth is a compressed ellipsoid, and determined, depending on the speed of rotation, the dimensions of the compression. After some time, Maclaurin proved that if our planet is an ellipsoid compressed at the poles, then the balance of the oceans covering the Earth is indeed ensured.

Can we assume that the Earth is round?

If planet Earth is viewed from afar, it will appear almost perfectly round. An observer to whom greater measurement accuracy is not important may well regard it as such. The average radius of the Earth in this case is 6371.3 km. But if we, taking the shape of our planet as an ideal sphere, begin to make accurate measurements of various coordinates of points on the surface, we will not succeed. The fact is that our planet is not a perfectly round ball.

Different ways to describe the shape of the Earth

The shape of planet Earth can be described in two main, as well as several derivative, ways. It can be taken in most cases as either a geoid or an ellipsoid. It is interesting that the second option can be easily described mathematically, but the first cannot be described in any way, since to determine the exact shape of the geoid (and, consequently, the Earth), practical measurements of gravity are carried out at various points on the surface of our planet.

Ellipsoid of revolution

Everything is clear with the ellipsoid of rotation: this figure resembles a ball, which is flattened from below and from above. The fact that the shape of the Earth is an ellipsoid is quite understandable: centrifugal forces arise due to the rotation of our planet at the equator, while they do not exist at the poles. As a result of rotation, as well as centrifugal forces, the Earth “fatten”: the diameter of the planet at the equator is approximately 50 km larger than the polar one.

Features of a figure called "geoid"

An extremely complex figure is the geoid. It exists only theoretically, but in practice it cannot be touched or seen. You can imagine the geoid as a surface, the force of gravity at each point of which is directed strictly vertically. If our planet were a regular sphere filled evenly with some substance, then the plumb line at any point would point to the center of the sphere. But the situation is complicated by the fact that the density of our planet is heterogeneous. In some places there are heavy rocks, in others there are voids, mountains and depressions are scattered across the entire surface, and plains and seas are also unevenly distributed. All this changes the gravitational potential at each specific point. The fact that the shape of the globe is a geoid is also to blame for the ethereal wind that blows our planet from the north.

Who studied geoids?

Note that the very concept of “geoid” was introduced by Johann Listing (pictured below), a physicist and mathematician, in 1873.

By it, meaning “view of the Earth” in translation from Greek, was meant a figure formed by the surface of the World Ocean, as well as the seas communicating with it, at an average water level, in the absence of disturbances from tides, currents, as well as differences in atmospheric pressure, etc. When they say that such and such a height is above sea level, this means the height from the surface of the geoid at this point on the globe, despite the fact that there is no sea in this place, and it is located several thousand kilometers away.

The concept of geoid was subsequently refined several times. Thus, the Soviet scientist M. S. Molodensky created his theory of determining the gravitational field and figure of the Earth from measurements taken on its surface. To do this, he developed a special device that measures gravity - a spring gravimeter. It was he who also proposed the use of a quasi-geoid, which is determined by the values ​​​​accepted by the gravitational potential on the Earth's surface.

More about geoid

If gravity is measured 100 km from the mountains, then the plumb line (that is, a weight on a string) will begin to deviate in their direction. Such a deviation from the vertical is invisible to our eyes, but is easily detected by instruments. A similar picture is observed everywhere: the deviations of the plumb line are larger in some places, and smaller in others. And we remember that the geoid surface is always perpendicular to the plumb line. From this it becomes clear that the geoid is a very complex figure. In order to better imagine it, you can do the following: mold a ball of clay, then squeeze it on both sides to form a flattened shape, then make bumps and dents on the resulting ellipsoid with your fingers. Such a flattened, crumpled ball will show the shape of our planet quite realistically.

Why do you need to know the exact shape of the Earth?

Why do you need to know its shape so precisely? Why do scientists not like the spherical shape of the Earth? Should the picture be complicated by the geoid and the ellipsoid of revolution? Yes, there is an urgent need for this: figures close to the geoid help create coordinate grids that are the most accurate. Neither astronomical research, nor geodetic surveys, nor various satellite navigation systems (GLONASS, GPS) can exist and be carried out without determining a fairly accurate shape of our planet.

Various coordinate systems

The world currently has several three-dimensional and two-dimensional coordinate systems with global significance, as well as several dozen local ones. Each of them has its own shape of the Earth. This leads to the fact that the coordinates that were determined by different systems are slightly different. It is interesting that, in order to calculate them for points located on the territory of one country, it will be most convenient to take the shape of the Earth as a reference ellipsoid. This has now been established even at the highest legislative level.

Krasovsky's ellipsoid

If we talk about the CIS countries or Russia, then on the territory of these states the shape of our planet is described by the so-called Krasovsky ellipsoid. It was defined back in 1940. Domestic (PZ-90, SK-63, SK-42) and foreign (Afgooye, Hanoi 1972) coordinate systems were created based on this figure. They are still used for practical and scientific purposes. It is interesting that GLONASS relies on the PZ-90 system, which is superior in accuracy to the similar WGS84 system adopted as the basis for GPS.


To summarize, let's say once again that the shape of our planet is different from a sphere. The Earth is approaching its shape to an ellipsoid of revolution. As we have already noted, this question is not at all idle. Determining exactly what shape the Earth has gives scientists a powerful tool for calculating the coordinates of celestial and terrestrial bodies. And this is very important for space and sea navigation, during construction, geodetic work, as well as in many other areas of human activity.