Direct presentation coordinates. Presentation for the lesson “Coordinates on a straight line”

“What geometry studies” - Thales of Miletus (c. 625 – 547 BC), the first Greek geometer. Geometry in Ancient Greece. L=(P1+P2)/2 L – circumference P1 - perimeter of a large square P2 - perimeter of a small square. Muse of Geometry, Louvre. Geometry. Geometry in Ancient Babylon. The bodies that remind us of the Egyptian pyramids began to be called pyramids.

“The history of the emergence of geometry” - Herodotus (5th century BC). History of the emergence and development of geometry. Euclid - ancient Greek scientist (III century BC), "Principles". What does geometry study? (Plato). Thales of Miletus (639 - 548 BC). Geometric shapes. Lesson topic: “Introduction to geometry”. Geometry brings the mind closer to truth.

“Planes in space” - X. 0. y. z. Analytical geometry. n. x. An equation of the form is called general equation plane. Analytical geometry in space.

“Dihedral angle geometry” - Parallelism and the ratio of the lengths of parallel segments. Ac. angle RKV - linear for a dihedral angle with RSAV. A). (2) On the edge of the MTK. On the verge of DIA. angle RSV - linear for a dihedral angle with edge AC. On the verge of ASR. Find (see) the edge and faces of the dihedral angle. straight line MK is perpendicular to edge MT (by condition).

“Inscribed angle” - Constructing an angle equal to a given one. Presentation. S. E. Khasanova E.I., mathematics teacher, According to figure b). find the size of the external angle. 8th grade. A. O. The magnitude of the inscribed angle. 1 case. Definition: How are angles AOB and ACB similar and different? A). Introduction to the definition of inscribed angle. How quickly with a compass and ruler.

Direct coordinates

Presentation for a 6th grade math lesson

math teachers

MBOU Secondary School No. 86 named after Rear Admiral I.I.Verenikin




Start of counting (or origin ) – point O represents 0 (zero). The number itself is 0 is neither positive nor negative . It separates positive numbers from negative ones.

The straight line is located vertically.

The positive direction is marked with an arrow.

Positive coordinates of points are located above point O, and negative coordinates of points are located below.



  • Where will the squirrel be if it moves 3 m away from the hollow? How many answers can you give?
  • Where will the squirrel be if it is located:

A) 2 m above the hollow;

B) below the hollow by 3 m;

B) below the hollow by 1.5 m;

D) 2.5 m higher than the hollow.



270 km

270 km

260 km

630 km




The train left the Petropavlovsk station and is traveling at a speed of 90 km/h. Which city will the train arrive in 3 hours?

Where will the train be located:

A) in 10 hours, if he goes to Novosibirsk;

B) in 5 hours, if he goes to Chelyabinsk?

From sports camp A group of tourists comes out and moves along the highway.

Show where the tourists will be:

A) after 3 hours, if they walk at a speed of 3 km/h;

B) after 2 hours if they are walking at a speed of 4 km/h.

What else do you need to know so that there is only one answer to each question?

While on a hike, tourists visited

at points K, M and R.

Where are these points located in relation to the camp?



Write down the coordinates of the points shown in the figure.

1. Draw on coordinate line points A(1), B(8,3), C(-6), D(6), M(-2,4), K(2,4).

2. Mark a point on the coordinate line that has coordinate x, if x = -7; 3.3; -5.2; -1; 2; -1.8;

Name any three numbers located on the coordinate line:

A) to the right of the number 11;

B) to the left of the number -8;

B) to the left of the number -820;

D) to the right of the number -78.


  • What is a coordinate line?
  • What is the coordinate of a point on a line called?
  • What numbers are the coordinates of points on a horizontal line located: a) to the right of the origin;

b) to the left of the origin of coordinates?

4. What is the coordinate of the origin?

  • What numbers indicate the coordinates of points on a vertical line located:

a) above the origin;

b) below the origin?

The lesson is developed taking into account a differentiated approach to teaching: the key points of the lesson are compiled on the basis of a lesson constructor, which takes into account the psychological characteristics of students - the type of thinking. Here you can see the organization of a situation of success, taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics of students, in stages, since learning, like any activity, can be represented in the form of the following sequence of actions: setting up an activity; ensuring the student’s activities taking into account his individual psychological characteristics; comparison of the obtained results with the expected ones. Therefore, at these stages of the lesson, work is distributed between right-hemisphere and left-hemisphere students.
The set of materials for left-brain and right-brain students is different.

Lesson type: lesson in learning new knowledge

Lesson type: explanatory and illustrative

Objective of the lesson:

  • Educational aspect: further formation of the foundations of a functional line through the introduction of the concept of a coordinate line; creating an approximate basis for the ability to find the coordinates of a straight line and construct points according to given coordinates;
  • Developmental aspect: creating conditions for developing the ability to transfer known methods of action to a new situation;
  • Educational aspect: fostering a sense of responsibility for one’s actions (inaction), involvement in everything that happens in the classroom.

Lesson structure:

Stage 1: Statement of educational task
Stage 2: Updating knowledge
Stage 3: Introducing new concepts and ways of doing things
Stage 4: Primary consolidation
Stage 5: Lesson summary
Stage 6: Homework instruction

Basic methods: conversation, demonstration

Equipment and teaching materials:

  • Computer,
  • Projector,
  • Magnets
  • Presentation on the topic “Coordinates on a straight line”,
  • Didactic materials: card for determining the coordinate line,
  • Set of cards with test tasks for left-brained students.


Teacher activities

Student activities

Features of using tasks for students with different functional brain asymmetries
Left hemisphere Right hemisphere
Organizational tap Write down the number
great job
Stage 1

Stage objectives:

  • Prepare for the upcoming work
  • Ensure understanding and acceptance of the learning task for the lesson and for the future.
You have six equations in front of you, your task is to solve them and say which action helped you find the roots. (Let left-hemisphere students solve equation 6 on their own). Solve equation No. 6 independently, participate in solving equations. Solve equations 1-5 orally Slide 2 For left-hemisphere people, a task aimed at depth of knowledge. High need for mental activity. To develop the need for further education. For right-hemisphere creative tasks (make a sentence)
While the guys are finding the roots of equation No. 6, make up a sentence from these words that will be the epigraph of today's lesson Solve an equation, participate in making a proposal Make a proposal, express your versions Slide 3
This statement belongs to the ancient Greek scientist Pythagoras. I suggest writing the epigraph in your notebook Write down in notebooks Slad 4
Let's go back to the equations and solve the last one.
What equations could we not solve in elementary school, Why?
They offer their own answers.
Answer questions
Write down in notebooks.
Answer questions
Slides 5-6
So, since we did not come to a common answer, we had difficulties. Maybe there are new numbers that will help you find the root of the equation. And what is the task in class today? Get acquainted with new numbers that you have not studied before.
Stage 2

Stage objectives:
Create conditions for

  • Reproduction of concepts coordinate ray;
  • playback general scheme actions when determining coordinates given point and when constructing a point according to given coordinates on a coordinate ray.
And in order to learn new numbers, let’s remember where you can place all the numbers that you have studied. What is the "home" for all numbers? Coordinate beam. Left hemisphere - tasks related directly to theory.
Construct a coordinate ray. What is needed to build it? Constructing a coordinate ray
Unit segment, beginning, direction.
Challenge the student to mark the points with coordinates 5; 3.5; 1/2 Mark the points
Stage 3

Stage objectives:
Create conditions for

  • analysis of a new situation;
  • motivation for introducing a coordinate line;
  • transferring known methods for determining the coordinates of a point and constructing a point from its coordinates on a ray to the situation of a coordinate line;
  • introducing an indicative framework for new actions.
What happens if we continue the ray and build an additional ray to this one? Do it.
Will it be a simple straight line?

The result will be straight.
They build an additional beam to this one.
They express their ideas.
It turns out that there are also numbers on the left.

Do you think the number 5 has the same meaning for winter and summer? They come to new numbers with a minus sign.
Maybe you know what these numbers with a minus sign are called? Where do these numbers exist? They express their versions.
These numbers are located to the left of 0.
So what numbers is the lesson dedicated to? (if they can’t, then name these numbers).
Let's write down the topic of the lesson.

Write down the topic of the lesson.

Let's analyze how we got negative numbers, a new straight line. All actions are reproduced.
Name all the elements.
They go out onto the coordinate line.
Slide 7
Who can formulate the definition of a coordinate line.
So, what do we call the numbers on the left? Right?
Formulate a definition.

On the left are negative numbers.
On the right are positive ones.

Slide 7
Take card number 1. ( Appendix 1 ) You can make explanations for yourself so as not to forget how the definition is formulated. Add the necessary information for the formulation Formulated according to the card
In what location did you meet the coordinate line? Give examples from life and solve the problem. In vertical Give examples. Slide 8
Check whether the points on the coordinate line are marked correctly? Raise your hands if you agree. Name the points, tell you at what distance from the origin these points should be marked Those who agree raise their hands. Slide 9.
Determine the temperature, name the coordinate. Write down the answers in your notebook.
(independent work)
Slide 10. Right-hemisphere tasks that demonstrate a connection with life.
Test yourself! They check and correct errors. Slide 11.
Stage 4

Stage objectives:
Creating conditions for students to carry out new actions:

  • determining the coordinate of a point on a coordinate line;
  • constructing a point on a coordinate line at a given coordinate.
Guys, do you like to travel? I propose to take a journey for positive and negative numbers “Across the Mountains and Oceans” Right-hemisphere and left-hemisphere students work in pairs, since each has their own way of conveying information to the other, which benefits both participants in the educational process.
Complete the task from textbook No. 902, page 151. Fill out card No. 2 ( Appendix 2 ) You work in pairs. Fill out the table. Slide 13.
Now let's take a trip and check how you coped with the task. Check and correct errors Name the answers. Slides 14-24
The next trip will be through cities different countries. Take card number 3. ( Appendix 3 ). I will show you a city with the corresponding temperature at the time of January 10, and your task is to mark the values ​​of the corresponding temperature and the name of the city on the coordinate line. (ask right-brain people) Marked on the coordinate line. Read the name of the city and the temperature.
Marked on the coordinate line.
Slides 25-32
I hope you completed this task successfully, please check. Check Slide 34 Commitment to theory. Establishing coordinates
The next journey is “On the Temperature Scale”. Looking at the slide Slide 35
Take card number 4 ( Appendix 4 ). Fill it out yourself, using knowledge from the field of geography, your own intuition, since not all values ​​are given, and the entire table must be filled out Fill out the table Slide 36
Which one of you has perfect knowledge? Raise your hands who filled out the entire table correctly? They check the answers. Slides 37-38
The journey is not over, now you will find yourself in the role of a submariner or a sniper. And who is who, you will find out on card No. 5 ( Appendix 5 ). Complete the task. Establish a correspondence between a point and its coordinate. Decipher the word. Solve the problem and write it down in your notebook.
We check the snipers. Name points and coordinates. Decrypted word They look and check. Slides 38-40
Checking submariners They look, listen, check. Give the answer to the problem Slide 41 Commitment to practice. A challenge from life.
The journey ends at the Olympic Games. What can the table tell us? Answer questions. They give an answer. Slides 42-44
Stage 5

Stage objectives:
organize primary reflection of the results of students’ own activities in the lesson.

So, a lot of work has been done. Let's go back to the beginning of the lesson, what was the problem? They couldn't solve the equation. Slide 45
Maybe we can solve this equation now? -1
How do we write the solution to the equation? They dictate the decision. Slide 46
You will get acquainted with solving equations later, but now everyone will check how they worked in the lesson. Take card number 6 ( Appendix 6 ) (left-hemisphere), and the rest work orally. Perform the test They answer the question. They tell everything about numbers. Slide 47 For right-hemisphere students, oral type tasks and open-ended questions (own detailed answer) are required. For left-hemisphere people – closed-type questions (select a ready-made answer option)
Let's check those who performed the test. Read the question and give your answer. They look, listen, and object if the answer is wrong. Slides 48-52
What's great about what you discovered in this lesson? Share their own impressions. Slide 53
Stage 6

Stage objectives:

  • formulate a goal ( learning task) homework;
  • indicate possible means of support to achieve the goal
Homework: learn to build points with given coordinates, set the coordinates of points.
№898, №897

Your assistants: read the text on pp. 147 -148, answer the questions after the paragraph.

Write down the task in your diary.

Slides 54-55
You did a great job today. Thanks for the lesson!
Take colored magnets and place them on the coordinate line in that part of your mood from the lesson (negative or positive)
Attach magnets to the board where the coordinate line is depicted. Slides 56-57

4 1:6

Let us choose a unit segment AB O C

Numbers with a “+” sign are called positive Numbers with a “-” sign are called negative positive negative The “+” sign in front of positive numbers is usually omitted for brevity, and instead of +2 they write 2, so +2=2 i.e. this is the same the same number, just marked differently. A B O

The starting point is the number 0 (zero). Origin of reference Is it negative or positive? The number 0 (zero) itself is neither positive nor negative. It separates positive numbers from negative numbers positive negative ABO

Historical information. Negative numbers first appeared in Ancient China approximately 2100 years ago. In Europe, negative numbers began to be used in the centuries. The recognition of negative numbers was facilitated by the work of the French mathematician, physicist and philosopher René Descartes (). He proposed a geometric interpretation of positive and negative numbers - he introduced the coordinate line (1637).

Above zero - positive, Below zero - negative. Vertical position of the line.

Read the readings of the thermometers shown in the figure:

We meet the coordinate line in history lessons (“time line”) years years 1000 years 2000 years

1. Read the numbers: 14; -1.5; 3.86; 0; -577; -1/5; 237. Test yourself! 14; 3.86; ,5; -577; -1/5

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Slide captions:

Find the value of the expression a) 3.5 – 2.8 b) 10 – 7.5 c) 8.4 – 9.5

Solve the equation: a) 15 – x = 12 b) 12 – y = 15

Cool work Coordinates on a straight line 02/09/15

What temperature does each thermometer indicate? -3°С -2.5°С 0°С +1.5°С +3°С

Where are negative numbers used? Why do we need such numbers? A negative number is expressed by a number zero is expressed Positive number is expressed as Expense (of money, water, fuel, etc.) Expense (of money, water, fuel, etc.) Loss (in rubles, kopecks) Profit (in rubles, kopecks) Temperature below zero degrees (freezing point of water or ice melting point) Temperature of ice melting (water freezing) Temperature above zero degrees Depth below ocean level Ocean level Ocean level Time BC (in years, centuries) Beginning of Christian chronology (beginning of AD) Time AD (in years, centuries)

History of negative numbers Negative numbers appeared much later than natural and ordinary numbers. The first information about negative numbers was found by Chinese mathematicians in the 2nd century BC. Positive ones are like property, and negative ones are like debt, shortage. In Europe, negative numbers began to be used in the 12th and 13th centuries. The recognition of negative numbers was facilitated by the work of the French mathematician René Descartes (1596 – 1650). He introduced the coordinate line (1637). Negative numbers received final recognition as truly existing only in the 18th century.

Practical work 1. Draw a horizontal line. 2. Mark point O on it (approximately in the middle). We will call it the reference point or the origin of coordinates. 3. Take 1 cell as a unit segment. 4. Continue the coordinate ray from point O to the right. Numbers located to the right of the reference point are called positive. Now continue the coordinate ray from point O to the left, maintaining a unit segment. Those numbers that are located to the left of the reference point are called negative.

A straight line with a reference point, a unit segment and a direction chosen on it is called a coordinate line.

Task: name a line among these lines that is a coordinate line.

Coordinate of point A (2); C (- 4). They read: “Point A with coordinate 2”; “Point C with coordinate – 4”, etc. The number showing the position of a point on a line is called the coordinate of this point.

No. 1 Write down the coordinates of points A, B, C, E, K, O, M. A (-5) B (0.5) C (1) E (-2.5) K (4) O (0) M (7)

No. 2 “Find the error” Points A, B, C, D are marked on the coordinate line. Are their coordinates written down correctly? A (2), B (- 3), C (- 2), D (- 4).