Summary of the film Pollyanna. "Pollyanna" analysis

Those who feel heavy at heart and the world seems full of injustice should definitely read the book “Pollyanna.” This work has been warming the hearts of everyone who reads it for more than 100 years. There is so much goodness and positivity in the book that, after turning the last page, you begin to look at life with different eyes. It is not for nothing that the novel is included in the “Golden Fund” of world literature for children. Although the book is for children, it is no less useful for adults. Judging by the reviews of the book "Pollyanna", the story told by the American writer of the last century does not become outdated. It still helps to overcome life's difficulties, cope with depression and appreciate life in all its manifestations. The author focuses on a girl with strange name Pollyanna. Left orphaned at the age of 11, she was raised by a stern aunt. The life of an orphan is not easy. The “play of joy”, which the girl’s father taught her, helps the child cope with difficulties and misfortunes. The little girl tries to find the positive even in the most difficult life situations and teaches this to others. And it works. The world around us and people begin to change: to become better, cleaner, kinder.

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"Pollyanna" - plot

Eleven-year-old Pollyanna Whittier visits her aunt Miss Polly Harrington in Vermont. Pollyanna's father, John Whittier, died leaving virtually no inheritance: being a poor pastor in a small church and receiving a small salary, he left behind only a few books. Since Pollyanna's mother died long ago and she has no other relatives, she is forced to move in with Aunt Polly, who all this time has not maintained any contact with Pollyanna's family. Aunt Polly's older sister at one time married John Whittier against the wishes of her parents, who insisted on a wedding with a rich man. But Pollyanna's mother became the wife of a missionary and went south with him, since then the family broke off all relations with her. Now, twenty-five years later, Aunt Polly lives alone in a huge house, having inherited a large fortune after the death of all her loved ones. She is pedantic, strict and accepts her niece solely out of a sense of duty. She gives Pollyanna a room in the attic, without a mirror, with bare walls and practically no furniture, because “she wanted to distance herself as much as possible from the child’s company and, at the same time, protect the rich environment: she had heard a lot about how children treat good people poorly.” things."

Pollyanna is the complete opposite of Polly: very lively, talkative and cheerful. She teaches others to play “for joy.” She and her father started playing a long time ago, when they received crutches among donations: “I really wanted a doll then, so dad asked the woman who collected donations. And that lady replied that no one donated the dolls, so instead of the dolls she sent small crutches.” Then the father explained to Pollyanna that they should be happy since they didn’t need crutches. Since then, they have always played “for joy,” finding a reason for optimism in every event. On the very first day after Pollyanna’s arrival, Aunt Polly leaves her without dinner, ordering her to have dinner with bread and milk in the kitchen, along with the maid Nancy, to which Pollyanna replies: “What are you, aunt, I’m very glad. I love bread au lait and I really like Nancy. We had such a nice dinner together.” Her niece perceives all of Aunt Polly's moral teachings and punishments with delight and gratitude, which confuses Miss Polly. Gradually Aunt Polly becomes attached to Pollyanna.


Reviews of the book "Pollyanna"

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A book that teaches kindness...

This work is about a little girl Polianna, cheerful, cheerful and resourceful. Polinanna really likes to play the game that her father invented. The essence of the game is to look for something to be happy about in any circumstances. Such a game lifts the spirits not only of Polianna herself, but also of the people around her. Many adults joined the game and began to search for joy along with it. But life consists not only of joyful events, sometimes there are also difficult periods. This is what happened with Pollyanna. But fortunately, the girl has good friends who will always support her and help her difficult moment.

What is the book about? ABOUT good mood, about attitude towards others, about kindness.

The book teaches you to understand people, look for the good in them, teaches friendship and much more.

This is one of those books that was written for children, but is read by adults!

If you are sad or not in the mood, then this book will help lift it up and make life a little brighter and more joyful.

Helpful review?



« Pollyanna"(Pollyanna) is a best-selling novel by American writer Eleanor Porter, published in 1913. There is a sequel to the book Pollyanna Grows Up, written by Eleanor Porter herself, and many sequels by other authors, in particular Elizabeth Borton, Harriet Lummis Smith ( Harriet Lummis Smith) and Colin L. Rees ( Colleen L. Reece).

Several television series and films have been made based on Pollyanna, the most famous of which are the 1920 film adaptation starring Mary Pickford and the 1960 film adaptation by Disney. main role in which Hayley Mills performed.


Eleven-year-old Pollyanna Whittier comes to visit her aunt Miss Polly Harrington in Vermont. Pollyanna's father, John Whittier, died leaving virtually no inheritance: being a poor pastor in a small church and receiving a small salary, he left behind only a few books. Since Pollyanna's mother died long ago and she has no other relatives, she is forced to move in with Aunt Polly, who all this time has not maintained any contact with Pollyanna's family. Aunt Polly's older sister at one time married John Whittier against the wishes of her parents, who insisted on a wedding with a rich man. But Pollyanna's mother became the wife of a missionary and went south with him, since then the family broke off all relations with her. Now, twenty-five years later, Aunt Polly lives alone in a huge house, having inherited a large fortune after the death of all her loved ones. She is pedantic, strict and accepts her niece solely out of a sense of duty. She gives Pollyanna a room in the attic, without a mirror, with bare walls and practically no furniture, because “she wanted to distance herself as much as possible from the child’s company and, at the same time, protect the rich environment: she had heard a lot about how children treat good people poorly.” things."

Pollyanna is the complete opposite of Polly: very lively, talkative and cheerful. She teaches others to play “The Glad Game”. She and her father started playing a long time ago, when they received crutches among donations: “I really wanted a doll then, so dad asked the woman who collected donations. And that lady replied that no one donated the dolls, so instead of the dolls she sent small crutches.” Then the father explained to Pollyanna that they should be happy since they didn’t need crutches. Since then, they have always played “for joy,” finding a reason for optimism in every event. On the very first day after Pollyanna’s arrival, Aunt Polly leaves her without dinner, ordering her to have dinner with bread and milk in the kitchen, along with the maid Nancy, to which Pollyanna replies: “What are you, aunt, I’m very glad. I love bread au lait and I really like Nancy. We had such a nice dinner together.” Her niece perceives all of Aunt Polly's moral teachings and punishments with delight and gratitude, which confuses Miss Polly. Gradually Aunt Polly becomes attached to Pollyanna.

The novel "Pollyanna": summary In this article we will talk about the novel "Pollyanna". We will consider the summary in particular detail. This book has long been a part of teenage reading circles and is highly appreciated by critics. The novel was published back in 1913, but to this day it has managed to maintain relevance and keen interest among readers of different ages. About the writer

The author of the novel is E. Porter. “Pollyanna” (a brief summary will be presented below) brought real popularity to the reader and made her a cult writer. Elionora was born in America in 1868, and began her literary career in 1892, starting to publish stories in magazines and newspapers. Already her first creations were warmly received by the public. The first success, however, came from the story “Miss Billy.” This book made Porter famous throughout America. It was “Pollyanna” that brought world fame to the writer. Elinor Porter, “Pollyanna”: summary Miss Polly, a lonely and very rich resident of a small town who owns the Harrington estate, unexpectedly receives a message that her own niece has been left an orphan. A long time ago, our heroine’s elder sister married a poor priest, although her parents opposed this marriage, and then went to live with him in the south. After this, her parents disowned her and stopped all relationships, forgetting about their second daughter. Since then, no one has seen the girl in the city. It turned out that she had died long ago, and a few weeks ago her husband followed her into the other world. Now they only daughter Pollyanna, who was named after her mother's sisters, is left alone, and her fate is being decided right now - she has no other relatives except her aunt, and her father's only inheritance is a few books.

Miss Polly is a gloomy, prim woman with a very stern and strict disposition. Over the years she had become accustomed to loneliness. However, a developed sense of duty did not allow her to abandon the child to the mercy of fate, refusing upbringing and guardianship. New home And then Pollyanna came to her distant relative. A brief summary can give an idea of ​​what it was like for a girl who had recently lost her parents to find herself in an unfamiliar place among unfamiliar people. The girl was placed in a stuffy room in the attic. Nancy, a servant in the house, was very indignant that her mistress sent her own blood to live in the attic, having a huge house with expensive decorations and many rooms. However, how much she was surprised at the moment when Pollyanna began to admire her wretched room, declaring that she was completely pleased that she had got this particular room. The girl said that she was very glad that there was no mirror in her home, because now she would not be able to see her freckles. And the beautiful view from the window more than compensates for the lack of paintings. With her love of life and ability to find good even in bad things, Pollyanna began to surprise everyone around her.

It turned out that the girl was playing a very interesting game that her father taught her. Once upon a time, Pollyanna really wanted a doll. Then dad asked the woman collecting donations to send her a toy for her daughter. But in response they sent crutches, since no one wanted to donate dolls. And then the father, in consolation, told his daughter that she could be glad that she did not need crutches, because she was healthy. From that time on, Pollyanna began to play this game, looking for joy in everything. An exciting game. Porter managed to portray a very attractive and cheerful heroine. “Pollyanna” (summary) is a story about not giving up and despair. And so the girl soon began to teach all the residents of the city her game. So, the old gardener began to rejoice at his hunched back, because he no longer had to bend over to care for the flowers; and the lying one is big because she has wonderful hands and knows how to knit; Nancy, who hated her name, was glad that she had not been given an even worse name. She could find a reason to rejoice in any situation, even the most hopeless one. Although there were cases when it was difficult to come up with a reason to be happy, this only made the game more interesting.

This positive outlook on life led to Pollyanna making more and more friends. However, the biggest change came with Aunt Polly. Her stern character softened, she stopped constantly being angry with everyone around her. It even got to the point that she allowed the girl to keep stray dogs and cats. Tragedy But all the events of the book “Pollyanna” (summary) are not so rosy. An accident occurs main character hit by a car. The girl ends up in the hospital, and the doctors say that she will never be able to walk. This becomes a turning point in Pollyanna's life. She can no longer play her game and find joyful moments in life. It soon becomes clear that there is a doctor who can get the girl back on her feet. But there is one problem. To begin with, this doctor must be invited into the house to examine the patient. But Aunt Polly refuses to do this, since she had been dating the doctor for a long time and promised that she would marry him if she invited him to her place.

« Pollyanna"is a best-selling novel by American writer Elinor Porter, published in 1913. The events of the work take place in the small American provincial town of Beldingsvili

"Pollyanna" analysis of the work

Pollyanna theme. A story about the life of an orphan who firmly remembered the science of goodness from her late parents.

Pollyanna idea. There is always a reason for joy in life, even in the most difficult moments you can find consolation for yourself, the main thing is to have the desire for this

Genre. Novel

The main characters of "Pollyanna": Pollyanna, Miss Polly Harrington, cook Nancy, gardener Tom, driver Timothy, boy - Jimmy Bean, Mr. - John Pendleton, doctor Chilton.

Minor characters: Mrs. Snow, invalid, her daughter, pastor - Paul Ford, widow - Mrs. Benton, Mrs. Payson, Mrs. Tarbela. (Characteristics of heroes)

"Pollyanna" composition

Exposition- description of the house of Messrs. Polly Harringon on the June morning when Pollyanna arrives.

The beginning- White's letter about Pollyanna being sent to her aunt.

Development of action- Pollyanna's acquaintance with Aunt Polly; new customs in the house after the girl’s arrival; Pollyanna's acquaintance and friendship with the residents of Beldingsville; "Game of Joy"

Climax- a car accident, after which Pollyanna becomes motionless; accidentally heard a diagnosis that the disease is incurable; the arrival of doctor Chilton, who gave Pollyanna hope for recovery.

In this article we will talk about the novel "Pollyanna". We will consider the summary in particular detail. This book has long been a part of teenage reading circles and is highly appreciated by critics. The novel was published back in 1913, but to this day it has managed to maintain relevance and keen interest among readers of different ages.

About the writer

Elionora was born in America in 1868, and began her literary career in 1892, starting to publish stories in magazines and newspapers. Already her first creations were warmly received by the public. The first success, however, came from the story “Miss Billy.” This book made Porter famous throughout America. It was “Pollyanna” that brought world fame to the writer.

Elinor Porter, "Pollyanna": summary

Miss Polly, a lonely and very rich resident of a small town who owns the Harrington estate, unexpectedly receives a message that her own niece has been left an orphan.

A long time ago, our heroine’s elder sister married a poor priest, although her parents opposed this marriage, and then went to live with him in the south. After this, her parents disowned her and stopped all relationships, forgetting about their second daughter. Since then, no one has seen the girl in the city. It turned out that she had died long ago, and a few weeks ago her husband followed her into the other world. Now their only daughter Pollyanna, who was named after her mother’s sisters, is left alone, and her fate is being decided right now - she has no other relatives except her aunt, and her father’s only inheritance is several books.

Miss Polly is a gloomy, prim woman with a very stern and strict disposition. Over the years she had become accustomed to loneliness. However, a developed sense of duty did not allow her to abandon the child to the mercy of fate, refusing upbringing and guardianship.

New home

And then Pollyanna came to her distant relative. A brief summary can give an idea of ​​what it was like for a girl who had recently lost her parents to find herself in an unfamiliar place among unfamiliar people.

The girl was placed in a stuffy room in the attic. Nancy, a servant in the house, was very indignant that her mistress sent her own blood to live in the attic, having a huge house with expensive decorations and many rooms. However, how much she was surprised at the moment when Pollyanna began to admire her wretched room, declaring that she was completely pleased that she had got this particular room. The girl said that she was very glad that there was no mirror in her home, because now she would not be able to see her freckles. And the beautiful view from the window more than compensates for the lack of paintings. With her love of life and ability to find good even in bad things, Pollyanna began to surprise everyone around her.

It turned out that the girl was playing a very interesting game that her father taught her. Once upon a time, Pollyanna really wanted a doll. Then dad asked the woman collecting donations to send her a toy for her daughter. But in response they sent crutches, since no one wanted to donate dolls. And then the father, in consolation, told his daughter that she could be glad that she did not need crutches, because she was healthy. From that time on, Pollyanna began to play this game, looking for joy in everything.

Exciting game

Porter managed to portray a very attractive and cheerful heroine. “Pollyanna” (summary) is a story about not giving up and despair. And so the girl soon began to teach all the residents of the city her game. So, the old gardener began to rejoice at his hunched back, because he no longer had to bend over to care for the flowers; and the lying one is big because she has wonderful hands and knows how to knit; Nancy, who hated her name, was glad that she had not been given an even worse name. She could find a reason to rejoice in any situation, even the most hopeless one. Although there were cases when it was difficult to come up with a reason to be happy, this only made the game more interesting.

This positive outlook on life led to Pollyanna making more and more friends. However, the biggest change came with Aunt Polly. Her stern character softened, she stopped constantly being angry with everyone around her. It even got to the point that she allowed the girl to keep stray dogs and cats.


But all the events of the book “Pollyanna” (summary) are not so rosy. An accident occurs and the main character is hit by a car. The girl ends up in the hospital, and the doctors say that she will never be able to walk. This becomes a turning point in Pollyanna's life. She can no longer play her game and find joyful moments in life.

It soon becomes clear that there is a doctor who can get the girl back on her feet. But there is one problem. To begin with, this doctor must be invited into the house to examine the patient. But Aunt Polly refuses to do this, since she had been dating the doctor for a long time and promised that she would marry him if she invited him to her place.


The book “Pollyanna” comes to an end, and the summary also ends. But the girl's friend Jimmy explains to her aunt that the doctor can save her niece. Then Miss Polly overcomes her pride and invites her old lover.

The work ends with a letter from the heroine from the hospital, where she again takes her first steps. In it, Pollyanna thanks her aunt and the doctor for the fact that they decided to get married right in her room, so she was able to attend their wedding. The girl begins to enjoy life again and will soon return home.

This is how the novel “Pollyanna” ends (book summary). However, to appreciate the beauty of this book, we recommend reading the original.