Levon Gurgenovich Hayrapetyan is the last. Famous Armenian businessman and philanthropist Levon Hayrapetyan has died

Levon Hayrapetyan passed away. Our friend, colleague, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Sobesednik Publishing House.

Those who knew Levon well and communicated with him call him a celebratory man and a business romantic. Those who heard the ringing and read something about it in the newspapers speak in cliches like “philanthropist”, “lobbyist”, “tycoon”. Those who do not bother themselves with the desire to understand this complex and, without exaggeration, legendary man, they are now throwing to death the mean-spirited definition of “Armenian decision.” God is the judge of everyone.

Meanwhile, I know for sure that these days thousands of people are crying for Levon, sincerely grieving and wishing him the kingdom of heaven. These are the people he helped, saved, treated, employed, pulled out of trouble, and gave hope to. They wrote and called him every day. He didn’t brush anyone aside, he didn’t refuse anyone. It seemed to me that Levon even enjoyed helping people. No, not family, friends, acquaintances. And to people whom he often saw for the first time... Do you know many of these?!

I met him more than 25 years ago. And over all these years I have never regretted that I know, communicate, and are friends with Levon. In the 90s, on the basis of the weekly Sobesednik, we together created the eponymous Publishing house, where today there are more than 20 newspapers and magazines. At first he was a director, and later – chairman of the Board of Directors of the Sobesednik Publishing House. They say about people like Levon Hayrapetyan: like behind a stone wall. Confident, cheerful, risk-taking, unafraid, loving life– it’s all about him too. When our publishing house got back on its feet, Levon Gurgenovich left the publishing business, took up other things, and began to help a lot in Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh. There, through his efforts, an outstanding monument of Armenian architecture, the Gandzasar Monastery, was restored. There, in the mountains, he laid tens of kilometers of roads. There, in his native village of Vank, he built a factory, a school, a gallery, a college, and a hotel. There, to his fellow countrymen, whom he sincerely loved and respected, he brought celebrities from all over the world. There he truly became national hero, whom everyone knows - both old and young. There, in Nagorno-Karabakh, on October 16, 2008, he held an unprecedented holiday - the Great Artsakh Wedding: on this day, 700 (!) couples were united in family ties, and each of Levon’s hands received 2 thousand dollars and a cow as a gift.

Someone will say: I tried so hard for my own people, for my fellow countrymen. Not true! In Moscow, on the corner of Olympic Avenue and Trifonovskaya Street, he, together with his Armenian friends, erected a majestic and austere Armenian church. In the Moscow region, in the village of Krasnovidovo, he built several dacha buildings for writers and artists. For many years, Levon sponsored Moscow theaters and provided assistance to artists and directors in need of treatment. Supported the Competition of Russian Romance Performers. Helped talented artists, musicians, and Olympians. He defended journalists who fell into disgrace with the authorities.

Levon also had many acquaintances in the corridors of power. And in the Kremlin, and in the White House, and in ministerial offices. I know that many of them considered it a blessing to meet Hayrapetyan, listen to his funny stories, sad forecasts and harsh assessments. From his lips they heard what they themselves might have thought, but did not say out loud. They were pleased not only to communicate with Levon over his famous barbecue, but also to simply “feed” from his hands, teach children at prestigious schools at his expense, place their friends and relatives in lucrative positions, and ask for their promotion. Many, very many will recognize themselves after these lines, but will only be quietly embarrassed: what happened, happened...

Levon remained a favorite of those in power (I won’t name his last name out of a sense of disgust) until trouble came into his life. Someone whispered to someone up there: this guy is burying himself, he needs to be shortened. And the repressive machine began to work at full capacity. At first they began to frame him for the Bashneft case, and when nothing happened with Bashneft, they accused him of stealing $700,000 from the mother of ex-senator Izmestyev, who was sentenced to life. No one listened to the arguments of Hayrapetyan’s defense in numerous courts (why, if there is a command from above?!), and Levon, with his bouquet of serious illnesses, was sent to a Mordovian colony for 4 years. Without the right to receive normal medical care and without a chance of early release. No, we need to be more precise: Levon was sent not just to the bunk, but to certain death. This is what happened on the morning of October 18 after medical assistance was not provided.

Someone may ask: well, where were his high-ranking friends, many of whom were close to Putin himself, all this time, while Levon Hayrapetyan was slowly being killed? Why didn’t they put in a good word and help? They protected Madame Vasilyeva with her much larger thefts... And they are going to pardon Izmestyev with his murders... It’s simple: Levon did not humiliate himself in front of anyone, did not pay anyone. And high-ranking “friends” turned out to be cowards. They hid their heads in the sand. And a handful of decent people remained next to Levon. I won’t name them either, but thank you to all of them. Not for courage, but for remaining human.

It so happened that I spoke with Levon a few hours before his death. I don’t know how people in prison get a phone to call when they are released. We talked about his deteriorating health, about injustice and the ephemeral possibility of amnesty for the 100th anniversary of the revolution. He thought he was calling for freedom. And I understood that there had been no freedom in Russia for a long time.

Goodbye Levon. Thank you for being with us.

Yuri Pilipenko,

Editor-in-Chief of the Sobesednik newspaper

Levon Hayrapetyan. Our friend, colleague, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Sobesednik Publishing House.

Those who knew Levon well and communicated with him call him a celebratory man and a business romantic. Those who heard the ringing and read something about it in the newspapers speak in cliches like “philanthropist”, “lobbyist”, “tycoon”. Those who do not bother themselves with the desire to understand this complex and, without exaggeration, legendary man, are now throwing to death the mean-spirited definition of “Armenian decider.” God is the judge of everyone.

// Photo: editorial archive

Meanwhile, I know for sure that these days thousands of people are crying for Levon, sincerely grieving and wishing him the kingdom of heaven. These are the people he helped, saved, treated, employed, pulled out of trouble, and gave hope to. They wrote and called him every day. He didn’t brush anyone aside, he didn’t refuse anyone. It seemed to me that Levon even enjoyed helping people. No, not family, friends, acquaintances. And to people whom he often saw for the first time... Do you know many of these?!

// Photo: editorial archive

I met him more than 25 years ago. And over all these years I have never regretted that I know, communicate, and are friends with Levon. In the 90s, on the basis of the weekly Sobesednik, we together created the Publishing House of the same name, which today has more than 20 newspapers and magazines. At first he was a director, and later - chairman of the Board of Directors of the Sobesednik Publishing House. They say about people like Levon Hayrapetyan: like behind a stone wall. Confident, cheerful, risk-taking, unafraid, loving life - this is all about him too. When our publishing house got back on its feet, Levon Gurgenovich left the publishing business, took up other things, and began to help a lot in Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh. There, through his efforts, an outstanding monument of Armenian architecture, the Gandzasar Monastery, was restored. There, in the mountains, he laid tens of kilometers of roads. There, in his native village of Vank, he built a factory, a school, a gallery, a college, and a hotel. There, to his fellow countrymen, whom he sincerely loved and respected, he brought celebrities from all over the world. There he became a truly national hero, whom everyone knows - both old and young. There, in Nagorno-Karabakh, on October 16, 2008, he held an unprecedented holiday - the Great Artsakh Wedding: on this day, 700 (!) couples were united in family ties, and each of Levon’s hands received 2 thousand dollars and a cow as a gift.

L. Hayrapetyan (in the center) and V. Lukin, V. Kozhin,
L. Tyagachev, V. Chernomyrdin, E. Primakov (from left to right)
// Photo: editorial archive

Someone will say: I tried so hard for my own people, for my fellow countrymen. Not true! In Moscow, on the corner of Olympic Avenue and Trifonovskaya Street, he, together with his Armenian friends, erected a majestic and austere Armenian church. In the Moscow region, in the village of Krasnovidovo, he built several dacha buildings for writers and artists. For many years, Levon sponsored Moscow theaters and provided assistance to artists and directors in need of treatment. Supported the Competition of Russian Romance Performers. Helped talented artists, musicians, and Olympians. He defended journalists who fell into disgrace with the authorities.

// Photo: editorial archive

Levon also had many acquaintances in the corridors of power. And in the Kremlin, and in the White House, and in ministerial offices. I know that many of them considered it a blessing to meet Hayrapetyan, listen to his funny stories, sad forecasts and harsh assessments. From his lips they heard what they themselves might have thought, but did not say out loud. They were pleased not only to communicate with Levon over his famous barbecue, but also to simply “feed” from his hands, teach children at prestigious schools at his expense, place their friends and relatives in lucrative positions, and ask for their promotion. Many, very many will recognize themselves after these lines, but will only be quietly embarrassed: what happened, happened...

// Photo: editorial archive

Levon remained a favorite of those in power (I won’t name his last name out of a sense of disgust) until trouble came into his life. Someone whispered to someone up there: this guy is burying himself, he needs to be shortened. And the repressive machine began to work at full capacity. At first they began to frame him for the Bashneft case, and when nothing happened with Bashneft, they accused him of stealing $700,000 from the mother of ex-senator Izmestyev, sentenced to life. Nobody listened to the arguments of Hayrapetyan’s defense in numerous courts (why, if there is a command from above?!), and Levon, with his bunch of serious illnesses, was sent to a Mordovian colony for 4 years. Without the right to receive normal medical care and without a chance of early release. No, we need to be more precise: Levon was sent not just to the bunk, but to certain death. This is what happened on the morning of October 18 after medical assistance was not provided.

// Photo: editorial archive

Someone may ask: well, where were his high-ranking friends, many of whom were close to Putin himself, all this time, while Levon Hayrapetyan was slowly being killed? Why didn’t they put in a good word and help? They protected Madame Vasilyeva with her much larger thefts... And they are going to pardon Izmestyev with his murders... It’s simple: Levon did not humiliate himself in front of anyone, did not pay anyone. And high-ranking “friends” turned out to be cowards. They hid their heads in the sand. And a handful of decent people remained next to Levon. I won’t name them either, but thank you to all of them. Not for courage, but for remaining human.

It so happened that I spoke with Levon a few hours before his death. I don’t know how people in prison get a phone to call when they are released. We talked about his deteriorating health, about injustice and the ephemeral possibility of amnesty for the 100th anniversary of the revolution. He thought he was calling for freedom. And I understood that there had been no freedom in Russia for a long time.

Goodbye Levon. Thank you for being with us.

Yuri Pilipenko,
editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Sobesednik"

* * *

Stas Namin: “Levon felt someone else’s pain”

— Levon Hayrapetyan was an amazing person. Having a huge fortune, which he earned, I emphasize, through honest business, he was not a redneck, as oligarchs quite often are. He was a real philanthropist, not a paper one, not a fake one, he really spent a lot of money to help his native Karabakh. From the bottom of his heart, he helped both those close to him and those far away - those whom he did not know personally at all. He had compassion and felt other people's pain and need.

Stas Namin. Portrait of Levon Hayrapetyan. Oil on canvas, 115x88

“He was a worthy, noble and, of course, one hundred percent honest man,” says Stas Namin about Levon Hayrapetyan.

Against the background of the New Armenian Church in Moscow, built by Hayrapetyan. On October 20, a farewell to Levon Gurgenovich took place there // Photo: personal archive of Stas Namin

Tatyana Vedeneeva: “He wanted everyone to work”

— I remember the first time we met - I was invited to host the evening at Levon’s 60th birthday. And there were SUCH names! For example, Sergei Lavrov, Minister of Foreign Affairs. Now I’m thinking: why didn’t they save him?!

Yes, he lived large, but at the same time he helped people so much. He was building something in his native Nagorno-Karabakh, some enterprises... I asked him: “Why? Maybe it’s better to give money?” He answered: “No, I give them a fishing rod, not a fish. And then let them earn money themselves. We need development, movement forward.” He wanted everyone to work. He also assigned rich Armenians as godparents to many Armenian children so that the children would not disappear. He said that he issued passports with money that could only be spent on education.

I remember Levon only with fond memory and kindness and great respect.

Vladimir Shakhidzhanyan: “I made plans like a child”

— Levon and I had a lot in common. Both have roots in Karabakh: I am from Shushi, he is from the Martakert region. Both were involved in journalism: he was more involved in organizing, I wrote and taught at the journalism department of Moscow State University for 35 years. What brought us together most was that we would like to improve this world. We had mutual sympathy. We could call each other at one or two in the morning. Sometimes I came to see him on Prechistenka or at the President Hotel. He hated loneliness and very quickly fell in love with people he was interested in, continuing to communicate for years, decades.

Many call him a philanthropist, and that is true. He loved and understood creative people, but his main concern in the last 20 years was youth. IN recent years He, brought up in an atheistic spirit, began to lean towards religion.

Levon was a philosopher by training and looked at many things philosophically. But sometimes he was upset about all sorts of troubles in a completely childish way. He was not childish, but there was enough pure teenage childishness in him. Sometimes he made plans like a child: I can do it, I will do it, I will find it, I will achieve it. And he did it, found it, achieved it. For most of his life, he was lucky in whatever he did.

When I was involved in construction, it worked.

When I organized various fairs with the first Russian billionaire Artem Tarasov, it worked. I decided to organize the arrival of interesting Armenians to Russia so that they would help the local diaspora - it also worked out.

I liked Levon’s conversations about his mother: for Armenians, mother is a holy woman. Levon also told interesting stories about his father. In Armenia, the father is always treated with emphatic respect. Levon could use strong words against those who did not understand him, but he knew that I could not stand swearing, because I believe that any swear word is an insult to the mother. And when I told Levon about this, I never heard a single salty word from him again. And in the company, if someone was going to tell a joke, he always warned: “Only without swearing, Volodya doesn’t like that.”

I must admit that he loved beautiful life. Loved flowers, good food, good music. Sometimes, pouring a glass of good Armenian cognac, he would make a toast: “We will!”

Now we won't...

He could not withstand the last blow of fate. History will put everything in its place, everything can be returned: the name, the money, and the respect. Only life cannot be returned.

Mark Zakharov: “He surrounded me with care”

— Levon Gurgenovich Hayrapetyan is a very dear person to me. I have very fond memories of Levon. He surrounded me with care.

Back in the 90s, he organized the construction of a dacha cooperative in Krasnovidovo near Moscow - this became such a landmark place for the creative intelligentsia. And as a result, I got an apartment there for a rather modest amount - well, in modern times. And then Alexander Shirvindt settled there.

And in the future, Levon closely followed my activities - with pleasure (or at least with interest) he watched performances in Lenkom... I received support and help from him for a long time.

I was present at the trial, it was a difficult moment. Shirvindt and I wrote a request that Levon’s preventive measure be changed: we were very worried about him, because we felt that his health was already compromised and he would not endure further trials. Which is what happened, unfortunately.

Alexander Shirvindt: “Don Quixote and Munchausen lived in it”

— We met back in the 90s. He constantly invited me somewhere - dinners, meetings... We were friends with both him and your publication. Wonderful years! I can’t say that we were very close friends, but whenever I met him, I felt something so generous, intelligently sweeping, Quixotic and sometimes even Munchausen-esque.

Levon gave treats, told stories, always cheerful and cheerful. I know that I helped many people with money - theater workers, theaters, and churches...

To say that I am sad would be too dry. It is extremely difficult to realize that such a bright person was literally rotted.

German Ananyants, vice-president of the Union of Armenians of Russia: "He was a hero of his people"

— The old Armenian church at the Vagankovsky cemetery, once built on the dead, has fallen into disrepair. It accommodated a small number of people. And 200 thousand Armenians live in Moscow. Our people, wherever they live, try to build a church. So Levon started this business.

But the contribution to the new temple complex is not all. Hayrapetyan gave money for the improvement of the Armenian cemetery and helped install khachkars - Armenian carved stones with the image of a cross. They are installed where it is not possible to build a church. People pray, lay flowers, light candles. He never refused when people turned to him for help, no matter what they asked him for.

When the trial was going on, no one believed that this man could be convicted. But Vasilyeva, who stole millions, is free, and he, whose guilt has not been proven, ended up in a colony. The noblest man, the hero of his people, died.

Aramais Balayan, director of the school in Levon Hayrapetyan’s native village - Vank, Martakert region Nagorno-Karabakh: “If anyone needed help, go to Levon”

— When Levon Hayrapetyan came to his native village - and this was once every three to five months - each time there was already a line of sufferers waiting for him. If someone needed help but had no one to turn to, we knew it was Levon. In front of my eyes, he gave $500 to an old man who complained that his legs were giving out and he had no money to get to the hospital. Levon didn’t ask how much he needed and didn’t wait for them to ask. Some, by the way, came without asking, just to see and exchange a few words - he had some special energy...

When Levon entered our regular rural school and saw the devastation, he immediately promised to build a new one. A year and a half later, we already had a new building, the likes of which can be counted on one hand in the city: with computers, a modern gym, and a swimming pool. In Karabakh they say: you are lucky to have Levon, he turned your village into a city! Levon spent $7 million to build a reservoir, which provided his fellow countrymen with water for agricultural work; now we are harvesting harvest after harvest. He paved the roads, built a timber processing plant, a kindergarten, a recreation area, sent two school buses...

At the funeral, my fellow villagers and I decided to hang portraits of Levon Hayrapetyan on the objects that he donated - you know, our entire village is covered in his photographs and flowers...

Interviewed by Oleg Peranov, Nadezhda Guzheva, Anna Balueva, Olga Kuznetsova, Rimma Akhmirova.

Levon Hayrapetyan (businessman) is a person about whom you can hear directly opposite opinions. For some, he is a real national hero, who turned his native village, located several kilometers from the line of contact of two opposing armies, into an economic paradise, and for others, he is a criminal involved in money laundering, who deceived an old woman. Finding out the truth is not the purpose of writing this article. However, it will help you familiarize yourself with the facts and draw your own conclusions.

Biography in his youth

Levon Gurgenovich Hayrapetyan was born in 1949 in the village of Vank, Martakert region of Nagorno-Karabakh. The boy showed great zeal in his studies and, having graduated from the local high school, went to enroll in the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow state university. He successfully passed the entrance exams and became a student at the main university of the USSR. In addition, Levon was a Komsomol activist and led a construction team, as part of which he took part in the construction of objects important for economic development Soviet Union. Even then it was clear that the young man from the Karabakh hinterland was naturally endowed with an entrepreneurial spirit, since he knew how to negotiate with local cooperatives, and his team always returned from trips with good money.

Work in the field of journalism

Having received the coveted diploma in the early 70s, Levon decided not to engage in science. He made journalism his career, starting to publish in such well-known publications as Sobesednik, Komsomolskaya Pravda, and Ogonyok.

By the beginning of perestroika, he already had quite extensive experience and authority in this area. That is why in the early 90s he became one of the founders of the Sobesednik publishing house.

It was at this time that rumors first spread that Hayrapetyan was enjoying the patronage of influential officials from the highest echelons of power, who ensured his career rise.


Levon Gurgenovich Hayrapetyan, whose family tries not to advertise their location or lifestyle, decided to change journalism in the 90s and began making money from oil and gas production. It still remains unknown where his huge initial capital came from. It is known that after leaving Sobesednik he continued to provide significant financial assistance to the publication.

After some time, L. Hayrapetyan became a co-founder of the social services fund, and he was in charge of colossal budget funds.

Soon Levon Gurgenovich found himself in the top 10 wealthiest businessmen of Armenian origin and began active charitable activities in his small homeland(see below). Having decided that he created financial empire no longer needs his presence, Hayrapetyan went to Monaco.

Arrest and sentence

In 2014, a criminal case was opened against Hayrapetyan in Russia. The businessman was accused of embezzling other people's money and illegal money laundering. Testimony was given by former deputy of the Republic of Bashkortostan I. Izmestiev, who is serving a life sentence. He stated that L. Hayrapetyan received a large sum for intermediary services in the transaction, which resulted in the alienation of AFK Sistema. In addition, the businessman was accused of taking 700 thousand dollars from Izmestyev’s mother in order to get her son’s sentence commuted, but not only did not keep his promise, but also did not return this amount.

Charitable activities

Levon Hayrapetyan took an active part in the creation of the unrecognized Republic of Artsakh and for many years has been the main sponsor and largest investor of many projects carried out on its territory.

Most of the assistance programs for them were carried out in their native village of Vank, Martakert region. Between 2000-2002, he allocated huge sums for the restoration of the famous Armenian Christian temple complex of Gandzasar, built in the 13th century. Thanks to his efforts, upon completion of the work, the shrine was returned to the Armenian Apostolic Church and services are regularly held there.

Investments in the economy of Artsakh

Being an entrepreneur to the core, Levon Hayrapetyan understands that the main help to a person is to give him the opportunity to earn a decent income. To this end, he created several hundred jobs in Vanka, establishing a woodworking enterprise that produces high-quality parquet, and building an upscale hotel with an excellent Chinese restaurant.

To develop tourism, the profits from which are directed to solving pressing problems of village residents, the businessman equipped several recreation areas and invested in an advertising campaign to popularize Artsakh as a climatic resort.

Investments in regional infrastructure development projects

Among the good deeds of Levon Hayrapetyan aimed at improving economic situation in Artsakh, also includes financing the construction of a section of the North-South interstate road, which runs next to the Gandzasar temple complex.

In addition, in 2007, the entrepreneur paid for the construction of a reservoir on the Khachen River in the Martakert region, which provided the peasants of the surrounding villages with water to irrigate their land plots, and also made it possible to provide autonomous and inexpensive energy supply.

Later, Levon Gurgenovich Hayrapetyan, with his own money, reconstructed the stairs connecting Stepanakert’s Renaissance Square and the main city stadium.

Event organization

In 2007, philanthropist Levon Hayrapetyan initiated the celebration of the 225th anniversary of the prince and lieutenant general of the Russian army Valery Madatov. One of the events dedicated to this anniversary was the visit of Cossacks from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Transnistria and South Ossetia to Nagorno-Karabakh.

A year later, the Big Armenian Wedding, organized by Hayrapetyan, thundered throughout Transcaucasia. On October 19, 200 couples got married in the Gandzasar monastery, and a few hours later, 1,000 young men and women took part in the same church ceremony, but already in the Ghazanchetsots temple in Shusha. After the ceremony, tables were laid for them at the city stadium and a noisy celebration with national flavor was organized.


Before his arrest, Hayrapetyan repeatedly made proposals aimed at the development of Artsakh. In his opinion, Armenians who have achieved financial success, regardless of where they live, should support young families in every possible way so that as many children as possible are born into them. He encouraged his wealthy compatriots to become godparents of Artsakh children and finance their education. In addition, he called for certain amounts to be paid at the birth of each child so that in the near future the population of the unrecognized republic would reach 300 thousand people.

Charity in education

One of Hayrapetyan’s first philanthropic projects was the financing of the construction of a school in the village of Vank, which, due to its equipment and conditions created for the implementation educational activities, is in no way inferior to many in Moscow.

In addition, in 2012, the benefactor became one of the initiators and main investor of the project to create a military school named after. Suvorov and Lieutenant General Madatov, under whom it is planned to open a specialized gymnasium.


The entrepreneur is currently divorced. His ex-wife Marina and their 15-year-old daughter Zaruhi Hayrapetyan live in Yerevan. They have repeatedly taken part in civil actions demanding the transfer of Levon Gurgenovich to a prison where he can receive proper medical care.


What is the condition of Levon Gurgenovich Hayrapetyan? Information about his finances is currently not publicly available. However, it is known that during the investigation of the Bashneft scam, witnesses named the amount of $50 million as the amount of his remuneration. This was probably not the only deal from which Hayrapetyan received commissions, so it is unlikely that the businessman’s fortune is less than several hundred million dollars.

Now you know who Levon Hayrapetyan is. The biography of this businessman is a story of rise and fall, quite typical for those who managed to grab fortune by the tail during the dashing 90s. However, it cannot be denied that, unlike many entrepreneurs with a multimillion-dollar fortune, he did not spend it on satisfying his whims, but invested it in infrastructure development, construction of educational facilities and restoration ancient temples. Everything that was created in Artsakh with Hayrapetyan’s money will serve thousands of people for many years who have been forced to live in a state of armed confrontation with the hope of peace for several decades.

YEREVAN, October 18. News-Armenia. Famous Armenian businessman and philanthropist Levon Hayrapetyan died on Wednesday in Moscow. Press Secretary of the Armenian Foreign Ministry Tigran Balayan wrote about this on his Twitter page.

“This morning, the greatest son of the Armenian people, an exemplary patriot and philanthropist, Levon Hayrapetyan, passed away. May the earth rest in peace. We will never forget Levon Gurgenovich and his legacy,” he wrote.

Journalist Vahe Avanesyan also reported this sad news on his Facebook page.

“Bury me next to my parents...” was Levon Hayrapetyan’s last wish. He passed away this morning. He was only 68,” he wrote.

Levon Hayrapetyan was born in 1949 in the village of Vank, Martakert region of Nagorno-Karabakh.

After working as a journalist in a number of publications, such as Komsomolskaya Pravda and Sobesednik, as well as the establishment of the Sovremennik Publishing House, he began to engage in business.

Hayrapetyan was one of the largest Armenian philanthropists in the post-Soviet space. Founded the Levon Hayrapetyan Foundation, which provides support to young families, was one of the ten richest representatives of the Armenian diaspora in the world, and is considered the largest investor in modern history Nagorno-Karabakh...

His projects were implemented in Stepanakert, in the village of Vank, Mardakert region. At the expense of a businessman, in 2000-2002, the famous Armenian monastery of Gandzasar (13th century) was reconstructed, which is considered today one of the most comfortable shrines in Karabakh.

Considerable funds were invested in the development of the infrastructure of the village of Vank located next to the monastery: a modern woodworking plant, an upscale hotel with Chinese cuisine, recreation areas, and a school were built. Hayrapetyan also took on the costs of constructing a section of the North-South highway passing next to the Gandzasar monastery.

In 2007, he financed the construction of a reservoir on the Khachen River in the Martakert region of Karabakh with a capacity of up to 2.5 million cubic meters of water. The construction of just one dam, 26 m high, cost the philanthropist $7 million.

In 2008, he became the initiator and sponsor of the unprecedented wedding ceremony of 675 couples, the “Big Artsakh Wedding”: 700 couples took part in the celebration. To carry it out, with funds from the Levon Hayrapetyan Foundation, a major overhaul of the staircases leading from the central Renaissance Square to the central stadium of Stepanakert was carried out.

In 2012, Levon Hayrapetyan implemented the initiative and financed the construction of a military school in the village of Vank in Nagorno-Karabakh, where, among other things, a functioning military gymnasium will be located.

In 2008, the President of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic was awarded the Order of Mesrop Mashtots for his outstanding contribution to the development of the NKR economy.

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In the last years of his life, Hayrapetyan was involved in litigation over embezzlement cases. On July 15, 2014, Airapetyan was detained by FSB officers on suspicion of theft of shares in fuel and energy companies of Bashkiria - and was taken into custody, and later transferred to house arrest.

In 2016, the Zamoskvoretsky Court of Moscow found the businessman guilty of stealing $700 thousand from the mother of former senator from Bashkiria Igor Izmestiev, Tamara Izmestyeva, and sentenced him to four years in prison. The court also recovered 20.850 million rubles from Hayrapetyan in favor of the victim.

As it was established by the investigation and the court, the businessman, together with lawyer Sergei Antonov, took $700 thousand from Tamara Izmestieva to assist in mitigating the sentence for her son, but could not really influence the sentence.

Later, the defense appealed the verdict and asked to acquit Hayrapetyan. In addition, it was reported that he suffers from a number of diseases - he was transferred to the hospital of the Matrosskaya Tishina pre-trial detention center. However, in June 2016, the Moscow City Court recognized the verdict against Hayrapetyan as legal. -0-

Social activist, entrepreneur, journalist and philosopher Levon Hayrapetyan was almost considered a national hero. It was he who helped his fellow countrymen find employment by creating a modern woodworking enterprise. It was he who defended the interests of his people when it came to the enslavement of Armenians by forces Ottoman Empire. It was he who tried to convince representatives of world politics that he was ready to become a subject of international law. It was he who restored the destroyed churches and temples in his homeland.

Levon Hayrapetyan has long established himself as a successful entrepreneur and authoritative public figure. However, the media found dark spots in his seemingly ideal biography. It's about, in particular, about the history associated with the sale of Bashneft securities, as a result of which the raw materials company became uncontrollable by the state. Law enforcement agencies suspected an Armenian businessman of stealing a large sum of money from the mother of Bashkortostan deputy Igor Izmestyev.

Is Levon Hayrapetyan, who had extensive acquaintances in the business community and government agencies, a dark horse?

Chartered Philosopher

Hayrapetyan Levon Gurgenovich - native settlement Vank (Martakert region, Nagorno-Karabakh). He was born in 1949. After receiving secondary education, young Levon went to Moscow to enter university. The young man’s choice fell on the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University. Having successfully passed entrance exams, Levon Hayrapetyan joined the ranks of students. In those years, he traveled a lot around the country as an activist of the Komsomol organization. Moreover, while leading a construction team, the young man proved that he was not without an entrepreneurial spirit. He easily established business connections with local cooperatives.

Having received the coveted diploma, the young man decided to engage in journalism.

Start of work

Initially, Levon Gurgenovich Hayrapetyan, whose biography contains many interesting and remarkable facts, worked as a staff journalist in such well-known Soviet era periodicals such as “Interlocutor”, “KP”, “Ogonyok”.

The young man quickly gained experience in the intricacies of the correspondent profession and, when the collapse of the USSR occurred in the early 90s, he became one of the founders of the Sobesednik publishing house. Moreover, some sources claim that such a career rise was ensured not only by his professional and business qualities. There were rumors that he could not do without the patronage of influential people from the highest echelons of power, whom he made acquaintances while working as a staff journalist. But whether this was actually the case is not known for certain.


It also remains a mystery what kind of entrepreneurial activity Hayrapetyan was able to make a huge financial condition. Levon Gurgenovich unexpectedly left the field of journalism for the super-profitable oil and gas sector.

And this segment of the biography of the Armenian businessman is fraught with many secrets. Even when Levon left his leadership position at the Sobesednik Publishing House, he continued to provide financial assistance to his native newspaper. But where did he get the money? Rumor has it that Hayrapetyan began to engage in large business projects, and not without the assistance of influential representatives of the criminal world.

Levon Hayrapetyan co-founded the social services fund, using a colossal amount of budget funds. He also opened a billiards club for VIP clients on a parity basis. In addition, Levon contributed to the creation of the first GM dealer in our country and received dividends from the activities of Uniastrum Bank as a shareholder. At the same time, he was involved in the oil business. Naturally, in this field of activity he was able to amass a huge financial fortune and enter the top 10 wealthiest entrepreneurs of Armenian origin. Soon Levon Gurgenovich exchanged housing for apartments in the President Hotel.


One way or another, the Armenian businessman, having gained financial well-being, decided to demonstrate to everyone that he had not forgotten his homeland and began to implement social projects in Nagorno-Karabakh.

Hayrapetyan began to work on solving the demographic problem in the region, promising every married couple who gave birth to as many children as possible a substantial monetary reward.

In addition, the businessman provided residents of Nagorno-Karabakh with additional jobs by building a large wood processing plant, which began producing the highest quality parquet in the region. Having established the business and transferred management to relatives, the businessman moved to live in Monaco.

Criminal case

In 2014, Levon Gurgenovich Airapetyan, whose family lives in the USA, became a defendant in a criminal case. Russian detectives charged him with embezzling other people's money and then illegally laundering it. The corresponding testimony was given by ex-deputy of the Republic of Bashkortostan Igor Izmestyev, who is serving a life sentence in one of the colonies.

The former servant of the people stated that Hayrapetyan received financial compensation for intermediary services in the deal to alienate AFK Sistema. Levon Gurgenovich, according to investigators, using a fraudulent scheme, sold shares of Bashneft. In addition, he took Izmestyev’s mother cash in the amount of 700 thousand dollars, promising her that with the help of finances he could achieve a commutation of the sentence of the former deputy of Bashkiria, but he could not keep his words.


In the summer of 2014, Levon Gurgenovich Airapetyan was detained. The arrest of the businessman took place at the capital's Domodedovo airport. The accused in a criminal case flew to Russia from Nice.

Representatives of the law enforcement agency met Hayrapetyan directly at the plane's ramp and informed him of the arrest. Then Levon Gurgenovich was interrogated by an investigator, and a search was carried out in the President Hotel room, which the entrepreneur rented.

Only in January 2016, the Zamoskvoretsky court of the capital began to consider the case on the merits. The accused denied any involvement in the crimes, but his guilt was proven. In April 2016, Hayrapetyan received a verdict of 4 years in prison. The businessman was escorted to Butyrka prison. In his cell, his health deteriorated sharply, and Levon Gurgenovich was sent to the medical unit of the correctional institution. In the summer of 2016, Levon Georgievich’s lawyers appealed the verdict against their client, but as a result, it remained in force.