Favorite quotes from the novel “The Golden Calf. Does yoga smooth out wrinkles and shape your figure? Amazing with such happiness and freedom

"Early in the morning, Bender opened his obstetric bag, took out a police cap with the coat of arms of the city of Kiev and, putting it in his pocket, went to Alexander Ivanovich Koreiko. On the way, he bullied milkmaids, because the hour of these resourceful women had already come, while the hour of the employees had not yet begun, and purred the words of the romance: “And the joy of the first date does not bother me anymore.” The great strategist was a little disheartened. Entering the house No. 16 on Malaya Tangent Street, he put on his clothes. an official cap and, knitting his eyebrows, knocked on the door.

Alexander Ivanovich stood in the middle of the room. He was wearing a mesh sleeveless vest and had already put on the widow's trousers of a minor employee. The room was furnished with the exemplary poverty customary in pre-revolutionary times in orphanages and similar organizations that were under the patronage of Empress Maria Feodorovna. There were three objects here: an iron hospital bed, a kitchen table with doors equipped with a wooden latch, which is usually used to lock country toilets, and a shabby Viennese chair. In the corner lay dumbbells and among them two large weights, the joy of a weightlifter.

At the sight of the policeman, Alexander Ivanovich stepped forward heavily.

Citizen Koreiko? - asked Ostap, smiling radiantly.

“I,” answered Alexander Ivanovich, also showing joy at the meeting with a representative of the authorities.

Alexander Ivanovich? - Ostap inquired, smiling even more radiantly.

“Exactly so,” Koreiko confirmed, fueling his joy as much as possible.

After this, the great schemer could only sit on the Viennese chair and put a supernatural smile on his face. Having done all this, he looked at Alexander Ivanovich. But the millionaire clerk tensed up and portrayed God knows what: tenderness, delight, admiration, and silent adoration. And all this about a happy meeting with a representative of the authorities.

The increase in smiles and feelings that occurred was reminiscent of the composer Franz Liszt’s manuscript, where on the first page it says “play fast,” on the second page “very fast,” on the third page “much faster,” on the fourth page “as quickly as possible,” and all... still on the fifth - “even faster.”

Seeing that Koreiko had reached page five and further competition was impossible, Ostap got down to business:

“But I come to you with an errand,” he said, becoming serious.

Please, please,” Alexander Ivanovich remarked, also becoming misty.

We want to make you happy.

It will be interesting to find out.

And, feeling immensely sad, Bender reached into his pocket. Koreiko watched his actions with a completely funeral face. An iron box of Caucasus cigarettes was born. However, the exclamation of surprise expected by Ostap did not follow. The underground millionaire looked at the box with complete indifference. Ostap took out the money, carefully counted it and, pushing the bundle towards Alexander Ivanovich, said:

Exactly ten thousand. Take the trouble to write a receipt for receipt.

“You were mistaken, comrade,” Koreiko said very quietly, “what ten thousand?” What kind of receipt?

Like what! After all, you were robbed yesterday!

Nobody robbed me.

How could they not have been robbed! - Ostap got excited. - Yesterday by the sea. And they took ten thousand. The robbers have been arrested. Write a receipt.

Yes, by God, no one robbed me,” said Koreiko, a light bunny flashing across his face. - There is an obvious mistake here.

Not yet comprehending the depth of his defeat, the great schemer committed indecent fussiness, which he always later recalled with shame. He insisted, got angry, shoved money into the hands of Alexander Ivanovich and generally, as the Chinese say, lost face. Koreiko shrugged his shoulders and smiled warningly, but did not take the money.

So you weren't robbed?

Nobody robbed me.

And they didn’t take ten thousand from you?

Of course they didn't take it. Well, where do you think I could have so much money?

That’s right, that’s right,” said Ostap, having cooled down. - Where does a small employee get such a lot of money! So are you okay?

That’s it,” the millionaire answered with a charming smile.

And is your stomach okay? - asked Ostap, smiling even more seductively.

Absolutely. You know, I am a very healthy person.

And don’t bad dreams torment you?

In Podolsk, the investigation into the disappearance of 28 million during the construction of the Fetishchevo townhouse microdistrict has been resumed

Ksenia Slavinskaya

“A person should not sue. This is a vulgar activity. I mean theft,” Ostap Bender taught Lenya Balaganov. But at the same time, the “ideological fighter for banknotes” clarified that in addition to thefts, there is fraud in which the client himself brings the money “on a silver platter.”

Podolsk seems to completely agree with the “son of Lieutenant Schmidt.” And regarding the methods of “relatively honest money taking” and regarding the reluctance of creative people, they went to sit in the dock.

There is no other way to explain the actions of the defendants in criminal case No. 94591, initiated by the investigative unit of the Main Investigation Department (GID) at the Main Internal Affairs Directorate for the Moscow Region under the article “fraud committed on an especially large scale” (Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), as well as those who investigated this case senior investigator for special important matters 3 departments of the 4 inter-district department of the Main Investigation Department at the Main Internal Affairs Directorate for the Moscow Region, Lieutenant Colonel of Justice Yu. Burkova.

The essence of this criminal case, initiated on December 29, 2007, is as follows. Five enterprising citizens, led by Vyacheslav Bersenev, came up with a spectacular financial scheme to extract money from the pockets of gullible partners. They offered the Podolsk company AVM-Stroy to hire her as a developer for the construction of the Fetishchevo townhouse microdistrict. In order to enter into business relations with a reputable construction company in Podolsk, the creative initiators created the company “AVM-Stroy-Invest” with Bersenev as director. On April 3, 2002, the newly-minted company enters into a deal with the Podolsk brand, under the terms of which the investor company promises the developer $3,574,848 for the construction of a luxury housing microdistrict.

Bersenev “and his associates” scraped together money in the pockets of future residents - 10,596,000 rubles from individuals and 28,160,200 rubles from legal entities. But, in any case, the unsuccessful organizers of the venture ended up with less than half the amount in dollar equivalent that they promised to find for the contracted builders. The idea of ​​caring for the housing needs of wealthy citizens, beautiful on paper, threatened to burst in practice like a soap bubble.

Insolvent investors decided to compensate for the lack of money with their rich imagination. And therefore they offered the AVM-Stroy company to conclude a new contract with them for an amount more than seven times more than the previous one - 205 million rubles, which investors promised to pay for the construction of the second stage of the Fetishchevo microdistrict, without paying for the first.

On July 1, 2004, the builders succumbed to the temptation of a lucrative contract and signed a new agreement with Vyacheslav Bersenev, now the head of Ruslan PS LLC, created specifically for investing in the construction of Fetishchevo-2. To get out, the creative gentlemen threw their hats around and scraped together 52 million rubles from the new potential residents of the Fetishchevo-2 project. And they borrowed $1.3 million from JSC Latvian Business Bank.

The collected amounts were sobering, since it became clear that with their help they could not pay off the builders. Therefore, having become convinced that the project was unfeasible, the organizers sent the collected funds for cashing through EcoStroyPlaza LLC, UnitStroy LLC, Construction Company StroyArsenal LLC, Center for Independent Forensic Expertise, Consulting Leader Profi LLC and the Russian Environmental Foundation TEHECO. .

Preparing for questions from creditors about “where the money went,” the creative followers of Ostap Bender “buried” their company AVM-Stroy-Invest, which guaranteed that Ruslan PS LLC would repay the debts. However, before its death, on October 21, 2005, the deceased company managed to transfer the remaining property and its obligations to the new PERES LLC, which for some reason worked in St. Petersburg under the leadership of a resident of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Evgeniy Rasstegaev.

To one miracle - the obligations of a Siberian-Petersburger for a construction project in the Moscow region - was added a second - the creatives who cashed other people's money fell in love

To the city authorities of Podolsk. On June 8, 2007, city governors signed an investment contract with the insolvent Ruslan PS LLC, whitewashed the reputation of the foul-smelling investor and pushed him to pick the pockets of the new gullible.

And on the eve of New Year 2008, 1st Deputy Head of the Podolsk City Administration Valery Syurin met with 15 investors who gave Ruslan PS 41 million rubles for the construction of housing. The meeting was also attended by the heads of AVM-Stroy, to which Ruslan PS did not pay over 28 million rubles, and the representative of Ruslan PS P. Bardin.

And the “first deputy” muddied the bureaucratic arithmetic “in fairness”, akin to the one Shura Balaganov offered Panikovsky to divide the money taken from Koreiko’s pocket. The fact is that the builders and these 15 investors agreed on how to resolve among themselves controversial issues. But under the pretext of taking into account the interests of some (but for some reason not all) of those deceived, Syurin, an outsider in this transaction, again imposes intermediaries from Ruslan PS LLC. Why?

The senior investigator for particularly important cases, Lieutenant Colonel Burkova, wanted to get an answer to these and many other questions, inviting the 1st Deputy Head of the Podolsk Administration for questioning on February 21, 2008. But he refused to testify.

Strange, but the investigator accepted this and also refused to conduct face-to-face betting between the managers of Ruslan PS LLC, shareholders and the management of AVM-Stroy LLC, did not recognize the ruined builders of AVM-Stroy LLC as victims, did not “identify” the persons who accepted money from future residents, and therefore did not find suspects. And this despite the fact that the money was transferred according to documents signed by the parties. Well, since there are no suspects, the investigation into the case on March 29 was suspended.

How can one not remember Ostap Bender again: “You are an interesting person! Everything is fine with you. It’s amazing, with such happiness – and in freedom.”

But the victims, who shelled out their money for construction, had no time for humor when they learned about the decision of the investigation: the accounts of Ruslan PS LLC were not arrested, the company’s management continues to sell apartments that do not belong to it, which have already been pledged to pay off debts to JSC Latvian Businessbank,” and the 1st Deputy Head of Podolsk Administration, Syurin, continues to cover up insolvent creatives with the authority of state power.

After the victims contacted the boss Investigative Committee At the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia A. Anichev, the deputy head of the Main Investigation Department of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate for the Moscow Region, head of the investigative unit, Colonel of Justice M. Minyazev, on April 29, adopted a resolution to resume the preliminary investigation and informed the Podolsk city prosecutor about the progress of the investigation.

Such is the procedural balancing act of the investigation, which has documents, a lot of witnesses and, as the official document says, “the leaders of Ruslan PS LLC, who have not been identified by the investigation!”

With such a reluctance of the investigation to open their eyes to the facts without indignation from the outside, unfortunate shareholders can again spend the winter without their apartments, bankrupts can sell other people’s housing, officials can take care of the reputation of bankrupts, and builders can feed their families with the words of Podolsk officials and interrogation reports, which are not are involved in the case.

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"Great schemer", "former hereditary honorable Sir“and “ideological fighter for banknotes” - all this is Ostap Bender, one of the most popular heroes of Russian literature. Almost every phrase he uttered has been a cultural code by which people recognize their own people for almost a hundred years. To achieve this is a sign of the greatest writing skill, which, without a doubt, belonged to Ilya Ilf, born Jehiel-Leib Fainzilberg, who would have turned 118 years old today.

Irish newspapers in 1930 actively discussed the personality of Derek Lyman, admiring his illegal, but very comical and seemingly original idea. The articles talked about an incident at the Cork chess club, where, lured by loud posters about the arrival of the “famous Russian grandmaster Tsaritsyn,” chess lovers gathered. After the “famous grandmaster,” who unsuccessfully tried to play 50 boards simultaneously, lost 14 games in a row, a local librarian determined that there was no such thing as Tsaritsyn in nature. Apparently, Derek was one of the first Irish people to read the novel The Twelve Chairs, published two years earlier. True, Bender was not distinguished by his agility, and therefore was caught and brought to justice.

It is unlikely that the co-author of the novel, Ilya Ilf, has heard of such plagiarism of the image of his hero, otherwise it could well be reflected in the new novel about the adventures of the great schemer. However, at that time he also had no idea that the popularity of the novel and its film adaptations would not only be loved by readers and viewers, but would be in demand for almost a century now.

His father did not know this either, shocked by the statement of his 23-year-old son Yechiel-Leib that his vocation was literature and that he was quitting his job. Looking at him lying on the bed and thinking about something for hours, doing nothing and just making up a pseudonym for himself - Ilya Ilf, his father most likely recalled with bitterness the hopes he had for him at the time of his birth on October 15, 1897.

Arie Benjaminovich Fainzilberg was an employee of the Odessa branch of the Siberian Bank. He moved to Odessa from Kyiv province together with his wife Mindl Aronovna and two sons. In Odessa, after two years, their third son was born - Yechiel-Leib. Several decades later, phrases invented and put into his mouth literary heroes, will quote almost the entire population of the country, reading his books, as they say, “bingely.” And some of these phrases will shape the image of the country’s population abroad. For example, during his lifetime, Ilf will hear from a waiter in one of the French restaurants: “You know, monsieur, all your compatriots are very religious people and, apparently, strictly observe fasts. Everyone, starting a conversation with me, says that they haven’t eaten for six days. Now I believe that Russia is a country of very high spirituality!” The whole point is that any person who read Ilf’s novel could demonstrate his knowledge of French, quoting Kisa Vorobyaninov: “Monsieur, it’s not mange pas sis jour!” (Monsieur, I haven’t eaten for six days - translated from French).

All this will happen later, but for now Yechiel-Leib will have time to graduate from technical school, work in a drawing office, at a telephone exchange, a military plant and in accounting. Having stunned his father with the above statement, he becomes a journalist Ilya Ilf, and then an editor in humorous magazines. In 1923, Ilf moved to Moscow and worked for the Gudok newspaper. It was supervised here by Valentin Kataev, a fellow member of the Odessa “Collective of Poets”, who by that time had managed to make a rapid literary career in Moscow. In his recommendations, in response to the editor’s question “What can he do?” Kataev, who knew Ilf for a very long time, answered briefly: “Everything and nothing.”

Initially, Ilf prepared letters from workers for printing, but instead of simply correcting mistakes, he began to remake the letters into small feuilletons. Soon his column became a favorite among readers. Kataev introduced Ilf to his brother Evgeniy, who bore the pseudonym Petrov. They had an age difference, different tastes and characters, different lives, but suddenly they were able to write together much better than separately. Some time after the start of their joint work, Ilf was already joking: “Won’t Zhenya and I be counted as one person?”, and after some time, their first joint legendary novel, “The Twelve Chairs,” was published.

In his book “My Diamond Crown,” Kataev recalled that he proposed to Ilf and his brother a story about diamonds hidden during the revolution in one of the twelve chairs of the living room set. They had to develop a theme, write a draft of the novel, and Kataev had to simply go through their works with his “brilliant pen.” But after reading the first drafts, Valentin Kataev realized that his participation in the novel was not required at all. The plot is based on A. Conan Doyle's story "The Six Napoleons", in which two bandits hunted for a precious pearl hidden inside one of Napoleon's plaster busts. They say that after the publication of the book “The Twelve Chairs,” friends of the writers who knew this plot presented the authors with a box, upon opening which they discovered six Napoleon cakes.

If the plot was clear, then there is still debate about the prototype of the main character. Without pretending to be unambiguous, it is still worth mentioning that among Ilf’s acquaintances in Odessa there was a certain Mitya Schirmacher, who reported only one thing about himself: “I am illegitimate son Turkish subject." They met in the Odessa “Collective of Poets,” although Mitya had a very distant relationship with him. Mitya only managed to get premises and money from the Odessa City Council to open a literary cafe, where many of the future literary stars read their works for a free dinner. The cafe was popular, and the income ended up in the pockets of Mitya Schirmacher. At a time when families of five huddled in small rooms, he alone occupied a three-room apartment, justifying this by the need to hold creative evenings.

If Ilf drew many of the hero’s mannerisms from the outside, then the appearance of Ostap Bender, most likely, was a direct reflection of Ilf himself in his younger years. Friends then called him “our lord” - for his elegance, expressed in a long narrow coat, a colorful silk scarf and an English pince-nez obtained somewhere.

The resounding success of the first novel contributed to further creativity: a sequel to the novel, the book “The Golden Calf”, was published, the short stories “Extraordinary Stories from the Life of the City of Kolokolamsk” and “1001 Days, or New Scheherazade” were published. fantastic story“Bright Personality”, and then the documentary story “One-Storey America”, which he traveled far and wide.

By the way, Ilf’s father was the only one in the family who did not emigrate to the USA, so by the time Ilf arrived there, almost all of his relatives lived there. Ilf never hid his nationality. He liked to repeat: “They will still write about me: “He was born into a poor Jewish family,” and one of his stories begins with the words: “Sometimes I dream that I am the son of a rabbi.” Quite openly, he goes to visit certain Finesilvers, relatives who have adapted their surname this way. He visits them in Connecticut and openly writes letters to Moscow, proud that his uncle, the elderly Nathan, was personally acquainted with Mark Twain. There, Ilf is impressed by several ideas that will later form the basis of his script for the Soviet blockbuster - the film “Circus”.

In America, according to the recollections of his co-author Petrov, he suddenly began to “look pale and thoughtful.” “He often left alone and returned even sadder and worried. In the evening at the hotel, Ilf, wincing, said to me: “Zhenya, I have long wanted to talk to you. I feel very bad. I've had chest pain for ten days now. It hurts continuously, day and night. I can't escape this pain anywhere. And today, when we were walking, I coughed and saw blood. Then there was blood all day. Do you see? He coughed and showed me a handkerchief. A year and three months later, on April 13, 1937, at ten thirty-five minutes in the evening, Ilf died,” Petrov wrote in his memoirs.

However, his lively mind and sharp, ironic colloquial continue to live. With his books, Ilf managed to do something that no one else had managed to do at that time - to make the main character a handsome swindler and swindler, whose language and phrases, sometimes without noticing, we still speak. And thanks to him, we know exactly how to characterize in one word the people we meet in our lives - sultry women, a poet's dream, giants of thought and the fathers of Russian democracy.

Since there are banknotes floating around the country, there must be people who have a lot of them.
(Ostap Bender)

In our vast country, an ordinary car, intended, according to pedestrians, for the peaceful transportation of people and goods, has taken on the menacing shape of a fratricidal projectile.

Don't make a cult out of food. (Ostap Bender)

You are an interesting person! Everything is fine with you. It’s amazing, with such happiness - and in freedom.
(Ostap Bender)

A car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation. (Beardless man)

Not to mention the fact that stealing is a sin - your mother probably introduced you to such a doctrine in childhood - it is also a pointless waste of strength and energy.
(Ostap Bender)

The financial abyss is the deepest of all abysses; you can fall into it all your life.
(Ostap Bender)

Keep in mind, dear Shura, I don’t intend to feed you for nothing. For every vitamin I feed you, I will demand many small favors from you.
(Ostap Bender)

We need to think. For example, I am fed by ideas.
(Ostap Bender)

I would take it in parts. But I need it right away.
(Ostap Bender)

Abroad is a myth about the afterlife. Whoever gets there does not return.
(Ostap Bender)

Beer is sold only to union members.
I have problems with the Soviet regime Last year serious disagreements. She wants to build socialism, but I don’t want to. I'm bored of building socialism.
(Ostap Bender)

Just show me a rich man and I will take his money.
(Ostap Bender)

I'm certainly not a cherub. I don't have wings, but I respect the Criminal Code. This is my weakness.
(Ostap Bender)

In which cold country we are living! Everything is hidden with us, everything is underground. Even Narkomfin with its super-powerful tax apparatus cannot find a Soviet millionaire.
(Ostap Bender)

Ah, if only we could find the individual! I’ll arrange it in such a way that he will bring me his money himself, on a silver platter.
(Ostap Bender)

Rio de Janeiro is the crystal dream of my childhood, don’t touch it with your paws.
(Ostap Bender)

People who do not read newspapers must be morally killed on the spot.
(Ostap Bender)

Cold soft-boiled eggs are very tasteless food, and a good, cheerful person would never eat them.

Alexander Ivanovich did not eat, but ate. He did not have breakfast, but went through the physiological process of introducing the proper amount of fats, carbohydrates and vitamins into the body.

Koreiko never doubted that the old things would return. He saved himself for capitalism.

We don't need rude people. We are rude ourselves.
(Ostap Bender)

Happiness waits for no one. It wanders around the country in long white robes, singing a children's song: "Ah, America is a country where they walk and drink without snacks." But this naive child needs to be caught, she needs to be liked, she needs to be looked after.
(Ostap Bender)

How smaller city, the longer the welcome speeches.
(Ostap Bender)

Take off your hats, bare your heads. The body will now be removed.
(Ostap Bender)

Since you live in a Soviet country, then your dreams must be Soviet.
(Ostap Bender)

The main thing is to eliminate the cause of sleep. The main reason is existence itself Soviet power. But at the moment I cannot eliminate it. I just don't have time.
(Ostap Bender)

Don’t doubt it, as soon as Soviet power is gone, things will immediately become easier for you. You'll see! (Ostap Bender)

Parallel to the big world, in which big people and big things live, there is a small world with small people and small things.
IN big world people are driven by the desire to benefit humanity. Small world far from such lofty matters. Its inhabitants have one desire - to somehow live without feeling hungry.
Under all the small inventions of the ant world there is a granite base of “communist” ideology.
That's what these Marx and Engels have done!

The client must be accustomed to the idea that he will have to give money. He must be morally disarmed, his reactionary possessive instincts suppressed.
(Ostap Bender)

There are people who don’t know how to suffer, but somehow it doesn’t work out. And if they do suffer, they try to do it as quickly as possible and unnoticed by others.

You are not in church, you will not be deceived. There will also be a deposit. Over time.
(Ostap Bender)

You need to part with money easily, without groaning.
(Ostap Bender)

Life is beautiful, despite the shortcomings.
(Ostap Bender)

Here I am a millionaire! An idiot's dreams come true!
(Ostap Bender)

The Russian spirit is here! It smells like Russia here! The dying firebird still flies here, and golden feathers fall to the people of our profession. Here the fist Kashchei, who considered himself immortal and is now convinced with horror that his end is coming, is still sitting on his chests.
(Ostap Bender)

And Kozlevich?! In fairness!..
Panikovsky will sell you all, buy you and sell you again... but at a higher price

Shura, how much money do you need?
- One hundred rubles!
- No, how much do you need for complete happiness?

Women love: young, politically literate, long-legged...

You are a dude, the son of a dude, and your children will be dudes!

When I was a child, I killed people like you on the spot. From a slingshot.

Pay for the kefir, Shura, then we’ll settle the deal.

Aphorisms can be divided into two categories: some catch our eye, are remembered and are sometimes used when we want to show off wisdom, while others become an integral part of our speech and go into the category catch phrases. About authorship... ...

Ilya Ilf. Ilf Ilya (real name Fainzilberg Ilya Arnoldovich) (1897 1937) Russian satirist writer. Worked together with Evgeny Petrov.. Aphorisms, quotes Ilya Ilf. Biography. All talented people write differently, all mediocre ones write the same way, and even... ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

John of Damascus (Ioannes Damaskenos) (Mansur) (675 740/753) Byzantine theologian, philosopher, poet, systematizer of Greek patristics, one of the fathers of the Eastern Church. Belonged to the Christian Arab nobility (Arabic name Mansur), inherited... ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

Evgeny Petrov. Petrov Evgeniy (real name Kataev Evgeniy Petrovich) (1903 1942) Russian satirist writer. Worked together with Ilya Ilf.. Aphorisms, quotes Evgeny Petrov. Biography. Quotes from works written in collaboration with Ilya Ilf... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

THE TWELVE CHAIRS- A novel by I. Ilf and E. Petrov, part of the duology “The Twelve Chairs” and “The Golden Calf.” The novels were written in 1927–1928 and 1930–1931, respectively. Publication of the novel “The Twelve Chairs” began in 1928 in the magazine “30 Days”. Three years… … Linguistic and regional dictionary

- - born on May 26, 1799 in Moscow, on Nemetskaya Street in Skvortsov’s house; died January 29, 1837 in St. Petersburg. On his father’s side, Pushkin belonged to an old noble family, descended, according to genealogies, from a descendant “from ... ...

EVIL- [Greek ἡ κακία, τὸ κακόν, πονηρός, τὸ αἰσχρόν, τὸ φαῦλον; lat. malum], a characteristic of the fallen world associated with the ability of rational beings endowed with free will to evade God; ontological and moral category, the opposite... ... Orthodox Encyclopedia

- (Cohen) Hermann (1842 1918) German philosopher, founder and most prominent representative of the Marburg school of neo-Kantianism. Main works: 'Kant's Theory of Experience' (1885), 'Kant's Justification of Ethics' (1877), 'Kant's Justification of Aesthetics' (1889), 'Logic... ... History of Philosophy: Encyclopedia

Writer, born October 30, 1821 in Moscow, died January 29, 1881, in St. Petersburg. His father, Mikhail Andreevich, married to the daughter of a merchant, Marya Fedorovna Nechaeva, occupied the position of doctor at the Mariinsky Hospital for the Poor. Busy at the hospital and... ... Big biographical encyclopedia

- - Emperor of All Russia, eldest son of the Grand Duke - later Emperor - Nikolai Pavlovich and Grand Duchess Alexandra Feodorovna; born in Moscow on April 17, 1818; declared Heir to the Throne on December 12, 1825... Large biographical encyclopedia