Moscow State University, Faculty of Chemistry: passing grade, exams, reviews. Moscow State University, Faculty of Chemistry: passing grade, exams, reviews Chemistry Faculty of Moscow State University subjects

Faculty of Chemistry of MSU (Moscow State University) - a division of the Moscow state university named after M.V. Lomonosov, engaged in educational and research activities, associated with a wide range of chemical sciences - one of the oldest faculties of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, combining the fundamental nature of education and the practice of introducing the latest scientific trends into the educational process.

Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University in numbers:

  • more than 1800 employees

  • 315 professors, associate professors, senior teachers and assistants

  • More than 850 scientific employees

  • about 700 engineers, technicians and laboratory assistants

Of these:

The Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University is:

  • over 1200 students

  • about 400 graduate students

The Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University trains chemists with a wide range of profiles in all fields modern chemistry taking into account the latest scientific trends, including those related to the production of new materials and medicines, scientific activity in the field of resource-saving and nanotechnologies.

The Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University was established by order of Moscow State University dated February 26, 1930, but it is proposed to consider the faculty existing since October 1, 1929. Initially, the Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University included five chemical departments, Department of Physics, Mathematics and Political Subjects. The chemical departments included 16 laboratories. In the process of transformations that took place in those years, for three years Faculty of Chemistry MSU was part of the United Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology, created in 1930, but in 1933 it was returned to the University system. By that time, the Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University had five departments of chemistry: general and Not organic chemistry(E.F. Krause), organic chemistry (N.D. Zelinsky), physical chemistry (A.V. Rakovsky), analytical chemistry(E.S. Przhevalsky), colloid chemistry(V.A. Naumov). In the same year, the Department of Electrochemistry was created (A.N. Frumkin). In 1937, the Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry was divided into two independent departments; their managers were E.F. Krause and N.S. Kurnakov. In 1938, the Department of Petroleum Chemistry was created (N.D. Zelinsky).

The founding day of the Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov is considered to be October 1, 1929. Of course, chemistry was taught here before - since 1760 at the medical and since 1804 at the physics and mathematics faculties. Back in the 19th century, the main department of chemistry, departments of technical chemistry, agronomic chemistry, medicinal chemistry. In the early years Soviet power the study of chemistry was given great value and new laboratories were opened at the University, and postgraduate studies were organized. The academic buildings of Lomonosov Moscow State University on Mokhovaya Street were becoming increasingly crowded.


After the end of the war, the time came to think about building a palace for “the most advanced socialist science in the world.” In 1948, it was decided to build a university campus on the Lenin Hills, and Lev Rudnev was appointed chief architect. Heavy equipment moved along the streets of the surrounding villages, and barracks for workers appeared in vacant lots.

Construction was carried out day and night; during excavation work in winter, frozen soil was crushed by explosions. Five railway lines were laid directly to the buildings for the transport of steel frame parts (this is over 70,000 tons of metal) and other cargo. The construction of all university buildings required 14 million bricks.

The technical design and general estimate for the construction of the Moscow State University complex were approved by Joseph Stalin, and the project was supervised by Lavrentiy Beria, who used the labor of several thousand prisoners in the construction. In particular, the building of the Faculty of Chemistry was erected by a camp-type organization of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs - SU 560. With such close attention from the “party and government”, the university was commissioned by the fall of 1953. On September 1, “the symbol of the great care of the Communist Party, the government and all our people for the young people of the Soviet country” opened its doors.

The campus buildings were built almost simultaneously; in the middle ground is the Faculty of Chemistry; construction began at the end of 1949.

One of the final scenes of the cult movie was not filmed near any military academy, and at the entrance to the chemistry department. 1970, still from the film "Officers":

At the main entrance there are two monuments - to Dmitry Mendeleev and Alexander Butlerov

Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev (1834-1907) - Russian scientist-encyclopedist: chemist, physical chemist, physicist, metrologist, economist, technologist, geologist, meteorologist, teacher, aeronaut, instrument maker. Professor at St. Petersburg University. Among the most famous discoveries are periodic law chemical elements, one of the fundamental laws of the universe.

Alexander Mikhailovich Butlerov (1828-1886) - Russian chemist, creator of the theory chemical structure organic matter, founder of the “Butlerov school” of Russian chemists, beekeeper and lepidopterologist, public figure, rector of the Imperial Kazan University in 1860-1863.

The current address of the faculty is indicated as "Moscow, Leninskie Gory, 1, building 3." No such street was found on the map; Lenin Hills refers to the microdistrict in which all the university buildings are located. The Department of Chemistry includes several buildings located on campus. Let's take a look at the main, five-story building of the chemistry department, where the interiors, furniture and equipment of the 1950s have been preserved.

In the photo: young chemists study the Belousov-Zhabotinsky vibration reaction. This is class chemical reactions, occurring in an oscillatory mode, in which some reaction parameters (color, concentration of components, temperature) change periodically, forming a complex spatiotemporal structure of the reaction medium. The reaction was discovered by Boris Belousov in 1951; many scientists and groups of various people are still engaged in its research. scientific disciplines all over the world. Students carry out the oxidation of malonic acid with bromate in the presence of vanadium as a catalyst and iron tris-phenanthrolinate as a color-forming component. Changes when mixing reagents were noticeable even to an amateur in chemistry - the solution in the saucer changed colors from red to blue and back to red.

Currently, the staff of the Faculty of Chemistry includes more than 1,800 employees, including 315 professors, associate professors, senior teachers, assistants, more than 800 researchers, about 700 engineers, technicians and laboratory assistants.

The faculty includes 16 departments, which represent all modern areas of chemical science and corresponding specializations, for which highly qualified chemists are trained:
Analytical Chemistry
Colloid chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
Physical Chemistry
Chemistry of petroleum and organic catalysis
English language
Chemical kinetics
Chemical enzymology
High molecular weight compounds
Laser chemistry
General chemistry
Chemistry of natural compounds
Chemical technology and new materials

During the first years of study, students study basic fundamental disciplines and also engage in scientific work at the departments of the faculty. The remaining training time is allocated to specialization in the chosen field and completion of the thesis.

During the construction of the chemistry department building, hollow reinforced concrete beams were used as load-bearing structures, into which ventilation pipes, water supply, and electrical wiring for numerous laboratories were laid. Entering the building of the Faculty of Chemistry, you immediately realize that you are not at the wrong address, the hoods seem to be working, but the smell is specific.

This hood became a decorative element; initially the system operated from engines under the fountains, but they have not been working for twenty years.

In addition to dozens of laboratories and classrooms, the building has three large auditoriums: Large, North and South.

Equipment and interior parts for Moscow State University were supplied by more than 500 enterprises from all republics of the USSR. This lampshade was made in Riga. The original wood paneling has also been preserved in the corridors.

You can have lunch in the dining room on the second floor, and below is the Alchemist grocery store.

The chemical department of the SUSC MSU began working on November 13, 1989. The specialized chemical class received the letter “L” in a large boarding school. At that time, 18 schoolchildren were enrolled. Not everyone reached the “finish line” - in 1991, there were only 8 people in the first chemical graduation.

During the period from 1991 to 2016, 25 graduates of the chemical class of the SUSC took place - a total of 535 people. Of these, 424 people (80%) entered Moscow State University. The majority - 296 graduates - entered the Faculty of Chemistry and the Faculty of Materials Science. Graduates of the chemical class also studied and are studying at the faculties of physics, mechanics and mathematics, biology, geology, the faculty of computational mathematics and cybernetics, the faculty of fundamental medicine, and soil science. Children also enter other universities - VHC RAS, RKhTU, MEPhI, Medical Academy etc.

Winners and runners-up of the 2019 Nano-Olympiad at a meeting with the leadership of the Faculty of Chemistry and the Faculty of Science and Mathematics of Moscow State University

V. Bochenkov (left) at the award ceremony for better job in the field of nanotechnology and nanoindustry

Among the graduates of the chemistry class there are already more than twenty candidates of science, and their number is growing. Teachers regularly receive invitations to defenses and banquets. The first Doctor of Science was Pavel Suchkov.

Of course, not all of our graduates devoted themselves to science. Among them are teachers, journalists, people of art and business. And yet many remain at Moscow State University, continue to do what they love - chemistry, and achieve success. In 2009, SUSC graduate Vladimir Bochenkov received for his scientific work“Development and implementation of a parallel algorithm for temperature-accelerated dynamics” 1st place in the competition for the best work in the field of nanotechnology and nanoindustry and the RUSNANO prize.

In the "history" of the chemical class - in chemistry of all levels, including international.

The chemistry class curriculum provides 8 hours of chemistry per week, including lectures, seminars and workshops. The result of the training should be the formation of a scientific worldview and understanding of the structure, features, approaches and methods of chemistry as a science. And, of course, preparation for entrance exams in chemistry at major universities (primarily Moscow State University). In addition to the profile educational standard secondary education in chemistry, the guys master chemical theories, necessary for constructing the logical structure of chemistry (resonance theory, method molecular orbitals etc.). The program additionally includes an overview of some substances and reactions useful for ensuring the integrity of the course (organomagnesium compounds, boron compounds, etc.). The program for the biological class is slightly different from the chemical one: there is a special emphasis on biologically significant substances and processes, such as drugs, food components, heterocycles, and enzymatic reactions.

The lecture and seminar system adopted at SUSC is built on the university model. During lectures, the teacher presents the main content of the course. This, of course, does not exclude independent work students with manuals and reference materials.

The work at the seminars is varied. This and discussions difficult moments based on demonstration experiments and presentations, and solving problems of various nature - short training thematic tasks, Unified State Examination tasks and real entrance exams at Moscow State University, assignments of Moscow city and All-Russian Olympiads. Attention is paid to working with reference books aimed at developing research skills. Students themselves find in the reference book the data they need to solve problems and draw conclusions based on them.

As in the entire university, after studying a certain block of topics, colloquiums are held - oral conversations between the teacher and each student based on several specific tasks and relevant theoretical material.

Classes in the chemistry class of the SUSC MSU are held in the educational building of the SUSC (lectures and seminars) and at the Faculty of Chemistry of MSU (workshops). The program for the chemical class includes a whole range of semester-long workshops - analytical, organic, inorganic. The introduction of workshops served different purposes. On the one hand, this is support for courses in organic and inorganic chemistry for their more effective assimilation, practical development knowledge of ion analysis and separation. On the other hand, the guys master experimental skills and safety precautions in a university laboratory, working with professional equipment. Thirdly, when they come to the workshop, like real students, students feel their community with the university, in fact they feel that SUSC is a faculty of Moscow State University, they want to return to the walls of the chemistry department again, perhaps in a different capacity.

As part of workshops or free time under the guidance of mentors, the guys perform. Each student must complete one coursework during their studies at SUSC.

If you are in the 9th and 10th grade, you can try to enter the school from Moscow State University. SUSC is a specialized educational and scientific center. You can enter it if you pass an internal exam. According to statistics, all graduates pass the Unified State Exam with a high score.


Tutors will give you courses good preparation, but don’t forget about self-training. You must study regularly on your own in order to enter the Chemistry Department of Moscow State University. Points by Unified State Examinations rather big, so be patient and make a preparation plan for yourself. To enter the Faculty of Chemistry, you need to pass the Unified State Exam in Chemistry, Russian and Mathematics. Mathematics courses from Alpha School are a good option for preparing for the Unified State Exam in mathematics. You will have a personal tutor who will constantly guide you. Preparing for and entering university is a very important step, so you should take your studies seriously. The most effective and proven method is preparation with an online math tutor. You will have great advantages: the tutor devotes time only to you, and you do not waste time on the road, which you already have little of. The Alpha School tutors are professionals in their field and know how best to prepare you for such a difficult exam as mathematics.

Moscow State University (Faculty of Chemistry): scores for 2017.