On the nomenclature of specialties of specialists with higher medical and pharmaceutical education. On the nomenclature of specialties of specialists with higher medical and pharmaceutical education On the nomenclature of specialties of specialists with

Registration N 27723

In accordance with subclause 5.2.7. Regulations on the Ministry of Health Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 19, 2012 N 608 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 26, Art. 3526), I order:

Approve the Nomenclature of positions for medical workers and pharmaceutical workers in accordance with the appendix.

Minister V. Skvortsova


Nomenclature of positions for medical workers and pharmaceutical workers

I. Medical workers

1.1. Manager positions:

chief physician (head) of a medical organization;

director of a hospital (home) of nursing care, hospice;

deputy head (head) of a medical organization;

manager (chief) structural unit(department, division, laboratory, office, detachment, etc.) of a medical organization - specialist doctor;

head (chief physician, chief) of a structural unit carrying out medical activities of another organization;

chief nurse (chief midwife, chief paramedic).

1.2. Positions of specialists with higher professional (medical) education (doctors):

a) medical specialists, including:


obstetrician-gynecologist of the workshop medical area;











pediatric cardiologist;

pediatric oncologist;

pediatric urologist-andrologist;

pediatric surgeon;

pediatric endocrinologist;



health center doctor;

infectious disease doctor;


clinical laboratory diagnostics doctor;

clinical mycologist;

clinical pharmacologist;



laboratory doctor;[<]*[>]

laboratory geneticist;

laboratory mycologist;

manual therapy doctor;






general practitioner (family doctor);



osteopathic doctor;






city ​​(district) pediatrician;

local pediatrician;

plastic surgeon;

aviation and space medicine doctor;

diving medicine doctor;

child and adolescent hygiene doctor;

food hygiene doctor;

occupational health doctor;

doctor for hygienic education;

municipal hygiene doctor;

physical therapy doctor;

doctor for medical and social examination;

medical prevention doctor;

medical rehabilitation doctor;

general hygiene doctor;

palliative care physician;

radiation hygiene doctor;

doctor for X-ray endovascular diagnostics and treatment;

doctor for sanitary and hygienic laboratory research;

sports medicine doctor;

emergency room doctor;

occupational pathologist;


local psychiatrist;

pediatric psychiatrist;

local children's psychiatrist;

adolescent psychiatrist;

district adolescent psychiatrist;


local psychiatrist-narcologist;









cardiovascular surgeon;

emergency physician;



pediatric dentist;




medical forensic expert;

forensic psychiatric expert;



general practitioner;

adolescent therapist;

local therapist;

local general practitioner of a workshop medical district;


thoracic surgeon;



ultrasound diagnostics doctor;



TB doctor;

local TB doctor;

functional diagnostics doctor;


maxillofacial surgeon;




senior doctor of the emergency medical care station (department);

senior doctor of the emergency medical aid station (department) of mountain rescue units;

ship's doctor;

b) trainee doctor.

1.3. Positions of specialists with higher professional (non-medical) education:

physical therapy instructor-methodologist;

medical psychologist;

medical physicist;

forensic expert (expert biochemist, expert geneticist, expert chemist);

chemist-expert of a medical organization;

expert physicist on control of sources of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation;



1.4. Positions of specialists with secondary vocational (medical) education (nursing medical personnel):

dental hygienist;

head of the dairy kitchen;

head of the health center - paramedic (nurse);

head of the medical and obstetric center - paramedic (obstetrician, nurse);

head of the medical prevention office - paramedic (nurse);

production manager of dental prosthetics institutions (departments, divisions, laboratories);


dental technician;


hygiene education instructor;

physical therapy instructor;

occupational therapy instructor;

laboratory assistant;


nurse anesthetist;

general practitioner (family doctor) nurse;

dietary nurse;

medical and social care nurse;

ward nurse (guard);

visiting nurse;

dressing room nurse;

cosmetology nurse;

massage nurse;

a nurse (paramedic) to receive emergency medical calls and transfer them to mobile emergency medical teams;

admissions department nurse;

treatment room nurse;

rehabilitation nurse;

sterilization nurse;

district nurse;

physical therapy nurse;

medical disinfectant;

medical laboratory technician (paramedic laboratory assistant);

medical optometrist;

medical registrar;

medical statistician;

medical technologist;

operating room nurse;

assistant entomologist;

x-ray technician;

senior nurse (obstetrician, paramedic, operating nurse, dental technician);


emergency medical technician;


paramedic-driver of ambulance.

1.5. Other positions of medical workers (junior medical personnel):

junior nurse for patient care;

nurse driver;


II. Pharmaceutical workers

2.1. Manager positions:

director (manager, chief) of a pharmacy organization;

deputy director (manager, chief) of a pharmacy organization;

warehouse manager for the organization of wholesale trade in medicines;

head of the medical warehouse of the mobilization reserve;

Deputy Warehouse Manager for the Organization of Wholesale Trade of Medicines;

head (head) of a structural unit (department) of a pharmacy organization.

2.2. Positions of specialists with higher professional (pharmaceutical) education (pharmacists):



trainee pharmacist;


senior pharmacist

2.3. Positions of specialists with secondary vocational (pharmaceutical) education (secondary pharmaceutical personnel):

junior pharmacist;

senior pharmacist;


2.4. Other positions of pharmaceutical workers (junior pharmaceutical personnel):


orderly (washer).


1. The positions “chief physician (chief) of a medical organization,” “deputy head (chief) of a medical organization,” “manager (chief physician, chief) of a structural unit carrying out medical activities of another organization” refer to the positions of medical workers if their labor (job) responsibilities include carrying out medical activities;

2. The titles of the positions of the deputy head (chief) of a medical organization are supplemented by the name of the section of medical activity, the leadership of which he carries out. For example, “deputy head of a medical organization for medical care”, “deputy head of a medical organization for medical care”, “deputy head of a medical organization for clinical expert work”, “deputy head of a medical organization for work with nursing staff” and others.

3. The positions “deputy director (manager) of a pharmaceutical organization”, “manager of a warehouse for a wholesale trade organization of medicines”, “deputy manager of a warehouse for a wholesale trade organization of medicines”, “manager (head) of a structural unit (department) of a pharmacy organization” are classified as positions pharmaceutical workers if their organizational and (or) functional activities are directly related to the wholesale trade of medicines, their storage and (or) retail trade of medicines, their dispensing, storage and manufacturing.

4. The title of a doctor’s position is formed taking into account the specialty for which the employee has appropriate training and the work for which is included in the scope of his duties. For example, "general practitioner".

5. The titles of the positions of heads (chiefs) of structural units (divisions, departments, laboratories, offices, detachments, etc.) are supplemented by the name of the doctor’s position corresponding to the profile of the structural unit. For example, "manager surgical department- surgeon."

6. In a medical organization providing specialized medical care, or if there is a structural unit in a medical organization that provides specialized medical care, the title of the position “reception department doctor” is supplemented with the title of the position of a doctor of the corresponding specialty. For example, “emergency department doctor - emergency medical doctor.”

7. The names of the positions “obstetrician”, “nurse”, “packer”, filled by female persons, are named accordingly: “midwife”, “nurse”, “packer”; and the name of the position “nurse”, filled by male persons, is called “medical brother (nurse)”.

[<]*[>] The title of the position “laboratory doctor” is retained for specialists hired for this position before October 1, 1999.



dated October 7, 2015 N 700n


In accordance with paragraph 5.2.7 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 19, 2012 N 608 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 26, Art. 3526; 2013, N 16, Art. 1970 ; N 20, art. 2812; N 45, art. 1296; 4307; Art. 4969; No. 2, Art. 491; Art. 1763;

1. Approve the attached nomenclature of specialties of specialists with higher medical and pharmaceutical education.

2. Establish that certificates of specialists in the specialties "Diabetology", "Clinical Mycology" and "Laboratory Mycology", issued before the entry into force of this order, are valid until the expiration of the period specified in them.

3. To recognize as invalid:

order of the Ministry of Health and social development Russian Federation dated April 23, 2009 N 210n “On the nomenclature of specialties of specialists with higher and postgraduate medical and pharmaceutical education in the field of healthcare of the Russian Federation” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on June 5, 2009, registration N 14032);

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated February 9, 2011 N 94n “On introducing changes to the nomenclature of specialties of specialists with higher and postgraduate medical and pharmaceutical education in the field of healthcare of the Russian Federation” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on March 16, 2011, registration N 20144).


by order of the Ministry of Health
Russian Federation
dated October 7, 2015 N 700n


1. Aviation and space medicine

2. Obstetrics and gynecology

3. Allergology and immunology

4. Anesthesiology and resuscitation

5. Bacteriology

6. Virology

7. Diving medicine

8. Gastroenterology

9. Hematology

10. Genetics

11. Geriatrics

12. Hygiene of children and adolescents

13. Food hygiene

14. Occupational health

15. Hygienic education

16. Disinfectology

17. Dermatovenereology

18. Pediatric cardiology

19. Pediatric oncology

20. Pediatric urology-andrology

21. Pediatric surgery

22. Pediatric endocrinology

23. Dietetics

24. Infectious diseases

25. Cardiology

26. Clinical laboratory diagnostics

27. Clinical pharmacology

28. Coloproctology

29. Communal hygiene

30. Cosmetology

31. Laboratory genetics

32. Physiotherapy and sports medicine

33. Manual therapy

34. Medical and social examination

35. Neurology

36. Neurosurgery

37. Neonatology

38. Nephrology

39. General medical practice (family medicine)

40. General hygiene

41. Oncology

42. Organization of health care and public health

43. Orthodontics

44. Osteopathy

45. Otorhinolaryngology

46. ​​Ophthalmology

48. Pathological anatomy

49. Pediatrics

50. Plastic surgery

51. Occupational pathology

52. Psychiatry

53. Psychiatry-narcology

54. Psychotherapy

55. Pulmonology

56. Radiation hygiene

57. Radiology

58. Radiotherapy

59. Rheumatology

60. Radiology

61. X-ray endovascular diagnosis and treatment

62. Reflexology

63. Sanitary and hygienic laboratory tests

64. Sexology

65. Cardiovascular surgery

66. Emergency medical care

67. Social hygiene and organization of the state sanitary and epidemiological service

68. Pediatric dentistry

69. General dentistry

70. Orthopedic dentistry

71. Therapeutic dentistry

72. Surgical dentistry

73. Forensic medical examination

74. Forensic psychiatric examination

75. Audiology-otorhinolaryngology

76. Therapy

77. Toxicology

78. Thoracic surgery

79. Traumatology and orthopedics

80. Transfusiology

81. Ultrasound diagnostics

82. Management and economics of pharmacy

83. Nursing management

84. Urology

85. Pharmaceutical technology

86. Pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacognosy

87. Physiotherapy

88. Phthisiology

89. Functional diagnostics

90. Surgery

91. Maxillofacial surgery

92. Endocrinology

93. Endoscopy

94. Epidemiology

95. Medicine

96. Medical and preventive care

97. Medical biochemistry

98. Medical biophysics

99. Medical cybernetics

100. Nursing

In accordance with subparagraph 2) paragraph 3 of Article 32 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 18, 2009 “On the health of the people and the healthcare system”, paragraph 5 of Article 21 and paragraph 3 of Article 22 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 27, 2001 “On Education” and paragraph 5 of Article 50 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 6, 2016 “On Legal Acts” I ORDER:

1. Include in the order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 24, 2009 No. 774 “On approval of the Nomenclature of medical and pharmaceutical specialties” (registered in the Register of State Registration of Normative Legal Acts under No. 5885, published in the Legal Newspaper dated December 8, 2009 No. 187 ( 1784)) the following change:

The nomenclature of medical and pharmaceutical specialties shall be presented in a new edition in accordance with the appendix to this order.

2. Include in the order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 30, 2008 No. 27 “On approval of lists of clinical specialties for training in internship and residency” (registered in the Register of State Registration of Normative Legal Acts No. 5134, published in the Bulletin of Normative Legal Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, March 2008, No. 3, Article 311) the following changes and additions:

in the List of Clinical Specialties for Residency Training, approved by the said order:

paragraph 7

"7. Hematology (adults)";

paragraphs 15 , , , , , delete;

paragraph 25 should be stated as follows:

"Anesthesiology and resuscitation, including children's*";

paragraph 27 should be stated as follows:

"27. Oncology (adult)";

paragraph 33 shall be deleted;

paragraph 35 should be stated as follows:

"35. Pediatrics*";

paragraph 37 should be stated as follows:

"37. Obstetrics and gynecology, including children's*";

paragraph 46 should be deleted;

add paragraph 48 with the following content:

"48. General surgery*";

add the following note:

"*Note: for persons applying for clinical practice in organizations providing inpatient care located in regional centers, cities of Astana and Almaty."

3. The Department of Science and Human Resources of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in accordance with the procedure established by law, shall ensure:

1) state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) within ten calendar days from the date of state registration of this order, sending its copy in paper and electronic form in the Kazakh and Russian languages ​​to the Republican State Enterprise with the right of economic management "Republican Center legal information"for official publication and inclusion in the Reference Control Bank of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

3) placement of this order on the official Internet resource of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

4) within ten working days after the state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, submission to the Department of Legal Service of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan of information on the implementation of the measures provided for in subparagraphs 1), 2) and 3) of this paragraph.

4. Control over the implementation of this order is entrusted to the Vice Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan Aktaeva L.M.

5. This order comes into force ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication.

Nomenclature of medical and pharmaceutical specialties

Chapter 1. Specialties of workers with higher medical education

1. Therapy (adolescent therapy, dietetics);

2. General medical practice (family medicine);

3. Cardiology (ultrasound diagnostics according to the profile of the main specialty, functional diagnostics according to the profile of the main specialty, interventional cardiology, interventional arrhythmology) (adults);

4. Cardiology (ultrasound diagnostics according to the profile of the main specialty, functional diagnostics according to the profile of the main specialty, interventional cardiology, interventional arrhythmology) (children);

5. Rheumatology (adult);

6. Rheumatology (children);

7. Allergology and immunology (adults, children);

8. Gastroenterology (endoscopy according to the profile of the main specialty, ultrasound diagnostics according to the profile of the main specialty) (adults);

9. Gastroenterology (endoscopy according to the profile of the main specialty, ultrasound diagnostics according to the profile of the main specialty) (children);

10. Hematology (adults);

11. Oncology and hematology (children);

12. Pulmonology (endoscopy according to the profile of the main specialty, functional diagnostics according to the profile of the main specialty) (adults);

13. Pulmonology (endoscopy according to the profile of the main specialty, functional diagnostics according to the profile of the main specialty) (children);

14. Endocrinology (adult);

15. Endocrinology (children);

16. Nephrology (ultrasound diagnostics according to the profile of the main specialty) (adults);

17. Nephrology (ultrasound diagnostics according to the profile of the main specialty) (children);

18. Phthisiology (adults, children);

19. Occupational pathology;

20. Infectious diseases adults;

21. Infectious diseases of children;

22. Dermatovenereology (dermatocosmetology) (adults, children);

23. Neurology (functional diagnostics according to the profile of the main specialty) (adults);

24. Neurology (functional diagnostics according to the profile of the main specialty) (children);

25. Psychiatry (narcology, psychotherapy, sexopathology, medical psychology, forensic psychiatric examination, forensic drug examination);

26. Medical rehabilitation (adults, children);

27. Radiation therapy (radiation oncology);

28. Radiation diagnostics (radiology, computer and magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound diagnostics, nuclear medicine);

29. Functional diagnostics;

30. Clinical laboratory diagnostics;

31. Sports medicine;

32. Geriatrics;

33. Clinical pharmacology;

34. Traditional therapy (reflexotherapy, manual therapy, su-jok therapy, homeopathy, hirudotherapy, herbal medicine);

35. Aviation and space medicine;

36. Medicine emergency situations and disasters

37. Anesthesiology and resuscitation (perfusionology, toxicology) (adults);

38. Anesthesiology and resuscitation (perfusion, toxicology, neonatal resuscitation) (pediatric);

39. General surgery (thoracic surgery, abdominal surgery, transplantology, coloproctology, oncological surgery, ultrasound diagnostics according to the profile of the main specialty, endoscopy according to the profile of the main specialty);

40. Cardiac surgery (adults, children);

41. Angiosurgery (X-ray surgery, interventional surgery) (adults, children);

42. Neurosurgery (adults, children);

43. Maxillofacial surgery (adults, children);

44. Plastic surgery;

45. Oncology (chemotherapy, mammology) (adults);

46. ​​Traumatology-orthopedics (cambustiology) (adults, children);

47. Urology and andrology (ultrasound diagnostics according to the profile of the main specialty, endoscopy according to the profile of the main specialty) (adults, children);

48. Ophthalmology (adults, children);

49. Otorhinolaryngology (audiology, endoscopy according to the main specialty) (adults, children);

50. Pathological anatomy (cytopathology) (adults, children);

51. Forensic medical examination;

52. Transfusiology;

53. Toxicology (adults, children);

54. Pediatrics (neonatology);

55. Neonatology (intensive care and neonatal resuscitation);

56. Child psychiatry (children's narcology, child psychotherapy, child medical psychology, suicidology, forensic drug examination, forensic psychiatric examination);

57. Pediatric surgery (neonatal surgery);

58. Obstetrics and gynecology (pediatric gynecology, functional diagnostics, ultrasound diagnostics according to the profile of the main specialty, endoscopy according to the profile of the main specialty);

59. Medical genetics;

60. Dentistry (adults, children);

62. Healthcare management;

63. Public health;

64. Nursing;

65. Ambulance and emergency medical care.

Chapter 2. Specialties of workers with higher pharmaceutical education

Pharmacy (general pharmaceutical practice; management and economics of pharmacy (pharmacist (pharmacist), pharmacist-organizer (pharmacist-organizer), manager, inspector, informant, marketer/merchandiser); drug technology (pharmacist (pharmacist), pharmacist-technologist (pharmacist- technologist); quality control and certification medicines(pharmacist (pharmacist), pharmacist-analyst (pharmacist-analyst); analytical diagnostics and forensic chemical examination (chemist-toxicologist); clinical pharmacy; quality management in pharmacy).

Chapter 3. Specialties of workers with post-secondary medical education

1. Nursing.

Chapter 4. Specialties of workers with technical and professional medical and pharmaceutical education

1. Laboratory diagnostics (laboratory assistant, laboratory assistant);

2. General medicine (paramedic, general practitioner);

3. Obstetrics (obstetrician, general obstetrician);

4. Hygiene and epidemiology (sanitary paramedic, assistant sanitary doctor, laboratory assistant, assistant epidemiologist, entomologist);

5. Dentistry (dentist, dentist, dental assistant);

6. Dental orthopedics (dental technician);

7. Nursing (nurse/brother, general nurse/brother, specialized nurse/brother);

8. Nursing (junior medical sister/brother);

9. Nursing (massage therapist);

10. Pharmacy (pharmacist assistant, pharmacist).