Resentment summary. Texts for a condensed presentation Concise presentation of the grievances that are in our relationships

(1) Respect for our teacher and teacher is universal, silent. (2) Teachers are respected for their politeness, for the fact that they greet everyone in a row, without distinguishing between the poor and the rich.

(3) They also respect the fact that at any time of the day or night you can come to the teacher and ask him to write the required paper.

(4) The teachers were the ringleaders in the village club. (5) They taught games and dances, staged funny plays; been to weddings guests of honor, but they puked themselves and taught the uncooperative people at the party not to force them into bondage with drink.

(6) And in which school did our teachers start working?

(7) In a village house with carbon stoves. (8) There were no desks, no benches, no textbooks, notebooks, or pencils.

(9) One ABC book for the entire first grade and one red pencil. (10) The guys brought stools and benches from home, sat in a circle, listened to the teacher, then he gave us a neatly sharpened red pencil, and we, sitting on the windowsill, took turns writing with sticks. (11) They learned to count using matches and sticks, cut from a torch with their own hands.

(12) The teacher once went to the city and returned with three carts. (13) On one of them there were scales, on the other two there were boxes with all kinds of goods. (14) In the schoolyard, a temporary stall “Recycling” was built from blocks. (15) The schoolchildren turned the village upside down. (16) Attics, sheds, barns were cleared of goods accumulated over centuries - old samovars, plows, bones, rags.

(17) Pencils, notebooks, paints like buttons glued to cardboard, and decals appeared at school. (18) We tried sweet cockerels on sticks, the women got hold of needles, threads, and buttons.

(19) The teacher again and again went to the city in a village soviet nag, procured and brought textbooks, one textbook for five.

(20) The teacher invited the photographer to come to us, and he photographed the children and the school. (21) Isn’t this joy! (22) Isn’t this an achievement!

(23) By spring, the notebooks, exchanged for salvage materials, were filled with paper, the colors were stained, the pencils were worn out, and the teacher began to take us through the forest and tell us about trees, about flowers, about herbs, about rivers and about the sky.

(24) How much he knew! (25) And that the rings of a tree are the years of its life, and that pine sulfur is used for rosin, and that pine needles are used to treat nerves, and that plywood is made from birch, and paper is made from coniferous trees, that forests retain moisture in the soil, therefore, the life of rivers.

(26) But we also knew the forest, albeit in our own way, in a village way, but we knew something that the teacher did not know, and he listened to us attentively, praised us and even thanked us.

(27) Years have passed, many have passed. (28) And this is how I remember the village teacher - with a slightly guilty smile, polite, shy, but always ready to rush forward and defend his students, help them in trouble, make people’s lives easier and better. (29) Our teachers’ names were Evgeniy Nikolaevich and Evgenia Nikolaevna. (30) My fellow countrymen assure that not only in their first and patronymic names, but also in their faces, they resembled each other. (31) Here, I think, grateful human memory worked, bringing closer and related dear people, but no one in Ovsyanka can remember the names of the teacher and the teacher. (32) But you can forget the teacher’s last name, it’s important that the word “teacher” remains! (33) And let every person who dreams of becoming a teacher live to receive such honor as our teachers, in order to dissolve in the memory of the people with whom and for whom they lived, in order to become a part of it and forever remain in the hearts of even such careless and disobedient people like me.

(According to V. Astafiev*)

* Viktor Petrovich Astafiev (1924-2001) - Russian Soviet writer. The most important themes of Astafiev’s work are military and rural. One of his first works was school essay, then turned by the writer into the story “Vasyutkino Lake”. The author’s first stories were published in the magazine “Smena”. The stories “The Last Bow”, “The Fish Tsar”, the novels “Until Next Spring”, “The Snows Are Melting”, “Cursed and Killed” brought fame.

Texts for condensed presentation

Text 1

Tactfulness and sensitivity. The content of these two noble human qualities is attention, deep respect for inner world those with whom we communicate, the desire and ability to understand them, to feel what can give them pleasure, joy, or, conversely, cause them irritation, annoyance, and resentment.

Tactfulness and sensitivity are also a sense of proportion that should be observed in conversation, in personal and work relationships, the ability to sense the boundary beyond which, as a result of our words and actions, a person experiences undeserved offense, grief, and sometimes pain. A tactful person always takes into account specific circumstances: differences in age, gender, social status, place of conversation, presence or absence of strangers.

Tactfulness and sensitivity also imply the ability to quickly and accurately determine the reaction of interlocutors to our statements, actions and necessary cases self-critically, without a sense of false shame, apologize for the mistake made. This will not only not damage your dignity, but, on the contrary, will strengthen it in the opinion of thinking people, showing them your extremely valuable human trait - modesty

(144 words)

(According to the site psycholines. people. ru

Text 2

Everyone knows the expressions: “cold politeness,” “icy politeness,” “contemptuous politeness,” in which epithets added to this wonderful human quality not only kill its essence, but turn it into its opposite. However, true politeness can only be benevolent, since it is one of the manifestations of sincere, disinterested benevolence towards all other people with whom a person meets at work, in the house where he lives, in public places.

One of the main elements of politeness is the ability to remember names. The reason most people don't remember names is because they don't want to take the time to imprint those names indelibly in their memory. They make excuses for themselves that they are too busy.

Perhaps people would not be so eager to assure others that they are busy if they knew that one of the simplest and most effective ways to win the favor of others is to remember their names and instill in them a sense of their own importance.

Be polite!

(148 words)

(According to the site psycholines. people. ru)

Text 3

Nothing is valued as dearly by the people around us as politeness and delicacy. But in life we ​​often have to deal with rudeness, harshness, and disrespect. The reason here is that we underestimate the culture of a person’s behavior, his manners.

Manners are a way of holding oneself, an external form of behavior, expressions used in speech, tone, intonation, gestures and even facial expressions. In society, modesty and restraint, and the ability to control one’s actions are considered good manners. Bad manners are considered to be swagger in gestures and behavior, sloppiness in clothing, rudeness manifested in disregard for other people's interests, in the shameless imposition of one's will and desires on other people, in the inability to restrain one's irritation, in tactlessness, foul language, and the use of derogatory nicknames. .

Delicacy is a prerequisite for cultural communication. Delicacy should not be excessive or turn into flattery. There is no need to try hard to hide the fact that you are seeing, listening to, tasting something for the first time, fearing that otherwise you will be considered ignorant. In a word, your manners will speak about you.

(147 words)(From Internet materials)

Text 4

The insults that we inflict on each other in our relationships are not directly explained by our evil will. People do not harm each other due to some special cruelty or atrocity. The immediate cause of offending others is often the lack of necessary communication experience, the inability to meet others halfway, and excessive self-indulgence.

After a person has caused an offense, he can come to his senses, but most often this happens very late. The hurtful words have already been spoken. The pain that a person tries to forcibly transfer to his neighbor sooner or later returns to the offender, and often with double force.

And although a person sometimes really does not know what he is doing when he causes harm to those whom he loves most (humiliation of others, the use of violence against them is an expression of a sense of his own weakness), this does not mean that he can feel free from responsibility for his own words and actions with which he inflicted so much insult and evil on his loved ones.

(139 words)(From Internet materials)

Text 5

The word “character” came into Russian from Greek; translated it means “sign, feature.” Depending on the person's existing strong-willed qualities Either a strong or weak character is formed, therefore will and character are closely related.

How to develop a strong will and character? These qualities are affirmed in a person when overcoming various obstacles - internal and external. Internal obstacles are created by the person himself - his laziness, timidity, stubbornness, false pride, shyness, passivity, doubts. External ones can be created by other people or difficulties in completing a task.

Where should you start developing a strong will and character? The easiest way is to achieve goals that are not too difficult, and then gradually make them more difficult. This will provide an opportunity to strengthen self-confidence and gain the necessary experience. A very important condition for developing zero strength and strong character is systematic training in overcoming difficulties. If you avoid it everyday life, then you may find yourself helpless in serious trials. And who wants to appear weak and spineless in the eyes of others?

(151 word)(According to T. Morozova)

Text 6

What is the most valuable gift for any person? Of course, this is love and kindness. They always walk side by side, they are like one whole. Love and kindness can be given selflessly, with the best intentions. Simple responsiveness to people already means goodness. Support your friend, help him complete difficult task or give an unexpected gift, even small, but from the heart...

Don't forget about those closest to you - your parents! They, no less than others, need our love and kindness, attention and understanding. They are the ones who receive the least pleasant words from us, because most often our love exists as a fact, as something taken for granted. However, parents also have the right to our love and gratitude, trust and help.

Giving love and kindness is easy. You just need to start doing good deeds and not stop. And you won't notice how they will make your life amazing.

(135 words) (According to V. Bessonova)

Sashka Ermolaev was offended. On Saturday morning, he collected empty milk bottles and said to his little daughter: “Masha, will you come with me?” - "Where? Gagazinchik? - the girl was happy. “And buy fish,” the wife ordered. Sasha and her daughter went to the store. We bought milk and butter, went to look at the fish, and there was a gloomy aunt behind the counter. And for some reason it seemed to the saleswoman that this was the same guy standing in front of her who had caused a drunken brawl in the store yesterday. “Well, is it okay? - she asked venomously. “Do you remember about yesterday?” Sashka was surprised, and she continued: “What are you looking at?.. Looks like Isusik...” For some reason, Sashka was especially offended by this “Isusik.” “Listen, you’re probably hungover yourself?.. What happened yesterday?” The saleswoman laughed: “I forgot.” - “Forgot what? I was at work yesterday!” - “Yes? And how much do they pay for such work?.. And it’s worth it, your mouth is gaping with a hangover!” Sasha began to shake. Maybe that’s why he felt the offense so acutely, that lately he had been living well, he even forgot when he was drinking... And because he was holding his daughter’s small hand in his hand. “Where is your director?” And Sasha rushed into the service room. Another woman was sitting there, the head of the department: “What’s the matter?” “You see,” Sashka began, “he stands there... and starts out of the blue... For what?” - “You are calmer, calmer. Let's go find out." Sashka and the department head went to the fish department. “What is this?” - asked the head of the department to the seller. “He got drunk yesterday, made a scandal, and today I reminded him, he still looks indignant.” Sasha started shaking: “I wasn’t in the store yesterday! I wasn't! Do you understand? Meanwhile, a queue had already formed behind. And voices began to be heard: “Enough for you: he was, he wasn’t!” “But how can this be?” Sashka addressed the queue. “I wasn’t even in the store yesterday, and they’re ascribing some kind of scandal to me.” “Since they say that he was,” answered old man in a raincoat, that means he was.” - “What are you talking about?” - Sashka tried to say something else, but realized that it was useless. You can't break through this wall of people. “What bad guys,” said Masha. “Yes, uncles... aunts...” Sashka muttered.
He decided to wait for this in his raincoat and ask why he was pandering to the seller, because this is how we create boors. And then this elderly man came out in a raincoat. “Listen,” Sashka turned to him, “I want to talk to you. Why did you stand up for the seller? I really wasn’t in the store yesterday.” - “Go get some sleep first! He will still stop you... You can talk to me in another place,” the man in the raincoat spoke and immediately rushed into the store. He went to call the police, Sashka realized, and, even having calmed down a little, went home with Masha. He thought about that man in the raincoat: after all, he was a man. He lived a long time. And what remains: a cowardly sycophant. Or maybe he doesn’t realize that it’s not good to please. Sashka had seen this man before, he was from the house opposite. Having learned the name of this man - Chukalov - and the apartment number from the boys in the yard, Sashka decided to go and explain.
Chukalov, opening the door, immediately called his son: “Igor, this man was rude to me in the store.” “Yes, they made me feel rude in the store,” Sashka tried to explain. “I wanted to ask, why are you... fawning?” Igor grabbed him by the chest, hit his head twice on the door, dragged him to the stairs and lowered him down. Sashka miraculously stayed on his feet - he grabbed the railing. Everything happened very quickly, my head began to work clearly: “I was indignant. Now calm down!” Sashka decided to run home for a hammer and deal with Igor. But as soon as he jumped out of the entrance, he saw his wife flying across the yard. Sashka’s legs gave way: something happened to the children. “What are you doing? - she asked excitedly. - Started a fight again? Don't pretend, I know you. You don’t have a face.” Sashka was silent. Now, perhaps, nothing will come of it, “Spit, don’t start,” the wife begged. - Think about us. Isn’t it a pity?” Sashka's eyes welled up with tears. He frowned and coughed angrily. With trembling fingers he pulled out a cigarette and lit it. And he obediently went home.

From Guest >>

Help *I need to write a concise summary here is the text*

The grievances that we inflict on each other in our relationships are not directly explained by our evil will. People do not harm each other due to some special cruelty or atrocity. The immediate cause of offending others is often the lack of necessary communication experience, the inability to meet others halfway, and excessive self-indulgence.

After a person has offended, he can come to his senses, but most often this happens very late. The hurtful words have already been spoken. The pain that a person tries to forcibly transfer to his neighbor sooner or later returns to the offender, often with double force.

And although a person sometimes really does not know what he is doing when he causes harm to those whom he loves most, this does not mean that he can feel free from responsibility for his own words and actions, with which he inflicted so much offense and evil on his loved ones. Humiliation of others, the use of violence against them is an expression of a sense of one’s own weakness. (139 words)

Texts for condensed presentation

Text 1

Tactfulness and sensitivity. The content of these two noble human qualities is attention, deep respect for the inner world of those with whom we communicate, the desire and ability to understand them, to feel what can give them pleasure, joy or, conversely, cause them irritation, annoyance, and resentment.

Tactfulness and sensitivity are also a sense of proportion that should be observed in conversation, in personal and work relationships, the ability to sense the boundary beyond which, as a result of our words and actions, a person experiences undeserved offense, grief, and sometimes pain. A tactful person always takes into account specific circumstances: differences in age, gender, social status, place of conversation, presence or absence of strangers.

Tactfulness and sensitivity also imply the ability to quickly and accurately determine the reaction of interlocutors to our statements, actions and, in necessary cases, self-critically, without a sense of false shame, apologize for the mistake made. This will not only not damage his dignity, but, on the contrary, will strengthen his opinion thinking people by showing them your extremely valuable human trait - modesty

(144 words)

(According to the sitepsycholines. people. ru

Text 2

Everyone knows the expressions: “cold politeness,” “icy politeness,” “contemptuous politeness,” in which epithets added to this wonderful human quality not only kill its essence, but turn it into its opposite. However, true politeness can only be benevolent, since it is one of the manifestations of sincere, disinterested benevolence towards all other people with whom a person meets at work, in the house where he lives, in public places.

One of the main elements of politeness is the ability to remember names. The reason most people don't remember names is because they don't want to take the time to imprint those names indelibly in their memory. They make excuses for themselves that they are too busy.

Perhaps people would not be so eager to assure others that they are busy if they knew that one of the simplest and most effective ways to win the favor of others is to remember their names and instill in them a sense of their own importance.

Be polite!

(148 words)

(According to the sitepsycholines. people. ru)

Text 3

Nothing is valued as dearly by the people around us as politeness and delicacy. But in life we ​​often have to deal with rudeness, harshness, and disrespect. The reason here is that we underestimate the culture of a person’s behavior, his manners.

Manners are a way of holding oneself, an external form of behavior, expressions used in speech, tone, intonation, gestures and even facial expressions. In society, modesty and restraint, and the ability to control one’s actions are considered good manners. Bad manners are considered to be swagger in gestures and behavior, sloppiness in clothing, rudeness manifested in disregard for other people's interests, in the shameless imposition of one's will and desires on other people, in the inability to restrain one's irritation, in tactlessness, foul language, and the use of humiliating nicknames. .

Delicacy is a prerequisite for cultural communication. Delicacy should not be excessive or turn into flattery. There is no need to try hard to hide the fact that you are seeing, listening to, tasting something for the first time, fearing that otherwise you will be considered ignorant. In a word, your manners will speak about you.

(147 words) (From Internet materials)

Text 4

The insults that we inflict on each other in our relationships are not directly explained by our evil will. People do not harm each other due to some special cruelty or atrocity. The immediate cause of offending others is often the lack of necessary communication experience, the inability to meet others halfway, and excessive self-indulgence.

After a person has caused an offense, he can come to his senses, but most often this happens very late. The hurtful words have already been spoken. The pain that a person tries to forcibly transfer to his neighbor sooner or later returns to the offender, and often with double force.

And although a person sometimes really does not know what he is doing when he causes harm to those whom he loves most (humiliation of others, the use of violence against them is an expression of a sense of his own weakness), this does not mean that he can feel free from responsibility for his own words and actions with which he inflicted so much insult and evil on his loved ones.

(139 words) (From Internet materials)

Text 5

The word “character” came into Russian from Greek; translated it means “sign, feature.” Depending on the volitional qualities a person has, either a strong or weak character is formed, therefore will and character are closely related.

How to develop a strong will and character? These qualities are affirmed in a person when overcoming various obstacles - internal and external. Internal obstacles are created by the person himself - his laziness, timidity, stubbornness, false pride, shyness, passivity, doubts. External ones can be created by other people or difficulties in completing a task.

Where should you start developing a strong will and character? The easiest way is to achieve goals that are not too difficult, and then gradually make them more difficult. This will provide an opportunity to strengthen self-confidence and gain the necessary experience. A very important condition for developing zero strength and strong character is systematic training in overcoming difficulties. If you avoid it in everyday life, you may find yourself helpless in serious trials. And who wants to appear weak and spineless in the eyes of others?

(151 word) (According to T. Morozova)

Text 6

What is the most valuable gift for any person? Of course, this is love and kindness. They always walk side by side, they are like one whole. Love and kindness can be given selflessly, with the best intentions. Simple responsiveness to people already means goodness. Support your friend, help him complete a difficult task, or give him an unexpected gift, even small, but from the heart...

Don't forget about those closest to you - your parents! They, no less than others, need our love and kindness, attention and understanding. They are the ones who receive the least pleasant words from us, because most often our love exists as a fact, as something taken for granted. However, parents also have the right to our love and gratitude, trust and help.

Giving love and kindness is easy. You just need to start doing good deeds and not stop. And you won't notice how they will make your life amazing.

(135 words) (According to V. Bessonova)