Positive and negative aspects of using computer programs in the classroom. Lesson summary on the topic: “Positive and negative numbers” Negative aspects of informatization of education

The expediency and effectiveness of using information technology in general secondary education

It may seem that the use of ICT tools is always justified in all areas educational activities. Of course, in many cases this is exactly the case. At the same time, informatization of education also has a number of negative aspects. Positive and negative factors of informatization of general secondary education must be known and taken into account in practical work every teacher.
+ The use of ICT tools in the system of training schoolchildren leads to the enrichment of pedagogical and organizational activities high school the following significant features:

  • improvement of selection methods and technologies and formation of the content of general secondary education;
  • introduction and development of new specialized academic disciplines And areas of study related to computer science and information technology;
  • making changes to the teaching of most traditional school disciplines not directly related to computer science;
  • increasing the effectiveness of schoolchildren's learning by increasing the level of its individualization and differentiation, using additional motivation for human thinking - speech turns out to be turned off, immobilized for many years of study. The student does not receive sufficient practice in dialogical communication, formation and formulation of thoughts in a professional language.

v curtailing social contacts, reducing practice social interaction and communication, individualism.

v Enormous amounts of information presented by some information tools, such as electronic reference books, encyclopedias, Internet portals, can also distract attention during the learning process.

v The greatest difficulty is the transition from information circulating in the educational system to independent professional actions, in other words, from sign system as forms of knowledge representation on the pages of a textbook, display screen, etc. to a system of practical actions that have a fundamentally different logic than the logic of organizing a system of signs. This is a classic problem of applying knowledge in practice, formal knowledge, and in psychological language - the problem of transition from thought to action.

v Human short-term memory has a very disabilities. As a rule, an ordinary person is able to confidently remember and operate simultaneously with only seven different conceivable categories. When a student is presented with different types of information at the same time, a situation may arise in which he is distracted from some types of information in order to keep track of others, skipping important information.

v Certain difficulties and negative aspects may arise as a result of using modern means ICTs that provide teachers and students with significant freedom in finding and using information. At the same time, some teachers and students are often unable to take advantage of the freedom that modern telecommunications provide. Often, confusing and complex methods of presentation can cause the learner to be distracted from the material being studied due to various inconsistencies. In addition, the nonlinear structure of information exposes the student to the “temptation” of following the proposed links, which, if used ineptly, can distract from the main course of presentation of the educational material.

v The principle of saving effort comes into play: ready-made projects, abstracts, reports and solutions to problems from school textbooks borrowed from the Internet.

v Excessive interest in ICT can contribute to the formation of stereotyped thinking, a formal and uninitiative attitude to activity, etc.

v In many cases, the use of educational informatization tools unjustifiably deprives schoolchildren of the opportunity to conduct real experiments with their own hands, which negatively affects learning outcomes.

v excessive and unjustified use of most information means has a negative impact on the health of all participants educational process.

When using ICT tools, teachers should consider two possible directions implementation of information technology in educational process.

1. The first of them is related to the fact that ICT tools are included in the educational process as " supporting" means within the framework of traditional methods of the historically established system of general secondary education. In this case, ICT tools act as a means of intensifying the educational process, individualizing learning and partially automating routine teachers' work related to accounting, measurement and assessment of schoolchildren’s knowledge.

2. The introduction of ICT tools within the framework of the second direction leads to a change in the content of general secondary education, a revision of methods and forms of organizing the educational process, and the construction of holistic courses based on the use of the content of informatization tools in individual school academic disciplines. Knowledge, abilities and skills in this case are considered not as a goal, but as a means of developing the student’s personality.

The expediency and effectiveness of using information technology in general secondary education

It may seem that the use of ICT tools is always justified in all areas of educational activity. Of course, in many cases this is exactly the case. At the same time, informatization of education also has a number of negative aspects. The positive and negative factors of informatization of general secondary education need to be known and taken into account in practical work by every teacher. + The use of ICT tools in the system of training schoolchildren leads to the enrichment of the pedagogical and organizational activities of secondary schools with the following significant opportunities:

    improvement of selection methods and technologies and formation of the content of general secondary education;

    introduction and development of new specialized academic disciplines and areas of study related to computer science and information technology;

    making changes to the teaching of most traditional school disciplines not directly related to computer science;

    increasing the effectiveness of schoolchildren's learning by increasing the level of its individualization and differentiation, using additional motivation for human thinking - speech turns out to be turned off, immobilized for many years of study. The student does not receive sufficient practice in dialogical communication, formation and formulation of thoughts in a professional language.

    curtailment of social contacts, reduction in the practice of social interaction and communication, individualism.

    Enormous amounts of information presented by some information tools, such as electronic reference books, encyclopedias, Internet portals, can also distract attention during the learning process.

    The greatest difficulty is the transition from information circulating in the educational system to independent professional actions, in other words, from the sign system as a form of knowledge representation on the pages of a textbook, display screen, etc. to a system of practical actions that have a fundamentally different logic than the logic of organizing a system of signs. This is a classic problem of applying knowledge in practice, formal knowledge, and in psychological language - the problem of transition from thought to action.

    Human short-term memory has very limited capabilities. As a rule, an ordinary person is able to confidently remember and operate simultaneously with only seven different conceivable categories. When a student is presented with different types of information at the same time, a situation may arise in which he is distracted from some types of information in order to keep track of others, missing important information.

    Certain difficulties and negative aspects may arise as a result of the use of modern ICT tools, which provide teachers and schoolchildren with significant freedom in searching and using information. At the same time, some teachers and students are often unable to take advantage of the freedom that modern telecommunications provide. Often, confusing and complex methods of presentation can cause the learner to be distracted from the material being studied due to various inconsistencies. In addition, the nonlinear structure of information exposes the student to the “temptation” of following the proposed links, which, if used ineptly, can distract from the main course of presentation of the educational material.

    The principle of saving effort comes into play: ready-made projects, abstracts, reports and solutions to problems from school textbooks borrowed from the Internet.

    Excessive enthusiasm for ICT can contribute to the formation of stereotyped thinking, a formal and lack of initiative attitude to activity, etc.

    In many cases, the use of educational computerization tools unjustifiably deprives schoolchildren of the opportunity to conduct real experiments with their own hands, which negatively affects learning outcomes.

    Excessive and unjustified use of most information means negatively affects the health of all participants in the educational process.

When using ICT tools, teachers should consider two possible directions for introducing information technology into the educational process.

    The first of them is related to the fact that ICT tools are included in the educational process as " supporting" means within the framework of traditional methods of the historically established system of general secondary education. In this case, ICT tools act as a means of intensifying the educational process, individualizing learning and partially automating the routine work of teachers related to recording, measuring and assessing the knowledge of schoolchildren.

    The introduction of ICT tools within the framework of the second direction leads to a change in the content of general secondary education, a revision of methods and forms of organizing the educational process, and the construction of holistic courses based on the use of the content of informatization tools in individual school academic disciplines. Knowledge, abilities and skills in this case are considered not as a goal, but as a means of developing the student’s personality.

Information revolutions.

The historical process of informatization of society is accurately described using the sequence information revolutions associated with the emergence of new ones for their time technologies. Information revolution consists in changing the methods and tools for collecting, processing, storing and transmitting information, leading to an increase in the amount of information available to the active part of the population. There are six such revolutions. First information revolution is the appearance language and articulate human speech. Second information revolution related to invention writing. This invention made it possible not only to ensure the safety of information already accumulated by human society, but also to increase its reliability and create conditions for a wider dissemination of information than before. Third information revolution originated from invention in the 15th century printing, which many consider one of the first information technology. The emergence and development of print media such as newspapers and magazines was the result of the third information revolution. The fourth information revolution began in the nineteenth century. Then such means of transmitting and disseminating information as telegraph, telephone, radio And TV. Fifth information revolution occurred in the middle of the 20th century, when humanity began to actively use computer technology. The use of computers for processing scientific information has radically changed human capabilities for active and effective information processing. For the first time in the entire history of the development of civilization, a person received a highly effective means of increasing the productivity of intellectual work. Today we are witnesses sixth information revolution associated with the emergence of global telecommunications computer networks and their integration with technologies multimedia And virtual reality. Six information revolutions have changed society. There is a development and dissemination of information and information technologies, which allows us to talk about the presence of informatization processes. Informatization has a revolutionary impact on all spheres of society, radically changes the living conditions and activities of people, their culture, behavior patterns, and ways of thinking. Obvious progress in the field of information technology led to the appearance of the term in scientific and popular science publications "information society". Some scientists understand an information society in which the main product of production is knowledge. The use of such an indicator as the amount of knowledge accumulated by mankind as a criterion for assigning a society the status of an information society is justified, since according to some estimates, since the beginning of our era, the first doubling of the knowledge accumulated by mankind occurred by 1750, the second by the beginning of the twentieth century, the third by 1950 year. Since 1950, the total amount of knowledge in the world has doubled every 10 years, since 1970 - every 5 years, and since 1991 - every year. This means that today the volume of knowledge in the world has increased more than 250 thousand times.

Historically, the informatization of education, being an integral part of the informatization of society, is carried out in two main directions: controlled And uncontrollable. Managed informatization of education has the character of an organized process and is supported by material resources. It is based on sound, generally accepted concepts and programs. Uncontrolled informatization of education is implemented from below on the initiative of workers in the education system and covers the most relevant areas of educational activity and subject areas.

Subject: "Positive and negative numbers»

System of L. V. Zankov

I. I. Arginskaya, E. I. Ivanovskaya, S. N. Kormishina Mathematics: Textbook for 4th grade - Samara: Publishing House "Educational Literature": Publishing house"Fedorov"

Teacher Alla Alekseevna Blagodura

General goals and objectives

    Review the concepts of positive and negative numbers; consolidate skills in performing actions with positive and negative numbers:compare numbersand decidetasks using a number line using ICT and EC COR tools

    Develop logical ingenuity, creative thinking,using various shapes work;

    Develop the ability to analyze, generalize and draw conclusions.

Expected results

1.Know the definition of positive and negative numbers..

2. They know how to perform operations with positive and negative numbers.

3.Give examples of the use of positive and negative numbers.


Methodological literature, mathematics textbook, internet

Lesson type

Uthe fate of repetition, systematization and generalization of knowledge.

Materials and equipment

Interactive whiteboard, laptop, cards, presentation.

Formation of UUD:


Identify a learning task based on the correlation of the known, mastered and unknown;

Define the goal educational activities on one's own;

Draw up an action plan when developing a method of action;

Check your actions against the goal and correct mistakes if necessary.


Draw conclusions based on generalization of knowledge;

Be aware of the variety of ways to solve a problem;

Try to design it yourself new way actions;

Comply with standards speech interaction during interactive communication;

Participate in educational dialogue, argue your point of view, support arguments with facts;
- organize educational interaction in a group

Lesson progress:

Lesson steps

Teacher activities

Student activities

I .Organizational and motivational moment.

Good mood. How can you do this?

Smile at each other.

II . Update background knowledge and motivation. Self-determination in educational activities.

    Guys, to determine

topic of the lesson you need to decipher the word.

Establish the pattern of logical chains and determine the last number

Students identify the letters that form the word “numbers.”

Establish a pattern for composing logical chains and determine the last number.

2.– Which groups?

Is it possible to divide all the numbers mentioned?

What can you call everything?

numbers written in groups I and II?

How can you name the numbers in this group?

Group I – fractional numbers, Group II – natural numbers: 1, 4, 6; Group III – special number 0.

This positive numbers.

These are negative numbers.

III . Staging educational task(problems).

Talking about the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Who can help formulate the topic of the lesson?

- Think about what tasks will be in the lesson?

Today's lesson is a generalization on the topic "Positive and Negative Numbers." Let's bring the studied material into the system: coordinates on a straight line, opposite numbers, comparison of numbers.

Positive and negative numbers

Compare numbers, work with coordinate lines, solve problems.

IV . Work on the topic of the lesson

Review of negative numbers.

Number comparison tasks

Independent work

Historical information.

Practical tasks.

Physical education minute

Work in pairs.

Lesson summary. Reflection of activity.

Students’ awareness of their educational activities, self-assessment of the results of their own and the entire class’s activities.

Guys, let's imagine that we are not in a classroom, but in a scientific laboratory. We are scientists and will work with negative and positive numbers. But in order to continue working, you must pass a test and answer several questions.

Name the number you see.

What is this number called?

Where is it located on the coordinate line?

Please tell me which numbers are called negative?

Name the integers adjacent to it.

What number will be the opposite of this?

If we are talking about a coordinate line, let's remember what we know about it.

What do you see? How can we turn it into a coordinate line?

Find the coordinate line?

So which line is called the coordinate line?

Well, everyone completed the task.

And the first task that was assigned to your laboratory

Write the red numbers in ascending order and the blue numbers in descending order.

What does ascending order and descending order mean?

Check if the task was completed correctly?

Guys, let's consolidate our experience. And let's do the exercise on p.

Read the assignment. What can you say about the task?

Complete this task yourself.

Tell me, what knowledge did we need to complete this task?

Now sit back, you can relax a little, prepare for the next serious tasks and listen to a short historical background.

The concept of negative numbers arose in practice a very long time ago, and when solving problems where a larger number had to be subtracted from a smaller number. The Egyptians, Babylonians, as well as the ancient Greeks did not know negative numbers and the mathematicians of that time used a counting board to carry out calculations. And since there were no plus and minus signs, they marked positive numbers on this board with red counting sticks, and negative numbers with blue ones. And for a long time negative numbers were called words that meant debt, shortage, and positive numbers were interpreted as property.

Please tell me, are these definitions of negative and positive numbers like property and debt now in our modern world are they being viewed? How do you think?

All research institutes solve problems that are then applied in practice. Now we will also solve several problems in which we will see where negative numbers are used

Working with a THERMOMETER.

What does a thermometer remind you of?

Name the temperature.

And now we will mark our research on the coordinate line and write down the results of the research.

Draw a coordinate line.

What temperature does the thermometer show?

How much has the temperature dropped?

What was the air temperature in the evening?

How did you find out?

Write down the expressions

What was the air temperature at midnight?


What was the air temperature in the morning?

Let's check if your expressions are the same?

Now we will work in pairs. Problem no. remains to be solved. Let's see which pair will complete this task faster.

Solving the problem.

How can I change the condition to make the solution shorter?

Do you think you did it? research work?

Which important discovery did you do for yourself today?

Continue the sentence:

I found out...
I repeated...
I learned...

Do you think you solved the problems assigned in the lesson?

I would like to know how you yourself evaluate your work in class. Each of you has emoticons on your desk. Show me that smiley facewhich matches your mood from today's lesson.

Making marks.


To the left of 0.

Negative numbers are numbers that are located on the coordinate line to the left of zero

18 and -20

Coordinate beam.

Draw an additional ray.

A coordinate line is a straight line on which there is an origin, a unit segment and a direction

From small to large and from large to small.

This task is similar to the previous one, but differs in that we compare positive and negative numbers.

We know that positive numbers are located to the right of 0 and the further the number is from 0, the larger it is, negative numbers are located to the left of 0 and the further the number is from zero, the smaller it is.

15 degrees Celsius

15 degrees above zero

15, C


5 degrees below zero

5 degrees below zero


Construct a coordinate line.


At 4 gr.

6 gr.

10 -4= 6


0-3= -3

Construct a coordinate line.

14-2=12 segments

12x2= 24 m


12:2=6 segments

2-6= -4 number

Farion Elena Alexandrovna

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 96 in Voronezh

Teacher of computer science, physics

Topic: Positive and negative aspects of computer science lessons in a small school.

I work in a rural school as a computer science teacher. Work experience at this school is 11 years, and as a computer science teacher for 10 years. Our school is a rural small school. Studying in a rural school, including a small one, has a number of specific features, on the one hand, facilitating, on the other hand, complicating the management of the educational process. The small number of students in the school and, accordingly, in the class is one of the features. Communication in a small school is closer due to the small number of peers. The relationship between children within the class is, as a rule, even: there are no rejected children or emotional leaders. In small teams there is a commonality of interests, similarity in views and values, a desire to do work, spend free time, constant attention and care for each other. It is easier for a teacher to maintain academic discipline and manage the educational process; a trusting style of relationship between teacher and students is possible, which liberates students and helps

realize partnership relations and interest in carrying out this or that activity. The small class size allows for individual

approach to students. I have the opportunity to study the developmental characteristics, level of knowledge, skills, character traits, inclinations, interests of each student and at this

on a basis, outline the main directions of work with it: choose methods of development and training that best suit the characteristics of perception, memory, and psyche; educational techniques that deepen the positive qualities of the individual. At the same time, teaching a lesson in a class with a small number of students is very difficult: the level of learning is not high. Despite the conditions of almost individual learning, students quickly get tired and disconnect from their academic work. The reason is the increase in the number of acts of interaction: the teacher often addresses the student, and the student often responds. The teacher controls almost every action

student. All this leads to emotional overload. It is a consequence of increased hypercontrol on the part of the teacher over the activities of students. A small class size creates conditions not only for increased control, but also for the teacher to supervise the students. This leads to a lack of independent and educational underload of students. The effectiveness of the educational process is increased through the use of various forms of organizing training sessions.

ties and changes in the traditional lesson structure. As part of the lesson, it is advisable to shorten the stage of testing students' knowledge, strengthen its teaching function, and expand the stage of consolidating and applying knowledge.

In my work on computer science, I use the educational and methodological complex:

    Ugrinovich N.D. Informatics. Basic course: Textbook for 8th grade.

    Ugrinovich N.D. Informatics. Basic course: Textbook for 9th grade.

    Ugrinovich N.D. Computer science and information technology: Textbook for grades 10-11.

    Ugrinovich N.D. and others. Workshop on computer science and information technology: Textbook.

    Ugrinovich N.D. Teaching the course “Informatics and ICT” in primary and high schools: Methodical manual for teachers.

    Ugrinovich N.D. Teaching the course “Informatics and ICT” in primary and high schools (7-11): A manual for teachers.

    Windows- CD. Ugrinovich N.D. Computer workshop atCD- ROM.

    Ushakov D.M. Pascal for schoolchildren.

    Klevtsova S.B. etc. Basics of work inMSWORD , MSWINDOWS , MSEXCEL , MSACCESS.Training manual.

    L.A. Bachurina, L.V. Listrova, V.N. Nesterova, A.S. Protasov, V.G. Khlebostroev. Sample programs and educational thematic plans for computer science and ICT. Profile level.

    Lopushanskaya N.D. Algorithmization and programming in the basic course “Informatics and ICT”. Methodological recommendations.

    Chernov A.A. Notes of computer science lessons in grades 9-11. Programming workshop.

    Makarova N.V. Informatics. Workshop on information technology (grades 7-9).

    Krylov S.S. Informatics. Interactive problem book onCD- ROM .

This educational and methodological complex consists of textbooks that meet the minimum educational content and educational standards, and they are also approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Software package of Ugrinovich N.D. is a unified educational environment that contains almost everything necessary for preparing and conducting a lesson. Additional materials and tests to test your understanding of the material are available online. A very large selection of practical tasks of different levels. And this author reveals the theoretical material very well.

The topic of self-education is “Independent activity of students when teaching computer science.” I think this topic significant, as it improves the quality of knowledge acquired in computer science lessons. Working on the topic of self-education involves close cooperation with subject teachers. Together with them, you can select the right material for students’ independent work in order to achieve the desired results. I try to diversify the forms of the lesson so that students do not lose interest in the subject. Now computer science has universal applicability. Computer science is interesting, fascinating, and can bring pleasure. Computer science occupies one of the important places in school education. And the computer science program must be completed using all the flexibility and variety of methodological techniques. IN recent years In practice, the school has accumulated significant experience in differentiating forms of education. Using this differentiated approach, I try to identify children who are passionate about computer science, maintain their interest in the subject, and develop their computer science abilities. But weak children are not left without attention;

I provide tasks of appropriate complexity so that the child does not lose interest in learning. K.D. Ushinsky also said: “The educator should not forget that learning, devoid of any interest and taken only by force of coercion, kills the student’s desire to learn, without which he will not go far.” So I try to keep students interested in learning. And in order for them to learn willingly, it is also necessary that the task facing them be feasible. And if in a lesson I ensure that a student independently completes a task on a certain topic, then I feel satisfied.

I think that my task is completed. After all, if such a student memorizes the execution algorithm, then this does not lead to an increase in the quality of knowledge. Here they play a positive role required results training. After all, with their help, a differentiated approach to teaching is carried out, maximum consideration of the real capabilities of each student. There are students who know the rules, but cannot complete the tasks associated with them. And using the required learning outcomes creatively, taking into account the individual abilities of each student, I give students studying at '' 4 '' and '' 5 '' advanced tasks.

no difficulty. Thus, mandatory learning outcomes lead to an increase in the overall level of training of the class. The teacher needs to take into account the diverse interests and inclinations of schoolchildren, the differences in their life plans related to their future work activities, living conditions in society, and the possibility of further continuing their education.

My methodological work includes: work on the topic of self-education “Independent activity of students in teaching computer science”. I consider this topic relevant in our time, since independent activity of students is an integral part of

May be part of the educational process. It is one of the most accessible and proven ways to increase the effectiveness of a lesson and activate students in the lesson. An important task school is to instill in students the skills of independent activity. At the same time, you need to teach children to analyze their work, find and correct their mistakes and the mistakes of their comrades. This helps to improve specific educational skills.

I often offer children independent work in class. But before that, they work with ready-made algorithms for completing the task. Such algorithms help both in performing independent work and in home preparation. They contain all the key points of the topic being studied. I compose the first algorithms myself, and then I involve strong students in this. In the process of work, these students acquire a number of useful skills, for example, they learn to identify key questions in a read text, work on a book, and compose algorithms. Advanced teachers have always believed that in the classroom children should work as independently as possible, and the teacher should guide this independent work and provide material for it. I very often have to turn to all sorts of sources in order to learn new things for myself and apply them in my lessons. In our information age, many opportunities are open to an inquisitive teacher, and the task of any teacher is to keep up with the times.

I conduct annual open lessons in computer science, mathematics and physics, extracurricular activities within subject weeks. I am trying to diversify the forms of holding open events so that the children do not lose interest in the subjects and for their further involvement in the direct development of events.

Children are very interested in coming up with their own tasks and competitions.

The students really enjoyed the game ''Tic Tac Toe''. I take a variety of tasks for this game different subjects(computer science, mathematics, physics) and children have to remember various sciences. And for the younger children I conduct open events in a game form, where tasks correspond to the age factor. In high school, children are interested in participating in discussions on problematic issues from computer science. Nowadays there are many problematic issues and it is very interesting to hear children’s opinions on these issues.

In my practice I use diagnostic methods. Using these methods, you can check how a certain topic has been mastered, as well as diagnose some forms of work used in the lesson. For example, diagnostic sheets, diagnostic cards for the subject and other types of diagnostics.

Working as a teacher, I cook a lot didactic materials for students, and now on sale for teachers there is a large selection of teaching aids that can be reproduced using technical means. But there are topics on which, unfortunately, there are no materials and you have to look for tasks of varying degrees of complexity yourself and, thanks to the computer, tasks can be designed more aesthetically. For example, cards, tests, algorithms for performing specific tasks, etc.

I often involve students in scientific research work, where they solve physics problems in a computer science lesson.

In extracurricular activities, the children themselves offer their assistance in conducting them and take an active part. I am also the head of the “Computer and Me” club, where the guys also do research, work on projects, and develop various models.

The problem that a teacher always faces is to teach a child

and pass on to him the knowledge that the teacher has. But now children’s interest in school has dropped greatly. And my task is to make my lessons and extracurricular activities more exciting. To do this, you have to read a lot of different methodological literature. So I organized the “Computer and Me” club. His program is designed for 1 hour per week. The goal of the circle is to instill an interest in computer science, teach children to think, reason consistently, work with a computer, and listen to the opinions of their comrades in the process of discussing work. I take a lot of assignments for club members from additional literature. Children are very interested in solving problematic issues, which should, of course, be feasible.

There are still a lot of different problems, for example, a small number of hours to study a particular topic. To solve this problem, I try to distribute time in class as rationally as possible so that everyone understands the main essence of the topic and pins it on the computer. After all, if a child leaves a lesson dissatisfied, then next time he will lose interest, that is, I try to make the learning process comfortable. First of all, I create a business-like, calm atmosphere in the classroom. All students should be engaged in cognitive activities, which can be varied. There are a lot of ways and techniques for involving children in activities, but the positive learning results are determined mainly by how well the independent work of schoolchildren is organized.

In connection with the use of a large number of computers and multimedia devices in teaching children, the question arises: what impact do information and communication technologies have on the educational activities of schoolchildren? Before answering this question, it is necessary to find out what ICT is and what its means are used in education.



Positive and negative aspects of using information and communication technologies in education junior schoolchildren.

In the modern world we receive a large amount of information. In this regard, a person cannot do without the help of information technology. Our lives are increasingly filled with computers, and with them information technologies.

Modern education represents fluency in information technology, as a result of which the computer is perceived as one of the tools for implementing the educational process. Equipping schools with computers and purchasing software and methodological complexes for subjects make it possible to build the process of teaching lessons in a completely new way, making them more interesting, exciting, and varied. This facilitates the introduction of new pedagogical technologies into the educational process of the school. The computer can and should be used at all stages of training: preparation of classes, all stages of its implementation, consolidation and control of knowledge. The use of new information and multimedia technologies improves the quality of the educational process and also effectively influences cognitive activity students. Many authors consider the computer effective means intensifying learning. But meanwhile, the studies do not properly reflect the didactic and methodological aspects of using information and communication technologies to improve the level of cognitive interest younger schoolchildren.

In connection with the use of a large number of computers and multimedia devices in teaching children, the question arises: what impact do information and communication technologies have on the educational activities of schoolchildren? Before answering this question, it is necessary to find out what ICT is and what its means are used in education.

Information and communication technologies (ICT)- a set of technologies that ensure recording of information, its processing and information exchanges (transmission, distribution, disclosure).

Information Technology– these are methods and means of obtaining, transforming, transmitting, storing and using information.

Also under information technologyunderstand software, hardware and devices operating on the basis of microprocessor and computer technology, as well as modern means and information exchange systems that provide operations for collecting, producing, accumulating, storing, processing and transmitting information.

Currently, various means of information and communication technologies are used. The main ICT tool of any education system is the personal computer. Computer - a universal information processing device. Its capabilities are determined by the software installed on it, namely general purpose and hardware-related, information sources, virtual constructors, simulators, test tools, comprehensive training packages, information systems management.

IN modern systems In education, universal office application programs and ICT tools have become widespread: word processors, spreadsheets, presentation preparation programs, database management systems, organizers, graphics packages, etc.

Thanks to the emergence computer networks and other similar ICT means, education has acquired the ability to quickly receive information from anywhere globe. Through the global Internet, instant access to world information resources is possible, as well asCommon ICT tools are available, including e-mail, mailing lists, newsgroups, chat.

With the help of networked ICT tools, we have access to educational and methodological and scientific information, modeling research activities, conducting virtual training sessions V real mode time.

Information technologies are divided into three groups: saving, rationalizing and creating (creative) information technologies save labor, time and material resources (printer, scanner, copier).

The following hardware is widely used in schools:

Projector - radically increases the level of visibility in the teacher’s work, as well as allowing students to present the results of their work to the whole class.

Printer - allows you to record on paper information found and created by students or a teacher for students.

- telecommunications unit -provides access to Russian and global information resources, allows for distance learning, and correspondence with other schools.

- devices for entering text information and manipulating screen objects -keyboard and mouse (and various devices for similar purposes), as well as handwriting input devices. Appropriate devices play a special role for students with motor problems, for example, with cerebral palsy.

- devices for recording (inputting) visual and audio information(scanner, camera, video camera, audio and video recorder) - make it possible to directly include information images of the surrounding world in the educational process

- data logger(sensors with interfaces) - significantly expand the class of physical, chemical, biological, environmental processes included in education while reducing educational time spent on routine data processing

- computer controlled devices- provide an opportunity for students of various ability levels to master the principles and technologies of automatic control

- intra-class and intra-school networks- allow more efficient use of available information, technical and time (human) resources, provide general access to the global information network

Audio-video tools provide an effective communication environment for educational work and public events.

Information technologies can be classified according to their functional purpose. A. V. Dvoretskaya identifies the following types of information technologies: presentations, educational games and developmental programs, didactic materials, simulator programs, virtual experiment systems, electronic textbooks, electronic encyclopedias.

Presentations - This is the most common type of presentation demonstration materials. Presentations are electronic filmstrips, but, unlike conventional filmstrips, they can include animation, audio and video fragments, and elements of interactivity, that is, a reaction to user actions can be provided. Presentations are especially interesting because they can be created by any teacher who has access to a computer with minimal time. They are actively used to present student projects.

Educational games and educational programsaimed at preschoolers and primary schoolchildren. This type includes interactive programs with game scenario. By performing various tasks during the game, students develop fine motor skills, spatial imagination, logical thinking and perhaps gain additional keyboarding skills.

Didactic materials– collections of tasks, dictations, exercises, as well as examples of abstracts and essays presented in electronic form, in the form of a simple set of file texts.

Programs – simulators perform the function of didactic materials. Modern simulator programs can track the progress of the solution and report errors.

Virtual experiment systems– software systems that allow the student to conduct experiments that would be impossible for safety or financial reasons.

Electronic textbooks and training courses unite into one software package all or several of the types of training programs described above.

IN electronic encyclopediasthe functions of demo and reference materials. In accordance with their name, they are an electronic analogue of conventional reference and information publications. Unlike their paper counterparts, such encyclopedias have additional properties and capabilities: they support a convenient search system by keywords and concepts, a convenient navigation system based on hyperlinks, and the ability to include audio and video fragments.

All of the above ICT tools allow us to assess their role in achieving the goals of education for primary schoolchildren:

Information technologies complement the content and methodology of studying the material.

ICTs enable individual work both with students with learning difficulties and successful students. For example, each topic offers tasks of different difficulty levels.

Increased visibility. Moreover, visibility is more high level, since it is implemented using animation, sound, and video clips.

Visualization is the leading tool in teaching primary schoolchildren. Visual aids ensure the complete formation of any image or concept and thereby contribute to a more robust assimilation of knowledge and understanding of the connection scientific knowledge with life. Visibility helps students develop an emotional and evaluative attitude towards the knowledge being communicated, increases interest in knowledge, makes the process of assimilation easier, and maintains the child’s attention.

Information technologies perform a number of didactic functions: educational (formation of knowledge, skills and abilities that ensure the readiness of younger schoolchildren for further education), developmental (focused on the formation of the most important components of educational activity in the process of studying the surrounding world), educational (determines the possibility of forming correct relationships with the surrounding world).

The use of modern ICT tools in all forms of education can lead to a number of negative consequences, including a number of negative factors of a psychological and pedagogical nature, as well as negative influence ICT tools on the physiological state and health of primary schoolchildren.

In particular, the individual method of learning has major disadvantages associated with total individualization. Lively dialogical communication between participants in the educational process disappears.

The use of information resources published on the Internet often leads to negative consequences. To save effort, students: borrow ready-made projects, essays, and problem solving from the Internet, which has become a common fact today and does not contribute to increasing the effectiveness of teaching and education.

Children have difficulty transitioning from information circulating in the educational system to independent actions, that is, from the sign system as a form of knowledge representation on the pages of a textbook, display screen, etc. to a system of practical actions that have a fundamentally different logic than the logic of organizing a system of signs. Children develop stereotyped thinking, a lack of initiative towards activities, etc.

Extensive and unjustified use of information technology also has a negative impact on the health of younger schoolchildren. Due to the colossal amount of information presented by some means of information, the student’s attention is distracted.

One of the manifestations of the negative impact of ICT on the personality of schoolchildren is negative deviant behavior. “Deviant (deviant) behavior is the behavior of an individual or group that does not correspond to generally accepted norms, as a result of which these norms are violated by them.” Under negative deviant behavior in the field computer technology we understand the conscious or unconscious use of ICT to carry out certain influences aimed at causing moral, physical or economic harm to organizations or individuals.

Negative deviant behavior of schoolchildren in the field of ICT subsequently affects the lack of control over their actions and lack of responsibility for their actions. Manifestations of negative deviant behavior may be the result of negligence, moral immaturity, indifference, lack of curiosity.

Thus, having considered the features of the introduction of information technologies into the educational process and their impact on the quality of students’ knowledge, it allows us to understand that information and communication technologies have both positive and negative impact for primary school students.


  1. Dvoretskaya A.V., Basic types of computer teaching aids. [Text] / A.V. Dvoretskaya, 2006. – 159 p.
  2. Volkova S.I., Stolyarova N.N. Development cognitive abilities children in mathematics lessons [Text] / Volkova S.I., Primary school. - 1990 - №7, 1991 - №7. 1992 -№7.8, 1993- №7
  3. Semenov L.A., “The concept of computer science in general education» [ electronic resource] / http://textbook.keldysh.ru/informat/part3.htm