Presentation "Professional development of teachers" on pedagogy - project, report. Professional development of a teacher is an urgent problem in the development of modern society Professional competence of a teacher

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Presentation on the topic " Professional development teachers" can be downloaded absolutely free on our website. Subject of the project: Pedagogy. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you interest your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 16 slide(s).

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development of their value orientations, motives and professional needs, as well as professional knowledge, skills and personal qualities, the most significant for the teaching profession.

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Monitoring the quality of professional and personal abilities of a teacher

Differentiation of teachers by degree professional excellence

Selection of forms methodological work

Forms of work frontal subgroup Individual

Advanced training courses Teacher councils Seminars Teacher hours Consultations Reviews competitions Business games Trainings Pedagogical discussions Open classes"Educational salon"

City competitions Creative associations“School of a young teacher” PMPk Expert council Methodological council Certification commission Exchange of work experience Methodological associations specialists.

Regional competitions Training in educational institutions Certification Generalization of work experience Self-education Speaking to an audience Mentoring

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Preschool educational institutions are planned in accordance with the annual tasks implemented in the preschool educational institution. The criteria for the competition are developed by the methodological council, a creative group of teachers, or a jury is selected. After the competition and summing up the results, the administration of the preschool educational institution awards the winners.

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"Educational salon"

This form of work can be called the “Pedagogical Living Room”. Its goal: increasing the socio-psychological culture of the teacher, acquaintance with universal and national culture and personal development of teachers. The topic of meetings in the Educational Salon is determined by the results of a survey of teachers at the end academic year. Each teacher indicates the topic of his speech in the “salon” in the questionnaire.

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Young teacher school

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Creative groups of teachers

These are associations of a small number of teachers (depending on the purpose of the association) for the purpose of professional growth and exchange of experience. The main condition for the work of teachers is equality of opportunity. Groups are created to find a way to solve a problem that has arisen in educational process, which can be solved by modernizing the work plan or developing new technology. This form of work is characterized by a union of experienced teachers. The duration of the microgroup's existence depends on the fulfillment of the goal. The recommended category of teachers for this group is innovative teachers, experienced teachers.

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Methodological associations of specialists

Preschool educational institutions specialists improve their skill level by creating and visiting methodological associations. The head of the methodological association draws up a work plan. At their meetings, specialists share their work experience and solve problems related to the peculiarities of their work.

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Generalization of work experience

The topic of the work experience is usually determined by the teacher’s interest in the types of activities the children are doing. The teacher chooses priority direction in working with children and conducting diagnostics. Then the relevant literature is selected, long-term plans By working in-depth with children in this direction, an appropriate developmental environment is built in the group. Then material on this issue is accumulated, including work with children, parents, and interaction with society. Last stage work - registration of your experience, which has certain requirements.

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Requirements for registration of work experience as a teacher

Explanatory note explaining the relevance. The purpose and objectives of work experience, its stages. The result of the experience. Diagnostic material. Long-term planning. Lesson notes. Material on working with parents. Material on interaction with preschool education specialists. Photographic material. List of used literature. Work experience can later become an original program or technology developed by a teacher. It can serve as a basis for improving the qualifications of the teacher category.

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Expert advice

This is an association of teachers with high level qualifications. Expertise is the study and resolution of any issue that requires special knowledge. Created on the initiative of the administration to develop a fundamental document (program development of preschool educational institutions or the provisions of the DOU). Therefore, members of the expert council must master methods of classification, systematization, comparison, and generalization. Work in expert council requires good preparation of its participants, the ability to formulate goals and objectives. The council is created while the task is being resolved.

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PMPk is a psychological, medical and pedagogical council. It is being created in a preschool educational institution with the aim of providing diagnostic and correctional psychological, medical and pedagogical support for students with developmental disabilities. The PMPK includes: the head of the preschool educational institution, who heads its work, a senior educator, a psychologist, a nurse, preschool educational institution specialists and educators with extensive experience. Members of this council must be fluent developmental psychology and correctional pedagogy in order to notice deviations in the child’s development in time and draw up a program for his individual development.

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Certification Commission

The certification commission, headed by the head of the institution, includes experienced teachers. They take part in meetings of the commission for certification of teachers for the second qualification category. Teachers study the work experience of the person being certified, help in its preparation, and attend classes of candidates for certification.

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Teaching hours

Teaching hour is one of the forms of advanced training for teachers. Teaching hours are informational and thematic. At information pedagogical hours, information is provided or information is exchanged between teachers on some issue that has arisen that requires an immediate solution. A thematic teaching hour is dedicated to a specific topic. Usually at such teaching hours there is preparation for a thematic teacher council.

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Refresher courses

This is one of traditional forms work to improve professional skills. Organized by the Education Department, which enters into an agreement with the Institute for Advanced Studies. Every teacher takes such courses once every five years. At the end of the course there is an exam or defense creative work. The teacher receives a certificate of completion of advanced training courses.

  • Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional interesting facts, you don’t need to just read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
  • There is no need to overload the slides of your project with text blocks; more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. The slide should contain only key information; the rest is best told to the audience orally.
  • The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information being presented, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to at least make out something, or will completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  • It is important to rehearse your report, think about how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, and how you will end the presentation. Everything comes with experience.
  • Choose the right outfit, because... The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  • Try to speak confidently, smoothly and coherently.
  • Try to enjoy the performance, then you will be more relaxed and less nervous.
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    development of their value orientations, motives and professional needs, as well as professional knowledge, skills and personal qualities that are most significant for the teaching profession.

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    Monitoring the quality of professional and personal abilities of a teacher Differentiation of teachers by degree of professional skill Selection of forms of methodological work Forms of work frontal subgroup Individual Advanced training courses Teachers' councils Seminars Teaching hours Consultations Reviews competitions Business games Trainings Pedagogical discussions Open classes "Educational salon" City competitions Creative associations "School of a young teacher" PMPk Expert council Methodological council Certification commission Exchange of work experience Methodological associations of specialists. Regional competitions Training in educational institutions Certification Generalization of work experience Self-education Speaking in front of an audience Mentoring

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    Preschool educational institutions are planned in accordance with the annual tasks implemented in the preschool educational institution. The criteria for the competition are developed by the methodological council, a creative group of teachers, or a jury is selected. After the competition and summing up the results, the administration of the preschool educational institution awards the winners.

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    "Educational salon"

    This form of work can be called the “Pedagogical Living Room”. Its goal: increasing the socio-psychological culture of the teacher, acquaintance with universal and national culture and personal development of teachers. The topic of meetings in the Educational Salon is determined by the results of a survey of teachers at the end of the school year. Each teacher indicates the topic of his speech in the “salon” in the questionnaire.

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    Young teacher school

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    Creative groups of teachers

    These are associations of a small number of teachers (depending on the purpose of the association) for the purpose of professional growth and exchange of experience. The main condition for the work of teachers is equality of opportunity. Groups are created to find a way to solve a problem that has arisen in the educational process, which can be solved by modernizing the work plan or developing new technology. This form of work is characterized by a union of experienced teachers. The duration of the microgroup's existence depends on the fulfillment of the goal. The recommended category of teachers for this group is innovative teachers, experienced teachers.

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    Methodological associations of specialists

    Preschool educational institutions specialists improve their skill level by creating and visiting methodological associations. The head of the methodological association draws up a work plan. At their meetings, specialists share their work experience and solve problems related to the peculiarities of their work.

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    Generalization of work experience

    The topic of the work experience is usually determined by the teacher’s interest in the types of activities the children are doing. The teacher chooses a priority direction in working with children and conducts diagnostics. Then the appropriate literature is selected, long-term plans are drawn up for in-depth work with children in this direction, and an appropriate developmental environment is built in the group. Then material on this issue is accumulated, including work with children, parents, and interaction with society. The last stage of work is the design of your experience, which has certain requirements.

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    Requirements for registration of work experience as a teacher

    Explanatory note explaining the relevance. The purpose and objectives of work experience, its stages. The result of the experience. Diagnostic material. Long-term planning. Lesson notes. Material on working with parents. Material on interaction with preschool education specialists. Photographic material. List of used literature. Work experience can later become an original program or technology developed by a teacher. It can serve as a basis for improving the qualifications of the teacher category.

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    This is an association of teachers with a high level of qualifications. Expertise is the study and resolution of any issue that requires special knowledge. Created at the initiative of the administration to develop a fundamental document (preschool development program or preschool regulations). Therefore, members of the expert council must master methods of classification, systematization, comparison, and generalization. Working on an expert council requires good preparation of its participants and the ability to formulate goals and objectives. The council is created while the task is being resolved.

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    PMPk is a psychological, medical and pedagogical council. It is being created in a preschool educational institution with the aim of providing diagnostic and correctional psychological, medical and pedagogical support for students with developmental disabilities. The PMPK includes: the head of the preschool educational institution, who heads its work, a senior educator, a psychologist, a nurse, preschool educational institution specialists and educators with extensive experience. Members of this council must have a good command of developmental psychology and correctional pedagogy in order to promptly notice deviations in the child’s development and draw up a program for his individual development.

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    Certification Commission

    The certification commission, headed by the head of the institution, includes experienced teachers. They take part in meetings of the commission for certification of teachers for the second qualification category. Teachers study the work experience of the person being certified, help in its preparation, and attend classes of candidates for certification.

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    Teaching hours

    Teaching hour is one of the forms of advanced training for teachers. Teaching hours are informational and thematic. At information pedagogical hours, information is provided or information is exchanged between teachers on some issue that has arisen that requires an immediate solution. A thematic teaching hour is dedicated to a specific topic. Usually at such teaching hours there is preparation for a thematic teacher council.

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    Refresher courses

    This is one of the traditional forms of work to improve professional skills. Organized by the Education Department, which enters into an agreement with the Institute for Advanced Studies. Every teacher takes such courses once every five years. At the end of the course, an exam is taken or a creative work is defended. The teacher receives a certificate of completion of advanced training courses.

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    Plan - schedule for improving the skills of teachers

    * - certification K - certification improvement courses O - generalization of work experience U - study at a university ◊ - teachers' council ∆ - seminar! – work in creative group+ - school for a young teacher Ω - work on the methodological council ∆ - reviews and competitions ** - work on the certification commission § - mentoring!! – open demonstrations of classes

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    Professional growth of a teacher is the goal and process of a teacher acquiring knowledge, skills, and methods of activity that allow him, not just in any way, but in an optimal way to realize his purpose, to solve the tasks facing him in training, education, development, socialization and preserving the health of schoolchildren.

    Professional growth of a teacher is an independent or someone-controlled at the rational (conscious) or intuitive levels “overgrowth” of a variety of stereotypes, social attitudes, knowledge, skills, methods of activity necessary to solve pedagogical tasks and situations. A teacher’s professional growth is an independent or someone-controlled on a rational (conscious) or intuitive level “overgrowth” of a variety of stereotypes, social attitudes, knowledge, skills, methods of activity necessary for solving pedagogical problems and situations. A.V. Mudrik, professor, corresponding member of RAO A.V. Mudrik, professor, corresponding member of RAO

    The professional growth of a teacher is, on the one hand, spontaneous, on the other hand, a purposeful, always author-personal self-construction of the teacher himself as a professional from: - internal qualities: genetically predetermined pedagogical inclinations, natural physicality (appearance, health), temperament, ethnicity, character, interests, beliefs, worldview, professed values; - external sources by choosing from the following: scientific knowledge, teaching experience, cultural heritage, etc. Ph.D. M.V. Leviticus

    Professional growth of a teacher is carried out in two ways: - through self-education; - through the conscious, necessarily voluntary participation of the teacher in events organized by the school or methodological center, which are collectively called “methodological work”.

    Expanding cultural horizons, developing intelligence; ideological training of teachers; defectological training of teachers; private methodological training of teachers; development of artistry, pedagogical technique, performing skills; didactic teacher training; educational training of teachers; psychological training of teachers; teacher training in the field of information and communication technologies.

    Worldview training for teachers is absolutely necessary to the modern teacher to answer both yourself and your children complex questions related to the challenges of the time. Without ideological axiological training, it is impossible for a teacher to develop a balanced, correct, civilized attitude towards religion, towards national question, to tolerance, to the inviolability of private property, to wealth, to social and equal justice, etc.

    Development of artistry, pedagogical technique, and performing skills Teachers who are afraid of “acting” are doomed to vegetate on the sidelines of pedagogy. You need to learn acting techniques: enter the classroom, move around the classroom, give lines, leave the classroom, be able to pause, influence children with facial expressions, gestures, glances, sit down gracefully, stand up, turn, change the intonation of your voice, etc.

    Didactic training of teachers Teaching theory is an area of ​​scientific and pedagogical knowledge called didactics. We recommend starting with the books of A.V. Khutorsky: 1) Modern didactics. - M., 2001,) Methodology of person-centered training (how to teach everyone differently). -M., 2005.
    Psychological training of teachers: -the appearance of the teacher; - bright, spelling literate, figurative speech, enriched with a variety of intonations, facial expressions, gestures, manners, gait, sense of humor, etc. are the components of the image. -emotions; -talent as a communicator; -charm; - ability to write and read poetry; -sing, draw, dance; -knowledge of science and art, etc.
    Literature used: 1) M.M. Potashnik “Management of professional growth of teachers in modern school» 2) Potashnik M.M., Levit M.V. "How to prepare and conduct open lesson» 3) Potashnik M.M. "Requirements for modern lesson» 4) Khutorsky A.V. Modern didactics. - M., 2001,) Methodology of person-centered training (how to teach everyone differently). -M., 2005.

    The professional growth of a teacher is an “increase” in the diversity of stereotypes, social attitudes, knowledge, skills, and methods of activity necessary to solve pedagogical problems and situations, independently and/or controlled by someone at a rational (conscious) and/or intuitive levels. The professional growth of a teacher is, on the one hand, spontaneous, on the other hand, purposeful, always the author’s personal self-construction of the teacher himself as a professional from internal qualities and external sources. The professional growth of a teacher is the teacher’s inescapable desire for self-improvement, which is based on the natural need for creativity in working with children. The professional growth of a teacher is the goal and process of acquiring knowledge, skills, and methods of activity by a teacher that allow him, not in any way, but in an optimal way to realize his purpose, to solve the tasks facing him in training, education, development, socialization and preserving the health of students. M.M.Potashnik. A.V.Mudrik. M.V. Levit. E.A. Yamburg.

    Slide 13 from the presentation “Working with teachers in preschool educational institutions” for preschool education lessons on the topic “Preschool teacher”

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    Preschool teacher

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    “Functions of preschool educational institutions teachers” - Calendar plan. Distant prospect. Formation of a stable system of value orientations. Research function. Musical education. Developmental function. The functions of the music director and teacher are separated. Supervisor. Planning. Perspective and calendar plans are closely interconnected.