Presentation as a gift for primary school graduates. Goodbye elementary school! Presentation Templates

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Abstract for the presentation

The presentation "Graduation in elementary school" was prepared for the graduation party after children graduate from elementary school. The slides contain the main information on the achievements of primary school students; the main scenario of the holiday is contained in the presentation notes.

  • 4th grade;
  • Achievements of students during their years of study in primary school;
  • Game "Wheel of History";
  • Graduate Care Policy;
  • Fifth grader's oath.


    pptx (powerpoint)

    Number of slides

    Chernikova I.V.






    • To conduct a lesson by a teacher

Slide 1

Slide 2

Introducing our 4A class!

  • Nimble, sporty.
  • Brave, active.
  • Smart, inquisitive, generally attractive!
  • All are smart and beautiful.
  • Crafty, happy.
  • Slide 3

    4 "A" class is

    • Small but friendly team.
    • Those who like to talk to their neighbor.
    • Let's get down to business - things won't go well.
    • Cheerful bunch of guys
    • Headache Irina Vasilievna.
    • Middle age- 10 years, and total - over 150.
    • Favorite day of the week is Sunday.
    • Favorite subject...
    • Favorite writer...
    • Favorite show...
  • Slide 4

    We went through four classes - we calculated everything, took everything into account!

    • Over 4 years we had 3789 lessons.
    • We leafed through 5987 pages of textbooks on them.
    • The journey to school and back was 100,002 km.
    • We wrote and chewed on 170 and a half pens.
    • Lost six dozen erasers.
    • We ate two tons of baked goods.
    • We drank 1020 glasses of juice and compote.
    • 21 buckets of cocoa and coffee drinks were thrown into waste.
    • They grew by 1357 cm.
    • We gained 187 kilograms and now weigh about half a ton.
    • If we add all the textbooks that we have studied for 4 years into one line, then its length will be equal to the distance to the Moon and way back to Earth!
    • Well, we quarreled a couple of times and fought once.
  • Slide 5

    Lesson "Wheel of History"

    1. What year did you start 1st grade?
      • your own option
    2. What is the name of your first teacher?
      • Vasilisa the Beautiful
      • Varvara-beautiful
      • Baba Yaga
      • your own option
    3. How to turn a preschooler into a schoolchild?
      • using a briefcase
      • cross out the letters D and O
      • with a magic wand
      • your own option
    4. What is the name of the lesson where you learned to write?
      • calligraphy
      • letter
      • Russian language
      • your own option
    5. How many students did you have in first grade?
      • your own option
    6. Who was the best student in the class?
      • Alyosha
      • Kirill
      • your own option
  • Slide 6

    Graduate Care Rules

    • It is not recommended to “wash” this product.
    • Petting is allowed, and as often as possible, without paying attention to his behavior.
    • It is recommended to use the “Graduate” product only for its intended purpose: to feed, water, walk, entertain and let you sleep off after four years lack of sleep and other discomforts school life.
    • If you do not handle the “Graduate” product with care, it may become damaged. From anger and resentment, his face will turn red, his lips will tremble, and the product will lose its original attractiveness.
  • Slide 7

    "Fifth Grader's Oath"

    • Entering the ranks of secondary school students, in the face of my comrades, in the face of my parents - martyrs, in the face of teachers - workers, I solemnly swear:
    • Stand at the board like the best goalkeeper, not letting a single question pass by, even the most difficult and tricky one.
    • Do not bring teachers to a boiling point of 100 degrees.
    • Be fast and swift, but not exceed a speed of 60 km/h when moving along school corridors.
    • It is not the veins to be pulled out of teachers, it is not the sweat that is squeezed out, but solid and strong knowledge and skills.
    • Be worthy of your teachers.
  • Slide 8

    The cheerful bell is ringing,
    We're going to fifth grade
    Thank you, beginners,
    We won't forget you.

    View all slides


    « Fairy tale about childhood."

    ACTION 1.
    At a crossroads.

    1st rider: He goes right - home.
    2nd rider: He goes left - to first class.
    3rd rider: Goes straight.
    ACTION 2.
    In first grade.
    A fragment of the melody “The clock is striking on the old tower” plays.

    First grader 1:
    First grader 2: (Terrible.)(Pityingly).
    2nd rider:

    Student 1:

    Student 2:

    We sat down at the desk for the first time.
    Student 3:

    And a big noisy family
    New girlfriends and friends.
    Student 4:

    First grader 1: The first class will not be repeated,
    My soul suddenly felt empty.
    It's time for you to say goodbye,
    And there is a reason for sadness
    First grader 2: We are the ones who will replace
    To the best first class!
    We are a worthy replacement
    Together: And we won't let you down!
    Student 5:

    Student 6:
    Student 7:
    Student 8:
    Student 9:
    Student 10: There are two Katyushas in our class,
    Yana, Anechka, Andryusha,
    Nastya, Yura and Maxim,
    Gayane and Konstantin,
    There are Alesya and Christina,
    Alexandra and Amina,
    Daniel is and Angela,
    And Artyom and Anahit,
    Gagik, Sasha and Nanulya,
    Alexey and Vika are
    Look, we're all here!
    2nd rider:


    From a briefcase? From the first call?
    From a piece of white crayon?

    From the first school break?

    From an album, paints, a diary?
    From the board and desk?
    From the ABC book!

    The guests answer no.
    Student 11: First grade reads the ABC book,
    Fifth grade runs to the gym

    Someone writes, someone jumps,
    Someone bit off the globe.

    Teacher: Diligent and diligent,
    Lazy and dreamy
    Thin and well-fed,
    Loose and well-mannered.
    As soon as the bell rings -
    They are running to class. Who is this?
    Children: Students
    Teacher: (continues the riddle)
    During recess they stand on their ears.

    Children: Students
    Teacher: What do the students do?
    Children: They are studying.

    We are funny guys
    We'll sing ditties for you,
    Like in your favorite school
    We live wonderfully.
    Sasha was late for school
    But he didn’t say that he overslept,
    Just now, as luck would have it,
    It bloomed too late.
    Trained monkeys
    Nastya saw
    And today all the boys
    She trained.
    Once upon a time, Katya's teacher
    Explained that knowledge is light,
    Katya went to bed in the light,
    And I woke up - there was no knowledge.
    Vika finished her business
    Today ahead of schedule:
    Braided two braids
    In just two lessons.
    I learned to distinguish
    Dollars and lira.
    Apparently I need to go
    To big bankers.

    And the change is so big
    That any transformations happen...
    Where Danil and Sashka were,
    Ninja turtles are jumping.
    Someone came out from behind the closet,
    It turned out to be Bruce Willis.

    Then on the mission Leshka - Walker.

    Where are the directors? What are they waiting for?

    Doctors and lawyers
    Agronomists and comedians,
    Bankers and diplomats
    Artists and deputies,
    Actors and businessmen
    Geologists and supermen,
    Bakers and confectioners,
    Military and construction workers
    Presidents and programmers,
    Housewives and tourists...
    WHO IS THIS..? Teacher


    The class in which there is a teacher is rich,


    Hello-hello! Hello guys
    I miss you here,
    Tell me how are you doing
    And what will you please us with?
    Children: Well, things are going well,
    Perhaps even good.

    After all, a pot fell from the wall.
    Hello, hello, I don't understand
    What does it have to do with the cone and the pot.
    Say it so it's clear
    What happened there?
    The flower fell from the wall.
    He hit Alyosha on the back of the head.
    Oh, you better not worry.
    I don’t understand at all
    What is our conversation about?

    After all, change is still happening!
    Children: We will explain everything to you now
    And we will give an explanation:
    The fourth “A” taught, crammed,
    But it was beyond my strength.
    And we decided to rest
    Listen to music a little.
    Maxim turned on his receiver,
    And there hard rock was screaming.
    The girls all started dancing
    It couldn't have happened without us.
    The fourth "B" came running to us,
    Yelling and jumping helped.
    Even though our school is new,
    But the wall collapsed that hour.
    A flower fell from the wall,
    Alyoshka was hit by that pot.

    Everything is fine, everything is fine!
    Student 5: Teacher! He's always on the road -
    In worries, searches, anxiety -
    And there is never peace.
    Everyone needs to give the correct answer.
    Student 6:

    Intertwined with his fate.

    Teacher's happiness is formed
    from our student victories.

    And they rejoice every time for those

    Don't you dare forget your teachers.

    Russia is famous for its teachers.
    The disciples bring glory to her.
    Don't you dare forget your teachers.
    Student 7: You were very strict
    When you taught us.
    And a lot these years
    You did for us:
    You taught us to think.
    The world of creativity has been opened.
    It's great that you're happy
    We learned from you.
    Student 7: If I were a minister
    All primary and secondary schools,
    I would be in schools very quickly
    Removed the “count” rating.
    At your disposal
    I would attribute the words
    What else will I destroy?
    Subject to a rating of two.
    And then, after thinking for a night
    From dawn to dawn,
    I would tell you without delay
    Eliminate the “three” rating.
    So that learning is not a torment.
    So as not to upset mothers,
    To learn with pleasure
    On "four" and "five"!
    "Song about one."

    In the young month of April
    A crayfish woke up in the river.
    We didn't want to study
    We did some work.
    Everything in the world is forgotten,
    We go for a walk in the morning.
    The wind is blowing in my head,
    And we want a rating of “5”,
    But most powerful in the world
    We love the “5” rating.
    Soaring like birds
    Knowing no barriers,
    Units in the notebook
    They fly, they fly, they fly.
    Only a few come to us again
    They fly, they fly, they fly.
    Presentation of certificates and diplomas.
    A fragment of the melody “The clock is striking on the old tower” plays.

    Teacher: Stop! Stop where you're going!
    Rider 1: Where, where. Home!
    Teacher: Who's waiting for you there?
    Rider 1: Who, who. Parents!
    Rider 1:

    Two students read poetry.
    O faith of our mothers,
    Forever knowing no limits,
    Holy, reverent faith,
    We are growing children.
    She is like light in a birch forest,
    Nothing in the world can erase:
    Not a “one” in the diary,
    Nor the angry complaints of the neighbors.
    Mothers are such a people -

    And again they believe, believe, believe.
    This is what mothers believe -
    Demanding and patient.
    And they are not loud
    They don't think it's a wonder.
    I just don’t care about the year
    Their faith is reverent and tender.
    But we don’t always
    We justify their hopes.
    Student: Just yesterday we were kids,

    And we promise not to let you down.
    Student: Dear mothers, dear fathers!

    We are grateful to you with all our hearts.
    Student: Mothers, dear kind mothers,

    We are always ready to help everyone.

    We gained knowledge and grew.

    You helped us manage everything.
    All children (in unison): Thank you!

    What's at the stove - young granny


    Golden wedding.

    Grandmother next to grandfather

    Grandmother next to grandfather
    They sing this song together.
    Grandmother next to grandfather
    They sing this song together.
    Grandmother next to grandfather
    Bride and groom again.
    Have been in love with this couple since childhood
    Moms, dads and of course us.
    Very strong grandfather dancer,

    The chorus is the same.

    We wish them a young life
    Raising the mugs high

    The chorus is the same.
    Parent: What good children have grown up!
    Their faces are amazingly clear.

    A fragment of the melody “The clock is striking on the old tower” plays.
    Rider 3 rides onto the stage.
    Rider 3:

    Rider 3:
    Rider 3:(Addresses children)

    Student: I don't know everything about life yet
    I didn’t get to all the primers,
    But I definitely wish you one thing:
    Remember your teachers.
    You will become loud and high,
    But even after many years

    Student: What do we know about you teachers?
    Strict, tired at times,
    What did we pay you for these
    Selfless thoughts about us.

    Cats were brought from the yard,
    We even shouted shamelessly,
    If you get sick, “Hurray!”
    Have we really thought about it?
    Why, having forgotten about the diaries,
    You suddenly fell silent near the windows


    Evening, graduation...
    Yes and more than once
    Guests noticed similarities
    With one of our parents.
    And then over time, later,

    The best lines are similar
    We all rely on our teachers.


    Children take an oath:

    We swear!
    We swear!
    We swear!
    We swear!
    Swim only “good” and “excellent” in the sea of ​​knowledge, diving to the very depths. We swear!
    We swear! We swear! We swear!
    We are parting, alas, forever.

    Will high school Then.

    The years will fly by in an instant.
    But we won’t forget the “beginning”,

    Student: There will be many different items,
    There will be different teachers
    But will remain in memory forever
    The one who taught me first.

    Always helped us in life

    This was my second mother.




    Student: Thanks to everyone who taught us.

    To praise or scold,

    Who fed and protected us,
    He smeared the bruises and bandaged them.
    To whom were we skipping?
    Take the book you need for the lesson.
    Student: Who washed after us, swept,

    It leaves everyone forever.

    Student: Thank you for your kind attention

    For everything you taught us.

    Student: Goodbye, goodbye
    Our dear fourth grade,
    Parting is coming -
    We are releasing now.
    We are sad and sad
    But sometimes it’s also joyful -
    We've grown up, we've grown wiser -
    Fifth grade is on the horizon.
    We don't understand yet
    What are we losing today?
    Your childhood years
    We are losing forever.
    And today - goodbye
    Our native fourth grade.

    "Friends are breaking up."
    The corridors are getting quieter
    You can even hear the beating of hearts,
    Goodbye primary school,

    Remembering happy days
    How did we come here as kids?
    And how we left you.
    Friends break up
    Tenderness remains in the heart.
    Let's take care of our friendship
    Goodbye, see you again.

    And they led the way of knowledge.

    Here we made discoveries.

    We will come running to you more than once.

    We are the only ones like you.

    Graduation party in elementary school"A magical tale about childhood."
    A fragment of the melody “The clock is striking on the old tower” plays.
    On the stage there is a pillar on a pillar with the inscription:
    “If you go right, you’ll get home!”
    “If you go left, you’ll get into first grade!”
    “If you go straight, you will find happiness!”
    ACTION 1.
    At a crossroads.
    Three riders on horses ride onto the stage. They drive up to the stone and think out loud.
    1st rider: Where should we go? Don't even know. But I know one thing for sure - no matter where you go, home is always better! He goes right - home.
    2nd rider: I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t like sitting at home. Either teach your homework, or help mom and dad, neither shout nor run - Boredom! But at school I can do anything, and even in the first grade they don’t assign homework. He goes left - to first class.
    3rd rider: God bless! We parted ways. They annoyed me with their questions. Tired to death. I know exactly where to go. Where they are not, there is happiness. Goes straight.
    ACTION 2.
    In first grade.
    A fragment of the melody “The clock is striking on the old tower” plays.
    A horseman rides in. He is greeted by future first-graders with a bell.
    First grader 1: Why did you come here? Look how big you are. This is no place for you.
    First grader 2: True, true. Come on, let's get out of here. (Terrible.) Or maybe they kept you for a second year? (Pityingly).
    2nd rider: Not really! I, too, was once in first grade. I decided to remember how it all began.
    The girls ring the bell and run away.
    Student 1 goes on stage with his mother, and his mother passes his hand to the teacher.
    Student 1: Do you remember there was a sea of ​​colors and sounds around,
    The Teacher took your hand from your mother’s warm hands.
    Teacher: The hand was small, timid, inept, not like it is now.
    Student 2: We were all funny kids
    When you first entered the school classroom.
    And, having received a notebook with pencils,
    We sat down at the desk for the first time.
    Student 3: How the teacher greeted me at the door,
    Our faithful friend for many days,
    And a big noisy family
    New girlfriends and friends.
    Student 4: We remember that cheerful call,
    What rang for us for the first time,
    When we entered the school with flowers,
    To your very best first class.
    Future first-graders come on stage and give the bell.
    First grader 1: The first class will not be repeated,
    My soul suddenly felt empty.
    It's time for you to say goodbye,
    And there is a reason for sadness
    First grader 2: We are the ones who will replace
    To the best first class!
    We are a worthy replacement
    Together: And we won't let you down!
    Teacher: You have filled up more than one notebook during your 4 years of study. And we started with copybooks. Oh, how difficult it was, the hand did not obey, the copybook did not lie correctly on the desk. They sniffled, puffed, cried, but they tried and, nothing, they learned.
    Student 5: Help out the wands, help out the wands!
    Get in order, in my first notebook!
    Don’t go beyond the line, keep everyone’s back straight!
    Why don't you listen? Why are you studying poorly?
    Why are you standing there at random? I got it for you again!
    But my teacher doesn’t know, and even my mother doesn’t know,
    How difficult it is to teach you to stand up straight.
    Student 6: Yes, it was difficult to begin with, but now everything is behind us and we can handle any task.
    Student 7: All this is good, but what interesting things can we tell about our class?
    Student 8: Our class is the nicest, the friendliest, the most beloved... for me. And for you, I hope, too.
    Student 9: Yes, but in our school there are two such classes. How are we different?
    Student 10: There are two Katyushas in our class,
    Yana, Anechka, Andryusha,
    Nastya, Yura and Maxim,
    Gayane and Konstantin,
    There are Alesya and Christina,
    Alexandra and Amina,
    Daniel is and Angela,
    And Artyom and Anahit,
    Gagik, Sasha and Nanulya,
    Alexey and Vika are
    Look, we're all here!
    2nd rider: Great! I remember it all. And what holidays we organized! What songs they sang! And our girls dance so well! One day in the autumn such a dance was danced, the show ballet “Todes” was resting. You don't believe me? Girls, show them what you are capable of!
    Dance "After the Ball" Spanish. D. Malikov.
    Teacher: Do you know what school is?
    School. This word has become near and dear to us. Where does it begin?
    From a briefcase? From the first call?
    From a piece of white crayon?
    From the first letter? From the first assessment?
    From the first school break?
    Or maybe from the first sheet of notebook?
    From an album, paints, a diary?
    From the board and desk?
    From the ABC book!
    Why - I don’t know exactly, but I only know when: always at the beginning of September!
    Teacher: Do you, dear guests, know what is happening at our school?
    The guests answer no.
    Student 11: First grade reads the ABC book,
    Fifth grade runs to the gym
    And the tenth one splits the magazine into molecules.
    Someone writes, someone jumps,
    Someone bit off the globe.
    And the teacher is almost crying, poor thing, he’s exhausted.
    Teacher: Diligent and diligent,
    Lazy and dreamy
    Thin and well-fed,
    Loose and well-mannered.
    As soon as the bell rings -
    They are running to class. Who is this?
    Children: Students
    Teacher: Or maybe it's the teachers? Let's clarify (continues the riddle)
    During recess they stand on their ears.
    They climb on desks. They beat on the doors.
    Howl and moan, squeal and moo,
    Like a whole herd of cheerful calves.
    Children: Students
    Teacher: What do the students do?
    Children: They are studying.
    Teacher: How they are doing in this process, they will tell themselves.
    Children sing ditties about school.
    We are funny guys
    We'll sing ditties for you,
    Like in your favorite school
    We live wonderfully.
    Sasha was late for school
    But he didn’t say that he overslept,
    Just now, as luck would have it,
    It bloomed too late.
    Trained monkeys
    Nastya saw
    And today all the boys
    She trained.
    Once upon a time, Katya's teacher
    Explained that knowledge is light,
    Katya went to bed in the light,
    And I woke up - there was no knowledge.
    Vika finished her business
    Today ahead of schedule:
    Braided two braids
    In just two lessons.
    I learned to distinguish
    Dollars and lira.
    Apparently I need to go
    To big bankers.
    The girls take turns reading the couplets.
    And the change is so big
    That any transformations happen...
    Where Danil and Sashka were,
    Ninja turtles are jumping.
    Someone came out from behind the closet,
    It turned out to be Bruce Willis.
    One step - stop, another - stop,
    The Terminator walked deftly into the classroom.
    Who rushed through the corridor like a rocker?
    Then on the mission Leshka - Walker.
    The duty officers came out and looked great,
    Why not trainees in the “Moral Police”!
    Where are the directors? What are they waiting for?
    After all, Hollywood is lost without us!
    Sketch “Conversation” (performed by parents)
    Teacher: Guess another riddle. Without it, not a single person on the planet could become literate. Every person had it and still has it. Thanks to him, little children grow up to:
    Doctors and lawyers
    Agronomists and comedians,
    Bankers and diplomats
    Artists and deputies,
    Actors and businessmen
    Geologists and supermen,
    Bakers and confectioners,
    Military and construction workers
    Presidents and programmers,
    Housewives and tourists...
    WHO IS THIS..? Teacher
    Horseman 2 appears on stage.
    Student: The class in which there is a teacher is rich,
    Who teaches, helps, understands,
    He will caress and hug like a parent
    And as a parent, he will severely scold you.
    The class in which there is a teacher is rich,
    Who loves, appreciates, trusts,
    Who knows that it cannot be otherwise...
    And we are twice as rich as everyone else!
    Student: And one day Anna Gennadievna went to an important meeting. And we were left alone in the class. Listen to what came of it.
    Children and teachers sing the song “Hello! Hello! Our wonderful teacher." (Beautiful Marquise").
    Hello-hello! Hello guys
    I miss you here,
    Tell me how are you doing
    And what will you please us with?
    Children: Well, things are going well,
    Perhaps even good.
    But Lekha walks around with a bump,
    After all, a pot fell from the wall.
    Hello, hello, I don't understand
    What does it have to do with the cone and the pot.
    Say it so it's clear
    What happened there?
    Children: Hello, hello, no need to worry.
    The flower fell from the wall.
    He hit Alyosha on the back of the head.
    Oh, you better not worry.
    I don’t understand at all
    What is our conversation about?
    Perhaps our hearing is poor,
    After all, change is still happening!
    Children: We will explain everything to you now
    And we will give an explanation:
    The fourth “A” taught, crammed,
    But it was beyond my strength.
    And we decided to rest
    Listen to music a little.
    Maxim turned on his receiver,
    And there hard rock was screaming.
    The girls all started dancing
    It couldn't have happened without us.
    The fourth "B" came running to us,
    Yelling and jumping helped.
    Even though our school is new,
    But the wall collapsed that hour.
    A flower fell from the wall,
    Alyoshka was hit by that pot.
    And for the rest, you are our dear teacher,
    Everything is fine, everything is fine!
    Teacher: Such incidents sometimes occur in school life. But children really love teachers and try very hard not to upset them.
    Student 5: Teacher! He's always on the road -
    In worries, searches, anxiety -
    And there is never peace.
    Everyone needs to give the correct answer.
    Student 6: He judges himself more harshly than everyone else.
    He is all earthly, but strives upward.
    You can’t count, perhaps, how many destinies
    Intertwined with his fate.
    Student 7: Don’t you dare forget your teachers.
    They worry about us and remember us.
    And in the silence of thoughtful rooms
    waiting for our returns and news.
    They miss these infrequent meetings.
    And, no matter how many years have passed,
    Teacher's happiness is formed
    from our student victories.
    And sometimes we are so indifferent to them:
    under New Year I don’t send them congratulations.
    And in the bustle or simply out of laziness
    We don’t write, we don’t visit, we don’t call.
    They are waiting for us. They are watching us.
    And they rejoice every time for those
    Who will pass the exam somewhere again?
    for courage, for honesty, for success.
    Don't you dare forget your teachers.
    Let life be worthy of their efforts.
    Russia is famous for its teachers.
    The disciples bring glory to her.
    Don't you dare forget your teachers.
    Student 7: You were very strict
    When you taught us.
    And a lot these years
    You did for us:
    You taught us to think.
    The world of creativity has been opened.
    It's great that you're happy
    We learned from you.
    Student 7: If I were a minister
    All primary and secondary schools,
    I would be in schools very quickly
    Removed the “count” rating.
    At your disposal
    I would attribute the words
    What else will I destroy?
    Subject to a rating of two.
    And then, after thinking for a night
    From dawn to dawn,
    I would tell you without delay
    Eliminate the “three” rating.
    So that learning is not a torment.
    So as not to upset mothers,
    To learn with pleasure
    On "four" and "five"!
    "Song about one."
    To the tune of the song “Winged Swing”.
    In the young month of April
    A crayfish woke up in the river.
    We didn't want to study
    We did some work.
    Everything in the world is forgotten,
    We go for a walk in the morning.
    The wind is blowing in my head,
    And we want a rating of “5”,
    But most powerful in the world
    We love the “5” rating.
    Soaring like birds
    Knowing no barriers,
    Units in the notebook
    They fly, they fly, they fly.
    Only a few come to us again
    They fly, they fly, they fly.
    Teacher: But in fact, our children study well. The best proof of my words are the certificates and diplomas that I want to present to our students.
    Presentation of certificates and diplomas.
    A fragment of the melody “The clock is striking on the old tower” plays.
    Everyone leaves the stage. Rider 1 appears on the stage. The teacher comes out behind him.
    Teacher: Stop! Stop where you're going!
    Rider 1: Where, where. Home!
    Teacher: Who's waiting for you there?
    Rider 1: Who, who. Parents!
    Teacher: What is a parent? Profession? Vocation? Position or title?
    Rider 1: My parents are my reliable support. And they also feed me, clothe me and, of course, educate me.
    The rider leaves the stage. Children take the stage.
    Teacher: We were accompanied on our ascent true friends and helpers - our parents. Good advice, they guided us with wise instructions. How sad their eyes were when sometimes you brought a bad mark in the diary! What sparkles lit up in them when everything worked out for you! What a blessing that you have such wonderful parents!
    Two students read poetry.
    O faith of our mothers,
    Forever knowing no limits,
    Holy, reverent faith,
    We are growing children.
    She is like light in a birch forest,
    Nothing in the world can erase:
    Not a “one” in the diary,
    Nor the angry complaints of the neighbors.
    Mothers are such a people -
    They sigh and look at us for a long time:
    “Let him get over it. It will pass! -
    And again they believe, believe, believe.
    This is what mothers believe -
    Demanding and patient.
    And they are not loud
    They don't think it's a wonder.
    I just don’t care about the year
    Their faith is reverent and tender.
    But we don’t always
    We justify their hopes.
    Student: Just yesterday we were kids,
    And you once took us to first grade.
    And they were with us all four years,
    Well, now we are adults.
    But how much work we have ahead of us!
    Victories, joys, successes are ahead!
    We expect your support and care
    And we promise not to let you down.
    Student: Dear mothers, dear fathers!
    It's so good to have you around now
    At this solemn, joyful hour.
    We will share our joy with you,
    In life for us you are the earth's compass.
    After all, the most important thing for parents is their children!
    We are grateful to you with all our hearts.
    Teacher: And I, in turn, would like to thank your parents for raising you to be such good children, for putting all their love and tenderness into you, for always being understanding about your little failures, for that they supported me and understood me, for always taking part in the life of our class.
    ATTENTION! Presentation of letters of thanks to parents.
    Student: Mothers, dear kind mothers,
    We want to say “thank you” to you
    For caring, for being with us.
    We are always ready to help everyone.
    You moved from class to class,
    We gained knowledge and grew.
    Everything we were taught at school
    You helped us manage everything.
    All children (in unison): Thank you!
    Teacher: And the care of grandmothers for their grandchildren is especially touching. It’s not for nothing that they say: “The first child is the last doll, the grandson is the first child.” Therefore, many grandmothers were like mothers. We know that they most often express their worries about their grandchildren in tears. Probably, their fate will continue to be to worry, to care, to worry.
    Student: I disappear from school until the evening.
    I'm flying home - and I have no doubts,
    What's at the stove - young granny
    He will cook borscht, fry cutlets for us...
    She circles around the house like a bee
    And that’s why there is warm honey in the vessels.
    And in the garden there is hilling and weeding,
    And summer is fast, it won’t wait.
    I love grandma not only for her work,
    And just like that - well, I just love it.
    Thanks to grandma, like good July,
    She exists in the world - and I sleep peacefully.
    Teacher: I know that grandparents worry about their grandchildren. Our children have crossed the stage primary education and you, dear grandparents, will have to worry about them for a very long time. We would like to wish you health, strength and patience. And the most important thing is that you always feel young. The children give this song to you.
    The song “Grandma Next to Grandfather” is played.
    Golden wedding.
    Holiday, holiday, celebrate with family.
    Holiday, golden wedding celebration.
    "Bitterly! Bitterly!" - they shout cheerfully
    Forty great-grandchildren and twenty-five grandchildren.
    Grandmother next to grandfather
    So many years, so many years together.
    Grandmother next to grandfather
    They sing this song together.
    Grandmother next to grandfather
    They sing this song together.
    Grandmother next to grandfather
    Bride and groom again.
    Have been in love with this couple since childhood
    Moms, dads and of course us.
    Very strong grandfather dancer,
    Well, grandma sings like a combined choir.
    The chorus is the same.
    On a holiday, on a golden wedding day
    We wish them a young life
    Raising the mugs high
    And for them we drink fresh milk.
    The chorus is the same.
    Attention! Presenting letters of gratitude to grandmothers.
    Teacher: The response is given to parents.
    Parent: What good children have grown up!
    Their faces are amazingly clear.
    Let them live easier in the world!
    And may they be able to achieve success.
    Perhaps today it is more difficult for them:
    The program gets deeper and deeper, and there are more and more subjects.
    It probably became more difficult for them to study,
    And yet: the children grew up good!
    And how much enthusiasm these guys have!
    However, judging by many signs,
    We ourselves were once the same,
    And it was not humility that brought us into the public eye!
    Parents speak back and congratulate their children on moving to fifth grade.
    A fragment of the melody “The clock is striking on the old tower” plays.
    Rider 3 rides onto the stage.
    Rider 3: I wonder where I ended up. What happiness awaits me here?
    It was probably a shame that I left alone. How can a person be happy alone? It seems that I’m already an adult and I know that happiness is only there – where they love us, where they believe us.
    All the children and teachers come on stage.
    Teacher: Well, thank God, we found it! We were off our feet, looking for you. We called all the hospitals and the police. What are you doing here?
    Rider 3: I'm looking for happiness. I just don’t understand why, when I went after him, I didn’t take anyone with me.
    Teacher: Who goes looking for happiness alone? After all, the road to it is difficult, unpredictable, and sometimes even dangerous.
    Rider 3:(Addresses children) Guys, why are you so sad? It's a test again, isn't it?
    Student: Not really. Today is our graduation. And graduation is a sad holiday.
    Children sing the song “How can we not worry”
    Student: We have to say goodbye to our teachers. Who will now teach us, educate us, take us to the dining room, and even scold us?
    Student: I don't know everything about life yet
    I didn’t get to all the primers,
    But I definitely wish you one thing:
    Remember your teachers.
    You will become loud and high,
    But even after many years
    Don't pass by the windows in a hurry
    Rooms with desks in three rows.
    Student: What do we know about you teachers?
    Strict, tired at times,
    What did we pay you for these
    Selfless thoughts about us.
    We erased the “twos” with rubber bands,
    Cats were brought from the yard,
    We even shouted shamelessly,
    If you get sick, “Hurray!”
    Have we really thought about it?
    Why, having forgotten about the diaries,
    You suddenly fell silent near the windows
    With chalk broken in his hands...
    Student: How many leaves have fallen from the branches,
    How many winters have the drops melted?
    Evening, graduation...
    Yes and more than once
    Guests noticed similarities
    With one of our parents.
    And then over time, later,
    It becomes clearer and clearer to everyone:
    The best lines are similar
    We all rely on our teachers.
    Teachers' response to children.
    Teacher: ATTENTION! The solemn moment arrives. Students in grade 4 “A” are awarded a certificate of completion of primary school. (Students receive certificates and folders with photographs).
    Now you must take the “Fifth Grader Oath.” I ask all fifth graders to stand up.
    Children take an oath:
    “Entering the ranks of secondary school students, in the face of my comrades, in the face of martyred parents, in the face of working teachers, I solemnly swear:
    Stand at the board like the best goalkeeper, not missing a single question, even the most difficult and tricky one. We swear!
    Do not bring teachers to a boiling point - 100˚С We swear!
    Be fast and swift, but do not exceed the speed of 60 km/h when moving along the school corridors! We swear!
    It is not the veins to be pulled out of teachers, it is not the sweat that is squeezed out, but solid and accurate knowledge and skills. We swear!
    Swim only “good” and “excellent” in the sea of ​​knowledge, diving to the very depths. We swear!
    Be worthy of your teachers! We swear! We swear! We swear!
    Student: We say goodbye to elementary school,
    We are parting, alas, forever.
    We'll meet again in September
    There will be high school then.
    School years will fly by quickly,
    The years will fly by in an instant.
    But we won’t forget the “beginning”,
    We will always remember her.
    Student: There will be many different items,
    There will be different teachers
    But will remain in memory forever
    The one who taught me first.
    After all, she opened the path to knowledge for us,
    Always helped us in life
    And, of course, she loved us all.
    This was my second mother.
    Student: Guys, we started first grade at the beginning of September.
    And we began to grow up through the pages of the Primer.
    Letters, sticks, hooks - that was so long ago.
    We are parting ways with our school, but our mood is high!
    Student: Physics, history, botany and labor await us,
    And diligence and patience will always help us here.
    Up the steps, higher - and into the eleventh grade,
    We promise: everyone will hear about us soon.
    Student: Goodbye teacher, goodbye dear class!
    We are just parting with you, not saying goodbye now.
    True, we guys will come here to visit!
    We can no longer forget what was once here.
    Student: Dear moms and dads, we love you very much,
    We ask you to move with us to the fifth grade,
    We will need your parental fervor throughout our lives.
    Without parents, guys, I'm lost and so are you.
    Student: Thanks to everyone who taught us.
    Who just came into our class,
    To praise or scold,
    Or invite us to the concert.
    Who fed and protected us,
    He smeared the bruises and bandaged them.
    To whom were we skipping?
    Take the book you need for the lesson.
    Student: Who washed after us, swept,
    So that the classroom is clean and beautiful.
    To everyone who has been with us these years,
    We say: “Thank you very much!”
    Childhood is leaving, so why be surprised?
    It leaves everyone forever.
    And I want to cry and laugh,
    Never part with anyone!
    Student: Thank you for your kind attention
    And for your care every day and hour,
    For warmth, love and understanding,
    For everything you taught us.
    Student: We began to see deeper, think more broadly,
    We have become older, better and wiser.
    And they understood why they are so valued in the world
    Wonderful and Great teachers.
    Student: Goodbye, goodbye
    Our dear fourth grade,
    Parting is coming -
    We are releasing now.
    We are sad and sad
    But sometimes it’s also joyful -
    We've grown up, we've grown wiser -
    Fifth grade is on the horizon.
    We don't understand yet
    What are we losing today?
    Your childhood years
    We are losing forever.
    And today - goodbye
    Our native fourth grade.
    Children with a teacher perform a song to the tune of “Moscow Windows”.
    "Friends are breaking up."
    The corridors are getting quieter
    You can even hear the beating of hearts,
    Goodbye, elementary school,
    We send you our farewell greetings!
    We are sad, we sing when parting,
    Remembering happy days
    How did we come here as kids?
    And how we left you.
    Friends break up
    Tenderness remains in the heart.
    Let's take care of our friendship
    Goodbye, see you again.
    In this class you dreamed with us,
    And they led the way of knowledge.
    Here we met our friends,
    Here we made discoveries.
    Don't be sad, our beloved teacher,
    We will come running to you more than once.
    Let others come to replace us,
    We are the only ones like you.
    At the end of the holiday, the teacher gives his gift to the children and their parents. This is a movie made from childhood, school and family photos created in Movie Maker.

    We were together for four years

    The hour of parting has come,

    There will be new books and new songs

    In our school country!

    I was looking through the search queries by which visitors come to my site, and I saw the following request: “template for elementary school graduation.” Personally, I haven’t come across a template on this topic on the Internet, and I didn’t have one in my arsenal. Now there is. Today I am sharing with you a template for the “Goodbye Elementary School!” presentation. I created the template in Microsoft PowerPoint.

    Template No. 1

    The template has 3 main slides.

    1 slide - front page(the inscription on the slide is active, you can delete it if desired), 2-3 slides are informative. Don't be alarmed by the fact that the file size is 8 Mb. I continue the tradition I started. Waiting for you on the last slide present (!)— several pictures on a transparent background that I used to create the template. Using these pictures, you can design your additional slides without disturbing the overall design style of the template.

    Sample slides:

    Download template:

    Template No. 2

    I added another template for a presentation on the topic “Elementary school graduation.” This is more of a sketch than a template. I left all design elements active. If you don’t like something in the design of this template, you can easily delete it or copy it and move it to another slide. Labels can be removed or resized. they are saved as a drawing and inserted onto a slide like a picture.

    sample slides (click to enlarge the picture to view):

    Slide 1

    Homeroom teacher: Chernikova I.V. Graduation in primary school 4 "a" class MOU Zabolotovskaya secondary school

    Slide 2

    Introducing our 4A class! Nimble, sporty. Brave, active. Smart, inquisitive, generally attractive! All are smart and beautiful. Crafty, happy...

    Slide 3

    4 “A” class is: A small but friendly team. Those who like to talk to their neighbor. Let's get down to business - things won't go well. A cheerful bunch of guys. Irina Vasilievna's headache. The average age is 10 years, and the total is over 150. Favorite day of the week is Sunday. Favorite subject... Favorite writer... Favorite show...

    Slide 4

    We went through four classes - we calculated everything, took everything into account! Over 4 years we had 3789 lessons. We leafed through 5987 pages of textbooks on them. The journey to school and back was 100,002 km. We wrote and chewed on 170 and a half pens. Lost six dozen erasers. We ate two tons of baked goods. We drank 1020 glasses of juice and compote. 21 buckets of cocoa and coffee drinks were thrown into waste. We have grown by 1357 cm. We have gained 187 kilograms and now we weigh about half a ton. If we add up all the textbooks that we have studied for 4 years into one line, then its length will be equal to the distance to the Moon and the return path to Earth! Well, we quarreled a couple of times and fought once.

    Slide 5

    Lesson “Wheel of History” 1. In what year did you start 1st grade? 1000 2000 3000 your own option 2. What is the name of your first teacher? Vasilisa the Beautiful Varvara the Beauty Baba Yaga your version 3. How to turn a preschooler into a schoolchild? using a briefcase, cross out the letters D and O using a magic wand, your option 4. What is the name of the lesson where you learned to write? penmanship writing Russian language your own version 5. How many students did you have in first grade? 30 20 10 your own version 6. Who was an excellent student in the class? Alyosha Dima Kirill your version

    Slide 6

    Graduate Care Policy. It is not recommended to “wash” this product. Petting is allowed, and as often as possible, without paying attention to his behavior. It is recommended to use the “Graduate” product only for its intended purpose: to feed, drink, take walks, entertain and let you sleep off after four years of lack of sleep and other inconveniences of school life. If you do not handle the “Graduate” product with care, it may become damaged. From anger and resentment, his face will turn red, his lips will tremble, and the product will lose its original attractiveness.

    Slide 7

    "Fifth-grader's oath." Entering the ranks of secondary school students, in the face of my comrades, in the face of my parents - martyrs, in the face of my teachers - workers, I solemnly swear: To stand at the board like the best goalkeeper, not to let a single question pass by, even the most difficult and tricky one. Do not bring teachers to a boiling point of 100 degrees. Be fast and swift, but not exceed a speed of 60 km/h when moving along school corridors. It is not the veins to be pulled out of teachers, it is not the sweat that is squeezed out, but solid and strong knowledge and skills. Swim only “good” and “excellent” in the sea of ​​knowledge, diving to the very depths. Be worthy of your teachers.

    To use presentation previews, create a Google account and log in to it:

    Slide captions:

    OUR LIFE IN PRIMARY SCHOOL WE ARE 4th "G" CLASS STUDENTS of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 71, KRASNODAR Date of creation - September 1, 2005 Average age - 10 years, and total - 300! Favorite day of the week is Sunday! Favorite time of year is summer! Favorite school – seventy-first!

    These are the kids we came to our first class. Who is who here - guess for yourself, The main thing is to get to know us!

    Guess what these girls have in common? NASTYA NASTENKA ANASTASIA

    And this is Sasha! And this is Sasha!


    OH! WHAT GIRLS! Oh, what girls!..


    C R U T Y E GUYS!!!


    We are... We love to talk to our neighbors We quarrel and immediately make up We love to write notes in class We are proud of the talkative half of the class, that is, the girls We squeal with joy when the teacher doesn’t give homework (especially boys) Teachers’ headaches (also boys)


    Our first holidays

    Last day of the first school year



    Celebrating the end of second grade...

    FOR THE FIRST TIME AGAIN, ONLY IN THE THIRD GRADE Or maybe it will happen again...

    IT'S TIME...


    Let's play LET'S EAT...




    AND ALL FOUR YEARS WITH US... A lot of interesting things happened during these 4 years. And me, and you, and your parents will have something to remember. You will now study in 5th grade, but in our same school. I'm breaking up with you, but I'm not leaving you. The biggest event for me will be the day when you, as school graduates, remember me and invite me to your last call, and the knowledge that you received in elementary school was not forgotten either in the 5th grade or in the 11th. You are the best and beloved! Good luck to you! Have a nice trip!

    The presentation begins to spin
    On the screen there is a splash screen "Goodbye, elementary school!". Music is playing. "Small Country"
    The call signs of the “News” program are heard. The "News" splash screen appears on the screen. Two presenters take the stage and begin reporting
    № 1 (Olya ) Good afternoon!

    № 2 (Maxim ) On air "News".

    No. 1 The main news of today is a holiday in the 4th grade, dedicated to the end of elementary school. Report from the scene of school No. 2 in Usman
    No. 2 Good afternoon, dear viewers! We are at the scene of the event at secondary school No. 2
    No. 1. Graduates, their parents and numerous relatives gathered here. I was able to interview some fourth graders. Please guys:

    1 lesson Today is not an ordinary holiday: sad and cheerful. KOBELEVA ALENA
    Let's say goodbye today
    We are from elementary school.

    2 lessons We will never forget SERGEYEV SASHA
    It's like coming here in first grade.
    Dads and moms brought us,
    They also carried backpacks for us.

    3 lessons (addresses the student) SYMBOLOKOVA LERA
    Do you remember when you were afraid to enter the classroom?
    He held his mother's hand.
    4 lessons Our mothers brought us to class, MAKAROV YURA
    We printed numbers and letters...

    5 lessons They forgot about kindergarten POPOV MAXIM
    They called us first-graders!
    No. 2 So, the main news of today is graduation party in 4th grade. Let's remember what you were like.


    1 lesson How quickly the years have flown by ALENA
    And spring and autumn flew by.
    Second and third and fourth grade
    This is how childhood leaves us.
    2 lessons We worked for 4 years. And 4 years is 2,904 lessons, STAS
    3 lessons 102 class hours, NASTYA BOLDYREVA
    4 lessons 2,433 noisy, incendiary breaks, MATVEY
    5 lessons mountains of textbooks read and notebooks filled with notes, RITA
    6 lessons many contests, competitions, quarrels and reconciliations. SEREZHA
    No. 1 Yes, it’s not easy to endure. OLYA

    No. 2 But, mind you, no one is left behind and everyone is on holiday today.
    No. 1 Days of school life - the joy of surprise,
    They have no price and their experience is great,
    They are the source, the beginning of formation
    Your future destiny, student.
    No. 2 A whole 4 years have passed. Is this a lot or a little? What were these years like for you? What did they bring you? What did you teach?



    The presentation begins to spin
    On the screen there is a splash screen "Farewell, initialschool ". Music sounds. "Small Country"
    The call signs of the “News” program are heard. The "News" splash screen appears on the screen. Two presenters take the stage and begin reporting
    No. 1 (Olya) Good afternoon!

    No. 2 (Maxim ) On air "News".

    No. 1 The main news of today is a holiday in 4th grade, dedicated to the end of primaryschools . Report from the scene of school No. 2 in Usman
    No. 2 Good afternoon, dear viewers! We are at the scene of the event at secondary school No. 2
    No. 1. Graduates, their parents and numerous relatives gathered here. I was able to interview some fourth graders. Please guys:

    1 lesson Today is not an ordinary holiday: sad and cheerful. KOBELEVA ALENA
    Let's say goodbye today
    We are from elementary school.

    2 lessons We will never forget SERGEYEV SASHA
    As in first class came here.
    Us dads , mothers brought,
    They also carried backpacks for us.

    3 lessons (addresses the student)SYMBOLOKOVA LERA
    Do you remember when you were afraid to enter the classroom?
    He held his mother's hand.
    4 lessons Our mothers brought us to class, MAKAROV YURA
    We printed numbers and letters...

    5 lessons They forgot about kindergarten POPOV MAXIM
    They called us first-graders!
    No. 2 So, the main news of today is the graduation party in the 4th grade. Let's remember what you were like.



    1 lesson How quickly the years have flown by ALENA
    And spring and autumn flew by.
    Second and third and fourth grade
    This is how childhood leaves us.
    2 lessons We worked for 4 years. And 4 years is 2,904 lessons, STAS
    3 lessons 102 class hours, NASTYA BOLDYREVA
    4 lessons 2,433 noisy, incendiary breaks, MATVEY
    5 lessons mountains of textbooks read and notebooks filled with notes, RITA
    6 lessons many contests, competitions, quarrels and reconciliations. SEREZHA
    No. 1 Yes, it’s not easy to endure. OLYA

    No. 2 But, mind you, no one is left behind and everyone is on holiday today.
    No. 1 Days of school life - the joy of surprise,
    They have no price and their experience is great,
    They are the source, the beginning of formation
    Your future destiny, student.
    No. 2 A whole 4 years have passed. Is this a lot or a little? What were these years like for you? What did they bring you? What did you teach?



    I'm so sad and sad

    Why are you leaving us?

    When they brought you to school,

    You were very little,

    What adults are like now?

    There were a lot of interesting things during these 4 years. Both me, the kids, and the parents will have something to remember. You will now study in 5th grade, but in our same school. I'm breaking up with you, but I'm not leaving you. The biggest event for me will be the day when you, as school graduates, remember me, invite me to your last call, and the knowledge that you received in elementary school was not forgotten either in the 5th grade or in the 10th. Good luck to you! Have a nice trip!

    No. 1 The news broadcast is interrupted to broadcast a holiday concert.

    Listen to the riddle and tell me exactly. DASHA
    It is very important how the work results,
    And without her, a lesson is impossible.
    She notices all your mistakes
    It can make you happy, but sometimes it makes you sad.
    She is reward and punishment
    For negligence and for diligence.

    Children: Assessment.

    Student: What are the grades? MAXIM

    Children: The good, the bad, the unfair.

    Student: But let’s talk more about this, about unfair assessments.

    Sketch: “Unfair assessments”

    She: What are your grades?

    He: Unfair!

    She: Why is that?

    He: They're finding fault! Recently I answered questions about the world around me, knew all the questions, but got a bad mark...

    She: If you knew everything, why did you get a bad mark?

    He: So I knew the questions, but not the answers. I didn’t teach the answers, I taught the questions. How can you prove it?

    She: /ironically/ Yes, it’s difficult to prove.

    He: That's the point. Last week I wrote a dictation... Another bad mark.

    She: And why?

    He: For punctuation marks.

    She: Don’t you know how to put periods, dashes, and commas?

    He: I know how to place it, but I don’t know where.

    She: So you probably don’t know the rules?

    He: I know! The main rule is to sit correctly, that is, next to the excellent student.

    She: Yes, a great rule! Listen, do you have at least one favorite subject?

    He: Of course, I love mathematics.

    She: Well, then tell me how to find the area of ​​a square?

    He: What, she got lost? I didn't take it.

    She: So everything is clear with mathematics. Now explain why we first see lightning and then hear thunder?

    He: Because the eyes are in front of the ears.

    She: Fabulous! I wonder what your eyes and ears are for?

    He: Eyes to see and ears to wash.

    She: Everything is clear! In my opinion, your grades are fair, but you study poorly because you are lazy. And I can guess which one is the most main score in your diary.



    MUSIC NEWS (leaders' appearance)
    No. 1 Hello, we're back on the air
    No. 1 Parents of fourth-graders are in touch with us
    #2 We welcome them
    A word to the parents.SPEECH BY PARENTS.
    No. 1 And now we would like to interview 4
    No. 2 A whole 4 years have passed. What were these years like for you? What did they bring you? What did you teach?
    1 lesson Read , everyone learned to write. DASHA
    2nd lesson. We also learned to draw, sew, JRA
    3. students. Involved in sports and music, MAXIM POPOV
    4 students mastered English. RITA
    5 lessons And our wonderful teachers taught us: ALENA



    - We were all funny kids, ALENA KOBELEVA
    When we first came to this class,
    And, having received a notebook with pencils,
    Sat down at a desk for the first time in my life!
    -You led us along the road of knowledge,
    Having given us a lot of strength and labor,
    How much effort have you put in?
    May we always study well!
    -Thank you for loving us so much,
    Although they were sometimes strict with us,
    Because you taught us to think,
    For everything, for everything they did for us!
    #1 The fourth graders look amazing. It seems that they are not elementary school, but are already finishing secondary school.
    #2 They are so funny! They probably think that all their academic difficulties are behind them.
    No. 1 But no, my dears! Everything is just beginning!
    No. 2 The "News" issue completes the weather forecast. ("Weather Forecast" screen saver)

    №1 Tonight everyone will be warm with smiles and festive mood. And only sometimes a slight chill will run through you at the thought that you are saying goodbye to elementary school forever.
    No. 2 According to forecasts, there will be moderate amounts of sun and precipitation in the summer. Girls and boys will grow up.
    No. 1 But autumn may turn out to be damp from the sweat that our children will shed while studying in the 5th grade. But sweat is not tears!
    No. 2 And in order not to spoil the weather with tears, take a smile out of your pocket,
    TOGETHER: and everything will be fine with you!!!
    No. 1,2 That's all the news for this hour.

    To the backing track of the song “We wish you happiness,” a screensaver appears on the screen: “You should be happy for us - we have moved to 5th grade!”

    We say goodbye to school,
    We are parting, alas, forever.
    We'll meet again in September
    There will be high school then.

    Farewell song. “You, me, you and me.”

    You, me, you and me!
    It's great to have friends in the world.
    If everyone lived alone,
    It's been in pieces for a long time now

    If everyone lived alone,
    It's been in pieces for a long time now
    The earth would probably fall apart.
    You, me, you and me!
    You, me, you and me!
    We'll go around the Earth, then we'll head to Mars.
    Maybe by the orange river
    There are already sad people there

    Maybe by the orange river
    There are already sad people there
    Because we've been gone for too long.
    You, me, you and me!
    You, me, you and me!
    Nothing will ever separate us.
    Even if we part
    Friendship still remains
    Friendship remains with us forever.
    Even if we part

    Song: “On the Road of Good”

    Song: "Good Mood"

    Song: "Primary School"

    weather forecast

    You should be happy for us - we have moved to 5th grade!