Scenario for the concert on May 9 at the club. Script for the theatrical concert “Thank you, veterans, for the Great Victory Day”

To carry out festive events for Victory Day, concert programs are often required, which can be shown on the open areas of Houses of Culture or the stages of recreation parks, during moments of mass festivities on the occasion of this wonderful and beloved holiday, in these cases, one of the winning ideas for storyline The concert may be analogous to the performances of front-line brigades. We offer one of the options with entertainment and games - Scenario of the festive program for May 9 “Music of Victory”

Scenario of the festive program for May 9

The ceremonial start of the program.

It is better to make the beginning of the program solemnly patriotic, for example, by including the “Immortal Regiment” block from this, and only then move on to the concert block.

Leading: The topic of our concert program We were prompted by letters from the front. Each of the letters from the front is fate. Behind every line there is a big life. And we understood the simplest truth: for all the people who created the Victory, both those who fought and those who worked for the Victory, the main thing was peace.

Presenter: It seems that this is already clear. But remember, how many stories about the horrors of war have you heard from veterans? They didn't like to remember this. But they remembered their friends and sang songs of those years with pleasure. And what songs!

Leading: And your favorite war films tell not only about fear and pain. They have a place for love, true friendship, and good humor. But many of these films were made by people who lived through the forties and were at the front.

Presenter: Yes, these films have everything: military brotherhood, internationalism, love for the Motherland, and faith in victory.

Leading: Do you remember Captain Titarenko, commander of the singing squadron? It is his words that will become the main leitmotif of this concert.

Presenter:“Who said that we need to give up singing in war? After a battle, the heart asks for music doubly!”

Leading: During the war years, 45 thousand artists went to the front. The front-line brigades included singers, musicians, actors, readers, and circus performers. They gave 1.5 million concerts in the rear and on the front line. There were up to ten concerts a day. Artists under bullets, risking their lives, raised morale Soviet soldiers and with songs they walked to Victory.

Presenter: Thank God, our land has not heard the sounds of war for many decades, and yet, perhaps on this day we should remember the songs of those years? Moreover, they are all life-affirming, and even funny. Exactly what you need at every holiday!

Performance of the "front" brigade

A “front brigade” appears: musician, reader, singer, “entertainer”. Specialties are conditional; each artist can be a reader, a singer, or an accordion player.


Reads poem “Who said that we should give up singing in war?”(Author V. Lebedev-Kumach)

The remade song of War Correspondents sounds


From Moscow to Brest

There is no such place

Wherever we wander in the dust.

With song and accordion,

And sometimes with a revolver

We went through fire and cold.

Without a sip, comrade,

You can't make a song,

So let's pour it a little at a time.

For everyone who spoke,

With an army of marchers,

Let's drink to those singing under fire!

How the soldiers walked

We weren't expecting flowers

And on stage, as in last Stand:

With full dedication

Coped with the task

And we have another concert with you.

From the winds and vodka

Our throats are hoarse,

But we will say to those who reproach:

“Roam with us,

Spend the night with us,

Fight with us for at least a year!”

Where we've been

They didn't give us a stage.

Without spotlights, ramps and scenes

Let the suits be in tatters,

Morning, noon and night

We always performed as an encore!

So let's drink to victory,

For the circus and operetta.

But we won’t live long enough, my dear,

A new day will come

A friend will sing a song,

And he will remember you and me with it!


Reads poem "Wait for me and I will return" (Author K. Simonov)

Song "Oh, roads"


Reads excerpt from the poem “Vasily Terkin” from the words: “To go into any fight” to the words: “Or some kind of saying.” ( Author A. Tvardovsky)

Front ditties

The ditties from 41-45 are performed, for example, the option below.

(download by clicking on the file)


Well, friends, you sing beautifully.

Looks like we came in vain?

But as the poet said, “it’s not evening yet,”

And our meeting will not be fun.

Another poet said: Yes there were people

And in our time, there won’t be such people.

(Sorry, for the free interpretation),

And now we will test your dexterity.

Let's play partisans, are you ready?

The conditions are as simple as a horseshoe.

Team game - relay race "Partisans in the swamp"

PROPS: chalk if the surface of the site is asphalt, or a stick with which you can draw on the ground.

Two teams are participating. The goal is to pass through the swamp in a chain “footprint to footstep”. The teams line up one after another, the first one has chalk. On command, the first numbers walk along the distance, outlining their tracks, when the first numbers reach the other side of the “swamp”, the second numbers follow the tracks, trying not to fall into the “quagmire”.

The game is being played


No, the word "peace" will hardly remain,

When there will be wars people will not know.

After all, what before the world called

Everyone will just call it life.

And only children, experts on the past,

Having fun playing war,

Having run around, they will remember this word,

With whom they died in the old days.

Entertainer: The post-war generation of boys probably remembers that the most difficult thing when playing war in those distant times was to find an opponent. Nobody wanted to be either a fascist or a policeman. But being partisans is a completely different matter. So now you have your own invisible fighters. And how dexterous they are! It's time for a guerrilla song.

The song “Darkie” is performed if technically possible, a karaoke video is displayed on the screen

(download by clicking on the file)

Entertainer: Are there any successful scouts among you? Shall we check? We will not get used to the images of enemies. We simply form two teams of rivals, but capture the language. you still have to.

Game “Who will bring the most “tongues”?”

This is a team competition based on the game “Breaking Chains”, when one team stands tightly clinging to each other and shouts to the opposing team: “Forged chains, unchain us!”, And they ask: “Which one of us?” The one who is named runs with all his might, trying to break the “chains”; if he succeeds, he takes the strongest player and leads him to his team; if he fails, then he himself joins the ranks of the established team. Only in this case the conditions change a little. The teams line up opposite each other. Each captain appoints three to four “scouts” who, on command, must break the enemy line and lead the “tongue” away, or be captured.

The game is being played

Entertainer: I would also like to remember those who did not perform visible feats. Yes, they worked. "Everything for the front, everything for Victory!" - the slogan with which the whole country lived. But remembering losses and exploits, we often forget about those for whom these exploits were performed: mothers, children, loved ones - wives and brides who wrote letters, prayed, who waited. And it is no coincidence that a simple song about the love of a simple girl became a military symbol.

Song "Katyusha" or other concert number

Entertainer: No matter how much we would like to stay with you, friends, the trumpet is calling. After all, a front-line artist has many viewers. And it should be noted that in peacetime we are no less in demand. Especially on a day like this. We congratulate all residents on this bright holiday, Victory Day. Let our common sky be clear, and the clouds be only stormy. Happiness to you, dears!

Girl reading poem “Children made the sun from their palms”(Author O. Maslova)

Concert number

Scenario for a school holiday dedicated to Victory Day.

A detailed and detailed scenario for holding a festive concert dedicated to the Victory Day holiday for schoolchildren and students.


Songs from the war years are heard in the school foyer. The veterans are met by students (children have caps and blue berets on their heads), they lead the veterans to the school assembly hall. In the corridors of the school, wall newspapers dedicated to the holiday are hung on the walls. Each veteran is given a colorful congratulations card made by the children; The emblem “Happy Victory Day” is pinned to the chest. In the hall there is an exhibition of children's drawings and crafts dedicated to Victory Day. But then two drummers appear on the stage from both sides. A bugler comes to the center of the stage. A drum roll is heard. Then the bugler signals: “Listen, everyone!” A representative of the school administration comes out and congratulates those gathered on the holiday. A march sounds. The presenters come out.

1st presenter.

Happy great holiday, power,

With victorious light on the way!

Brighter than the holiday, perhaps

Can't be found on the entire planet!

Vl. Firsov

2nd presenter.

This day is warmed by human tears.

No matter how much time passes,

To everyone who quietly says:

"Victory Day!" —

There is no need to explain anything.

1st presenter.

"Victory Day!" - that means they died

Our grandfathers are not in vain,

Our land was watered with blood,

So that a peaceful dawn rises.

2nd presenter.

"Victory Day!" - Means,

no fascism

This means there is a quiet light over Russia,

This means that children are born for life,

For happy, peaceful years to come.

N. Motorina. "Victory Day"

1st presenter. We present our concert to you, who endured the war on your own shoulders.

The dance “May Waltz” is performed (to the melody of the song “Spring of 1945”). A march sounds. Readers come out - primary school students.

Today is a special day for us:

Happy day, great Victory Day,

Our great-grandfathers and grandfathers achieved it,

And we will tell you about it now.

Here is the forty-first year, the end of June,

And people went to bed peacefully the night before,

But in the morning the whole country already knew

That a terrible war has begun.

But Germany attacked our homeland.

And our army retreated first,

And the Germans quickly walked towards Moscow itself,

And blood flowed throughout our native land.

And so the Nazis broke through to Moscow,

And they had the evil Hitler at their head,

A little more, and Moscow would have been taken,

But our soldiers fought to the death.

The war went on for four long years.

We fought for our freedom:

The enemies wanted to seize our land,

And turn us into obedient slaves.

There were many very terrible battles,

In which the damned enemy was defeated:

The Great Battle of Moscow,

In which we are the enemy

They said menacingly: “Stop!”

Of course, we need to remember

And the encirclement of the enemy at Stalingrad,

And the Kursk Bulge, and Crimea, and Leningrad.

Hitler was no longer happy about attacking us.

And we went to liberate Europe:

Our soldiers are in dugouts, in trenches,

In dugouts, tanks, pillboxes, bunkers,

On ships and planes...

The fascist occupiers were defeated

The Germans were driven all the way to Berlin.

Berlin was taken and the Reichstag

Our flag was proudly hoisted.

And there was a celebration for the whole country.

And again, celebrating this holiday,

We must remember the heroes

Calling enemies to account.

O. Uzorova, E. Nefedova. "Victory Day"

The song “Farewell of the Slav” is played. The readers come out.

The station was quiet

Small and sad

The horses chewed oats with a crunch.

But under the sleeper the gravel crunched sharply,

And the rails trembled from the wheels,

And the trains floated out to the stop.

The birch trees at the platform are up and running.

And belatedly the ditty gasped,

Filled with pain and longing:

Darling is going to fight,

I put on a white shirt.

I'll be waiting all the time

I won't change it.

And the tension instantly burst,

It hit my heart, hot and tight.

And how can we... Take care of yourself!”

And he went, already a Russian soldier,

To the train cars, to the sad fellow countrymen,

And his sons next to him are barefoot

They walked on the sides like adults.

And the woman remained small,

It would make her sad to write Russian!

She fumbles fussily in her pockets

And he can’t find all the scarves.

And in the crowd she managed to peer -

The husband kisses the tear-stained children...

And through the village, as if through the heart,

The train went off into the blazing sunset.

V. Soloviev. "Stop Station"

“We inform... You...

For the Motherland...

With enemies..."

There are five short lines in the mourning border.

The goddess came walking,

It swayed under my feet,

The hunchbacked ceiling pressed on my shoulders.

I caught my breath.

I took out the bundle.


I blew a speck off my vest,

I combed the curl of my hair...

Quiet, straight, bright stood,

Not a half-moan escaped the dry lips.

Began to calm down

The crying postman

Lamenting neighbors

She took me to the porch.

And dancing all around, the green fire was humming

And the icy fire beat into the open face.

Looked around:

The edge of dawn, the road -

Everything is as it was -

And sand, and distance, and chilliness...

And the stingy ones don’t hide their tears,

With a dry hand, a piece of paper

- It will be, ladies. It's cleared up.

It's time to make hay.

I. Grigoriev. "Mother"

Anxious thoughts come to visit,

IN blue eyes- hidden sadness.

Old letters are tied together with a ribbon.

She remembers each one by heart.

The ink hasn't even faded in the lines,

She saved every single piece of paper,

She saved everything down to the piece of paper,

Only the funeral one was silently burned.

The cold nights last long.

The windows of the neighboring houses are dark.

In an ancient Russian village above the Volga

A woman is waiting for a lieutenant from the war!

Yu. Lednev. "Memory"

There's a house behind the fence,

There is smoke above the chimney.

There is light in two windows,

In the third - no.

Became a mother to my son

Write to war

Can't hear anything

He just writes, he writes:

"How many dark nights

I'm not sleeping, son.

Give the news quickly

Reduce your sorrows!

The wind swirls in the field,

Oh, and it's very windy.

The blizzard doesn't care

If someone freezes.

I went out into the sensi in the morning -

Heart ached:

There is a snowdrift,

Well, just like a coffin.”

A mother cries for her son,

Hides tears in her dress: -

No, it can't be

To be killed!

Little house on the hill

There is smoke above the chimney.

The day has darkened

A light flashed.

The mother sits and sighs,

The grief does not subside.

Can't hear anything -

Writes... writes... writes!

V. Bokov. "Mother"

She's been living alone for a long time

Pray silently to God

And he looks, looks out the window

On the numb road.

I was hoping for it, but I couldn't wait...

Survived what thunderstorms!

For four years blood flowed

And for so many years, tears flow.

S. Chukhin. "Mother"

It's easier to punish your heart,

It is easier with the mind to be in discord.

Compare with maternal grief

All you can do is mother's grief...

T. Tatyanicheva. "Mother's Grief"

A song about mother is sung.

Time flies, it flies fast

All over my country.

How many volleys, how many shots

Thundered for the war!..

We went to general battles

Our brothers and fathers,

Near and far fought -

Both the Urals and the Don...

There were days: from furious guns

The globe shook...

Suddenly - the last one! May!

Glad!!! —

A shot rang out above the ground!

Peace to you, my Fatherland!

Sword in sheath. The war is silent.

But keeps it for all evil spirits

This sword is my country.

Sing, trumpets, the song of victory!

May, make noise throughout the whole country!..

Glory to the last shot,

To the one who finished the war!

P. Kudryavtsev. "Song of the Last Shot"

A song is being performed.

8th reader. We are on old cards

They were looking for grandma

In the nurse-girl

Suddenly they recognized her.

Next to her is the rescued one

Wounded soldier.

This is what grandma is like

Just great!

Tore over the trenches

Mines and shells,

Young grandmother

Walked alongside the soldiers

In boots, in a cap,

What a dashing fighter!

This is what grandma is like

Just great!

Our grandmother has it

Order and medals.

For saving the wounded

They gave her awards.

And her sister

He called it a fighter.

This is what grandma is like

Just great!

I. Chernetsova. “That’s what grandma is like.”

The song “About Grandma” is performed.

1st presenter (against the background of the music “Victory Day”).

The ninth of May is a great date!

Who knows what would have happened then, in '45,

Whenever our great-grandfathers and grandfathers

They didn’t achieve a great Victory for us,

When the Barbarossa plan would not have failed

About the will, about the strength, about the courage of the Russians...

2nd presenter.

Today we bow our heads...

But there is no need for unnecessary words and tears.

We will remember all those who died, together

We'll stand at the obelisk.

E. Shvetsova

1st presenter

Remember! Through the centuries,

Years from now, remember!

About those who will never come again -

Don't cry! In your throat, hold back your moans,

Bitter moans.

Be worthy of the memory of the fallen!

Eternally worthy!

2nd presenter.

A minute of silence!

A minute of silence!

A minute of silence!..

A musical number is being performed.

I want there to be no screams in the world,

There were no screams, fear or pain.

I want people in the world to forget

Screams born from the horror of wars.

I want the world to hear screams,

The cries of newborns were heard.

I want songs to be heard in the world,

Songs of happy people, songs of lovers.

5th reader. The world is the air I breathe.

6th reader. The world is the air by which I live.

7th reader. The world is everything that I have loved since childhood.

8th reader. The world is a home in the native land.

9th reader. Peace is everything that we have loved since childhood!

10th reader. Peace is life! The world is people!

A. Boyko. "The world is people"

The song “Sunny Circle” is performed. A march or the melody of the song “Victory Day” sounds.

The last battle has already died down,

And the bugler played the all-clear for the war,

But all the people remember this sacredly,

And we owe this silence to you!

No, we must not forget, dear veterans,

Your feat of arms is on a tormented land.

Even though we fought while looking at the screens,

We listened with pride to the stories about the war!

How have you fought all these years?

We stood in the water for days under bullets,

In the harsh winter they froze on the field,

Under the sun they died on earth.

Under a barrage of continuous fire

You ran into the attack, gritting your teeth,

And they cried, mother of a fascist,

When they were retreating at the beginning!

The captives held on with dignity,

And they stood, keeping their courage,

And, as best they could, they helped each other,

Although unforgiven, but loving the Motherland!

In America, in Europe everyone learned

How our people know how to win,

How half-dead lips whispered:

“For the Motherland! For Stalin! Forward!"

How our people know how to hate,

How much someone can love their homeland!

And let them not try to forget,

How we helped the whole of Europe to survive!

And the wounds probably hurt more and more

Those who are still in service.

And my heart aches when I hear Levitan,

Everyone in my native land!

We ask you, dear ones, to forgive us,

That we are not always attentive,

And don’t harbor grudges in your heart,

Sometimes we forget to call.

We congratulate you on a victorious May!

The whole country wishes you health!

We promise to save the Fatherland,

It’s not for nothing that we bear your names!

V. Yakushkina. "For veterans"

We are happy in spring

Congratulate the winners, heroes!

The song “Victory Day” is performed.

In honor of the Great Holiday - Victory Day on May 9, festivities are held in all cities and villages. Obligatory guests are, of course, veterans of the Great Patriotic War. To make sure they remember this day for a long time, we offer this concert scenario dedicated to Victory Day on May 9, which can be held in a rural cultural center.

1.Ved.- Good afternoon, dear veterans! Hello, dear guests! Today is the most significant day in our history, Victory Day! Congratulations on this great holiday!

2.Ved.- What can you wish for on such a day? Of course, maintaining a peaceful sky above your head. So that the smiles of children and the warm hands of parents are always nearby, so that a warm hearth and reliable shelter await everyone on earth.

1.Ved.- It’s difficult to speak at such a solemn moment, because we, your descendants, cannot imagine what you had to go through, dear Veterans. And thank heavens we can’t. Heaven and you! After all, if it were not for your Great Feat, we would not be standing before you now, on this Victory Day!

The song Victory Day sounds

1.Ved.- Victory Day is not one, a day is
2.Ved.- 1418 days and nights.
1.Ved.- 1418 days and nights of heroic deeds.
2.Ved.- 1418 days and nights of loss and pain.
1.Ved.- 1418 days and nights of incredible sacrifice.
2.Ved.- 1418 days and nights of thirst for Victory!

Footage from the war years.

Number (war song)

1.Ved.- Let's take a moment to plunge into history and go through its main milestones.

1.Ved.- Brest Fortress. The Brest Fortress was the first to take the blow of enemy forces. On June 22, 1941, not only military units, but also three hundred families were in the fortress civilians. The enemy met here with incredible resistance from the first defenders of their homeland. The last hero of the fortress was captured exactly a month later.

2.Ved.- Siege of Leningrad. The blockade lasted from September 8, 1941 to January 27, 1944 - 872 days. The city was home to 2.5 million inhabitants, six hundred thousand of whom died of starvation, tens of thousands of residents were subsequently killed by air attacks. Despite all the torment: severe frosts, hunger, lack of human conditions, the city did not give up.

1.Ved.- Battle of Stalingrad. Stalingrad is the most important strategic object for our country, which the enemy has set its sights on. With colossal losses numbering more than a million people, the city survived. All the soldiers who took part in the battle of Stalingrad are heroes of our country!

1.Ved. - Battle of Kursk, which took place not just on the soil of the USSR, but on the original Russian soil, where Alexander Nevsky, now elevated to the rank of saint, once held his sword. And his prophecy came true, the enemies who came with the “sword” died from the Russian “sword”.

1.Ved.- The Battle of Moscow lasted from 1941 to 1942, the largest battle with the country’s huge forces involved in it. It was this battle that helped destroy the legends about the invincible German army.

2.Ved.“This is only a hundredth part of history that took place from 1941 to 1945.”

1.Ved.- All this time, the inhabitants of the USSR fought for our Motherland! They fought so that we could look into each other's eyes with our heads raised. So that our children can smile and enjoy life.

Song Children of War (if it’s not in the repertoire, you can turn on the soundtrack, again, put on military footage, just not scary ones.).

2.Ved.- Dear veterans, despite all of the above, we hope that each of you remembers not only the sad time of the war, but also the happy moments of hope that each victory over the enemy gave you.

1.Ved.“And there were times of calm at the front, when the defenders of the Motherland could sit at a rest stop, chat, read letters from home aloud to each other, play the guitar or accordion, and even dance.

Dance (military, folk).

Dance (military, folk).

1.Ved.- Victory Day, a sacred day
People of the entire universe are happy!
And the fireworks are thundering,
Around the country right now!
Friends brought happiness to the world,
This must not be forgotten!

War songs (choir).

2.Ved.- For the most part, men protect the world! They are strong and brave, but from 1941 to 1945 everyone, including women and children, defended him!

Video about women of war and child heroes (not scary, but heroic).

1.Ved.-Dear veterans. Our gratitude to you knows no bounds; we are eternally indebted to you. And we, the younger generation, can repay this debt to you only by maintaining peace.

Bringing small gifts or bouquets to veterans.

2.Ved.- There is peace in the world, there is no need for war!
Remember the law of friendship?
If you remember, keep it
Take care of this victory!
I got it with so much effort,
In the fight against rigidity, against the enemy!

1.Ved.- Live together for centuries,
Keep love in your hearts!
Live joyfully, lightly,
And smile warmly to everyone!
Then Victory will live,
Thousands of years ahead!

2.Ved.- There is no more sacred word on earth than the word “Peace”! Dear veterans, today we want to give you a promise that we will protect this world,
And proudly give it to your children and grandchildren!

1.Ved.- You, veterans, have come a hard way,
We say thank you for this!
You forgot about yourself, about your wounds,
Only you were our world, we keep it!

2.Ved.- And now I would like to say parting words to the younger generation.

Guardians of Russian Victory
You are the generation of young people!
Your grandfathers fought for you,
For you, loved ones, dear ones!

1.Ved.-They give you their destiny,
They tore into pieces like paper!
Under cannonades and shooting,
In battle, tempering courage a hundredfold.

2.Ved.-So take care of peace on the planet,
Obtained to you by sacrificial will!
And pass on your covenants to your children,
Let there be no more war!

Room (light, cheerful).

1.Ved.- Dear our Winners! You, and no one else, are the heroes of our time! You are an example for all subsequent generations! Thank you for everything you have done for us, for our Russian land! Thank you for being with us today, because looking at you we all want to become better! Looking at you, our memory is not just alive, it is thriving. So may your life continue to bloom and delight us, the grateful inhabitants of the country you protected!

We need to remember...

Even that night the children dreamed of games,

But with a menacing roar, not an empty game,

The night sky exploded at dawn,

The planes were flying east.

That first night, in the early hours of dawn,

The earth slept in ears of corn and flowers,

And there was so much light

So much color

What we dreamed of only in children's dreams.

That night the birds barely started

Touching flutes and bows through drowsiness,

Not knowing that the beaks of a flock of predators

They are coming, they are already very close.

And that night the great shield of the people stood up

And took the first flurry of blows to the chest,

So that year after year, all four years,

The continuous ninth wave did not subside...

1. Song “Scarlet Sunsets” (Predg. gr.)

2. Poems Prep. Gr.

The thirteenth day of the war is roaring.

There is no respite either at night or during the day.

Explosions rise, rockets blind,

And there is not a second for silence.

It’s scary to imagine how the guys fight!

Rushing into the twentieth, thirtieth battle

For every house, path, arable land,

For every hillock that is painfully different...

3. Three tankmen (St. gr.)

Wait for me and I will return

All deaths are out of spite.

Whoever didn't wait for me, let him

He will say: - Lucky.

They don’t understand, those who didn’t expect them,

Like in the middle of fire

By your expectation

You saved me.

We'll know how I survived

Just you and me, -

You just knew how to wait

Like no one else.

3. Katyusha (Solo song)

The boys left with greatcoats on their shoulders,

The boys left - they bravely sang songs,

The boys retreated through the dusty steppes,

The boys died, they didn’t know where.

4. Cranes (Dance pre-gr.)

Why is everything wrong? Everything seems to be as always:

The same sky is blue again,

The same forest, the same air and the same water,

Only he did not return from the battle.

He was silent at random and sang along out of tune,

He always talked about something else

He didn’t let me sleep, he got up at sunrise,

And yesterday he didn’t return from the battle.

We had enough space in the dugout,

Time flowed for us and for both of us.

All alone now. It just seems to me:

It was I who did not return from the battle.

5. Oh, roads (Solo song)

I’ll plunge into a chamomile field, as if into the sea.

I can’t get enough of the blooming expanse.

And beyond the field the river winds its way like a ribbon from a scythe.

Your heart will beat joyfully from the beauty you see.

The sun is shining crystal light over the country.

Now the sunset shines, now the sunrise burns.

And nothing can lead the sun astray.

Over my country, sunshine, shine!

6. A soldier is walking through the city (Old gr.)

7. Poems Art. gr.

If I stay alive in the war,

I'll meet you in my native land.

Only while I'm at war

Don't forget about me.

The Junkers are circling and the sky is on fire,

Think, dear, always about me.

I can see from the sky

Your cute profile in the window.

8. Blue handkerchief (Dance pre-gr.)

Grandmother put on the medals

And now she’s so beautiful!

She celebrates Victory Day

Remembering the great war.

Grandma's face is sad.

There is a soldier's triangle on the table.

We look at grandfather's portrait

And we shake hands with my brother:

Well, what kind of grandfather is this?

He's still just a boy!

9. My great-grandfather (solo song)

I called my grandson from the yard

To an open window:

What are you playing?

Into the submarine war!

To war? Why do you need war?

Listen, commander:

The peoples do not need war.

Play better in the world.

He left after hearing the answer.

Then he came again

And quietly asks: Grandfather,

But how to play in the world?

10. Great-grandfather (solo song)

We want to live under a peaceful sky,

And rejoice and be friends,

We want it to be everywhere on the planet

Children did not know war at all!

11. Poems (middle group)

12. Video military chronicle and a poem

Seventy years have flown by

Since the day of the treacherous war,

When grief took over the country,

And sad days came

Villages and towns are deserted,

Plunged into the darkness of the city,

And fragments remained from happiness,

But trouble united the peoples,

Experienced the deprivation of tears,

Executions, burning evil smoke,

But even in the bitter cold

We believed that we would win

We watered it with our blood,

Kilometers of our native land,

They did not ask for mercy from the enemy,

We persistently walked towards victory,

And when I had to retreat,

We forged our rage,

We soon found it useful

In brutal hand-to-hand combat.

Women, children, cripples,

The soldiers were covered in the rear,

The rivers froze four times,

When everyone was waiting for brothers, fathers,

They plowed the earth on cows,

And they themselves harnessed themselves to the plow,

Even though we ourselves were starving in the rear,

But they saved bread for the soldiers,

It hurts me to see

As the ground becomes overgrown with grass,

After all, blood was shed for her

Not everyone returned home

But I believe the moments will come,

The gardens will bloom again,

And there will be fireworks of joy,

Grandfathers' dreams will come true.

13. Medley preg. Gr.

"Three Tankers"

On the border the clouds move gloomily,

The harsh land is enveloped in silence,

On the high banks of the Amur

The sentries of the Motherland are standing.

on the high banks of the Amur

The sentries of the Motherland are standing.

Apple and pear trees bloomed,

Fogs floated over the river,

Katyusha came ashore,

On a high bank, on a steep bank.


One day in the summer, at dawn

Looked into the neighboring garden:

There's a dark-skinned Moldavian woman there

Collects grapes.

I'm blushing, I'm turning pale,

I suddenly wanted to say:

"Let's stand over the river to greet the summer dawns"

Curly maple green leaf carved,

I am in love and embarrassed before you.

Maple green. curly maple,

Curly carved.

"Blue handkerchief"

Little blue modest handkerchief

Fell from slumped shoulders

You said you wouldn't forget

Affectionate memorable meetings.

And let it be with me

There is no beloved today, dear

I know with love you to the headboard

You hide the handkerchief dear.

"I was traveling from Berlin"

I was driving from Berlin along the steppe road

I was driving home from the front in a passing car,

I drove past Warsaw, I drove past Orel,

Where Russian glory passed all the paths.

Eh, meet me. hug me tighter

Pour a glass of intoxicating drink quickly.

Music "Victory Day".

Publications on the topic:

“In the distant 45th” Script of a festive concert for Victory Day The waltz “In the forest near the front” is being performed. Presenter Victory Day has come! May 9 is a bright and joyful holiday. Exactly 70 years ago.

Poems dedicated to the Second World War “To remember! So that they understand! Preface. Peaceful time - what happiness, what joy! Look at the children and celebrate the Victory with song and dance. But Victory is not.

Project passport. Type of project: educational - creative. Duration: medium term. Dates: 04/01/2015. – 05/30/2015. Participants:.

Scenario of the festive concert “Let there always be a mother”“Let there always be a mother” Script for a festive event, dedicated to the Day Mothers ( senior group) Children enter the hall to the music. 1 Presenter:.

Victory Day at school. Scenario of the festive concert for May 9. Scenario for the organizers of a festive concert for Victory Day.

Holiday dedicated to Victory Day

Forty-first, June.

The year and month of the national struggle,

Even in the shadow of time

This date cannot be delayed.

The country was rising

And she went to the front obediently,

Red stars

Carrying away banners on canvas.

Leading: Good afternoon, dear friends. This year, on May 9, Victory fireworks will go off in honor of... the anniversary of Victory Day. So many years have passed, but the immeasurable suffering of the war years and the immeasurable courage of the people are still alive in people’s memory.

Today you and I can remember how it was.

Coming from darkness, worlds, bloodshed,

Unknown to anyone, distant and sick,

The iron war sings its red verse,

Madness, having learned from the mystery to find...

Leading: I didn’t want to believe in this terrible dream that plunged the world into the abyss of madness. After all, everything was so good: June, summer holidays, school graduations. Alumni Waltz. For whom everything seemed to be ahead just the day before...

(The sound of the sea turning into lyrical music, a voice behind the stage, a dramatization of a poem.)

The pre-war day begins

From the rumble of seaside platforms,

The rain makes noise in the palm trees

And instantly


And there is a storm at sea.

The sea is muddy

There is plenty of scale in it,

Cascade hits cascade.

The destroyer is heading to Sevastopol.

Bombs will fly at him!

Tomorrow, early dawn

The first battle will thunder

The first doctor will meet the first wounded,

The first refugee will flee.

The birds will be afraid of the groves,

The forests won't hear the birds.

It will only happen tomorrow.

In twenty four hours...

And today

Pre-war dawn,

The rumbling of seaside platforms,

The crashing wave of an unchanging wave,

Rain over the sea

And there is a storm at sea.

As it turned out, they only had a few happy sunrises left. They living then did not know about it, they were happily spinning in a whirlwind of a waltz.

Oh, war, what have you done, you vile one?

Our yards have become quiet...

Our boys raised their heads

They have matured for the time being.

They barely loomed on the threshold

And they went after the soldier...

Goodbye boys!

Boys, try to go back!

No, don't hide, be tall

Spare no bullets or grenades,

And don’t spare yourself, but still...

Try to go back.

(A waltz is performed, which is interrupted by the sound of cannonade, the dancers freeze, and a recording of Levitan’s voice is heard - a message about the beginning of the war.)

From the Soviet Information Bureau. Today at 4 o'clock in the morning without any declaration of war German troops attacked our country. There are battles on the borders. We call for calm. Our cause is right! The enemy will be defeated! Victory will be ours!

(The song “Holy War” plays. Against the background of this song, a young man and a girl come to the forefront. At the back of the stage, couples of dancers freeze in scenes of farewell and parting. The music changes to lyrical.)

Familiar with the earth, intertwined with branches,

How painful, honey, how strange,

Split in two under the saw,

The wound on the heart will not heal -

Will shed pure tears,

The wound on the heart will not heal -

It will spill with fiery resin.

As long as I'm alive, I'll be with you,

Soul and blood are inseparable.

As long as I'm alive, I'll be with you.

Love and death are always together,

You will carry it with you everywhere,

Don't forget me darling,

You will carry it with you everywhere

Native land, sweet home.

But if I have nothing to hide with

From incurable pity?

But if I have nothing to hide with

From grief and darkness?

I'm leaving to return

Look, the sky is already on fire.

I'm leaving to return

A sword is raised above our happiness.

I believe the meeting will happen again,

I'll be with you, wherever you are...

I believe the meeting will happen again,

How thousands of happy meetings!

But if I disappear into obscurity,

The short light of daylight,

But if I disappear into obscurity,

Beyond the star belt, into the milky smoke?

I will pray for you,

So that you don’t forget the earthly path.

I will pray for you,

May you return unharmed.

He: Don’t part with your loved ones.

She: Don’t part with your loved ones.

Don't part with your loved ones,

With all your blood, grow into them.

She: And every time - say goodbye forever.

He: And every time - say goodbye forever.

Together: When you leave for a moment!

Don't forget the blood of separation,

Hearts burned by war.

Don't forget the blood of separation,

In the name of those holy days.

Let your shoulders grow back,

Let your hands clench into one chain,

And they will obscure the love of people!

(The song “Dark Night” plays.)

Eh, the roads are dust and fog,

Cold, anxiety - yes, steppe weeds.

You can’t know your share,

Maybe you will fold your wings in the middle of the steppes?

And how insulting and painful it was if someone died at the very beginning of the journey...

Yes, war has many tragic faces - one of them is female. But there is an even more stunning childish face of Tanya Savicheva - girls from besieged Leningrad who kept a diary. In it she wrote down when her relatives died. They died from cold and hunger. She lost her sister, brother, grandmother, uncle - and now the war took away the most precious thing - her mother. The last entry in the diary is: “Everyone died. Tanya is the only one left." Defenseless small child in front of brutal war. What could be worse than the suffering of an innocent child? God forbid that this happens again.

(A dance is performed with candles, after the dance the group freezes with candles in their hands, without leaving the stage, text is coming behind the scenes. A young man and a girl come to the forefront, the dialogue goes on as if in thoughts between them.)

She: So you say that human tears are water?

He: Yes!

She: And all cataclysms pass without a trace for you?

He: Yes!

She: Christ, Robespierre, Chagevara - nonsense for you?

He: Yes!

She: And Afghan's tears never touched you? Him: Yes!

She: Tell me, does your conscience bother you, at least sometimes? Him: Yes!

She: But do you always manage to calm her down? Him: Yes!

She: What if enemies encroached on your country? Him: Well?

She: Did the hearth you created get destroyed? Him: Yes...

She: Were your family members brutalized? They...

She: Do you really care if you shoot a bullet? He: It’s creepy... (covers his face with his hands) She: So you’re saying that human tears are water? Him: No!

She: And all cataclysms pass without a trace for you? Him: No!

She: So, does something still bother you sometimes? Him: Yes! Yes!

(The song “Red Poppies” is performed.)

Host: Four years - is it a lot or a little? Who, if not a soldier, should know about this? What helped you survive without becoming hardened in heart? Probably the letters that told them that they were loved were waiting. “Wait for me and I will return” - these words of Konstantin Simonov became a symbol of that time. These letters warmed the soul, giving the soldiers’ hearts the light of love and warmth. And the heart sang, sang even during the war.

(A medley of songs from the war years sounds, soldiers sit on stage and seem to perform these songs, then they freeze, and a voice behind the stage sounds in the silence.)

Through the centuries,

Years later

Who will never come again.

Don't cry

Hold back the moans in your throat,

Bitter moans.

In memory of the fallen

Be worthy.

Eternally worthy!

(Minute of silence.)

Leading: Time passed. The stages of the journey remained in the past: Moscow - 41, Stalingrad - 42, Kursk - 43, in 44 - soviet army went beyond the borders of the USSR, and the cherished day was approaching - May 9, 1945.

(Poems are heard and performed by several students.)

Reader 1:

There was still mute darkness,

The grass was crying in the fog.

Ninth day of Big May

Already came into his own.

Reader 2:

The army buzzer beeped faintly.

Two words lifted the terrible dream.

Signalman from the regimental headquarters

He jumped up and threw the phone.

Reader 3:

And that’s it, no one called the buglers,

Nobody gave any commands.

There was a roar of furious joy,

The lieutenant was tap dancing.

Reader 1:

Tanks and infantry fired

And, tearing my mouth apart with a scream,

For the first time in four years

“Walter” fired at people.

Reader 2:

Flocks of “Yakovs” did not rumble

Above the blazing dawn,

And someone sang, and someone cried.

And someone slept in the damp ground.

Reader 3:

Suddenly there was an overwhelming silence.

And in complete silence

The nightingale sang, not yet knowing

That he is not singing about war.

(The victory waltz is performed to the song “Spring of 1945”. All participants line up on stage with flowers for the veterans.)


When from enemy pressures,

The striking sword will tremble in your hand.

Let it flash before your eyes

Generalissimo Suvorov

In his traveling frock coat.

And in every warrior they will awaken

Hearts of illustrious times.

And squeezed on all sides,

German regiments rush

To the whistle of torn banners.

Glory is upon you,

Like a mother, she bowed tenderly.

We will wash away your torment with tears.

And your wounded hands

Kiss with tender love.

(To the song “We wish you happiness,” flowers are given to veterans.)