Tongue twisters 7 8 years short. Funny tongue twisters with pictures

The snake was bitten by the snake, and you can’t get along with the snake.
The hedgehog has a hedgehog, the snake has a squeeze. Shrugged - by the snake, hedgehog - by the hedgehog.
The ground beetle buzzes, buzzes and spins.
On the roof of Shura lived the crane Zhura. The Crane Zhura lived on the roof of Shura.
A hedgehog runs to a Christmas tree; the hedgehog has needles.
The ground beetle buzzed the snake. The ground beetle stung the snake.
The toad sat in the puddle, looking greedily at the beetle. The beetle buzzed, buzzed, buzzed... and came to her for dinner.
A good pie - there is curd inside.

Our chess player will out-chess your chess player, out-chess.
The cuckoo bought a tub and decided to bathe the cuckoos.
Ivashka has a shirt, the shirt has pockets, the shirt has pockets, Ivashka has a shirt.
Lyubasha has a hat, Polyushka has a bun, Pavushka has a boat, Ilyushka has a hockey stick.
Timoshka Proshke crumbles crumbs into okroshka.
Masha washes her neck and ears in the shower.
Masha sewed a fur coat, a hat and pants for the monkey.

Tongue twisters for automating the sound “zh”.

Thickets are more common in our Pushcha.
I drag the pike, I drag it, I won’t miss the pike.
The puppy eats sorrel cabbage soup by both cheeks.
Swifts, tap dancers, goldfinches and siskins are chirping in the grove.
In our forest the thicket is thicker.
The goldfinch chirped and clicked, puffing out his cheeks like a balloon. A pike looked out from the pond, wondering what the thing was.

Tongue twisters for automating the sound “zh”.

Prokop has arrived, dill is boiling.
Dima gives Dina melons, Dima gives melons to Dina.
The woman has beans, the grandfather has oaks.
The road to the city is uphill, from the city - down the mountain.
Boba has a screw, Vitya has a bandage.
Fanya visiting Vanya. Vanya is visiting Fanya.
From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.
There are five honey mushrooms standing by the stumps again.
Buy a pile of spades. Buy a pile of spades. Buy a peak.
The baker baked the bun, bagel, loaf and loaf early in the morning.
The water truck was carrying water from the water supply.

Tongue twisters for automating the sound “zh”.

Klim threw his bow at Luka.
There are bells near the stake, and bells on the stakes.
Polkan pushed the stick with his paw.
Have you washed the raspberries? They washed, but did not soap.
A cap under a cap, a cap under a cap.
Mom washed Mila with soap. Mila didn't like soap.
Shallow, shallow Emelya, your week.
The fields fly into the fields, and Kolya stabs the stakes.

Tongue twisters for automating the sound “zh”.

The beaver is kind to the beavers.
The baker Peter was baking a pie.
There is crust in front of the cow box.
Three crows on the gate.
Good beavers go into the forests.
On Mount Ararat, Varvara picks grapes.
On the mountain, on the hill, Yegorka roars bitterly.
Kondrat's jacket is a little short.
Radishes and turnips have strong roots.
Three cutters in three yards are chopping wood.
A steep mountain, in the mountain there is a hole, in the hole there is a wormhole.
There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass. Don't cut wood on the yard grass!
The ram is happy: the ram has a drum, and the ram drums on the drum, the ram drums on the drum.
Whey from yogurt.
Arkhip is hoarse, Osip is hoarse. Osip is hoarse, Arkhip is hoarse.
Our purchases are cereals and cereals.
Around the yard, in the courtyard - in good health.
Prov brought a mountain of firewood to Egor’s yard.
Yard-cutters cut down oaks and log houses.
Be friends with a friend, but don’t be rude to another.
Pour sand into a little black shard.
Tara-bars, rastabars! Varvara's chickens are old!
For Toropka, spanking is of no use, but for Toropka, gingerbread is good for future use.
Three crows are on the gate. Three magpies are on the doorstep.
Thirty-three cars in a row chatter and rattle.
Thirty-three trumpeters sound the alarm.
Rita grows Daisies, and Boris grows Barberries.
Pie with peas is good for the road trip.
Although the pike is eager, it will not eat the ruff from its tail.
I walk around the cellar and talk about the cellar.
The ram's horns are twisted and twisted, turned over and over.
In the stove there are three chocks, three geese, three ducks.
There is a slide in the yard, and a hole under the mountain. In this hole the mole guards the crust.
The beavers are going into the pine forests.
Our Abrosim doesn’t ask for food.
Our chebotar is a chebotar to all chebotars. No one can beat our chebotar.
Don’t pepper the pig with pepper, Peter, otherwise you might pepper the pig with pepper.
Tell us about your purchases. What about purchases? About shopping, about shopping, about my shopping!
He will tell each other, and the friend will tell the girlfriend, and the girlfriend will tell the hog, and the hog will tell the whole city.
The beaver has a good hat, but the beavers have a richer outfit.
In the yard they chop wood with axes. One firewood, two firewood, three firewood.
Marina was picking mushrooms. Marina was picking raspberries.
The cat caught mice and rats, the rabbit gnawed a cabbage leaf.
A turtle wears a shell and hides its head in fear.

Tongue twisters for automating the sound “zh”.

Little Sanya's sleigh moves on its own.
Little Sanya drives the sleigh on its own.
Osa is barefoot and without a belt.
Sanya took a sleigh with him to the hill, Sanya rode down the hill, and Sanya rode the sleigh.
Sonya and Sanya have a catfish with a mustache in their nets. Catfish with mustaches in Sonya and Sanya's nets.
Alesya is sitting with her legs dangling from the stove.
They stomp, gander after gander, in single file.
The gander looks down on the gander.
Senya carries hay in the canopy; Senya will sleep on the hay.
Evsey, Evsey, sift the flour.
Zoya's bunny's name is Zaznayka.
The violent Byaka is loud, Byaka Buka is threatening, Byaka Buka is insolent, Byaka Buka is pushing.
On a winter morning, the birch trees ring from the frost at dawn.

Tongue twisters. Vegetables. Garden

The digger weeded the dill, weeded and weeded.

Half a cellar of turnips, half a head of peas.

Grandma's bean blossomed in the rain: Grandma will have a bean

By noon, Polya had weeded half the field.

Temka was weeding parsley in the darkness.

There are two shovels near the bed, and two buckets near the tub.

Fekla’s beets got wet and wet until they faded.

Chop potatoes and peas into okroshka.

We eat cabbage with a crunch, with a crunch.

The woman planted peas and collected thistles.

How much does sweet sugar beet cost?

On the street, peas indiscriminately climb into the cracks of the fence.

A head of cabbage went for a haircut and cut it into a stub.

How much does zucchini cost? - Zucchini? Piglet.

Don't look for us, mom - we pluck sorrel for cabbage soup.

Water was poured and the bed was watered.

Polya went to weed parsley in the field.

Klava put the onion on the shelf and called Nikolka over.

Radishes rarely grew in the garden bed, and the garden bed was rarely in order.

Repeat, whoever is faster: turnip, radish, leek.

Tongue twisters. Wild animals

The ponies were hiding in blankets, the ponies were chilled to their hooves.

The hippopotamus stomps on the heels of the hippopotamus.

Giraffe is a count in Africa.

The lion has eaten, the lion lies down - the fallow deer walk around, emboldened.

Was a lion cub, became a lion!

The seal has nerves, the seal has nerves.

The hedgehog grew tenfold and became a porcupine.

A thug got into the gorilla's cage.

Instantly the gorilla pinned the goon down.

What a laugh! What a laugh! The elephant had its trunk somewhere.

The elephant accidentally broke the wall.

Bananas were thrown to a funny monkey

They threw bananas to a funny monkey.

Zoo-zoo-zoo! The kids are being taken to the zoo!

Children are taken to the zoo to see the animals.

The turtle makes everyone laugh because he is in no hurry.

In the summer, it is very hot for the bear cub in the cage at the zoo.

The seal lies all day long, and he is not too lazy to lie there.

The wolf cubs grumble, the bear cubs squeal,

The hedgehogs are lying down, the squirrels are silent

Four turtles have four hatchlings.

They gave a shoe to an elephant, he took one shoe

And he said, we need a wider one, and not two, but all four.

Tongue twisters. Fruits. Berries

Borya was at the market and bought a large watermelon.

Grapefruit is a bitter-sour fruit.

If a pineapple falls on us, pineapple juice will spill on us. And a pineapple fell on us. What about you?

Grandfather Danil divided the melon - a slice for Dima, a slice for Dina. Dina, give Dima a treat; Dina Give Dima a melon.

Gena, give Galya a treat, Gena, give Galya a pear.

There is a blue, blue plum garden under my window.

Our Grishenka has cherries under his window.

They ate, ate, melons, ate... Having eaten, they said: “They’re not ripe!”

Large grapes grow on Mount Ararat.

Tongue twisters. Fish.

Seven herring were caught by Syoma, Slava and Evsei.

Bream - splashing. Horsetail - whipping.

Pike and bream are not for cabbage soup, but for fish soup.

The clouds are thicker over the river.

The rain is pouring even more heavily.

Even pike and bream

They are looking for hats and raincoats.

Fluttering fins, toothy and skinny.

Looking for food for lunch, the pike walks around the bream.

The pike tries in vain to drag away the bream.

The flounder chatted incessantly.

About white cormorants and large eggplants.

There is no catch for a lazy fisherman.

We bought a lace dress for the cuttlefish.

A cuttlefish walks around and shows off its dress.

The crab climbed onto the ladder, and the crab fell asleep soundly.

But the squid did not sleep; it caught the crab in its paws.

Tongue twisters. Flowers

Even though the sunflower is not a bird, it strives straight for the sun.

Ermak sowed poppy: the poppy blossomed. Ermak collected poppies.

Don't forget the forget-me-nots by looking at them for a minute

Petya was small and crushed mint. The mother saw it and did not order it to be crushed.

Ficus and phlox are not fruits, but flowers.

Bindweed and hops curl, curl, intertwine.

Hydrangeas and dahlias burn like fire on the lawns.

There was a commotion in the garden - thistles were blooming there.

After the dew roses grew.

The rose ovary has begun. The rose turned out to be red.

Due to the heat, the jasmine has wilted.

Delicate roses are afraid of frost.

Flowers are blooming in the flower garden.

Our Laurel picked lilies of the valley and gave Lara lilies of the valley.

Lara took the lilies of the valley, she was glad to see the lilies of the valley.

Marysya walked through the forest, over the hills, over the hummocks.

Marysya was walking among the flowers and lost her little paws.

Did the Lilliputians love lilies?

Larisa painted daffodils in watercolors.

Agrafena and Arina have dahlias growing.

Tongue twisters. Toys

A little boy exchanged stamps for a ball.

They bought me a dump truck, I've been dreaming about it for a long time

Playing lapta requires talent.

A pretzel for the nesting doll, flatbread for the clown, gingerbread for the bear, and gingerbread for the bunny.

I'm riding a horse in a red hat,

Along a level path on one leg.

Have you washed Mila doll?

We soaped and washed Mila.

Zoya's bunny's name is Zaznayka.

Zoya is the bunny's mistress.

The bunny is sleeping in Zoya's basin.

The little matryoshka's earrings are missing,

Earrings I found an earring on the path.

No need to quarrel anymore!

And even the ball is not caught,

And the book is not readable,

And it starts to rain.

Andryushka has a toy, a rattle.

We played laughing games

We squealed like little pigs

We jumped like frogs

We played laughing games.

The top sang, the top hummed,

But he fell on his side - and there was silence.

He sang, joked and did not bother.

Mila washed the bear with soap,

Mila dropped the soap.

Mila dropped her soap

I didn’t wash the bear with soap

Grandfather Dodon played the pipe,

Dimka's grandfather hurt him.

Tongue twisters. Human. Family. Name

Feofan Mitrofanych has three sons Feofanych.

Uncle Kolya gave his daughter Polya a collie puppy.

The stout dad stood up firmly and founded the pyramid. Sons stand on their shoulders without panic, then nephews.

Nanny Nina, Nina is a nanny.

Don't sit idly by, there won't be any boredom.

Mom sat down on the bench. On the right is Seva, Slava is on the left.

Zina called Zoya and invited Zoya to visit.

Mom brought us a pie. Not a pie, but a miracle.

Misha's grandmother is knitting warm mittens.

On mommy’s nightstand there are framed photos of dachas.

Mom sews a shirt for her daughter

He scribbles lines on his shirt.

Zoya broke a crystal vase.

Grandmother and mother immediately frowned.

My brother is in a screaming, rattling mood,

And for me, and for me – in the rooms – it’s bouncy.

Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.

The woman stood on her toes, and then on her heels, began to dance Russian, and then squatted!

Senka is carrying Sanka and Sonya on a sled; sled clap, Sanka - sideways, Sonya - jump, Senka off his feet.

Tongue twisters. Cloth. Shoes

Tatka has slippers, Tatka has slippers.

Lyubka loves to dress up, her skirt is frilly.

Fani has a sweatshirt, Fedya has shoes, Faina has a jacket.

Faina and Fekla in flannel sweaters.

You need to put a lot of thread on your socks at night.

Kondrat's jacket is a little short.

Katka, the coquette, bought a checkered cap.

A down jacket for you, a down jacket for me.

Everyone needs a down jacket, everyone needs a down jacket.

New sundress made of colored chintz.

The new sundress does not sit well at home.

I sewed a skirt - I sewed a fur coat,

I sewed a hat - I sewed a slipper!

We sewed bright pants,

We sewed colorful shirts.

Jacques sewed a yellow jacket.

Pajamas for mom, jacket for wife,

A jacket for my son, a vest for my daughter.

Shawl-sorry, pity-shawl.

Our baby's pants are nice!

What pockets, straps and buckles!

Bunny, little bunny, why are you running around barefoot?

Wait for me in the forest - I'll bring the shoes.

Sasha knocked off some bumps with his hat and got a bruise on his forehead.

The hippopotamus bought new boots for the hippopotamuses,

Hippos are jumping through the swamp in new boots, tearing their tummies.

Valya got her felt boots wet in the thawed patch.

Valenka's felt boots are drying in the thawed patch.

Shura sewed a gorgeous fur coat.

A hat and a fur coat – that’s all Mishutka is.

The dove stroked a long tie,

The tie is white - dove.

The dove smoothed out all the folds.

The tie turned out to be smooth.

Already granted to hedgehogs

A dozen new pajamas.

The old pajamas were punctured by hedgehogs.

Ivan has a shirt, the shirt has pockets.

They bought Mike a tank top with a border.

Cuckoo bought a hood. The cuckoo put on a hood, he looks funny in a hood!

Tongue twisters. Food. Food

Sprinkle all the grains into the soup.

Peter baked pies for Peter.

Peter baked pies for Peter.

Borya gave Ira some toffee.

Ira Bore - barberry.

We washed the dishes ourselves.

Our hands were covered in soap.

Vitya treated Vova.

Vitya gave Vova waffles.

Fat is the one who eats cake.

The cranberry-raspberry jelly was boiling,

poured onto the stove from the pan.

Praise to halva, delicious halva, praise to halva!

Pussy eats soup from a bowl.

The pussy is full, the bowl is empty.

Once at our Stepan’s, the cat was on guard for sour cream.

And when lunch came, the cat sat there and there was no sour cream!

Sasha loves drying

Sonechka - cheesecakes.

Parsley has bay leaf in her soup,

Lavrushka has parsley in her soup.

In a bowl - sausages, in plates - sausages.

Slava ate cabbage salad,

The cabbage salad was delicious.

Oh! Delicious, sweet cabbage!

We ate everything and the bowl is empty!

The Little Russian sniffed the fish soup and praised it:

Wow, good ear!

They ate, ate melons, ate...

Having eaten it, they said: “It’s not ripe!”

The greedy beetle was chewing potatoes,

I got a little too greedy:

Ate a huge root vegetable...

The beetle has a stomach ache!!!

Tongue twisters. House

Our hut made of reeds for a baby mouse.

Danya built the house in the village.

When I grow up I will live in it.

The woodpecker hollowed out a hollow.

The woodpecker is warm in that hollow.

Woodpecker, my friend woodpecker

The oak chisels like a chisel.

Help me, uncle woodpecker,

Build a house for starlings.

Domna doesn’t clean the house,

Domna's house is all upside down.

Lumberjacks were chopping cheese oaks into log houses.

There are six naughty girls in the hut.

A Chukchi in a tent cleans his chuni.

The Chukchi have purity in the plague.

Tongue twisters. Dishes.

Pussy eats soup from a bowl.

The pussy is full, the bowl is empty.

Flora loves a porcelain coffee pot.

We washed the dishes ourselves

Our hands were covered in soap.

Tanya's saucers clash very often.

With a pretend spoon, I slurped a little,

Porridge, borscht and sour cabbage soup, mother bring sweets.

Tea saucers break easily.

The more often I clean, the cleaner the cup.

This is a spoon, this is a cup, there is buckwheat porridge in the cup. The spoon was in the cup - the buckwheat porridge was gone!

I’m careful with dishes – because you can break the dishes. I will carry and place all the dishes neatly.

Tongue twisters. Furniture

Vanya is sitting on the sofa.

Sophia is on the sofa, and Feofan is on the pouf.

The owl advises the owl: “Sleep neighbor on the sofa,

It's so sweet to sleep on the sofa,

I’ll have a dream about owlets.”

The table is a book, the bed is a folding bed.

There is a folding bed, on the folding bed there is a pillow,

on the pillow - Andryushka.

The beetle saw a dandelion and sat down as if on a sofa.

The tables are white oak, smoothly planed.

Our Irinka is sleeping on a feather bed.

Tongue twisters. Birds

The crossbill has fun in the spring.

A sparrow sat on a pine tree.

He fell asleep and fell in his sleep.

If he hadn't fallen in his sleep -

I would still be sitting on a pine tree.

For seven days and forty I tried, I hurried,

I made myself some rawhide boots.

I got the magpie cheese,

There were forty holes in the cheese.

The magpie pecked at the cheese.

There is no more cheese with holes.

Forty forty for their forties

Forty shirts are scribbling without quarreling.

Forty shirts were stitched on time -

Forty forty immediately quarreled.

The titmouse said with a laugh to her neighbor:

“Aims to become the most squeaky magpie!”

Three magpies, three ratchets lost three brushes.

I met a black grouse under a black grouse tree:

“Grouse, black grouse! How are your grouse?

Black grouse in response:

“My little grouse are healthy guys.

Greetings from them to your little grouse!”

Three magpies were chattering on the hill.

A big-nosed hoopoe flew into the swamp.

The mustachioed Fedot looked at the hoopoe.

Until the hoopoe sat down in the swamp.

Fedot stood and looked at the hoopoe.

Ducklings taught by mother duck

Look for snails in the meadow.

Snails in the meadow, no joke,

We learned to hide from ducks.

The owl got dressed up and dressed up in a tailcoat.

The eagle owl wants to be beautiful in the photo.

Tongue twisters. Insects

Osa is barefoot and without a belt.

The wasp does not have whiskers, not whiskers, but antennae.

The snake was bitten by the snake.

I can't get along with snakes.

I've already become terrified -

The snake will eat it for dinner.

The ground beetle buzzes and buzzes, but does not spin.

Bee, why doesn't the bee have bangs?

I answer why: - A bee has no need for bangs.

The caterpillars are sad: the rodent chewed off the milk mushroom.

The beetle and the beetle did not grieve,

Strong and the letter Z were friends.

The letter Z came to them,

They were taught to buzz to buzz.

Centipedes have too many legs.

A grief fly landed on my ear.

Tongue twisters. Trees. Shrubs

The honey pine tree has grown honey mushrooms.

A poplar stomped along the road,

He trampled a poplar in Sevastopol,

Well, Seva was stomping nearby,

Poplar on the right, Seva on the left.

Where is Seva with the poplar?

Already near Sevastopol!

Grusha raised Grushenka.

Pear gave her pears.

The letter G will help Grusha

Pick and eat pears.

Egor barely dragged the spruce tree into his yard.

Christmas tree, Christmas tree, Christmas tree, prickly needle.

“It’s a pity for Yolka,” thought the Hedgehog,

Don’t let her run around without legs.”

The tree was surprised: “Hedgehog, how do you live without roots?”

Tongue twisters. Space

I want to become an astronaut

I'll fly into space with my mom!

Astronauts are in orbit, acrobats are on the Arbat.

The green star lit up...

They will launch a spaceship there.

Moonlit night moon cat

Sings moon songs.

Our shadow is getting shorter and shorter,

This means the day is coming soon.

The shadow grows, moves away,

This means it will be night soon.

Each planet has something of its own,

What distinguishes her most clearly.

You will certainly recognize Saturn by sight -

It is surrounded by a large ring.

The lunar spacecraft landed on the moon, and in the lunar spacecraft there was a lunar rover.

Tongue twisters. Winter

Winter has frozen both fences and houses.

The late winter swept the huts overnight.

Frosty winter morning

At dawn the birch trees ring.

In the winter sky in the frost

Bright stars light up.

Frost lay on the spruce branches,

The needles turned white overnight.

Frost paved the bridge,

Paved - not paved.

Little Valya fell into her felt boots with snow.

In winter the field is white, frozen and icy.

- Frost bites your nose until you cry.

Take care of your nose in the extreme cold.

The garden is in the snow and the forest is in the snow, and I am running in the snow.

Taya catches the snowflakes and they fly off, melting.

Tongue Twisters Autumn

Autumn deliberately glazed the lake that night.

It will not be cold for the perch and his family in winter.

Leaves are falling from the aspen trees, a sharp wedge is rushing in the sky.

In the autumn forest, foxes are the color of autumn leaves.

There are not enough leaves for the trees.

On the ground there is no turning around.

Autumn sews a farewell blanket from scraps.

Girl - autumn with a red umbrella

Wanders among the pines, crying about

What didn't happen, what didn't come true,

I forgot my heart and became one with summer.

Autumn has come, the flowers have dried up

And the bare bushes look sadly.

The acorn lies in a puddle,

The yellow leaf above him trembles.

Tongue twisters. Winter

Prokop came and dug up the snowdrift,

He steps in the snow and digs a road.

Sanya is taking his sleigh up the hill.

Sanya was driving down the hill, and Sanya was riding a sleigh.

Blizzards flew, snowstorms flew.

Galya, Galya, two Olegs made a slide out of snow.

An oak tree in a snowdrift warms your foot, there is a lot of snow on the road.

It was fun on the hill for San, Sonya and Egorka.

Little Sanya's sled moves on its own.

Now the robber blizzard creeps and then pricks.

We bought Egorka a sled for a slide.

All winter, Egorka, ride on the slide.

Fish in the hole are a dime a dozen.

They cut an ice hole and caught fish.

Tongue twisters. Transport

Puff - puff, puff - puff, we're flying at full speed!

The doctors saved the sparrow and carried him into the helicopter.

The helicopter turned its propellers,

The grass was agitated by the winds.

Sleds - scooters, sit down and roll!

Pro and Pakhom made a ferry.

About the driftwood, the ship shook all its sides!

Oleg's cart got stuck in the mud,

Oleg will sit here until the snow falls.

The scooter broke down, I was not at a loss.

The bicycle carried me, carried me somewhere downhill.

We'll take the old, rusty scooter to the old warehouse.

The ship was carrying caramel and the ship ran aground.

And the sailors ate caramel aground for three weeks.

Tongue twisters. Water resources

Stream, where are you hurrying?

To the river, to the river, my baby!

Brook, when do you sleep?

I never sleep, baby!

By the pond in the grass in the dark,

Crayfish rustle in a noisy fight.

The Greek was driving across the river.

The cancer sees the Greek in the river.

The Greek put his hand in the river,

Cancer by the hand of the Greek DAC.

Egorka the hare fell into the lake,

Run to the lake - save Yegorka!

Wandered along the Borya River ford,

Dropped my sandwich.

Small streams, bring trickles.

However, the three of us will swim across this body of water.

Tongue twisters. Professions

Atty-bats, acrobats ran out of the gates.

Aty-baty, bearded, aty-baty, without beards.

Aty-baty, in half a minute they climbed onto the trampolines.

The acrobat was pushing a sloping mat towards the acrobat.

Acrobats tumbled on trampolines.

Together they jumped onto the mats and did the splits!

Sailors in sailor suits, sailor suits in stripes.

The water carrier was carrying water from the water supply.

The baker baked pies in the oven.

Two woodcutters, two woodcutters,

In the yard they chop wood with axes.

Three trumpeters blew their trumpets.

Thirty-three trumpeters sound the alarm.

A weaver weaves fabric on Tanya's dress.

The blacksmith finally ate the Varenets.

Fedya showed a trick - Fedya became a magician.

An astronomer, a lawyer and one climber,

Architect, pharmacist and even artist.

Once we sat on the carousel,

We couldn’t resist and flew down:

Pharmacist, artist, acrobat, astronomer.

Which of them were you not familiar with yet?

Once upon a time the sailor Makar

He waved a wet mop.

He kept groaning, waving, and dipping into a bucket of water.

The postman was treated to donuts.

He is not a carpenter, not a painter,

The furniture is made by a carpenter.

He is a very good master

He made a wardrobe for our hallway.

Teaches us politeness, reads a story out loud.

Not a teacher, not a writer, this is a nanny, an educator.

Tongue twisters. Friendship

Zhenya and Zhanna became friends.

Friendship with Zhanna did not work out,

To live together with friends,

There is no need to offend your friends.

As soon as I start eating candy,

I have countless friends.

And the candy is gone and there are no friends in sight.

Everyone is a friend for the candy and tears it out of their hands.

Well, why do I need this friendship?

I love candy myself.

Friendship is friendship, and service is service.

A friend is someone who understands you.

A friend is someone who suffers with you.

A friend will never leave you

A friend stays with you forever.

Tongue twisters. Spring

Valenko's felt boots fell into a thawed patch.

The snowstorms drooped to the accompaniment of raindrops.

Little jay, sing to me about spring!

A stack of birch sap, a stack of birch sap.

The icicle shed tears from the sun.

I love dreams where the sound of spring rings.

The starling is flying, winter is over!

Two tits flew to a pine tree.

Two sisters whistled about spring.

Starlings and tits are cheerful birds.

The rook became angry with the rook.

The jackdaws are chattering on the rooks,

The rooks are looking at the jackdaws.

I shout to the streams: “Streams, whose are you?”

And streams sound from the mountains, murmuring.

Roma was frightened by the thunder; he roared louder than thunder.

Tongue twisters. New Year

What is New Year? It's the other way around:

The Christmas trees grow in the room, the squirrels don’t gnaw the cones,

Hares next to a wolf on a prickly tree.

Everyone knows this holiday.

New Year is our old friend!

We put on our costumes, standing in a circle of snowflakes!

Our joy cannot be hidden! All the people know!

Is it possible not to love the New Year holiday?

He warms us with joy in the frosty winter.

Santa Claus is hurrying home! Open the doors!

The New Year is rushing out of the forest! To warm us up, we will smile radiantly and begin to sing songs.

Magic happens in fairy tales

In films, cartoons and dreams,

And when 12 comes on the clock!

Tongue twisters. Pets

Alenka had a lapdog, Alenka had a lapdog.

Alenka was walking with her lapdog,

The lapdog was walking with Alenka.

Goose bought himself an accordion,

But it’s a little holey.

The harmonica sang well and hissed like a goose.

An old dog was guarding a sack of goods in the middle of the yard.

The thieves did not take the sack of goods,

Thieves stole the watchman.

A goat with a scythe goes with a goat.

The lazy red cat lay on his stomach.

I want to eat, but I’m too lazy to toss and turn.

So the ginger cat is waiting, maybe the bowl will crawl up.

Bull, blunt-lipped, blunt-lipped bull.

The bull's white lip was blunt.

The pig was blunt-nosed, white-nosed,

She dug up half the yard with her snout.

I dug half a snout, but didn’t get to the hole.

Goose Goga and Goose Gaga cannot take a step without each other.

The cat rolled the ball of thread into the corner.

Our Polkan fell into a trap.

The barrel of the bull lay down.

Don't lie down, get up, little bull!

The poodle was treated to pudding.

The ram's horns are twisted - twisted,

Turned over - overturned.

The pig has a crocheted tail,

The ferret's is upright.

White sheep beat the drums

They beat me indiscriminately and broke their foreheads.

33 striped piglets, 33 tails hanging.

The chicken is worried - don't scare the chicken.


  1. Lopukhina I.S. Sounds, letters and words. - St. Petersburg: Delta, 1998
  2. Lopukhina I.S. 550 exercises for speech development. St. Petersburg: KARO, Delta+, 2004
  3. Tumanova T.V. Correcting pronunciation in children. Didactic material. – “GNOM-Press”, 1999
  4. Samorokova O.P. Hissing sounds Sh, Zh, Ch, Shch: we call and distinguish. - M.: GNOM Publishing House, 2012
  5. Samorokova O.P. Whistling sounds S, Сь, З, Зь, Ц: we call and distinguish them. – M.: GNOM Publishing House, 2013
  6. Konovalenko V.V. Automation of whistling sounds С, Сь, З, Зь, Ц in children. – M.: GNOM Publishing House, 2013
  7. Konovalenko V.V. Automation of hissing sounds Sh, Zh, Ch, Shch in children. – M.: GNOM Publishing House, 2013
  8. Konovalenko V.V. Automation of sonorant sounds P, Pb in children. M.: GNOM Publishing House, 2013


(compiled by N.V. Mamaeva based on Internet materials)

Everyone knows that the simplest and in an efficient way development of diction (clear, intelligible pronunciation) are tongue twisters.

Tongue twisters are simple rhythmic text that combines sounds that make words difficult to pronounce easily. There are different tongue twisters: simple and complex, funny and funny. For a long time they were created for the amusement of children. Pronunciation of tongue twisters improves tongue mobility and develops attention. This is a kind of speech simulator.

We offer these tongue twisters with pictures for older children preschool age who have already learned to pronounce all sounds correctly. The goal in this case is to train clarity and intelligibility of pronunciation with rapid repetition and memorization. For children over three years old, simpler ones are better suited. pure talk.

The first step in learning any tongue twister is to clearly pronounce it and understand the meaning of the text, without taking speed into account. The second step is to memorize the text of the tongue twister, and then practice pronouncing it at an accelerated rate of speech. Funny pictures will help your child remember the text faster.

Teaching children is a complex and time-consuming process; moreover, it must include playful moments and the possibility of alternating the process of gaining knowledge and relaxation. Tongue twisters in Russian are one of the ways to learn with pleasure.


The benefits of tongue twisters

According to the dictionary, this is a rhythmic, uncomplicated and humorous text, collected from such words that it would be difficult to pronounce them quickly. This verbal genre belongs to folk art.

Learning and reciting such phrases and rhymes helps active learning in a pleasant game form, this contributes to:

Moreover, you can do this with humor, because many tongue twisters have a comic meaning. Specialists in child development recommend combining learning these short phrases with outdoor games. Here are some scenarios:

  • you can ask your child to rhythmically hit the ball while speaking the text;
  • beat out the rhythm with your palms;
  • show pantomimes of characters and events in the text.

Tongue twisters are spoken in a slow rhythm, with average speed, in a fast rhythm and very fast. It is imperative to ensure that the child pronounces all syllables, does not swallow endings and clearly separated the words.

Children, as a rule, are very emotional, their psyche is just learning to cope with waves of feelings, so when telling or answering questions from their parents, they sometimes rush, do not fully pronounce words, or lose the thread of the conversation. Learning tongue twisters promotes concentration, meaningful reading, and the ability to analyze short text, find parallels and build associations. Your child will definitely need all of the above. skills in further education at school, and in everyday life.

If a child learns to switch from one conscious action to another, to concentrate on a specific action or object, then from childhood his perseverance will improve and the formation of volitional processes will begin.

In addition, speech is a very important tool of socialization. Correct speech helps you convey your thoughts and establish contact with other people. This skill, developed in childhood, will form a certain worldview in the child.

There are several types of perception of the world:

  1. I am bad - the world is bad;
  2. I am bad - the world is good;
  3. I am good - the world is bad;
  4. I am good - the world is good.

Psychologists believe that one of these pictures of the world formed from childhood under the influence of parents close circle, and then strangers. Over time, a person can consciously change his attitude towards the world and reconsider the interpretation of the attitude of others towards him.

It is more difficult to revise your judgments than to form them initially more adequate and appropriate real life. In childhood, many patterns and attitudes are formed.

If a child receives approval from his parents when learning, then something important for him comes. understands his own worth. By about eight years of age, when contacting other children, such a child’s self-esteem will be more adequate and self-confidence will appear. In this state of affairs, it is easier for him to admit his mistakes. If knowledge is not enough, he is less conflictual and strives to obtain it, instead of being defensive or aggressive.

Learning is perceived not as a duty, but as a game, pleasant and interesting, if from childhood the child has learned the ease of the very process of acquiring knowledge. Self-esteem is very important for communication and the ability to make friends and achieve goals.

Types of tongue twisters

Tongue twisters that help you work out difficult sounds, have been known for a long time. Tongue twisters can be roughly divided into the following types:

  • One letter.
  • Funny poems.
  • Folk.

Tongue twisters with a specific letter

Good diction correct pronunciation, a large stock of words and the ability to use them, skills that need to be developed not only by announcers, speakers or teachers. IN modern world communication and the ability to communicate is becoming an increasingly important skill. Therefore, tongue twisters in Russian will help to form beautiful and correct speech child, which will contribute to the development and successful implementation in different areas life.

By letter B:

White sheep beat drums.

By letter TO:

Karl stole corals from Clara,

Clara stole Karl's clarinet.

By letter R :

Three magpies chattered on the slide.

Tongue twister poems

Children 7-8 years old can be given longer rhymes. Such exercises will help develop memory, as well as concentrating and holding attention on long sentences, which sometimes causes problems when studying at school. You can choose a picture or a whole visual series together with your child, this will help develop imagination and creativity baby. In addition, by forming an associative series, the memorization process is easier and faster. Finding pictures that match the themes of the tongue twisters can be an entertaining and fun game.
Examples of such verses are given below.

The rook says to the rook:

- Fly with the rooks to the doctor,

It's time for them to get vaccinated

To strengthen your pen!

Once upon a time I gave a crucian carp a coloring book.

And Karas said: “Color the fairy tale, Little Karas!”

On the coloring page Little Karas - Three funny little pigs:

The little crucian turned the piglets into crucian carp!

He who wants to talk must speak out

Everything is correct and clear, so that everyone can understand it.

We will talk and we will reprimand

So correct and clear, so that everyone can understand it.


Tongue twisters that have come down to us from time immemorial, convey the originality of the language. The dynamics of change in the modern world influence speech, leading to the emergence of new words and the loss of rarely used ones. By learning the heritage of our rich and beautiful language, we can pass on folk traditions so that the connection between generations is not interrupted.
Examples of old-style tongue twisters are given below.

Arkhip Osip. Osip is hoarse.

In the shallows we lazily caught burbot, you exchanged the burbot for tench.

Was it not you who sweetly begged me for love, and beckoned me into the mists of the estuary?

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

Instilled in studying

Many people believe that you only need to pronounce tongue twisters quickly. Experts recommend a certain sequence when training:

  1. Read slowly to pronounce all the letters and syllables.
  2. Comprehend the content to make it easier to remember the semantic part of a phrase or verse.
  3. Speak slowly at first, then a couple of times at an average pace to remember the sequence of words.
  4. Control your breathing when speaking at different tempos.
  5. Speak several times in a row at a very fast pace.

For children 6-7 years old, this scheme may take two days; it is important that the child does not get tired. Make your child comfortable while learning, take breaks and praise not only for the results, but also for the process itself. The kid will be glad that he is encouraged, even if he cannot reproduce the phrases correctly either the first or the second time.

Tongue twisters, for all their simplicity, can become wonderful a tool to improve diction, light and useful communication, improving understanding between parents and children. The main thing is regularity of training at first, repetition to restore the skill and good mood from the time spent with the baby.

Methodical manual

Nursery rhymes and tongue twisters

for children 5 – 7 years old

Additional education teacher,

highest qualification category

r. Koltsovo village, 2015

Nursery rhymes for children

The gray bunny is dressing up,

Apparently he's going to visit.

I washed my nose, I washed my forehead,

I washed my ear and dried it.

He put on a bow and became a dandy.


Magpie - white-sided

Flew from afar

To the little chicks,

To your kids.

Small children squeak,

They want to eat, they want to drink.


Teddy bear - trample

I was walking through the forest.

Teddy bear - trample

I was looking for raspberries.

The bear is angry

Growls and stomps:

No raspberries

And he wants to eat!


Fox - little fox,

Where have you been?

In the village.

Fox - little fox,

What were you doing there?

Guarded the ducks

Guarded the chickens.


Like Yashka's cat

The fur coat is very good:

There's a shirtfront on the chest,

Pants on my feet,

On furry paws

Scratching claws.

Yasha is a mischievous cat,

He is cheerful and funny:

He loves to kick the ball

Lie on a pillow.


The cat Yasha is sitting on the window,

He's a bit of a bully:

Our Yasha is tearing up the carpet,

I rubbed a hole in the floor.

Yasha loves to eat fish

And he barely sees the bowl,

He'll come running right away,

He will forget to catch flies.

How can we not scold Yasha?

The cat prevents you from sleeping at night:

Jumps on the floor, sofa,

Constantly getting into the bath!


Like our Manechka

Pink T-shirts.

I walked around in just a T-shirt

Our Manechka wandered,

Our Manya got sick -

Manya doesn’t want to eat porridge!

What should we do, how can we help her?

How to return your daughter's smile?

Let's convene a council as soon as possible.

Dad will say at the door:

“We need to ask a doctor,

Treat our Manechka"

There was a hen

There was a little hen

She laid a white egg.

Grandfather beat, beat, but did not break,

The woman beat and beat but did not break,

Just a ride-on mouse

She hit it with her tail and broke it.

Grandfather is crying, woman is crying,

The chicken clucks,

And the mouse is a ride

She snuck into the hole and left, left, left.

She was chasing geese

She walked from mountain to mountain,

I gray geese drove,

Oh-li, oh-li, oh-lyuli,

I was chasing gray geese.

I drove, I drove, I drove,

She sentenced

Oh-li, oh-li, oh-lyuli,

She said:

Get used to it, my geese,

To cold water,

Oh-li, oh-li, oh-lyuli,

To cold water,

To cold water,

To the silk to the grass,

Oh-li, oh-li, oh-lyuli,

To silk to grass.

Like Marfusha for Peter

Like Marfusha for Peter

Cooked, baked

Ninety-two pancakes

Two troughs of jelly,

Fifty pies

Didn't find any eaters

Like on thin ice

Like on thin ice

A little white snow fell.

A little white snow fell

Vanyushka, my friend, was driving.

Vanya was driving, in a hurry,

The raven fell from his horse.

He fell, fell - lies,

No one is running to Vanya...

Tanya and Manya saw -

They ran straight to Vanya.

They ran straight to Vanya

Yes, they took both hands.

They took, they lifted,

They put him on a horse,

We saw off on our way:

How are you going, Ivan?

Don't yawn around!

A ship runs across the blue sea

A ship runs across the blue sea,

The gray wolf is standing on the nose,

And the bear fastens the sails.

Zayushka leads the boat by the rope,

The fox looks slyly from behind a bush:

How to steal a bunny

How to break the rope

Knocked down, knocked together - that's the wheel

Knocked down, knocked together - here is the wheel:

I sat down and drove off - oh, good!

Looked back -

Some knitting needles lie

A horse walks along the bank

A horse walks along the bank,

Black on green.

He shakes his head

Shakes his black mane,

The golden bridle rattles.

All the little rings are a trinket, a tinkle, a tinkle!

They are golden - tinkle, tinkle, tinkle!

Tongue twisters

Tongue twisters in r

A good pie - there is curd inside.

The Greek was driving across the river, and he saw a cancer in the river. He put the Greek’s hand in the river, and grabbed the Greek’s hand.

There is a big fight in the river - two crayfish quarreled.

Mushrooms grew overnight along the path, along the path.

The ax knocks - I chop wood, the saw rings - I cut wood. How more words- the more firewood.

Catching a cunning magpie is a hassle, and forty forty is forty hassle.

Roma was frightened by the thunder, he roared louder than thunder, because of such a roar the thunder hid behind a hillock.

In the meadow, under a hill, lay a piece of cheese with a beautiful red rind. forty forty in short term ate cheese.

The bunches of rowan trees glow in the sun, and the rowan berries ripple in the children’s eyes.

Yegor walked through the yard. Yegor carried an ax with him. Egor went to repair the fence.

Empty nonsense in the pond, with nonsense you can’t get out of the pond.

Buckwheat and millet grow in the spinner's garden bed.

In the old man's garden the radish grew strong.

There is a magpie on the gate, a raven on the fence, a sparrow on the road.

In the carriage, a cornet played a clarinet in a lorgnette.

Don't take a cancer in your hand - give a cancer to a friend.

In the darkness, crayfish rustle in a fight.

Behind the cockroach with a drum, behind the chest of drawers with an axe.

Thunder rolled across the mountains, a mosquito fell from the oak tree.

The proud man choked on his hump.

Three little birds are flying through three empty huts.

They cut an ice hole and caught fish.

Tongue twisters in l

The hedgehog and the Christmas tree have pricking needles.

Thirty-three ships tacked, tacked, but did not tack.

Laziness is not lazy, it sticks to lazy people.

A fisherman is catching fish; his entire catch floats into the river.

Bast bast shoes, linden bast shoes.

Elena loved dumplings, but she was too lazy to make dumplings. Emelya made dumplings skillfully, and Elena ate them for a week without laziness.

Al, al, white diamond, green emerald.

The hedgehog and the Christmas tree have pricking needles.

Crucian carp, don't climb into the hole. A crucian carp got stuck in a hole.

On the window, a cat deftly catches a tiny midge with its paw.

Delicious halva, praise halva!

The donkey was angry today: he found out that he is a donkey.

Lena was looking for a pin, the pin fell under the bench. I was too lazy to crawl under the bench: I was looking for the pin all day.

The doe licked Lina's forehead.

Ivan the idiot shook the milk, but didn’t blurt it out.

The cap is sewn, the cap is knitted, but not in the Kolpakov style.

Swans with their cubs were flying.

The weirdo clown did everything wrong: he broke with a shovel, he dug with a crowbar, he hammered with a saw, he sawed with a chisel, he chalked with a brush, he whitewashed with a broom, he smoothed with axes, he chopped with an iron.

The fox cubs went to visit the fox.

The fox walked through the forest, the fox tore the stripes, the fox wove bast shoes: two for my husband, three for myself, and a pair of bast shoes for the children.

Lily has roses, Rose has lilies.

I caught burbot, re-caught it, caught burbot, caught it, but never caught it.

Tongue twisters in sh

Sashka knocked off the bumps with his hat.

Our Grishenka has a cherry under his window.

Shura sewed a gorgeous fur coat.

A hat and a fur coat - that’s all Mishutka is.

Masha has poppies and daisies in her pocket.

Forty mice walked, carrying forty pennies; two smaller mice carried two pennies each.

Misha's grandmother knits warm mittens to warm little Mishutka's hands.

The little cat was eating the porridge, little by little, on the window.

Chop potatoes and peas into okroshka.

Six laughs from six baskets and three laughs from a fluffy bag.

The cat is sewing pants on the window, and the mouse in boots is sweeping the hut.

Vanya in a red hat rides on a silver horse, waves his whip, and the horse dances under him.

Even though the pike is eager, it will not eat the ruff from its tail. A ruff is good for a ruff.

Ivashka has a shirt, there are pockets on the shirt.

Kashira covered us in matting, and Tula shod us in bast shoes.

The porridge is ripe in the meadow; the cow Mashka eats the porridge.

Sashka knocked off the bumps with his hat.

A fluffy cat dries the fur on its back, tail and ears in the sun.

The mouse whispers to the mouse: “You keep rustling - you’re not sleeping.” The mouse whispers to the mouse: “I will rustle more quietly.”

The mice washed the bowl for Mishka.

Frol was walking along the highway to Sasha’s place to play checkers.

I was walking along the path and found a porcini mushroom. I walked around the edge of the forest and found three little waves.

Six cockroaches with crumbs walk over a spoon with a bowl.

Mother gave Romasha whey from the yogurt.

The mouse walked along the pavement with long strides.

Funny jokes from Sasha and Mishutka.

Tongue twisters in s

Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.

The wasp does not have whiskers, not whiskers, but antennae.

Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.

The woman stood on her toes, and then on her heels, began to dance Russian, and then squatted!

Senya and Sanya have a catfish with a mustache in their nets.

The chickens are asking for millet. Frosya brings millet to the chickens on a tray. All of Frosya's braids are made of millet.

The falcon sat on the naked trunk.

The titmouse is the sparrow's sister.

Old Semyon told his sons: “Mow the haystack.” The sons mowed a haystack. Old Semyon said to his sons: “Thank you.”

I tried for seven days, I was in a hurry for seven days, I sewed rawhide boots for myself.

The falcon sat on the naked trunk.

Senya was carrying hay into the hallway, the hay tickled his nose.

Stepan has sour cream - seven kopecks.

A cuckoo walked past the garden and pecked all the seedlings.

The pussy has rice and sausages in a bowl.

I tell him a secret, but he goes all over the world.

Starlings and tits are funny birds.

Barefoot Sysoy mows hay with a scythe.

Senka is carrying Sanka and Sonya on a sled; sled clap, Sanka - sideways, Sonya - jump, Senka off his feet.

Sana, Sonya and Yegorka had fun on the slide, but Marusya didn’t ride - she was afraid to fall into the snow.

In the autumn forest, foxes are the color of autumn leaves.

Senya carries hay in the canopy; Senya will sleep on the hay.

The old man asked the old woman: “How much is a stack of old hay worth?” The old woman said to the old man: “A stack of old hay costs a hundred rubles.”

Little Sanya's sled moves on its own.

Oh, wasp, wasp, wasp is flying towards us from the mowing. Oh, I'm afraid, I'm afraid, I'm afraid I won't be able to save my nose.

The tables are white oak, smoothly planed.

Oh, how damp, damp, damp with dew, dew, dew.

There is grass in the yard, Savushka is in the chest.

Tongue twisters starting with p

Prov and Pakhom split the ferry in half.

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

A quail walks among the quails with its chicks.

Tell us about your purchases. What about purchases? About shopping, about shopping, about my shopping.

Pyotr Petrovich, nicknamed Petrov, caught a pigtail bird, carried it around the market, asked for fifty dollars, they gave him a nickel, and he sold it like that.

Peter baked pies for Peter, Peter baked pies for Peter.

Polya went to weed parsley in the field.

Again, five guys found five honey mushrooms.

Our chubby Mishka puffs like a plump.

Petya was sawing the stump with a saw.

There is a haystack with a small quail, and under the hay there is a quail with a small quail.

Pavel swaddled Pavlushka, swaddled him, and swaddled him.

There is a priest on a head, a cap on the priest, a head under the priest, a priest under the cap.

The women talked about trading and shopping, about cereals and about reinforcements.

Peter was the first to go for a walk, caught a quail and went to sell it.

There are three crucian carp and three carp in Polycarp's pond.

Fields in a field of millet flying.

Three priests walked, three Prokopy priests, three Prokopyevichs. They talked about the priest, about Procopius the priest, about Prokopievich.

The cap is not sewn in the Kolpakov style, the bell is not poured in the Kolokolov style, the cap needs to be re-packed, re-capped, the bell needs to be re-belled, re-bellied.

The little one's mother beat him with a bridle in front of the hut, in front of the hut.

Sprinkle all the grains into the soup.

Proshka's mutt bit Pashka; Pashka hits Proshkina Shavka with his hat.

Praskovya traded the crucian carp for three pairs of purebred piglets. The piglets ran through the dew, the piglets caught a cold, but not all of them.

By noon, Polya had weeded half the field.

Pavel swam, Pavel swam.

Karp Polikarpych and Polikarp Karpych fed the carp.

Half a cellar of turnips, half a container of peas.

The dove pecks at the grain.

The fluff from the poplar flies across the field.

The bird under the ceiling fluttered, fluttered and fluttered out.

Philip was stuck to the stove.

Behind the village, near a dirt road, a quail was singing in a field. The quail has flown in. The quail has flown in.

Three Nazars walked, stood at the market and agreed about Prokop, about Prokopikha and about the little Prokopins Prokopyat.

Antipas had one linden tree, but Philip planted seven linden trees.

There are five honey mushrooms again at the stumps, five guys found five honey mushrooms.

Our Polkan fell into a trap.

Your sexton will not out-sex our sexton, our sexton will over-sex your sexton, over-sex.

Tongue twisters in g

Oleg's cart got stuck in the mud; Oleg had to sit here until the snow fell.

There were peas growing in the garden, and buckwheat across the river.

Roma was frightened by the thunder; he roared louder than thunder. Because of such a roar, the thunder hid behind a hillock.

Thunder roared and rumbled.

The road to the city is uphill, from the city down the mountain.

An oak tree in a snowdrift warms your feet, there is a lot of snow on the road.

The ghoul-pigeons were walking, picking blueberries.

The crab made a rake for the crab and gave the rake to the crab. Rake the gravel crab.

Geese are cackling on the mountain, and a fire is burning under the mountain.

The pear does not like caterpillars: the caterpillars love the pear.

There is a jackdaw on the willow, and there are pebbles on the shore.

The jackdaws are chattering at the rooks, the rooks are looking at the jackdaws.

The thunderstorm is threatening, the thunderstorm is threatening.

Geese cackle by the meadow, rooks cackle loudly, pigeons coo gently, vultures look sternly.

The pear-girl was shaking the pear-tree. From pear to pear hail, Pear to pear is glad.

Tongue twisters starting with h

Chiki-chok, chiki-chok, the cricket is crackling behind the stove.

On Thursday, the fourth, at four and a quarter o'clock, four little black, grimy little imps were drawing a drawing in black ink extremely cleanly and clearly.

Hot and delicious wheat rolls are on the stove, on the stove.

Hedgehog, the eccentric hedgehog sewed a prickly appendage.

The custom is bovine, the mind of a calf.

The top began to sing, the top hummed, but fell on its side and was silent.

Chock, chock, heel, hit a twig, came off, broke, chock, chock, heel.

The rook became angry with the rook.

They dug a deep hole and got a tall mountain.

Pull the strip out from under your Adam's apple.

Chick-chick-chickalochki. A goose rides on a stick. The duck is on a pipe, the chicken is on a chick, the bunny is on a wheelbarrow, and the boy is on a dog.

There are three chocks in the stove, three geese, three ducks.

The turtle, not bored, sits for an hour with a cup of tea.

A suitcase of nonsense, a suitcase of nonsense.

Pike have scales, pigs have bristles.

On a black night, a black cat jumped into a black chimney. There is blackness in the chimney, find the cat there!

Very hot tea in a clean black cup.

Laundry is a nickel, and dry cleaning is ten cents.

We have golden chicks in our stove.

Four turtles have four hatchlings.

The chimney sweep cleans and cleans the pipes throughout the house. The chimney sweep cleans and cleans the stars in the sky.

In half a quadruple of peas there is not even a half quadruple of peas.

Don't cry, don't cry, I'll buy some Easter cake, don't whine, don't whine, I'll buy some Easter cake. Don't cry, don't cry, I'll buy crackers.

A seagull at the pier screamed desperately.

A well-spoken guy is not broad-shouldered, a broad-shouldered guy is not talkative.

The squirrel jumped through the window and left a crust on the shelf.

In the suitcase of the tap dancer there are brushes, rosary beads, and an abacus for the aunt; rosary, abacus, brushes - to the uncle; abacus, brushes, rosary beads for the nanny, just tap dancing for yourself. A crazy family is dancing.

The eccentric garlicked the cabbage soup; the eccentric really wanted to eat.

The beetle saw a dandelion and sat down as if on a sofa.

Pour sand into a yellow skull.

Bells, bells, pigeons flying.

The stove wants to bake deliciously, the river wants to flow quickly, the snow wants to fall quietly, the person wants happiness.

The cast-iron vat has been thoroughly cleaned.

Four turtles have four turtles.

Bake rolls of flour in the oven.

Tongue twisters in c

Tea saucers break easily.

Flowers are blooming in the flower garden.

Tanya's saucers clash very often.

Mom can’t sleep with a bang on her day off, so she put on a colored chintz robe.

An awl, a piece of soap, a crooked spindle, a silk towel on the shelf behind the door.

The flower is clinging to the ground with its roots, the chick is clinging to the mother hen with its beak.

A short-haired fox in a calico dress sows wheat flour through the calico.

Two girls took water from the book to water the wheat.

The sheep doesn't remember its father; it would like a piece of hay.

A blizzard swirls over the forge and mill, dances through the forest and spreads across the field.

The heron wasted away, the heron was withered, the heron was dead.

The chicken admired the chickens: no matter what the chicken, she was smart.

Tea saucers break easily.

Two chickens are running right down the street.

You, well done, tell the well done, let the well done tell the well done, let the well done tie the calf.

The dog is pining on the chain, but try to unhook it.

Flowers are blooming in the flower garden.

Appreciates the chain of mowers along the braid.

Herons claw at chickens.

Tongue twisters in n

Our Naum is on his own mind.

Nanny Nina, Ninya nanny.

Wherever you throw it, there is a wedge everywhere.

Our Naum is on his own mind.

No snow, no trace.

Nanny Nina, Ninya nanny.

I’ll throw a net into the mud, and take it out with the mud.

The cornet performed a nocturne on the clarinet.

On the other side, even spring is not beautiful.

The mink got out of the hole and went to a familiar hole.

Centipedes have too many legs.

Beauty to the crown, and intelligence to the end.

A thread needs scissors, and a thread makes friends with scissors. There are no scissors - the thread cannot be made to the required length.

Tongue twisters in m

Mila the pig washed her snout.

You washed the raspberries, you washed them, but you didn’t wash them.

A little boy exchanged stamps for a ball.

Marina and Mila were attracted by raspberries. Marina and Mila love raspberries.

She called Marina Galina. Galina called Marina by Kalina.

Mila the pig washed her snout.

Masha is tired of her porridge, Masha doesn’t finish her porridge. Masha, finish your porridge, don’t bother your mother.

Mom washed Mila with soap, Mila did not like soap.

Malanya the chatterbox chattered and blurted out the milk, but didn’t blurt it out.

Lots of smoke, but little heat.

Marina was pickling mushrooms, Marina was sorting raspberries.

They bought Mike a tank top with a border.

Tongue twisters in t

The river flows, the stove bakes.

Tamara the Tarator has thirty-three tongue twisters.

Thirty-three trumpeters sound the alarm.

The weavers wove fabrics for Tanya's dress.

Timoshka Troshka crumbles crumbs into okroshka.

A snail wants to get into the garden, but the gate prevents it.

Playing lapta requires talent.

The cat looks like it’s raining.

To interpret clearly, but to no avail to re-interpret.

To leave a friend behind, to become without a friend.

I ate thirty-three pie pies, all with cottage cheese.

The river flows, the stove bakes.

Three trumpeters blew their trumpets.

Three magpies were chattering on the hill.

Yegor began to repair the fence, but Yegor lost his axe. So he is still looking. Look for an ax too.

On the left is a pond and on the right is a pond, geese and swans are swimming.

Tatka has slippers, Tatka has slippers.

To teach the stupid, just to work for yourself.

The thief stole the ducklings from Taty, stole the ducklings from Taty.

We eat cabbage with a crunch, with a crunch.

A weaver weaves fabric for Tanya's scarf.

Knock-knock, hammer, hammer the nails of the heels, knock-knock, knock-knock - both into the sole and into the heel.

Fat is the one who eats cake.

Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him.

The black grouse was sitting in Terenty's cage, and the black grouse with the goshawks was on a branch in the forest.

Thirty-three cars in a row chatter and rattle.

Three magpies, three ratchets lost three brushes each: three today, three yesterday, three the day before yesterday.

Tongue twisters in sch

Wherever there is cabbage soup, look for us there.

Wolves are prowling for food.

Wherever there is cabbage soup, look for us there.

The pike cooked cabbage soup and treated two bream.

You won't find pike or bream in the grove.

Wolves are prowling for food.

Masha, don’t look for us, we’ll pinch sorrel for cabbage soup.

The more often I clean, the cleaner the cup.

This thicket is thicker, this thicket is thicker, this thicket is thicker.

I clean the puppy with a brush, tickling its sides.

The goldfinch was a dandy.

The evil Koschey doesn't like cabbage soup.

The bristles of a pig, the scales of a pike.

Tongs and pliers - these are our things.

Wash your hands more often and cleaner.

Fishermen brought skinny pike from the river.

The puppy was pinched on the cheek and tickled with a brush.

The goldfinch chirps over the thicket.

If you can't grow vegetables, you can't cook cabbage soup.

The rain is pouring and pouring.

The clouds are thicker, thicker, thicker, the drops are more frequent, more frequent, more frequent, the rain is thicker, thicker, thicker.

Tongue twisters in d

Grandfather Dodon played the trumpet, Grandfather hit Dimka with the trumpet.

The house is near the oak tree, the house is near the oak tree.

Two woodcutters, two woodcutters, two wood splitters sharpened their axes.

Lumberjacks cut down oak trees.

Talk for a long time, but do it soon.

Around the yard, around the yard in good health.

Two woodcutters, two wood splitters, two woodcutters were talking about Larya, about Larka, about Larya’s wife.

Woodpecker healing ancient oak, good woodpecker loves the oak.

There is only Domna in the house. Domna thinks: “Give me, I’ll clean it up.” Domna cleaned the house, but Domna’s house was upside down.

The woodpecker was pecking at the oak tree, but didn't finish it.

They do not seek good from good.

There is a woodpecker's hollow in the oak tree, and the woodpecker is warm in that hollow.

The blackbird teased and imitated the blackbird, but did not tease it.

It's a long day until the evening, if there's nothing to do.

The uncle groaned at other people's money.

Grandfather Danil divided the melon, a slice for Dima, a slice for Dina.

Don't blow your lips on the oak tree, don't blow your lips on the oak tree.

Friendship is friendship, but money is apart.

Tongue twisters on x

The gunpowder made a loud noise, and Prokhor gasped in fear.

What is done hastily is done in mockery.

The woman planted peas and collected thistles.

The vaunted Khokhloma is good.

The roosters went to the worms and became shepherds. Everyone was counted, everyone was pecked.

The braggart boasted and boasted, boasted and boasted, and boasted and boasted.

Hayankas come out of the praise.

The crested little girls laughed with laughter: ha, ha, ha.

There are many bad things in the world, but there is nothing worse than a bad mind.

Arkhip shouted, Arkhip became hoarse. Arkhip doesn’t need to scream until he is hoarse.

Praise to halva, delicious halva, praise to halva.

There was a commotion in the garden - thistles were blooming there. To prevent the garden from dying out, weed the thistles.

A pig has a hooked tail, and a ferret has a sticky tail.

A good housewife will cook fish soup from a rooster.

Prokhor and Pakhom were riding on horseback, Prokhor and Pakhom were riding on horseback.

I don’t criticize myself, and I don’t praise people either.

The ferret is deaf, the ferret is deaf, the wood grouse is deaf, and the wood grouse is deaf.

On the left, three old women sat down, ate three pieces of bread, stamped their feet, and laughed their heads off.

The sow havronya grunts in the barn, the corydalis clucks around the yard.

Tongue twisters in f

Vanya is with Fanya, Fanya is with Vanya.

Feofan Mitrofanich has three sons Feofanoch.

Photographer Prov was preparing pilaf.

Foka fantasized, Fedor played tricks, Feofan fenced with Feoktist.

Frosya, give it up, force it, Frosya, give it up.

Philip is used to everything.

The count was given a fine because he was wrong.

The pharaoh's sphinx is ready - seven sweats have left the slaves.

Fani has a sweatshirt, Fedya has shoes, Faina has a jacket.

Fili the owl has two little owls - Filka and Filimonka.

Fortune is great, but intelligence is not enough.

Thomas directed the frigate along the fairway.

Fyokla dressed up in a sundress.

A T-shirt and a T-shirt, a T-shirt and two T-shirts.

Vanya is with Fanya, Fanya is with Vanya.

Tongue twisters in k

There is a grandfather on a haystack, a cap on a grandfather, a haystack under a grandfather, a grandfather under a cap.

The cat loves milk, but the stigma is short.

Cuckoo bought a hood. The little cuckoo put on a hood, and the little cuckoo is funny in the hood.

A goat is coming, a slanting goat.

The bells are ringing near the stake.

Clara the King crept towards Lara.

I'll quickly put together a bridge.

Buy a pile of spades.

Magpie balabok, balabok filly.

Kolya ran in a circle with his friend.

Everyone wants to crow.

They gave Klasha porridge with curdled milk; Klasha ate porridge with yogurt.

A goat walks with a slanted goat, a goat walks with a slanted goat.

The mower Kasyan is mowing askew; the mower Kasyan is not allowed to mow.

The crab made a rake for the crab and gave the rake to the crab. Rake the gravel crab.

It's a heap of hay, and there's not a lot of hay in it. Hides a mop of quail with a baby quail.

The cow ate the box of crusts.

A hare sits scythe behind the sedge grass. He watches with a scythe as a girl with a scythe mows the grass with a scythe.

The chicken came out from under the porch, and again under the porch.

Karl stole corals from Clara, and Clara stole a clarinet from Karl.

A badger is carrying a dry branch.

Polkan pushed the stick with his paw.

Koval forged the bell, forged and reforged.

The crucian carp sprinkled the crucian carp, the crucian carp sprinkled the crucian carp and cried.

They saw, chop, chop, saw Filya and Kolya, Kolya and Filya.

Klara put the onions on the shelf and treated Nikolka to them.

Kondrat's jacket is a little short.

We bought Egorka a sled for a slide. All winter long, Egorka hangs out on the hill.

The farrier forged the horse. The horse farriers the hoof, the horse farriers the horse with a whip.

Fat and sugar, that's a pancake.

Our river is as wide as the Oka. Our river is as wide as the Oka. Our river is as wide as the Oka.

Prokh is carrying a cap, and in the cap is half a cap of peas.

Bell, bell, the cat on the window lapped milk.

The sap has flowed from the birch, the sap has flowed from the birch.

Kostya took me to Kostroma for a visit.

Makar gave Roman a caramel, and Roman gave Makar a pencil.

The cat sleeps well, he dreams of cutlets.

The flour-milling goat, who he grinded flour for, and who he didn’t grind flour for!

The cat rolled the ball of thread into the corner.

The quonka walks around the yard and leads the kids around the cages.

The hen is black-and-white, the duck is flat-faced.

In the meadow, under a hill, lies a cheese with a red rind. Forty forty ate the cheese.

Katka the coquette bought a checkered cap.

Klava put the onion on the shelf and called Nikolka to her.

The leap of forty, the leap of forty, blind from the eye, crooked from the side.

A cap on a cap, a cap under a cap.

Roofer Kirill fixed the roof crookedly. Grisha was invited to re-roof.

There are bells near the stake, and bells on the stakes.

There is a grandfather on a haystack, a cap on a grandfather, a haystack under a grandfather, a grandfather under a cap.

There is one and a half loaves in a box on the police.

He doesn’t want to mow with a scythe, he says: “Mow with a scythe!”

Larya is not happy that the jelly is sour.

I was sitting at Oka’s, eating apples.

Makar and a cat, a mosquito and a midge.

The cream in the pussy's bowl has turned sour.

Klim threw his bow at Luka.

Blue scarf, red bun.

Klim pounded the wedge, pounded Klim the wedge, pounded, but did not knock out.

To whom is rank, to whom is damn, and to whom is wedge.

Small streams carry trickles.

Tongue twisters in b

A harrow was harrowing across a harrowed field.

White sheep beat drums.

The beavers are going into the pine forests.

Brit Klim is brother, Brit Gleb is brother, brother Ignat is bearded.

If only there were mushrooms growing in my mouth, they would all be white.

The bull was blunt-lipped, the bull was blunt-lipped, the bull's white lip was dull.

It will either rain or snow, it will either happen or it won’t.

Beavers wander along a log.

Grandma Bogatka was running. She beat a white ram with a batog.

The baker baked the loaf, bagel, bagel early in the morning.

White snow, white chalk, white sugar is also white. Only the squirrel is not white, it wasn’t even white.

The woman planted beans, and mushrooms grew.

Two basts cannot be taken from one oak tree.

The oak post stands like a pillar, the ram rests his forehead against it.

The bob got some beans, the bob got some beans.

The beaver has a good hat, but the beavers have a richer outfit.

The brawler ram climbed into the weeds.

A white sheep bleated at the ford. The sheep don't want to wander around the ford.

An old woman and there are potholes on the stove.

The harrow is harrowing, stone is knocking on stone.

The barrel of the bull lay down.

The ram ran along the steep banks, butted, pushed, and rolled on the grass.

Tongue twisters in z

There is a vine on the cart, and a goat on the cart.

If the neighbor knew, the hen would know too.

Nazar went to the market early in the morning. I bought a goat and a Nazar basket there.

The girl was carrying a baby goat, a goat and a goat on a cart.

All that glitters is not gold.

A white-toothed, sharp-toothed hare was recklessly gnawing on a watermelon.

The healthy and the unhealthy are healthy, and the unhealthy and the healthy are unhealthy.

Three goats hid among the vines from the thunderstorm. The storm is over. The goats are here, but where is the vine?

At dawn it turned pink.

There is a vine on the cart, and a goat on the cart.

The wind howls, yawns, yawns. The children laughed: winter was falling asleep.

The enchanted lock is closed with all locks.

All lakes are mirrors made of green glass.

From dawn to dawn, the sailors are vigilant on watch.

Pink roses freeze in frost

Tongue twisters in

Blame it, blame it on the innocent.

The crow missed the crow.

Varvara returned from the city, bringing three boxes of news.

Have fun Savely stir the hay.

The waxwing whistles with a flute.

The big guy Vavila merrily moved his pitchfork.

They poured the soap into the bath and washed Vanya with soap.

Varvara was guarding the chickens, but the crow was stealing, she stole all the chickens - Varvara missed it.

Near the stake, loaches and hops climb the fence. They curl, weave, braid, uncurl.

Saturday for work, Sunday for fun.

The crow stole the chickens, and Varvara kept watch.

I picked oats for the sheep. Eat your oats quickly, sheep.

Valerik ate dumplings, and Valyushka ate cheesecake.

A sorcerer practiced magic in a stable with the wise men.

I led an ox into the yard, the ox took me over the hill.

Time is precious.

I visited Frol, and lied to Frol about Lavra. I’ll go to the Lavra for the Frol Lavra.

The water carrier was carrying water from the water supply.

The raven was picking rhubarb in the ditch.

Valenka's felt boots fell into a thawed patch.

Tongue twisters in w

The ground beetle is buzzing, buzzing, spinning.

Live, live, and make good money.

The lazy red cat lay on his stomach.

The bee has a pitiful hot sting.

The beetle and the toad live together, live together, chew eggplants.

Friendship is friendship, and service is service.

The leather reins fit into the collar.

A beetle flies over a meadow, he is tired of walking.

The hedgehog bought boots at the market.

An acorn lies in a puddle, a yellow leaf circles above it.

The fat toad felt sorry for the beetle.