“Sniper Vasya”: a hidden fascist in the role of a “hero” of Novorossiya. Veselina Cherdantseva after a night of drinking shot her deputy paratrooper (video) Vasilisa Cherdantseva Vasya militia of Donbass

reads: 12333 28.08.2014 10:43

Sergey Yermolinsky In the ranks of terrorists in the East of Ukraine, a 27-year-old St. Petersburg resident Sergey Yermolinsky was spotted, declared at the request of the Investigation Department investigative committee Russian Federation on the international wanted list on suspicion of complicity in the gang of Yekaterinburg lawyer-blogger Vasily Fedorovich, whose members are accused of 14 brutal murders and a series of robberies.

This is evidenced by a photograph of Yermolinsky posted on the page in social network VKontakte of St. Petersburg resident Vesselina Cherdantseva, who is fighting on the side of terrorists in the Donbass.

“The one I did not expect to meet here is my old St. Petersburg comrade Henry! But there was some joy, ”Cherdantseva signed the picture.

Where exactly she met him, Cherdantseva does not specify. However, judging by other information available on her page, at that time Cherdantseva was in the East of Ukraine in the ranks of terrorist organizations.

For example, on August 16, a certain Alexander Barkashov, who poses as the head of the Russian National Unity, posted a photo of Cherdantseva in military uniform with an automatic weapon in his hands and a commentary to it:

“Vasilina Cherdantseva - three months in the war. Now in the hospital in Krasnodar - three shrapnel wounds (on the 24th). But going back in a week. These are the people!" Among other posts on the girl’s page, there are those that directly indicate that she was in the ranks of the terrorists of Donbass for a long time. And, apparently, I saw "Henry" Yermolinsky there.

According to Russian media, the case of Fedorovich's gang was investigated by the Sverdlovsk department of the RF Investigative Committee and is now being considered in the Sverdlovsk Regional Court (the next hearing is on September 9). There are nine defendants in the dock. According to investigators, the group operated on the territory of the Sverdlovsk region from the mid-2000s until the summer of 2012. The victims were people who had money or valuable property, including real estate. With those who fell into the hands of bandits, they dealt with special cruelty. On Elmash, in an underground garage box, they even had a torture room equipped, which at the same time served for butchering corpses.

The gang, security officials believe, included 11 people. From the published materials of the case, it is known that Yermolinsky was involved in the murder of a 23-year-old student of the Ural Mining University (UGGU) Yegor Polyansky. The security forces believe that the young man was engaged in the manufacture and sale of smoking mixtures (the mother of the deceased says that he earned money by repairing and reselling cars). Through mutual acquaintances, he contacted the lawyer Fedorovich to consult on the development of his business and let slip about money. Together with Potashnikov, Fedorovich developed a plan for another crime. Polyansky was told about a certain acquaintance who wants to sell a batch of drugs cheaply. He expressed a desire to acquire it and gave his future killers 100 thousand rubles as a deposit. No one handed over the drugs to the miner, then he began to demand money back. The bandits decided to eliminate him. He was taken to the 27th kilometer of the Serov tract, where they cut the arteries in his neck and groin, shot him in the back of the head with a pistol, doused him with gasoline and set him on fire.

After Fedorovich was detained in the summer of 2012, and after that they began to come to the rest of the group, nothing was known about "Henry" Yermolinsky. It was not possible to find him in St. Petersburg. They put him on the wanted list, but so far he has not given any results. There was even a common version that Yermolinsky, like Potashnikov, was killed by his own people, they just don’t admit to what they have done.

Judging by the photographs of Cherdantseva, this is not so. However, Alexander Shulga, spokesman for the Sverdlovsk Department of the Russian Investigative Committee, refused to say whether the investigating authority now knows anything about Yermolinsky's whereabouts, citing the fact that this is "operational information" and "is not subject to disclosure."

Recall, earlier it was reported that about 250 Serbian Chetniks are fighting on the side of the terrorists in the Donbass. 99% of these are mercenary militants.

Vesselina Cherdantseva, call sign "Vasya" - sniper, commander of a special unit of a sabotage and reconnaissance group in the Donbass. I was lucky enough to interview her yesterday at the St. Petersburg Museum of Novorossiya.

She came to the war as a volunteer the summer before last, in May 2014. She is 27 years old, originally from Siberia:
Where you're from?

“I was born in Siberia, on Baikal. But her parents: her mother is a Petersburger, and her father is a military man, and it so happened that he took her and took her to Siberia. I myself am a Cossack. Donskaya by father.

I arrived in St. Petersburg yesterday. Take a break, take a breath after the busy months in the Donbass:

« ... When you feel that moral overflow, as now, you need to rest. I hope that this trip to St. Petersburg will help me relax, as my nerves are strained.
I already feel that it’s hard, although again I arrived, and left my guys, kids there, and I don’t know how. And this is constantly throwing. It used to be good, in January I came to St. Petersburg with all the fighters. And it seems to hometown, and the fighters are nearby, and friends are right there

Is your group subordinate to the DNR, LNR?

No, she doesn't obey anyone.

Does it work on its own?

Yes, we travel separately when they ask us for help with a specific task.

If it's not a secret, what is included in combat missions? Yours and your division.

Well, actually, accomplishing any given task. Either steal someone, or eliminate someone, or eliminate something. Diversion, reconnaissance..

That is, the entire segment of sabotage work?

Well, yes, my guys work with all types of weapons. That is, we do not have a separate machine gunner or sniper, everything is both a machine gunner and a sniper. We can do any task.

How did it happen that you went to participate in this war? For what reasons and how did it happen?

For ideological reasons. I was brought up in the spirit of patriotism, in love for my country and my land. And there they offend people, kill women and children. So I decided to make some contribution. I couldn't sit still and watch the news. Well, at the same time see with your own eyes: they lie, the news does not lie. See everything for yourself.

And how: lie, do not lie?

Partly. Some are shown, some are not. I'll tell you this: they lie not that they want to change something; they don't want to show the population certain cruel things that are going on there. That is, they are not even lying, but even softening.

Even soften?

Yes Yes.

How did your family, friends and relatives react to your decision?

Well, here are the parents, they .. Yes, no one was surprised at all. When I called my mother and said that I was going to Slavyansk, she was not surprised. And the father said: “I thought that you were going to do this for a long time.” That is, he already knew that sooner or later I would go there.

Was it difficult to get there, how did it happen? How did you find people who also defended this position?

Well, this is how I remember, I hysterically wrote on the Internet whether women were taken into the militia ... I could not find any way out. Not like now. No phone numbers, nothing. Or get up and go randomly. But it so happened that I realized that, sitting in St. Petersburg, I could not decide anything, I had to somehow move closer.

And I first came to Moscow. I stayed there for a week and just happened to meet a man on the street who told me how to go. And, moreover, he said that “because you need help, come tomorrow at 7 in the morning there and there. With things."
I come... They put me in a car and took me to the Lugansk People's Republic. And I was driving like that and thought “ooooo easier”! .. I didn’t expect it.
He said that he would give unloading, I look, and there are 13 people with me. And they took us there.

Was there any initial combat training in place?

It was... But it's still in the process of fighting. They bombed constantly. You train a day and a week in combat.
There was preparation, but ... more moral preparation is needed, which at that time was not there, and at first it was all scary, and I was very worried. Now, of course, it's easier.

How many business trips did you have to Donbass?

I didn't even count. Periodically, I stop by for a month and a half, and sometimes for 2 days. Well, 13 business trips for sure. The longest business trip I had was 2 months. Then the injury. After I stopped by - I was a month and a half. Then I left and stopped by for 2-3 days, completed the task and back. What is the current situation in Donbas, what is happening there now?

Now, of course, calmer. But it depends… on the place. If artillery worked somewhere, then it still works there. Most of it now is a battle of reconnaissance groups. They do it quietly, stir up and the like. I now know that those Ukrainians who are next to us: they shoot, but reluctantly. And those who are away from the combat zone: they train, walk, have fun. And many do not particularly worry that the war is on, they are completely relaxed.
That is, we can say that the conflict is now frozen?

Not really, it's just that someone got tired of it, and it became calmer. On the contrary: it's all to exhale before the heavy one. That is the calm before the storm.

That is a new bu…

Yes, there will be a new wave. Everyone thinks it will be here by winter. Like last year, when December-January was hot.

What is missing now in the Donbas civilians, the militia? What are the most important issues?

The militia of winter uniforms, maskhalats, and everything in this vein. Even my own berets are all tattered already. Here in this regard.

And for peaceful people food, work, money. But now it's better, much has been established. Already people are slowly returning home (refugees).

Now for the questions. What is your hobby? How do you relax, rest?

Well, I still go to training, train at home, read books on ballistics and military topics. And from the “mirnyak” I write and draw poetry.
I can meet with friends, sit in a bar, take a walk. I try not to stay alone, I start loading myself alone. To be distracted, the psyche is not iron. And when you feel that moral overflow, as now, you need to rest. I hope that this trip to St. Petersburg will help me relax, as my nerves are strained.

Who do you see yourself in peaceful life when will this war end?

Instructor. There are plans to leave on a contract basis.


No in Russian army. There are options and suggestions. To think about pensions, housing... You need to get married, find a husband, have children - well, that's what everyday life is like. When it's calmer. But I won’t be able to completely go to the “peace” anymore.

Can't you see yourself in this?

Yes, I will serve under the contract. Take care of family and home.

How do you see the solution to the conflict in Donbass? For peace to come?

Recognition of New Russia - 100%. But there are two options here - for example, there was an independent republic within Ukraine or within Russia (meaning national republics like we have Chechnya, Tatarstan and others). Novorossia, however, does not particularly want to remain part of Ukraine, and it is necessary that Russia has already made a decision and influenced the situation.

Within the same limits?

In general, yes, but in theory, the entire Donetsk region would be necessary if the DPR. Because, for example, I have guys from Mariupol, and they will be offended that the DPR is recognized, and Mariupol will remain part of Ukraine. It is not right.

Many people from the territory controlled by the Kiev government left to fight for the militia?

Quite a lot, yes. There are those who fought on the same side, and then they went over to our side. Their eyes were opened. It happens that, getting captured, they also change their minds.- Last question. If a person wants to help the militia in some way, what should he do? Maybe pass it through the Museum of Novorossia?

Well, yes, there are personal numbers, scores, and things and the rest are best transferred through the Museum of Novorossia. Moreover, I know some here, so to speak, the guys will help. The example of Vesselina Cherdantseva proves that being a pretty and young girl, one can also be a full-fledged “combat unit”, a real patriot, able to command a group and inspire fear in enemies.

Another internal conflict in the DPR led to a major scandal among the separatists. The well-known Russian mercenary Vesselina Cherdantseva from St. Petersburg, who is fighting on the side of the separatists and elevated by Russian propaganda to the rank of a heroine, is accused by her associates of killing another mercenary from Russia, Alexei Mayorov (call sign Musa), who came to Ukraine to fight from Novorossiysk, Krasnodar Territory. Well-known British journalist Graham Phillips, who sympathizes with pro-Russian militants, joined the investigation into the incident.

The alarm after the disappearance of Mayorov was sounded by his sister Tatyana Lesennaya (page "Vkontakte" https://vk.com/id159401068) In early January, she began to post ads about the search for her brother in the public supporters of the "DPR". According to Tatyana, her brother fought in a sabotage group led by a mercenary from Russia, Vesselina Cherdantseva (call sign Vasya), in Gorlovka. At the beginning of November, the group left Gorlovka, after which Alexei Mayorov disappeared. Tatyana is sure that her brother was killed by Cherdantseva and people from her DRG for money.

“My brother Mayorov Aleksey Nikolaevich, call sign Musa, was in the militia of the DPR. In the detachment of Bezler under the leadership of Vesselina Cherdantseva - Vasya. The whole group left Gorlovka in the first days of November, but they lost my brother. In the course of my searches, I found out that, on the orders of Vasya, my brother Musa was taken to the field and shot at him, allegedly talking like a man. Vasya also took part in the execution of my brother. There is evidence to the police of Zaporizhka Dmitry, call sign Predator, that Musa began to resent that Vasya had thrown the whole group for money. Dmitry Zaporozhko does not deny that he, Vasya and a couple of other people shot at my brother and shot him in the legs and lung. Vasya decided to deal with him in her own way.

And when I personally called Vasya, she assured me that my brother had gone home on October 22 for family reasons. Now Vasya put the brakes on the whole situation. So far there is no evidence that my brother is alive. I ask everyone to help me understand this situation. Shoot at your own - what could be blacker ?? Vasya, this is a question for you, ”wrote Tatyana Lesennaya in the Novorossia INFO group.

The group's administrators posted her appeal, emphasizing that they would not interfere in this story and were waiting for Cherdantseva's response to the charges. But there was no answer.

After some time, Mayorov's sister managed to find witnesses to the murder, who also helped find the burial place of the murdered Russian

Graham Phillips, a journalist from the Russian propaganda channel RT, also joined the search for the corpse of Alexei Mayorov, who decided to help the family of the deceased.

They searched for Mayorov's corpse for a long time. Phillips filmed several lengthy videos that captured the process of searching for the body, and also recorded the testimony of the relatives of the deceased.

In the end, the body of the Russian was found and identified by tattoos.

Alexei Mayorov fought in the Cherdantseva group. There is a photo that shows them together.

Cherdantseva came to fight in Ukraine from St. Petersburg and joined Igor Bezler's group in Gorlovka, where she became a sniper. (page "Vkontakte"

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Remember this Russian face. When you meet, just slit her throat. This bitch and litter should not live.

Vesselina Cherdantseva, call sign "Vasya" - sniper, commander of a special unit of a sabotage and reconnaissance group in the Donbass. I was lucky enough to interview her yesterday at the St. Petersburg Museum of Novorossiya.

She came to the war as a volunteer the summer before last, in May 2014. She is 27 years old, originally from Siberia:
Where you're from?

“I was born in Siberia, on Baikal. But her parents: her mother is a Petersburger, and her father is a military man, and it so happened that he took her and took her to Siberia. I myself am a Cossack. Donskaya by father.

I arrived in St. Petersburg yesterday. Take a break, take a breath after the busy months in the Donbass:

« ... When you feel that moral overflow, as now, you need to rest. I hope that this trip to St. Petersburg will help me relax, as my nerves are strained.
I already feel that it’s hard, although again I arrived, and left my guys, kids there, and I don’t know how. And this is constantly throwing. It used to be good, in January I came to St. Petersburg with all the fighters. And it seems to be in his hometown, and the fighters are nearby, and friends are right there

Is your group subordinate to the DNR, LNR?

No, she doesn't obey anyone.

Does it work on its own?

Yes, we travel separately when they ask us for help with a specific task.

If it's not a secret, what is included in combat missions? Yours and your division.

Well, actually, accomplishing any given task. Either steal someone, or eliminate someone, or eliminate something. Diversion, reconnaissance..

That is, the entire segment of sabotage work?

Well, yes, my guys work with all types of weapons. That is, we do not have a separate machine gunner or sniper, everything is both a machine gunner and a sniper. We can do any task.

How did it happen that you went to participate in this war? For what reasons and how did it happen?

For ideological reasons. I was brought up in the spirit of patriotism, in love for my country and my land. And there they offend people, kill women and children. So I decided to make some contribution. I couldn't sit still and watch the news. Well, at the same time see with your own eyes: they lie, the news does not lie. See everything for yourself.

And how: lie, do not lie?

Partly. Some are shown, some are not. I'll tell you this: they lie not that they want to change something; they don't want to show the population certain cruel things that are going on there. That is, they are not even lying, but even softening.

Even soften?

Yes Yes.

How did your family, friends and relatives react to your decision?

Well, here are the parents, they .. Yes, no one was surprised at all. When I called my mother and said that I was going to Slavyansk, she was not surprised. And the father said: “I thought that you were going to do this for a long time.” That is, he already knew that sooner or later I would go there.

Was it difficult to get there, how did it happen? How did you find people who also defended this position?

Well, this is how I remember, I hysterically wrote on the Internet whether women were taken into the militia ... I could not find any way out. Not like now. No phone numbers, nothing. Or get up and go randomly. But it so happened that I realized that, sitting in St. Petersburg, I could not decide anything, I had to somehow move closer.

And I first came to Moscow. I stayed there for a week and just happened to meet a man on the street who told me how to go. And, moreover, he said that “because you need help, come tomorrow at 7 in the morning there and there. With things."
I come... They put me in a car and took me to the Lugansk People's Republic. And I was driving like that and thought “ooooo easier”! .. I didn’t expect it.
He said that he would give unloading, I look, and there are 13 people with me. And they took us there.

How many business trips did you have to Donbass?

I didn't even count. Periodically, I stop by for a month and a half, and sometimes for 2 days. Well, 13 business trips for sure. The longest business trip I had was 2 months. Then the injury. After I stopped by - I was a month and a half. Then I left and stopped by for 2-3 days, completed the task and back.

That is, we can say that the conflict is now frozen?

Not really, it's just that someone got tired of it, and it became calmer. On the contrary: it's all to exhale before the heavy one. That is the calm before the storm.

That is a new bu…

Yes, there will be a new wave. Everyone thinks it will be here by winter. Like last year, when December-January was hot.

What is missing now in the Donbas civilians, the militia? What are the most important issues?

The militia of winter uniforms, maskhalats, and everything in this vein. Even my own berets are all tattered already. Here in this regard.

And for peaceful people food, work, money. But now it's better, much has been established. Already people are slowly returning home (refugees).

Now for the questions. What is your hobby? How do you relax, rest?

Well, I still go to training, train at home, read books on ballistics and military topics. And from the “mirnyak” I write and draw poetry.
I can meet with friends, sit in a bar, take a walk. I try not to stay alone, I start loading myself alone. To be distracted, the psyche is not iron. And when you feel that moral overflow, as now, you need to rest. I hope that this trip to St. Petersburg will help me relax, as my nerves are strained.

Where do you see yourself already in a peaceful life, when this war is over?

Instructor. There are plans to leave on a contract basis.


No, to the Russian army. There are options and suggestions. To think about pensions, housing... You need to get married, find a husband, have children - well, that's what everyday life is like. When it's calmer. But I won’t be able to completely go to the “peace” anymore.

Can't you see yourself in this?

Yes, I will serve under the contract. Take care of family and home.

How do you see the solution to the conflict in Donbass? For peace to come?

Recognition of New Russia - 100%. But there are two options here - for example, there was an independent republic within Ukraine or within Russia (meaning national republics, like our Chechnya, Tatarstan and others). Novorossia, however, does not particularly want to remain part of Ukraine, and it is necessary that Russia has already made a decision and influenced the situation.

Within the same limits?

In general, yes, but in theory, the entire Donetsk region would be necessary if the DPR. Because, for example, I have guys from Mariupol, and they will be offended that the DPR is recognized, and Mariupol will remain part of Ukraine. It is not right.

Many people from the territory controlled by the Kiev government left to fight for the militia?

Quite a lot, yes. There are those who fought on the same side, and then they went over to our side. Their eyes were opened. It happens that, getting captured, they also change their minds.

- Last question. If a person wants to help the militia in some way, what should he do? Maybe pass it through the Museum of Novorossiya?

Well, yes, there are personal numbers, scores, and things and the rest are best transferred through the Museum of Novorossia. Moreover, I know some here, so to speak, the guys will help.
The example of Vesselina Cherdantseva proves that being a pretty and young girl, one can also be a full-fledged “combat unit”, a real patriot, able to command a group and inspire fear in enemies.

In an interview with Vesselina Cherdantseva, commander of the militia reconnaissance group.

"Their hatred seems like an animal"

Vesselina Cherdantseva, commander of the reconnaissance group of militia, on whether peace is possible between the peoples of Russia and Ukraine.

Bratchanka Veselina Cherdantseva has been fighting in the militia in the south-east of Ukraine for almost half a year. She is a sniper, commander of a sabotage and reconnaissance group (DRG), consisting entirely of men with Ukrainian citizenship.

Until June 2014, she worked in St. Petersburg at a school for training in the handling of combat knives. And then I saw the news about the shooting of a bus with children by the Ukrainian army and went as a volunteer to the Donbass.

During these six months, she received three shrapnel wounds and returned to duty. American journalists made a film about her and her group, which, Cherdantseva hopes, "should break through the information blockade" in the United States. The correspondent of "Russian Planet" contacted Veselina after the Day of National Unity, which she met for the first time in many years not on the Russian March.

- Tell me, what is the mood in the war zone?

- According to my feelings, the supporters of the Ukrainian government are so uncompromising that if they win, there can be no talk of any peace with Russia. Their hatred seems directly animal. Unfortunately, I lost several Ukrainian friends in this war - I mean those who sided with Bandera. Not everyone, of course, took this side: the majority stood up to protect the civilian population from the aggression of the new "government". But, I confess, I was struck by the intransigence and intolerance that recent friends, having chosen the opposite side, began to show towards me. They literally wish for a terrible and painful death, to “catch a bullet” and so on.

In our ranks, I do not notice such hatred towards that side. Yes, we can jokingly say something like this: ““Dill” has not been born today - it has been beaten by hail.” The militias feel a real sense of hatred only towards specific leaders who led the country to war: Yarosh, Yatsenyuk - volunteers would be happy to visit them personally with the worst intentions.

I will make a reservation: not Russian volunteers serve in my group, but local Ukrainian militias. Therefore, when I arrived this summer in Novorossia, I had no doubt that I was on the right side. Fighting alongside me are former civilians who were forced to go to war to protect their families.

– What sources did you use when you followed the situation from Russia? How did you decide who to trust?

- I mainly looked for information on social networks, read various groups on Vkontakte. I have many friends and acquaintances from various cities of Ukraine: Donetsk, Kramatorsk, Mariupol. I mainly focused on the messages of people I personally know. So I formed a big picture for myself.

- Vesselina, there is a stereotype that people who have nothing to lose are participating in the hostilities in Ukraine. Those who are not settled in a peaceful life. Who are your co-workers?

“Most of the guys are former miners. Representatives of the most peaceful profession, which, as you know, are very difficult to sway to any aggressive actions. But each of them has a family, for which he took up arms. Now I would not call these guys peaceful. They have already become professionals, we have worked hard with them on military training, and training is ongoing all the time. Some of them are so involved that they want to continue to connect their lives with military affairs.

– Where are you now and what are the tasks facing your group?

For obvious reasons, I can't name the exact location. Let's just say I'm in the south-east of Ukraine. One of the main tasks is to keep open the "corridor" between Gorlovka and Makeyevka.

Who is waiting for you at home?

- Parents remained in Russia. They, of course, like any parents, are worried, but they don’t show much. They support me in everything. My father is a military man himself, retired, an Afghan veteran. I fully share my position in this war.