In what cases is a double consonant letter written? Double consonants in foreign words

Words with double consonants are radically subordinate simple rules Russian language, which is studied in high school. For correct spelling, You should learn in advance to parse the word components: roots, suffixes.

Double letters at the junction between the root prefix

  1. If prefix and root start with the same letter, then double consonants are written. Having parsed words into morphemes, it is easy to understand how these words are written. The rule applies to words such as: threshold, appeal, lawless, introduce, support, restore, anger, provoke, unscrupulous.
  2. Words with prefixes that end in –s and the same root word “quarrel” also written with double consonants.

Examples: quarrel, quarrel.

Pay attention! Despite the fact that in the cognate word “quarrel”, together with the prefix, three letters C are formed, only two are written. There cannot be a triple in Russian. The same rule with the absence of a triple consonant also applies to other words.

Compound nouns with a double consonant

Nouns with a double consonant may be complex, consist of two semantic roots or bases. A double consonant is written if there is no connecting vowel between the roots, but they begin with the same letter.

Example of such words: Mossovet (Moscow Council), glavvrach (chief physician), Communist Party (Communist Party)

Spelling of double consonants in foreign words

Borrowed nouns, which are written with double letters are the most common type of words.

It is impossible to check them, you can only remember or use spelling dictionary.

Here are a few of these words: ballast, hippopotamus, massage therapist, millimeter, occupier, ottoman, offshore, palazzo, passenger, pessimism, pizza, pleated, potpourri, programmer, professor.

Words with double RR are one of the most large groups words Examples: terrace, platform, terrorism, arrosion, corrector, hemorrhoids, cirrhosis, terracotta, barricade. These words are related to Latin and in Greek words, represent medical or highly professional terms.

It is difficult to determine the stem of a word in words such as highway, attraction, collection. The root in the word alley is also written with two -LL-. All these words are foreign language by origin, their derivatives also have two identical letters at the base.

Important! Derivations from words with a pair of double consonants at the root are usually also written with two consonants.

  • Highway - highway.
  • Collection – collectible.
  • Compromise is a compromise.

An exception to this rule are formations that have become Russified over time. Usually double –НН- turns into single if the suffix –К- is used after it.

  • Column - column.
  • Manna - semolina.
  • Crystal - crystal.

To check these words, it is better to use a dictionary.

Moreover, in some cases, even in the absence of the suffix -K-, derivatives from foreign words with a double letter in the root form shapes with one letter. Examples of these exceptions:

Operetta - operetta, operetta.

Column – columnar, columnar, columnar, columnar. Other derivatives are written with two –H-. For comparison: colonnade, columned.

Crystal - crystal, little crystal. This rule applies only in cases where the combination -L- occurs in words. For comparison: crystalline, crystalline.

Double consonant in words with Russian origin

Spelling words with traditional Russian roots determined historically. There are rules that will help you check words with a double consonant.

Doubled –LJ-:

  • In words formed from “burn.” Examples: burning, burned, burning.
  • In native Russian words, doubled consonants are found in words such as: reins, juniper, buzz.

Advice! Combinations of letters zzh-zg-zd can be perceived as double consonants in native Russian words.

Examples of such words: grumble (grumble), squeal (squeal), rattle (rattling).

Exceptions to the rule are also the words ground beetle and bryzhi. Their writing is connected with historical development.

Double consonants are in the root of the word Russia and its derivatives. The spelling of these words is not checked by the rule, remember them. Some of these words: Russia, Russian, Great Russian. But when the root changes to Russian, one consonant remains in the root: rusist, Russify.

This rule is used unless the second -C- appears in the suffix.

Examples of such exceptions: Belarus, Russian.

Double consonant in proper names

Names with double consonant often found, so you need to remember to write them.

Female names: Alla, Anna, Rimma.

Male names with a double letter: Kirill, Savva.

Diminutive forms of proper names with the suffix –K- are written without doubling the consonant.

Anna - Anka.

Rimma - Rimka.

Kirill - Kirilka.

If the diminutive form is formed using particles, feminine and male names are used with a double letter. For example: Kirillushka, Annushka.

Spelling a double consonant at the junction of a suffix and a stem

Between root and suffix a common combination SS or NN. In this case, one letter is at the base of the word, the other is in the suffix. Most often, this spelling is observed where there are suffixes -STV-, -N-, -SK-.

Words such as lemon, cast iron, seed are subject to this rule.

We study double consonants in the root of words, examples

Words in Russian with double consonants


Spelling doesn't seem so difficult when you know the rules and can easily answer how to spell double consonants at the root of a word. Remember examples that cannot be verified! If in front of you especially compound word, it is best to use a spelling dictionary, which gives the correct spelling of the word and its derivatives.


Doubling in Russian words

Double consonants are written when combining a prefix and a root, if the prefix ends and the root begins with the same consonant, for example: support, threshold, introduce, scrub, pour, restore, lawless, counter-revolution.

Double consonants written when combined components of compound words, if one part ends and the other begins with the same consonant, for example: Moscow City Council, chief physician.

The double w is written in the words reins, yeast, juniper, zhuzhat and in derivatives from them, as well as in some formations from the verb to burn, for example: zhzhёsh, zhzhet, burnt, burning, zhzhenka.

Doubling in loanwords

Words of foreign origin are written in their own languages ​​according to the same principle; doubling of consonants is most often preserved even when the word is transferred to the Russian language, but we cannot explain the doubled consonant without knowing the morphemes of the language from which the word came. The spelling of such words remains to be learned, which is what the 1956 grammar recommends to us:

"§ 68. The spelling of double consonants in foreign words is determined in dictionary order, for example: irrigation, corrosion, cassation, excess, essence, but: poster, letter, official, etching, report."

In order to learn foreign words with double consonants, you need to at least make a list of them. There are now more than 300 such words in the collection of our website.List of words with double consonants and exercises that will help you quickly learn these words are contained in the course.


A ll igator

those pp asa - word of Greek origin: te rr a - earth.

A tt raktion

O kk upant

be ss O nn itza - doubling at the junctions of prefix, root dream and suffix.

ra ss fall

ss ora

What to pay attention to

  • More than two identical consonants in a row are not written, even if this is required by the composition of the word, for example: quarrel (ras + quarrel), Odessky (Odessa + sky), Prussian (Prussian + sky), five-tonny (five-ton + ny).
  • In words formed from stems ending in two identical consonants, double consonants before suffixes are preserved, for example: group - group, group; program - program, software; kilowatt - kilowatt; Calcutta - Calcutta; class - cool; Hun - Hunnic; point (unit of measure, evaluation) - five-point, Gall - Gallic; libretto - librettist. But it is written: crystal (although crystal), finka, Finnish (although Finn), column (although column), five-tonka (although ton), operetta (although operetta).
  • Read about the choice of N and NN separate material. N and NN in all parts of speech.
  • Sometimes foreign words, having become Russified, lose their second consonant. So the word office, which entered the Russian language along with business in the 90s of the 20th century, was first written with a double FF (as in English word), but quite quickly people began to use it with one f. The word traffic is now written with either one or two f.
  • There are no double consonants in the words:

    grimace, dealer, gallery, corridor, aluminum, play, drama, dramatic, galley, furor, race, freemasons, operetta, literate, headmistress, tremble, number, caricature, crystal, column, cavalry, cymbals, emigration, wolverine, problem, producer, actress, rope, ammunition, stagecoach, sonata, stele, climbing wall, comic, rigging.

All words in the Russian language consist of morphemes - significant parts words These include prefixes and suffixes. Roots are special morphemes that contain the semantics of a word. Endings are the formative part of a word. With its help, paradigms such as declension (for nouns) and conjugations (for verbs) are created.

In addition, it is thanks to inflection that categories such as gender and number exist in the Russian language.

Sometimes it happens that double consonants are formed at the junction of morphemes. For example, when a root morpheme ends with the same sound that begins the suffix that follows it, or a prefix ends with the same letter that begins the root. This is reflected in writing by writing double letters, for example:

  • support, stone, domain, tell, uprising, v-water, etc.

Double consonants are also written in compound abbreviations if the first abbreviation ends with the same letter with which the second begins:

  • Chief physician, Moscow City Council, etc.

Note. In the first part of compound words, which is a stem that ends with a double consonant, only one consonant is written, for example: gra m record, gru n org, co n soldier.

In words formed from stems ending in two identical consonants, double consonants before the suffix are preserved, for example: ba ll- high five ll ny, ha ll- ha llьskiy, gu nn- gu nn skiy, compromise ss- compromise ss ny, grue pp a - gr pp ka, diagram mm a - diagram mm ka, program mm a - program mm ka, telegra mm a - telegra mm ka. The same - in proper names, For example: Kanbe pp University, Ka nn Russian Film Festival, Loza nn sky conference, bo nn government, tally nn ancient monuments etc.

Exceptions. In some words, in the case under consideration, one consonant is written, for example: Krista ll- Krista l ny, fi nn- fi n Sky, Kolo nn a - colo n ka, then nn a - five n ka, fi nn- fi n ka(usually double n pulled together into one n before the suffix - k-a ), opera tt a - opera T ka; in names of persons with a suffix - To , For example: A ll a - A l ka, A nn a - A n ka, Kiri ll- Kiri l ka, Ri mm a - Ri m ka, Sa bb a - Ca V ka, Fili pp- Fili n ka, E mm a - E m ka.

Note. It is necessary to distinguish between the spelling of words like By d hold(prefix By- ) And By dd hold(prefix under- ). Wed: By d hold hand - po dd hold on in difficult times.

Note 2. In the suffix - ess-a spelled two With (poet ss ah, steward ss ah, clown ss A), in the suffix - is-a one thing is written With (abbey With ah, actress With ah, director With A).

In the suffix - etta spelled two T, For example: aria tt ah, opera tt ah, symphony tt A.
In a word generals ss imus spelled two With .

Special cases of using this spelling:

a) Combinations of NN and SS.

Double “n” and “s” are written when the root ends in “n” (“s”) and the suffix begins with the same letter:

  • With the suffix -n-: stone (stone), long (length), legal - ny (law), den-no (day), etc.;
  • With the suffix -sk -: Russian (Rus), Arzamas (ArzamaS);
  • With the suffix -stv-: art (but “skillful”).

b) Combination SS.

It is written in past tense verbs whose stem ends in “s”. When forming reflexive verbs:

  • Saved, rushed, grazed.

c) Combination NN.

It is written in the suffixes -enn- (-onn-) of adjective names that are formed from nouns:

  • Straw, cranberry, station, information, operational, lunch, etc.

Note 1. Exceptions: wooden, tin, glass.

Note 2. The word “windy” is spelled with one “n”, this is also an exception. However, in words of the same root formed with the help of prefixes, according to the rule, a double “n” is written: “windless”, “leeward”, etc.

Double "n" is also spelled in passive past participles that have dependent words:

  • Report presented at the seminar.
  • A poem memorized.

Double "n" is written in all adjectives that were formed from passive past participles, if they have prefixes or end in - ovanny (-evanny):

  • selected stories, reworked exercises, unspoken grievances.
  • a crying child, a spoiled child.

Note. Exceptions: forged, chewed.

Double "n" is written in the dictionary words “sacred”, “desired”, “unexpected”, “unexpected”, “unheard of”, “unseen”, etc.

Double "n" is written in nouns with the suffixes -ik, -its, -ost, as well as in adverbs ending in –o in cases where these parts of speech are formed from adjectives written with “nn”. For example:

  • accidentally (unintentional), agitated (excited), pupil (well-mannered), korennik (indigenous), etc.


1. Double and written in the roots of words in LJ and, dro LJ And, LJ eating, chewing LJ ah, mo LJ evelnik and of the same root with them. Wed: WHO and eat(cart + burn) - WHO LJ eat(cart + burn), also WHO LJ en.

Note 1. In the presence of sound alternation zg-zzh, zh - zzh not written double and , A zzh , For example: vi zzh at(squeal) Prie zzh at(arrival). Wed: bre zzh it, bru zzh dude zzh ah, mo zzh tree etc.

Note 2. In words bra and eika, bro and And only one thing is written and .

The consonant spelling consists of 5 basic rules: 1) verifiable consonants 2) unverifiable consonants, 3) spelling of unpronounceable consonants, 4) double consonants in foreign words, 5) doubling consonants in Russian words.

This abstract discusses last two rules (4 and 5). The first three rules are in the outline.

Double consonants in foreign words

In Russian spelling, doubling of consonants can be caused by various reasons.

  1. In many borrowed words it is preserved orthography of the source language and we write double consonants in such cases according to tradition, for example: antenna, grammar, colossus . The spelling of double consonants in words of foreign language origin is determined in dictionary order, for example: letter of credit, appeal, appendicitis, fiction, boss, hippopotamus, dilemma, indifferent, irrational, college, coefficient, pessimism, symmetry, rack, chlorophyll, ellipse, essence, effect and others.
  2. However with one consonant words are written: aluminum, attribute, bachelor, balustrade, volleyball, gallery, landing, dessert, amateur, Qatar, midget, privilege, producer, resources, sidewalk, etc.
  3. In the suffix -ess- two are written With (poetess, flight attendant ), in the suffix -is- one With (actress, director ).
  4. In words formed from stems ending in two identical consonants, double consonants before suffixes are usually preserved, For example: program - program, telegram - telegram, point - nine points, Gall - Gallic . Wed: Cannes Film Festival, Bonn Government, Lausanne Conference etc.
  5. But in a number of words, as well as in diminutive proper names of persons in the case under consideration, it is written one consonant, For example:

A) operetta - operetta, column - column, ton - three-tonka, Finn - fink a (usually double n is contracted into one n before the suffix -k-), Finnish;
b) Anna - Anka, Kirill - Kirilka, Rimma - Rimka, Philip - Filipka, Emma - Emka .

Doubling consonants in Russian words

1. In the roots of Russian words, doubling consonants is rare. So, SS written in the word argument , LJ- in words yeast, buzz, juniper and in related words formed from them: quarrel, buzz, juniper, yeast and others, as well as in the word burning .

2. Double AND written in words and forms derived from the verb burn (burn) using alternation: burn, burn, burn etc. Compare: kindle - kindled, kindle .

Note: When alternating zg/zzh, zg/zzh it is written ZZh, not ZhZh (contrary to the pronunciation), for example: squeal - squeal, arrival - come .

3. in different parts speech.

4. In other cases, doubling of consonants occurs at the junction of prefix and root(For example, tell ), root and suffix (fog ), and then the spelling of words obeys the morphological principle: we keep the same spelling for each of the morphemes. Therefore, you should carefully analyze the composition of the word if the prefix ends and the root begins with the same consonant, for example: proclamation, support, dawn . Wed: give in - give in. The door gave way under the blows (no longer remains in its original position). - The door succumbed to the blows of the crowbar (could not hold back the pressure).

5. Double consonants are written in compound words, if one part ends and the other begins with the same consonant, for example: head physician (chief physician).

Note. In the first part of compound words, which is a stem that ends with a double consonant, only one consonant is written, for example: gramophone record .

Spelling of consonants in the root includes three types of rules:

1) spelling of voiced/voiceless consonants;
2) spelling of unpronounceable consonants;
3) double consonants.

Rules 1 and 2 are discussed by us in paragraph 1.14. Changes in consonants in speech, paragraph 1.15. Spelling of consonants. In this paragraph we will dwell in more detail on spelling. double consonants in the root.

For the spelling of double consonants at the junction of morphemes, in suffixes, prefixes, see paragraph 2.5. Prefixes, clause 2.7. Suffixes. Postfixes.

1. At the root of a word, double consonants are written, as a rule, in borrowed words.

Alley, assembly, ballad, column, correspondent, repression, tennis, ton, terrace, effect.

    Word point has meanings:

    1. “a unit for assessing the degree of something” ( wind force six);
    2. “grade in school, sports, etc.” ( passing score).

    Word ball means "big dance party" ( prom).

2. In the roots of Russian words, two identical consonants are written in the following cases:

3. Root double consonants are preserved in derived words.

Wed: program - program - program - program, Cannes - Cannes.

4. Exceptions:

One consonant is written A double consonant is written
1. In the first part of compound words: com party (communist party), cor point (correspondent point).
2. In diminutive forms of personal names with the suffix -k-, cf.: All a - Al ka, Ann a - An ka, Kirill - Kiril ka, Rimm a - Rim ka, Savva a - Sav ka. In other cases, a double consonant is written - All points, Ann Uska.
3. In some derivatives of the word crystal (if written after l): crystalline, crystalline, crystalline, crystalline. In other derivatives a double consonant is written: crystal ic, crystal IR etc.
4. In some derivatives of the word column: columnar, columnar, columnar, columnar. In other words a double consonant is written: columnar, columns of hell, column-shaped etc.
5. In some derivatives of the word operetta: operet ka, operet full-time, operet full-time.
6. In some derivatives of the word Finn: Finnish, Finland, Finnish. But: Finn o-Ugric.
7. In one of the derivatives individual words, cf.: antenna - antenna, ton - three-ton, five-ton. But: antenna point, antenna y.
But: tons etc.

Exercises for the topic “2.4. Spelling of consonants in the root"

  • 2.4. Spelling of consonants in the root