Werner tiki küstenmacher getting rid of junk. Küstenmacher V.: Getting rid of trash

  • Color Green.
  • Article: 978-5-00100-674-9.
  • Barcode: 9785001006749.
  • ISBN 978-5-00100-674-9.
  • By Küstenmacher Werner Tiki.
  • Publishing house "Eksmo-MYF".
  • Cover: Soft.
  • 80 pages.


This workbook has plenty of exercises and space for you to fill with your own ideas, so keep your pencil ready.

You will learn how to easily get rid of junk, and useful tips will help you immediately apply what you learn theoretical knowledge in practice.

Who is this book for?

For those who want to get rid of junk in their life.

Werner Tiki Küstenmacher was born in 1953. Lives with his wife in Grebenzell near Munich. They have three adult children. Tiki (named by his mother in honor of the sun god Kon-Tiki, who in turn became famous thanks to the Kon-Tiki raft of the Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl) was a stay-at-home dad from 1990 to 1993 and developed a taste for simplifying household management. This resulted in the book Simplify Your Life in 2001, which was translated into 40 languages ​​and was on the bestseller list for five years. You can find more tips on simplification on the website.

), we have a minimalist author (book one and two), but this is a workbook book from a German author. And I really liked it, because the exercises in it are not stupid lists of “throw out expired cosmetics and products”, “collect 17 extra things and throw them away too”, “wash the sink”, but rather such tasks to think about.

Published on high-quality thick paper, the book is pleasant to hold in your hands.

The exercises are divided into different levels of difficulty, and are presented as follows in the table of contents:

And personally, they made me think more and get rid of a couple of shelves of already read books and a hefty bag of rags. Yes, maybe in Russia the level of waste recycling is not yet so high, but some moves and methods can be found. And it motivates.

I liked the tasks of choosing the seven most important things in different situations, suggestions to think about how some things end up not being used at all, and shopping rules.


SIMPLIFY your life. Master class on organizing working time

Dear readers!

In the preface to this book on working time, we must openly admit: yes, we love to work! We remember the time when we were both in our final year of college and dreamed that we would finally be able to do something useful for society. We rejoiced at the opportunity to work in at least some company (even if we were there on the lower rungs of the career ladder) and receive a salary every month (even symbolic at first). Now we enjoy our independence and are grateful that we always have work.

At the same time, we were in constant search for that same true harmony, but we were not always able to find it. Work has enormous attractive power; it, generally speaking, pretends to be something more than just half the time allotted to us by life. For this reason, for many years we have been looking for means and methods that, on the one hand, will prevent work from taking up more than the allotted time, and on the other hand, will help to extract as many positive emotions from it as possible.

In this book we have collected tips that have brought the greatest benefit to ourselves. Our goal is to show how to simplify your life and become happier, how to be a master at planning your workday. We really like the word “master”; it shows that people are given the right to be not slaves, but creators - regardless of who actually holds the power.

IN German there is a surprisingly capacious verb “ lassen”, which does not mean “to have to do something”, but “to allow something to happen” - without remaining a passive observer. This concept also implies the ability to shift some of your responsibilities to others without abdicating responsibility entirely. It is also associated with the clear awareness that, despite all our plans and important affairs, we live and allow life to present us with its gifts. We did not create life, and life itself is not in our control - but does that change anything?

Martin Luther, who was a hard worker and achieved a lot, said on his deathbed: “We are beggars, that is the truth.” These words also touch on the topic to which it is dedicated. this book. It will talk about working time, and we assure you that it is just a part of your life - no more.

Marion and Werner Tiki Küstenmacher

Learn to enjoy your work more

How can you enjoy your work? Example: Americans Stefan Lundin, Harry Paul and John Christensen studied the work of the Seattle fish market - a damp, cold, slimy and foul-smelling place, with intense and monotonous work. However, as many people know, the atmosphere there is most inviting. In his bestselling book "Fish!" the authors told how work becomes happiness for a person. Hence the conclusion: you have to love what you do. Don't waste time looking for the perfect job - create it for yourself.

The joy of work can be learned

One day, fish sellers came to the conclusion that difficult working conditions should no longer affect their mood and outlook. Let their market become the most famous in the world! - and from that very moment they ceased to be ordinary fish sellers.

Choose your positions.

It turns out that your personal position can help you see your work in a favorable light. Don't forget that you always have a choice: either whine and complain, or turn disadvantages into advantages, or wait for someone else to solve your problem, or look for a solution yourself. Tell yourself: “I have now made the decision to make today a good day; my colleagues, clients and co-workers will thank me.”

Work playfully.

Here's something else Seattle salespeople have come up with: You have to work a little playfully. At a fish market in Seattle, shoppers duck when a pair of crabs suddenly whiz past their heads. Many will ask the question: “Is it simple? After all, my work is so dry, because in my field of activity there is absolutely no place for humor!” But it is precisely in such cases that the most acute need for positive emotions is felt!

Make play and a sense of satisfaction part of your work and do not be afraid of slanderers, envious people and bosses. Show everyone else that creativity comes from a positive attitude. Try to make time fly by like in a dream while doing your favorite work. Prove from your own experience that joy and play do not cause harm, but, on the contrary, make a person happy. Tell yourself: “I can find an element of play in my daily work. I will take my work seriously, but I will learn to treat myself with a bit of humor.”

Bring joy to others.

The jokes of Seattle fishmongers are not some of the insider-intelligible phrases that are often heard in offices. The buyers at this fish market are also involved in the action - and the joy of work thus arises from the communication of this joy to others.

Take note of the good old rule - do one good deed every day. For example, when your kind clients are not as kind as you would like them to be, take the first step yourself. You know very well how much joy someone’s little sign of attention, a smile or an offer of help brings us, say, in solving some tricky computer problem. Share this joy and your good spirits with others. Tell yourself: “If my own energy is running low, I will look for someone who I can support and give him good mood for the whole day."

The fish sellers we already know work with full dedication and are full of attention to their work - their customers are forced to do the same if they want to catch the fish “flying” above them...

Make sure that when talking business with your clients or colleagues, you are not mentally sitting in the cafeteria or preparing for the upcoming party. Only by devoting all your thoughts and feelings to the work you do do you live life to the fullest. Only then do you not allow yourself to be distracted by trifles, but maintain a clear understanding of what is important to you and others. By being present in the here and now, you show respect for your colleagues and yourself. Tell yourself: “I devote all my thoughts, all my attention to what I am doing. Now my colleagues or clients can notice that I am here if they suddenly need my help.”

Say: “Wow!”

Break your work down into separate “projects.” This is the recipe for success created by the forerunner of management theory, American Tom Peters. His simple advice is to get rid of the dull facial expression and submissive mentality. Instead, he suggests looking at the work from a new angle. It doesn’t matter at all whether you are a baker or a banker, a “free” music teacher or a manager in a company; no matter what you are dealing with - pies, loans, courses or plans - all of these can be called projects.

You change your perspective by defining your goals as clearly as possible. Let's say you used to imagine the purpose of your work in the most ordinary form: bread, construction financing, piano lessons, a business plan. Now - whether you're working alone or in a team - experience your challenges in a new way and reinvent your project until it's cool, original and sensational, just big - something that will take everyone's breath away! Why don't you bake a cake that will be written about in the newspapers? Don't develop a meeting model that will attract the attention of your superiors? Would you like to introduce some pedagogical innovation in your region? Not making the current calendar year an event in the business world?

Available in formats: EPUB | PDF | FB2

Pages: 80

Year of publication: 2017

Language: Russian

About the book Your personal workbook for getting rid of junk - from throwing out all sorts of unnecessary items to getting rid of outdated habits and ideas. The author of the best-selling book "Simplify Your Life" created workbook, which will help you clear your life of unnecessary clutter and habits and find inner order. This notebook is full of exercises and space for you to fill with your ideas, so keep your pencil ready. You will learn how to easily get rid of clutter, and useful tips will help you immediately apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in practice. Who is this book for? For those who want to get rid of junk in their life.


Kristina, Krasnodar, 11.11.2017
I am passionate about time management and managing my resources in general. For a long time I was looking for a site where I could quickly and easily download all the books I needed, including new ones. I came across this site by accident and fell in love! There is everything you need to expand your knowledge on this topic. I had never even heard of many of the books before. Definitely recommend!

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