Essay on willpower willpower. Essay: Will, volitional qualities of a person Essay on the topic my will

In Ozhegov’s explanatory dictionary, will is interpreted as the ability to achieve one’s goals. In antiquity in European culture, the idea of ​​will as an integral part of human mental life was fundamentally different from the one that prevails today.

Thus, Socrates compared will with direction in the sense of the action of the flight of an arrow, understanding by this the indisputable fact that the arrow is destined to break from the bowstring, but the will allows it to do this only when the target is chosen correctly.

Zeno opposed will to desire. Greek philosophers attributed to the will a mainly restraining role. In their understanding, the will performed the role of internal censorship rather than being a creative agent.

Will and willpower

The modern idea of ​​an essay on the topic of willpower willpower has been enriched by attributing additional characteristics to this concept. Modern psychiatry considers will as a mental process consisting of the ability to engage in active, systematic activity aimed at satisfying human needs.

An act of will is a complex, multi-stage process, including need, desire, determining the motivation of behavior, awareness of the need, struggle of motives, choice of method of implementation, launch of implementation, control of implementation.

At the personal level, will manifests itself in such properties as willpower, energy, perseverance, endurance, etc.

In life, they manifest themselves in unity with character, so they can be considered not only as strong-willed, but also as characterological essays on the topic of willpower. Let's call these qualities secondary. It is characterized by supra-situationalism, Comrade Vannikov, the main psychological function of the will is to strengthen motivation and improve, on this basis, the conscious regulation of actions. An act of will is associated with overcoming it.

In the third case, the goal may be to teach something, and actions associated with learning acquire a volitional character.

  • In life they manifest themselves in unity with character, therefore they can be considered not only as volitional, but also as characterological;
  • His inner strength became the key to freedom;
  • The energy and source of volitional actions is always, in one way or another, connected with the actual needs of a person;
  • We are talking about Ali Mahmud, who taught Yula how to become a strong sentence;
  • The poet Anna Akhmatova lived a difficult life in conflict with the state;
  • Sophia was the one who went on stage, because during the performance you forget about her problem.

Energy, the source of volitional actions, is always, in one way or another, connected with the actual needs of a person. Yes, No, I don't know, Sometimes. Are you able to complete the work you have started that is not interesting to you, regardless of the fact that time and circumstances allow you to break away and then return to it again?

  1. So, the weak boy Julius, the hero of story B. History knows many examples when people achieved their goals, despite the fact that they faced great difficulties and even misunderstanding and ridicule from other people.
  2. So, calling on people not only to dream, but also to go towards their dreams, this man, like many other strong people, say that the main driving force of a person’s destiny is himself, his efforts and aspirations, firmness and unshakable willpower. Without willpower, you cannot achieve anything outstanding, because big goals always require great effort.
  3. But a conversation with a visiting strongman changes his life.
  4. Jesse Owens won the Olympic Games in Nazi Germany, proving to the world that the race of a talented person does not matter. Will you find the strength in the morning to get up earlier than usual, as planned in the evening?
  5. It was thanks to this quality that he was able to defeat himself and his opponent.

Do you overcome internal resistance without much effort when you need to do something unpleasant to you N: When you find yourself in a conflict situation - at work, study or at home - are you able to pull yourself together enough to look at the situation soberly with maximum objectivity?

If you are prescribed a diet, can you overcome culinary temptations? Will you find the strength in the morning to get up earlier than usual, as planned in the evening?

Will you remain at the scene to testify?

Do you have willpower?

Do you respond quickly to emails? If you are afraid of an upcoming plane flight or a trip to the dentist, will you be able to overcome this feeling without much difficulty and not change your intention at the last moment?

Will you take a very unpleasant medicine if your doctor strongly recommends it? Without an essay on the topic of willpower, will you go on a business trip to an unfamiliar city? Do you strictly adhere to your daily routine? Do you disapprove of library debtors?

The most interesting program will not make you put off urgent work. Yes - 2 points.

  • Are you able to complete the work you have started that is not interesting to you, regardless of the fact that time and circumstances allow you to break away and then return to it again?
  • Raevsky, it was thanks to willpower that I was able to offer within a year;

Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

The concept of will. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Functions of the will. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

Voluntary and involuntary volitional actions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

The structure of volitional action. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

Volitional qualities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7

Theories of will. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8

Pathology of will. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

List of sources used. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13


Will is the ability to choose an activity and the internal efforts necessary for its implementation. A specific act, irreducible to consciousness and activity as such. Carrying out a volitional action, a person resists the power of directly experienced needs, impulsive desires: a volitional act is characterized not by the experience of “I want”, but by the experience of “need”, “I must”, awareness of the value characteristics of the goal of the action. Volitional behavior includes decision-making, often accompanied by a struggle of motives, and its implementation.

Weakness of will, disorganization, acting on the strongest motive, a relatively easy refusal to achieve a goal despite its objective significance - all this is characteristic of man.

We cannot always distinguish persistence from stubbornness, adherence to certain principles from the desire to achieve our goal at all costs, seeing in all this equal manifestations of will. Therefore, it is necessary to learn to separate genuine manifestations of will from false ones.

Concept of will

Will is the most complex phenomenon in human psychology. Will can be defined as a certain internal force of a psychological nature that can control psychological phenomena and human behavior. This is a form of internal control of behavior carried out by a person and associated with his consciousness and thinking.

Will is the highest level of regulation of human behavior. This is what makes it possible to set difficult goals for oneself, to achieve set goals, overcoming internal and external obstacles, thanks to the will, a person makes a conscious choice when he is faced with the need to choose among several forms of behavior.

The main difference between human behavior and the behavior of other creatures is will. For 300 years, science has made almost no progress in understanding the meaning of will and volitional regulation. This is due to the fact that will is a subjective phenomenon that does not have specific external manifestations and physiological signs; it is not known which brain structures are responsible for volitional regulation.

Will presupposes self-restraint, restraining some fairly strong drives, consciously subordinating them to other, more significant, important goals, and the ability to suppress desires and impulses that directly arise in a given situation. At the highest levels of its manifestation, will presupposes reliance on spiritual goals and moral values, beliefs and ideals.

Functions of the will

In general, volitional processes perform three main functions.

The first - initiating (directly related to motivational factors) is to force one to start one or another action, behavior, activity, overcoming objective and subjective obstacles.

The second is stabilizing, associated with volitional efforts to maintain activity at the proper level in the event of external and internal interference of various kinds.

The third - inhibitory - consists in inhibiting other, often strong motives and desires, and other behavior options.

Will as a process is not only one of the highest forms of organization of all other mental processes. In volitional processes, personality and its mental processes not only manifest themselves, but are also formed and developed. In this regard, another function of the will is distinguished - genetic, productive. As a result of its action, the level of awareness and organization of other mental processes increases, and the so-called volitional personality traits are formed - independence, determination, perseverance, self-control, determination, etc.

Voluntary and involuntary

volitional actions

Any human activity is always accompanied by specific actions, which can be divided into two large groups: voluntary and involuntary. The main difference between voluntary actions is that they are carried out under the control of consciousness and require certain efforts on the part of the person aimed at achieving a consciously set song. For example, let’s imagine a sick person who with difficulty takes a glass of water in his hand, brings it to his mouth, tilts it, makes movements with his mouth, i.e. performs a whole series of actions united by one goal - to quench his thirst. All individual actions, thanks to the efforts of consciousness aimed at regulating behavior, merge into one whole, and the person drinks water. These efforts are often called volitional regulation, or will.

Voluntary or volitional actions develop on the basis of involuntary movements and actions. The simplest of involuntary actions are reflex ones: constriction and dilation of the pupil, blinking, swallowing, sneezing, etc. The same class of movements includes withdrawing a hand when touching a hot object, involuntarily turning the head towards a sound, etc. Involuntary nature Our expressive movements are also usually worn: when we are angry, we involuntarily clench our teeth; when surprised, we raise our eyebrows or open our mouth; when we are happy about something, we begin to smile, etc.

Structure of volitional action

The structure of volitional action can be represented as a diagram:

Volitional activity always consists of certain volitional actions, which contain all the signs and qualities of will. In this action, the following simple steps can be clearly distinguished:

1) motivation;

3) decision making;

4) volitional effort.

Often the 1st, 2nd and 3rd stages are combined, calling this part of the volitional action the preparatory link, and the 4th stage is called the executive link. A simple volitional action is characterized by the fact that choosing a goal and making a decision to perform an action in a certain way are carried out without a struggle of motives.

In a complex volitional action, the following stages are distinguished:

1) awareness of the goal and the desire to achieve it;

2) awareness of a number of possibilities for achieving the goal;

3) the emergence of motives that affirm or deny these possibilities;

4) struggle of motives and choice;

5) accepting one of the possibilities as a solution;

6) implementation of the decision made.

Strong-willed qualities

Volitional qualities are relatively stable mental formations independent of a specific situation that certify the level of conscious self-regulation of behavior achieved by an individual and his power over himself. Volitional qualities combine moral components of the will, which are formed in the process of education, and genetic ones, closely related to the typological characteristics of the nervous system. For example, fear, the inability to endure fatigue for a long time, or to quickly make decisions largely depend on the innate characteristics of a person (strength and weakness of the nervous system, its lability).

Volitional qualities include three components: the actual psychological (moral), physiological (volitional effort) and neurodynamic (typological features of the nervous system).

Based on this, all volitional qualities are divided into “basal” (primary) and systemic (secondary). The primary ones include the volitional qualities themselves, which, in turn, are divided into two groups. The first group is characterized by determination, the ability to withstand volitional effort, this is patience, perseverance, perseverance.

The second group characterizes self-control and includes such qualities as courage, endurance, and determination. It is important for the education of will to present demands to the child that are appropriate and feasible for his age, with mandatory monitoring of their implementation. Lack of control can create a habit of quitting what you start without finishing it. The manifestation of willpower is determined by a person’s moral motives. The presence of strong beliefs and a holistic worldview in a person is the basis of the volitional organization of the individual.

Theories of will

To date, several scientific directions have emerged that interpret the concept of “will” in different ways: will as voluntarism, will as freedom of choice, will as voluntary control of behavior, will as motivation, will as volitional regulation.

1. Will as voluntarism

In attempts to explain the mechanisms of human behavior within the framework of the problem of will, a direction arose that in 1883, with the light hand of the German sociologist F. Tönnies, received the name “voluntarism” and recognizes the will as a special, supernatural force. According to the teaching of voluntarism, volitional acts are not determined by anything, but they themselves determine the course of mental processes. The German philosophers A. Schopenhauer and E. Hartmann went even further, declaring the will to be a cosmic force, a blind and unconscious first principle from which all mental manifestations of man originate. Consciousness and intellect are, according to Schopenhauer, secondary manifestations of the will. Spinoza denied causeless behavior, since “the will itself, like everything else, needs a cause.” I. Kant recognized as equally provable both the thesis about free will and the antithesis that the will is incapable. Solving the problem of human freedom, Kant subjected to critical analysis both the Christian doctrine of free will and the concept of mechanistic determinism.

2. Will as “free choice”

The Dutch philosopher B. Spinoza viewed the struggle of impulses as a struggle of ideas. Spinoza's will appears as awareness of external determination, which is subjectively perceived as one's own voluntary decision, as internal freedom.

However, the English thinker J. Locke tried to isolate the question of free choice from the general problem of free will. Freedom consists “precisely in the fact that we can act or not act according to our choice or desire.”

The American psychologist W. James considered the main function of the will to be making a decision about action when two or more ideas of movement are simultaneously present in the mind. Therefore, volitional effort consists in a person directing his consciousness to an unattractive but necessary object and focusing attention on it. Considering himself a voluntarist, W. James considered the will to be an independent force of the soul, with the ability to make decisions about action.

L.S. Vygotsky, when discussing the problem of will, also connected this concept with freedom of choice.

3. Will as “voluntary motivation”

The concept of will as a determinant of human behavior originated in Ancient Greece and was first explicitly formulated by Aristotle. The philosopher understood that it is not knowledge itself that is the cause of rational behavior, but a certain force that causes action in accordance with reason. This force is born, according to Aristotle, in the rational part of the soul, thanks to the combination of a rational connection with aspiration, which gives the decision a driving force.

Rene Descartes understood will as the ability of the soul to form a desire and determine the impulse for any human action that cannot be explained on the basis of a reflex. The will can slow down movements driven by passion. Reason, according to Descartes, is the will's own instrument.

G.I. Chelpanov identified three elements in a volitional act: desire, desire and effort. K.N. Kornilov emphasized that the basis of volitional actions is always a motive.

L.S. Vygotsky identified two separate processes in volitional action: the first corresponds to a decision, the closure of a new brain connection, the creation of a special functional apparatus; the second - executive - consists in the work of the created apparatus, in acting according to instructions, in executing a decision.

4. Will as an obligation

The specificity of this approach to understanding will is that will is considered as one of the incentive mechanisms, along with an actually experienced need.

Pathology of will

The pathology of higher and lower volitional activity is distinguished. The pathology of higher volitional activity includes hyperbulia. In this case, a pathological distortion of the motivation of volitional activity is revealed. There is extraordinary persistence in achieving goals by any means necessary.

Hypobulia is a decrease in volitional activity, accompanied by poverty of motives, lethargy, inactivity, poor speech, weakened attention, impoverished thinking, decreased motor activity, and limited communication. Abulia - lack of urges, desires, and desires. It is observed in chronic diseases with decreased intelligence and weakened affective activity. Often combined with symptoms such as: decreased social productivity - deterioration in the performance of social roles and skills; decreased professional productivity - deterioration in the performance of professional duties and skills, i.e., specific tasks and responsibilities, knowledge and standards in the professional field and its productivity ( material production, service, the sphere of science and art), social alienation is a form of behavior characterized by a persistent tendency to abandon social interactions and connections, etc.

The pathology of lower volitional activity includes the pathology of drives formed on the basis of instincts in the form of their strengthening, weakening or perversion. For example: pathology of the food instinct (bulimia - increased craving for food associated with a lack of feeling of satiety; anorexia - weakened or absent feeling of hunger), pathology of the instinct of self-preservation: phobias - an unreasonable feeling of fear for one’s life; agoraphobia - fear of open spaces, situations close to them, such as the presence of a crowd and the inability to immediately return to a safe place (usually home); pathology of the sexual instinct (hypersexuality, gender identity disorders)

There are also disorders of habits and desires (propensity to gamble).


Will is the ability to choose an activity and the internal efforts necessary for its implementation. In general, volitional processes perform three main functions: initiating, stabilizing, and inhibiting.

Any human activity is always accompanied by specific actions, which can be divided into two large groups: voluntary and involuntary.

The structure of the will can be represented in the form of the following stages:

1) motivation;

2) awareness of the possibilities of achieving the goal;

3) decision making;

4) volitional effort.

Pathology of the will is divided into lower and higher. The pathology of higher volitional activity includes hyperbulia. The pathology of lower volitional activity includes the pathology of drives formed on the basis of instincts in the form of their strengthening, weakening or perversion.

Strong-willed people are usually more purposeful and, having made a decision, go to the end. But the world is dual and rigidity often makes both the material and human souls brittle. And will without flexibility is no less harmful than excessive pliability, which makes one obsequious and weak, incapable of action.

And another meaning of this word for a Russian person means not just freedom, but something more - true freedom of soul and body, which means not boundless chaos, not limited by morality, but the ability to make decisions yourself and be independent of circumstances, time and decisions of others. But at the same time, do not harm anyone, but not out of fear of punishment or the prohibition of the laws of the human world, but consciously - ALLOWING yourself to sacrifice your own good for the good of your loved one.

And about this - will, which means internal freedom for me - I have begun to think very often lately. A person is weak and physical ailments can sometimes turn his body into a prison for the soul, depriving it of the ability to move around the world. And people’s dependence on circumstances and accidents makes them not free to choose their destinies and paths.

Fate is not only about how long we live. This and one more thing: what era does this time belong to - but we cannot choose our own eras and this is also bondage. This and one more thing: in what place, in what social caste (rich and poor, noble and simple) and what nation we will be born - we also cannot choose this and this is also bondage!!! And who we become directly depends on these elections, and only a few are capable and so strong from birth that they can rise high, having been born in a poor family somewhere in a landfill among the garbage - for the vast majority of such people this is simply impossible!!!

Paths of life - it seems to us that when we make decisions to move, to go or not to go somewhere, to do or not to do something, we choose our paths in life - OURSELVES - and we have the right to CHOICE. In my opinion, this is the biggest misconception of smart people - if not fate, then we will not be able to achieve the result we wanted to achieve with our decision. It is not for nothing that they say that “the ways of the Lord are mysterious” and all roads “lead to Rome”, that is, to a goal predetermined from Above. And I know from my own experience that it was accidents that led me from those places that I chose myself, to completely different results and to other places, and not where my actions in them should have led me according to logic and calculation. Therefore, in my opinion, people have no freedom in choosing their life path and destinies!!!

And this understanding of not freedom and bondage has lately increasingly oppressed my mind, causing me to feel a sense of doom and powerlessness before fate. After all, even if I could turn back time, I would be afraid to change anything in it because I don’t know how the circumstances will turn out if I change one of them - will there be even more harm to the human world and what is usual for all of us? most importantly, won’t the people who are dear and close to me suffer?!

And the more I think about all this, the more I agree with myself on one thing: we must simply try to live according to our conscience in this captivity of the soul over circumstances and fate, but be free of it in love and friendship, giving ourselves all to those close to us and This is probably the greatest freedom and will that is possible in Earthly reality, and this is the only way to become happy. Of course, everyone has their own choice from what life offers them, but in the end, in any social caste and place, we all always choose only between two values: Earthly - money, things and benefits or Spiritual - love, friendship and bright and selfless feelings. And if we have a choice in this most important thing, then we, despite our dependence on fate and circumstances, still have the right to choose and can find the will - in ourselves!!!

With respect to everyone who reads Markovtsev.

Willpower is a quality of character that enables a person to achieve his goals and not give up in the face of difficulties. Achieving great heights is impossible without great effort and the ability to overcome inconvenience and hardship.

In our lives, lack of willpower is often cited as the main cause of many problems: the inability to get rid of bad habits, failure to achieve goals due to refusal to complete difficult tasks, reluctance to stop time-consuming entertainment for the sake of steps towards a big goal, etc. Why does this happen? I think that often the main reason for weak willpower is laziness. For example, a person dreams of achieving success in art or science, but at the same time does not show determination, strength of character, and does not do everything in his power necessary to achieve the goal. In this case, it will be almost impossible to realize even the most cherished dream.

A strong will does not always accompany a person as an innate character trait, but every person always has the opportunity to develop his will, strengthen it, and learn not to give up in the face of difficulties.

History knows many examples when people achieved their goals, despite the fact that they faced great difficulties and even misunderstanding and ridicule from other people. It seems to me that every person has great potential and opportunities, but many of them are never revealed due to the fact that people do not believe in themselves, are lazy and do not receive support and understanding from relatives. It is possible to overcome all these difficulties if you have a strong will and desire to achieve your goal.

I would like to cite as an example the vivid story of the world-famous Nick Vujicic. This man was born disabled: he never had arms and legs, which is why for a long time he suffered from loneliness and disrespectful attitude from society; However, by developing a strong willpower, he learned to cope with his problems, received higher education, was actively involved in public life, as a result of which he headed a charity organization and created a speaking company to provide motivation to people on the path to achieving their goals.

So, calling on people not only to dream, but also to go towards their dreams, this man, like many other strong people, say that the main driving force of a person’s destiny is himself, his efforts and aspirations, firmness and unshakable willpower.

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Willpower is a quality of character that enables a person to achieve his goals and not give up in the face of difficulties. Achieving great heights is impossible without great effort and the ability to overcome inconvenience and hardship.

There is no power in our lives

Willpower is often cited as the root cause of many problems: the inability to get rid of bad habits, failure to achieve goals due to refusal to complete difficult tasks, unwillingness to stop time-consuming entertainment for the sake of steps towards a big goal, etc. Why does this happen? I think that often the main reason for weak willpower is laziness. For example, a person dreams of achieving success in art or science, but at the same time does not show determination, strength of character, and does not do everything in his power necessary to achieve the goal. In this case, it will be almost impossible to realize even the most cherished dream.

Will does not always accompany a person as an innate character trait, but every person always has the opportunity to develop his will, strengthen it, and learn not to give up in the face of difficulties.

History knows many examples when people achieved their goals, despite the fact that they faced great difficulties and even misunderstanding and ridicule from other people. It seems to me that every person has great potential and opportunities, but many of them are never revealed due to the fact that people do not believe in themselves, are lazy and do not receive support and understanding from relatives. It is possible to overcome all these difficulties if you have a strong will and desire to achieve your goal.

I would like to cite as an example the vivid story of the world-famous Nick Vujicic. This man was born disabled: he never had arms and legs, which is why for a long time he suffered from loneliness and disrespectful attitude from society; However, by developing a strong willpower, he learned to cope with his problems, received higher education, was actively involved in public life, as a result of which he headed a charity organization and created a speaking company to provide motivation to people on the path to achieving their goals.

So, calling on people not only to dream, but also to go towards their dreams, this man, like many other strong people, say that the main driving force of a person’s destiny is himself, his efforts and aspirations, firmness and unshakable willpower.

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