Flag of Russia History of the creation of state symbols of Russia Educational and visual aid for the elective course “Russian state symbols. Story

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The flag is one of the oldest heraldic symbols. The history of the appearance of flags is inextricably linked with the history of military affairs. For a long time, flags (banners, banners, standards) were symbols of military units. They pointed the soldiers to the gathering place, and their condition often determined the course of the battle. The fall of a banner or its capture by the enemy often meant defeat in battle; on the contrary, planting one’s banner on enemy territory meant victory.

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Among warriors, flags were especially revered and protected symbols. On the battlefield, heated battles often took place around the banner; in order to preserve the banner, warriors often sacrificed with our own lives. It is not surprising that the veneration of the banner fanned military glory, was not limited to the period of hostilities, but also extended into peacetime. Gradually, the banners began to acquire a sacred character, and the belief was established that the “correct” banner itself could ensure success in battle.

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In the Russian lands, banners (called “banners” in Rus') were known from ancient times. As a rule, the banners depicted the faces of the Savior or the patron saints of the principality, city, or the prince himself. Each squad and each regiment had its own banners. The first description of the Russian banner that has reached us refers to the banner of Dmitry Donskoy, who was with the prince during the Battle of Kulikovo. According to sources, the victory was won under a red banner with the face of the Savior. However, historians do not have a common opinion about the color of the princely banner: according to one version, the banner of Dmitry Donskoy was “chermny”, that is, red, according to another - black.

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Since then, banners with the image of the face of Christ the Savior as grand ducal banners have become widespread in Rus'. The banner becomes a kind of marching icon. Sources mention the princes praying at the banner, which was illuminated by the metropolitan according to the rank of holy icons. TO XVI century The first Russian banners that have come down to us include the banner of the “All-Merciful Savior” of 1552, under which Ivan the Terrible went to conquer Kazan, and the royal “Great Banner” of 1560, which depicts Michael the Archangel as a horseman.

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In the 15th – 16th centuries, the grand ducal banners, despite all their significance, remained the personal banners of the Moscow princes, but a national flag never appeared in this era. Russia acquired its state banner only during the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, and its appearance was due to the beginning of the construction of the Russian fleet. In 1667, by order of Alexei Mikhailovich, the first Russian warship “Eagle” began to be built in the village of Dedinovo near Moscow. In 1668, the Dutch captain Butler, who supervised the construction of the ship, turned to the Boyar Duma with a request to ask the sovereign about the colors of the flag that should be hoisted on the ship.

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The Tsar ordered to release “kindyaks and taffeta (grades of fabric) of worm, white and azure for the banners and catchers of the ship building in the village of Dedinovo.” That is, red, white and blue. The arrangement of colors on the Eagle flag was not the same as that later drawn by Peter the Great with his own hand. The flag had a blue straight cross dividing the flag into four equal parts - roofs. The first and fourth were white, the second and third were red.

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The choice of white, blue and red colors was explained by the fact that they have long been on the coat of arms of Moscow. Historians also find an explanation for the national colors in the full title of the kings Russian Empire- “all Great and Little and White Russia.” Red color corresponded to Great Russians, blue to Little Russians, white to Belarusians. On August 6, 1693, on the 12-gun yacht “St. Peter”, the so-called “Flag of the Tsar of Moscow” was first raised as a standard - a panel consisting of three horizontal stripes of white, blue and red, with a golden double-headed eagle in the middle. This flag, similar to the modern Russian flag, began to be used as the naval flag of Russia.

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In 1712, the St. Andrew's flag was approved as a naval flag. This flag was called St. Andrew's after St. Andrew the First-Called, the apostle from whom, according to legend, Russia was baptized. Saint Andrew was considered the patron saint of sailors; he himself was a fisherman. The white-blue-red flag becomes the commercial flag (that is, the flag of civilian ships).

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Despite the fact that Peter I developed a huge number of flags during his life (various versions of the St. Andrew's flag, standards of the Tsar of Moscow and the All-Russian Emperor, versions of the jacks, etc.), he never installed the state flag of the Russian Empire.

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Under Peter's successors, despite the widespread use of the Russian white-blue-red tricolor in everyday life, its status as the flag of the Russian Empire was not legally established. By decree of Alexander II of June 11, 1858, a black-yellow-white “flag of coat of arms colors” was introduced: The first stripes correspond to the black state eagle in a yellow field, the lower white or silver stripe corresponds to the white or silver horseman (St. George) in the Moscow coat of arms. They also came up with an explanation for these colors: “gold, silver and earth.” Thus, the flag of the coat of arms became the first officially approved state flag of Russia.

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Russian society didn't accept this new symbol state power: in the minds of Russians, black and yellow colors were associated with Germany and Austria. In the empire, there were two parallel flags: black-yellow-white - legally national and white-blue-red - national in fact, and the preference of the population was universally given to the latter. A commission of authoritative persons was appointed. Based on the decision of the commission, white-blue-red was the highest approved national flag. From that moment on, black-yellow-white was considered the dynastic flag of the reigning house of the Romanovs. Last Russian Emperor Nicholas II in 1896 finally assigned the white-blue-red flag the status of the only state flag of the Russian Empire.

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In February 1917, a democratic revolution took place in Russia, during which the red flag was widely used. On July 10, 1918, the V All-Russian Congress of Soviets approved the first Constitution of the RSFSR, which was published on July 19 of the same year. Article 90 of the Constitution contained the description: “The trade, naval and military flag of the R.S.F.S.R. consists of a red (scarlet) colored panel, in the left corner of which, at the top of the staff, are placed the golden letters: R.S. . F. S. R. or the inscription: Russian Socialist Federative Republic." The Constitution of the RSFSR of 1937 also confirmed the use of this flag as a state flag.

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After the defeat of the State Emergency Committee, the white-blue-red flag began to be used by the RSFSR as the state flag, but this provision was legislated only on November 1, 1991. By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 20, 1994, August 22 was declared a memorable day and is celebrated as “National Flag Day” Russian Federation»

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Currently, there is no official interpretation of the colors of the Russian flag. However, in pre-revolutionary times they were interpreted as follows: white - the color of purity and freedom; blue is the color of the Mother of God, who was considered the heavenly patroness of Russia; red is a symbol of sovereignty.

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Banners of Ancient Rus'

We know little about the most ancient banners of the Slavs. Over time, a banner appeared in Rus' in the form of a canvas attached to a tree. In The Tale of Bygone Years, Russian banners are called banners.

From a very early time, the banner not only served in battle, but also performed another, no less important function: it was a symbol of power.

IN ancient Rus' the banners could have been various shapes. Banners in the form of an elongated triangle were common. Also common were banners with long appendages sewn to them - braids (or trunks), which fluttered in the wind, creating a special mood.

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History of the flag

It is possible that the Russian tricolor already existed under the father of Peter 1, created by Peter 1.

The first Russian tricolor had the same arrangement and color of stripes as the modern Russian flag. In its center was a golden double-headed eagle.

The banner of the Russian Federation consists of three horizontal stripes, from top to bottom: white, blue, red. It was approved on August 22, 1991.

According to the Law on the State Flag (adopted in 2000), the state flag of the Russian Federation is a rectangular panel of three equal stripes: the top is white, the middle is blue and the bottom is red. The ratio of the width of the flag to its length is 2:3.

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Flag of the Tsar of Moscow

On August 6, 1693, during the voyage of Peter I in the White Sea with a detachment of warships built in Arkhangelsk, the so-called “flag of the Tsar of Moscow”, consisting of three horizontal equal stripes of white, was raised for the first time on the 12-gun yacht “St. Peter”. blue and red, with a golden double-headed eagle in the middle. The original of this oldest Russian flag surviving to this day is in the Central Naval Museum in St. Petersburg.

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Naval ensign

In April 1700, Peter I ordered the Armory to “build a naval banner.” The three-stripe white-blue-red flag was also used on warships until 1712, when naval St. Andrew's flag was adopted as the flag.

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Trade flag of Russia

On January 20, 1705, Peter I issued a decree “On flags on merchant river vessels,” according to which the flag of merchant ships from 1705 “on all kinds of merchant vessels” was to fly a white-blue-red flag. In a decree of 1712, the trade flag was confirmed: “The trade flag is composed of the three colors described above, that is, white, blue, red.”

In Article 6 of the Naval Charter approved by Peter I on January 13, 1720, it was said: “Russian trading ships are required to have a striped flag of three colors: white, blue, red.”

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Royal standard

Having visited Vienna, the capital of the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation, during the Great Embassy in June-July 1698, Peter I approved his naval standard in the image and likeness of the banner of the Holy Roman Emperor - a yellow cloth with a double-headed black eagle holding nautical charts with depicting the White, Caspian and Azov seas, the coasts of which were owned by the Moscow state.

The annexation of part of the Baltic Sea coast was marked by the addition of a fourth naval map to the standard, and already on September 8, 1703, on the new frigate, called “Standard,” the personal flag of Peter I was raised - with four maps.

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Symbolism of flowers

White color symbolized peace, purity, truth, nobility, innocence

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Blue color is a symbol of heaven, chastity, fidelity, spirituality. It was considered the color of the Virgin Mary.

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The color red symbolized courage, war, defense of faith and poor people, heroism, generosity, blood, self-sacrifice, fire.

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Return of the tricolor

During the reign Alexandra III The white-blue-red flag becomes the state flag.


Flag as a symbol Russian state known for a long time. The first mention of it dates back to 1668. Since those distant times, the Russian flag has changed its appearance several times. However, now the Russian tricolor is the first flag of the Russian state.

Under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich (1645 - 1676), the construction of the first ships began, whose task was to protect trade caravans. When the first ship was launched, the question arose of what flag it should fly under. Until that time there was no state flag in Russia. Having carefully studied all existing flags, the Tsar ordered that the Russian flag be white, blue and red.

Peter I slightly changed the law on the flag, ordering only merchant ships to sail under the tricolor; Russian warships had to sail under the St. Andrew's flag - a white cloth with an azure cross.

Every Russian ruler considered it his duty to change state symbols. Russian symbols underwent the most serious changes in 1858 under Tsar Alexander II. By decree of the emperor, the third Russian flag was established. It was a black-yellow-white, “monarchical” tricolor, which was supposed to be raised over government institutions.

This flag did not last long; it was abolished in 1883, upon the accession of Tsar Alexander III to the throne. His decree finally approved the national flag, a white-blue-red tricolor, which was ordered to be raised over buildings on days of state celebrations.

The last Russian Emperor Nicholas II, upon his accession to the throne, legitimized the three colors of the Russian flag and their meaning. Red color denoted sovereignty, blue was a symbol of the Mother of God, patroness of Russia, white was a symbol of independence and freedom. Also, these colors symbolized the unity of White, Little and Great Rus'.

After October Revolution, in 1918, Yakov Sverdlov proposed a red banner as the state flag. Under this banner, Russia went through the most difficult trials in its history. But under this flag they went into battle, defending our Motherland from fascism. The red banner became the banner of Victory, which was hoisted over the defeated Reichstag.

After the restoration of the new state - the Russian Federation, the country again returned to the historical white-blue-red tricolor. By decree of the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, the National Flag Day was established, which has been celebrated since August 22, 1994.

The last Law on the State Flag was signed in 2000 by V.V. Putin. This law states that the State Flag of Russia is a rectangular panel, which consists of three equal-sized stripes of white, blue and red. The white color in this flag denotes purity and perfection, blue is a symbol of fidelity and faith, and red is energy, strength and blood shed for Russia.

QUIZ Which of the kings first ordered the Russian flag to be white, blue and red? Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich 2. Under which ruler were Russian warships supposed to sail under St. Andrew's flag? Peter I 3. What flag colors were briefly established by Alexander II on the “monarchical” tricolor? August 22 Black-yellow-white 4. Day of the State Flag of the Russian Federation?

Materials used http://www.ote4estvo.ru/gerby-flagi-znamena/830-rossiyskiy-flag.html http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/4709286/post310191130/ http://striphaus.ru/referats /05/240-0972/

Russia is my homeland!

State symbols of Russia

National symbols


Russian Federation

Coat of arms


A. Alexandrova,

poems by S. Mikhalkov


When first appeared

white-blue-red tricolor?

At the end of the 1660s, the first R Wuxi flotilla - Volga-Caspian. In 1668, her flagship "Eagle" was decorated with white-blue-red panels with eagles sewn on them. The image of the flag has not reached us, but documents from that time tell about its colors.

  • The state emblem of the Russian Federation is an image of a golden double-headed eagle placed on a red heraldic shield; above the eagle are three historical crowns of Peter the Great (above the heads are two small ones and above them is one larger); in the eagle's paws are a scepter and an orb; on the eagle's chest on a red shield is a horseman slaying a dragon with a spear.

National flag

of the Russian Federation is

official state

symbol of the Russian Federation.

Official distinctive sign

state, description of which

established by law.

Is a symbol of sovereignty

states. National flag

of the Russian Federation represents

a rectangular panel of

three equal size

horizontal stripes: top –

white, middle - blue and bottom -


The ratio of the width of the flag to its

  • The Russian Federation is the official state symbol of the Russian Federation. The official distinctive sign of the state, the description of which is established by law. It is a symbol of the sovereignty of the state. The national flag of the Russian Federation is a rectangular panel of three equal horizontal stripes: the top is white, the middle is blue and the bottom is red. The ratio of the width of the flag to its length is 2:3.

What do the colors of the flag mean?

Since ancient times, the Slavic peoples used predominantly red, white, blue and green colors for their banners, and the colors of the first Russian flag had a symbolic meaning. Red meant courage, battle for faith, mortal combat; blue - the color of the Mother of God - fidelity, faith; white - the king, Fatherland, nobility.

Anthem of the Russian Federation

The national anthem of the Russian Federation is the official state symbol of the Russian Federation. The national anthem is a solemn musical and poetic work adopted as a symbol of state unity. The text of the anthem reflects feelings of patriotism, respect for the history of the country, its state system. The national anthem of the Russian Federation can be performed in an orchestral, choral, orchestral-choral or other vocal and instrumental version.

Anthem of Russia

1. Russia is our sacred power,

Russia is our beloved country.

Mighty will, great lava -

Your treasure for all time!

2.From the southern seas to the polar edge

Our forests and fields are spread out.

You are the only one in the world! You're the only one -

God-protected native land!

Hail, our Fatherland is free,

An age-old union of fraternal peoples,

This is the folk wisdom given by our ancestors!

Hail, country! We are proud of you!

3. Wide scope for dreams and for life

The years to come reveal to us.

Our loyalty to the Fatherland gives us strength.

So it was, so it is and so it will always be!

Hail, our Fatherland is free,

An age-old union of fraternal peoples,

Hail, country! We are proud of you!

Symbol of Russian nature

Among the harsh pines, Among the dark willows, Birch stands in a silver dress.

When you meet a slender birch tree on the way, please pay attention to it.

You can’t find her more beautiful, She grows to our joy. The image of Mother Russia, the Unfading One, lives in it.

  • It is not for nothing that the temple is called by some wise people symbol of the Russian soul. The traveler will slowly follow the route of the sun around the temple and he will see so many unusual, amazing things from every new angle, in every architectural scene that his heart will involuntarily be excited, and his mind will also involuntarily begin to ask himself the most difficult questions: why are the churches so different? What did the wonderful masters want to say?

Moscow is the capital of Russia

The exact date of the founding of the city is not known, but Moscow celebrated its 800th anniversary in 1947 and its 850th anniversary in 1997, as it was first mentioned in the Ipatiev Chronicle in 1147. That year Suzdal prince Yuri Dolgoruky invited Prince of Chernigov Svyatoslav Olgovich into his possession, which is believed to be located on the hill where the Kremlin now stands. The first settlement on Borovitsky (or Kremlin) hill, rising 40 m above the edge of the Moscow River, was surrounded by a wooden palisade in 1156 and a stone wall in 1367. The current brick walls of the Kremlin were erected in 1485–1495.

  • The coat of arms of the city of Moscow is an image on a dark red heraldic shield with a width to height ratio of 8:9 of a horseman deployed to the right of the viewer - St. George the Victorious in silver armor and a blue mantle (cloak), on a silver horse, striking the black Serpent with a golden spear . This is one of the ancient symbols of the struggle between good and evil, light and darkness, and the defense of the Fatherland.

How should citizens treat government officials?

And national symbols your country?

When were the modern coat of arms, flag and anthem of Russia adopted?

Natalia Nikonova
Holding the Russian Flag Day holiday + presentation.

Ved. - Greetings, little ones. Russians!

Do you know why I called you that?

(Because we all live in a country called Russia.)

Absolutely right. Our country is very big and beautiful. And like all states in the world, Russia has its own state symbols: flag, coat of arms and anthem. (Slide 2).

We'll start with the anthem. What is an anthem?

This is the most important, most solemn song in which every nation glorifies its Motherland. The author of the music of the anthem is Alexander Vasilyevich Alexandrov, the words were written by the poet Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov.

They listen to the anthem standing and never talk while doing so. Let us also stand up and listen to the main song of our state - the anthem Russia. We'll start our holiday from listening to the anthem. (Hearing the anthem Russia)

Do you know the colors Russian flag?

Correctly white, blue and red. Our the flag is over 300 years old. And each color has its own meaning. White means peace, purity, conscience. Blue means sky, faith, spirituality, and red means fire, courage, heroism. (Slide 4)

About our flag many poems have been written. Let's listen to one of them.

Reb. – White is a big cloud, Blue is a blue sky, Red is the sun rising,

New day awaits Russia, Symbol of the world of purity, This my country flag. (cf. gr.)

Ved. - Composers have composed songs about our flag, and today one of them will sound for you, and we will all sing along together.

(Sounds an excerpt from a song "White, blue, red, Russian beautiful flag» )

Where can we see the state flag? (Slide 6-10)

On buildings government agencies, clinics, kindergartens, schools, at the Olympics, various competitions.

Ved. – What happens if you mix up the order of colors? flag? (Slide 5)

Right. It will work out flag of another country. If we mix up the order of colors on flag, then it might work out flag of the Netherlands, Serbia or France.

Ved. – What third symbol of the state do you know?

The coat of arms is a distinctive sign, the official emblem of the state. Our coat of arms is already 500 years old. Let's look at it.

The coat of arms is the distinctive sign of the country. Usually beautiful and proud animals and birds are depicted on coats of arms. Who is depicted on the coat of arms of our country? (Children read poetry)

I reb. - The coat of arms of the country is a double-headed eagle

Spread his wings proudly.

Holds a scepter, an orb,

He saved Russia. (___)

II reb. – There is a red shield on the eagle’s chest

Dear to all of you and me.

A handsome young man gallops

On a silver horse. (___)

III reb. – Confirms the ancient coat of arms

Country independence

For the peoples of the whole country

Our symbols are important. (___)

Ved. - We Russians are very friendly people, let's sing a song about friendship and love for our Motherland.

Ved. – The Russian people have always loved to have fun, play various games, demonstrate their strength, speed, dexterity, and courage. So I suggest you play. (I invite you in groups) Game "Empty Space" with chairs, Game "Trap with Ribbons", Game "Bouncer"

Ved. - Our guys holiday is coming to an end...You all love your Motherland Russia? (YES)

Because there is no more wonderful Motherland anywhere! Is it true? (YES)

Take care Russia, we can’t live without her,

Take care of her so that she will be forever!

Our truth and strength, our whole destiny. Take care Russia - there is no other Russia!

Reb. - Happy birthday, Russian flag,

Today we will shout, Your double-headed, strong eagle is a Talisman for the whole country. (___)

Ved. – And now I propose to make joint applications with which we will decorate our areas of the kindergarten! To the song gr. Lube “Why is it so in Russian birches are noisy» And for those who wish, we can draw it on the cheek as a symbol of the unity of our people. You and I are one big happy family.

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MBDOU kindergarten No. 22 "Topolek" in the general education group from one to three years old, November twentieth, two thousand and fifteen.