Igor vagina how. Vagin, Igor Olegovich

Are you surprised by the title of the book? Of course, we have all been accustomed since childhood that imposing our will on others is bad and unethical. And, perhaps, after reading a few chapters, you will slam the book in horror: “What does this Vagin teach! How to suppress others?! What cynicism! What a nightmare!

Yes, dear reader, this nightmare and cynicism is our life. I teach techniques of psychological self-defense, I teach ways to protect against manipulation. IN modern world, as in karate, the one who is better prepared and has a large arsenal of techniques wins. Only a person who knows karate techniques can cope with karatekas. He will be able not only to defend himself, but also to win...

Don't pretend that you are so naive, dear reader. It's no secret that those around us do not always love us, treat us kindly and are ready to communicate with us in a civilized manner. In this world, you must be able to defend your dignity, defend your rights, save face and pride. At the same time, sometimes you have to fight not only for yourself, but also for your loved ones.

Knowledge and mastery of psychological self-defense techniques will help you more successfully negotiate, go through stressful interviews, bargain, repay debts, manage staff, conduct televised debates more convincingly, and win verbal duels. So take psychological weapons into your hands! He who is forewarned is forearmed. Today people kill not only with bullets, knives or baseball bats. Sometimes even a word can mortally wound. And there are already plenty of “verbal killers” around.

The conclusion is simple: you need to be fully armed! Use this book as a guide to action, and you will not regret it!

P.S. Use psychological self-defense strictly as indicated. Your reaction during communication should always be adequate. There is no point in using these techniques if you are communicating with normal people, in a mode of constructive communication. Why provoke people to aggression by making enemies for yourself?

Part 1
Psychological self-defense

Chapter 1
The tongue is worse than a gun!

The art of parrying verbal blows is the most necessary thing in life. People who do not mince words have been respected since ancient times. The winners of verbal duels gained fame as great orators. The ability to sting with a word is valor. IN Ancient Greece, for example, Diogenes of Sinope became famous for his ability to return blow to blow. His antics are written about in many ancient works.

Before becoming an eccentric and philosopher, Diogenes was engaged in minting coins. But he was soon caught cutting off money. Later, his enemies more than once reminded him of this “sin of youth.” “So what,” Diogenes answered them. “As a child, I not only cut coins, but also wet the bed!”

Diogenes himself knew how to masterfully put people in their place. One day he was brought to the house of a rich and influential man. Moreover, knowing about his bad habit, they warned him in advance not to spit there.

It’s inconvenient, they say, it’s too clean. Without hesitation, Diogenes cleared his throat and spat in his companion’s face: “Sorry, I couldn’t find a worse place here!” Another time, Diogenes heard a man who, with the air of an expert, was discussing celestial phenomena. And he asked him: “Have you come down from heaven a long time ago?”

Ill-wishers once reproached Diogenes for visiting evil and indecent places. “So what,” Diogenes objected. – And the sun sometimes looks into the cesspool. But that doesn’t make it any dirtier.”

One day Diogenes began to beg for alms from a man known for his stinginess. He sarcastically remarked: “I will give you alms, Diogenes, if you convince me to do this.” “If I could convince you of anything,” the philosopher answered, “I would convince you to hang yourself!” Contemporaries wrote that once Diogenes even began to beg for alms... from a statue. When asked about the reasons for the strange act, he answered: “Don’t interfere! I am accustoming myself to refusals!”

It is also known how Diogenes reacted to famous saying Socrates “I know only that I know nothing.” “I’m smarter than Socrates,” he said. “Because I don’t even know that!”

The name of the eccentric philosopher has been preserved for centuries. The ability to find a sharp word in time will be useful to you today. It will help you win an important dispute. It is stupid to object directly, to rush at the enemy, like a bull rushes at a bullfighter. You need to be more flexible, listen to objections and respond quickly and effectively. Only speed, wit and the ability to understand the hidden motives of an opponent guarantee victory in a verbal duel. There are quite a lot of techniques that will help you successfully put your presumptuous interlocutor in his place. Here are just a few.

White from black. By turning a negative into a positive, you will completely disarm the enemy. It turns out that he does not blame you, but praises you.

-You've gained weight

- But your husband began to look at me

-You've gained weight

- But I don’t drown in the water.

You talk on the phone too much!

Of course. This is necessary in business: clients are people too and love to communicate.

Last week you said exactly the opposite.

- Certainly! But I'm learning quickly!

It is clear that you are from a simple family. The mother was probably a nurse, and the father was a worker.

– Do you want to emphasize by this that my rise is a gigantic success for me?

- You are a fool.

- Nothing, but I will pleasantly shade your mind.

You are simply impudent!

- Certainly! I'm confident!

- You are greedy

- I'm not greedy, I'm calculating.

You are too careful!

- But I don’t make mistakes

You're always in a hurry!

- But I’m never late

– You don’t know how to listen to people!

- I see right through them

- We always have to wait for you

- But what pleasant meetings there are

This is stupid!

But how funny!

Boomerang. Reproach the one who attacks you. He probably doesn't expect this turn of events.

Zhukovsky to the sick Pushkin:

Yes, misfortune is a good school,


And happiness is the best university!

Question for Kennedy during his speech:

What can the country do for young people?


– You ask what the country should do for you, and I will ask you: what can you do for the country?

You are not protecting my interests at all.

I may not be protecting your interests, but I am protecting the interests of the cause!

More possible answers:

I barely have time to defend mine.

I am ready to defend your interests if you also defend mine.

– I am not satisfied with your answers.

What is the question, is the answer!

Reduction to the point of absurdity. The reproach can be exaggerated to such an extent that one can only laugh at it. Try it, it's a win-win!

– Is it true that there is only one step from the great to the ridiculous?


– Yes, and I’m taking this step towards you!

– You constantly deceive!

Two TV presenters argue on air. One says to the other:

– Have you read my articles?

- Darling, I haven’t read all of Dostoevsky yet.

You're a cheapskate!

Would you like me to be forced to beg?

If I had someone to spend money on, I wouldn’t save.

– Don’t you think you’ve gotten fat?

“That’s why the rear axle of the bus broke under me today!”

– You don’t like people!

- Yes, I don’t like it. I'm a vegetarian...

– You are a burr on your ass!

– It depends on whose... There is a very nice butt!

- Why don’t you have a boyfriend?

– There was one, but he hanged himself out of happiness

Absurd comparison. By comparing the bad with the worst, we put the situation in a favorable light. It is enough to add a little humor and you will easily be able to deal with the impartial remark.

– You have unreliable partners!

Ha! And my friends are even worse...

- You're just having a nervous breakdown!

It only seems so. In fact, everything is much worse

Are you a neurologist?

An absurd advantage. A joke never fails. And in any situation you can find a couple of humorous advantages. Talk about them, and you yourself will see how your opponent is “blown away”.

Looks like they forgot to put your brains back in during the operation!

Yes, and since then I have been at the ideal weight.

– You constantly make the same mistakes!

At least I don't have to stress out and come up with new ones!

The answer is a question. By asking a counter question, you seize the initiative

It is very convenient to use definitional questions: “What do you mean?”

The next opportunity to formulate a good answer is that you turn the reproach into something positive.

-You’re so smart, why aren’t you married?

– Do you have a catalog of grooms?

– I don’t believe what you say.

– How should I tell you so that you believe?

– The service in your company leaves much to be desired.

– What, in your opinion, should be an excellent service?

- Why are you so lop-eared?

- What, ears are the main male value?

- Why do you forget everything?

- Why remember everything?

- What are you doing?

– What do you think?

- Why don’t you see?

Why do you have a pigsty on your desk?

– Are you interested in piglets?

– Are you more interested in the chicken coop?

– Since when is creative chaos called a pigsty?

Categorical refusal. Turn the reproach inside out and forcefully prove that you are right. Here are a number of other possible phrases for starting statements: “No, that’s wrong,” “You’re wrong,” “This is your opinion,” “This is your point of view.”

“People tend to make mistakes”, “This is your subjective opinion”, “There are other opinions

– You are constantly rude.

It seems to you. I can stand up for myself

– You don’t know how to drive a car.

– This is your opinion... My friends say that I’m a great driver

You are a loser.

Your opinion is wrong. Recently won the lottery

You haven't fully studied the problem!

It seems so to you! I know the situation like the back of my hand.

– Your project requires improvements.

You are wrong. It's almost ready.

. – Your point of view is outdated.

– No, that’s wrong, my point of view is ahead of its time.

Weak? Put pressure on the most powerful psycho-complex, and the enemy will be defeated. Nobody likes to feel like a weakling.

You dance just awful!

How about dancing weakly together?

More possible answers:

I’m just moving my legs so you don’t crush them on me...

But I sing well!

It's strange, but others like it. Maybe you have no taste?

- This is too risky an idea.

Are you weak to take risks?

Specifics. Hitting the specific shortcomings of your interlocutor sometimes helps save time and nerves.

It's too expensive.

What, you have no money at all?

“We’ll talk when your sanity returns!”

“He hasn’t left me for forty years now, and you haven’t even noticed it.” By the way, when will yours be back?

What would you like? This magic formula will more than once help to confuse an overly aggressive interlocutor.

Why are you quiet?

Would you like me to be angry?

– Why are you walking around like you’ve been nibbled on?

Would you like me to walk around like I've been bitten?

- Yes, you are a simple housewife!

Would you like me to be a prostitute?

Another option:

– Someone must be the master of the house!

Exchange of roles. Did they “run into” you? Immediately go on the attack yourself. Don't waste time!

Do you beat your children?!

Who else will teach them to fight?

More possible answers:

And whose should I beat?

And yours beat you...

A sharp response against criticism. Shift your emphasis. Make your opponent confused with a harsh remark or a snide counter-offer.

You should wash the car!

It’s okay, if it dries out, the dirt will fall off on its own...

– You talk too much on the phone!

It's good that I have someone to chat with!

– Why didn’t you answer the questions? foreign policy?

– Tortured by internal enemies!

– I don’t like the way you pose the question.

So we are not involved in staging, but solving the problem!

"Criticalism" about words. Feel free to choose any word from the attacker's phrase. And try to achieve an accurate definition. As a rule, this causes the opponent to fade away.

This is taking too long.

What do you mean by “too long?” Isn't the process worth it?

– You are deceiving clients!

– What do you mean “deceiving”? Maybe I deceive when they themselves demand it!

There is nothing to expect from such a miser!

What did you expect from him then?

Full agreement. Any attack is pointless if you agree with everything in advance. Just don't overdo it!

“Your trousers are all dirty!”

Amazing observation! And my shirt is not the newest either...

– You only think about yourself!

Yes, who else? I have no one closer to me...

Super idea. Show your opponent a certain goal, in front of which his reproach will seem paltry and stupid. We are talking about important things, they say, there is no need to find fault with details.

Why didn't you warn your customers in advance?

The company's task is not to warn customers, but to earn money. This is exactly what we achieved

Self-esteem. Remember: you are the master of the situation. Everything you do is correct, one hundred percent. And if so, you can safely ignore the comments.

Why do you always have the last word?

And who else can it go to??

- When are you in last time Did you read anything other than newspapers?

Directness versus innuendo. Hidden reproaches are most easily broken by revealing the opponent’s “little trick.” Express openly the nasty things that he tried to veil.

It's hard to believe!

Are you saying that I'm lying? Right?

- Honey, how much does this dress cost?

Are you trying to imply again that I'm wasting money on nonsense? Did I understand correctly?

Coup. Expand the reproach into reverse side. If you are caught with a disadvantage, then your opponent does not have such a “minus”. Ask how he managed to achieve this.

Speak to the point!

I am amazed by your ability to always say only the main thing. How did you learn this?

Your pronunciation is terrible.

– How do you manage to speak so well?

– You are always late!

– How do you manage to always arrive on time?

Exaggerated agreement. Don't be afraid to agree and joke about comments made to you. There is no better weapon than humor. By bringing your opponent's statement to the point of absurdity, you neutralize it.

-You're always blushing!

Yes, I was even recently invited to work as a traffic light.

A remedy against boasters. Someone else's boasting always gets on your nerves. But it is always possible to show a braggart’s “numerous talents and advantages” in an unfavorable light. The main thing: determination and good feeling humor.

My husband has 50 people reporting to him!

Does he work as a watchman at a cemetery?

I was recently written about in the newspapers!

- Yes, I remember reading it. There was something about a scandal in a brothel...

Hidden counterattack. You can always parry a blow with a sharp statement starting with the words “better than...”.

Your fly is unzipped!

How attentive you are.

- What you have on your head is not a hairstyle, but a garbage dump!

It's better to have a dump on your head than in your head!

A lot of other methods could be cited. Surely, you yourself have resorted to similar methods of self-defense more than once in your life. This is quite natural! At my trainings, visitors specifically learn accurate responses and figure out how best to win a verbal duel. Here are just a few examples from the classes:

- Why do you look so stupid?

And so as not to stand out from your group.

– Why are you barely muttering there?

“The others can hear me normally.” Maybe you have hearing problems?

-Why are you so arrogant?

Or maybe from the height of the position you occupy!

- You are an upstart!

Yes, and I'm proud of it.

You're a bitch.

It's better to be a bitch than a fool!

– Your skirt is too short!

Well, with legs like these I can afford it. What, does she excite you?

- All sorts of people are calling here!

We are with you intelligent people, let's get acquainted first...

- What, did you want money?

- Don’t you want money?

Techniques for Closing a Verbal Duel. The time has come to end the verbal sparring, and you should have the last word. What can we say?

Well, shall we continue to compare our wits (intelligence, male genital organs) or move on to the discussion, the matter, the main issue?

– It’s interesting to pick a fight with you, but it’s time to discuss the main thing.

– How much longer will we practice verbal dueling?

– Should we throw ourselves into ambition or start working?

- Well, should we continue to laugh or discuss seriously?

– Shall we philosophize or solve a specific problem?

– It was interesting with you, but now it’s serious...

The ability to quickly respond to unpleasant statements will be useful to anyone in life. Look again at all the above techniques and examples. And then try the following exercises. Simply put, learn to come up with witty answers on the spot. Are you ready? Forward! So, they tell you:

You failed the project!

Can't you dress more fashionably?

You speak English like a chimpanzee!

Why did you lie about your colleague?

You're too fat!

What are your weaknesses?

You can always ask my advice. After all, your work isn’t going well right now, is it?

Could you put a muzzle on the dog?

People complain about you all the time!

There's already mold on this cake!

It's so boring with you!

You drink too much!

Why are your teeth so yellow?

Stop being rude!

These suggestions are for you to warm up! Train your hand (or rather, your tongue) and don’t be afraid to get into an argument. Verbal duels cannot be avoided. But you can learn to always emerge victorious from them!

Chapter 2
Psychological Karate

Let's get straight to the point. Do you just need to run into someone? Put a presumptuous friend in his place? Prove to a colleague that he is not the smartest one here? Well, well, don't pretend to be an angel. After all, sometimes you really want to strangle someone quietly. But for some reason it’s impossible. You need to put on a smile, nod and talk as if nothing had happened. Don't worry! During a polite conversation, a person can be smeared all over the wall so that even his own mother will not recognize him. And do all this nicely, quietly, carefully. After which you can safely demand anything from your victim. The main thing: learn the art of psychosuppression.

Remember rule one: you need to detach yourself from the situation. Look at your future victim as a kind of “biological object”. As the hero of one film said: “When I go to knock out money, in front of me is not a person, but a record in notebook" Remember: anyone can put pressure on the psyche! The only exceptions are pathological types, such as crazy people, drug addicts and religious fanatics. Deal with everyone else with confidence. Turn into a kind of cyborg, a Terminator, who has no emotions as such. There is only one “but”: before you rush, compare the weight categories. You understand, it’s better for “Zaporozhets” not to rush at full speed towards KAMAZ. And, having decided to “attack”, try to “accelerate”: your psyche should be at the peak of activity, stronger than the psyche of your opponent. Just don’t look menacingly at the future victim or stare at her with an unblinking gaze. Your gaze should be penetrating and motionless. You need to look, as it were, through a person. So that it is not clear to him whether you are staring at him, or do not notice him at all. Now the time has come to put pressure on people with words and attitudes, to subordinate them to your will. Don't forget about voice mode. It is best to speak calmly, measuredly, with slightly pressing intonation.

It’s simple: you are a generous benefactor, and your interlocutor is an unfortunate victim, whom you complacently provide help and open your eyes to life. Remember this formula and behave accordingly.

Break pattern

Let's start with a handshake. Or rather, from his absence. Nothing knocks even quite confident people out of the saddle more than refusing to shake an outstretched hand. Just no demonstrative gestures! You extend your hand, and immediately, without a pause, you are “distracted” to pull up a chair or straighten your counterpart’s tie. The interlocutor’s hand smoothly hovers in the air... He is confused, depressed. But there’s nothing to be offended about: you straightened his tie, you took care of him. The first blow has been struck!

Inconvenient place

Now about where to seat your guest. This is not such a trivial question. A low, uncomfortable sofa, on which you cannot sit comfortably even if you try, is the best option. The poor interlocutor will either have to crouch on the very edge, or crawl like an amoeba along the soft back. As you can see, both options put it directly into your hands. In the hands of the powerful, confident person, who sits on a high chair with a hard back and looks down on him patronizingly. It’s not so easy to pretend to be an authority figure when you’ve sunk into a deep armchair. The inner core is lost, which means self-confidence disappears. If you don't believe me, compare. And immediately buy a sofa for your office for uninvited visitors...

I know a smart head physician who masterfully used this technique. He... sawed off the legs of all the chairs in his office. And under his desk he made something like a mini-stage. As a result, he invariably towered over everyone who came to him. Usually, only at the very end of the conversation it became clear who was who: when the owner of the office left the table for a farewell handshake.

Well, then – according to the list! You won’t believe how many complex personalities hide under the guise of strong and confident people. But bringing them out into the open and making them dance to your tune is as easy as shelling pears. It is enough to portray sincere surprise: “Oh, they scared me that you were a bitch, but you, it turns out, are a very nice woman...”. Or turn to an old friend: “You’re being arrogant. You rarely come in, you completely forgot about us mere mortals. Of course, you’re a cool businessman with us now... Well, you’re lucky, but, as my grandfather said, we all walk under God.” After such a tirade, your arrogant friend will probably lose his arrogance.

Igor Vagin

How to put your interlocutor in his place


Are you surprised by the title of the book? Of course, we have all been accustomed since childhood that imposing our will on others is bad and unethical. And, perhaps, after reading a few chapters, you will slam the book in horror: “What does this Vagin teach! How to suppress others?! What cynicism! What a nightmare!

Yes, dear reader, this nightmare and cynicism is our life. I teach techniques of psychological self-defense, I teach ways to protect against manipulation. In the modern world, as in karate, the winner is the one who is better prepared and has a large arsenal of techniques. Only a person who knows karate techniques can cope with karatekas. He will be able not only to defend himself, but also to win...

Don't pretend that you are so naive, dear reader. It's no secret that those around us do not always love us, treat us kindly and are ready to communicate with us in a civilized manner. In this world, you must be able to defend your dignity, defend your rights, save face and pride. At the same time, sometimes you have to fight not only for yourself, but also for your loved ones.

Knowledge and mastery of psychological self-defense techniques will help you more successfully negotiate, go through stressful interviews, bargain, repay debts, manage staff, conduct televised debates more convincingly, and win verbal duels. So take psychological weapons into your hands! He who is forewarned is forearmed. Today people kill not only with bullets, knives or baseball bats. Sometimes even a word can mortally wound. And there are already plenty of “verbal killers” around.

The conclusion is simple: you need to be fully armed! Use this book as a guide to action, and you will not regret it!

P.S. Use psychological self-defense strictly as indicated. Your reaction during communication should always be adequate. There is no point in using these techniques if you are communicating with normal people, in constructive communication mode. Why provoke people to aggression by making enemies for yourself?

Psychological self-defense

The tongue is worse than a gun!

The art of parrying verbal blows is the most necessary thing in life. People who do not mince words have been respected since ancient times. The winners of verbal duels gained fame as great orators. The ability to sting with a word is valor. In Ancient Greece, for example, Diogenes of Sinope became famous for his ability to return blow to blow. His antics are written about in many ancient works.

Before becoming an eccentric and philosopher, Diogenes was engaged in minting coins. But he was soon caught cutting off money. Later, his enemies more than once reminded him of this “sin of youth.” “So what,” Diogenes answered them. “As a child, I not only cut coins, but also wet the bed!”

Diogenes himself knew how to masterfully put people in their place. One day he was brought to the house of a rich and influential man. Moreover, knowing about his bad habit, they warned him in advance not to spit there. It’s inconvenient, they say, it’s too clean. Without hesitation, Diogenes cleared his throat and spat in his companion’s face: “Sorry, I couldn’t find a worse place here!” Another time, Diogenes heard a man who, with the air of an expert, was discussing celestial phenomena. And he asked him: “Have you come down from heaven a long time ago?”

Ill-wishers once reproached Diogenes for visiting evil and indecent places. “So what,” Diogenes objected. – And the sun sometimes looks into the cesspool. But that doesn’t make it any dirtier.”

One day Diogenes began to beg for alms from a man known for his stinginess. He sarcastically remarked: “I will give you alms, Diogenes, if you convince me to do this.” “If I could convince you of anything,” the philosopher answered, “I would convince you to hang yourself!” Contemporaries wrote that once Diogenes even began to beg for alms... from a statue. When asked about the reasons for the strange act, he answered: “Don’t interfere! I am accustoming myself to refusals!”

It is also known how Diogenes reacted to Socrates’ famous statement “I only know that I know nothing.” “I’m smarter than Socrates,” he said. “Because I don’t even know that!”

The name of the eccentric philosopher has been preserved for centuries. The ability to find a sharp word in time will be useful to you today. It will help you win an important dispute. It is stupid to object directly, to rush at the enemy, like a bull rushes at a bullfighter. You need to be more flexible, listen to objections and respond quickly and effectively. Only speed, wit and the ability to understand the hidden motives of an opponent guarantee victory in a verbal duel. There are quite a lot of techniques that will help you successfully put your presumptuous interlocutor in his place. Here are just a few.

White from black. By turning a negative into a positive, you will completely disarm the enemy. It turns out that he does not blame you, but praises you.

-You've gained weight

- But your husband began to look at me

-You've gained weight

- But I don’t drown in the water.

You talk on the phone too much!

Of course. This is necessary in business: clients are people too and love to communicate.

Last week you said exactly the opposite.

- Certainly! But I'm learning quickly!

It is clear that you are from a simple family. The mother was probably a nurse, and the father was a worker.

– Do you want to emphasize by this that my rise is a gigantic success for me?

- You are a fool.

- Nothing, but I will pleasantly shade your mind.

You are simply impudent!

- Certainly! I'm confident!

- You are greedy

- I'm not greedy, I'm calculating.

You are too careful!

- But I don’t make mistakes

You're always in a hurry!

- But I’m never late

– You don’t know how to listen to people!

- I see right through them

- We always have to wait for you

- But what pleasant meetings there are

This is stupid!

But how funny!

Boomerang. Reproach the one who attacks you. He probably doesn't expect this turn of events.

Zhukovsky to the sick Pushkin:

Yes, misfortune is a good school,


And happiness is the best university!

Question for Kennedy during his speech:

What can the country do for young people?


– You ask what the country should do for you, and I will ask you: what can you do for the country?

You are not protecting my interests at all.

I may not be protecting your interests, but I am protecting the interests of the cause!

More possible answers:

I barely have time to defend mine.

I am ready to defend your interests if you also defend mine.

– I am not satisfied with your answers.

What is the question, is the answer!

Reduction to the point of absurdity. The reproach can be exaggerated to such an extent that one can only laugh at it. Try it, it's a win-win!

– Is it true that there is only one step from the great to the ridiculous?


– Yes, and I’m taking this step towards you!

– You constantly deceive!

Two TV presenters argue on air. One says to the other:

– Have you read my articles?

- Darling, I haven’t read all of Dostoevsky yet.

You're a cheapskate!

Would you like me to be forced to beg?

If I had someone to spend money on, I wouldn’t save.

– Don’t you think you’ve gotten fat?

“That’s why the rear axle of the bus broke under me today!”

– You don’t like people!

- Yes, I don’t like it. I'm a vegetarian...

– You are a burr on your ass!

– It depends on whose... There is a very nice butt!

- Why don’t you have a boyfriend?

– There was one, but he hanged himself out of happiness

Absurd comparison. By comparing the bad with the worst, we put the situation in a favorable light. It is enough to add a little humor and you will easily be able to deal with the impartial remark.

– You have unreliable partners!

Ha! And my friends are even worse...

- You're just having a nervous breakdown!

Igor Olegovich Vagin - president and academician of the Academy of Irrational Psychology, academician International Academy informatization. Psychotherapist, sex therapist, candidate of medical sciences. Has 25 years of experience in the field of psychotherapy and psychology. Over the past 12 years, Igor Vagin has conducted over 500 trainings for 30 thousand students in Russia, Germany, Thailand, Yugoslavia, and the Netherlands.

Igor Olegovich Vagin graduated from the Second Moscow State University medical university and residency in psychiatry. Worked as a senior shift doctor in emergency psychiatric care in Moscow.

Graduated from graduate school at the All-Russian Research Institute of General and Forensic Psychiatry named after. V.P. Serbsky. He defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic “Socially dangerous actions of mental patients.”

From 1991 to 1995 worked as a chief specialist in the department of priority problems of medicine and healthcare of the Ministry of Science and Technical Policy Russian Federation, supervised scientific research in the field of medicine, in particular, the State Scientific technical program"Health of the Russian population." Trained abroad under the programs Coaching in Yugoslavia 1991, Business Consulting - Negotiation process in the Netherlands, Komando education in Germany. Business consultant.

Author of his own unique programs: “Superpowers”, “Facing Death”, “Practical Coaching”, “Genius of Communication”, “Irrational Psychosynthesis”, “Negotiations in Tough Conditions”, “Practice of Effective Sales”, “Do They Love You” money”, VIP “Power money power”.

  • President of the Business Development Group of Companies
  • President of an international training center, business coach, psychiatrist, psychotherapist, candidate of medical sciences.
  • Academician of the International Academy of Informatization. Expert in psychology of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
  • Co-founder of the International Association of Personal Development Professionals,
  • Higher education teacher international school business under the Government of the Russian Federation.
  • Worked in the Ministry of Health of the USSR, the Office of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation.
  • Has 30 years of experience in psychotherapeutic work,
  • Over 20 years, he personally conducted more than 1,000 trainings.
  • Author of 47 books on business psychology and psychology.

Personal website http://www.igor-vagin.com/

Books by Vagin Igor Olegovich

Igor Olegovich Vagin - President and Academician of the Academy of Irrational Psychology, Academician of the International Academy of Informatization. Psychotherapist, sex therapist, candidate of medical sciences. Has 25 years of experience in the field of psychotherapy and psychology. Over the past 12 years, Igor Vagin has conducted over 500 trainings for 30 thousand students in Russia, Germany, Thailand, Yugoslavia, and the Netherlands. Author of bestsellers, including “Basic Instinct”, “Win ​​against fate at roulette”, “Lessons in psychological defense”, “Have money”, Psychology of evil”, “Psychology of life and death”, “Be able to think brilliantly”, etc.

Igor Olegovich Vagin graduated from the Second Moscow State Medical University and completed a residency in psychiatry. Worked as a senior shift doctor in emergency psychiatric care in Moscow.

Graduated from graduate school at the All-Russian Research Institute of General and Forensic Psychiatry named after. V.P. Serbsky. He defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic “Socially dangerous actions of mental patients.”

From 1991 to 1995 worked as a chief specialist in the department of priority problems of medicine and healthcare of the Ministry of Science and Technical Policy of the Russian Federation, supervised scientific research in the field of medicine, in particular, the State Scientific and Technical Program "Health of the Population of Russia". Trained abroad under the programs Coaching in Yugoslavia in 1991, Business Consulting - Negotiation Process in the Netherlands, Team Education in Germany. Business consultant.

Author of his own unique programs: “Superpowers”, “Facing Death”, “Practical Coaching”, “Genius of Communication”, “Irrational Psychosynthesis”, “Negotiations in Tough Conditions”, “Practice of Effective Sales”, “Do They Love You” money”, VIP “Power money power”.

Conducted over 1000 trainings for firms, enterprises, public organizations. In addition, over 30 trainings abroad: in Germany, the Netherlands, France, Thailand, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan.

He writes books on business psychology, including: “Get your company off its knees”, “Why are you still a beggar”, “Psychology of prosperity”, “Tame the golden calf”, “Negotiations. Win every round”, “Have money. Psychology of wealth” ", "How to become a billionaire in the world." Author of 36 publications and bestsellers, with a circulation of more than three million copies.

Currently one of the three most read psychologists in Russia.

He has a black belt in karate and enjoys diving and windsurfing.

Books (12)

Rise above the crowd! Leadership training

If you are a person who does not want to be “like everyone else,” then this book is for you. It's no secret that in any type of activity, be it business, science or art, in addition to professionalism, you need something else so that people will follow you. There is an opinion that the ability to be a leader is given to a person from above. But that's not true. Each of you can become a leader, you just need to constantly work on yourself.

After reading the book by I. Vagin and A. Gluschai “Rise Above the Crowd!”, you will see this for yourself. With the help of unique psychotechniques developed by the Academy of Irrational Psychology, you can turn from a “follower” into a “leader” and achieve any goals.

Hare, become a tiger

The vast majority of modern books on psychology, which are found in abundance at bookstores, are extremely naive and promising: “Think positively, dream, hope, and everything will be wonderful, you just wait.” Such books may be good for American society, but our country lives by different laws. Our people are faced with a simpler and tougher task: to survive ourselves and let our parents and children live. It is this problem that is dedicated new book candidate of medical sciences, psychiatrist, president. Academy of Irrational Psychology Igor Olegovich Vagin.

How to make an elephant out of a molehill

Leadership qualities Neither connections, nor money, nor education can replace it. Leadership is a skill like working on a computer, playing tennis or chess. It is often said that in order to be a leader, you need a certain type of character. But what exactly does a person need, whose goal is self-improvement on the path to realizing his plans? First of all, this is the desire to be the first, the best, patience and learning ability. Leadership is not just a set of behavior and thinking skills, it is a lifestyle with the motto: “If not me, then who?”

How to manipulate consciousness

Are you surprised by the title of the book? Of course, we have all been accustomed since childhood that imposing our will on others is bad and unethical. And, perhaps, after reading a few chapters, you will slam the book in horror: “What does this Vagin teach! How to suppress others?! What cynicism! What a nightmare! Yes, dear reader, this nightmare and cynicism is our life. I teach techniques of psychosuppression, I teach methods of manipulation. In the modern world, as in sports, only those who know how to attack win. Only a person who knows karate techniques can cope with karatekas. He will be able not only to defend himself, but also to win...

Don't pretend that you are so naive, dear reader. It's no secret that those around us do not always love us and treat us kindly. In a cruel world, you must be able to protect your dignity, defend your rights, save face and pride. At the same time, sometimes you have to fight not only for yourself, but also for your loved ones.

The best psychotechniques for success

This is a unique book that contains the most effective psychological techniques Igor Vagin. With their help, you will get rid of feelings of fear and guilt, resentment, anger and hatred. You will determine your life goals, strengthen your self-confidence, learn to overcome any obstacles! Having mastered a variety of communication techniques, you will be able to inspire sympathy and trust, and, if necessary, repel psychological attacks.

Basic instinct: psychology of intimate relationships

This book has no analogues in the domestic psychological literature devoted to interpersonal relationships.

Secondly, because it analyzes in detail the most difficult moments relationships between men and women, given practical advice and ways to solve pressing problems.

And finally, thirdly, because it was written by a woman and a man. This means that the book is devoid of a one-sided approach to problems.

Psychology of evil. Conflict resolution practice

What is stronger - good or evil? How to win victory over internal and external evil? Are all conflicts solvable? How to smooth out the “external conflict” and how not to break down when “ internal conflict"? Where can uncontrolled emotions lead?

This book is an original psychological guide that will help you find the shortest and, most importantly, the right way to overcome internal crises and resolve conflict situations.

— Strengthening psychological immunity.
— Overcoming destructive feelings: anger, vindictiveness, shame, jealousy.
- Protection from people who are difficult to communicate with.
Psychological techniques and techniques for getting out of conflict.
- Counteracting anxiety.
Psychological protection from feelings of guilt.

Learn to think brilliantly

We live in the 21st century, in which success and money are practically inseparable concepts. How to succeed in this life? How to earn so much money that you don’t need it? What is needed for this?

Try to answer these questions for yourself and remember, the more panoramic your vision, the larger your desires and thoughts, the more success you can achieve!

Win against fate at roulette

“Win against fate at roulette” is a recognized sales leader. The second edition of this bestseller contains additions prompted by life itself. Have you read this book before? Feel the difference! If, for some reason, you at one time lost sight of this “manual for the lucky ones,” then the current edition is simply a sign of fate for you. And fate, as you know, is a very capricious lady. Take advantage of the opportunity, because luck is fickle. The author does not doubt for a second that any person can and should control his own destiny. What's stopping this? First of all, self-doubt and fear of responsibility. Doubts away! You are dealing with Igor Vagin, and therefore place your bets boldly, gentlemen!