How to read character by face. Chin and lower jaw

A person's face - how open book. Everything says it - eyebrows, eyes, mouth, every wrinkle. With age, faces change, but the most important features remain unchanged, and some begin to manifest themselves more clearly. It is believed that physiognomy is the most ancient science in the world and originated in China. Chinese physiognomists say that you can even read his fate from a person’s face.

Physiognomy is often used nowadays all over the world. This science helps to understand a person even before making a deal, during negotiations. The first acquaintance can tell a lot to a careful eye and, perhaps, warn against mistakes, which in the business world, in business, are costly.

It should be noted that woman's face It’s more difficult to read, because when using cosmetics, a woman’s face hides a lot. But even here it is difficult to “change” the shape of the face and eyes. So, let's look at the human face and learn to read it: what hidden advantages or disadvantages it tells us.

Physiognomists identify five the most important features faces: eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth and ears.

Men's eyebrows are easy to read, but women's eyebrows are difficult to read, since almost all women's eyebrows have undergone cosmetic treatment.

Eyebrow texture. One rule applies here: the thicker and stiffer the eyebrows, the more unyielding and stubborn the person’s character. End of the eyebrow: the thin outer end indicates nobility; a wide, standing end - masculinity and enterprise, but at the same time a tendency towards toughness.

Length. Long, graceful eyebrows - calmness, conservatism. An elegant eyebrow line longer than the eye means outstanding intelligence. A short and thin eyebrow means a person is fighting a lonely struggle in life. Short and coarse eyebrows - an amorous nature, a tendency to frequently change careers. If the eyebrows are almost invisible - it's a trick. Short and thick eyebrows mean independence, but also aggressiveness and temper. Short, rough, and, at the same time, thick eyebrows - anger, immorality, sexuality.

Direction. If part of the eyebrows goes in the opposite direction - stubbornness, uncompromisingness. An eyebrow falling down is timidity.

Form. Eyebrows fused into one line - resourcefulness, determination, straightforwardness. A shiny black mole inside the eyebrow is a big success. As if torn eyebrows are treachery. Boomerang-shaped eyebrows - ingenuity.

This is truly a "mirror of the soul." Nothing says more about a person than his eyes. You can change everything about your face, but the expression and shape of your eyes will remain unchanged.

Eye size. Large eyes - receptivity and sensitivity, masculinity and power. Small eyes - complacency, stubbornness, jealousy.

Edges of the eyes. Slanted upward - sensitivity, courage, determination. Eyes squinted downward - good nature, optimism, attentiveness. If the outer corner of the eye is long and sharp, this means intelligence and insight. The outer corner of the eye is bent upward - courage, recklessness, greed. If the corner of the eye looks down - humility, submission.

Eyelids. The creeping of the upper eyelid to the middle of the eye means insight, dexterity. If the entire eyelid droops slightly - great sexual attractiveness, but a cold heart. The upper eyelid falling from the middle to the corner of the eye is pessimism. The general sagging of the lower eyelid in women is warmth and femininity. A swollen lower eyelid in the middle is a sign of self-centeredness. Swollen eyelids, both upper and lower - fatigue from life.

In Chinese physiognomy, there are types of eyes symbolically represented by certain animals:

Dragon eyes - large, imperious eyes, with a slightly half-closed eyelid - authority, authority.

Phoenix eyes - long eyes with double eyelids and small “fish tails” going up and down - people endowed with some kind of talent.

Lion eyes - large, with folds on the eyelids - a keen sense of justice, capable of managing a large team.

Elephant eyes - narrow, long eyes with double or triple eyelids that rarely open wide - calm, methodical.

Tiger eyes - round, with a yellowish tint, with a powerful shine - impulsiveness, cruel character.

Monkey eyes - small eyes with double lower eyelids with black irises - inconstancy, restlessness.

cat eyes - eyes with double eyelids and dark yellow irises - unreliability, negative character.

Fish eyes - the upper eyelid falls to the outer corner and has a strong downward slant - slowness, little energy.

Nose length. A long nose is usually characteristic of conservative individuals. An extra-long nose means a penchant for intellectual achievement and capriciousness. A long and wide nose means a stable character and calm temperament. A short nose is an open character, optimistic and friendly.

Form. Skinny and bony nose - poor concentration. A bony nose with a small hump or a high bend - pride, stubbornness, aggressiveness and determination. A narrow nose means a person will have to work hard and exhaustingly all his life. The bridge of the nose is flat, large and balanced by the wings of the nose - a cold, calculating nature. A small nose in women, compared to other facial features, means petty jealousy. A woman's high nose with a protruding back indicates the ability to compete with men for a high position.

tip of the nose. It also happens various shapes. A round shape of the tip of the nose is a prosperous personality. If the tip of the nose hangs down like a piece of meat - an oversexual nature. The pointed, non-fleshy tip of the nose is a treacherous, treacherous personality. The tip of the nose is like the beak of an eagle - vindictiveness. A full, large, convex tip of the nose - good-heartedness, warmth, readiness for self-sacrifice. A drooping nose covering a significant part of the upper lip is betrayal and treachery. An upturned nose, with the openings of the nostrils visible - free sexual morality, inability to keep secrets. A split tip of the nose means suspicion, suspiciousness and shyness.

Mouth size. A woman has a big mouth - she is more inclined to a career than to home life. A large mouth that does not close tightly - carelessness and indecisiveness. Mouth with bow-shaped corners - tenderness, affection, inability to occupy high positions. A large mouth, with red, shiny lips - authority, responsibility. Mouth with hard lips, opening in the shape of a square - good-natured character. A wide mouth on a full face means ambition and self-absorption. A wide mouth on a small face is a good organizer. A small mouth means a weak character. If a small mouth opens well - shyness, the desire to put off one's affairs for later.

Lip shape. Thin lips that don't close very well are a cruel nature. Thick lips - sensuality, methodical mind. Protruding mouth - quick mind, activity, determination. A protruding upper lip over the lower lip means vanity and indecision. The lower lip protrudes above the upper - selfishness. If the line between the lips bends downward - self-centeredness, stubbornness. Women have a mouth line that hides a mysterious smile in both corners of the mouth - a deeply sensual nature. A mouth with long, pointed, thin lips is cowardice. If one corner of the mouth is higher than the other, there is a tendency to deceive.

Mouth shape. A drooping mouth means prudence. A hard mouth with corners falling down means a strong will, steadfastness. In women, such a mouth means stubbornness. Constantly twitching mouth - nervousness and excitement. Mouth slanted to one side - nervousness, tendency to sarcasm. And a mouth slanted down to one side is inconstancy and stubbornness. An unsteadily shaped mouth, with corners curving downwards - a stormy character.

Of course, this is only a small part interesting science- physiognomy - the art of reading character from a person’s face. You can also “read” ears, chin, etc.

Most full description can be given to a person by examining his face as a whole, but one can begin the study of physiognomy by considering individual facial features. This will help you quickly navigate where there is little information about the partner with whom you will be doing business.

Physiognomy, physiognomy.

A.V. Stepanchenko M.N. Puzin

Electronic copy UU 5 J.B.B.

This book talks about the science of physiognomy. Having studied its basics, you will be able to “read” a person’s face: get an idea of ​​his character, habits, abilities and evendiseases. In addition, the authors (candidates of medical sciences) yes they provide practical advice on facial skin care, provide recipes for various compresses and cosmetic masks, talk about eye exercises and massage.


ABC of physiognomy4

Face in criminology and medicine20

Facial care35


Interest in the human face has been around for a long time. The great thinker of antiquity, Aristotle, drawing a connection between the structure of a person’s face and his character traits, wrote: “Whoever has a wide mouth is bold and brave, whoever has a thick nose, like a bull’s, is lazy, and whoever has wide nostrils, like pigs, he is stupid, he who has a sharp nose, like a dog’s, has a choleric temperament, and he who has a protruding nose, like a raven’s, is careless.”

Natural observation is an extremely rare quality. And yet it is possible to develop it through constant training. And knowledge of the basics of facial expressions and physiognomy helps to unravel a person’s mood, gives the key to “reading” his character, habits, and abilities from his face. That is why the first section and part of the second of this book are devoted specifically to this issue.

There is another one, no less important aspect knowledge of the features of the human face - its congenital pathology and diseases, often associated with neglect of the simplest precautions or lack of basic knowledge on the prevention of diseases of the facial area. Everyone would like to remain forever young. But how to keep your facial skin smooth and healthy? How to identify a disease by the face, to recognize an alcoholic or drug addict? Do criminals have their own “face”? The authors tried to answer all these and some other questions.


End of the 18th century. Old castle in the south of France. The servant reports to Count Lebrun about the arrival of the guest. Soon the friends are chatting animatedly in the library, where ancient tomes stand side by side with paintings in rich, although already dilapidated, gilded frames, hunting trophies stand side by side with antique sculptures. The clock chimes, the doors swing open and mechanical men appear - musicians performing a minuet... The guest gets up and takes his leave, wants to leave, but... the polite owner suddenly rushes at him, wrings his hands and snatches the pistol hidden from the guest. The friend confesses that he decided to commit suicide and came to see his friend for the last time.

    But how did you find out about this? - he asks in bewilderment. And in response he hears:

    I am a student of the great Lavater.

Another student of Lavater, Cubissy, passing through the living room of the Parisian judge Lange, was struck by one of the female portraits hanging on the wall and stopped to take a better look at it. A quarter of an hour later, the judge, without waiting for Kyubissi, began to look for him and found him standing in the same place with his gaze fixed on the portrait. “What can you say about this work? - asked the judge. “Isn’t it true, a beautiful woman?” “Undoubtedly,” answered Kyubissi, “but if the portrait is made successfully, then its original apparently has a black soul; this must be the devil himself?!” It was a portrait of the famous poisoner Brenvilliers, as famous for her beauty as for the atrocities that brought her to the scaffold.

Most likely these are legends, but the fame of the Swiss pastor, theologian, moralist and poet Johann-Gaspard Lavater (1741-1801), who stood at the origins of physiognomy, was truly great. Despite many errors and misconceptions, he was the first researcher to prove the relationship between “movements of the soul,” mental processes and emotions expressed by facial expressions.

Lavater devoted all his free time to painting portraits of his flock, which he completed in the filigree manner of Renaissance masters. For hours he studied their facial features, trying to unravel their character, inclinations, and characteristics. Given the religiosity of people at that time and the secrecy of confession, he always had the opportunity to test his assumptions. Lavater's popularity eclipsed emperors and kings. People came from all over Europe to attend his physiognomic sessions; they brought him children, lovers, the sick, they sent him portraits, masks, and casts. They admired him, idolized him, but they were also afraid of him. According to contemporaries, the famous adventurer, the brilliant Count Cagliostro avoided meeting with Lavater, although, remaining innocently naive and absent-minded until the end of his days, the pastor sought to see the European celebrity, about whom there were rumors that he was 350 years old, that he was a magician and sorcerer and can turn base metals into gold. Lavater was friends with Goethe and left an enthusiastic description of his face. “His mind is always permeated with a warm feeling, and his feelings are always brightly illuminated by his mind. Pay attention to the shape of this warm forehead, to this quick, piercing, loving and mobile eye, not sitting very deeply under slightly curved eyelids, to the expressive nose, to this essentially very poetic transition to the upper lip, to the courageous chin and open strong ear. Is there anyone who wouldn’t see that this is the face of a genius!” Lavater's art is subjective. Talent, coupled with many years of painstaking work, allowed him to achieve brilliant results. But it was the art of intuition, guesswork, that died with him.

Lavater argued that one can recognize the inner essence of a person by facial features. This teaching, or “system”, was called physiognomy (modern - physiognomy). This is how Lavater himself defined what he meant by this term: “I call physiognomy the ability to recognize the inner essence of a person by his appearance, to notice some natural signs that are not immediately apparent.”

Lavater believed that by the expression of the eyes and the outline of the mouth one can judge not only a person’s mood at the moment, but also his character in general, because people themselves “work out” their appearance depending on what they imagine it should be like. facial expression according to social status. Therefore, there are characteristic features of a courtier, lawyer, doctor, military man, statesman, etc.

Lavater's teaching made a great impression on his contemporaries. His popularity as the author of philosophical and ethical works further contributed to this. Among the adherents of the new teaching was the great Goethe, who helped Lavater in creating his works on physiognomy.

Lavater also had many supporters in Russia. N.M. Karamzin, in particular, belonged to them. Traveling in 1789-1790 in Europe, he visited Lavater and received from him the manuscript “One Hundred Physiognomic Rules,” which he described in his “Letters of a Russian Traveler.” Returning to Russia, Karamzin vigorously propagated the teachings of Lavater and distributed his writings.

Physiognomy as a science has not yet received universal recognition, but the truth of its basic principles should be judged based on experience. Let's use the interpretation of physiognomic data (nose, eyebrows, eyes), which the American psychologist Professor T. Map gives in his book, and try to use it, albeit first, to characterize our friends and loved ones. So, let’s check whether it is possible to judge a person’s character and abilities by the shape of the elements of his face.

Rice. 1. Nose shape.

NOSE. A long nose is characteristic of a conservative, proud person who has great creative potential, but lacks business qualities. People with a hooked nose are arrogant and have poor relationships with subordinates. The tip of the nose in the shape of a drop signifies success in business. An “eagle” nose is a sign of an unstable, vindictive person. A snub nose indicates not very good health, and a too snub nose is found among those who live carelessly, not caring about the future.

According to the concepts of Eastern physiognomists, the nose reflects the characteristics of a person’s spiritual life. It is believed that the ideal nose has a rounded tip and shaped wings. Too large nostrils indicate personality defects. A person with an ideal nose has the nature of a lion - he is distinguished by courage, passion, and assertiveness. People around you like people with a beautiful nose. It follows that the owner of a beautiful nose is a strong personality.

A long nose is generally considered a sign of strong individuality. A variety of shades stand out here: a long nose, well balanced with the eyes, mouth and chin, indicates a strong nature. A short nose speaks of openness of soul and optimism. A bony long nose is an indicator of pride, arrogance, and quarrelsomeness. A bony long nose with a pronounced hump often belongs to a gloomy person; if the bridge of such a nose is too sunken, deformed or riddled with horizontal potholes, this is a sign of malaise, however, with the overall balance of the face, this sign does not dominate. The Japanese consider a high and even bridge of the nose to be ideal - by the way, such a bridge of the nose occurs in healthy people. .

The tip of the nose can say a lot. A person whose nose tip resembles a hanging drop is usually cheerful, therefore he is prosperous; if the tip of the nose resembles the beak of an eagle, such a person is insightful, cunning and often vindictive. The full, large, bulbous tip of the nose is evidence of cordiality and warmth. A raised nose with protruding nostrils means self-will, intemperance, licentiousness. The forked tip of the nose is evidence of timidity. Too small nostrils indicate compliance, wide wings of the nose - about conceit. Red nose - dishonesty, a red, porous nose (“spoiled orange”) often belongs to drunkards. Dark spots on the nose are a sign of physical distress. A nose that stands out sharply on the face in women, as a rule, indicates a dysfunctional life in youth, but this becomes obvious only after 35-40 years.

BROWS. Eyebrows rising to the center of the forehead are a sign of ardent imagination. Eyebrows raised upward in a triangle indicate strong character, their owner easily turns his plans into action. Eyebrows that form one line foreshadow a troubled life at the age of 30-35, but a person with such eyebrows is able to overcome all difficulties. Ideal eyebrows - oblong, wide, thick, harmoniously framing the eyes - are a sign of a reasonable person. Small, shapeless eyebrows are usually found in unbalanced people.

According to the Japanese, wide, long eyebrows should be considered ideal. The proportionality of eyebrow development (shape, color, thickness) indicates a balance of emotions, mind and character. Coarse, bristly eyebrows indicate the opposite. According to physiognomists, eyebrows reflect relationships with the immediate environment. A pleasant eyebrow shape signals that their owner gets along with others.

When the bushy eyebrows are raised at the outer ends, it is said to be a sign of generosity of soul and courage. Such a person is considered born for success. Drooping outer eyebrows indicate shyness. When such eyebrows seem lifeless in structure and color, it is believed that this is a consequence of depletion of internal energy. If a man has straight and long eyebrows, and, moreover, pleasant-looking skin, he is considered an intellectual. A woman with such eyebrows is considered a coquette, and you can expect any trick from her. Short eyebrows always mean the opposite. However, short but thick eyebrows speak of the explosive nature of their owner. If the eyebrows are thick and bristly, their owner is of a “devilish” nature. Stubbled eyebrows always indicate obstinacy, stubbornness, and uncompromisingness. Thick, heavy eyebrows that connect at the bridge of the nose mean an irresistible desire for leadership. A woman with such eyebrows has a strong character and is not suitable for the traditional role of a housewife. High eyebrows are a sign of determination. Eyebrows positioned very low indicate the opposite.

Rice. 2. Forehead shape.

FOREHEAD. If the upper side of the triangle is wide, this is a sign of a faithful comrade, a practical, business person who is more interested in official affairs than in home and family. The narrow upper side of the triangle indicates the possibility of family troubles. Such a forehead speaks of an independent character. The hair of an artist, an artist, in a word, a creative person, often grows in the shape of the letter M. Such people do not care about the future. broken line hair speaks of a difficult childhood.

Rice. 3. Facial wrinkles.

WRINKLES. Short wrinkles on the forehead with irregular outlines are a sign of health. One, but clearly defined wrinkle across the forehead is a sign of luck. Two or three transverse wrinkles and a vertical wrinkle intersecting them indicate success in the future. This is a sign of longevity and glory. Thinkers and good administrators have two short but deep wrinkles between the eyebrows. Deep folds running from the nostrils to the lips are a sign of long life and great success.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the largest researcher of facial expressions, K. Huter, gave a detailed description of how, by the proportions of the main parts of the human face, one can understand the essence of a person, see the tension of willpower and the desire for self-education, the contradiction between prudence and ideal aspirations, on the one hand, and sensual impulses and base instincts - on the other. The scientist believed that based on the proportion of the face one can judge the inclination towards self-discipline and self-education, towards a calm conscious or instinctive and unconscious way of life.

Huter divides the human face into three main parts: 1) the forehead, the shape of which determines the image of mental activity, the real understanding of life; 2) the middle part, reflecting the degree of sensuality and character, spiritual depth and inner content. In particular, the eyes and mouth inform about the currently prevailing mental activity, the direction of thought, the nose - about the will of life or the character determined by it, the shape and expressiveness of the nose is significantly influenced appearance forehead and lower face; 3) the lower part, which gives an idea of ​​a person’s energy, his love of pleasure and base instincts, reveals the desire for one’s own benefit and selfishness.

The size and width of the forehead and lower part of the face make it possible to judge the strength of emotions, and the middle part - on the contrary, the subtlety of feelings and tenderness. A small, narrow middle part of the face indicates subtle spiritual feelings, a massive one indicates will and pride, love for external manifestations and insufficiently subtle feelings. Refinement and differentiation inner life revitalize the middle part of the face, especially near the nose and eyes. Impoverishment and coarsening of inner life are also reflected in the shape of the face.

Based on the relationship between the parts of the face, Huter proposes to determine the character and temperament of a person (Fig. 4). Here are some examples.

1. Forehead, middle and lower parts of the face are the same height. A person with such a face has a harmonious balance between physiology and the emotional-intellectual sphere. Activity, the desire for pleasure and the feeling of joy in life are controlled by his mental activity. He is characterized by a love of truth combined with cheerfulness and love of work. He is relaxed, but reserved, cordial, lively and sociable, but with a developed feeling

Rice. 4. The ratio of the parts of the face.

self-esteem, is not constrained and, thanks to its innate disposition, is in harmonious balance.

    The forehead and lower part of the face are the same size, andthe middle part is slightly longer. The long nose in this case does not disturb the harmony of the forms, and since they are quite refined, here we also see a harmonious life direction and a noble life of feelings. Such a person has a representative personality, he is distinguished by endurance and talent, and a harmonious and noble essence.

    The forehead is small, the middle and lower parts of the face are large. Such a person is impulsive and rude; the desire to demonstrate strength and will dominates his feelings and reason. He shows courage, bravery and inquisitiveness, has aggressiveness and great power of persuasion, is prone to reckless use of energy, is able to neglect even pleasures, and is very demanding of himself.

    The forehead and middle part of the face are long, the lower part of the faceshort. Such a person, through willpower, sharp and cold intellect, achieves more than his physical abilities allow. He is stubborn, does not recognize “tenderness”, is a leaf, strict, pedantic. Along with outstanding abilities, he exhibits negative tendencies.

    The lower part of the face is long, the middle part is somewhat shorter,the forehead is even shorter. A full, soft and large lower part of the face indicates a thirst for pleasure. All mental and mental activity of such a person is focused on this. He is practical and down-to-earth, not prone to changing places, and conservative in his views. He has no emotional or spiritual highs. It is difficult to stir him up, but if he succeeds, it is just as difficult to stop him.

6. The nose is small, the forehead and lower part of the face are large. The intellectual life of such a person is as high as the desire for pleasure. He is impressionable, kind-hearted, and good-natured. He is characterized by warmth and emotional empathy. He is having a hard time making a career.

7. The nose is too small, snub-nosed, the forehead and lower part of the face are long. The mind and sensual instincts of this person are strong and spent unbridled. He is aggressive, arrogant and full of inner restlessness, has penetrating power, is quick-tempered, and internally anarchic. The mental life is active, but there is no discipline and patience in work. Possessing a high intellect, he likes to “insert hairpins”, raises problems and makes sharp criticisms, but he himself cannot eliminate shortcomings and create something better, but he is rich in ideas, which gives him a certain brilliance.

8. The lower and middle parts of the face are small, the forehead is high. These are the proportions. characterize a person's thoughts and feelings. His activity and thirst for pleasure lag behind. He is simple and modest, has intuition, is tender in his feelings, prone to self-denial and selflessness, sacrifice, and is true to his ideal. This person combines mental depth with honesty.

9. The forehead is longer than the nose, and the nose is longer than the lower jaw. Such proportions characterize a person with a high spirit, who intelligently regulates the life of feelings, masters instincts and at the same time serves high life ideals.

Profiles 1, 2, 8 and 9 characteristic of creative natures, faithful to life’s ideals. They guarantee perfect life progress and happy development. Profiles 3 and 5 are characteristic of elementary personalities, strong in activity, as well as in peace and pleasure. They focus on real life and feel good in it. Profile b occupies an intermediate position between the two named groups. Profiles 4 and 7 belong to intellectually gifted people, but “problematic” in character and generally acting rather negatively (due to their hardness and critical nature).

EYES. They have long been considered the “windows of the soul.” People's inner experiences have always been determined by their eyes. It is believed that a person with beautiful and attractive eyes has health, will, intelligence, and temperament. Such eyes, according to physiognomists, emit light and warmth. They are well protected by eyelids and have an expressive iris.

In assessing the character and destinies of people, the eyes occupy a central place. Treatises on physiognomy recommend starting to “read” the face with the eyes. However, it should be borne in mind that the most reliable information can be obtained from the eyes of a person who is already over 40, that is, when all personality traits have become established.

Large eyes usually indicate a sensitive soul, often courage and even a desire for leadership. Small eyes often belong to closed, sometimes complacent and stubborn people. Often such people are distinguished by amazing constancy. A wide iris is a sign of softness and calmness, a narrow one indicates an imbalance in internal processes, which adversely affects relationships with others. The color of the iris can be used to judge the presence or absence of vitality: black, brown and green - energy, blue - sensitivity, light brown - shyness.

The placement of the eyes also speaks volumes: both eyes on the same horizontal line is a favorable sign; eyes slanted downwards - men have decisiveness, women have unreasonableness; if the upper eyelid is slightly drooping, this is a sign of maturity; if it is severely drooping, in men it means depleted energy. The unpleasant color of a drooping eyelid indicates physiological abnormalities; a swollen lower eyelid is a sign of a hectic life; too sagging lower eyelid indicates uncontrollability of desires; swollen eyelids (upper and lower) - fatigue from life. If the outer corners of the eyes are buried in a network of diverging wrinkles, this is a sign of insight.

The Japanese distinguish between eye types this way. Large, with a lively sparkle - the eyes of a dragon. A person in power is endowed with such eyes. The elongated shape of the eyes with upturned rims are the eyes of a sphinx, a refined nature. Large eyes with numerous folds on the eyelids are the eyes of a lion; leaders are endowed with them. Elephants have narrow, elongated eyes with double or triple eyelids; they are usually characteristic of obese people who are calm in character. Round, with a yellowish sheen - the eyes of a tiger. Narrow, small eyes with black and yellow irises - the eyes of a sheep; eyes with a triangular cut and sagging eyelids - the eyes of a horse; eyes with a fractured upper eyelid and a dull iris - the eyes of a boar; eyes with an overly wide iris are the eyes of a wolf. In Japan, there are up to 40 types of eyes, and all of them are identified with the eyes of animals. The behavior characteristic of such an animal is attributed to the owners of the corresponding type of eyes.

EARS. Eastern physiognomy also pays attention to the ears. When “reading,” faces rely on a general rule: a well-shaped ear indicates a happy childhood, shapelessness and pallor of the ears indicate the influence of unfavorable factors. Ears that are too large almost always indicate personality flaws, and ears that are too small also indicate trouble.

The ears and their position on the head are used to judge intelligence and character. Upper edge of ears: above eyebrow level - high intelligence; at eye level - above average intelligence; below eye level - average or even low intelligence. An ear without a well-shaped lobe indicates an unbalanced personality. A long lobe means carelessness, a weak lobe means scrupulousness. People with very large lobes are considered sages in the East. If the earlobe moves forward slightly, this is soulfulness. The inner rim of the ear is an indicator of emotional experiences: if the rim is retracted - restraint, if protruded - lack of restraint. Preference is given to pink ears; Yellow or blue ears are considered a sign of illness. Dark skin color near the front and top of the ear is a hidden condition. Moles inside the ear are a sign of trouble.

MOUTH. This is the most expressive part of the face. Tightly compressed lips and clenched teeth indicate determination, perseverance; a tightly closed mouth indicates a person’s determination, determination, and firmness. On the contrary, widening of the oral fissure (especially some sagging of the lower jaw) expresses a decrease in the mental activity of the individual. The corners of the mouth are of particular importance. C. Darwin rightly considered the downturned corners of the mouth to be a vestige of crying. Indeed, with a tearful mood and depression, the corners of the mouth are lowered. A person can joke and seem active, but the corners of his mouth reveal his depressed state. The curvature of one corner of the mouth, accompanied by temporary asymmetry of the face, is an expression of an ironic grin.

Physiognomy allows one to determine a person’s internal energy by the shape and size of the mouth. The Japanese are attracted to large mouths in men and small mouths in women. A woman with a big mouth is considered masculine, which is not very pleasant

Rice. 5. Smile and laughter (drawing by P. Rubens).

men. The general opinion: people with small mouths are preoccupied with the struggle for survival and are endowed with a weak character. A thin line of closed lips indicates a scrupulous character. A person with a large mouth and drooping corners of the lips has a strong will and is difficult to influence. A constantly twitching mouth (“horse mouth”) is a sign of neuroticism.

A small, arched mouth (the corners of the lips tend to droop) belongs to a sensitive nature. Convex, large lips are evidence of success. Symmetrical (without distortions) opening of the mouth indicates balanced emotions. If wrinkles run down to both sides of the mouth, this is a sign of a difficult life. If such wrinkles go to the corners of the lips from the wings of the nose (a mouth-nose ring is created) - this is evidence of deceit. A mouth with one side drooping often belongs to a stubborn person. The upper lip clearly protrudes above the lower - indecision, the lower protrudes further than the upper - selfishness. Wrinkles above the lips are a natural sign of aging. Fine wrinkles often signal poor health. Wrinkles deeply etched into the lips sometimes indicate prosperity in youth and hardship in adulthood.

When analyzing a face, it is very important to pay attention to its shape, the correlation of the upper, middle, lower zones, and wrinkles. The shape and wrinkles cannot be changed - this is given to us by nature, so by paying attention to these features, you can learn a lot about a person from the first minutes of meeting him.


Wrinkles indicate the muscles that are most frequently used. Psychologists distinguish between the real self and the mirror self. When we look in the mirror, we try to please ourselves, so we look different than in life. You can find out your real self if you tense your muscles a little in front of the mirror so that the wrinkles intensify. Now look at yourself - this is the face with which you go through life.

What do the lines on the chosen one’s face say?

  • In the corners of the eyes and mouth - found in people of a kind and cheerful disposition.
  • All over the eyelid around the eyes - indicate shyness and uncertainty.
  • Crow's feet indicate a person's attentiveness.
  • Two vertical deep wrinkles between the eyebrows - their owner is tactful and intelligent.
  • Nasolabial wrinkles are a sign of dissatisfaction. If their owner also has sagging cheeks, then this person loves to grumble.
  • Superciliary wrinkles indicate aggressiveness and anger. The effect is enhanced by the jaw muscles being pushed forward and teeth clenched tightly.
  1. Oval face. The owner is a peaceful, charming, good-natured person. IN family relationships, such a partner will not create difficulties. He is not interested in fame and is inclined to carelessness.
  2. Triangular face (narrow chin and wide forehead). A talented and sensitive person. But he is very amorous, so he is not capable of a long-term relationship. He is very gifted, a thinker and an intellectual, but at the same time he can be cunning, resourceful, jealous and quarrelsome.
  3. Rectangular face (equal width of forehead and jaw). Such a person is a good organizer. To achieve goals, interacts well with different people. Fair, far-sighted, prudent. In relationships with loved ones, he is sincere and reliable.
  4. Square face. Its owner is energetic, proactive, and executive. He persistently moves towards his goals and is not pretentious. But it may differ in the cruelty of its attitudes. In personal relationships - constant, faithful, committed.
  5. Trapezoidal face (wide forehead and cheekbones, narrow chin). Such a person is sensitive. He has a quick mind. It creates a comfortable atmosphere for loved ones, but under unfavorable circumstances it can leave to start all over again, dooming itself to repeat the past.
  6. Diamond-shaped face. The owner of such a face has the most contradictory character. He is stubborn and dogmatic, quickly adapts to new conditions, but often tries to change them to suit himself. This is a leader with fighting traits. In family life he is distinguished by irreconcilable positions. After achieving his goals, he reassesses his values, which is why he has a tendency to cheat.

Reason vs instincts

The human face is divided into zones: from the crown to the eyebrows - the upper (intellectual), from the eyebrows to the tip of the nose - the middle (emotional), from the nose to the chin - the lower (vital).

  • Upper zone- responsible for mental and intellectual activity. A person with a highly developed zone is an esthete, a humanist, and has a strong intellect. In life he is guided by idealistic, abstract considerations.
  • Middle zone can talk about the depth of the soul, the elaboration of one’s experiences, and sensitivity.
  • Lower zone- is responsible for the love of pleasure and satisfaction of one’s instincts.
Now, let's pay attention to how all these zones relate. If the vital zone is expressed more than all others, the person is not consistent and is subject to hobbies and infidelity.

If the emotional zone predominates, impressionability will prevent such a person from violating family norms. He will not repeat the negative experiences of others.

A pronounced intellectual zone - a person will be focused on generally accepted norms and rules. You can rely on him.

Attention to detail - facial physiognomy will help you better understand the nuances and avoid misunderstandings from the very beginning of acquaintance.

Example in photography

Video about physiognomy - determining character by face.

Hello, dear readers! Many of us would like to learn how to read faces. Agree that this is very beneficial: at first glance you can tell what a person’s character is, what type of activity he is inclined to, and how to communicate with him. These and other questions are studied by physiognomy: how to read a person’s face and even determine what disease he has. Does this method really work? At the end of the article you will find a test on this topic.

The science of physiognomy is the study of the internal state of a person based on his appearance. Today this teaching is considered by many to be pseudoscience, but over the years it has received great attention.

Physiognomy was first studied in Ancient China. Even before our era, the ancient Greeks established the connection between facial features and the human psyche. Pythagoras and Plato accepted students into their school exclusively according to external signs. This is how philosophers determined whether candidate students had a penchant for studying science.

The first treatise on types of people according to their appearance belongs to Aristotle. He rejects the initial assumption that good looks indicate good character. The famous physician Hamn considered physiognomy useful for making a diagnosis.

Despite the dubiousness of the achievements of science, its study began in the 11th century. The doctor Avicenna used the achievements of physiognomy to make a diagnosis. Two treatises have survived from scientists of the Middle Ages to the present day.

Subsequently, fortunetellers and palmists became interested in physiognomy, and the science moved into the field of astrology and esotericism. The treatises of the 16th-18th centuries are especially rich in this kind of reasoning. Leonardo da Vinci himself studied human facial expressions with interest and associated character with them.

In the 13th and 14th centuries, Lavater’s book “The Art of Knowing People by Their Physiognomy” was published. At one time, A.S. Pushkin paid tribute to this work and even referred to the treatise in his books. One of the original statements for its time was the opinion that each class of society has its own physiognomy.

Such recognized scientists as Sechenov, Pavlov, Darwin should also be considered fans of physiognomy. Are these really the smartest people become hostages of pseudoscience?

Today, the achievements of physiognomy are widely used in psychology. Everything that this science studies is widely used in the training of public figures, psychologists, managers, and businessmen.

And although many of the theses of physiognomy are still questioned, they invariably enjoy success. Proof of this is the well-known lectures of modern psychologist Natalya Kucherenko on this issue.

Facial physiognomy

Each part of the face is of great importance for determining the internal state, so we will consider their forms separately. Even wrinkles and their location play a role. To make it easier for you to navigate, let’s present physiognomy in pictures. Let's look at the most striking features.


We are used to hearing that eyes reflect a person’s soul. But not only the nature of the look, but even the shape of the eyes and their cut can say a lot about the character. For example, if a person has big eyes, this indicates his sensitivity and masculinity.

Small, narrowed eyes indicate a stubborn and self-righteous nature. Even the fact where the corners of the eyes are directed matters. If they are raised upward, you are dealing with a decisive person. Corners pointing down indicate a cheerful disposition. A narrow corner will tell about an intelligent and insightful person, a rounded one will tell about a timid and indecisive person.


This is an equally important part of the face. If the eyelids are swollen, their owner is an extremely tired person. Eyelids falling down speak of the sexuality and sensuality of their owner. If the middle part of the eyelid falls to the middle of the eye, one can assume a dexterous nature.


This part of the face can be used to judge the character of men mainly, since women often change the natural shape of their eyebrows in the name of beauty. If eyebrows are thick, their owner is a strong-willed and uncompromising person. Shaggy eyebrows belong to a resourceful and decisive person. Elongated eyebrows will certainly confirm intelligence and insight.


In ancient times, many peoples considered a long, straight nose to be a sign of a person’s reliability. There was no fear in entrusting even a government position to such a person. A wide nose speaks of a calm and balanced nature, and a short nose indicates a lightness of character.

A curve or hump is characteristic of powerful people; in women they indicate business qualities. A narrow nose predicts a joyless life full of worries. If at the same time a person has wide nasal wings, he is very calculating. The tip of the nose, reminiscent of a bird's beak, indicates suspiciousness. The sagging tip belongs to a person who is aware of his attractiveness. If the tip of the nose is convex, this is a soft, responsive nature. The sharp end belongs to treacherous and deceitful people.

Lips and mouth

The first thing to notice when considering a person's mouth is its size. A large mouth speaks of the indecisiveness and fickleness of its owner. If the mouth is like an onion, a person can become attached for a long time and sincerely, but will never take a leadership position.

Physiognomy attributes thick lips to sensual natures. Thin lips belong to liars, cowards and unreliable people. A protruding lower lip speaks of indecision, an upper lip speaks of inner vanity.

When the mouth sinks inward, one can draw a conclusion about the stubbornness and prudence of its owner. A downturned mouth speaks of a powerful and decisive person. A mouth squinting in one direction indicates inconstancy and sarcasm in relation to life.


Pointed ears, like those of a fox, speak of cunning and resourcefulness. If the earlobes are long, their owner is calm and will live a long life. On the contrary, short earlobes indicate a nervous and hot-tempered person. No wonder in Ancient Egypt There were ways to lengthen earlobes.


If you and I are reading faces, we shouldn’t forget about this important detail. A pointed chin speaks of a person’s insincerity, deceit and cruelty. The round shape indicates a gentle nature. If the chin is oval, its owner is distinguished by his love of love and creative inclinations. The square shape speaks of a strong and courageous person.

A double chin in a thin person promises him prosperity and the love of children. A fleshy but small chin reveals a pleasure lover. If the chin is tilted back, its owner has a weak character.


Judge about inner world a person can be seen by his wrinkles. Rough and distinct wrinkles indicate the collapse of plans and gloominess. A horizontal line dividing the forehead in half indicates nobility.

If two or three lines cross the forehead, this person is successful and very resourceful. If there are three lines on the forehead, this fact indicates artistry and literary talent. Unusual lines on the forehead, crossing the forehead, indicate a life full of hardships. Diamond-shaped lines speak of the great fame of their owner.

These are not all facial features that help determine a person’s character. But this knowledge is also enough to determine the type of interlocutor.

Test: “Let’s recognize your character by your face”

Well, are you ready to learn something new about yourself? Then this is the test for you. We recognize your character by your facial features.