How is Homo sapiens translated?

    1 Homo sapiens

    A reasonable person.

    The name of man as a zoological species.

    My heart aches when I see what is happening around me every day. This is not even a struggle: imagine a disheveled, drunk, half-naked woman covered in bruises from the brutal beatings of her rude husband, imagine that she does not even protest, that she endures this humiliation, and he does not calm down - this is how the Laocoon group looks capital of the universe. And with each new blow, brainless friends incite: “Great, now this woman will know how to behave!” O stultitia! [ stupidity - author ] Homo sapiens is just a mischievous invention of Linnaeus! (A. I. Herzen - Georg Herweg, 18.II 1850.)

    The several years he [A. N. Ostrovsky] spent, upon leaving Moscow University, in the service of the Moscow commercial court, brought him face to face with the merchant world, introducing him, in addition, to another variety of hominis sapientis - the Moscow clerk. (A. I. Urusov, Theater. Notes and impressions.)

    “It is also remarkable,” says Mechnikov, “that so-called “unnatural” actions constitute one of the most characteristic features person. Does this not indicate that these actions themselves are part of our nature and therefore deserve very serious attention? It can be argued that the species homo sapiens belongs to the number of species that have not yet been fully established and are not fully adapted to the conditions of existence." (V.V. Veresaev, Notes of a doctor.)

    Modern science proceeds from the fact that with the emergence of homo sapiens, the evolution of man as a biological species ended and began historical development man and humanity, that is, the biological laws of human development gave way to social ones. Even K. A. Timiryazev said that the biological patterns of human development, biological evolution remained beyond the threshold human history. (Books on philosophical issues of medicine.)

    And in the end, why should he be such a Don Quixote as to marry a poor and not even pretty girl just because she fell in love with him, while there were dozens of charming creatures with money all around who would be delighted to get such a beautiful specimen homo sapiens. (Richard Aldington, The Colonel's Daughter.)

    2 Homo sapiens

    3 Homo sapiens

    4 homo sapiens

    5 Homo sapiens

See also in other dictionaries:

    Homo sapiens

    Homo Sapiens- Pour les articles homonymes, voir Homo sapiens et Homme … Wikipédia en Français

    Homo sapiens- Pour les articles homonymes, voir Homo sapiens et Homme … Wikipédia en Français

    Homo sapiens- (lat. für „der weise, kluge Mensch“) bezeichnet: den heute lebenden „modernen“ Menschen (früher auch Homo sapiens sapiens), siehe Mensch Homo sapiens idaltu, ca. 160.000 Jahre alte Schädelfunde aus Äthiopien Homo sapiens balangodensis, ca. 12.000 … Deutsch Wikipedia

    Homo sapiens- 1802, in William Turton's translation of Linnæus, coined in Modern Latin from L. homo man (technically male human, but in logical and scholastic writing human being; see HOMUNCULUS (Cf. homunculus)) + sapiens, prp. of sapere be wise (see SAPIENT... ... Etymology dictionary

    homo sapiens- término científico del género y de la especie que identifica al ser humano Diccionario ilustrado de Terminos Médicos.. Alvaro Galiano. 2010. Homo sapiens Termino científico del género y de la … Diccionario medico

    Homo sapiens- (lat.) a reasonable person (Line). Philosophical encyclopedic dictionary. M.: Soviet encyclopedia. Ch. editor: L. F. Ilyichev, P. N. Fedoseev, S. M. Kovalev, V. G. Panov. 1983 ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    homo sapiens- lat. (homo sapiens) “reasonable man”; man as a rational being. Dictionary foreign words L.P. Krysina. M: Russian language, 1998 ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Homo sapiens- Homo sapĭens (lat., "der weise Mensch"), wissenschaftlicher Name des Menschen ... Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

    homo sapiens- index humanity (mankind) Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …Law dictionary

    Homo sapiens- m. Tipo humano al que pertenece el hombre actual … Enciclopedia Universal


  • Homo Sapiens A passing phenomenon, Keligov M., The monograph is devoted to the problem of man: his nature, transformation, specific essential features and position in the world in the context of global (universal) evolutionism. Human… Category: Philosophical works Buy for 415 RUR
  • Homo Sapiens. A passing phenomenon, Murat Keligov, From the publisher: The monograph is devoted to the problem of man: his traits and position in the world in the context of global (universal) evolutionism... Category:

More meanings of the word and translation of HOMO SAPIENS from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries.
What is and translation of HOMO SAPIENS from Russian into English in Russian-English dictionaries.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for HOMO SAPIENS in dictionaries.

    English dictionary Britannica
  • HOMO SAPIENS — |hō(ˌ)mōˈsapēənz, -sāp- also -ēˌenz or -ēˌen(t)s noun Etymology: New Latin, a biological species, from Homo + sapiens (specific epithet), from …
  • HOMO SAPIENS - genus and species to which all modern human beings (Homo sapiens sapiens) belong and to which are attributable fossil remains ...
    Britannica English vocabulary
    Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  • HOMO SAPIENS - (Latin; "man the wise") Genus and species to which all modern human beings (Homo sapiens sapiens) ...
    Britannica Concise Encyclopedia
  • HOMO SAPIENS - noun see: homo Date: 1802 mankind 1
  • HOMO SAPIENS - /hoh"moh say"pee euhnz/ 1. (italics) the species of bipedal primates to which modern humans belong, characterized by a …
  • HOMO SAPIENS - human beings, man, species belonging to the primate family Hominidae (Latin)
  • HOMO SAPIENS - -ˈsa-pē-ənz noun Etymology: New Latin, species name, from Homo, genus name + sapiens, specific epithet, from Latin, wise, intelligent - ...
    Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary
  • HOMO SAPIENS — Pronunciation: ˌ h ō -(ˌ)m ō - " s ā -p ē - ˌ enz, - ə nz, …
    Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary
  • HOMO SAPIENS - [ ˌhəʊməʊ"sapɪɛnz , ˌhɒməʊ ] ■ noun the primate species to which modern humans belong. Origin L., lit. "wise man".
    Concise Oxford English vocab
  • HOMO SAPIENS - n (from Latin, technical) the kind or ...
    Oxford Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  • HOMO SAPIENS - Ho ‧ mo sa ‧ pi ‧ ens /ˌhəʊməʊ ˈsæpienz $ ˌhoʊmoʊ ˈseɪpiənz/ BrE AmE noun technical [ Date: …
    Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  • HOMO SAPIENS - n. modern humans are regarded as a species.
    English Basic Spoken Dictionary
  • HOMO SAPIENS - n. modern humans are regarded as a species. [L, = wise man]
    Concise Oxford English Dictionary
  • HOMO SAPIENS - n. modern humans are regarded as a species. Etymology: L, wise man
    Oxford English vocab
  • HOMO SAPIENS — Homo sapiens is used to refer to modern human beings as a species, in contrast to other species of ape ...
    Collins COBUILD - Dictionary English language for language learners
  • HOMO SAPIENS — Synonyms and related words: Adam, Hominidae, clay, fallen humanity, flesh, generation of man, genus Homo, hominid, homo, human family, …
    Moby Thesaurus English vocabulary
  • HOMO SAPIENS - Function: noun Synonyms: MANKIND, flesh, humanity, humankind, man, mortality
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  • HOMO SAPIENS - noun Synonyms: mankind, flesh, humanity, humankind, man, mortality
    Collegiate Thesaurus English vocabulary
  • HOMO SAPIENS - man
    Animal names in Latin and English vocab
  • HOMO SAPIENS - lat. homo sapiens (pl homines) (zoology) man as a member of the family of primates (Hominidae)
    Big English-Russian dictionary
  • HOMO SAPIENS - Homo sapiens
    American English-Russian Dictionary
  • HOMO SAPIENS - People
    American English-Russian Dictionary
  • HOMO SAPIENS - 1> = homo 1 2> homo sapiens, man as a rational being, homo sapiens
    English-Russian-English dictionary general vocabulary- Collection of the best dictionaries
  • HOMO SAPIENS - Latin reasonable man
    English-Russian Dictionary Tiger
  • HOMO SAPIENS - 1) = homo1 2) homo sapiens, man as a rational being, homo sapiens
    New large English-Russian dictionary - Apresyan, Mednikova
  • HOMO SAPIENS - 1) = homo 1 2> homo sapiens, man as a rational being, homo sapiens
    Large new English-Russian dictionary
  • HOMO SAPIENS - lat. reasonable man
    English-Russian dictionary of general vocabulary
  • HOMO SAPIENS - _n. _lat. reasonable man
    Muller's English-Russian Dictionary - 24th edition
  • HOMO SAPIENS - n. lat. reasonable man
    Muller's English-Russian Dictionary - editor bed
  • HOMO SAPIENS - Homo sapiens
    English-Russian additional dictionary
  • HOMO SAPIENS - homo sapiens, man as a rational being.
    English-Russian sociological encyclopedic dictionary
    New large English-Russian dictionary
  • HOMO - I Genus of the family Hominidae of The genus includes modern humans (Homo sapiens), the extinct species H. ...
    English Dictionary Britannica
  • HOMO - impers pron one (= on)
    Interlingua English vocab
  • SAPIENS - adjective Etymology: New Latin (specific epithet of Homo ~), from Latin, present participle of sapere Date: 1939 of, relating to, ...
    English Dictionary - Merriam Webster
  • HOMO — I. noun (plural ~s) Usage: often capitalized see: homage Date: 1591 any of a genus (Homo) of hominids …
    English Dictionary - Merriam Webster
  • HOMO - I. ˈhō(ˌ)mō noun Usage: capitalized Etymology: New Latin, from Latin, man, human being - more at homage: the genus ...
    Webster's New International English Dictionary
  • SAPIENS - ˈsapēənz, ˈsāp- also -ēˌenz or -ēˌen(t)s adjective Etymology: New Latin (specific epithet of Homo sapiens), from Latin, knowing: ...
    Webster's New International English Dictionary
  • SAPIENS - /say"pee euhnz/, adj. of, pertaining to, or resembling modern humans (Homo sapiens). [1935-40;]
    Random House Webster's Unabridged English Dictionary
  • HOMO - /hoh"moh/, n. 1. (italics) the genus of bipedal primates that includes modern humans and several extinct forms, ...
    Random House Webster's Unabridged English Dictionary
  • HOMO - /hoh"moh/, n., pl. homos. Slang (disparaging and offensive). a homosexual. [ by shortening ]
    Random House Webster's Unabridged English Dictionary
  • SAPIENS - adj. of or pertaining to human beings, of or relating to Homo sapiens or their characteristics
    Explanatory Dictionary of the English Language - Editorial bed
  • HOMO
    Explanatory Dictionary of the English Language - Editorial bed
  • HOMO - pref. same, similar (Greek)
    Explanatory Dictionary of the English Language - Editorial bed
  • HOMO - n. person who practices homosexuality; (Slang) homosexual (offensive)
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