How to learn everything in 1 day. How to learn material in one day

The problem of the inability to remember large amounts of information is relevant not only during the preparation for exams. Interviews, presentations, presentations and a host of other events require familiarity with a huge amount of material. Needless to say, the urgency of this problem for professionals for whom the need to know especially a lot is part of the profession, for example, for lawyers or pharmacists. Let's talk about how to quickly remember a large amount of information and how not to lose it in the morning.

How our brain remembers information

We receive information through the senses of hearing, sight, taste, smell and touch. They help to collect data, that is, to perceive them. As soon as we perceive information, we begin to memorize it. This happens in 2 stages:

  1. Data enters short-term memory, where it is stored for several seconds.
  2. Getting data into long-term memory, where it can be stored from a few minutes to many years.

In the process of transferring information from perception to short-term memory, attention plays an important role - it determines the amount of data that we can remember. From short-term memory, information passes into long-term memory through repetition or associations. The latter are of particular importance, since we connect all the concepts in memory until they form a certain scheme.

Most effective method memories are associations. If we have nothing to associate information with, then we must repeat it until it is memorized. What is the probability that we will remember the learned data? It depends on the proximity of existing associations, the freshness of the information received and the frequency of its recall. Also important are the stimuli that evoke certain memories in our brain - these are visual images, sounds, smells, tactile sensations, and the like.

TOP 15 tips for memorizing large amounts of information

We have collected 15 most effective tips that will help you learn how to memorize information, structure it and repeat data correctly. They are prepared by psychologists, neurologists, coaches and people with phenomenal memory who have used various methods to improve it. These tips will help you understand how to memorize a large amount of information easily and how not to lose the memorized information.

Go from general to specific

Our brain perceives the whole picture better than its component parts. Therefore, when studying the course of any battle, you must first read it Full description and only then move on to the details - to dates, events, personalities and ratings.

Use rotation tactics

If you need to remember a huge amount of disparate information, try to alternate it. Are you preparing for exams in several subjects at once? It is best to divide the preparation into blocks, for example, 30 minutes each, and alternate material in psychology with tests, say, in physics.

Engage visual memory

Scientifically proven fact: our brain is better at assimilating information received with the help of vision. So it's in your best interest to visualize the data. If you need to study any phenomenon - draw a diagram, learn words in a foreign language - make sketches for them.

Use mnemonics techniques

associations over effective method memorization rather than repetition. Therefore, it is worth using the techniques of mnemonics, rhyming, drawing parallels and associating memorized data with already known information. For example, you need to memorize the number 1879. You decompose it into two parts and make associations: 18 - I am 18 years old, 79 - 79 years old my grandmother.

Approach learning from a mentor's perspective

The process of remembering is more effective if you explain the information received to someone, perhaps even to yourself. Therefore, approach the study from the position of a mentor and an expert.

Use the yellow marker method

Write notes or highlight the most important information in notebooks, printouts, books and manuals. The "yellow marker" method is based on the fact that we are much better at remembering data that stands out from the rest. It is often used in the press and is ideal for structuring and then remembering a large amount of information.

Provide metered intake

Do not try to grasp the immensity - remembering the contents of three textbooks in a day is beyond the power of even world champions in memory. Break the information into blocks and ensure it is dosed - organize a phased study, which you will alternate with rest.

Increase your focus

The effectiveness of the memorization process directly depends on the concentration of attention. If you're constantly distracted and unable to concentrate, then make it a point to do some mind-boosting exercises each day.

Focus on associations

The process of memorizing a large amount of information should be based on associations. The brighter they are, the better. Draw parallels, use mnemonic techniques, try to see in the material as many similarities as possible with what you already know.

Repeat material 3 times

The studied material should be repeated three times: the first - a few minutes after studying, the second - after 3-4 hours and the third - the next morning. Three repetitions with normal memory can provide almost guaranteed memorization.

Retell what you have learned

After studying a block of information, retell it. Better than real people, but you can do it yourself. Try to speak as loudly as possible, with feeling and intonation. This will help to connect emotional perception and remember the material faster.

Add impressions

This advice follows from the previous one: the more emotions this or that information causes in you, the faster it cuts into memory. That is why it is worth trying to remember a large amount of data in unusual ways and in unusual places.

Boost Your Motivation

Motivation can affect concentration and internal discipline. You need to think and clearly understand all the benefits of memorizing the material. It is best to write them down in a column on a piece of paper.

Alternate study and physical activity

Cramming within four walls never brings the proper result. You need to alternate memorizing the material with physical activity - do no more than 2-3 hours in a row, then take a walk, do exercises or work at home.

Refrain from overload

Do not overload yourself - this way you will not remember even the amount of information that could remain in your head. If necessary, focus on the most important theses and save time on details. It is simply impossible to learn in 24 hours what you should have been learning for a whole semester.

How to help your brain work more productively

You can do everything right, but remember nothing. Information will simply evaporate, just memorized data will begin to get confused in the head, intertwined and replaced. The reason for this is the fatigue and unpreparedness of your brain. How to memorize a large amount of information before an exam for which you are completely unprepared? Memorize short theses in notes, but in no case do not sit out the night over a mountain of textbooks.

How to help your brain work more productively:

  • get enough sleep- normal, healthy sleep of sufficient duration has a beneficial effect on the processes of remembering information;
  • do not study material at night– “working” night before the exam has always been the main mistake of students, because without rest the brain simply cannot remember anything;
  • Healthy food- Add carbohydrate-rich fruits (such as bananas), nuts, and other brain-boosting foods to your diet.
  • add oxygen- is essential for correct operation brain, so ventilate the room as often as possible;
  • do not forget about physical activity- scientists have repeatedly confirmed that people who alternate the process of studying with physical activity better remember and assimilate the material.

If you want to make your brain work to its fullest and think that nothing will happen to it over textbooks overnight, then you are mistaken. Our physiology is as follows - without rest, productivity, which means that brain activity decreases. Therefore, after a night of notes, you can not only not remember the information you just memorized, but also forget the one that you knew perfectly well before the “night marathon”.

8 laws of memory

You need to know them in order to work with memory correctly - to memorize large amounts of material faster and more efficiently. They will also help you develop your own learning strategy and will reveal to you some of the nuances of the memory phenomenon itself.

  1. Vivid impressions - the more unusual information is for us, the more likely it is to remember it.
  2. Significance - data that can seriously affect our lives, we remember much faster than secondary information.
  3. Motivation is best if you can establish a direct dependence of your bright future on the study of the material.
  4. Activity - the more we work on the information (correct, change, supplement), the faster we get involved in the activity and remember what we read.
  5. Settings and settings - you need to prepare for the study, give yourself the right settings for work and select the most convenient way of learning.
  6. Prior knowledge - if you already have some knowledge on the topic, it is advisable to recall and systematize them.
  7. The interaction of traces of memory - as it turned out, it is best to study in the evening and in the morning, then the process of studying the material will be extremely effective.
  8. Temporal layer - the more information on a topic you get over time, the more associations with the received data appear in your head.

Try to use this information when developing your own learning strategy. Remember that we are all individual: some need more time to study one block, someone needs a longer rest, and so on. Try to move away from template strategies and create your own methodology.

7 memory booster apps

Often all kinds of programs to improve memory are criticized. However, the fact remains that they really help us develop, influence thinking and memory processes.

TOP 7 applications to improve memory:

  1. Memory Trainer- a lot of logical puzzles that require concentration.
  2. Brain+- a set of mini-games that will help pump your brain.
  3. Schulte table- one of the most popular classic simulators.
  4. PEAK- in addition to memory training with the help of cards, many different puzzles are collected here.
  5. Elevate- A great set of exercises for training the brain.
  6. Lumosity- this application helps not only to train your memory, but also to increase the speed of your reaction.
  7. Mathematics- exercises for the development of thinking, increasing the speed of reaction and improving concentration.

The list is by no means exhaustive: there are many applications available for download to help boost your memory and improve your thought processes. It is important to find an intelligent simulator (one or more) that will be convenient for you.


How to quickly remember a large amount of information? Ensure its dosed study, competent repetition or association with already accumulated knowledge. In addition, it is important to take into account the recommendations of experts and apply all available psychological tricks. Do not forget about rest: without it, the effectiveness of the study is significantly reduced. Get enough sleep even the night before the exam. Otherwise, even the most effective technique learning will not work.

Evgenia Kuziner

Editor of the Info-Profi portal, employee of the Center for Youth Studies at the National Research University Higher School of Economics - St. Petersburg, specialist in vocational guidance.

The situation when three days before the exam you need to learn a large amount of material is familiar to many. We will tell you how to develop memory and assimilate the necessary information within a short period of time. It doesn’t matter if you have to take the exam, GIA or traffic rules.

Proper organization of the process

From how well you plan the process of preparing for the exam, its result directly depends. Therefore, approach this issue systematically:

  • if during the semester you rarely attended lectures and did not consider it necessary to make up for what was missed, then two or three days to master the material will not be enough. Start preparing for the exam at least a week in advance, then you will have a chance to remember most of what you read;
  • Set up a ticketing schedule and stick to it. Divide the number of exam questions equally by the number of days left until the test, and learn the daily norm without putting off until tomorrow. Otherwise, on the last day before the exam, you will have a hard time. Agree, there is a difference - to learn 25 or 50 questions a day, because memory ordinary person has its limits;
  • set aside time intervals for preparation from 7.00 to 12.00 and from 14.00 to 17.00. During these hours, our brain is highly active, and it is able to easily absorb and quickly memorize material. Take a 10 minute break every 40 minutes. Walk around the apartment, warm up, go out into the yard - disperse the blood that has stagnated while sitting and feed the brain with the oxygen it needs so much;
  • do not get distracted by watching TV, or computer games, or telephone conversations. Do not even think about checking social networks to find out how your friends are doing - postpone communication until the evening when the daily ticket rate is over;
  • take breaks for breakfast and lunch. Remember: the brain needs food, otherwise its efficiency will decrease significantly, and memory will deteriorate. Although they say that glucose stimulates the brain, do not go to extremes by eating an incredible amount of candy. Better eat a bar of dark chocolate - it has much more benefits;

  • do not stay up at the computer until late at night. Remember: in the morning the head must be fresh, otherwise all attempts to assimilate the material will go to waste.

You may have to limit communication with friends and stop going to nightclubs for the duration of the session. In our opinion, this is a small price to pay for a good grade in the test book. And you can catch up by hanging out with friends at parties after the exam.

Techniques for quick assimilation of material

Alas, not all of us are endowed with the ability to quickly memorize large amounts of material, and therefore, we think, everyone is interested in how to develop memory. Mnemonics can help with this - a technique that facilitates memorization. Here are a few tips that may come in handy while preparing for the exam.

  1. Do not cram the material, but try to understand, then it will be easier to reproduce what you read. Mechanical memory is ineffective.
  2. Divide large texts into parts and learn gradually. The assimilation of small passages is much easier, because it does not overload the untrained memory.
  3. If you need to memorize several materials, start with a larger one. The same applies to exam questions: while you are not tired yet, learn more complex ones, and leave simple ones “for a snack”.
  4. Learned should be repeated. After reading the topic, make a mental plan for the answer and briefly retell what you have learned. The rule "Repetition is the mother of learning" has not been canceled, only the teaching must be conscious - see point 1.
  5. Retell what you read to your family. When we voice and explain to someone what we previously said mentally, knowledge is systematized and deposited in memory, so it will not be difficult to extract them to the surface during the exam.
  6. Write cheat sheets. Not so much to use them, but to better remember. It has been proven that information that has been read and written down is remembered much better.
  7. Starting to prepare just a day before the test, you greatly reduce your chances of getting a good grade. However, there is still a chance of a successful outcome. Read the material "diagonally" - visual memory will catch the main thing, and during the exam you will be able to fish out the necessary thesis from the back streets of the brain and reveal the topic.

Good luck!

Take it, tell your friends!

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Almost everyone faced the question of how to quickly learn tickets. This is natural, seeing a huge list of questions and the thickness of textbooks on an examination subject, a person is lost. Fear of large amounts of information that you need to know can often drive into a stupor not only children, but also adults. Although many have heard that they are not limited, not everyone succeeds in using these opportunities for their own benefit. Because of this, most people are not even aware of their abilities. Here are a few interesting facts and associated common beliefs.

  • A large passage is much easier to learn than a small one.
  • Exam fever is most characteristic of those who are well versed in the subject.
  • More time should be devoted not to repeated reading, but to repetition from memory. This is how the understanding of the material on which his knowledge depends grows.
  • Of the two questions on the ticket, the one with more information will be remembered faster.
  • For most people, the main question is how to systematize the acquired knowledge, and not how to quickly learn the topic.
  • During sleep, a person cannot remember anything, but also cannot forget anything.
  • To memorize a ticket is much more difficult than to understand the topic and understand it.

There are several ways to quickly learn tickets that everyone can use.

Three color rule

This rule is suitable for those who constantly study the material, perform practical tasks and solve examples, but are not sure of the level of their knowledge.

  1. So, pencils or pens of three colors are taken: red, green and black.
  2. Those questions are marked in red, the answers to which are known.
  3. We put a green check mark where the topics are familiar, but not entirely clear.
  4. Black color - for absolutely unfamiliar terms and topics.
  5. After that we start studying. First, we deal with the materials marked with a black pen. Then we move on to questions with a green check mark. And at the end we repeat the topics with a red mark.
  6. Thus, there are no tickets left with unanswered questions. In parallel, knowledge appears throughout the subject, which is important for answering additional questions during an exam or test.

The rule of three colors is indispensable in preparing for driving tests.

« SOS! Only one day left before the exam!

What to do if there is no time left? How to quickly learn tickets when the exam is left minimal amount time? In this, you can use the method of "construction of brickwork." But, even following this method, it is necessary to understand that it is impossible to thoroughly study the topic in 1 day. Therefore, it is better to concentrate on the main principles of the subject being studied, without paying attention to the details. First of all, the main terms, theorems, axioms and definitions are selected from the material. These foundations will become bricks in the masonry, and everything secondary will be cement. To "build brickwork" should proceed in the following sequence.

  1. First you need to view all the material for a general orientation.
  2. Then the main ideas of each text and the relationship between them are identified.
  3. The remaining time is spent on repeating the identified material data on the subject.

Moreover, attention is focused on understanding, and not on how to quickly learn tickets. After all, knowing the basic terms, it is much easier to answer the question. For such memorization, work with tables, diagrams and diagrams is also useful. Often, the analysis of a graphic drawing allows you to more fully understand the topic than a complex text with theoretical reasoning - "cement".

All of these methods are more suitable for the assimilation of material in natural science. To become an expert foreign language, and even more so to get a high mark on the exam, it will take much more time. And no matter how attractive advice on how to quickly learn a language, such assurances should be treated with caution.

Anyone who has ever taken an exam is familiar with the pre-exam excitement. Most often, it covers students who have been delayed in studying the material and have begun to prepare, when there is little time left before the hour H. But if you approach the process correctly, you can quickly learn tickets for the exam.

How to prepare for the ticket exam

The final result directly depends on the correct planning of the preparation process. Therefore, in order to pass the ticket exam, you should:

You will have to limit communication with friends for a couple of weeks of the session and refuse to go to nightclubs - real friends will understand everything correctly, entertainment will not go anywhere, but there will be a lot of time for quality preparation, and a little later - a good reason to celebrate success.

What is the best way to study tickets for the exam

So, a comfortable environment for studying exam questions has been created, now it is the turn to develop our own methodology for memorizing information, taking into account four recommendations:
  • after learning the question, cross it out of general list: gradual reduction of the list has a positive psychological effect;
  • never memorize the material - this will not give a positive result, when studying tickets, try to understand the essence of the issue - the information will be deposited in memory by itself;
  • learn questions not in order, but alternating complex with simple ones, which will allow the brain to rest. If a new question cannot be understood without comprehending at least one previous one, then everything should be taught in order.
  • take notes - this will help you quickly and better learn material of any nature, since the connection of visual and muscle memory contributes to better memorization.

Memorization techniques

To learn all the tickets for the exam, you need not so much to memorize them, but to use techniques designed specifically for better memorization.
  1. Start from your individual abilities: auditory learners remember information better after reading aloud, and kinesthetic learners after writing cheat sheets.
  2. When you need to learn tickets for an exam in a short time, you can study all the necessary amount of material every day, but at a different level of deepening into the topic, that is, gradually moving from the level of an amateur to the status of an expert. On the first day, just read the abstract or the cathedral manual (three is already in your pocket), on the second - go through the same material from the textbook (pass for four), on the third - fill in all the gaps, make out the most difficult moments(you can swing perfectly).
  3. Don't try to remember all the details. From the chapter of the textbook, highlight the main idea, definitions and formulas: structured information of a small amount is easier to remember.
  4. Write down the answers in the form of abstracts that cause associations. Select three main sentences that formulate the problem, main idea and conclusions.

Exam preparation methods depend on the specifics of the subject: in the exact sciences, additional practice is indispensable, and the humanities require the ability to memorize large amounts of information, which will be developed by special techniques and the correct organization of study.

Be realistic about your strengths and the amount of information you need to learn. If there is one day or several hours left, do not grab everything at once, repeat the most difficult questions, or, conversely, read the entire material, systematize the main points. It is really possible to quickly learn exam tickets, the main thing is to approach the problem in the right way.

Almost everyone was a student. And accordingly, many of us know what a session is. It is inevitable, like passing exams. But the life of a student is full of interesting events, and for many, study is far from being in the first place. However, when the session comes, you have to collect your thoughts. And often negligent students ask themselves: how to prepare for the exam in 1 day?

What needs to be done first?

If only a day is left before the delivery of the item, then there is no need to hesitate. First, you need to get ready to study. Concentrate, drink coffee or citrus juice (these drinks have a good effect on mindfulness, increasing it), get out of all social networks and turn off the phone with the TV so that nothing can distract from the important business. After that, you need to open a list of questions or topics and familiarize yourself with them. It is recommended to start with the most difficult ones. They should be emphasized. Then, when complex issues are studied, you can move on to simpler ones.

It is highly recommended to make notes - key words or abstracts. So it will be easier to repeat the answer to the question and remember its main content. It is also desirable to look for a connection between them. Often the questions overlap with each other. True, this applies more to humanitarian subjects than technical ones.

Time distribution

There are quite a few tips for people who are interested, for 1 day. And the most important thing that a student should take into account is that it is necessary to allocate time correctly. Let's say he studies topics or questions for 45 minutes, and then rests for 15 minutes. It is very important during this break to be completely distracted from mental activity. You can watch some videos on the Internet, drink tea or coffee, take a walk in the fresh air or just lie down. So it will turn out to replenish strength and feel a surge of energy.

It is also advised to distribute exam questions to these time intervals. Let's say a student has 30 tickets that need to be prepared, and a day for all this. This means that in the notorious 45 minutes he must have time to do 3 pieces. Then - a break. In total, it will take 10 hours to prepare. Starting at 10:00 in the morning, it will be possible to finish by 8 in the evening. Then you can take a break for two hours, and then repeat everything that was done over the past day. Yes, studying for 10 hours is exhausting. But if the student is faced with the question of how to prepare for the exam in 1 day, then you need to concentrate and for once strain yourself to pass the subject.


No matter how difficult the subject, it will need to be understood. The material is often very difficult to grasp. And this is a big problem. After all, no matter how phenomenal the student's memory is, what he does not understand will still not be remembered. That's why you have to be smart. The best way to remember incomprehensible material is to come up with associations. Many students do just that.

In general, it is desirable to delve into the material and catch the essence. You can parse the sentence literally by words - you can still find the meaning. And this will be the best way out, because if this ticket comes across in the exam, then the student will be able to tell everything in his own words and will not need to try to remember the wording from the abstract. By the way, most teachers appreciate it - when a student understands what he is saying. This indicates the student's knowledge of the subject.

Numbers and formulas

All of the above definitely works if the student is preparing to take a humanitarian subject (history, psychology, pedagogy, etc.). But how to prepare for the exam in 1 day if you have to answer physics, geometry, linear algebra? Here everything is much more complicated. Since it will not be possible to spontaneously prepare for such items, you need to walk on them. But there is a way out here too.

Formulas and axioms are the main assistants in solving a problem or in some kind of explanation. And you can remember them if you find in them a similarity with a number that the student knows by heart. It can be some memorable date, someone's phone number or a birthday. In formulas, it is also not uncommon to see a familiar figure or sequence.

Using your abilities

Many students are happy to talk about how to quickly and effectively prepare for the exam. And popular advice is that each student should use their own abilities. If a person has a well-developed visual memory, then he needs to reread the material. It will definitely “imprint” on a subconscious level. And if auditory memory is well developed, then it is worth pronouncing the answers to questions and tickets out loud.

And it is recommended to use motor memory. That is to write cheat sheets. And if they cannot be used in the exam, then the work certainly will not be lost. After all, the material will be absorbed much better than with ordinary cramming. Even teachers advise writing cheat sheets (they only add that they should be left at home later). Why? Everything is simple. The cheat sheet has always been a small piece of paper on which the most important, key information for the answer was written. The student, in order to write it, processed far more than one page of a textbook or abstract. Accordingly, he thought, analyzed, chose the most important and wrote it on a piece of paper. And everything was stored in his mind. So if a student is thinking about how to prepare for the exam in one night, then you should not waste time and write cheat sheets.


Above are a few tips on how to prepare for an exam the day before it's due. But not everything always goes according to plan. If a student is not used to hard study and fruitful work, then literally after an hour of processing the examination material, he will begin to get tired and fall asleep. Well, then you need to stimulate yourself in all sorts of ways.

Strong sweet coffee (natural, not instant) and dark chocolate help a lot. You can also add cinnamon, cream and milk to this drink. It's even better than pure coffee! Because in this case, the drink will provide the body not only with invigorating caffeine, but also with a considerable dose of carbohydrates. But don't drink energy drinks. It is recommended to eat nuts. And sandwiches with honey. You can also eat black bread with salmon and avocado (although not everyone in the house can find this).

And further The best way cheer up the body and stop wanting to sleep - this is physical activity. A short charge is enough! An approach of push-ups, squats, a warm-up for the shoulders and back, head rotations - and that's it, the student will definitely not be overcome by sleep for the next hour. All this should also be taken into account when thinking about how to prepare for the test in 1 day.

About the Russian Roulette Method

Many students make a big mistake. They begin to prepare questions according to the list and conscientiously select the material, simultaneously cramming it. But now the time is coming to sleep, fatigue makes itself felt, and there are still, say, 20 questions from the end. And the student thinks - okay, you don’t need to do them, they probably won’t get caught. And on the day of the exam, he gets a ticket consisting of questions that were among those 20 unfinished. Labor down the drain. So, it is better to cover all the questions and give a small answer to absolutely every one in the process of preparation. Like it or not, they all overlap with each other, and in extreme cases it will be possible to “pour water”. No need to play Russian roulette and think that an unprepared question will not come across. Usually it's the other way around.

Collective preparation

This is probably the best way. And efficient. This often happens, “X-hour” is just around the corner, and a group of careless students grabs their heads - how to prepare for the exam in one day? Ways exist, and many have already been described. But the most best method preparation - collective. A group of those same students unites (in someone's apartment or in a hostel), then they distribute questions among themselves and prepare them together. It turns out quickly and efficiently - besides, the company works better, and certainly no one will let anyone fall asleep. The main thing is to get ready for work. Otherwise, everything can turn into a party.

Before the exam

Well, the above was about how to prepare for the exam in one day. But in the end, it is worth saying a few more words on this topic.

So, it is very important to get enough sleep before giving up. Therefore, you need to start preparing in the morning in order to have time to go to bed before midnight. Arriving at the exam sleepy, yawning, dreaming of a pillow, it is unlikely that you will be able to concentrate and remember everything that was prepared. It will be a pity to waste your time.

In the morning you should eat well and recharge with caffeine. And most importantly - do not oversleep, so you need to set several alarms. And on the way to the university, repeat the material - for example, sitting in a minibus, scroll through the questions that cause the most problems.

In principle, it is realistic to prepare for the exam in one day. The main thing is to follow the above recommendations and believe in yourself.