Class notes for the implementation of extracurricular activities. Implementation of extracurricular activities in elementary school in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

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By extracurricular activities »

Teacher primary classes:

Farafonova Oksana Vasilievna


Explanatory note for extracurricular activities

« Entertaining mathematics» on the topic “In the kingdom of ingenuity”

Teacher: Oksana Vasilievna Farafonova, primary school teacher, Kamyzin Secondary School

Direction: general intellectual

Classes are held once a week.

Class characteristics: There are 11 students in the class: 6 girls and 5 boys. Of these, 5 are good students (that is, 45% of students master the program material in sufficient and high level). There are winners in the class distance olympiads, creative competitions.

The children in the class have developed educational motivation, and the students’ learning abilities are above average. It is necessary to note the high cognitive activity of the majority of students, the ability to independently creative activity. Children are very inquisitive and quick-witted when performing a variety of problematic tasks. They can work independently with a new work, in pairs and groups, and participate in project activities and mathematical games. They also know how to review, read, obtain the necessary information, both from books and from other publications (reference books, encyclopedic publications), and participate in a conversation. There are quite a lot of leaders in the class. Children know how to defend their point of view and are interested in the result cognitive activity, actively cooperate with each other to solve educational objectives.

The practical value of the lesson consists of: firstly, in mastering new forms of extracurricular activities (as a means of implementing the Federal State Educational Standard of the 2nd generation), and secondly, in creating conditions during the lesson for the manifestation cognitive activity students.

I achieve this in the following ways:

    I encourage students to express their own opinions;

    I evaluate not only the final result, but also the process of the activity;

    I encourage the student’s desire to find his own way of solving and analyze the answers (his own and his classmates’).

Extracurricular activities meet the requirements of the Federal State educational standard primary general education 2nd generation, aimed at achieving 3 groups of results (with priority to meta-subject results).

The chosen form of organizing the lesson is determined by personal characteristics students of the class (the ability to cooperate and jointly acquire knowledge), as well as the active nature of extracurricular activities.

Scenario for extracurricular activity “Entertaining mathematics”

Teacher: Oksana Vasilievna Farafonova, primary school teacher, Kamyzin Secondary School

Subject: In the kingdom of ingenuity


Creating conditions for consolidating, deepening and expanding knowledge in mathematics, development cognitive sphere, as well as the formation of cognitive interest among students by including them in solving entertaining mathematical problems.

Lesson objectives:


Updating knowledge and expanding ideas about the concept of “mathematics”.

Contribute to the formation of interest in mathematics lessons, development logical thinking, mathematical intuition, ability to analyze, apply knowledge in non-standard situations.


Development of the ability to purposefully perceive information (including from means mass media), analyze it, and draw conclusions based on it.

Development of the cognitive sphere (perception, auditory and visual attention, observation, memory, logical thinking).

Development of communication skills (listening and engaging in dialogue, participating in a collective discussion of an issue, defending, arguing one’s point of view).


Stimulating internal motivation to study mathematics, how necessary condition for self-development.

Creating conditions for the formation of cognitive interest.

Planned results (PUR):
- know collective forms of communication;

- We develop the ability to evaluate actions in accordance with a specific situation.
- accept a learning task that corresponds to the stage of learning;
- understand the action guidelines identified by the teacher in the educational material;
- evaluate the results of your actions together with the teacher and make appropriate adjustments;
Communication UUD:

We develop the ability to listen and understand others;


We develop the ability to generalize and classify according to characteristics, solve problems with ingenuity;

Regulatory UUD:

Forming the ability to evaluate learning activities in accordance with the task;

Presenter educational technology : activity method technology.

Methods and techniques: conversation; techniques for activating mental activity, modeling, design, self-assessment techniques, collaboration technology techniques.

Organization of educational space: group, individual, gaming technology

Lesson format: activity-game.

Venue: study room.


task cards,


geometric shapes.

team emblems "Circle", "Square",


I. Motivational stage. Self-determination for activity.

Communication UUD:- listen and understand the speech of others.

To argue the right thing,

So as not to know failures in life,

We go on a hike boldly

Into the world of mysteries and complex tasks.

Teacher: Dear guys. Today you are in amazing country, the land of wise men, which is called the Land of Entertaining Mathematics.

We all do exercises in the morning, and there is also exercise for the mind.

Today we will deal with it.

II. Self-determination of the topic and purpose of the lesson.


Regulatory UUD:

- find answers to the question using your life experience;

Process the information received: draw conclusions

Communication UUD:

- listen and understand the speech of others; convey your position to others: express your thoughts orally

Today we are going on a journey to the KINGDOM, and this is what you will find out when you decipher the word.

“Decipher the topic” (group work)

70-43 K 90-37 A

50-16 C 80-49 L

60-25 E 40-14 K

90-61 M 80-28 A

Well done, you and I are going to the KINGDOM OF SMART.

The motto of our lesson will be the words - DAMN, COUNT, GUESS.

And we will be accompanied by... WHO? We'll find out now.

Take the sheets and complete the tasks at my command.

Graphic dictation.

3 right, 1 down, 1 right, 1 down, 1 left, 1 down, 1 left, 1 down, 3 right, 1

down, 2 left, 1 down, 1 right, 1 down, 1 right, 1 down, 3 left, 2 up, 1

left, 2 down, 3 left, 1 up, 1 right, 1 up, 1 right, 1 up, 2 left, 1

up, 3 right, 1 up, 1 left, 1 up, 1 left, 1 up, 1 right, 1 up.

Add eyes, mouth and antenna ears.

You have achieved Knowledge of Mathematics.

He will accompany us.

A test awaits us

Let's go forward.

I open a counting competition,

And I represent the teams

III.Updating knowledge.


identify patterns and draw analogies.


Cognitive UUD:

Gain new knowledge: find answers answer questions using your life experience and information received from the teacher.

Regulatory UUD:

Learn to express your assumptions based on working with the proposed material;

Find answers to questions using your life experience;

Process the information received: draw conclusions as a result of joint work.


Regulatory UUD:

Determine and formulate goals for activities in class with the help of a teacher;

Say the sequence


Learn to express your assumptions.

In the Kingdom of Savvy, in the State of Numbers, together with numbers and signs, lived Ivan Tsarevich and Vasilisa the Beautiful. But one day trouble happened - Vasilisa disappeared.

Ivan Tsarevich suffered, grieved, but had nothing to do and decided to go in search. But where to go, where to look? Who kidnapped Vasilisa?

What tasks will we set for ourselves? (Help I-C find V.P.)

Yes, knowledge of mathematics is needed both in everyday life and in fairy tales.

So we will test our knowledge, skills, and abilities in mathematics in an unusual situation, in a new environment.

IY. Activities to realize the goals of the lesson.


Regulatory UUD:

Speak out the sequence of actions;

Learn to make your own assumptions

Cognitive UUD:

- process the information received:

draw conclusions as a result of joint work

Communication UUD:

Be able to jointly agree on rules of behavior and communication and follow them.

-And who kidnapped Vasilisa?

We will find out by completing the 1st task.

Russian heroes will go to save Vasilisa - for us these are teams

At the end of the journey, we will find out which hero will find Vasilisa first. And for this we will compete.

All that remains is to choose a name for each team. It must be mathematical

Teams, introduce yourself.

First team – “Triangle”

Here is the Triangle command

Let every schoolchild know

They will be, I want to tell them,

I can handle all the tasks!

Team captain – ,,,,,

Second team – “Circle”

The team has a second one here

All the advantages cannot be counted.

Number two is called "Circle"

Persistent and behind each other!

Team captain – ,,,,,

Before we start the game, I want to remind you that the whole team is playing.

The student who gives the correct answer receives the token. Based on the number of tokens collected, we will determine, firstly, the most active student,

secondly, the winning team. But before you give an answer, think carefully and don’t rush.

Rules of the game.

So that everything in the game goes without a hitch,

We will start it, of course, with a warm-up!

The numbers converge somewhere in the darkness

And the eyes begin to glow!

And there are only smart faces around,

Because we count in our heads.

So, I'm opening the tournament,

I wish you all success,

Think, think, don't yawn

Y. Work on the topic of the lesson

First round

Work in pairs: arrange the forest lotto cards in decreasing order, open the even numbers, what word did you get?

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


Who kidnapped Vasilisa?

But Koschey does not want to give up and asks us tricky questions.

1) Oral counting.

1. Playing field (slide)

Make up multiplication and division examples with square results.

I'm starting

(children’s answers: 6*6=36.2*6=12.1*6=6.6*7=42.56:8=7.63:9=7,)

2. Make up all possible three digit numbers , using the numbers - 1, 4 8, so that they do not repeat. Give a description of any number.


3.Logical tasks.

Questions are asked alternately to the first and second teams.

1. A goose weighs 3 kg. How much will he weigh if he stands on one leg?(3)

2. Three horses ran 30 km. How far did each horse run?(30)

3. 7 crows were sitting, one was shot. How many are left?(6)

4. A ruler has 4 corners, if one corner is cut off, how many corners will remain? (5)

5. Add 7 to 5. How to write correctly: “eleven” or “eleven”? (12)

6. How many colors does the rainbow have?(7)

Second round

Let's help Ivan Tsarevich choose the right path.

Second round we are starting

We will find out the winners.

There are puzzles and charades here.

There will be rewards for everyone for solving the puzzle.

“Guess the rebus” (Slide)

Task 2. 21, 19, 30, 25, 3, 12, 9, 15, 20,27.

From these numbers you need to select and write down three numbers that add up to 60. Write down all possible options.

For each correct answer - 1 point

Test yourself (slide)

Task 3.

Challenges for ingenuity

YI. Exercise for the eyes

Well done, guys!

Let's see how the butterfly moves and put it on a flower.

(we watch only with our eyes)

Breathing exercises

Let's take a breath of relief. Let's breathe evenly, calmly.

Let's stand quietly. Let's reach out to the sun, palms up.

Inhale noisily through the nose, exhale smoothly and calmly through the mouth.

Close one half of the nose, inhale through one half of the nose, exhale through the other.

Inhale through your nose, and as you exhale say: “Aw!”

Massage for nose and ears. Massage your earlobes. Pull down on your ears, and then on the middle. Pull the ear to the side.

3) What number should be put in place of the asterisks for the entry to be correct?

Third round: Geometric.

Refreshed and with new strength, we will continue our journey. Won't you be afraid, won't you be afraid?

1) Game “Guess the figure” (Front work)

    Four sides, four right angles, all sides equal. (Square)

    Three corners, three vertices, three sides. (Triangle)

    Four corners, four sides, the sides are not equal. (Quadrangle)

4. Four right angles, four sides, opposite sides equal. (Rectangle)


The sun is high. The path is far away. I-C got tired on the road, he decided to lie down and rest. And you and I will also rest and do exercises.

Exercises for the neck, eyes, body.

Neck down - back, left - right.

Hands on the waist, tilts left and right.

Pull your shoulders back, straighten your chest, squeeze your shoulder blades together.

Close your eyes tightly in fear, open them wide, and are surprised.

They blinked often, often.

We draw a circle, a triangle, a square, a figure eight.

2) Task (Group work ) (Slide)

Divide a square with side 4 cm by 4 equal sides in different ways.

Examination. Divide the square on a magnetic marker board into parts.

3) A task for ingenuity. (Group work )

Around a square flower bed you need to place 14 pebbles so that there are the same number of pebbles along each side. Draw how to do this?

YII.Summing up the lesson.


Regulatory UUD:

Learn together with the teacher and other students give assessment activities of comrades;

Form positive learning motivation

So we did it. With our help he freed

Ivan Tsarevich Vasilisa, our heroes have returned to their fairy tale, to the kingdom of ingenuity. Thank us for your help. And they say:

Guys! Love fairy tales, read fairy tales, a huge amazing world miracles, beauty, goodness. Be friends with mathematics. Armed with knowledge, you will overcome any difficulties and be able to help many more heroes.

YIII. Reflection

Regulatory UUD:

monitoring one’s activities in the course or results of completing a task, evaluating one’s activities.

Personal UUD:

work on self-esteem and adequate understanding of the reasons for success/failure in educational activities.

The guys speak in a circle in one sentence, choosing the beginning of a phrase from the reflective screen on the board):

1.Today I found out...

2. It was interesting...

3.It was difficult...

4.I completed tasks...

5.I realized that...

6.Now I can...

7.I did it...

8. I was surprised...

9.I'll try...

The number of tokens is counted, the winning team is announced, and the best participants in the game are named.

Teacher: Congratulations to the winners and participants of the game. Well done to all of you! I wish you to carry your love for mathematics, “the queen of all sciences,” throughout your life. Let your ingenuity and strong knowledge help you cope with any mathematical problem, and let the solutions be easy and interesting for you. I wish that there are no unsolved problems in your life.

I want to end our lesson with the words of J. J. Rousseau

“You are talented, children! Someday you yourself will be pleasantly surprised at how smart you are, how much and how well you can do, if you constantly work on yourself, set new goals and strive to achieve them...”

IX. Homework

Make a rebus


    Agarkova N.V. Unboring mathematics. 1 – 4 grades. Entertaining mathematics. Volgograd: “Teacher”, 2010.

    Agafonova I. Learning to think. Entertaining logic problems, tests and exercises for children 8 – 11 years old. S. – Petersburg, 2006.

    Belyakova O.I. Mathematical circle classes. 3 – 4 grades. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2008.

    Entertaining tasks for little ones. Moscow 2004.

    Mathematics. Extracurricular activities in elementary school. G.T.Dyachkova. Volgograd 2007.

Review of the extracurricular activity “In the Kingdom of Ingenuity”

Goal – Creating conditions for consolidating, deepening and expanding knowledge in mathematics, developing the cognitive sphere, as well as developing cognitive interest among students by involving them in solving entertaining mathematical problems.

The teacher, based on the goal, chose unconventional form extracurricular activities (game) - “In the kingdom of ingenuity.” The choice of the lesson form is determined by the testing of modern forms of organization educational process for the purpose of implementing the Federal State Educational Standard for primary general education.

To achieve the goal, the technology of the activity-based teaching method is used, the peculiarity of which is that children independently “discover” knowledge in the process of independent research activities. The teacher only directs this activity and finally sums it up, giving a precise formulation of these concepts. The lesson is aimed at achieving such personal results,

The teacher, using a variety of methodological means, forms such meta-subject results as the ability to use language in order to find the necessary information in various sources to solve educational problems; desire for a more accurate expression of one’s own opinion and position; ability to ask questions.

The lesson is built on the principle of educational dialogue. The form of the lesson, the methodological tools used by the teacher in this lesson, contribute to the development of the ability to use knowledge in non-standard situation, develop children’s independence and initiative in choosing the necessary means of solving an educational task.

The teacher promotes the formation of self-control and self-esteem in students (awareness of areas of knowledge and ignorance, the ability to find a mistake and correct it, compare the results obtained with the purpose of the educational task).

The lesson was carried out connection between the material being studied and life, usage meta-subject connections (literary reading, environment, mathematics).

The effectiveness of the lesson is indicated by the students’ high cognitive interest and awareness of answers on the topic of the lesson during subsequent lessons.

Summary of a lesson on extracurricular activities on the topic: "Polite words. Request"

Job description: the lesson contains exercises in the use of polite words, small dramatizations illustrating the importance of “magic words”, children are asked to analyze situations and figure out how to act politely; children learn and systematize knowledge about the difference between a request and an order. This lesson is intended for the implementation of extracurricular activities in the social, scientific and educational areas in accordance with Federal State Educational Standards NOO; The lesson material is aimed at developing communication skills in junior schoolchildren.
Godlevskaya Natalya Borisovna, student of group Sh-31, Yeisk Pedagogical College
Type of lesson: combined.
Class technology: gaming, collective interaction.
Educational goal: teach to use various means of expressing politeness; introduce etiquette expressions of request; teach how to choose the appropriate means of expressing a request for a given situation; use intonation as a means of politely making requests.
Developmental goal: develop children's speech, thinking, vocabulary.
Educational goal: cultivate a culture of communication, a culture of behavior in society, unity children's group, build a sense of camaraderie.
Formation of UUD:
Personal UUD:
1) formation of readiness and ability of students for self-development
2) formation of motivation for learning and cognition
3) the formation of a holistic, socially oriented view of the world in its organic unity and diversity of nature
4) formation of a respectful attitude towards other opinions
Regulatory UUD:
1) mastering the ability to accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activities, searching for means of its implementation
2) mastering ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature
3) developing the ability to understand the reasons for the success/failure of educational activities and the ability to act constructively even in situations of failure
4) mastering the initial forms of cognitive and personal reflection
5) mastery of basic information about the essence and characteristics of objects, processes and phenomena of reality
Cognitive UUD:
1) awareness of the integrity of the surrounding world, the elementary rules of moral behavior in the world and people.
2) formation of the ability to adequately, consciously and voluntarily construct a speech utterance in oral speech
3) establishing cause-and-effect relationships, constructing a logical chain of reasoning, proof
Communication UUD:
1) developing the ability to construct a speech utterance in accordance with communication tasks and compose texts orally
2) developing the ability to use speech means and means for solving communicative and cognitive problems
3) developing the ability to listen and engage in dialogue.
Equipment: computer, projector, presentation (the content of the slides is indicated during the lesson)

Progress of the lesson

Teacher: Guys, today the cat Leopold came to our lesson. Leopold the cat wants to tell you about a very important quality of any well-mannered person. Compare two situations:
1) Denis said:
- Nikita, give me a pencil, and quickly.
2) Sasha asked:
- Nikita, please give me a pencil, otherwise mine is broken.
Teacher: Tell me, how are these requests different? (the first one is impolite, and the second one is polite)
Who do you think Nikita will give the pencil to? Why? Raise your hand if you have already guessed what Leopold the cat will tell you about.
Teacher: Today you will learn about polite words and how to make a request correctly. Guys, what does polite mean?

Polite - observing the rules of decency, well-mannered

Teacher: Where should the rules of decency be observed? (everywhere) Politeness is one of the most important qualities educated person. Previously, the word “vezha” meant “expert” - one who knows the rules of decency and forms of expressing good attitude towards people.
Teacher: Guys, think about how you can be polite? (gestures, facial expressions, polite words) What polite words do you know? To better remember polite words, we will play the game “Say the Word.” Whoever knows the answer raises his hand.

Having met a bunny, the hedgehog is a neighbor
Tells him: "..." (Hello!)
And his neighbor is big-eared
Answers: “Hedgehog, …” (Hello!)
To the Octopus Flounder
On Monday I swam
And on Tuesday goodbye
She said to her: “…” (Goodbye!)
Clumsy dog ​​Kostya
The mouse stepped on its tail.
They would quarrel
But he said “…” (Sorry!)
Wagtail from the shore
Dropped a worm
And fish for a treat
She gurgled: “…” (Thank you!)
Sang wonderfully among the branches
Vocal nightingale,
And to him all over the oak grove
The sparrows shouted: "..." (Bravo!)
Fat cow Lula
She was eating hay and sneezed.
So as not to sneeze again,
We will tell her: “…” (Be healthy!)

Teacher: Well done! Guys call polite words magic. Why are they called that? With the help of magic words you can even sad or offended person return good mood. Polite words have a “magical” effect on a person. Listen to Valentina Oseeva’s story “The Magic Word” and get ready to answer questions.

Valentina Oseeva "The Magic Word"

A little old man with a long gray beard was sitting on a bench and drawing something in the sand with an umbrella.
“Move over,” Pavlik told him and sat down on the edge.

Lena opened her eyes wide. Her fingers unclenched, and, taking her hand off the table, she muttered embarrassedly:
- Which one do you want?
“I’ll have the blue one,” Pavlik said timidly.
He took the paint, held it in his hands, walked around the room with it and gave it to his sister. He didn't need paint. He was now thinking only about the magic word.
“I’ll go to my grandmother. She's just cooking. Will he drive away or not?
Pavlik opened the door to the kitchen. The old woman was removing hot pies from the baking sheet.
The grandson ran up to her, turned her red, wrinkled face with both hands, looked into her eyes and whispered:
– Give me a piece of pie... please.
Grandma straightened up. The magic word shone in every wrinkle, in the eyes, in the smile.
- I wanted something hot... something hot, my darling! – she said, choosing the best, rosy pie.

Pavlik jumped for joy and kissed her on both cheeks.
"Wizard! Wizard!" - he repeated to himself, remembering the old man.
At dinner, Pavlik sat quietly and listened to his brother’s every word. When his brother said that he would go boating, Pavlik put his hand on his shoulder and quietly asked:
- Take me, please.
Everyone at the table immediately fell silent. The brother raised his eyebrows and grinned.
“Take it,” the sister suddenly said. - What is it worth to you!
- Well, why not take it? - Grandma smiled. - Of course, take it.
“Please,” Pavlik repeated.
The brother laughed loudly, patted the boy on the shoulder, ruffled his hair:
- Oh, you traveler! Okay, get ready!
“It helped! It helped again!”
Pavlik jumped out from the table and ran into the street. But the old man was no longer in the park. The bench was empty, and only incomprehensible signs drawn by an umbrella remained on the sand.

Teacher: Why did Pavlik want to run away from home?
Why was he upset?
What magic word did the old man say to Pavlik?
How should you say the magic word? (looking straight into the eyes, in a quiet voice)
How did the magic word help Pavlik?
Why did Pavlik want to return to the old man?
Teacher: The word turned out to be truly magical. Guys, raise your hands if you have already had to ask for something. What is a request?

A request is a polite address to someone, urging them to do something.

Teacher: Guys, how can you express your request? (gestures, facial expressions, words) Now two of you will show a skit, and you will need to voice it. (before class, the teacher warns two children)
Scene: There is a chair on which one of the students is sitting. One wordlessly asks the other to give way.
Teacher: How was the request expressed? How to express it with words? Now two of you will show this scene, only with words.
Teacher: And now two more will show both with words and gestures.
Teacher: Guys, Leopold the cat has prepared “Dictionaries of Polite Words” for you. (Appendix 1) The attendants distribute one dictionary to each person. Read the polite words to yourself. Reading aloud the words of the first column. Reading aloud the words of the second column.

Teacher: What words have you never used in your speech before? Let's make sentences-requests with these phrases. Let's create a phrase with the first word, the second, etc. based on a dictionary of polite words.
Teacher: Guys, do you think that after these words you want to fulfill the request? Now we will learn to correctly express a request. And the plan will help us with this.

1. Appeal.
2. Please help.
3. Gratitude.

Teacher: The request should be made in this sequence. Where do we start? If this is your peer, then we will address him by name. And if an adult - by name and patronymic. Next is the request itself. What must be included in a request? (magic word) And when they answer us with consent, we must thank the person.
Teacher: Now everyone will choose who he will turn to with a request, say it to himself, and then voice it. Whoever is ready will raise his hand. You have 1 minute.
Teacher: Well done. Now listen to the excerpt and determine which fairy tale it is from.

Then the girl told him sternly:
-Pull your leg out from under you and lower it under the table. Don't eat with your hands; that's what spoons and forks are for.

Teacher: What fairy tale is this excerpt from? This is an excerpt from Alexei Tolstoy’s fairy tale “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio.” Determine whether Malvina used the request when talking with Buratino. So what did Malvina use when addressing Pinocchio? (order) What words did she use? What is the difference between an order and a request?
The slide displays the differences between a request and an order.

Teacher: Read how an order and a request are constructed silently. The request contains magic words, and in the order? (No)
A request is made in a quiet voice, looking straight into the eyes, but an order? (Strict, commanding intonation.)
A request is fulfilled at will, but an order? (Required.)
Teacher: Now let’s return to the excerpt from the fairy tale “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio.” How did you have to tell Malvina to make Pinocchio want to do everything? Correct Malvina's words.
Teacher: Now let's act out a scene. In the skit, Malvina will use a request, not an order, and Pinocchio will fulfill Malvina’s request.
Teacher: An excerpt from the cartoon “The Return of the Prodigal Parrot” will help us see the difference between a request and an order.
Teacher: Who gave the order? Who is the request?
Teacher: Politeness manifests itself not only in words, but also in deeds. Listen to several situations and determine who acts politely and who does not.
Situation 1. The boy shouted to a passerby: “What time is it?”
Questions: Will the passerby answer the boy? Correct the situation so that it makes a polite request.
Situation 2. Two boys collided at the door. They just can't separate.
Questions: Which of them should give way if one is 8 years old and the other is 11 years old?
Situation 3. The teacher asked a question to the class. Anya knows the answer and, as befits a student, raised her hand to answer. And Styopa shouted out the answer, not allowing the other guys to answer.
Questions: Who was rude? What should Styopa have done?
Situation 4. During recess, the teacher was talking with a teacher from a parallel class. But Olya urgently needed to ask something, and she interrupted the conversation.
Questions: Who was rude? What should Ole have done?
Situation 5. Petya came to Katya’s birthday party. Petya prepared words for congratulations, but Katya immediately snatched the gift from Petya’s hands from the threshold and began to remove the wrapper, without yet inviting the guest into the house.
Questions: Who was rude? What should Katya have done?
Teacher: Our lesson has come to an end.
1. What did Leopold the cat introduce you to today?
2. How to write a request correctly?
3. Name polite words.

One of the main innovations of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard was the need to revise the process of organizing extracurricular work for schoolchildren. — a set of activities (except for training), the implementation of which contributes to children’s successful mastery of the basic educational program— allows us to guarantee the achievement of a number of objectives, which include the following:

The maximum permissible number of hours allocated for outdoor activities educational activities according to Federal State Educational Standards

The main planning document is used as a supporting act in the analysis of extracurricular activities for last year Therefore, not only the effectiveness of the work of the teaching staff, but also the effectiveness of the final monitoring depends on the quality of its preparation.

When planning student activities outside of school hours, the following factors should be considered:

  1. The share of classroom activities should not exceed 50% of the total leisure time activity.
  2. Extracurricular work should be characterized by a focus on software requirements and cognitive needs of children.
  3. The time allocated for meaningful leisure does not depend on the maximum permissible academic load of schoolchildren.
  4. Extracurricular activities should be implemented in forms different from traditional classroom activities.
  5. The implementation of the main educational complex and leisure activities must be separated by a dynamic pause lasting 40 minutes.
  6. The system of extracurricular activities should include both regular classes and intensive classes - content-rich, complex forms of organizing leisure time (expeditions, hikes, excursions).
  7. The selection of groups for different types of activities should not be based on age, but in accordance with the interests of students. The group size should not exceed 15 people. In cases where the number of applicants significantly exceeds the completeness indicators, if human and material and technical resources are available, it is recommended to divide one class-set into subgroups.

Program of extracurricular activities according to the Federal State Educational Standard

The software for the extracurricular work complex is compiled on the basis sample programs, adapted taking into account the peculiarities of the school’s functioning, or based on author’s developments teaching staff. It is allowed to use two types of programs, corresponding to individual and age characteristics students:

  • methodological recommendations developed for schoolchildren of a certain age group;
  • comprehensive programs designed for the entire period of study. Such program documents are divided into stages in accordance with the stages of training.

Contents of the selected programs for organizing extracurricular activities according to the Federal State Educational Standard should reflect the characteristics of meaningful leisure, goals and objectives of extracurricular work, and planned results. If the school implements extracurricular work in several areas, it is important to reflect in the main methodological document the modules corresponding to the various areas of training and education.

The number of extracurricular and classroom activities (which should not exceed 50% of total number activity) is another important point of program content, which can be implemented both in a separate class and in study groups, compiled in accordance with the interests of schoolchildren.

A well-developed program of extracurricular activities is approved at pedagogical council and certified by the head of the educational organization.

Work program for extracurricular activities

During methodological development content of leisure time for school students, teachers are often faced with the need to adapt and develop several program documents, which makes it possible to maximally satisfy the social order and create educational institution complex additional education.

In modern pedagogical science It is customary to distinguish the following types of programs for extracurricular activities:

  1. Methodological developments dedicated to training in one area (for example, a school-wide program on tourism activities, containing recommendations for working with different age groups of children).
  2. Comprehensive programs implemented to ensure the transfer of extracurricular activities to a qualitatively new level.
  3. Thematic work programs for extracurricular activities, providing for educational work on a number of problematic issues.
  4. Software developments used to help schoolchildren achieve a certain level of knowledge and skills (for example, awareness basic rules behavior in society).
  5. Age-specific, compiled taking into account the age factor.
  6. Author's programs reflecting regional features, individual educational needs of children or priority areas for the development of educational institutions.

Extracurricular activities in primary school

Interaction with children outside of school hours in primary school is of particular importance in view of the need to introduce younger schoolchildren to a comprehensive educational work. In fact, it is the efforts of a responsible teacher that often determine the level of educational motivation and activity of the younger generation, openness to everything new, willingness to embark on educational experiments, and try oneself in different types leisure activities.

Psychological support service specialists note that extracurricular time creates optimal conditions to facilitate the process of adaptation of a primary school student to new living conditions. While participating in leisure activities, children get to know each other and the teacher, show different facets of their talent, and overcome stiffness and embarrassment. Therefore it is important that organization of extracurricular leisure activities in primary school was subject to the following principles:

  1. The principle of taking into account age and individual factors.
  2. The principle of ensuring communicative activity.
  3. Maintaining continuity between main and extracurricular educational work.
  4. The principle of combining individual, group and collective forms of interaction.
  5. The principle of voluntary participation.
  6. The principle of entertaining and novel content of educational material.

Extracurricular activities of junior schoolchildren

Leisure work in elementary school differs from the basic component of extracurricular activities in its simplicity organizational structure, which is caused by the unformed interests of younger schoolchildren. In practice, classes that are conducted outside the basic educational block can be divided into two categories:

  • organizing activities in classrooms;
  • offsite events.

A change of environment has a beneficial effect on the activity of students, so work in the classroom should be organized according to principles that are qualitatively different from the lesson ones. Even rearranging classroom furniture according to one of the presented schemes can have an unexpectedly positive effect:

The use of non-traditional pedagogical practices and innovative educational solutions allows you to create an atmosphere of creativity and achieve the basic goals of the organization extracurricular activities and meaningful leisure for younger schoolchildren:

  1. Ensure the process of successful adaptation of children in primary school.
  2. Increase the level of motivation for learning, active knowledge of the world around you, and creative pursuits.
  3. Form positive qualities personality, to ensure a high moral and cultural level of students.
  4. Ensure a positive emotional microclimate in the classroom.

Analysis of extracurricular activities

The functioning of the complex of leisure activities at school should not be chaotic and disjointed. In light of the need to systematically improve the organization and implementation of extracurricular pedagogical work At the end of the school year, it is advisable to conduct monitoring to identify the level of demand for club and sectional work, the attitude of schoolchildren and their parents to the proposed types of activities, and to determine the features of the current social order.

Based on the results of the monitoring carried out, a analysis of school extracurricular activities- a basic reporting document that can be drawn up in descriptive form including graphs and tables. The structure of this document should include the following subsections:

  1. List of regular classes (clubs, sections) and intensive activities (hikes, field trips) conducted during the year.
  2. Comparison of indicators of student involvement in extracurricular activities for the past and present academic years. Analysis of results.
  3. Data from a survey of children and parents, on the basis of which it is possible to identify the most popular forms and types of additional education.
  4. Results of a complex of extracurricular activities (assessment data, list of student achievements).
  5. Development of route sheets for improving the extracurricular educational complex.

Technological map of art studio classes as part of extracurricular activities

Topic: “Color science. Seven-colored miracle"

Target: creating conditions for the creative execution of drawings on the theme “The Seven-Color Miracle.”

Tasks: 1. Formation of knowledge and skills in sequential depiction of the colors of the rainbow;

2. Formation of the ability to independently determine the goals of one’s learning, set and formulate new tasks to achieve creative success;

3. Development imaginative thinking;

4. Preservation and support of the individuality of students;

5. Promoting the development of aesthetic taste, the ability to perceive the aesthetics of natural objects, and express one’s attitude artistic means;

6. Cultivating interest in the subject area “Fine Arts”.

Equipment: A4 sheets, watercolor paints, brushes, laptop and multimedia presentation, stripes (parts of the rainbow) for working in pairs.

Formed UUD:

Subject: Know concepts of “color”, “tone”; “colorless paints”; master the basics of the language of painting; distinguish between primary and composite, warm and cool colors; master the basics of color science in practice. The ability to use the listed paints to change the nature of primary and composite colors.

Metasubject: developing the ability to see and perceive manifestations artistic culture in the surrounding life; learn to transform practical problem into cognitive; recognize, name and identify objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality.

Personal: nurturing an oriented view of the world in the diversity of nature; respect for other opinions; aesthetic needs; developing cooperation skills.

Lesson stages

Stage objectives

Teacher activities

Student activities

Formed UUD

    Organizational. Self-determination for activity.

General readiness of children for classes; mood, concentration of students.

Greetings. Checking readiness for class. Choice effective way(techniques) of concentrating children’s attention and creating an emotional mood for working together.

Hello guys! I welcome you to another art studio class. Let's smile at each other and at me and get a charge of positive energy, which is so necessary for us in today's lesson. Music from the cartoon “From a Smile...” plays.

Self-monitoring when ready.

Reaction to the words and actions of the teacher; to music.

Personal: ability to self-organize.

Regulatory: the ability to regulate one's actions.

    Stage of motivation and updating of knowledge.

Attracting children's attention to identifying the topic of the lesson. Creating conditions for children to develop an internal need to engage in the creative process.

Organization of active dialogue.

Invites you to guess the topic of the lesson based on the melody you listen to.

Organizes an immersion into the topic:

You made your assumptions about the topic of our lesson. To make sure these assumptions are correct, guess the riddle:

What a wonderful beauty!

painted gate

Showed up on the way!

You can't drive into them

Neither enter! /rainbow/

Emotionally imaginative attitude to the lesson.

Determine the topic of the lesson and express your assumptions.

They listen and guess the riddle, confirm the stated hypotheses that the lesson is dedicated to the rainbow.

Formulate the topic of the lesson.

Cognitive: the ability to consciously construct your statement.

Personal: development of emotional-narrative responsiveness; motivation to learn new things.

Regulatory: control the correctness and accuracy of peers’ answers.

3. Setting goals and objectives.

Organizing a discussion among children when setting goals and objectives for this lesson.

Leads the children to identify the goals and objectives of this lesson.

How many of you have seen a rainbow in nature?

What conditions are necessary for a rainbow to appear? Guess what we have to learn and remember today.

What else do you think will be discussed in today's lesson?

Let's try to make a plan for our lesson.

Listen carefully to the words of the teacher and peers.

They express their assumptions.

They give clear answers to the questions asked.

Determine the goals and objectives of the lesson.

Together they discuss a rough plan of action for completing the work.

Cognitive: building a logical chain of reasoning; development and deepening of the needs and motives of educational and cognitive activity.

Regulatory: Mutual control of the correctness of statements. Action planning.

Personal: awareness of choice; personal experience.

Communicative: collaboration with the teacher and peers.

    Systematization of knowledge on the topic.

Generalization and systematization of knowledge about the colors of the rainbow; about Newton's discovery about the order of their arrangement.

Informs students about who and when discovered what colors were “hidden” in the rainbow.

Offers to remember the location of colors in the rainbow using associations.

Organizes work in small groups aimed at memorizing the colors of the rainbow and their location.

You are already out of your own life experience remembered what conditions are necessary for a rainbow to appear. This remarkable natural phenomenon attracted the attention of not only ordinary observers, but also real scientists. So, the English scientist Newton also became interested in how this phenomenon occurs. He passed a beam of sunlight through a glass prism and found that sunlight, which appears transparent to us, actually consists of 7 colors. Newton noticed that these colors are always located in a certain order. The sequence of colors of the rainbow is easy to remember if you learn the phrase: “Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits” (by the first letters of the colors of the rainbow)

I suggest you work in pairs and make your own rainbow from the stripes, applying the knowledge you have acquired.

Listen carefully to the words of the teacher and peers.

Remember the order of the colors.

View the presentation slides.

They answer the questions asked.

They interact in pairs while completing the task.

Cognitive: applying the acquired knowledge in one’s own activities.

Regulatory: accept and maintain educational goals and objectives; plan your activities in accordance with them.

Communication skills: listening and dialogue skills; enrichment key competencies artistic and aesthetic content.

    Creative practical activity.

Carrying out a drawing on the topic of the lesson in compliance with the rules expressive means. Practicing the technique: conducting

continuous colorful lines

The use of the listed paints to change the nature of the basic and

composite flowers.

Development creativity students.

Organizes the activities of students to apply new knowledge. During practical work, performs frontal, individual, preventive control.

So, you have wonderful rainbows on your desks. Don't forget that each color has its own mood. What do you think: what is the mood of the color red? The blue one? Etc.

Now let's try to depict a rainbow using watercolors.

Before work, let’s remember the artist’s rules (rules of working in art classes, with a brush, with paints, etc.)

We can get started!

For those who complete it earlier than others, there is an additional task: finish painting the background and decorate the lawn.

Pleasant music sounds that encourages creativity.

They give complete and clear answers to the questions asked.

Show imagination and creative imagination.

They remember and correctly formulate the rules of the artist that they know.

Perform a creative task.

Regulatory: organize independent artistic and creative activities, choose means for implementation artistic design.

Cognitive: independently create an activity algorithm; apply knowledge in your own artistic and creative activities; use different means artistic expression to convey your own ideas.

Personal: the ability to distinguish and convey character, emotional state and one’s attitude towards art in artistic and creative activities.

    Control of assimilation, discussion of completed work.

Analysis of completed work. Discussion of mistakes made and their correction.

Organizes an exhibition of children's works.

Introduces the criteria for evaluating creative work.

Ensures children have a positive reaction to their classmates’ creativity. Forms the ability to adequately evaluate the work of one’s own and others.

Analyze their own and classmates’ work in accordance with the criteria.

They express their own opinions.

Personal: moral and aesthetic assessment of creative activity; tolerant acceptance of the work of others.

Regulatory: adequately perceive the teacher’s assessment and peer feedback; evaluate the results of your work during the lesson.

Communication skills: ability to listen and engage in dialogue; participate in a collective discussion of content and means of expression creative works.


Formation of the ability to evaluate oneself. Summing up the lesson.

Suggests returning to the purpose and objectives of this lesson and drawing conclusions about the lesson. Assess your emotional mood after work.

What do you think: did we manage to accomplish everything planned?

Have we achieved our goals and objectives?

Determine your emotional state after creative work: using the “Flower of Moods”.

What was new for you in the lesson?

What was easy?

What difficulties did you experience?

What else would you like to ask adults about or read in books about this topic?

Remember the goals and objectives of the lesson set at the beginning. Analyze and draw conclusions. Assess their knowledge, skills and abilities on this topic.

Personal: emotional and value-based attitude to the surrounding world; ability and interest in observing natural phenomena.

Regulatory: the ability to adequately evaluate the results of one’s work.

Cognitive: understand the importance of art in human life.