Brief description of Italy in English. Italian traditions can be divided

And we continue our column “Is English necessary when traveling around the world?” A very rare section, I must admit)) And all because someone got busy. But that’s not about that now.

Now let’s talk about whether English is needed in Italy. What language do you use to communicate with locals? In which language is there a variety of textual information in Italy?

Street signs, cafe menus, signs and more with lots of photographic evidence from Venice, Rome, Naples and Pompeii. And also a life hack on how to understand Italian without knowing it!

And Italian is better!

The main linguistic observation in Italy is that knowing English is good, of course, but knowing Italian is even better))

In tourist places, employees speak English at the very least. This does not always result in a meaningful dialogue, but the chance of meeting an English-speaking employee is still great)) That is, walking along the beaten path is quite safe.

But take a step left and go to a regular city supermarket - we love everything authentic! - may turn out to be a full-fledged quest. Only hardcore, only hardcore.

In this regard, Italy is very similar to Russia: in both countries, only a very small part of the population can speak English.

English in Italy

However, it cannot be said that the English language in Italy is completely useless.

Firstly, information about attractions aimed at tourists is, of course, in English.

But the majority still go to Italy as tourists with must-see places - the Colosseum, Forum, Pompeii and beyond with all the stops. Here all the information is duplicated in English, so that no one leaves ignorant))

Abstract in the Vatican Museum:

Information plaque in Italian and English at the Roman Forum:

Information in English only in Pompeii:

A dire warning inside the Colosseum))) Did someone really think of writing on the walls of the Colosseum?

Menu in the Venetian cafe:

Documents for hotel accommodation in Naples, a mixture of French with Nizhny Novgorod Italian and English:


Not without mistakes, yes)) Errors of varying degrees of severity, but at least people thought about tourists! Get tense! Google Translate is open! Hired a first-year student )))

This Left baggage / luggage is a ubiquitous phenomenon. But pardon me, left luggage evokes completely different associations. And here we mean a storage room. I even understand the logic - this is the place where you can leave your suitcases and go for a walk. But it's still confusing.

I don't even know where to start. It looks like it's Google Translate from start to finish:

And this was - for a moment - the entrance to the pompous monument Altar of the Fatherland in Rome:

That is, there are mistakes, but for the most part there is information in English in popular places.

True, not without exceptions. The most popular tourist place of Pompeii and the ad is only on Italian. Although, in principle, everything is clear:

This was “first” if someone has already switched off)) About the fact that for the most part in popular places the information is duplicated in English.

English to the rescue!

Secondly, English in Italy is useful at least because it helps you guess the meaning of Italian words.

For example, "ferrovia". Knowing the Latin root ferrum (you don’t need to know Latin, because ferrum is also an element of the periodic table) and the English via (which also turns out to be from Latin, hehe)), you can guess that this is a “railway”.

Or "partenze", very similar to "departures":

"Pubblicita", similar to "publish" / "publication", together with the surrounding context, removes all doubts:

Or here is the train schedule in Pompeii, where the meaning of festivi becomes clear by analogy with in English words"festive", "festival":

And in Naples there is a magnificent ancient staircase, not particularly well-trodden by tourists, by the way, with a sign like this:

Is everything really clear? And what is Centro Storico Di Napoli, what is Patrimonio Unesco; and what is “pedamentina” (because we just went down it and because we know the words bicycle and PEDALI))); and what is “secolo” (because with such a format of numbers next to it, what else could it be?) And if suddenly there are any doubts, let’s discuss in the comments!

And here is the staircase - the most gorgeous views of Naples all the way, and the staircase itself is very atmospheric:

About the context

The role of context is generally difficult to overestimate. Without him, I would never have guessed what “per” means in Italian. But coupled with the arrow and the Venetian names Rialto and San Marco, “per” takes on the meaning of direction:

However, before I had time to enlighten myself, having comprehended the meaning of “per,” “alla ferrovia” was waiting for me literally on the next corner in exactly the same context. And that’s why there is “alla” here and “per” there?

And look how well the dove sits on the lantern!))

Well, in the Roman metro there are no mysterious “alla”, only the native “per”:

In Pompeii, an identification sign hangs in front of the entrance to a citizen’s house:

Well, that means context rules again, and “casa” is “house”. By the way, this is my favorite pastime with unfamiliar languages ​​- guessing the meanings of words)) And a funny observation: after I learned the meaning of the word “casa”, I began to hear (identify!) it in snatches of conversations of Italians!

Well, sometimes everything is clear without words)) Entrance to the church:

Instead of a resume

So is English necessary in Italy?

If you choose between Italian and English, it is better, of course, to know Italian.

But if you choose between English and the absence of it, it is better to speak English than not... As I wrote above, knowing English will at least help you guess the meaning of messages in Italian))

What is your experience of traveling around Italy and using foreign languages? Is English needed in Italy?

Gordeeva Maria. School No. 56, Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk region, Russia
Essay on English with translation. Nomination Our world.

My Venice

I am keen on traveling. I have visited a lot of countries. But mostly I am fond of Italy! This country is a historical center of world culture. Italy impressed me.

I was in Italy with my mother. We decided to visit Venice. I think it was really exciting, because Venice is like another world. I couldn’t wait to see this wonderful place, and I dreamed to visit it. I had been looking forward to that day.

In the morning I and my mom were waiting for the bus, which would bring us to the port. It was early morning, so I was very sleepy, but I was dreaming about Venice. Then, other tourists came to the bus stop. We hadn't been waiting very long, the bus came on time. The way to the port wasn’t long. I looked through the window and saw a lot of shops, one or two churches. While we were sitting in the bus, our guide was telling some information about Venice. In the port we went on board ship. The sea voyage was perfect and unforgettable. The sea and sky were marine and sun was shining. It was sea breeze and I like it very much. When we arrived in Venice first I saw many little souvenir shops, a lot of tourists from different countries. Mother and I decided to take a gondola and float along narrow channels. We saw Marco Polo’s house, Casanova’s house and other houses of Italian famous people. Then we walked along little crowded streets buying gifts and presents for father, grannies and friends. We also were at the famous square, where there are many pigeons. They were flying around us. It was one of the best in my life. I liked Venice very much.

I also visited Rome last year. This picturesque and beautiful city amazed me! First I saw the world famous Coliseum. It was so huge, but graceful and elegant. In the evening it was illuminated with lots of lights and looked perfect. In Rome I visited a lot of different ancient places, for example: National Monument of Victor Emmanuel II, Saint Peter`s Square, Trevi Fountain and etc.

I want to tell more about these sights. National Monument of Victor Emmanuel II is a beautiful building, which includes many columns and statues. It stands out for its white color and looks like a beautiful palace or some people called it “fiancee’s cake”.

Another sight is Saint Peter`s Square. This square is very big and there are always many people. There is an Egyptian obelisk in the middle of the square. There situated Saint Peter`s Cathedral. I have never seen so huge and magnificent basilica! There were statues and monuments of Saint Helena, Saint Andrew, Saint Peter etc. I saw Michelangelo’s Pieta and a lot of gravestones of Roman papas.

What a splendid place is Trevi Fountain! I was here only at night, so I don’t how it looks like during the noon. But at night there was a lot of lights and it seemed like water was shining. In the middle there was Neptune sitting on the sea shell and near were tritons and sea horses. My mum and I threw two coins into the fountain so that we will come to Rome again.

In conclusion, I would like to say that Italy combines history and beauty of the world. I am fond of this country and I want to visit it more and more times.

I'm interested in traveling. I have visited many countries. But mostly I'm passionate about Italy! This country is the historical center of world culture. Italy made an impression on me.

I was in Italy with my mother. We decided to visit Venice. I think it was really exciting because Venice is like another world. I couldn't wait to see this wonderful place and I dreamed of visiting it. I was looking forward to this day that day.

In the morning, my mother and I were waiting for the bus that would take us to the port. It was early in the morning, that's why I was very sleepy, but I dreamed of Venice. Later, other tourists stopped at the bus stop. We didn't wait very long, the bus arrived on time. The path to the port was not long. I looked out the window and saw many shops, one or two churches. While we were sitting on the bus, our guide was talking about Venice. At the port we boarded the ship. The sea voyage was wonderful and unforgettable. The sea and sky were blue and the sun was shining. It was a sea breeze and I really like it. When we arrived in Venice first, I saw many small souvenir shops, many tourists from different countries. Mom and I decided to take a gondola and float along the narrow canals. We saw Marco Polo's house, Casanova's house and other houses of Italian famous people. Then we walked through small crowded streets, buying gifts for dad, grandmothers and friends. We were also on famous square where there are a lot of pigeons. They flew around us. It was one of the best moments of my life. I really liked Venice.

Last year I also visited Rome. This picturesque and beautiful city amazed me! First I saw the world famous Colosseum. It was so huge, but graceful and elegant. In the evening it was lit with lots of lights and looked beautiful. In Rome I visited many different ancient places, for example: National Monument of Victor Emmanuel II, St. Peter's Square, Trevi Fountain, etc.

I want to tell you more about these attractions. The National Monument to Victor Emmanuel II is a beautiful building that includes many columns and statues. It stands out with its white color and looks like a beautiful palace, or some people call it “bride's cake”.

Another attraction is St. Peter's Square. This area is very large and there are always crowds of people there. In the center of the square stands an Egyptian obelisk. St. Peter's Basilica is located there. I have never seen such a huge and magnificent basilica! There were statues and monuments of St. Helena, St. Andrew, St. Peter, etc. I saw Michelangelo's tomb and many tombstones of popes.

What a magnificent place - the Trevi Fountain! I was only here at night, that's why I don't know what it looks like at noon. But at night there were many lights and the water seemed to shine. In the middle was Neptune sitting on a sea shell, and nearby were newts and seahorses. My mom and I threw two coins into the fountain so that we would come to Rome again.

In conclusion, I would like to say that Italy brings together the history and beauty of the world. I love this country and I want to visit it again.

Italian traditions can be divided into New Year's, wedding, folk, culinary and family.

As for wedding traditions, marriage in this country takes place in any month except May; they also do not get married on fasting days. The best time to get married in Italy is autumn. According to Italian tradition, marriage is not recommended on Tuesday and Friday.

Folk traditions of Italy include leatherwork, wickerwork, glassware and ceramics.

Italian men are very polite and gallant. In their wallet you will always find a photograph of their wife and children. In Italy, family is very important; for any Italian, it will always come first. Italians prefer to dine at home, with their family.

Italian traditions can be divided into New Year's, wedding, folk, culinary and family. As for wedding traditions, marriage in this country takes place in any month except May; they also do not get married on fasting days. The best time to get married in Italy is autumn. According to Italian tradition, marriage is not recommended on Tuesday and Friday. Folk traditions of Italy include leatherwork, wickerwork, glassware and ceramics. Italian men are very polite and gallant. In their wallet you will always find a photograph of their wife and children. In Italy, family is very important; for any Italian, it will always come first. Italians prefer to dine at home, with their family.

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Define language Klingon (pIqaD) Azerbaijani Albanian English Arabic Armenian Afrikaans Basque Belarusian Bengali Bulgarian Bosnian Welsh Hungarian Vietnamese Galician Greek Georgian Gujarati Danish Zulu Hebrew Igbo Yiddish Indonesian Irish Icelandic Spanish Italian Yoruba Kazakh Annada Catalan Chinese Chinese Traditional Korean Creole (Haiti) Khmer Laotian Latin Latvian Lithuanian Macedonian Malagasy Malay Malayalam Maltese Maori Marathi Mongolian German Nepali Dutch Norwegian Punjabi Persian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Cebuano Serbian Sesotho Slovak Slovenian Swahili Sudanese Tagalog Thai Tamil Telugu Turkish Uzbek Ukrainian Urdu Finnish French house a Hindi Hmong Croatian Chewa Czech Swedish Esperanto Estonian Javanese Japanese Klingon (pIqaD ) Azerbaijani Albanian English Arabic Armenian Afrikaans Basque Belarusian Bengali Bulgarian Bosnian Welsh Hungarian Vietnamese Galician Greek Georgian Gujarati Danish Zulu Hebrew Igbo Yiddish Indonesian Irish Icelandic Spanish Italian Yoruba Kazakh Kannada Catalan Chinese Chinese Traditional Korean Creole Chinese (Haiti) Khmer Lao Latin Latvian Lithuanian Macedonian Malagasy Malay Malayalam Maltese Maori Marathi Mongolian German Nepali Dutch Norwegian Punjabi Persian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Cebuano Serbian Sesotho Slovak Slovenian Swahili Sudanese Tagalog Thai Tamil Telugu Turkish Uzbek Ukrainian Urdu Finnish French Hausa Hindi Hmong Croatian Chewa Czech Swedish Peranto Estonian Javanese Japanese Source: Target:

Italian tradition can be divided into Christmas, wedding, folk, food and family.With regard to wedding traditions, marriage in this country have any month except may, also do not marry in the days of fasting. The best time for marriage in Italy-fall. By Italian tradition marriage is not recommended to conclude in Tuesday and Friday.Folk traditions of Italy is leather, basketry, glassware and ceramics.Men-Italians are very polite and galantny. In their purse you will always find a photo of his wife and children. In Italy, the family is very important for any Italian she will always come first. Italians prefer to dine at home with your family.

is being translated, please wait..

Italian tradition can be divided into the New Year, wedding, traditional, culinary and family. As for the wedding traditions, the marriage in this country is enclosed in every month except May and do not marry in the days of Lent. Most good time for marriage in Italy is autumn. According to the Italian tradition of marriage is not advisable to conclude on Tuesday and Friday. Folk traditions of Italy -. This leather production, basketry, glass and ceramics Male Italians are very polite and gallant. In their wallets, you will always find a photograph of his wife and children. In Italy, the family is very important for any Italian, it will always come first. Italians prefer to dine at home with his family.

Rome is not only an ancient city or a capital of Italy. It is a special place where everyone can feel himself at home. You will never be alone in Rome, because it seems that all people know each other and even tourists don’t feel uncomfortable there.

Rome is obviously an amazing city where you can see and visit such famous monuments as the Colosseum, the Roman Forum, the Pantheon, the Trevi Fountain and Vatican City. All these and many other tourist attractions amaze and make such a great impression that you will never be able to forget them.

Apart from sightseeing, you can also explore Italian culture in Rome. You can feel yourself a part of a mysterious rite entering any patisserie or bar in the morning. Once you share your breakfast consisting of a cup of creamy cappuccino and filled croissant with those Italians who come to that place, you will become more relaxed and even “Italian”.

And finally, you can enjoy yourself in a big park area in Rome. It is called “Villa Borghese” and it is a perfect place to spend a hot and sunny day under its trees or to walk its wide paths in. In addition, Villa Borghese can offer you different other activities. You can visit the famous “Borghese Gallery” and also a zoo placed in the park.

Consequently, Rome is a city where everyone can find his place. You can walk, visit museums, do shopping, go to opera and do many other things there. But there’s one thing that you will certainly do in Rome – you will enjoy yourself.


Rome is not just an ancient city or the capital of Italy. Rome is a special place where everyone can feel at home. You will never be alone in Rome because everyone seems to know each other and even tourists don't feel awkward.

Rome is undoubtedly an amazing city where you can see and visit famous monuments such as the Colosseum, Roman Forum, Pantheon, Trevi Fountain and the Vatican. All these and many other attractions surprise and make such a deep impression that you will never be able to forget them.

Besides sightseeing, you can also explore Italian culture in Rome. You can feel like you are part of some mysterious ritual if you go to any pastry shop or one of the bars in the morning. Once you share your breakfast of a soft cappuccino and a croissant with those Italians who come to that place, you will feel more relaxed and even “become” Italian.

Finally, you can enjoy the large park area of ​​this city. It is called "Villa Borghese" and is the ideal place to spend a hot sunny day in the shade of its trees or to stroll along its wide alleys. Moreover, Villa Borghese can offer you other activities. There you can visit the famous Galleria Borghese, as well as the zoo located in the park.

Thus, Rome is a city in which everyone can find their place. You can walk, visit museums, go shopping, go to the opera and do many other things. But there's one thing you can't avoid in Rome - you'll have a great time there.


Ancient - ancient

To make an impression - to make an impression

Sightseeing - sightseeing

Rite - ritual

patisserie - pastry shop

Park area - park area

To do shopping – go shopping/shopping

To enjoy oneself - enjoy, have a good time

For the first time the Italian tricolor appeared on January 7, 1797 in Aemilia as a flag of the republic proclaimed Giuseppe Kompanyoni. During Napoleon's board the flag was also used as a symbol of the French revolution. After the Vienna Congress and Restoration the tricolor remained a symbol of freedom and was used in revolutionary movements of 1831 and In the 12th article of the Constitution of Italy it is said that "the flag of Italy is a tricolor, green, white and red in the form of three equal vertical stripes".

The official emblem of the Republic of Italy was published by the President of Italy of Enrico de Nikola on May 5, The sketch of an emblem was made by artist Paolo Pasketto. The emblem contains a white five-pointed star with the red edges, imposed on a cogwheel with five spokes, standing between an olive branch at the left and oak on the right. Green branches are connected together by a red tape with an inscription the "Republic of Italy" (ital. REPUBBLICA ITALIANA) capital white letters

On January 1 New year On January 6 Epiphany On March 8 the International Women's Day On April 21 Day of the basis of Rome On April 25 Day of release from fascism and the German occupation On May 1 a work Holiday On June 2 Day of declaration of the Republic Italy On August 15 Ferragosto On November 2 All Saints" Day, Day of memory On December 8 Virgin Mary"s On December 25 Christmas On December 26 Day of Sacred Stephan