People are chosen intuitively or consciously. Additional texts to listen to

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Some people believe that distance strengthens feelings. Others argue that this is what ruins relationships. The ideal intimate zone is somewhere between 0 and 45 cm. If one of the partners moves away, prefers to be at a distance, once again does not want to touch or take your hand, then this is a good reason to think about it.

Tendency to self-conviction

In a healthy relationship, you won't want to analyze your every move and your partner's every move. As soon as doubts creep in or a dialogue with yourself begins about the correctness of the action taken in relation to your loved one, it is worth thinking about the prospects of your relationship.

Uneven walking pace

It would seem such a trifle. However, the same pace of movements while walking indicates the internal synchronization of the partners. Loving couples subconsciously try to walk at the same pace and pace, as if adhering to an invisible line. When such harmony is disturbed, it indicates problems within the couple.

Having a grin

Here we're talking about specifically about a condescending smile towards a partner. By grinning, a person subconsciously shows that he feels superior in a relationship. In a healthy relationship, partners are equal. Therefore, if you regularly notice a glance from above and a smirk directed at you, you should think about it.

Closed poses

When your partner turns his back to you, doesn't look you in the eye, starts talking on the phone before your conversation is over, interrupts you, doesn't listen, comes late, this shows his indifference to you. Ignoring and boycotting are techniques of manipulation or suppression. Your partner's reluctance to take into account your thoughts or point of view is a sign that the person you need is not with you.

If a person sets himself the task of acquiring all the basic material goods, he evaluates himself at the level of these material goods: as the owner of the latest brand of car, as the owner of a luxurious dacha, as part of his furniture set...

If a person lives to bring good to people, to alleviate their suffering from illness, to give people joy, then he evaluates himself at the level of this humanity. He sets himself a goal worthy of a person.

Only a vital goal allows a person to live his life with dignity and get real joy. Yes, joy! Think: if a person sets himself the task of increasing goodness in life, bringing happiness to people, what failures can befall him?

Help the wrong person who should? But how many people don't need help? If you are a doctor, then perhaps you misdiagnosed the patient? This happens to the best doctors. But in total, you still helped more than you didn’t help. No one is immune from mistakes. But the most important mistake, the fatal mistake, is choosing the wrong main task in life. Not promoted - disappointment. I didn’t have time to buy a stamp for my collection - it’s a shame. Someone has better furniture than you or best car- again disappointment, and what a disappointment!

When setting the goal of a career or acquisition, a person experiences in total much more sorrows than joys, and risks losing everything. What can a person who rejoices in every good deed lose? It is only important that the good that a person does should be his inner need, come from an intelligent heart, and not just from the head, and should not be a “principle” alone.

Therefore, the main task in life must necessarily be a task that is broader than just personal; it should not be limited only to one’s own successes and failures. It should be dictated by kindness towards people, love for family, for your city, for your people, for your country, for the whole universe.

Does this mean that a person should live like an ascetic, not take care of himself, not acquire anything and not enjoy a simple promotion? Not at all! A person who does not think about himself at all is an abnormal phenomenon and personally unpleasant to me: there is some kind of breakdown in this, some ostentatious exaggeration of his kindness, unselfishness, significance, in this there is some kind of peculiar contempt for other people , the desire to stand out.

Therefore, I am only talking about the main task in life. And this main life task does not need to be emphasized in the eyes of other people. And you need to dress well (this is respect for others), but not necessarily “better than others.” And you need to compile a library for yourself, but not necessarily larger than your neighbor’s. And it’s good to buy a car for yourself and your family - it’s convenient. Just don’t turn the secondary into the primary, and don’t let the main goal of life exhaust you where it’s not necessary. When it is needed is another matter. There we will see who is capable of what.

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Working with text (1) When a person chooses some goal or life task for himself in life, at the same time he involuntarily gives himself an assessment. (2) By what a person lives for, one can judge his self-esteem, low or high.
(3) If a person expects to acquire material goods, he evaluates himself at the level of these material goods: as the owner of the latest brand of car, as the owner of a luxurious dacha, as part of his furniture set...
(4) If a person lives to bring good to people, to alleviate their suffering from illness, to give people joy, then he evaluates himself at the level of this humanity. (5) He sets himself a goal worthy of a person.
(6) Only a vital goal allows a person to continue his life with dignity and gain real joy. (7) No one is immune from mistakes. (8) But the most important mistake is choosing the wrong main task in life: this is a fatal mistake. (9) Not promoted - disappointment. (10) I didn’t have time to buy a stamp for my collection - it’s a shame. (11) Someone has better furniture or a car - again disappointment.
(12) When setting the goal of a career or acquisition, a person experiences much more sorrows than joys, and risks losing everything. (13) What can a person who rejoices in every good deed lose? (14) It is only important that the good that a person does is his inner need. (15) Therefore, the main task in life should not be limited only to one’s own successes, it should be dictated by kindness towards people, love for family, for one’s city, for one’s people, for the entire universe.
(16) Does this mean that a person should live like an ascetic, not caring about himself, not acquiring anything and not enjoying promotion? (17) Not at all!
(18) A person who does not think about himself at all is an abnormal phenomenon: there is some kind of ostentatious exaggeration of his kindness and selflessness.
(19) Therefore, we are talking only about the main life task.
(20) But it doesn’t need to be emphasized in the eyes of other people. (21) And you can dress well, but not necessarily better than others. (22) And a library needs to be compiled, but not necessarily larger than that of a neighbor. (23) And it’s good to buy a car. (24) Just don’t turn the secondary into the primary.
D.S. Likhachev
1. What do you know about the author of this text?
1. Which sentence of the text most fully reflects the main idea?
1) 5 2) 11 3) 9 4) 15
2. What type(s) of speech is presented in the text.
1) reasoning and description
2) reasoning and storytelling
3) reasoning
4) narration
3. Indicate the sentence that uses antonyms.
1) 3 2) 2 3) 6 4) 8
B8. Read a fragment of a review based on the text you analyzed. This fragment examines the linguistic features of the text. Insert in the blank space the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list.
In this letter from the series “Goal and Self-Esteem” D. Likhachev talks about the purpose in life. He analyzes moral categories using _________ (sentences 3, 4) and _______ (sentences 9, 10, 11). _____ (sentence 2), as well as ________ (sentence 15), help him think about self-esteem.

List of terms:
1) anaphora
2) irony
3) lexical repetition
4) metaphor
5) litotes
6) question-and-answer form of presentation
7) parcellation
8) homogeneous members of the sentence
9) antonyms

When a person consciously or intuitively chooses some Goal or life task for himself in life, he at the same time involuntarily gives himself an assessment. By what a person lives for, one can judge his self-esteem - low or high.

If a person sets himself the task of acquiring all the basic material goods, he evaluates himself at the level of these material goods: as the owner of the latest brand of car, as the owner of a luxurious dacha, as part of his furniture set...

If a person lives to bring good to people, to alleviate their suffering from illness, to give people joy, then he evaluates himself at the level of this humanity. He sets himself a goal worthy of a person.

Only a vital goal allows a person to live his life with dignity and get real joy. Yes, joy! Think: if a person sets himself the task of increasing goodness in life, bringing happiness to people, what failures can befall him?

Help the wrong person who should? But how many people don't need help? If you are a doctor, then perhaps you misdiagnosed the patient? This happens to the best doctors. But in total, you still helped more than you didn’t help. No one is immune from mistakes. But the most important mistake, the fatal mistake, is choosing the wrong main task in life. Not promoted - disappointment. I didn’t have time to buy a stamp for my collection - it’s a shame. Someone has better furniture than you or a better car - again a disappointment, and what a disappointment!

When setting the goal of a career or acquisition, a person experiences in total much more sorrows than joys, and risks losing everything. What can a person who rejoices in every good deed lose? It is only important that the good that a person does should be his inner need, come from an intelligent heart, and not just from the head, and should not be a “principle” alone.

Therefore, the main task in life must necessarily be a task that is broader than just personal; it should not be limited only to one’s own successes and failures. It should be dictated by kindness towards people, love for family, for your city, for your people, for your country, for the whole universe.

Does this mean that a person should live like an ascetic, not take care of himself, not acquire anything and not enjoy a simple promotion? Not at all! A person who does not think about himself at all is an abnormal phenomenon and personally unpleasant to me: there is some kind of breakdown in this, some kind of ostentatious exaggeration of his kindness, unselfishness, significance, in this there is some kind of peculiar contempt for other people , the desire to stand out.

Therefore, I am only talking about the main task in life. And this main life task does not need to be emphasized in the eyes of other people. And you need to dress well (this is respect for others), but not necessarily “better than others.” And you need to compile a library for yourself, but not necessarily larger than your neighbor’s. And it’s good to buy a car for yourself and your family - it’s convenient. Just don’t turn the secondary into the primary, and don’t let the main goal of life exhaust you where it’s not necessary. When you need it is another matter. There we will see who is capable of what.

When writing an essay (part C assignment), children in most cases are able to formulate the topic of the text and understand the author’s position, but they have difficulty commenting on it. It is even more difficult for high school students to express their own view of the problem; based on the thoughts contained in the text, present your arguments proving or disproving the validity of the author’s conclusions.

Target: analyze the content of the text, determine what problems are raised in it; identify the author's position; think about whether you agree with D.S. Likhachev, decide what arguments you can give that confirm the validity of the author’s point of view or refute it. The result should be an essay written in accordance with the requirements for completing task C of the Unified State Exam.

(1)When a person consciously or intuitively chooses some goal or life task for himself in life, he at the same time involuntarily gives himself an assessment.
(2)By what a person lives for, one can judge his self-esteem - low or high.
(3)If a person expects to acquire all the basic goods, he evaluates himself at the level of these material goods: as the owner of the latest brand of car, as the owner of a luxurious dacha, as part of his furniture set...
(4)If a person lives to bring good to people, to alleviate their suffering from illness, to give people joy, then he evaluates himself at the level of this humanity.
(5)He sets himself a goal worthy of a person.
(6)Only a vital goal allows a person to live his life with dignity and get real joy.

D.S. Likhachev

Group assignments:

  • Group 1: Did your mood change after reading the text? How important is what the text says? Why?
  • Group 2: Which title reflects the theme of the text? “So that the soul does not fade away”, “The heart beats for everyone”, “Illuminate others with light”, “Humanity is the greatest miracle of the world”, “The rarest gift is to live not for oneself”, “Why do I live?” How would you title the text differently?
  • Group 3: Which saying most accurately reflects main idea text?

The meaning of life cannot be found in a ready-made form, given once and for all, already approved.
Every person, both physically and spiritually, in order to live, must breathe and feed himself!

So, What problem worries Likhachev? Write it down either in the form of a question or a combination of words “the problem (of what?)” is raised in the text.

After the problem is formulated, the task: find the wording of the problem without grammatical errors using the suggested memo.

  • D.S. Likhachev considers the problem of what is the purpose of life.
  • The text presents a problem about the meaning of life.
  • The author analyzes the problem of finding the meaning of life.
  • The problem that the author raised is very relevant.
  • The text raises the problem of the meaning of life.
  • The problem is that you need a goal and life tasks, worries D.S. Likhachev.

REMINDER: In the text examined, raised, considered, touched upon, analyzedproblem (WHAT?) feat, moral choice, intelligence.....

Fragments of student essays based on an article by D. Likhachev

1. D. Likhachev argues that a person must consciously choose his life goal. The author says that the goals can be different: some people strive to acquire material wealth, others want to bring good to people. One cannot but agree with D. Likhachev that only a vital goal allows a person to live life with dignity.

2. The author of the text claims that his self-esteem depends on what goal a person chooses. Proving his position, D. Likhachev argues that, dreaming only of material wealth, a person values ​​himself at their level: as the owner of a car, a dacha. If the goal is high, then he values ​​himself with dignity.
The article also says that a high goal allows a person to live his life with dignity.

What should you focus on to avoid errors according to criteria 1 and 2?

1. The introduction must be related to the problems of the text.
2. Avoid repeating the word “problem.”
3. Avoid the expressions “the problem is that...”, “the problem is that...”, “the problem is about courage and perseverance,” etc. (Problem what?)
4. Do not retell or copy the text in large fragments.
5. Do not distort the author’s surname: for example, after the text it is indicated “according to D. S. Likhachev”, “according to L. Matros”. In the works they write: “Text written by D. Likhachev...”, “The problem raised by Sailor...”.

For what purpose does D. Likhachev use the same root words in the text: life, vital, lives, vital ? How many times is a word repeated Human?Determine the author's position by completing the following sentences:

Determining your own opinion on an issue, arguing your position

1. ...I think that few people will dare to argue with D. Likhachev. The author is right: self-esteem depends on the goal. This is exactly what Russian literature tells us. Remember the fate of the hero of A. Chekhov’s story “The Gooseberry,” who valued himself at the cost of a small estate and his own gooseberries, as well as the words of his brother: “A person needs not three arshins of land, not an estate, but the entire globe.”
Unfortunately, even in our time, it is the amount of material wealth that often determines a person’s own value, so D. Likhachev’s reasoning is very relevant for us.

2. The author’s reasoning seemed to me very relevant for our time. How often do we evaluate a person by the things he owns? When meeting a new person, we look to see if he is dressed expensively, find out if he has a car or money. And he often values ​​himself the same way. Sometimes we even choose a university not to gain knowledge. And based on prestige.
Of course, having certain material goods is good. D. Likhachev does not call for giving up a car or a dacha. But there must also be something high.
People admire St. Basil's Cathedral, St. Isaac's Cathedral, and the paintings of the Sistine Chapel. Centuries have passed since their creation, and everyone admires them. What was the self-esteem of their creators? The same as the goal - for centuries.

1. Did the author of the essay manage to formulate his own opinion?
2. What arguments does he give to support his point of view? Name them.
3. We present to your attention the logical diagrams of the source text. Rate them. Please make clarifications if necessary.

Work on semantic integrity, speech coherence and consistency of presentation

1. Everyone knows about the need for a high goal. Teachers at school and writers talk about this in their books. But how often everything remains only at the level of formal knowledge.
That is why D. Likhachev addresses this topic. It helps us see the problem of the influence of goals on the lives of each of us from a new perspective.

2. As they often say: “He has low self-esteem, he has high self-esteem,” but have you ever wondered how you can measure the degree of accuracy of self-esteem? D. Likhachev helps us find the answer to this very pressing question.

3. About the need to have high goal everyone knows in life. Unfortunately, often only “knows”. D Likhachev, a wonderful literary critic, philosopher and, above all, a Person, helped me see the problem of the influence of goals on the lives of each of us from a new perspective.

4. Problems of morality and spirituality are those problems that confront a person constantly. It would seem that everything should have been resolved long ago. But the peculiarity moral problems The fact is that each person finds something of their own in them.

So D. Likhachev helps us take a fresh look at the problem of the interdependence of a person’s life goal and self-esteem.

1. Are the introductions relevant to the main issue?
2. What types of introductions were used? What introduction would you use for your essay? Justify your opinion.