A girl mannequin that drives people crazy. Search by section to help graduate students what is the name of the person who brings everyone together? Who brings people together?

How do people end up together? This is not an idle question. Often, it is the fact that two people become a couple that largely determines the future fate of each of them.

What brings two people together?

1. Love. This is an ideal situation. Thanks to heaven from everyone to whom it was given from there. Of course, if by love we mean complete acceptance of a partner, and not an obsessive desire to constantly remake him to suit himself, because “I love you!”

2. The desire to start a family. In most cases, it is women who take the initiative. Moreover, it has been noted that the more wealthy a man is, the more inclined he is to seek a permanent relationship. Relatively speaking, he already has a palace. Now we need to find the owner there. But for men who have yet to earn money for a nest where his beloved will create comfort, it is more difficult.

Despite the generally accepted opinion about the polygamy of men, modern women change partners no less often than representatives of the stronger half of humanity. But the reasons are different. Women are looking for permanent and fruitful relationships. And, seeing that, as they say, “there will be no business,” they leave the game in order to start a new one at the first opportunity. And men are really looking for new partners because they are inclined to win trophies. Another thing is that often, in the end, they themselves turn out to be the trophy.

3. Circumstances. People rarely start long-term romances after meeting on the street. As a rule, lyrical relationships arise in groups, educational or work. And now also in social networks, that is, in places where people, by force of circumstances, spend a lot of time nearby. Here there is an opportunity not to rush headlong into the unknown, but to evaluate and determine your own readiness to be together.

4. Marriage of convenience. Marrying foreigners on the Internet is a typical example of this. It’s interesting that arranged marriages are quite stable, unless those getting married miscalculated the starting plans. In our rational times, such marriages no longer cause the same social condemnation. It’s not for nothing that one of the main slogans of the day is: “nothing personal – just business.”

5. Memories of a former life. There is a well-known myth about the ancestors of people - androgynes, which Plato outlined in his dialogue. According to him, people, joining in pairs, are looking for their soul mate, with whom they were once one.

6. The two are brought together by their unborn child. This version was once put forward by the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer. In his opinion, when a decision arises “above” to send another soul to earth, it receives the right to choose its parents to conceive its human component. This is why life sometimes brings together absolutely different people who, having given birth to a child, do not understand at all how they ended up in a couple.

7. Cupid games. The fact that people fall in love and become a couple is the result of the fun of mischievous cupids - they, while playing, shoot arrows wherever they want, and then people deal with it all their lives...

However, becoming a couple and even falling in love is only the first step. There is a lot of mysticism and little logic in it. And the second step is rational to be together for a long time. This is where the real passions usually begin...

Do you think there are random encounters in our lives? No, no, and no again! There are many reasons why the universe brings us together with different people, and to learn more about them, read this article!

Over the course of his life, any person meets a great many new people. Some of them remain with us for short term, someone goes part of the way, and very few walk our life’s path with us to the very end.

And although we sometimes do not understand why someone moves away from us, although we really want them to stay, the lessons they taught us remain with us for many, many years. Sometimes your life fills with light and meaning wonderful person, who appeared in it exactly when you really needed it, and sometimes fate gives you such a toxic interlocutor or colleague that it seems to you that you are almost ready to kill him on the spot, but then you realize that if it weren’t for him, you you would never have become who you are now.

Below you will find a few reasons why people may appear in our lives whether we want them to or not. I hope this article will help you better understand how we are connected to other people and where the never-ending flow of life takes us. And remember, just because you don’t see a reason for something, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

So, here are 8 reasons why the Universe sends us a variety of people:

1. To awaken us from within

There are people who make us doubt and question ourselves. Sometimes they become a permanent part of our life, sometimes they remain in it for a very, very short time, but in both cases they help us find another piece of ourselves. We don't have to love such people, but we can't do without them.

2. To warm our hearts with warmth

Such people appear in our lives when we feel like an extinguished candle, and it seems to us that we don’t care about anything. They do not allow sadness to fall on us with all its weight, and they do for us those seemingly little things that help us, gritting our teeth, to move on, no matter what. For the most part, such people fly through our lives at the speed of a meteorite, and we never hear about them again, but our memories of them are warmed with warmth, and we remember them for a very long time...

3. To be close to us

These are the people who become part of our lives - forever. They remain with us, despite all the adversities that confront us in our life path. These are our friends, relatives and loved ones. These are the ones who are always ready to catch us if we fall.

4. To teach us a lesson

These are the people from whom we can learn something. Sometimes their lessons turn out to be overly tough, and sometimes the “teachers” themselves are extremely far from ideal. But no matter how your relationship with these people develops, remember one thing - if the Universe is trying to teach you something, it does it for a reason, and some lessons can only be taught by scoundrels.

5. To help us grow above ourselves

These are the ones who help us overcome the darkest periods of our lives. They stay by our side when we break our hearts or lose people dear to us. Sometimes they stay with us forever, and sometimes they disappear unnoticed as soon as the light stripe replaces the dark one. It all depends on how big a role you want them to play in your life.

6. To remind us of something

These people, by their very presence, remind us of something that we would not have remembered without them. They remind us that we are not alone, that this world is ours common house, and there will always be those in it who are ready to lend a shoulder to us when we need it. And sometimes, when we are almost ready to give up, these strangers help us pull ourselves together and get back on our feet, reminding us that our lives are not nearly as hard as we think.

7. To show us what and who we deserve... or don't deserve.

These people are somewhat similar to those who help us grow above ourselves... more precisely, they are both similar and not. They can be the most wonderful or the worst people in your life - depending on the circumstances. It depends on these people who you will let into your lives and who you will drive away from them. For example, when faced with someone we really don’t deserve in our lives, no matter how much we sin, we draw conclusions and don’t let such toxic people get close to us and within a shot of a cannon. Unfortunately, we don’t always make the right conclusions the first time, but... that’s life.

8. To learn something from us

These are the people for whom we must become mentors and teachers. And who knows, perhaps by communicating with them, you will teach something not only to them, but also to yourself. It is not without reason that they say that this is why we need students, so that we have someone to learn from, and the Universe from time to time sends us people for whom it is extremely important to hear what we have to say to them.

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  1. Query compliance rate: 40.87%
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    ... On the other hand, the educational sphere itself should be the object of analysis of those who are engaged in research in the field of international relations and world politics: this is the study of issues international cooperation in the field of education, and analysis of integration processes, which are now intensively working in the field higher education, And comparative analysis educational systems different countries, and finally, an assessment of the capabilities of higher education as a resource of “soft power” of the state... ... Together with that, international political scientists research on everyone These problems are not systematically addressed either in Russia or abroad; the region is actually left to specialists of other profiles... ... However, one can name literally a few works by specialists in the field of international relations and world politics (with the possible exception of representatives of MGIMO (U)), in which these issues are discussed (2)... ... Together Moreover, for more than ten years, MGIMO (U) has been developing the problems of education in international studies (4)... ... It can be argued that by now MGIMO (U) has actually developed research school, in focus which there are various aspects, first of all, of higher education in international relations and world politics... ... in Berlin, at the same conference, at which Russia joined the Bologna process... ... Together with that, in modern conditions intensification of international interaction, as well as taking into account our international obligations, isolationism in the scientific and educational spheres, as in others, is hardly justified from the point of view of Russia’s competitiveness... ... The first model, characteristic primarily of the United States, involves the institutional unification of master's and postgraduate levels, the learning process within which provided by the same administrative, technical and research structures (the so-called graduate school)... ... To solve the problem of efficiency scientific leadership the practice of collective scientific leadership is being introduced, in which two to three leaders participate, one of them may represent practical organizations associated with the field of research... ... First approach, which continues to exist in domestic science and education, focused on treating graduate students as students, which receive a scholarship to study or pay for their studies, bringing income to the university... ... The second approach, which is gaining more and more support, involves treating graduate students as entry-level workers, which need to pay salary... ... Together However, European and Russian experience shows that in cases where graduate students are hired, for example, as teachers or research assistants, as a rule, the time to obtain a degree increases... ... 51 programs were selected for analysis, within which different types of training were practiced simultaneously, data were studied for the period from 1996 to 2008... ... However, it turned out that the relative effectiveness of blended and online programs was not related to the teaching method as such, but to the fact that students spent more time studying than with full-time training, since we received additional materials for information and additional tasks, see which at traditional form not enough time to study... ... As a result, the problem of “overproduction” of qualified personnel arises, which cannot be employed in scientific or educational fields... ... The current situation cannot but affect the content of postgraduate study programs, which must increasingly focus on the requirements of the labor market, where specific skills and competencies are required of the candidate... ... Within the framework of the Bologna process, there is a single list of requirements for the development of programs everyone three levels - the so-called Dublin descriptors, which formulated in an extremely general way so that they can be applied to everyone areas of study... ... The European University Association conducted a study on cooperation between universities and business (the so-called DOC-CAREERS Project (12)), which also dealt with employment issues for PhD degree holders... ... Working group By social sciences and economics, comprising mainly representatives of universities, the following list of skills, which make a PhD holder a more attractive candidate for employers outside of educational and scientific institutions: - analytical skills... ... - social skills, which can be applied in different socio-economic contexts... ... A survey conducted among representatives of companies hiring PhD degree holders allowed us to compile the following list of priority skills, which When hired, candidates must have (in descending order of importance): - technical skills... ... Among the shortcomings, which noted by employers when hiring PhD degree holders, most often cited, firstly, is the lack of so-called transferable skills (15), mainly communication skills and the ability to work in a team, and secondly, insufficient focus on business processes (lack of understanding of how the budget is formed, what restrictions may exist on the time it takes to complete a task, etc... ... The best solution to this problem would, of course, be to build a single line of professional training for everyone three levels, of course, with the possibility of moving to other directions at the end of each level... ... Three blocks can be distinguished, based on which a graduate program in international relations should be built... ... The first module is methodological and is mandatory for everyone... ... As practice shows, it is the lack of these competencies that is the main drawback of graduates of graduate school, which noted both by academic councils when defending their dissertations, and by practicing employers... ... Its simplest organizational design in already existing forms could be that this program would be mandatory for obtaining a state teaching diploma, which and is now issued to those graduate students which attend pedagogy classes... ... The third mandatory element of preparation would include a detailed report by a graduate student at the department on the problem field of his chosen topic, which It is also appropriate to carry out in the second year of study... ... Thus, in this case, the decision of the university could fix three mandatory conditions, with which graduate student is allowed to take the exam candidate minimum specialty: - teacher's diploma based on the above curriculum 60 credits... ... research seminar led by a leading professor, at which graduate students make reports and discuss them... ... situational analysis, which involves studying a problem through identifying the interests and positions of the main participants and discussing them in a group... More details:
  2. Query compliance rate: 12.74%
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    Analysis of the academic environment as places study and work Author: Anastasia Dmitrievna Sizykh, 1st year master's student at Asper School of Business, University of Manitoba, research intern at the Institute of Statistical Research and Economics of Knowledge, National Research University Higher School of Economics...

    ... Three types of academic careers have been identified for Russian universities, features which are discussed in relation to the problems of personnel drain and aging and improvement of working conditions... ... An obvious factor in the dissatisfaction of university employees with working conditions - low wages is not the only disadvantage of the academic environment as places work... ...To understand the reasons why which Only a small number of modern university graduates are seriously considering the possibility of working at a university; it is necessary to find out what the academic environment is like today, how university staff perceive it, what makes them stay in this environment, and what gives them reason to think about leaving it... ... In addition, it is important to determine what are the motives for choosing to continue studying in graduate school instead of financially more profitable entry into the labor market - into business or public service, and how graduate students perceive the environment, in which they are... ... The purpose of this work is to qualitatively describe the university environment as places study and work... ... First, describe the structure of an academic career and determine the stage at which which She's becoming less attractive... ...Secondly, to find out the motives for choosing graduate school as an alternative to work, as well as the university as places work... ... The goal set in this work is different from the traditional goals of quantitative research, which consist in generalizing the obtained data, their generalization and subsequent prediction of trends... ... students), on the second place National Research University Higher School of Economics (24 faculties, about 12.1 thousand... ... Career line maps To solve the first task - describing the structure of an academic career and determining the stage, on which leaving the academic environment is most likely, - the concept of career trajectories was borrowed... ... Moving from one position to another, changing employers, region places employment, etc... ... So, a career line map is a visual way of representing changes in positions person throughout its working cycle... ... If in Russia people occupy two or more positions at once and movement occurs according to everyone lines at the same time, although at different rates, then in Canada at any given time Human works in one organization full time, but changes organizations more often than in Russia... ... Just as in Russia, an academic career can deviate from the “ideal” trajectory if Human decides that he needs to gain practical experience (career line no. 4), or seeks to get rid of the increase in administrative responsibilities that accompany the promotion (career line no. 3)... ... For example, when studying the career lines of university staff in Russia, questions arise: why do people, after receiving university education those who went into business return to university, and as their main place work... ... Motivation Motivation is a complex construct, which V general view can be described as driving force or energy responsible for initiating, maintaining and directing goal-oriented behavior, therefore conclusions in the form in which they were presented above and are quite legitimate from a methodological and substantive point of view... More details:
  3. Query compliance rate: 12.17%
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    What modern people need person in order to feel comfortable in new socio-economic living conditions...

    ...What role should training play and what should it be like to prepare person To full life and work... ..." received, as a rule, the same answer: "We need people which know how to learn on their own... ... This is understandable, the author argues, if Human knows how to learn, is able to achieve goals, if he knows how to obtain knowledge, search and find the necessary information to solve certain problems, use a wide variety of sources of information to solve these problems, then it will be easier for him to improve his professional level, retrain, acquire any necessary additional knowledge - but this is exactly what is needed in life... ... Current and future employers are interested in such an employee, which: able to think independently and solve a variety of problems (i.e.... ... Shlechti, those students which will successfully master standard training programs, learn to apply their knowledge in a familiar situation, receive diplomas, but will not be able to independently work with information and acquire knowledge, and will not be able to count on success in information society XXI centuries... ... Thus, Human, which will live and work in the third millennium, in post-industrial society, must have certain personality qualities, in particular: adapt flexibly to changing life situations, independently purchasing necessary knowledge, skillfully applying them in practice to solve various problems, so that throughout all life to have the opportunity to find your place in it... ... Human, characterized by a well-developed awareness of his abilities and needs, and who consistently uses this knowledge to select alternatives most likely to provide the opportunity to lead a healthy, productive and fulfilling life... ... This is a vital role person, able to value relationships with other people and develop a variety of fruitful connections with them... ... This role embodies the entire spectrum of family, personal, micro-social connections at the community level, business and international points of contact, without which it is difficult to imagine everyone’s life person... ... This is a role person, constantly acquiring new knowledge along with the ability to respond to changing conditions of the outside world... ...In this role Human knows how to appreciate cultural and creative activity, participates in it and understands the most important aspects and aspects of culture that shape the individual and society... ... This Human, which takes responsibility for consistently producing high-quality products and related services... ... Humanistic psychology and, accordingly, pedagogy connect their research, development, and recommendations with the personality of the student person, her personality... ... Human perceives the surrounding reality through the prism of his own attitude and understanding... ... External assessment is very important for person, for his self-knowledge, which is achieved as a result of direct or hidden contacts... More details:

Ambivalence, frustration, rigidity - if you want to express your thoughts not at the level of a fifth grader, then you will have to understand the meaning of these words. Katya Shpachuk explains everything in an accessible and understandable way, and visual gifs help her with this.
1. Frustration

Almost everyone experienced a feeling of unfulfillment, encountered obstacles on the way to achieving goals, which became an unbearable burden and a reason for reluctance. So this is frustration. When everything is boring and nothing works.

But you shouldn’t take this condition with hostility. The main way overcome frustration - realize the moment, accept it, and be tolerant. A state of dissatisfaction and mental tension mobilize a person’s strength to deal with a new challenge.

2. Procrastination

- So, starting tomorrow I’m going on a diet! No, better from Monday.

I'll finish it later when I'm in the mood. There's still time.

Ah..., I’ll write tomorrow. It's not going anywhere.

Sound familiar? This is procrastination, that is, putting things off until later.

A painful state when you need it and don’t want it.

Accompanied by tormenting oneself for not completing the assigned task. This is the main difference from laziness. Laziness is an indifferent state, procrastination is an emotional state. At the same time, a person finds excuses and activities that are much more interesting than doing specific work.

In fact, the process is normal and inherent to most people. But don't overuse it. The main way to avoid this is motivation and proper prioritization. This is where time management comes to the rescue.

3. Introspection

In other words, introspection. A method by which a person examines his own psychological tendencies or processes. Descartes was the first to use introspection when studying his own mental nature.

Despite the popularity of the method in the 19th century, introspection is considered a subjective, idealistic, even unscientific form of psychology.

4. Behaviorism

Behaviorism is a direction in psychology that is based not on consciousness, but on behavior. Human reaction to an external stimulus. Movements, facial expressions, gestures - in short, everything external signs became the subject of study by behaviorists.

The founder of the method, American John Watson, assumed that through careful observation, one could predict, change or shape appropriate behavior.

Many experiments have been conducted to study human behavior. But the most famous was the following.

In 1971, Philip Zimbardo conducted an unprecedented psychological experiment, which was called the Stanford Prison Experiment. Absolutely healthy, mentally stable young people were placed in a suspended prison. The students were divided into two groups and assigned tasks: some had to play the role of guards, others prisoners. The student guards began to show sadistic tendencies, while the prisoners were morally depressed and resigned to their fate. After 6 days the experiment was stopped (instead of two weeks). During the course, it was proved that the situation influences a person’s behavior more than his internal characteristics.

5. Ambivalence

Many psychological thriller writers are familiar with this concept. So, “ambivalence” is a dual attitude towards something. Moreover, this relationship is absolutely polar. For example, love and hatred, sympathy and antipathy, pleasure and displeasure that a person experiences simultaneously and in relation to something (someone) alone. The term was introduced by E. Bleuler, who considered ambivalence one of the signs of schizophrenia.

According to Freud, “ambivalence” takes on a slightly different meaning. This is the presence of opposing deep motivations, which are based on the attraction to life and death.

6. Insight

Translated from English, “insight” is insight, the ability to gain insight, insight, suddenly finding a solution, etc.

There is a task, the task requires a solution, sometimes it is simple, sometimes complex, sometimes it is solved quickly, sometimes it takes time. Usually, in complex, labor-intensive, seemingly impossible tasks, insight comes. Something non-standard, unexpected, new. Along with insight, the previously established nature of action or thinking changes.

7. Rigidity

In psychology, “rigidity” is understood as a person’s unwillingness to act not according to plan, fear of unforeseen circumstances. Also referred to as “rigidity” is the unwillingness to give up habits and attitudes, from the old, in favor of the new, etc.

A rigid person is a hostage to stereotypes, ideas that are not created independently, but taken from reliable sources.
They are specific, pedantic, and are irritated by uncertainty and carelessness. Rigid thinking is banal, cliched, uninteresting.

8. Conformism and non-conformism

“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to stop and think,” wrote Mark Twain. Conformity is a key concept social psychology. Expressed as a change in behavior under the real or imagined influence of others.

Why is this happening? Because people are afraid when they are not like everyone else. This is a way out of your comfort zone. This is the fear of not being liked, of looking stupid, of being out of the crowd.

A conformist is a person who changes his opinion, beliefs, attitudes, in favor of the society in which he is located.

Nonconformist is the opposite concept to the previous one, that is, a person who defends an opinion that differs from the majority.

9. Catharsis

WITH Ancient Greek word"katharsis" means "purification", most often from feelings of guilt. A process of long experience, excitement, which at the peak of development turns into liberation, something maximally positive. It is human nature to worry about various reasons, from the thought of an iron not turned off, etc. Here we can talk about everyday catharsis. There is a problem that reaches its peak, a person suffers, but he cannot suffer forever. The problem begins to go away, the anger goes away (for some), the moment of forgiveness or awareness comes.

10. Empathy

Do you experience together with the person who tells you his story? Do you live with him? Do you emotionally support the person you are listening to? Then you are an empath.

Empathy – understanding people’s feelings, willingness to provide support.

This is when a person puts himself in the place of another, understands and lives his story, but, nevertheless, remaining with his reason. Empathy is a feeling and responsive process, somewhere emotional.

There are moments that only a creative person can understand, because he notices much more than people of other professions. In this article, we tried to collect moments that throw creative people off balance.

1. “Lucky you! It’s so cool to write/draw/play an instrument/sing instead of working!”

What if I told you that this is my job? And, yes, it's not always as cool as you think! We also get tired, because creativity requires much more effort, your job, where you pretend to be working most of the time.

2. “Listen, why don’t you find yourself a NORMAL job?”

What do you think is normal work? Doing something you don't like just because it's a “stable job”? No, thanks.

3. “You must have a lot of free time if you manage to do all this.”

I painted this picture over my weekend. What did you do this weekend? What? Have you watched all the seasons of “House of Cards”? Well done!

4. “Oh, do you play guitar? Can you do Tsoi?” (variations of the question apply to any creative activity)

Is that really all you care about? Yes, I can Tsoi...

5. When your instrument is called incorrectly...

Source: Creative people are PISSED!

Well in the end! A button accordion is not an “accordion”! A grand piano is not a “big piano”! If you don’t know the name of the instrument, it’s better to just ask.

6. Signing cups doesn't seem like such a bad idea anymore.

7. “How do you come up with all this?”

I don't know how I come up with ideas! They just come and that’s it, what’s the question?

Just this one word is enough to make your eyes twitch and your whole body tense.

9. When your work is criticized by someone who doesn’t understand anything about it

For what? Just why are you doing this? Criticize what you know a lot about.

10. Siri...

Source: Overheard by musicians

The note "Ri"? We understand the attempt to make a joke about the name “Siri”... but this is very strange.

11. When you are a musician and they invite you to a karaoke bar

You literally feel sick from the drunken howl into the microphone. And it’s better not to convince us to go to karaoke with the phrase “Come on! Drink a little and you won’t care!”

12. That feeling when an idea that seemed brilliant yesterday seems completely ridiculous today.

Disgusting feeling...

13. “Build a serious relationship and start living normally! What do you even have besides your creativity?”


Stop teaching us how to live already. U creative people your views on life.

14. “You do it. I'll know it's what I need when I see it.”

Designers know this phrase especially well. Of course, Mr. Customer, I’ll make 100,500 options, and then when I hear “let’s give you a couple more options, this doesn’t fit,” I’ll hang myself.

15. When you are forced to do any work that is at least minimally related to your profession

And it starts with school years. Remember these pathetic attempts to keep your secrets creativity so as not to be forced to participate in any school event?