First steps in science competition. Regulations on the All-Russian children's competition of scientific research and creative works “First steps in science”

Participation method

1. by email mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Printed version of the award document (sent by Russian Post)

The competition accepts research papers from students in grades 5–9 in the following areas:

Scientific and technical developments: software development; software products for education, science, technology, economics, art, created on the basis of standard application software packages; Internet sites; other developments created on the basis of information technology;

Developments in the field of technical creativity, invention; nanotechnology; robotics.

Natural sciences: astronomy and cosmonautics; biology (general biology, plant biology, animal biology), medicine; geography; mathematics; programming; physics; chemistry; ecology (general ecology, industrial and social ecology).

Humanities: art history, history, cultural anthropology (archeology, ethnography), military history, political science, local history, cultural studies; linguistics (Russian, English); literary criticism; pedagogy and psychology; right; economy; philosophy.

Evaluation criteria:

I. Research nature of the work.
II. Novelty of the research, heuristic.
III. Relevance of the work. Practical and/or theoretical significance.
IV. Compliance of the work structure with generally accepted requirements for scientific works.
V. Literacy and logic of presentation.

Forms for evaluating competition works:

Laureates of I, II, III degrees;
- participants: all other competitors who were not included in the number of laureates.
The number of prizes is not limited and is determined by the quality of the works participating in the competition.

Rewarding. What participants receive:

- Based on the results of the correspondence competition, participants are sent a diploma of the Laureate of the 1st, 2nd or 3rd degree or a certificate of participation in the All-Russian correspondence competition "Steps into Science". The teacher-scientific supervisor who prepared the laureate of the competition is issued an appropriate certificate.

- Full-time final round:

All-Russian conference “Steps into Science”, which will be held in 2 sessions: 1st session: from April 24 to 26,Session 2: from 13 to 15 May 2019

Conditions for participation in the correspondence research competition

To participate in the correspondence competition, the following are sent to the organizing committee:

Organization application, participant cards (REGISTRATION FORMS);

report for publication in the electronic journal "Academician" - no more than 1 page;applications, if any.

Competition work, including annotation (annotation volume up to 900 printed characters),The volume of work is 10–20 pages of printed text. The abstract is located after the title page;

Folder with attachmentsbefore shippingarchived. The name of the folder indicates the competition_city_short name of the institution_surname of the participant (in Russian letters), for example:SHN_Bratsk_Gymnasium No. 1_Ivanov(underscore without spaces).

In the subject line of the letter the same information is indicated as follows: SHN_Bratsk_Gymnasium No. 1_Ivanov.
Within a week you should receive confirmation that the materials have been received. Otherwise, it is necessary to duplicate the sending of materials indicating in the subject line "Copy".


Requirements for text formatting with work

The text of the competition work is submitted in Russian (or with obligatory translation into Russian) in electronic form in Word format, page size A4, margins: left - 2 cm, right - 1 cm, top and bottom - 2 cm in the Word text editor, font – Times or Arial family, font size 12 (point), aligned to page width.
The text of the work should be no more than 20 pages, typewritten.
Photos or attachments related to the work must be organized as a separate file and have a minimum resolution.
When borrowing material for work from various printed or online sources, it is necessary to provide links to these sources and include them in the list of used literature. The participant himself, as well as his scientific supervisor, bears responsibility for copyright infringement.

Type of award document Participation method Cost of one work

Electronic version

1. on the portal of our new website

2. Online payment for the competition

3. An electronic version of the award document will appear in your personal account (as soon as the work is evaluated)

expert assessment -

Print version

1. by email email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

2. Printed version of the award document (sent by Russian Post)

expert assessment - 590 rub.

review - 870 rub.

Please note Only one type of examination is selected and only one amount is paid, 590 rubles. or 870 rub.

The competition accepts research papers from students in grades 5–9 in the following areas:

Scientific and technical developments: software development; software products for education, science, technology, economics, art, created on the basis of standard application software packages; Internet sites; other developments created on the basis of information technology;

Developments in the field of technical creativity, invention; nanotechnology; robotics.

Natural sciences: astronomy and cosmonautics; biology (general biology, plant biology, animal biology), medicine; geography; mathematics; programming; physics; chemistry; ecology (general ecology, industrial and social ecology).

Humanities: art history, history, cultural anthropology (archeology, ethnography), military history, political science, local history, cultural studies; linguistics (Russian, English); literary criticism; pedagogy and psychology; right; economy; philosophy.

Evaluation criteria:

I. Research nature of the work.
II. Novelty of the research, heuristic.
III. Relevance of the work. Practical and/or theoretical significance.
IV. Compliance of the work structure with generally accepted requirements for scientific works.
V. Literacy and logic of presentation.

Forms for evaluating competition works:

Laureates of I, II, III degrees;
- participants: all other competitors who were not included in the number of laureates.
The number of prizes is not limited and is determined by the quality of the works participating in the competition.

Rewarding. What participants receive:

- Based on the results of the correspondence competition, participants are sent a diploma of the Laureate of the 1st, 2nd or 3rd degree or a certificate of participation in the All-Russian correspondence competition "Steps into Science". The teacher-scientific supervisor who prepared the laureate of the competition is issued an appropriate certificate.

- Full-time final round: All-Russian conference “Steps into Science”, which will be held in 2 sessions:

1st session: from April 25 to 27
Session 2: from 11 to 13 May

Conditions for participation in the correspondence research competition

To participate in the correspondence competition, the following are sent to the organizing committee:

Organization application, participant cards ();

report for publication in the electronic journal "Academician" - no more than 1 page;applications, if any.

Competition work, including annotation (annotation volume up to 900 printed characters),The volume of work is 10–20 pages of printed text. The abstract is located after the title page;

Copy of financial document (transfer receipts payment order) about the registration fee for competition participants. If one person submits several works, then a registration fee is paid for each of them.

Folder with attachments before shipping archived. The name of the folder indicates the competition_city_short name of the institution_surname of the participant (in Russian letters), for example: SHN_Bratsk_Gymnasium No. 1_Ivanov(underscore without spaces).
In the subject line of the letter the same information is indicated as follows: SHN_Bratsk_Gymnasium No. 1_Ivanov.
Within a week you should receive confirmation that the materials have been received. Otherwise, it is necessary to duplicate the sending of materials indicating in the subject line "Copy".


Requirements for text formatting with work

The text of the competition work is submitted in Russian (or with obligatory translation into Russian) in electronic form in Word format, page size A4, margins: left - 2 cm, right - 1 cm, top and bottom - 2 cm in the Word text editor, font – Times or Arial family, font size 12 (point), aligned to page width.
The text of the work should be no more than 20 pages, typewritten.
Photos or attachments related to the work must be organized as a separate file and have a minimum resolution.
When borrowing material for work from various printed or online sources, it is necessary to provide links to these sources and include them in the list of used literature. The participant himself, as well as his scientific supervisor, bears responsibility for copyright infringement.

For participation in any competitive project of the program (correspondence competition, conference, tournament, etc.) rating points are awarded. The rating points received by each program participant are summed up with an accrual total.

The status of our competitions is all-Russian, because the founder – the Small Academy of Sciences “Intelligence of the Future” – is an all-Russian organization (certificate of state registration of the Federal Registration Service No. 80 dated July 13, 2006).

In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 5, 2017 No. 1002 All-Russian competition of student research works “Scientific Potential-XXI” (clause 29), including nominations"Steps into Science"and others, included in the “List of Olympiads and other intellectual and (or) creative competitions, events aimed at developing intellectual and creative abilities, physical education and sports, interest in scientific (research), creative, physical education and sports activities , as well as to promote scientific knowledge, creative and sports achievements for the 2017/18 academic year.

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 5, 2017 No. 1002 “On approval of the list of Olympiads and other intellectual and (or) creative competitions, events aimed at developing intellectual and creative abilities, abilities for physical education and sports, interest in scientific (research) ), engineering, technical, inventive, creative, physical education and sports activities, as well as for the promotion of scientific knowledge, creative and sports achievements, for the 2017/18 academic year.”

Works prepared by citizens of the Russian Federation and other states, aged students of educational institutions of primary and secondary general education, students of institutions of additional education for children, participants and members of children's public associations, etc. are allowed to participate in the competition.
The age of the competition participants is from 7 to 14 years inclusive, the scientific supervisor is not limited.

The competition is held for the following purposes:

Creating conditions for the formation of interest in cognitive, creative, experimental research, intellectual activity of students of younger and middle age;

Providing support to talented youth in social and professional self-determination;

Obtaining the opportunity to convey the results of students’ work in the form of reports and printed publications, both to a wide range of specialists and to peers who want to join research activities;

Summing up the results of both independent and joint work with co-authors, scientific supervisors, teacher-mentors, research and creative work, providing organizational and methodological support.


Completed works in the following areas are accepted for the All-Russian correspondence competition:

1. PHYSICS (including astronomy, astronautics);

2. BIOLOGY (including zoology, botany, aquarium science);

3. Local history, GEOGRAPHY (including geology, toponymy, ethnography);


5. HISTORY (including archeology, museology);

6. CULTURAL HERITAGE (including applied crafts, art history, folk games, rituals, customs);


8. LINGUISTICS (including Russian, foreign languages);





14. TECHNICAL CREATIVITY (including invention, modeling);

15. ARTISTIC AND MUSICAL CREATIVITY (including drawing, photography, sculpture, singing, playing musical instruments).


17. SOCIALLY USEFUL ACTIVITIES (including youth organizations, search teams, military-patriotic movement, assistance to the disabled and orphans).

18. AGRICULTURE (including crop production, livestock farming, farming, veterinary medicine).

Responsible for information: Oksana Anatolyevna Ryzhikova, methodologist of the State Medical Center for Dog and Medical Medicine.

Elena Kutkina
Search and research project “First steps into science.” Development of cognitive activity of older preschoolers

Search and research project« First steps into science»

Development of cognitive activity of older preschoolers

Brief summary project

The purpose of this project is to organize the work of the teaching staff of GBOU school 536 DO7 in providing conditions for personality development of older preschoolers, in their assimilation of ideas about the relationship between nature and man, in mastering ways of interacting with the environment.

This work will be carried out through research search and cognitive activity, taking place in the form of experimental actions. In the process of various forms of work, children’s worldview and their personal growth are ensured.

Short-term project, designed for 9 lessons, has a narrow specialization (material properties). Project includes several stages of implementation (preparatory, implementation, generalizing stages).

If positive results are confirmed, this work will continue in the future. Planned based on project develop program and methodological materials on the interaction of preschool education with families and additional education teachers.

The performer is educational psychologist Kutkina E. Yu.

For implementation project an initiative group of teachers has been created, which includes entered: educators Silaeva A.V., Parfenova N.A.


Currently, information and communication technologies have penetrated the life of every person, including preschooler. As a result, interest in the subject and its properties was replaced by interest in the means of transmitting information about the surrounding world. At the same time, the solution process educational tasks was replaced by a selection of ready-made stereotypical answers. What brought the teachers preschool institutions to realize the need to change approaches to child's cognitive development.

Russian education has also undergone significant changes. Federal state educational standard approved by the Ministry of Education and science The Russian Federation requires from the teacher that the programs provide personality development, including the motivation and abilities of children in various activities, in certain areas development and education.

Of course, this requires the teacher to reconsider technologies, focusing him on using more effective forms and methods in his activities that allow him to build the pedagogical process based on developmental education.

Among all possible means development of cognitive activity of preschool children Children's experimentation deserves special attention. Knowledge gained as a result of own experiment, research search much stronger and more reliable for a child than information about the world that is obtained through reproduction.

Unfortunately, the analysis of modern preschool practices education shows that teachers still retain disciplinary methods in their work, characteristic of the educational model of interaction with the child, which significantly reduces the possibility of the emergence of preschoolers' independent cognitive experience. The object position into which the child finds himself leads to a decrease in his motivation in cognitive activity.

These circumstances indicate an aggravation of the contradiction between increasing requirements for means of supporting children’s initiative in educational activities and insufficient development of comprehensive methodological support for the formation process cognitive interest in older preschool age.

These contradictions determined the problem research: search the most optimal pedagogical conditions for using the experimental method in cognitive development of a child of senior preschool age.


Development of cognitive activity in older preschoolers age in the process of children's experimentation.


1. Develop cognitive interests of children in the process of research activities;

2. Teach children to acquire new information through experimentation;

3. Create and implement a process model development of sustainable cognitive interest and research search activity– research activities preschoolers;

4. Satisfy children's curiosity in the process active cognitively– research activities;

5. Help children master fundamental cultural forms of ordering experience.

6. Expand children’s understanding of the world around them;

7. Develop a preschooler in the social and personal direction;

8. To create motivation among parents to work with children on development of cognitive activity.

Expected Results:

regarding children:

positive dynamics of intellectual competence preschoolers;

level up developing curiosity;

Possession of research skills;

level up development of cognitive processes;

speech development;

development personal characteristics;

ability to present and defend project.

- in relation to parents:

expanding family involvement in the process development children's exploratory behavior - as an internal resource for revealing their abilities and giftedness;

increasing parental responsibility for the process and results development the personality of one's own child;

increasing parental involvement in the educational process.

Methodical techniques training:

information- cognitive:

conversation, explanation, clarification, comparison, analysis, questions, etc.;


creating game situations, finger games, word games, quests, etc.;


illustrations, display, presentations, etc.;


execution practical activities for children.

Stages of work:

Stage I. Preparatory (Organizational):

Study and analysis of methodological literature on the topic;

Planning children's experimental activities;

Selection of basic equipment and material

Stage II. Implementation

Carrying out work with children on experimental activities;

Involving parents in children's experimental activities

Stage III. Generalizing

Determining the effectiveness of the work performed;

Analysis of the results obtained;

Summarizing the results of activities at the pedagogical council, presentation for teachers, booklets for teachers, etc.

At the 1st stage of the work, materials were studied that provided the basic provisions on children's experimentation as a special form search activity.

An analysis of methodological literature on this topic revealed a number of supposed advantages of experimental activities with children, and exactly:

Deeper assimilation of subject content;

High ability to concentrate knowledge from different areas;

-development creative thinking;

A large number of ideas, their depth, originality;

Children’s emotional involvement in experimental activities, interest in what is happening.

It was decided to use interesting experiments to identify the properties and qualitative characteristics of non-living materials. nature: clay, wood, metal and man-made materials peace: glass, plastic, fabric, paper, rubber; in the final stage of the experiment, summing up the results and formulating conclusions, use graphical recording (scheme). A plan for children's experimental activities was drawn up.

The selection of basic equipment and materials was carried out. It was decided to use ordinary household, gaming and non-standard equipment in the work.

At the 2nd stage of the experiment, a set of activities was carried out with children and parents on experimental activities.

Implementation of a set of activities with children and parents on experimental activities.


1. Classes - experiments.

2. Quest « Treasure Hunt» (Educational game - entertainment based on the results of the material studied)

3. Exhibition “I study, I experiment, I do” (child-parent creativity)

4. Online consultations for parents on children's experimentation: “Organization of experimental work to familiarize ourselves with the properties of materials and their qualitative characteristics”

5. Creating an album on children's experimentation (co-creation of parents and teachers)

Stage 3 includes an analysis of the effectiveness of the implementation of the experience.

Monitoring of children's mastery of experimental activities showed stable cognitive activity of preschoolers(high and medium levels cognitive activity) .

IN first group(high level) 9 children were included, which is 56.25%. Cognitive attitude in preschool children resistant to experimental activities. They show initiative and creativity in solving problematic problems. They see the problem. Actively make assumptions. Consciously choose objects and materials for independent experimental activities in accordance with their qualities, properties, and purpose. In a dialogue with an adult, the course of the experimental activity is explained. They bring the matter to an end. They formulate in speech whether the result has been achieved or not. They draw conclusions.

To the second group (intermediate level) include 7 children - this is 43.75%.

In most cases, the child shows active cognitive interest in experimental activities. Sees a problem sometimes with a little help from an adult, makes suggestions with a little help from others (peers or adult). Accepts active participation in planning experimental activities together with an adult. Prepares material for experimentation based on qualities and properties. Can formulate conclusions based on leading questions.

Children with low cognitive activity not detected.


This work proves that such an innovative teaching method as experimental activity is a powerful tool development of cognitive activity of older preschoolers.

List of used literature:

Dybina O. V., Poddyakov N. N., Rakhmanova N. P., Shchetinina V. V., “Child in the world search: search activity of preschool children"/ Ed. O. V. Dybina. – M.: TC Sfera, 2005. – 64 p.,- (Program development) .

Dybina O. V. Rakhmanova N. P., Shchetina V. V. “The Unknown near: entertaining experiences and experiments for preschoolers"/ Ed. O. V. Dybina. – M.: TC Sfera, 2004. – 64 p.

Korotkova N. A. " Cognitive-research activities older preschoolers"/ / J. Child in kindergarten. 2003. No. 3, 4, 5. 2002. No. 1

Nikolaeva S. N. “Introduction preschoolers with inanimate nature. Nature management in kindergarten." Methodical manual. – M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2005. – 80 p.

Ryzhova L.V. Methods of children's experimentation. -SPb.: Publishing House LLC "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2014.

font-size:12.0pt"> "APPROVED"

Chairman of the All-Russian Public Organization

“National system for the development of scientific, creative




About the All-Russian children's competition

research and creative work

"First steps in science"


1.1. The competition is held for the following purposes:

Creating conditions for the formation of interest in cognitive, creative, experimental research, intellectual activity of students of younger and middle age;

Providing support to talented youth in social and professional self-determination;

Obtaining the opportunity to convey the results of students’ work in the form of reports and printed publications, both to a wide range of specialists and to peers who want to join research activities;

Summing up the results of both independent and joint work with co-authors, scientific supervisors, teacher-mentors, research and creative work, providing organizational and methodological support.


2.1 The founder of the All-Russian children's competition of scientific research and creative works “First Steps in Science” (hereinafter referred to as the competition) is the All-Russian public organization “National System for the Development of Scientific, Creative and Innovative Activities of Youth of Russia “Integration”. The competition is held annually by the National Assembly "Integration" with the participation of leading institutions of higher professional education and with the assistance of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, the Federal Space Agency , RAO, RAS, RANS, RIA.

2.2 The founders and organizers of the competition may include federal government bodies and institutions and enterprises subordinate to them, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and institutions subordinate to them; enterprises; institutions of higher and secondary vocational education; business entities.

2.3 The founders of the competition create an Organizing Committee and expert councils to review and evaluate the submitted works. The personal composition of the Organizing Committee and expert councils is approved by the founders by a joint decision when announcing the next event.

2.4 General management and control over the competition is carried out by the Organizing Committee. The personal composition of the Organizing Committee is approved by the decision of the founder.

2.5 The organizing committee of the competition carries out:

Interaction with federal and regional government bodies;

Searching for and attracting supporting organizations from among the ministries and departments of the Russian Federation, scientific foundations, institutions of higher and secondary vocational education, scientific, popular science and other media to organize the competition.

Management of a set of activities for conducting the correspondence (first) round, accepting works for examination and selecting participants for invitation to the full-time (second) round of the competition;

Development of a program and regulations for the full-time round of the competition;

Organizing the delivery of participants, experts and guests to the venue of the in-person round of the competition;

Formation of expert councils, coordination and control of their work during the correspondence and on-site rounds of the competition;

Providing office equipment for sections and other events;

Organizing a pedagogical forum for teachers and lecturers;

Publication of information materials and collections of scientific works;

Approval of cost estimates and the amount of targeted contributions;

Awarding of the winning participants and their scientific supervisors.

2.6. The Organizing Committee of the competition is headed by the first persons of the founders, who are co-chairs of the Organizing Committee ex officio.

2.7. The examination of competitive works is carried out by expert councils for sections of the competition. The composition of the expert councils and their number are approved by the Organizing Committee.


3.1. Works prepared by citizens of the Russian Federation and other states, aged students of educational institutions of primary and secondary general education, students of institutions of additional education for children, participants and members of children's public associations, etc. are allowed to participate in the competition.

3.2. The age of the competition participants is from 7 to14 years inclusive, scientific supervisor – unlimited.

3.3. Only works prepared by one or two authors under the leadership one scientific supervisor .

3.4. The scientific supervisor of the competition work cannot act as a co-author of the work.

3.6. In addition to participants from Russia, participants from Belarus, Ukraine, other countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States, as well as from foreign countries can take part in the competition.


4.1. The competition is held in two rounds:

First round: All-Russian children's correspondence competition of scientific research and creative works “First steps in science” (correspondence competition).

Second round: All-Russian children's conference of scientific research and creative works “First Steps in Science” - face-to-face competition for the winners of the first round.

4.2. To participate in the First Qualifying Round, participants independently or through educational institutions, educational authorities, youth affairs authorities send by e-mail a package of competition documents to the Organizing Committee for participation in the correspondence competition, see clause 6 of these Regulations.

4.3. The competition is held twice a year. The dates for the correspondence competition are from early October to mid-November, and from early February to mid-March. More detailed information about the dates of the correspondence competition is published on Organizing Committee websites: www.nauka, nauka

4.4. Each participant has the right to submit to the competition only one job , where he is the author or co-author.

4.5. For five working days After sending the package of competition documents, the Organizing Committee sends a notification to the email addresses of the senders about the registration of works. If after this period the notification has not arrived, the sender has the right to call the Organizing Committee at 8 (4) and clarify the fact of receipt of competition materials.

4.6. The work of students of educational institutions and pupils of additional education institutions must have a scientific supervisor who is a qualified specialist in this field.

4.7. Competition materials that meet the requirements of these Regulations and are admitted to participate in the All-Russian correspondence competition are processed by the Organizing Committee and sent for examination to expert councils in the areas of the competition. Reviews and reasons for refusal to participate in the full-time round are not provided to competition participants by the Organizing Committee.

4.8. Expert councils review competitive entries in an open manner. The decision is made by a simple majority of votes if at least 2/3 of their members are present at the meeting. In case of equality of votes when counting the voting results, the votes of the chairmen of the expert councils are decisive. The decisions of the expert councils are documented in protocols and sent to the Organizing Committee of the competition. Based on the protocols of the expert councils in the areas of the competition, the Organizing Committee makes a decision to approve the results of the All-Russian correspondence stage of the competition.

4.9. The winners of the correspondence round of the competition receive diplomas “Laureate of the correspondence tour All-Russian children's competition of scientific research and creative works “First steps in science” and together with scientific supervisors are invited to the All-Russian conference. The rest of the competition participants receive a Certificate of participation in the absentee round. Diplomas and certificates of participants in the correspondence competition are awarded at the in-person event. If the invited participant in the competition was unable to attend the in-person event, the diploma (or certificate) is sent to him by registered mail to the address of the educational institution. If it is established that someone else’s copyrighted materials have been used without references to them or the full use of the author’s text and appropriation of research results, the Organizing Committee has the right to refuse to issue the participant with documents confirming his participation in the competition.

4.10. Based on the results of the All-Russian correspondence round of the competition, the founders issue a joint resolution.

4.11. The second round - the All-Russian Children's Conference (hereinafter referred to as the conference), is held based on the results of the All-Russian correspondence competition and involves participants making reports on the content of their competitive work at sectional sessions and their defense before members of the expert council and other participants.

4.12. The conference is held twice a year in mid-April and mid-December. More detailed information about the dates of the conference is published on the websites of the Organizing Committee: www.nauka, nauka

4.13. The number of conference participants is limited. The winners of the correspondence round of the competition - laureates, their scientific supervisors, accompanying persons, and parents can take part in it.

4.14. A call-invitation to participate in the conference is sent to the email addresses specified in the application for participation in the competition (sent for the correspondence round) from email

no less than 10 workers days before the start of the in-person event. The delegation is required to provide a certificate of participation (or refusal to participate) in the conference in the prescribed form. In case of a positive decision on participation in the conference - a scanned (photographed) payment document confirming payment of the registration fee.

4.15. The conference venue is the Holiday House of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

4.16. Delivery of participants, scientific supervisors, accompanying persons, experts, specialists, and honored guests to the conference venue and back is carried out centrally by the Organizing Committee. The Organizing Committee notifies participants in the invitation call about the date and place of departure of the convoys, as well as other organizational issues. Participants under 14 years of age attend the conference with the head of the delegation, a teacher-mentor, an accompanying person, and have a power of attorney from their parents for each participant written in free form. Children under 10 years of age may attend the conference with their parents or close relatives, subject to prior agreement with the organizers.

4.17. Participants invited to the conference are required to bring with them the following package of documents:

1. Civil passport, birth certificate;

2. Printed text of the work and report.

3. Flash drive with one file - a presentation file for the speech. File name: "presentation participant's name." Correction and verification of presentations and printing of texts of reports, works and other accompanying literature at the conference are not carried out by the Organizing Committee.

4. A copy of the document confirming payment of the target fee for participation in the conference (su The mma of the contribution is indicated on the websites: and in a challenge-invitation for one person - participant, leader, accompanying person, and includes delivery from Moscow to the venue and back, food, accommodation, cultural and methodological programs, publication of competition materials).

4.18. To evaluate the performances of the winners of the correspondence competition, the Organizing Committee approves the composition of expert councils in sections,including one or more directions of the correspondence round of the competition.

4.19. The conference involves presentations by applicants with the results of their work at sectional sessions and their defense before the section's expert council.

4.20. The speech of each participant at the conference is carried out in the form of a report or presentation with office equipment (if necessary) and lasts 5-10 minutes.

4.21. Each participant has the right to speak only on one section conferences with report on one work. The use of layouts, stands, models, laboratory installations, computer presentations, posters, handouts, crafts, etc. is allowed.

4.22. A computer presentation should be presented exclusively in the form of diagrams, graphs, photographs, drawings that reflect the essence of the work. Text information in the presentation that completely duplicates the text of the report is not allowed.

4.23. The number and name of sections, the duration of their work within the limits of the event regulations are determined by the Organizing Committee, depending on the number of applicants whose works were included in the conference program. The maximum number of works planned for consideration in one section is determined by its expert council.

4.24. After the completion of the sections, the expert councils hold final meetings and make decisions on awards. The decision is made by a simple majority of votes. In case of equality of votes when counting the voting results, the vote of the chairman of the expert council is decisive. In case of controversial issues, the opinions of other participants, reflected in the evaluation sheets filled out by participants during the work of the section, are taken into account.

4.25. The decisions of the expert councils are documented in protocols and sent to the Organizing Committee before the official closing of the conference. The decisions of the expert councils are the basis for announcing the winners of the competition and preparing the final resolution of the founders on its results.

4.26. Based on the results of the in-person competition, based on the protocols, the Organizing Committee decides to award the authors of the best works with diplomas “Winner of the All-Russian Children's Competition of Scientific Research and Creative Works “First Steps in Science”, as well as the Badge of Distinction “ First steps in science."

4.27. The rest of the conference participants can be awarded diplomas of 1st, 2nd and 3rd degrees, as well as certificates of conference participants.

4.28. If the work is presented by two authors present at the full-time stage, the equivalence of the award is assessed by the section’s expert council.

4.29. The scientific supervisors of the competition winners present at the conference are awarded the “Mentor” insignia and a diploma “For preparing the competition winner.” If the scientific supervisor of the competition winner is absent from the conference, he is awarded the diploma “For preparing the competition winner.”

4.30. The scientific supervisors of the competition winners (1st, 2nd, 3rd degree) present at the conference are awarded diplomas “For preparing the competition winner.”

4.31. The heads of institutions and organizations whose representatives won the competition are awarded with special diplomas from the founders of the Organizing Committee, supporting institutions, organizations, and departments.

4.32. Abstracts of the works of participants admitted to presentation at the in-person event based on the results of the correspondence round are published annually in a collection of abstracts of the competition's works, which is awarded to all participants of the conference.

4.33. Scientific works of the conference laureates, upon submission of expert councils, may be recommended by the Organizing Committee for publication in leading scientific domestic and foreign publications.

4.34. At the end of the academic year, upon written application to the Organizing Committee, the winners of the competition may be given letters of recommendation for admission to higher education institutions, career advancement, etc.

4.35. Winners and prize-winners of the competition at the age of 14 years, meeting the requirements of regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation, The Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia in the field of supporting talented youth, may be nominated by the Organizing Committee for the award of prizes in the field of supporting talented youth.


On All-Russian correspondence competition Completed work in the following areas is accepted:

1. PHYSICS (including astronomy, astronautics);

2. BIOLOGY (including zoology, botany, aquarium science);

3. Local history, GEOGRAPHY (including geology, toponymy, ethnography);







14. TECHNICAL CREATIVITY (including invention, modeling);

15. ARTISTIC AND MUSICAL CREATIVITY (including drawing, photography, sculpture, singing, playing musical instruments).


17. SOCIALLY USEFUL ACTIVITIES (including youth organizations, search teams, military-patriotic movement, assistance to the disabled and orphans).

18. AGRICULTURE (including crop production, livestock farming, farming, veterinary medicine).


6.1. To participate in the All-Russian correspondence competition, participants independently or through educational institutions, educational authorities, youth affairs authorities, etc. send by e-mail*****@***ru to the Organizing Committee required package of competitive documents:

1. Application for participation in the competition (in case of co-authorship, 2 applications);

2. Abstracts of the competition work - an abstract to the work with a brief description of the main stages of implementation;

3. Competition work;

4. A scanned (photographed) image of the payment document with a note indicating payment of the registration fee for the absentee tour.

6.2. Preparation of documents for sending to the competition is carried out according to the following algorithm:

a) Download the archive “PSN Document Package” on the websites: www .nauka, nauka in the Competitions section, subsection “First steps in science”;

b) Fill out an application to participate in the competition, if the work was done in collaboration, then each author fills out his own application;

c) Fill out the header of the thesis for publication in the annual collection of the Competition and insert text of no more than 1 page enter your data into the template;

d) Fill out the title page and insert the text of the work in volume 10 -20 pages to template;

e) Print out the form of receipt for payment of the registration fee, pay at any bank branch and attach a scanned (photographed) receipt to the competition materials;

f) Archive the folder, indicating the city and last name of the participant(s) ( For example: Kostroma, Ermakova) and send by email *****@***ru

g) In case of sending competition documents to the addresses of the Organizing Committee that do not correspond to this competition, the Organizing Committee is not responsible for non-receipt of materials;

h)In the column "Theme" messages indicate: PSN, locality, educational institution, surname of the participant(s).

For example:PSHN, Kostroma, MBOU secondary school No. 1,

The text of the competition work and abstracts of the competition work are submitted in Russian in electronic form in A4 format with margins: left - 2 cm, right - 1.0 cm, top and bottom - 2 cm in a text editor Word font No. 12 Times New Roman, line spacing 1.15. Align to page width.

6.3. Each message must contain a package of competition documents for one competition entry;

6.4. Sent documents must not exceed 2 MB in size.

6.5. Work-related photographs or attachments must be inserted into the text of the work (do not send as separate files as an attachment ) and have a minimum resolution.

6.6. Competition entries and accompanying documents are submitted in Russian.

6.7. In case of non-compliance with the requirements for the application, abstract and text of the work, as well as in the absence of a payment order, the competition materials will not be considered.

6.8. Competition works must be of a research and experimental nature (not abstract), defining one’s own opinion, practical research or reasoned analysis of existing research and development, on the basis of which one’s own interpretation of the problem posed is developed.

The work requires correct completion of the title page in accordance with the template presented in the “Document Package” on the sites: www. nauka 21. ru , nauka 21. com , as well as the presence of a table of contents, introduction, setting research objectives, analysis and review of existing information on the issue under study, the main part, conclusion (conclusions), list of references and applications.

6.9. Abstracts must be concise, clearly presented, and readable in order to be included in the collection of abstracts of competitive works. Abstracts should be in the form of an abstract to the work, reflecting its main stages and indicating the practical significance of the research. It is not advisable to cite well-known definitions and “general phrases” taken from the introduction to the work. In abstracts of works in humanitarian areas, it is allowed to place fragments of poems, stories, original photographs, and works of art. Abstracts of works in the natural sciences may include diagrams, graphs and formulas, and images of laboratory installations and models.

6.10. In papers and theses it is necessary to check the grammar and style of presentation.

6.11. When borrowing material for work from various printed or online sources, it is necessary to provide links to these sources and include them in the list of used literature.


7.1. Postal details and means of communication of the Organizing Committee:

NS "Integration", office 21-22

Organizing Committee of the All-Russian Children's Competition "First Steps in Science"

E-mail: vmestev 21vek - for competition works and questions.

7.2. Bank details of the Organizing Committee:

Recipient: NS "INTEGRATION" TIN / /

settlement account in the Moscow bank of Sberbank of Russia. Moscow

Recipient's bank: Russia" Moscow bank account,

Name of payment: Target contribution for organizing the correspondence competition/conference “First Steps in Science” (year of holding)

7.3. Internet sites: www. nauka 21. ru , nauka 21. com