The advantages of globalization in English. Globalization is harmful for people (Unified State Examination Essays in English)

There is no doubt that globalization has become an indispensable part of modern life. Many people think that it has a detrimental effect on the world, whereas others disagree with this point of view.

In my opinion, globalization affects people’s life in a positive way. Firstly, they can exchange goods, money and ideas faster and cheaper than ever before because nowadays transmission between different countries is developed quite well. Secondly, people and organizations have an opportunity to work and interconnect. Hence, a great number of countries become closer to each other. Finally, it is beneficial for consumers to have a larger market and freedom of choice.

However, there are those who think that globalization does more harm than good for people.

According to their opinion, it causes unemployment because countries move their factories to places where they can get cheaper workers. Additionally, uniqueness of various cultures is replaced by companies and their brands.

Despite this, I cannot agree with these statements. If a person has good education and high qualification, he can get a high paid job in large international corporations. What is more, close interaction between countries helps them to know other cultures better and distribute their products over the world.

In conclusion, even though there are different points of view on this problem, I am inclined to believe that globalization has a beneficial effect on people’s mind and development of counts.

Updated: 2018-02-13

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Essay on social studies on the topic “Globalization - pros and cons”

Global connection of different cultural traditions, unique economic features, political system, religions into a single whole - this is globalization. Globalization is actual convergence different nations, in essence, merging them on many levels. Integration, interpenetration and cultural enrichment on one side of the coin. On the other hand, globalization leads to unification - that is, the creation of uniform systems similar to each other.

Globalization – continuous pros or cons, good or bad, good or evil? World authorities argue and argue, but everyone recognizes that the process is natural and cyclical in the history of mankind, since global integration trends were noticed even during the creation of the global empires of Alexander the Great and the Romans.

The basis of globalization is usually economics. Previously isolated economic systems of nations and states are included in the world market, in common system. Of course, the culture, the way of life of entire peoples, and their religious views are changing. You can see all this on simple example. If about seventy years ago, in the closed Japanese society, people practically did not know any other clothing other than the kimono, now European and American styles have completely overwhelmed Japanese society. Jeans, corsets, women's trouser suits - all this completely changed and appearance Japanese people and their worldview.

Globalization facilitates access for all humanity to new inventions, advanced technologies and knowledge, removes prohibitions and restrictions on development and creativity. But at the same time, a war somewhere in Syria can significantly affect the economy of Russia or distant Argentina. An invasion by a powerful American or transnational corporation with large financial investments into the market of any country can destroy the small business of that country, hit small producers, ordinary farmers, and so on. Weak countries and economic systems give in to financial monsters, often artificially inflated for a time.

Any global process allows for abuse. In the case of globalization, this is most often the intervention of the most economically developed states in domestic policy less developed ones, that is, the actual leveling of the sovereignty of their states. This leads to instability in the national economies of these states, political conflicts, and social explosions. And the presence of a “weak link” in the global economic and political system entails problems in the universal human system.

All humanity indirectly and directly suffers from the negative consequences of globalization. Therefore, the main goal of today's world politics is an emphasis on the development of the positive aspects of globalization, its positive opportunities.

Globalization is a controversial issue for business and governments throughout the world. We recognize globalization mainly through its effects. It's a bit like electricity - we can't see it, but we certainly observe what it does.

Globalization can be described as a process by which the people of the world are unified into a single society and function together. This process is a combination of economic, technological, sociocultural and political forces. It's a movement of people, goods, capital and ideas due to increased economic integration.

Globalization is a controversial issue mainly because different groups interpret it in different ways. For its opponents globalization is a threatening word. It prompts visions of large multinationals dominating the world in pursuit of ever-higher profits. Many pressure groups fear that globalization threatens the environment as well as national cultures — they predict that it will make the rich nations richer and the developing countries even poorer than they are. But its supporters have another point of view. They believe that increasing and freer trade between nations will offer prosperity and economic growth for all countries and businesses.

So globalization is likely to be a hot potato for the twenty-first century. As far as the benefits are concerned there it"s possible to name next statements:

1. An opportunity to get acquainted with cultures of different nations;

2. A variety of choice for consumers: when they can buy in their local stores and supermarkets not only home-produced goods but also foreign ones;

3. Transnational corporations create additional work places for local people, at the same it is convenient for these large corporations as well: they may locate the labor-intensive part of their production process in countries with a relative abundance of labor in order to minimize them costs;

4. Another point is risk-sharing. It"s more reasonable to invest money not in one company but to create an international company with a great amount of subsidiaries in various countries, so it won"t have so serious consequences if one of them will not stand cut-throat competition;

5. This cut-throat competition in the local markets between domestic and foreign producers leads to the production of high-quality goods.

The disadvantages of globalization are:

1. Pollution of the environment (and there one peculiarity should be admitted - developed countries try to locate their harmful for the environment factories and works not in their own countries but in developing countries);

2. Globalization destroys cultural identity, for example Europeans usually try to impose their customs and traditions on Asian people;

3. Multinational corporations prefer to use cheap labor-force of developing countries for instance in Asia. And at the same time they provide their workers with bad and sometimes even awful working conditions;

4. It"s difficult for domestic producers to compete with multinational corporations especially if it"s an infant industry;

The last but not least is that we don"t actually know to what globalization can lead, we don"t realize its consequences.


Globalization is controversial issue for businesses and governments around the world. We learn about globalization mainly through its consequences. It's a little like electricity - we don't see it, but we certainly see what it does.

Globalization can be described as the process by which the people of the world come together into a single community and function together. This process is a combination of economic, technological, socio-cultural and political forces. It is the movement of people, goods, capital and ideas due to increased economic integration.

Globalization is a controversial issue mainly because different groups interpret it differently. For opponents of globalization, this is a threatening word. They see it as the pursuit of large transnational corporations dominating the world for ever higher profits. Many groups are under pressure from the fear that globalization threatens the environment as well as national cultures. They predict that it will make rich countries richer and developing countries poorer. But supporters of globalization have a different point of view. They believe that increasing free trade between countries will be the key to prosperity and economic growth for all countries and businesses.

Globalization is likely to be the hot topic of the twenty-first century. As for its advantages, we can name the following:

1. The opportunity to get acquainted with the cultures of different peoples;

2. A variety of choices for consumers: when they can buy not only domestic goods, but also foreign ones in local stores and supermarkets;

3. Transnational corporations create additional jobs for the local population, this is convenient for these large corporations too. They may move labor-intensive parts of the production process to countries with relatively large labor forces in order to minimize their costs;

4. Another point is risk distribution. It is more reasonable to invest money not in one company, but to create an international company with a large number of branches in different countries. If one of them fails to withstand the fierce competition, it will not have such serious consequences;

5. Fierce competition in the local market between domestic and foreign manufacturers leads to the production of high-quality products.

The disadvantages of globalization are:

1. Pollution environment(one feature should be recognized - developed countries are trying to locate environmentally harmful factories and factories not in their own countries, but in developing countries);

2. Globalization destroys cultural identity, for example, Europeans usually try to impose their customs and traditions on Asian peoples;

3. Multinational corporations prefer to use cheap labor in developing countries such as Asia. And at the same time, they provide their workers with poor and sometimes terrible working conditions;

4. It is difficult for domestic producers to compete with multinational corporations, especially if it is a new industry;

Last but not least, we do not actually know what globalization can lead to, we do not understand its consequences.

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in social studies

Globalization - pros and cons

The global combination of various cultural traditions, unique features of the economy, political system, and religion into a single whole is globalization.

Globalization is the actual rapprochement of different peoples, in fact, their merging at many levels. Integration, interpenetration and cultural enrichment on one side of the coin. On the other hand, globalization leads to unification - that is, the creation of uniform systems similar to each other.

Globalization - continuous pros or cons, good or bad, good or evil?

World authorities argue and argue, but everyone recognizes that the process is natural and cyclical in the history of mankind, since global integration trends were noticed even during the creation of the global empires of Alexander the Great and the Romans.

The basis of globalization is usually economics. The economic systems of nations and states that were previously isolated from each other are being included in the world market, in the general system.

Of course, the culture, the way of life of entire peoples, and their religious views are changing. globalization world political

All this can be seen with a simple example. If about seventy years ago, in the closed Japanese society, people practically did not know any other clothing other than the kimono, now European and American styles have completely overwhelmed Japanese society.

Jeans, corsets, women's trouser suits - all this completely changed both the appearance of the Japanese and their attitude.

Globalization facilitates access for all humanity to new inventions, advanced technologies and knowledge, removes prohibitions and restrictions on development and creativity.

But at the same time, a war somewhere in Syria can significantly affect the economy of Russia or distant Argentina.

An invasion by a powerful American or transnational corporation with large financial investments into the market of any country can destroy the small business of that country, hit small producers, ordinary farmers, and so on.

Weak countries and economic systems give in to financial monsters, often artificially inflated for a time.

Any global process allows for abuse. In the case of globalization, this is most often the intervention of the most economically developed states in the internal politics of the less developed ones, that is, the actual leveling of the sovereignty of their states.

This leads to instability in the national economies of these states, political conflicts, and social explosions. And the presence of a “weak link” in the global economic and political system entails problems in the universal human system.

All humanity indirectly and directly suffers from the negative consequences of globalization. Therefore, the main goal of today's world politics is an emphasis on the development of the positive aspects of globalization, its positive opportunities.

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Globalization is a process of interaction between people, companies and governments of different nations. It is driven by international trade and the development of information technology. We observe its results in all spheres of our life. It has great influence on our environment, culture, political and economic systems. Globalization can be described as movement of people, goods, investments, labor and ideas all over the world. Of course it’s impossible to determine whether globalization is good or bad. It has both pros and cons. Some people just hate globalization and find it threatening for national cultures. Others believe that free trade between countries offers prosperity and economic growth for all nations and businesses.

Today we know a lot of world-famous brands. Wherever we are, we are likely to have lunch at a fast-food restaurant McDonald’s. We can find Coca Cola or Lipton tea at any store. And these products are offered in almost every country. Multinational companies create additional work places for local people. But there is a negative side here because it’s hard for small domestic firms to compete with worldly recognized companies. That’s why they often incur great losses.

Globalization gives me freedom in choosing a place for holidays, in purchasing goods made in a country I prefer most. We can easily get acquainted with other traditions, customs and national cuisines. Living in Russia, for example, we can try new dishes in Japanese, Italian or Georgian restaurants. But on the other hand, little by little we forget about our own culture and the youth starts losing old traditions. Globalization destroys cultural identity.

Another benefit of globalization is advances in information technology. Thanks to the Internet I can get almost any information I need. It helps me with my education and with my studies at the university too. We can participate in international educational programs, communicate with pen-friends from other countries, apply for a piece of advice to any professional through the Internet.

Another advantage of the era of globalization is that I have an opportunity to get closer to my friends and distant relatives by sending messages and exchanging photos and videos. However the Internet has completely transformed our communication and we meet each other in reality less and less nowadays.


Globalization is the process of interaction between people, companies and governments of different nations. It is driven by international trade and development information technology. We see its results in all areas of our lives. It greatly influences our environment, culture, political and economic systems. Globalization can be described as the movement of people, goods, investment, labor and ideas around the world. Of course, it is impossible to determine exactly whether globalization is good or bad. It has both pros and cons. Some people simply hate globalization and see it as a threat to national cultures. Others believe that free trade between nations implies prosperity and economic growth for all nations and businesses.

Today we are familiar with many world famous brands. Wherever we are, we can certainly have lunch at a McDonald's fast food restaurant. We can find Coca Cola or Lipton tea in any store. And these products are offered in almost every country. Transnational corporations create additional jobs for local people. But there is also negative side– It is very difficult for small domestic businesses to compete with internationally recognized companies. Therefore, they often suffer large losses.

Globalization gives me the freedom to choose where to go on vacation and to buy goods made in the country I prefer. We can easily get acquainted with other traditions, customs and national cuisines. Living in Russia, for example, we can try dishes in Japanese, Italian or Georgian restaurants. But, on the other hand, we are gradually forgetting our own culture, and young people are beginning to lose old traditions. Globalization is destroying cultural identity

Another advantage of globalization is the progress of information technology. Thanks to the Internet, I can find almost any information I need. He helps me in my education and in my university studies too. We can take part in international educational programs, communicate with pen pals from other countries, seek advice from professionals via the Internet.