Project “Difficult Sound, you are our friend. Project “Difficult sound, be a friend to children!” Project difficult sound you are my friend

Speech therapy project“Difficult sound, you are my friend. Sound "L".

Theme: “Journey through the land of the sound L”

Target: automation of the sound “L” in syllables, words, sentences.

Tasks: consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sound “L”;

increase parents' interest in the correction process; develop thinking and creativity child; develop phonemic hearing and fine motor skills; create positive motivation for the activity;

Technologies used: gaming technology, health-saving technology;

Project type: individual, practice-oriented, research and creative.

Implementation period: during the entire period of sound correction.

Project participants: child, speech therapist, parents.

Expected outcome of the project: correct and conscious pronunciation by the student of the sound “L” in all words and sentences;

Preliminary work: formation of articulatory skills necessary for

correct pronunciation of the sound L; practicing fine motor skills exercises; setting the sound L;

Follow up work: Automation of the sound L in pure phrases, phrases, and coherent speech.

Equipment: Game panel with islands of speech therapy tasks; basin with water.

Project Description


Activities of a speech therapist

Child activity

Organizational moment

Tell me, what sound do we learn to pronounce correctly? What sound were we imitating?

Sound "L".

I imitated the ship's signal. And the ship was made of paper together with you. But the paper ship got wet and could not sail for long. At home I asked my dad to make a wooden ship, I also helped him. Then we tested it in the bathroom with a lot of water. My ship did not sink and I realized that wood does not sink in water, but paper does.

Lesson topic message

Today you and I will travel on the ship that you made together with your dad and we will continue to beautifully pronounce the sound “L”. You will be the captain of the ship. The captain must be strong, dexterous, give commands clearly and clearly. And our tongue must be strong.

Performing articulatory


Exercise for the lips “Smile” Exercises for the tongue: “Spatula”, “Delicious jam”, “Accordion”, “Drum”, “Mushroom”

Doing exercises

Consolidating isolated sound pronunciation

Let's show you how your ship signals?

And so, let's sail! An island is visible in the sea ahead.

Makes the sound L-L-L.

Automation of the sound “L” in syllables.

Let's moor to the island. It turns out to be a singing island. All the inhabitants of this island invite you to sing with them. You are in a cheerful mood, the sea is calm, let’s sail on.

Pronounces syllable rows:

Automation of the “L” sound in words

There is another island ahead. Let's give a signal and moor. Some mysterious island. Probably the inhabitants of this island want to ask you riddles.

Game “Unusual Riddles” Don’t yawn like a yawn, don’t nod with a nod, but rather, use a reflective puzzle, solve the riddles. Riddles-joke with subject pictures: eyes, horse, hammer, lightning, palm, bee, cloak.

Staring eyes, crying eyes, blinking eyes, squinting eyes, winking eyes; -Gurney, cart, skipping rope, neighing, clattering - horse; - Hammer, hammer, knocker - hammer;

Grabbers, smoothers, spankers, squeezers, palm holders; -Flyer, buzzer, stinger, pollinator - bee; -Put on, warmer, waterproof - raincoat; -Sparkle, flasher, scarecrow, threat - lightning.

Child serves signal L-L-L Guess riddles

Development of phonemic hearing and perception

We sail further, there is another island ahead. We give the signal and moor. What awaits us on this island? The inhabitants of this island speak unusually, let's guess what words they wanted to tell us in their language. -UA-PUDDLE -AA - STICK -OA-BOAT -AA - FINS -UOA – T-SHIRT



Now let’s teach the residents how to play the game “In which house is the sound hidden?” You name the pictures and determine where the sound is located (beginning, middle, end)

Guess words using pictures.

Connects pictures with word patterns.


Development of facial expressions and emotions.

"Holiday Island"

A game to develop attention and

coordination of movements "Ear, nose,

shoulder, knee" (adult

deliberately confuses instructions with


Speech warm-up with the ball “Say the opposite”

    The fairy is kind, but Baba Yaga...(evil). -Pierrot is sad, and Pinocchio...(cheerful).

    Papa Carlo is elderly, and Buratino... (young).

The friend is smart, and the enemy... (stupid).

The child performs, trying not to confuse the movements and the adult’s instructions.

Automation of sound -L - in sentences.

We see an island ahead, we moor to the Island of Laughter.

The inhabitants of this island decided to make us laugh and came up with funny proposals. Listen to them carefully and correct any mistakes.

There is a sky on the moon.

Mom made beets from the salad.

Refrigerator in sausage.

The head is on the scarf.

Kalach ate Slava.

The apple squeezed the juice out of Mila.

Waves float on the boat.

The speech therapist reads an incorrect sentence to the child, and the child tries to correct the error by ear. If difficulties arise, the child can find the picture and, based on it, correct the mistake

Summary of the lesson Reflection.

    Our journey on such a wonderful ship has come to an end for today.

    Did you enjoy traveling?

    How do you think you did in your travel lesson today?

    What was your favorite island task?

But our journey does not end. We will continue “Journey to the Land of the L Sound” in the next lesson.

    Thanks for the lesson

The notes were compiled and conducted by a speech therapist teacher

Sokolova Lyudmila Alexandrovna.

Project type
Implementation period: During the entire period of sound automation.

Relevance: Involving parents in the correctional pedagogical process important task, not because the speech therapist teacher wants it, but because it is necessary for the development of their own child. The efforts of a speech therapist are aimed at building relationships between parents and children. Project activities makes homework interesting, which has a positive effect on the child’s learning of the material. Such interaction between speech therapist, child and parents increases the level of mastery of the program.

Project goal:

Make the learning process interesting and productive.

Conscious understanding of the articulatory structure of a particular sound and high-quality correction of pronunciation defects;

Increasing parents' interest in the correction process;

Expected result: increase interest in classes and reduce the time required for sound automation.

Contents of the work:
Working with children

Study of the pronunciation features of the sound being studied, gradual (as the disturbed sound is staged and automated) design of the games: “Hear the sound”, “One-many”, “Count”, “Give a picture”.

Working with family
Consultation for parents: “Violation of sound pronunciation and its causes.”

Master class: “Articulation gymnastics at home.”

Using a notebook during the consolidation process correct pronunciation sound at home according to the instructions of the speech therapist.

Design of the games: “Hear the sound”, “One-many”, “Count”, “Give a picture”.

Project presentation:
Creation of games: “Hear the sound”, “One-many”, “Count”, “Give pictures” and their practical use when doing home exercises.



Speech therapy project “Difficult Sound”

Speech therapist teacher: Katkova Lyudmila Igorevna

Venue: logo center of MDOU “Kindergarten No. 41 “Solnyshko”

Project type : Research, practice-oriented, long-term, individual.
Implementation period : During the entire period of sound automation.

Relevance: Involving parents in the correctional pedagogical process is an important task, not because the speech therapist wants it, but because it is necessary for the development of their own child. The efforts of a speech therapist are aimed at building relationships between parents and children. Project activities make homework interesting, which has a positive effect on the child’s learning of the material. Such interaction between speech therapist, child and parents increases the level of mastery of the program.

Project goal:

Make the learning process interesting and productive.

Research and understanding by the child of the position of the organs of articulation when pronouncing the sounds being practiced;
Conscious understanding of the articulatory structure of a particular sound and high-quality correction of pronunciation defects;

Make the automation process productive and interesting;
Increasing parents' interest in the correction process;

Expected result:increase interest in classes and reduce the time required for sound automation.

Contents of the work:
Working with children
Getting to know organs of articulation through “The Tale of the Merry Tongue”;
Use on individual lessons for correcting sound pronunciation, game techniques for analyzing articulation “Teach a cartoon character to pronounce sound correctly”, “Explain to a friend the correct location of the organs of articulation...”, etc.
Use of the manual “Articulatory patterns of sounds” when analyzing the articulation of the sound being studied;
Study of the pronunciation features of the sound being studied, gradual (as the disturbed sound is staged and automated) design of the games: “Hear the sound”, “One-many”, “Count”, “Give a picture”.

Working with family
Consultation for parents: “Violation of sound pronunciation and its causes.”

Master class: “Articulation gymnastics at home.”

Keeping an individual notebook “Difficult Sound” together with the child.
Using a notebook in the process of reinforcing the correct pronunciation of sounds at home according to the instructions of the speech therapist teacher.

Design of the games: “Hear the sound”, “One-many”, “Count”, “Give a picture”.

Project presentation:
Creation of games: “Hear the sound”, “One-many”, “Count”, “Give pictures” and their practical use when doing home exercises.

Given practical guide will become an invaluable assistant for you in the complex and painstaking work of correcting defects in sound pronunciation. Entertaining game material will make your classes exciting, fun, and highly effective. The complex nature of the proposed games will allow, in the process of sound correction, to develop the skills of phonemic analysis and synthesis, strengthen the psychological basis of speech (memory, perception, attention, thinking), and cultivate interest, respect and love for the living Russian word. The compactness and mobility of games will significantly facilitate preparation for classes, will make it possible to sensitively and timely respond to any changes in the capabilities, needs and personal preferences of each child, which, in turn, will help to update his internal resources and enable self-correction mechanisms. Lexical material, involved in the manual, is optimal in volume and sound composition and at the same time allows you to prepare...

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Dear speech therapists, educators, teachers, parents!
This practical guide will become an invaluable assistant for you in the complex and painstaking work of correcting defects in sound pronunciation. Entertaining game material will make your classes exciting, fun, and highly effective. The complex nature of the proposed games will allow, in the process of sound correction, to develop the skills of phonemic analysis and synthesis, strengthen the psychological basis of speech (memory, perception, attention, thinking), and cultivate interest, respect and love for the living Russian word. The compactness and mobility of games will significantly facilitate preparation for classes, will make it possible to sensitively and timely respond to any changes in the capabilities, needs and personal preferences of each child, which, in turn, will help to update his internal resources and enable self-correction mechanisms. The lexical material used in the manual is optimal in volume and sound composition and at the same time allows children to be prepared for the perception of such concepts as polysemy of a word, homonymy, paronymy and antonymy. With the help of the presented system of complex games and developmental exercises, educators and parents who do not have special training can master pronunciation correction techniques. Using all five aids from the “Difficult sound, you are our friend!” set, you will be able to play various games to differentiate oppositional sounds. Versatility illustrative material benefits will significantly expand your capabilities and increase the effectiveness of corrective action.


Project goal: Increase motivation to master correct sound pronunciation, help children learn the articulatory and acoustic image of sound necessary for correct sound pronunciation, and also increase the ability to fully speech development preschoolers.

Project objectives:

Speech development.

  • Improve phonemic perception, visual and auditory memory.
  • Explore and comprehend by the child the position of the organs of articulation when pronouncing the sounds being practiced.
  • To consolidate a conscious understanding of the articulatory structure of a particular sound and high-quality correction of pronunciation defects.
  • To clarify the articulatory and acoustic image of the sounds being studied, which is necessary for correct sound pronunciation. Reinforce the concept of “sound”.
  • Develop cognitive activity, thinking, imagination, communication skills.
  • To increase the interest of parents and the competence of educators in the correctional process.
  • Increase the level of motivation and readiness for school learning.


  • We will speak all sounds correctly if we learn to distinguish and hear them in speech, and also learn articulatory gymnastics.
  • Summary project:

Working with children

  • Introducing the organs of articulation through “The Tale of the Merry Tongue.”
  • Using game techniques for articulation analysis in individual lessons for correcting sound pronunciation: “Teach an alien to pronounce sound correctly”, “Explain to a friend the correct location of the organs of articulation...”, etc.
  • Use of the manual “Articulatory patterns of sounds” when analyzing the articulation of the sound being studied.
  • Study of the pronunciation features of each sound being studied, gradual (as each disturbed sound is staged and automated) design of the booklet “Difficult Sounds”.

Working with family

  • Consultation for parents “Violation of sound pronunciation and its causes”;
  • Maintaining an individual booklet “Difficult Sounds” together with the child
  • Using the booklet in the process of reinforcing the correct pronunciation of sounds at home according to the instructions of the speech therapist.

Working with teachers

  • Consultation “Sound pronunciation disorders. Reasons. Types"

Expected results (project product)

Practical result of the project

  • Creation necessary conditions in preschool educational institutions to develop preschool children’s initial skills and abilities to develop the speech abilities of children in the speech therapy group.
  • Increasing children's interest in the correctional process, familiarizing themselves with articulatory gymnastics, making games for learning and distinguishing sounds and using them in free activities by children. Children’s mastery of the correct pronunciation of sounds and in the future ensure control by parents and educators over the correct pronunciation of sounds.
  • Development of speech activity, curiosity, communication skills, and cognitive activity in children.
  • Presentation of individual booklets “Difficult sounds”, their practical use when doing home exercises.
  • Compiling together with the children a general booklet “Difficult Sounds” and using it in the process of reinforcing the correct pronunciation of sounds as instructed by the speech therapist.
  • Celebration of correct speech.
  • Active participation of parents in the implementation of the project.


Recently, there has been an increase in children with speech disorders who have great difficulty learning sound culture speech. A preschooler with speech disorders subsequently experiences significant difficulties in mastering school knowledge and skills. Therefore, it is necessary to consolidate and differentiate missing sounds in a practical way.


What do we know about speech sounds?

All people can speak. They willingly communicate with each other and pass on their knowledge to other people. To learn to speak well, children must be able to clearly pronounce all the sounds of their native language. Usually this process occurs by imitation, but sometimes special classes are required in order to master the correct pronunciation of sounds. If a child can speak well, he can easily find friends, organize games, and communicate with peers and adults. In our group, not all children are able to pronounce sounds correctly and clearly, so we need to organize work to master the correct sound pronunciation.

What do we want to know?

During the conversation it became clear: all children want to learn to speak well. However, it is still difficult for them to pronounce “naughty” sounds. This can help us articulatory gymnastics and “The Tale of the Merry Tongue.” In addition, you need to learn to “hear” and distinguish these sounds from each other. Here you can use various games and exercises that need to be selected.

What needs to be done in order to...

To learn to speak well, you must: really want to learn it, try, do all the exercises and tasks of a speech therapist, educators, parents and friends can help with this.

To remember the correct pronunciation of difficult sounds, you can make different games, pick up fairy tales about the “Merry Tongue”, pictures for successfully mastering difficult sounds “Merry Tongue”, speech lotto.

Stages of work on the project

1. Search engine

Search and analysis of the problem:

It is important that children approach the formulation of the problem themselves. How did we solve the problem? During the direct educational activities, Maxim, while talking about birds, did not pronounce the sound “R”, Igor was surprised and said: “It’s very simple, you need to blow on your tongue.” During the conversation, it turned out that Igor learned to pronounce this sound correctly at home and in kindergarten. I decided to keep this conversation going and started asking the children questions:

What other sounds are “difficult”?

Who wants to learn how to speak correctly?

What is this for?

How can you learn this quickly?

What will we have to do to learn to speak clearly and beautifully?

The children suggested some solutions: Perform a set of articulatory gymnastics, play games: “Name the sound”, “Catch the sound”, “What sound do you hear?”, “Sound”.

Product form selection:

  • What games can be made in order to learn to distinguish sounds?
  • Who and where will we play with them?
  • Where can we put everything we learn about sounds?

Defining the project theme and product name:

During the conversation, we decided on the name “The Kingdom of Sounds”, with a list of games for distinguishing sounds in independent speech.

Setting the project goal:

Goal: learn to speak all sounds beautifully and correctly.

  • Encourage children to pose and solve problems; develop the foundations of key competencies - the ability to obtain and use knowledge through practical activities; to form communicative competences, basic skills of handling, conversation, and objections.
  • Develop cognitive abilities, speech activity.
  • Activate the desire to look for solutions problematic situation; to form the prerequisites for research and search activities.
  • Develop the ability to present the product of activity, the ability to contribute to the common cause.

The teacher’s activities at the first stage: he formulates a problem, a goal, determines the product of the project, introduces children to a game situation, and formulates a task.

Children's activities: they enter into a problem, get used to the game situation, accept the task.

2. Analytical.

Analysis and selection of resources:

We discussed with the children the availability of games in the group, how we will design new games, what is needed for this and where will we get the material? What does it take to make the material colorful? (at home, draw, write down, find something interesting on the Internet, make crafts and drawings, photographs)

Collection and study of information:

A speech therapist teacher should prepare and conduct a consultation for parents “Disorders of sound pronunciation and its causes”;

Together with your child, keep an individual booklet “Difficult Sounds”.

Use the booklet in the process of reinforcing the correct pronunciation of sounds at home according to the instructions of the speech therapist teacher.

Children's activities at this stage:

Children actively participate in learning articulatory gymnastics, help the teacher-speech therapist and parents in the colorful design of development games phonemic awareness.

Activities of the teacher:

  • Consultation with a speech therapist for educators: “Sound pronunciation disorders. Reasons. Types"
  • Compiling together with the children a general booklet “Difficult sounds” (for all sounds)
  • Using the booklet in the process of reinforcing the correct pronunciation of sounds as instructed by the speech therapist.

3. Practical

During the practical part of the project, children become familiar with the organs of articulation through the “Tale of the Merry Tongue”

Use game techniques for articulation analysis in individual lessons for correcting sound pronunciation: “Teach an alien to pronounce sound correctly”, “Explain to a friend the correct location of the organs of articulation...”, etc.

When analyzing the articulation of the sound being studied, use the manual “Articulatory patterns of sounds”

Study of the pronunciation features of each sound being studied, gradual (as each disturbed sound is staged and automated) design of the booklet “Difficult Sounds”

In the process of artistic creativity, cognition, at home with parents, make games to familiarize yourself with sounds: “Name the sound”, “Catch the sound”, “What sound do you hear?”, “Sound”.

Take part in the “Correct Speech” festival.

Activities of the teacher:

The teacher provides practical assistance (if necessary, guides and monitors the implementation of the project)

Children's activities:

To develop knowledge about the articulation patterns of “difficult sounds”, the ability to hear them, distinguish and isolate them, as well as correctly pronounce these sounds.

4. Presentation

At this stage, the teacher’s activity: preparation for the presentation.

Children's activities: prepare the product of the activity for presentation.

5. Control

The children took an active part: they demonstrated the ability to correctly pronounce “difficult” sounds, and distinguish sounds that were similar in articulatory and acoustic characteristics.

Further use of the product of project activities

Prepared games are actively used in the group; children continue to study sounds and master sound analysis and synthesis under the guidance of teachers.

Significance of the project

This project increased children's motivation to prepare for school. The children actively participated in all stages of the project and were filled with pride in the games they completed. They not only took part in the games with pleasure, but also organized them for each other, showing mutual understanding and mutual assistance. As a result of working on this project, children began to pronounce sounds better, learned to hear, identify, and distinguish sounds that are similar to each other.

No. Activities of project participants. Deadlines Participants
1 Search stage.

Conversation with children to determine the topic, goals, and product of the project. Determining the degree of participation of children, parents, teachers.

September Children, speech therapist
2 Analytical stage.

Clarification of information about available games, discussion of the list of games that you can make yourself.

September Children, speech therapist
3 Involving parents in collecting information about sounds. Making the booklet “The Tale of the Merry Tongue.” September Speech therapist
5 Practical stage.

Development of planning lessons for establishing correct sound pronunciation for middle and older children groups of preschool educational institutions

15.09.14. Bondarenko T.I.
6 Consultations for teachers and parents: “Violation of sound pronunciation. Their causes and types" 10.10.14. Speech therapist, teachers
7 Reading poems to children by I. Lopukhin “Song about sounds”, “We play with the sound Ш”, “We play with sounds”, “Letter R” by A. Barto, “Olesik’s Trouble” by N. Timchak; "Why?" P. Vysotsky During the year Speech therapist, teachers
8 Listening to the disc by T.A. Tkachenko “Personal exercises” throughout the year, as you study. Children, parents
9 Compilation descriptive stories about sounds. October children
10 Familiarization with the organs of articulation, examination and production of sound profiles. november children
11 Selection of paintings for a given sound. With different sound positions: beginning, middle, end of the word. October. children
12 Completing tasks in notebooks: “Stepping through the cells.” weekly children
13 Making booklets “Difficult Sound” As the sounds are made Children, speech therapist
14 Coloring pictures for the sound being studied. As you learn letters educators
15 Memorizing the characteristics of sound and its articulation. As we explore sound Children under adult guidance
16 Selection of plates with the names of objects for the objects themselves. In GCD, in games. Speech therapist, teacher
17 Making games to develop phonemic awareness: “Name the sound”, “Catch the sound”, “What sound do you hear?”, “Zvukovichok”. During the year Children, speech therapist, parents
18 Use gaming techniques for articulation analysis in individual lessons for correcting sound pronunciation: “Teach an alien to pronounce a sound correctly,” “Explain to a friend the correct location of the organs of articulation...”, etc. During the year Children, speech therapist
19 Presentation stage.

Presentation of the project: “Celebration of correct speech”

Participation of parents in the presentation of the project.

november Parents, teachers, children

Research project "Difficult sound [R]"

Completed by a student of 3 “a” class Uzek Kezhik MBOU Secondary School No. 3, Chadan

Head: teacher-speech therapist: Sat Choiganmaa Kan-oolovna

Chadan 2015 academic year year


  • Not all children know how to correctly pronounce the sound [r] in speech. The sound [r] is so difficult and that’s why I myself couldn’t pronounce it.

Object of study

  • Sound [r]

Subject of research

  • Organs of articulation


  • Learn to pronounce the sound “R” correctly


  • Identify the peculiarities of the position of the organs of articulation when pronouncing the sound [P].


  • Observation.
  • Consultation.
  • Performing articulation exercises.


  • If I learn to pronounce the sound [r], then I will speak correctly and beautifully. No wonder they say that, that beautiful speech nice to listen to.


Ι . Preparatory stage .

a) performing articulation exercises.

b) games to develop exhalation power.

c) games for hearing development.

ΙΙ.Formation of correct speech .

a) eliminating incorrect pronunciation.

b) pronouncing the sound [r] in syllables and words, sentences.


Teaches you to press the back of your tongue to the roof of your mouth and, releasing it, click.


Teaches to press the back of the tongue to the palate, holding it in this position for some time.


Teaches you to press the back of your tongue against the roof of your mouth and stretch the hyoid ligament.

Game for hearing development


Target: finding sound in words perceived by ear.

Game "Who more words will come up with"

Target: activation of the dictionary, automation of sound [p]

Exercises to develop an air stream


Every day I blow into a balloon,

I conjure my breath.

Exercise “Storm in a teacup”

I'm blowing into the pipe today

And I'm cooking up a storm.

Speech therapy rhymes

Ro-ro-ro, Ro-ro-ro - The bull drank water...

Ro-ro-ro, Ro-ro-ro - The nut has... (kernel).

Ro-ro-ro, Ro-ro-ro - There is an escalator in...

Ro-ro-ro, Ro-ro-ro - Malvina has a friend - ...


Let's guys guess the riddles.

A green bush grows,

If you touch it, it will bite.

On a stuffy day in the sky suddenly

The drums are beating loudly.

One entrance, three exits.

Read and remember the proverbs

  • You can’t even take a fish out of a pond without difficulty.
  • Grow up quickly and get to work in time.

Conclusion :

As a result of regular articulation exercises, I learned to pronounce the sound [r]. And my pronunciation became clear and beautiful. And found out

when pronouncing the sound [r], the position of the lips is in a smile. The mouth is slightly open, the tip of the tongue rises to the tubercles behind the upper teeth. The air stream is strong, it makes the tip of the tongue tremble.


1. Sound automation [p] O.V Epifanova

2. Akimenko V. M. New speech therapy technologies: teaching aid. – Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2009.