The biggest houses. Where is the highest house in the world? The biggest residential buildings in Russia

Almost every country can surprise tourists with its own record holder homes: the largest residential building, a building-castle of a huge area or just cottages with an unusual design. In the largest cities, they will certainly be thrown into the eyes of an incredible height of skyscrapers. Today you will learn which house is the highest in the world.

First skyscrapers

High houses for the first time began to appear in America in the past century, the reason for the construction of such height was the maximum use of the current city land. In those days, the building did not exceed 30 meters, since the main material for construction was a brick, and the height of the structures built from this material had a lot of strict restrictions.

In 1880, the architect William Le Baron Jenny proposed to take advantage of a completely new technology. As the basis of the building was taken by carrying steel framework, which was accounted for the main weight of the facility. It is thanks to this technology that the construction of high-altitude houses or skyscrapers began. The first height in the world was erected in Chicago in 1885, it consisted of 10 floors, and in height reached 42 meters. This skyscraper belonged to the insurance organization. The first highest house in the world was called The Home Insurance Building. After 10 years, a few more floors were added to a high-rise building, and the height of the skyscraper rose to 55 meters. It existed the first high-rise building until 1931.

The construction of the skyscraper was carried out using Jenny's technology, but absolutely other person is considered a height progenitor: James Bogardas. In 1848, in the construction of a five-story building in New York, he applied cast iron and iron beams and columns. True, this building was not recognized as a skyscraper.

Dubai Tower Burj Khalifa

Over 20 billion american dollars is the highest house in the world. How many floors do this truly have a luxurious building? It is hard to even imagine that this building consists of 162 floors. The height of the tower is 828 meters. Interior area, including offices, hotel rooms and apartments there are more than 1 million square meters. The building was twice with a record holder. Burj Khalifa, the highest house in the world (photos are presented in this article), with Arabic translates as "Dubai Tower". Located this skyscraper in the hot Arab Emirates. For the construction of the building, more than 5 years have taken, from here you can conclude that the construction of 1-2 floors took just a week. To build this house-giant I had to use 12 thousand workers. In general, 75,000 people were engaged in the embodiment of the project.

Tower "Princess"

The building with this title is in Dubai, it is listed in the book of world records as the highest residential building in the world. The "Princess" tower has 101 floor, and its height is 413.4 meters.

The skyscraper is located in the Marina area in the western part of the city. The construction of the Giant Building was completed in 2012, in February.

Despite the fact that the construction is recognized as the highest living house, in addition to apartments, there are shops, sports centers, swimming pools, saunas and many other entertainment places.

Solombalsky skyscraper

"House of Sutyagina", he is the same Skysbal skyscraper, located in the northern part of Arkhangelsk. The building belonging to the businessman Nikolai Sutagin is recognized as the highest wooden house in the world. His floors - 13 levels. In 2008, the skyscraper was dismantled to 4 floors. The fire that occurred in 2012, May 5, destroyed the remaining part of the wooden structure.

The Solombalsky Skyscraper was one of the highest private structures from the tree in Russia, yielding only to several longstall churches.

In the late 90s, the businessman was serving a sentence in prison, so construction was suspended for some time, but in 1992, after his release, resumed with a new force. By this time, 3 floors were erected.

The house of Sutyagina became a real boom at the conference "Wooden construction in the northern cities", which took place in one of the cities of Norway - Trondheim. The Solombalsky skyscraper was even planned to include in the Guinness Records Book.

In 2008, according to a court decision, the building was recognized as illegally constructed, since the construction of private wooden buildings was prohibited in Arkhangelsk, a story of more than two levels without coordination with the authorities. The court demanded the demolition of a skyscraper at the expense of Sutyagin. The businessman did not agree with this resolution and filed on appeal. Press secretary of the management of FSSP Natalia Kitaeva said that the house must be demolished until February 1, 2009.

Since Sutyagin refused to independently fulfill the decree, in November 2008 declared a tender for dismantling the building. The cost of working on demolition was determined by 2 million 600 thousand rubles.

The 4 remaining floors burned in 2012. The cause of the fire was the fire of a neighbor's bath, which occurred at 8 pm. To globe the flame was only about midnight.


There are many large buildings on the planet, but private is much smaller. The highest house in the world of them is "antihily". In 2002, in one of the most populated cities in India - Mumbai - the construction of a billiardder family began. To date, all works are completed.

Just imagine a private house in 27 floors, however, they correspond to 60 standard levels. Engineers worked for conscience: the building can withstand an earthquake with a capacity of 8 balls. The house is equipped with 9 elevators. On 6 floors there are parking, where billionaire cars are located, a private auto service is located on the seventh. One level is assigned to the theater, others under the ballrooms, pools and gardens. The whole family takes 4 floors, and 3 allocated to accommodate the service personnel (600 people). The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe project was to mix architectural styles, and none of them repeated anywhere. This also applies to finishing materials.

The highest panel house in the world

In Melbourne (Australia), a multi-storey building appeared, which is an embodiment of sustainable architecture. The notableness of the 10-storey house Forte is the materials from which it is built. It is fully erected from CLT panels, which are manufactured from certified wood supplied from Austria. It is absolutely done here everything made of wood, ranging from the walls and ending with the floors and ceilings.

The manufacturing technology of such panels is to cross gluing board panels. In the global market, they appeared not more than 10 years ago. In Europe, social buildings and economical housing are erected from CLT panels. In Australia, this material was tried for the first time.

The whole house is equipped with water-saving reinforcement, dishwasher and washing machines. Provided here and special installations where rainwater is going. It turns out that it is used for toilets and fire extinguishing systems. In addition, there are air conditioning and heating systems with thermal pumps.

Forte is the first residential building having an environmental certificate of conformity. It is worth noting that the housing will be able to purchase a few, since the apartments in this new building cost 450-800 thousand dollars.

"Mercury City Taer"

There are also skyscrapers in our country. Let's find out what of them is the highest home? The world has many wonderful buildings, and Russia can boast the Mercury City building located on the territory of the Moscow International Business Center "Moscow City". A skyscraper towers at 338.8 meters and consists of 75 levels. The total area of \u200b\u200binterior premises - 180 thousand square meters, of which 86,000 are offered, and 20,000 luxury residential apartments. Architects Mikhail Sokhin and Frank Williams worked on the project.

Other high buildings

There are many unique buildings in the world. I would like to pay attention to some high-altitude facilities:

  • Skyscraper Taipei 101. The building besides its height of uniquely still speed of elevators. There are mainly office space and shops in it.
  • Shanghai Financial Center is one of the highestmost buildings in China. It consists of 101 floors.
  • Another skyscraper is located in Hong Kong, he rises by 452 meters.
  • Until 2003, Petronas towers, located in Malaysia, were considered the highest structure in the world.

Definitely answer the question of where the highest home in the world is difficult, because it can be about residential buildings and business centers. It is also necessary to take into account the materials from which the construction is built.

Private house at the airport or apartments underground, personal auto service or zoo, choose where you would like to visit, and may also acquire on the occasion of the mansion like.

Moving, filled with water around the castle, once was the necessary means of defense. Today, this is one of the ways to demonstrate its wealth to the whole world. What made a successful American architect Charles Zigere. His residence in Florida Modern house-palace on the water. Initially, no lake was not, but was dug a pit under the water, and the building was built in the middle. Large works were worth filled with it until the palace and adjacent platforms for rest did not turn into a picturesque island, in the middle of the artificial reservoir.

The house in which together with his family lives John Travolta. Not similar to houses of other celebrities. After all, this is a house with real airplanes. Among several models parked in the courtyard, there is also the most favorite, huge Boeing-707. The actor himself has a pilot license. He says that he made his dream home and his whole family is happy. After all, they live in the most beautiful and convenient airport in the world.

Mansion Canadian singer Celine Dion Located on the island of Jupiter in Florida. The estate takes 222 acres overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. In the mansion, several pools, a golf course, and the highlight on the cake is its own water park.

Incredible mansion Ferfield Pont in Hematon, New York, total area of \u200b\u200b10,220 square meters. It is located on 53 acres of land, 2950 acres or exactly 295,420 square meters of territory. His owner American investor and businessman Airo Renhert. In the house 29 bedrooms, 39 bathrooms, a basketball court, bowling, two tennis courts and two squash courts. The cost of fashionable apartments is 170 million dollars.

Star Teediva Oprah Winfrey He lives in a luxurious mansion worth 52 million dollars. The house is located in the elite area of \u200b\u200bCalifornia and is equipped with a private household cinema, a tennis court, a huge pool and a picturesque lake.

Laleopold, the name of the luxurious villa on the Cote d'Azur, built in 1902 by the Belgian King Leopold II for his favorite. The building is officially recognized as a historical monument. The estate covers an area of \u200b\u200b10 acres, and only 50 gardeners mansion are careful. In 2008, there were reports of buying Villa Mikhail Prokhorov for a record $ 496 million for private residential real estate. Prokhorov subsequently denied the acquisition information, and for the refusal of the transaction, he had to pay solid expressions.

This little ugly on appearance is the largest private house in the world and the most expensive housing in the world worth $ 2 billion. This building Antilia.Erected in Mumbai, India, for a local businessman Akesh Ambani, fifth among the richest people of the planet. His total height of 173 meters accommodated 27 floors. In the first six, there is a parking for 168 cars. At the seventh-personal car service. Next, spa, several swimming pools, all sorts of gardens and ballrooms. At the very top there is a residence of the Mambani family, and three helicopter venues above it. Skyscraper serve 600 permanent personnel. The building is designed so that it is even able to withstand an earthquake of 8 points on the Richter scale.

It is not difficult to guess that America's richest man built a very extravagant home. Speech O. Beale Gates. And his mansion called Hanada 2.0. The mansion was built for 7 years, and its cost is estimated at 125 million dollars. Mal and tax on possession of such a luxury. In 2016, he amounted to 1 million dollars with superfluous. The house has many improvements. Bill guests can easily customize temperature and lighting with a highly technological sensor system. Speakers are built into the walls of each room and everyone can choose favorite music, and the melody will accompany it in every room. Also, Gates has a favorite tree, a forty-year-old maple. For its condition, 24 hours a day, a special computer system is observed, which watering every time it notices that the tree lacks moisture.

Palace Istana-Zerul-Iman in Brune Gorgeous apartments. He is introduced into the Guinness Book of Records as the world's largest residential residence of the head of state. Palace Square 187 thousand square meters. The total number of rooms is 1788, including bathrooms 257. Elevators - 18. Swimming pools - 5 and even a mosque that can accommodate 1500 people. The underground garage is designed for 153 cars. It contains the most expensive models in the world, including in a single instance for personal orders. A large collection of cloths is kept in the palace, among which the Renoir picture worth $ 70 million.

A four-storey mansion is sold in Los Angeles Square of 3,500 square meters. Its cost is 250 million dollars. 12 bedrooms, 21 bathrooms, 3 kitchens, bowling on four tracks, cinema for 40 seats, panoramic pool, 2 wine cellar, 130 artistic intersolations. The price of the house includes a collection of cars and motorcycles on 30 million dollars. The cost of the mansion also includes services for seven employees at home for the next two years. It seems a tempting offer!

Famous protector Manchester United Harry Brogue I decided to equip a family nest underground. At first glance, everything looks like a classic English garden with an ideal lawn. However, in fact, there is an underground eco-house football player worth 3.2 million euros. Eco-house round shape, its roof serves land and lawns, which gives it a kind of natural landscape. The glass dome of the roof skips the sun's rays and creates natural lighting. Due to its location under the ground, it retains a constant temperature, allowing you to avoid costs for heat, and the rainwater collection system is installed in the house.

Mansion Pensore, More like a castle, for those who are waiting for the end of the world. The house is resistant to tornadoes, earthquakes, fires and explosions. And for its heating, geothermal energy is used. Adherents of conspiracy theory believe that Pensmore residence for elminats, from where they secretly manage America and weave intrigues.

Versalies - It is an area of \u200b\u200b8360 square meters, which is elevated by the sample of the French Versailles Palace, in the tiny town of Florida. This is the largest American home for one family. A billionaire lives a billionaire David Sigel, his wife, as well as their 8 children. The house has 9 kitchens, 25 bedrooms, 13 bathrooms, kegelban, 5 pools, a banquet room for 500 people, a two-level cinema with a balcony as in Paris opera, a fitness center and a wine cellar for 20 thousand bottles.

Herst Castel He is a national historical monument on the coast of California. In a huge estate of 56 bedrooms, 61 restrooms, several pools. Tennis courts, airfield and even the world's largest private zoo. Initially, the construction site of the mansion bought Senator George Hurst back in 1895. At one time at the parties of Harst, Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Cherchel and Charlie Chaplin.

And the last house that has seen many hot parties during its existence belongs founder of the magazine Playboy Hugh Hefneer, on nicknamed chief. The construction covers an area of \u200b\u200b700 square meters, has a variety of bedrooms and bathrooms, mini zoo and the famous grotto with a pool for love joy. But most of all the playboe's house is notable for the fact that the Great Creator of the magazine lived there surrounded by young models, aged 18 to 28 years, usually in the amount of 10 pieces. And they all obeyed the strict rules of accommodation in the House of Hef. All beauties were supposed to be in their golden cage at 21.00.

People live, - we think, looking at the pictures of these mansions. But there is a way out, you need to buy a lottery ticket and gains to spend on the purchase of a mansion that is sold in Los Angeles. Or write a letter to Santa Claus ...

Even more interesting

Perhaps, many people are interested in the question of which houses are built by rich and famous, whose money does not peck. And you can say for sure that the proper real estate is rich, as a rule, do not store and build houses that more come to the palaces. In this review, the largest residential buildings in the world.

1. PenSmore.

Highlenvill, USA
The owner of this mansion is Steve Huff. Especially on his order was built a real house-fortress, which is different not only in its size, but also by what can withstand any catastrophe, which you can only imagine.

2. Xanadu 2.0

Medina, USA
In addition to what can be included in many of the similar private mansions (huge rooms, luxurious interiors, heated access roads, etc.), Xanadu 2.0 boasts a swimming pool with ... underwater music system. But this is the easiest thing that could be expected from the mansion, because this is the house of Bill Gates.

3. Updown Court.

Windls, United Kingdom
This stylish residence in Californian style was at one time the most expensive private home all over the world. Only one access paths from heated marble was worth more than $ 3 million.

4. Hearst Castle

San Simeon, USA
This castle is located on the legendary California coast. He became a national park after his owner William Herest died in 1951.

5. Biltmore Estate.

Ashville, USA
The house was built at the end of the 1800s by George Washington Vanderbilt II (he has nothing to do with the president George Washington). He is still the largest private residence in the United States.


Private ownership of Maison De L Amitie.

Palm Beach, USA
This massive mansion was reconstructed by Donald Trump, and then sold by the Russian billionaire Dmitry Rybolovlevu for almost $ 100 million. At that time, it was the most expensive sale of residential real estate in the history of the United States. Oligarch eventually demolished his home due to the pressure of the city authorities.

7. Villa Leopolda.

Wilfranche-sur-Mer, France
This huge villa in the French Riviera had several owners, the last of which are now busy with each other because of money. Funny fact - 50 gardeners work on 8 hectares of the villa.

8. La Reverie.

Palm Beach, USA
Some of the richest people on the planet live in Palm Beach, but at the same time one of the largest homes in this area owns ... a hairdresser. And, to be more accurate, Sidel Miller is a co-founder of Matrix Essentials - companies producing hair care products.

9. Manor

Los Angeles, USA
During one of his visits to California, Charles, Prince Wales stopped in this mansion in Los Angeles. Initially, the house belonged to Candy and Aaron Spellingam, but after the death of Aaron, Candy sold the mansion for almost $ 90 million.


London, Great Britain
In this chic mansion there is a Turkish bath for 20 people. And also you can find a glass elevator.

11. Versailles.

Orange County, USA
David Zygel had to postpone the construction of his huge house with the pretentious name "Versailles", when the World Economic Crisis broke out. Since then, however, building a mansion with an underground garage for 30 cars resumed.

12. Istana Nurul IMAN

This huge mansion belongs to Sultan Brunei Hassanla Bolkiahu. His name is translated as the "Palace of Light Faith". The house has a garage for 110 cars.

13. Pritzker Estate.

Private ownership of "Windsor Castle".

London, Great Britain
This royal residence was built in the XI century after the invasion of Normanov in England. This is the largest population in the world, as well as people in it continuously lived in for a long time among all castles in Europe.

Luxurious mansion is not just a house, it is a lifestyle. In this review, which distinguishes it from any other housing.

The owners of the most luxurious houses of the world are not always in sight. We all know who owns the Buckingham Palace, but does anyone know the name of Tim Blixet? Or do you know a billionaire from India, built a 27-storey building only for yourself? We think no.

Well, it's time for the curtain of the mystery to fall! We have drawn up the rating of the most expensive homes - modern castles in the full sense of the word - and people quite successful and rich enough to own them. We present to you the most expensive houses in the world.

Location: London

Cost: 128 million dollars

Description: This ten bedroom mansion is more like a private high school with an underground pool, sauna, cinema and even fear room. And this is all in addition to the general interior, decorated marble, gold and priceless works of art. The house is considered one of the most expensive in England.

Owner: Elena Pinchuk - the daughter of the Second President of Ukraine - Leonid Kuchma. She is known for heading the Foundation I founded by the AIDS Foundation and is a friend of Elton John.

Location: London

Cost: 140 million dollars

Description: Located on the Alley of billionaires, this palace will soon acquire the underground annex with the tennis court, a wellness center and the automotive museum. In terms of cost, he takes the second place of our rating of the most expensive homes in the world.

Owner: Roman Abramovich - Russian billionaire and owner of a private investment company Millhouse. He is known to the whole Western world as the owner of the English football club "Chelsea".

Location: Resort Zone Big Sky (Big Sky), Montana

Cost: 155 million dollars

Description: The biggest property in the Yellowstone club and one of the most expensive in the world - the private territory for golf and skiing, designed for mega-rich; In the house - heated floors, many pools, gym, wine cellar and even their own funicular.

Owners: Ed and Tim Blixets - a businessman in real estate and the "forest baron" Tim Blixet became the co-founder of the Yellowstone Club, but the bankruptcy of the club, the broken-separated process and other misfortunes have fallen a serious blow to the welfare of Blixet.

Location: San Simeon, California

Cost: 191 ml of dollars

Description: The castle with a 27-mete bedroom, used when shooting the film "The Great Father", took on his walls of John and Jackie Kennedy, Clark Gabla, Winston Churchill and other famous figures.

Owners: The trustees of William Randolf Hursta - the castle built by the first newspaper tycoon of the United States, is now an object of heritage and a tourist attraction included in the part of the California Park System and is one of the most expensive homes in America.

Location: Woodside, California

Cost: 200 million dollars

Description: Rather, not a house, and the mass building from 10 buildings, located in 9 with a small hectares, with an artificial lake, a pond with Chinese carp, tea house and a bathing house.

Owner: Larry Ellison is the founder of Oracle, who held the third position following the results of 2013, the list according to Forbes is the owner of this house, one of the most expensive in the world.

Kensington Palas Gardens, house 18-19

Location: London

Cost: 222 million dollars

Description: Another property on the Billionaire Alley - House 18-19 is located side by side with the house of Prince William and Kate Middleton. Directly, this residence has 12 bedrooms, equipped with Turkish Hamam, indoor pool and parking for 20 seats. It is deservedly, ranks fifth place our list of the most expensive homes on the planet.

Owner: Lakshmi Mittal is the head of Arcelor Mittal, the world's largest manufacturer, and, according to the same Forbes, one of the 100 richest people in India.

Fairfield Pond, possession 4

Location: Sagaponak, Hamptong, New York

Cost: 248.5 million dollars

Description: This house with a 29-point bedroom covers an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 25 hectares, and has its own power plant adjacent to it. Inside there are 39 bathrooms, a basketball court, a kesechel, corthes for squash and tennis, 3 pools and a dining room longer than 100 meters.

Owner: Aira Rennert - the owner of the Renco Group of Companies - Holding, specializing in investments in the production of cars and smelting ore. He also owns holdings in metallurgy and mining.

Location: Cote d'Azur, France

Cost: 750 million dollars

Description: Opens the top three among the most expensive houses at the present time, Villa Leopold. This is an estate of 20 hectares, if you believe the description of the Variety edition, includes the "greenhouse of industrial size, a swimming pool and a house with a swimming pool, an outdoor kitchen, a helicopter platform and a guest house that exceeds the size of most millionaire mansions." The house is famous for its appearance in 1955 in the frames of the paintings of Alfred Hichkoka "catch the thief".

Owner: Lily Safra - Brazilian philanthropist and widow of the Lebanese banker William Safra. Her husband died in a family couple after a fire, obviously caused by arson.

Location: Mumbai, India

Cost: 1 billion dollars

Description: Antillar is not even a house in a traditional understanding. This building is in 27 floors with a total area of \u200b\u200b36,000 sq.m. Equipped with an underground six-level garage, three helicopter platforms, and its maintenance requires 600 personnel.

Owner: Mukesh Ambani is the richest man of India, a leading network of enterprises with an income of $ 23.6 billion, according to Forbes. Ambani scalled a state by driving a Reliance Industries company operating in the field of energy and raw materials.

Buckingham Palace

The Buckingham Palace right occupies the first place of our rating most expensive homes in the worldwhich are in private ownership.

Location: London

Cost: 1.55 billion dollars

Description: Technically, there is still a residential house, but, of course, not subject to sale, the residence of the English Queen was appreciated by the Housing Society of Britain in 2012 at about $ 1.5 billion. This property object includes 775 rooms (including those of 19 rooms for state purposes), 52 bedrooms, 188 rooms for service personnel and 78 bathrooms.

Owner: Currently, Queen Elizabeth II, who ascended the throne on February 6, 1952.

Almost every country has home-record holders - these are the largest residential buildings, houses of huge square and private houses. The largest cities of the world can boast an incredible height of skyscrapers.

Where and when was the first skyscrapers built?

High houses with incredible intensity began to appear in America at the end of the 19th century, which was associated with the desire to use at a maximum of expensive urban land. Since the building can be built from the brick, the height of which does not exceed thirty-three meters, the height of the buildings under construction at that time had strict limitations.

Only in the 1880th year in the United States in the United States by the architect named William Le Baron Jenny, a completely new construction technology was proposed. The building was at the base of the building was the carrying frame of steel, which and the main weight of the structure. Thanks to this technology, it became possible to build high-altitude houses that began to call skyscrapers.

In 1885, the first ten-story house was built in the city of Chicago, the first ten-story house is a forty-two-meter height on the proposed Jenny technology, it became the first skyscraper. The house belonged to the insurance company. The world's first skyscraper was called "The Home Insurance Building". Six years later, a ten-story height acquired two more floors, thanks to which it reached the height of fifty-five meters. The world's first skyscraper existed until 1931.

Despite the fact that the first skyscraper was built on the technology of William Jenny, the so-called "father of the skyscrapers" consider another person. We are talking about James Bogardas, who during construction in 1848. Cast iron and iron columns and beams were applied. Bogardas built a five-storey building Cast Iron in New York. Nevertheless, the skyscraper it was not considered.

The biggest house

As you know, in the family of Elizabeth II, several famous estates, among them and the Palace of Holight, and Windsor Castle, and the Boulenemian Palace. The biggest home-castle is the Windsor Castle in Berkshire, which today's Queen of England has more than sixty years.

The castle area is about forty-six thousand square meters. He has undergone many changes and repairs for his story, today there are about a thousand rooms in it. Being built by Wilhelm the conqueror in the eleventh century, this castle occupied defensive positions. It is located in a place that has almost never been under threat of conquerors. After Elizabeth II entered the throne, Windsor Castle became the main royal house

The world's largest private house

There are many large houses in the world, but large private houses are much smaller. The biggest of them is "antihily". Its construction was launched in 2002 in Mumbai for the Indian billionaire and his family and today it is already over.

House height - twenty-seven floors corresponding to sixty standard floors. "Antiham" is able to withstand 8 ball earthquakes. In the largest private house nine elevators. Parking is located on the six floors, where there is a collection of car owner, and the seventh floor is assigned to a private car service. Another floor is a small theater. Next follows floors with ballrooms, pools, gardens. The millionaire family takes four floors, and the three floors are six hundred people of the service personnel. The main concept of the project is the mixing of architectural elements and styles that are consistently connected, never repeated. No repetitions and in the finishing materials.

The world's largest private house is both the most expensive private building in the world. Its estimated cost, together with the Earth, on which it is built, is estimated at about two billion dollars. It is not surprising at all, if we take into account that the owner is Mukesh Ambani, whose name takes the fifth position in terms of capital in the world.

The largest residential building in the world

Among all the residential buildings built on the planet, the house in Volgograd is the largest. Its length is one kilometer one hundred and forty meters. This nine-story was built in the second half of the seventies of the last century. To see this longest residential building is completely possible only from a bird's eye view. In the form, it resembles the capital letter "E".

In the Volgograd House-record holder one thousand four hundred apartments and many administrative premises. Residents of the city are called his "intestine" and are proud of such a landmark. In Volgograd, there is the highest monument to Lenin - 57 meters. .

Another contender for the title of the largest residential building in the world is located in the city of Lutsk. In shape, it resembles "honeycombs" and is located on two streets - Youth Street and Cattle Avenue. The townspeople call it the "Great Wall". His length is one kilometer seven hundred fifty meters, if you consider with all the "process", the length will be two kilometers seven hundred seventy-five meters. The house began to build in 1969 and graduated from construction only in the 1980s. The long building joined the forty houses of different floors, where one hundred twenty entrances.
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