Words for the end of the school year. Congratulations on the end of the school year in prose

Another school year is coming to an end. Just recently, it seems, the school hospitably, smiling broadly with its colorful design and bright posters, opened its doors to our children. It was a wonderful autumn day - September 1st. There was an infinitely blue and warm sky, a sea of ​​flowers and smiles. I was excited about the upcoming meetings. There seemed to be no end to this year. But here it is the end of May, the end academic year. A year has not passed, a year has flown by, rushed by. Soon May 25th and the “last bell” holiday. A joyful and sad holiday. It's sad that I have to part with the guys. The chicks will fly out of their “native nest” and set off on their life’s “voyage on the waves of the sea of ​​life”, having gone through tests and exams. I want to congratulate all the graduates on graduating from school, wish them to pass their exams with dignity and find their way in life. Dear graduates! I wish you success, good luck, prosperity, interesting meetings. Live without lies and without falsehood, strive for knowledge, to achieve your dreams. Appreciate true friendship! Be kind and sympathetic people. Good luck and happy travels!

But school is not only students, it is teachers, people who are around children every day, every hour, living the same life and the interests of children. The outstanding teacher S.L. Soloveichik said: “The teacher is not a mediator between the world and the children, no, he is on the side of the children, he is with them and at their head.” Dear colleagues! I sincerely congratulate you on the approach of such a joyful and exciting event - the end of the school year. I am glad that there is an end to worries, tests, all kinds of reporting and inspections. A lot has been done in a year: discovered, studied, explored. It’s exciting because not everything is over yet: exams are ahead. Not only children take exams, but we, dear colleagues, take exams along with them. I believe everything will be fine. And on the horizon is a long-awaited vacation! We deserve it! Please accept my most sincere congratulations on the end of the school year. Health to everyone, good luck!

I would like to congratulate the employees and organizers of the site on the end of the school yearPedsovet. su. You were irreplaceable helpers and advisers in our difficult work. It was you we turned to in difficult times, we looked to you for tips, support, and got acquainted with new products. You provided the opportunity to learn from colleagues’ experiences.

May this summer be unforgettable, fun, filled with bright events, wonderful emotions and pleasant chores for all of us! I wish to spend this vacation in such a way that all our dreams associated with summer, warmth and peace of mind. Please accept congratulations on the end of the 2-16/2017 academic year and the upcoming long-awaited vacation!

Line dedicated to the end of the school year.

Song "Good mood" Choir


Dear children! Dear teachers!

Today is an amazing day. No matter what the weather is outside, it still looks sunny. Because today is the last day of classes. The month of May has come to an end. Worries about grades are left behind, tests and dictations. All of you guys are ahead summer holidays. Fun things lie ahead summer travel, interesting games and fun. Today we are gathered here to say goodbye to this academic year.

In September, your home school will welcome you as adults.

Here it is, the last day of school,

And May is a wizard,

admire for yourself

Generously showered with tender lilacs

Lilac fragrant flowers.

1.We got up early today,

The calendar was turned over.

The long-awaited number

It blossomed on a leaf.

2.We counted the days, weeks,

Well, when can we rest?

Shall we go on vacation?

3. Commas, X's, periods

Not a single good night!

All torment is over!

We've finally got it!

4 The sun is shining very brightly,

And the children rejoice.

School year just around the corner,

And Hurray for the holidays!

5: Tests, lessons are over!

Summer is waiting for us to visit!

The holidays are ahead of us all!

The school year has ended!

The floor for congratulations goes to the director of the school, R.Ya. Kuznetsova.

6.Who often beat their thumbs,

Didn't study well.

Today it’s annoying -

Year didn't go very well.

7. Who studied diligently

He excelled in his studies.

“5” and “5” are excellent all around.

Let's call the guys exemplary

First on the list for studies.


Yes, guys! You all worked throughout the year: some learned to read and write, others crammed the multiplication tables, others determined the declension of nouns... There was a lot of work. And today, at this solemn assembly, we will learn the names of those guys who earned special praise for their work! These are our excellent and good students.

The floor for congratulations is given to the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs Natalya Gennadievna Gilfanova.

Congratulations from Natalya Gennadievna, presentation of certificates.

Music is playing.

Our excellent students are given the right to take a lap of honor to our applause!

Rhythmic dance “Dwarfs” for students in grades 3-4

Ved. In this academic year The youngest children, first graders, arrived in our large family. They have passed the first step of the ladder of knowledge. They learned to read, count, write, solve problems, make friends and be students.

We give the floor to first graders.

Song "The sun came out"


Dear guys, dear teachers! Today there are graduates on our line primary school. These are 4th grade students. For four years they climbed the first, most difficult steps of the ladder of knowledge. We learned to be friends and live according to the rules of our native school house. They have the floor.

4th grade performance.

Today is a very special day,

we have gathered here, friends,

To say goodbye to elementary school

You and I will do this.

The bell sounds cheerful,

We're leaving for fifth grade.

Thank you, starters,

We won't forget you!

To fifth grade, to fifth grade

The school invites us.

Goodbye dear class,

We say goodbye to you.

We say goodbye and dance,

We don't cry, we sing,

Because failure

We leave it overboard.

We fell in love each other,

Our friendship is strong!

Our friendship is with us

Goes to fifth grade.

(For the first teacher)

For four long years you taught us,

They led to a huge country of Good and Knowledge.

We remember the first time we entered the classroom,

But today we’ll say “Goodbye.”

You greeted the kids with a smile,

And remember the smiles from ear to ear,

When did we get our first grades?

How difficult it was for us to write words -

The letters did not obey us and fell down.

No wonder they say: It’s hard to start.

But look - we all learned.

Thank you, our first teacher,

For the enormous work that they put into us!


First teacher! You will never forget her as a true friend. It was she who taught us to write the first words, count, read, work and make friends.

The floor is given to your first teacher.

Congratulations and parting words from teachers Larisa Ivanovna, Tatyana Yurievna

Song “The world is like a colorful meadow” 2nd grade

The school's teachers wish you good health, strength and patience on this difficult and long path.

Ved. The right to make the last call is granted...

Song "The holidays are coming"


Now the moment of farewell has come.

Our speech will be short.

We say to you, “Goodbye,

See you happy next time!”

This concludes our solemn line-up. See you in September!

Paper airplane
The school year has flown by
Congratulations on graduation
School I want people.

Summer is looking forward to you
To give rest,
For the holidays I wish
Collect more strength.

Let it charge you with energy
Sun, forest, river and sea,
To have a successful autumn
Celebrate the new school year.

Here's another year gone
We became a year older and older.
May good luck and love be on your way
It only happens to you more often!

Let science come easy,
There is no limit to knowledge.
New discoveries are in your hands,
Health, strength and victories!

" Hooray! Hurray!” the kids shout.
The teachers would scream, but they couldn’t.
The school year was not easy,
But he taught us all a lot.

The year has ended, and I congratulate everyone.
May summer fulfill everything you dreamed of.
May the sun give you hot days,
So that everyone can enjoy the sea and the beach.

The school year has flown by
Everyone was given a report card,
Happy day to school people
I want to congratulate you.

I want to wish today
To everyone, without exception,
Spend your holidays
In a great mood.

Rest, our school house,
In silence under the sun,
On your doorstep in autumn
We'll be back again.

The school year is over,
Summer is ahead of us
Vacations are waiting, friends,
Hiking and family are waiting!

A sea of ​​fabulous emotions
Hundreds of servings of pleasure.
A wonderful holiday awaits us all
This summer...Class-class-class!

Here is one school year,
Like a bird in height,
Goes into the distance, leaving
In loving memory, the line.

Congratulations, more knowledge
You managed to save up.
May you have enough perseverance
To get more of them.

Let the illnesses all recede,
Let there be success in business.
Smile more often than life
And hover joyfully in your dreams.

The school year is over
The bell has already rung,
I want to bask in the sun,
I'm too lazy to study.

We wish you a bright summer,
Emotions overflowing.
Let him please you with gifts.
Let it be like heaven.

Bask yourself in the sun, rejoice,
Play badminton
May the summer be bright
How fabulous is your dream.

The end of May, everything is blooming,
The school year has ended
Schoolchildren are running home
The kids are waiting for the holidays.
On vacation notebooks, books -
Relax, kids!
You don't need to go to school
There is no need to cram the rules,
Or you can walk all day,
Run, jump, sunbathe,
After all, you were friends with your studies
And this holiday is deserved!
Rest to the fullest,
Don't forget about school, though.
After all, the red summer will pass,
And again school is waiting for you all!

The school year has ended
Let's celebrate your successes!
Another will come after him
And it will smooth out all the flaws.

You, student, will later understand
How much the school gives,
After all, together with her you will find the way -
Let him be cheerful.

Let's go on vacation; may it be good
And joy will be with us;
We will wait for a new meeting
And kind words

We will remember all the teachers,
That wisdom is given to us;
May life bless us
And he spoils them more often.

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
With graduation,
During the holidays, I wish
Lots of fun for you!

To make your vacation productive,
And gain fresh strength,
IN New Year educational, long,
Happy to enter!

Initial general education

Basic general education

Secondary general education

1 /

Dear friends!

The team of the Russian Textbook Corporation* congratulates school graduates and teachers on the last bell!

The last bell traditionally marks for schoolchildren the completion of an important life stage and the transition to a new stage. On this day, graduates say goodbye to childhood and open new page in the book of his life, leaving behind the history of his first victories on the path to knowledge.

We wish all students good luck in making important decisions, successful completion exams and achieving goals on a new path.

We thank the teachers who, year after year, make an invaluable contribution to the development of each student, support and guide him.

We wish you happiness, patience and prosperity!

The team of the Russian Textbook Corporation

Elena Lenvladovna Erokhina, doctor pedagogical sciences, professor at Moscow State Pedagogical University, author of textbooks on literature published by the Ventana-Graph publishing house of the Russian Textbook Corporation
: "Memories of last call I'm quite reserved. I studied in a very good Moscow school with an academic culture. The last call for us was an assembly call and ceremonial event. We walked around the school, then in the assembly hall we were congratulated and we made speeches in response. I remember how I was asked to read poetry (I was writing at that time). We were awarded TRP badges, the director read out the order for admission to the exam. It was not a show, there were no concerts. Everything was very academic and at the same time solemn, which, it seems to me, is reasonable approach for this holiday. After graduating from school, I entered the Faculty of Journalism. I knew that I would write about pedagogy and problems of teacher education, I had publications. It seemed that the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University was waiting for me. But life decided otherwise... Which I don’t regret at all. I would like to wish the graduates dignity, namely self-respect, and not narcissism. As Pushkin said, all that I leave to my children are my books and my honest name. A person should leave school realizing that he has achieved something on his own, that he is something of himself. And then you just need (sometimes this happens quickly, and sometimes it takes years) to find your true purpose in this life. And if a person managed to maintain his dignity and find his purpose, he is happy.”

Sergei Valerievich Agafonov, leading methodologist for history and social studies at the Russian Textbook corporation, co-author of history and social studies textbooks, history teacher: “I remember my last call very well, it took place on May 25, 1984. Then the last call was a much less exciting event than in our time. It was something like a ceremony associated with the end of the last school year. We were lined up in the school yard, the weather was very hot, and, of course, we were all in uniform. I don’t remember what they told us, but I remember that then I was very worried about one thing: important question. The school director (also, by the way, a historian, like me now) had to give me a direction to enter the pedagogical institute at the history department, which she later did. Therefore, even then, on May 25, 1984, I knew what I would do. Until now, I not only work in a publishing house, but also teach history and social studies at school. I would like to wish the graduates that from time to time they remember what was written on the gates of Thelema Abbey in Rabelais’s novel “Gargantua and Pantagruel”: “Do whatever you want.” It's about, of course, not about permissiveness, but about the fact that if you do what you really want, then in case of success you will be satisfied with yourself, and in case of failure you will not blame others for this, but will get down to business again, but taking into account the mistakes.”

Oleg Nikolaevich Boytsov, leading methodologist in Russian language and literature of the Russian Textbook corporation, candidate of philological sciences:“I remember my last call very well. On this day you understand that this is once and for all, so the holiday will be remembered for a lifetime. I graduated from a rural school, a small one, with 300 students. All the graduates were in full view, and this made everything seem even more solemn and significant. The teachers told us very kind words, there was a feeling that you were already an adult, and the most wonderful, bright things awaited us ahead, that everything would come true. I think I have retained this feeling, and I still live with it. I am very grateful to school for those first steps that I took into a big life. As a graduate, I knew who I would be. By first education I am a teacher, a teacher of Russian language and literature. This was my absolutely conscious choice, which some of the teachers at school seemed unexpected at the time, and which I have not regretted at all over all these years. My experience pedagogical activity- 16 years old. I worked as a teacher of Russian language and literature and as a deputy director. Today I wish graduates, firstly, never to forget their nest from which they flew, to always remember their school. Secondly, despite the fact that our life is still quite serious, we need to maintain a perhaps slightly naive, childish view of many things. Thirdly, you need to be bold, demanding of yourself, stand firmly on your feet and go through life respecting others.”

Katerina Nikolaevna Fedotova, methodologist physical culture and life safety of the Russian Textbook corporation:“I remember well my last call to school. We independently prepared a two-hour choral program and were freed only at four o’clock in the morning, while six hours later, at 10:00, the last call was coming. I have very warm memories of him. As I expected, I entered a pedagogical school and graduated four years later. I knew that I would work in my specialty, although it turned out in my life that I needed to get two more teacher education. And I’m only now working in my specialty, but I can confidently say that all the knowledge I acquired was useful to me. Today I wish graduates to find themselves in this life, become successful, not be afraid to make mistakes, get up again and move forward again. Only purposeful people who move forward get results from their lives.”

Ivan Valentinovich Anikeev, methodologist in chemistry at the Russian Textbook Corporation:
“The atmosphere at our last call was both happy and sad. On the one hand, we had a global understanding that we were finally graduating from school and had to prepare for exams. On the other hand, we have not yet thought that another obligatory part in our lives is coming ahead - college. Everyone was in a very good mood. I remember how the organizing deputy director played Natasha Koroleva’s melody “Little Country” at the end of the event. As soon as she started playing, for some reason we all started crying. I knew that I would enter pedagogical university, and six years later he graduated, becoming a chemistry teacher by profession. Today I would like to wish graduates patience, since after graduation they need to go through new stage training. I would like to wish you to take life more seriously, since at this stage childhood is already ending. I wish the graduates success, fulfillment of all their dreams and that everything will turn out successfully in the future.”

*Since May 2017, the united publishing group "DROFA-VENTANA" has been part of the Russian Textbook corporation. The corporation also includes the Astrel publishing house and the LECTA digital educational platform. Alexander Brychkin, a graduate, was appointed General Director Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, candidate economic sciences, head of innovative projects of the publishing house "DROFA" in the field of digital education (electronic forms of textbooks, "Russian e-school", digital educational platform LECTA). Before joining the DROFA publishing house, he held the position of vice president for strategic development and investments of the publishing holding "EXMO-AST".

Today, the Russian Textbook Publishing Corporation has the largest portfolio of textbooks included in the Federal List - 485 titles (approximately 40%, excluding textbooks for correctional school). The corporation's publishing houses own the most popular Russian schools sets of textbooks on physics, drawing, biology, chemistry, technology, geography, astronomy - areas of knowledge that are needed for the development of the country's productive potential. The corporation's portfolio includes textbooks and teaching aids for primary schools, awarded the Presidential Prize in the field of education. These are textbooks and manuals in subject areas that are necessary for the development of the scientific, technical and production potential of Russia.

The academic year has ended -
On vacation! Forward!
Relax, have fun,
By September, gain strength.

A sea of ​​entertainment awaits you,
And miracles and adventures.
Let this summer bring
Lots of joy and light.

Take care of your health,
Get better, grow up
To start magically
New school year!

The school year is over,
Summer is quickly coming to us!
What I congratulate you on
And, of course, I wish
Don't lose knowledge
Don't forget anything
Relax, gain strength,
To be successful again
Next academic year
No worries and no hassle!
Let summer be happy
Bright, colorful, beautiful!

Another school year is ending, the textbooks will soon be closed and the notebooks will go to the closet. Congratulations on the start of the holidays, I wish you not only a good rest, but also gain strength to gain knowledge next year. Let the holidays be fun and interesting, I wish you to have a pleasant time, discover new horizons, return to your studies with renewed vigor and good mood. Good luck, good mood and productive work next school year!

The school year has flown by,
There were many achievements
New knowledge, important things,
A sea of ​​joyful moments!

We wish everyone to develop,
So as not to stand still,
Return to school together
To learn science!

The school year has flown by
There was a lot of trouble in it,
You tried, you weren’t lazy,
They studied as best they could.

Summer is ahead of you,
Everyone must gain strength,
So that with new inspiration,
Come to the exercises in September.

The school year has ended
And summer is ahead.
We wish you very colorful
You have time to spend!

May your holiday be fabulous
And every day is fun.
And then, with renewed vigor,
Let's go to school!

The school year is difficult
Came to an end again.
He brought us a lot of knowledge,
We'll have a vacation in the summer.

Vacations call us -
Summer, sun and heat,
They won't let you relax
It's time for us to go to school again.

Dear teachers
We will say “thank you”
We will miss you
Very strong in summer!

The school year has come to an end,
There are a lot of things to do during the holidays:
Relax, sunbathe, take a walk
And also visit the sea.

Happy end of the school year!
The mood is only magical,
Optimism, fun, friends
And beautiful cloudless days.

The school year is over...
Have fun, private people!
We can congratulate everyone now,
Leave your wishes.
During the holidays there is freedom.
May the weather be pleasant.
I wish you all the strength to recover,
Impressions, moods,
Creative, positive,
In general, everything would be great.

Hooray! The school year has passed!
He had so many worries.
They gave all their strength to study,
We didn't rest at all.

Thanks to all teachers
For your kindness and attention!
See you again in September.
In the meantime, school - goodbye!

The school year has finally ended,
There were many new achievements
The sun is ahead of us, summer is waiting,
A sea of ​​bright, colorful moments!

I wish you all the best of luck,
To find happiness this summer!
Let all the difficult problems and tasks
They don’t meet on the path of life!