Average exam result in computer science. Rosobrnadzor compared Unified State Exam scores over the past few years

Graduates have finished taking the Unified State Exam. There are only reserve days ahead for those who were unable to pass the exam on time or received a failure. Entering a university is the primary goal for most 11th grade graduates. That is why they choose the items for them so carefully. passing the Unified State Exam, attend courses and hire tutors, take tests online.

Rosobrnadzor announced the results of the main wave of the Unified State Exam. Average Unified State Exam scores increased slightly compared to 2017.

Single's GPA state exam increased in 2018, in addition, the number of high-scoring students increased, and there were fewer cases of removal from the exam, said the head of Rosobrnadzor Sergei Kravtsov.

"This year it has increased GPA Unified State Exam. In the Russian language, the score was 70.93, which is comparable to the previous score, 69 points in 2017. The average Unified State Exam score in geography in 2018 was 56 points. In computer science - 58.5 points, last year it was slightly higher - 59,” Kravtsov said at the annual meeting to sum up the results of the Unified State Exam campaign.

He also noted that the percentage of high-scoring graduates who scored from 80 to 100 points on the Unified State Exam has increased.

“High scorers – 25 percent last year, and 26.7 percent this year,” said the head of Rosobrnadzor, noting that the number of 100-score students in 2018 increased by more than 1 thousand people - from 5 thousand 62 to 6 thousand. 136.

Among the 100-point students there is a student from a Moscow school who received highest rating on four Unified State Exam subjects. The head of Rosobrnadzor Sergei Kravtsov explained that these are the Russian language, biology, chemistry and specialized mathematics. The most successful exam for most graduates is Russian. The average score is 71. There are less than half a percent of F students on the Unified State Exam 2018. At the same time, the results of reserve days, when many poor students probably improved their grades, have not yet been taken into account.

Also, according to him, the number of graduates who scored the minimum score has decreased: 0.57% in 2017, 0.42% in 2018.

Kravtsov noted that a total of 478 people were removed from the exam for using phones, and 463 for cheat sheets.

The main stage of passing the Unified State Exam 2018 took place from May 28 to July 2. In 2018 year of the Unified State Exam About 730 thousand people surrendered.

Minimum points for admission to the budget

It is quite difficult to name numbers that would guarantee revenue for the budget. The opportunity to become a student studying for budget money and receiving a scholarship depends on many factors. First of all, this opportunity is influenced by the score scored for the Unified State Exam in the relevant subject.

  • biology - when applying to specialties that require a certificate in biology, the average passing score is 45-78, and for universities with high competition you will need 79-100 points;
  • Russian language - the threshold score that allows you to qualify for a budget in most universities is 45-72, and for the most prestigious universities– from 73 and above;
  • mathematics - the minimum that will allow you to study on a budget is 45-63 points. For highly competitive universities, certificate scores should be 64-100;
  • foreign languages ​​- a certificate with 55-80 points gives the opportunity to become a state employee of a regional university or institute. In the capital's universities, it is required to pass the subject with 81-100 points;
  • social studies - for most universities in Russia 45-72 points will be quite enough, but for the top ones educational institutions your score should be 73-100;
  • chemistry - when entering specialties that require a certificate in chemistry, the average passing score should be 45-80, and for universities with high competition, the sum of points should be higher than 81;
  • history - the threshold score that allows you to qualify for the budget is 45-72 in most universities, and 73-100 for the most prestigious universities;
  • physics - a guarantee of admission to a university for budget place will be a certificate with 45-65 points. But if you want to enter a prestigious university in the capital, you will have to earn 66 points or higher on the Unified State Examination.

According to preliminary data, the average score of USE participants in basic level mathematics was 4.29 in 2018, slightly improving compared to last year (4.24). The exam is graded on a five-point scale. 567 thousand participants took basic mathematics, which is 24 thousand more than a year earlier.

The number of participants who failed to achieve the minimum three points continued to decline for the fourth year in a row. In 2018 we did not overcome minimum threshold 3.1% of participants, which is 0.3% less than a year earlier.

The exam results are stable. They show a shift in emphasis in the preparation of students who do not plan to enter specialties with specialized mathematics: with a transition from teaching “everyone everything” to focusing on each student achieving the chosen level of mathematical training, - the head commented on the results of the exam Federal Commission on the development of control measuring instruments Unified State Exam materials in mathematics Ivan Yashchenko.

According to him, there was a visible improvement in the performance of most practice-oriented tasks, for example, in 2018 they began to solve important practical problem on the optimal choice, on calculating the probability of an event occurring in a practical situation. The growth of the general mathematical culture of those taking the basic exam reflects a noticeable improvement in the performance of logical tasks.

The average result on the Unified State Exam in geography is 1.5 higher than last year. 16 thousand participants took the exam - 2 thousand more than a year earlier. The number of those who did not overcome the minimum limit of 37 points decreased by 2% compared to last year.

The level of training of the majority of participants has noticeably increased, although the most difficult tasks for them remain the ones to explain geographical connections and patterns, said the head of the Federal Commission for the Development of Tests measuring materials Unified State Examination in Geography Alexander Lobzhanidze.

The average score on the Unified State Exam in computer science and ICT is comparable to the results of last year. 67 thousand participants took the exam – 14 thousand more than a year earlier.

In 2018, the number of participants in the Unified State Exam in computer science increased by a quarter. This fact reflects measures to implement the Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development Russian Federation regarding the development of IT education. The average Unified State Exam score in computer science in 2018 is comparable to the same indicator last year. More than 13% of Unified State Examination participants in computer science showed results in the range of 81-100 test points, commented Sergei Krylov, head of the Federal Commission for the Development of Unified State Examination test materials in computer science and ICT.

On the official website of FIPI in the section "Analytical and teaching materials"published" Methodical recommendations for teachers, prepared on the basis of analysis typical mistakes participants of the Unified State Exam 2017", this is where you can find information about What was the average Unified State Exam score in computer science in 2017?.

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Table 1

Average USE score 2017 in computer science

52.8 thousand people took part in the Unified State Examination in computer science and ICT in 2017, which is 3.5 thousand more than in 2016. This approximately corresponds to the increase in the total number of graduates in 2017.

In general, the proportion of those taking the exam from total number USE participants remain virtually unchanged: slightly above 7%. Regions with the largest number participants: Moscow (7.8 thousand), Moscow region (3.2 thousand), St. Petersburg (2.7 thousand), Republic of Bashkortostan (2.3 thousand), Novosibirsk region (1 ,8 thousand).

In 2017, compared to 2016, the proportion of unprepared exam participants decreased slightly (up to 40 test points). The proportion of participants with a basic level of training remained virtually unchanged (range from 40 to 60 tb). The group of the most prepared exam participants (81–100 points) increased significantly (by 5%), partly due to a reduction in the share of the group of participants who scored 61–80 points.

Thus, the total share of participants who scored significant for competitive admission to institutions higher education scores (61-100kb), increased from 46.0% to 48.6%, which is consistent with the increase in the average test score from 56.65 in 2016 to 59.18 this year. Increase in the proportion of participants scoring high (81–100) test scores, is partly due to improved preparation of exam participants, partly to the stability of the examination model.

On the official website of FIPI, in the section “Analytical and methodological materials”, “Methodological recommendations for teachers, prepared on the basis of an analysis of typical mistakes of participants in the Unified State Exam 2017” have been published, this is where you can find information about What was the average Unified State Exam score in computer science in 2017?.

Download document.

Table 1

Average USE score 2017 in computer science

52.8 thousand people took part in the Unified State Examination in computer science and ICT in 2017, which is 3.5 thousand more than in 2016. This approximately corresponds to the increase in the total number of graduates in 2017.

In general, the share of those taking the exam out of the total number of Unified State Exam participants remains virtually unchanged: slightly above 7%. Regions with the largest number of participants: Moscow (7.8 thousand), Moscow region (3.2 thousand), St. Petersburg (2.7 thousand), Republic of Bashkortostan (2.3 thousand), Novosibirsk region (1.8 thousand).

In 2017, compared to 2016, the proportion of unprepared exam participants decreased slightly (up to 40 test points). The proportion of participants with a basic level of training remained virtually unchanged (range from 40 to 60 tb). The group of the most prepared exam participants (81–100 points) increased significantly (by 5%), partly due to a reduction in the share of the group of participants who scored 61–80 points.

Thus, the total share of participants who scored points significant for competitive admission to higher education institutions (61–100 t.b.) increased from 46.0% to 48.6%, which is consistent with the increase in the average test score from 56.65 in 2016 to 59.18 this year. The increase in the proportion of participants scoring high (81–100) test scores is partly due to improved preparation of exam participants and partly to the stability of the examination model.