Technical school named after Bonch Bruevich. Colleges

Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education “St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications named of Professor M.A. Bonch-Bruevich”,
St. Petersburg College of Telecommunications
International name Saint-Petersburg College of Telecommunications of The Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications
Former names

Leningrad Electrotechnical College of Communications named after. E. T. Krenkel (LETS),
St. Petersburg College of Telecommunications named after. E. T. Krenkel (SPbKTK),

College of Telecommunications of the St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications. prof. M. A. Bonch-Bruevich (CTSPbSUT)

Year of foundation
Type college
Director Bondarchuk N.A.
Address 199053, St. Petersburg, 3rd line V.O. , no. 30-32

St. Petersburg College of Telecommunications, former Leningrad Electrotechnical College of Communications named after. E. T. Krenkel ( LETS them. E. T. Krenkel) - structural subdivision SPbSUT, implementing secondary education programs vocational education in the field of communications, television and infocommunications.

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Historical reference

The St. Petersburg College of Telecommunications became part of the St. Petersburg University of Telecommunications. prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich in December 1994 as a structural unit. Former name - Leningrad Electrical Technical College of Communications named after. E. T. Krenkel.

The first graduation of radio and wire communications electrical technicians (160 people) took place in February 1933. From 1937 to 1937, the technical school was part of the Leningrad Educational Communications Plant (LUKS) together with the Institute of Communications Engineers and the Workers' Faculty; address - emb. Moika River, no. 61. In 1937, the technical school received financial and legal independence; in 1938, through the efforts of director Ivan Ageevich Lysachenko, it moved to the 3rd line of V.O., no. 30-32, where the educational institution is currently located.

During the war years, most graduates, teachers and staff, led by director I. A. Lysachenko, went to the front in the active army or in Civil uprising. Under the most severe conditions of blockade, hunger, and cold, training of telecommunications technicians continued under the leadership of director Agnia Parmenovna Vinokurova. During the war years, the graduation rate amounted to 230 people. In addition, in -1943, more than 130 people were trained in short-term courses. cable solders and telegraph operators. The city and the front needed signalmen.

New stage The development of the technical school began in 1995 under the leadership of director Alexander Alexandrovich Dmukh, but already as a structural unit of the University. Based on the certification results, the technical school was transformed into the College of Telecommunications. by the team educational institution They were designed educational plans and basic and higher level in all training specialties, as well as in new specialties. In 1995, training began in the specialty “Communications with moving objects”, in 1996 - “Computer software and automated systems", in 1997 - "Management" (in the communications industry), in 1998 - "Economics, accounting and control" (in the communications industry). Interaction with the departments of St. Petersburg State University of Technology made it possible to develop curricula and programs of an advanced level, linked to the curricula and programs of the University, and to begin training “junior engineers”, first in the specialty of computer systems, radio and television (1997), and then in other specialties. This is how a system of continuous multi-level professional education “College - University” began to be built, which, changing and improving, still functions today.

In -2001, the college, as a partner school, took part in the international project of the European Education Foundation “Reform of vocational education and training in the North-West region of Russia”, sharing its experience and acquiring new knowledge in organizing the educational process.

In 2000, the College of Telecommunications was awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Governor of St. Petersburg “ in connection with the success in training industry specialists and the 70th anniversary of the educational institution.”

In subsequent years (-, director Sergei Petrovich Bakharev), in connection with rapid development infocommunications, the college shifted the emphasis in training from studying specific types of equipment and communication equipment (due to their high cost and rapid obsolescence) towards the study of technology. This allows you to study today what will be professionally in demand tomorrow, that is. implement the principle of advanced learning. This approach has expanded the potential employment opportunities of graduates, since they are no longer tied to one type of equipment and one manufacturer.

Another confirmation of the correctness of the chosen teaching concept is the successful participation of college students in various professional competitions of the highest level. College students participate in competitions of the international movement WorldSkills; are engaged in welding and measuring fiber-optic communication cables, acquire skills in equipment installation, and work in blue-collar professions; gain knowledge of the basic technologies of message transmission and administration of local networks, programming subscriber devices, the basics of management and office work.

The College is a specialized WorldSkills Russia competency center for the “Information and Communication Technology” competencies, organizes and coordinates regional qualifying competitions for selection to the national team WorldSkills in the city of St. Petersburg and the North-Western Federal District, is a multiple winner of the “100 Best Secondary Schools of Russia” Competitions.

The college provides training in the following specialties:

  • "Multichannel telecommunication systems"
  • "Radio communications, radio broadcasting and television",
  • "Communication networks and switching systems",
  • "Computer networks",
  • "Programming in computer systems»,
  • “Applied informatics (by industry)”,
  • "Operational activities in logistics"
  • "Postal service" (only extramural training).

For some of these specialties, training is provided under College-University continuing education programs.

The College of Telecommunications is a structural subdivision of the St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications named after Professor M.A. Bonch-Bruevich.

Within the framework of professional educational programs of secondary vocational education implemented at the college, two profiles are provided: technical (specialty groups: 11.00.00 Electronics, radio engineering and communication systems, 09.00.00 Informatics and Computer Science) and socio-economic (specialty group: 38.00.00 Economics and management). Besides full-time distance learning programs are being implemented.

Training is conducted in Russian.

Additional education at the college is implemented on the basis of the Regulations on the procedure for the provision of paid educational services in basic and additional educational programs.

Training is conducted by Doctors of Technical Sciences, Candidates of Technical Sciences, and teachers with higher professional education.

Scholarships and other forms material support college students on the basis of the Regulations approved by the rector of the St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications. prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich.

To train students within the framework of the main, additional education and professional training (training for working professions) in the college there are 23 laboratories and training and production workshops, 8 computer classes, an educational and leisure center (ELC), which includes a book depository containing a constantly updated fund of educational and industrial literature, a subscription, reading room and a self-training room. There are also several Wi-Fi zones in the college, which provide students and teachers with access to the educational and methodological portal from almost anywhere in the college.

Contact Information

Acceptance of documents

    When submitting an application (in Russian) for admission to educational organizations The applicant presents the following documents:
  • original or photocopy of documents proving his identity and citizenship;
  • original or photocopy of a document on education and (or) a document on education and qualifications;
  • 4 photos.
    Foreign citizens, stateless persons, including compatriots living abroad:
  • a copy of the applicant’s identity document, or an identity document of a foreign citizen in Russian Federation, in accordance with Article 10 Federal Law dated July 25, 2002 N 115-FZ "On legal status foreign citizens In Russian federation"
  • the original document (documents) of a foreign state on education and (or) a document on education and qualifications (hereinafter referred to as the document of a foreign state on education), if the education certified by the specified document is recognized in the Russian Federation at the level of the corresponding education
  • a duly certified translation into Russian of a foreign state’s document on education and its annex (if the latter is provided for by the legislation of the state in which such a document was issued);
  • copies of documents or other evidence confirming that a compatriot living abroad belongs to the groups provided for in Article 17 of the Federal Law of May 24, 1999 N 99-FZ "On public policy of the Russian Federation in relation to compatriots abroad";
  • 4 photos.

Entrance tests

Admission to a college (branch) of the university for training in basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education is carried out for the first year upon the personal application of citizens.

An applicant has the right to apply simultaneously for several specialties, for various shapes obtaining education, for which basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education are implemented at the university college (branch), as well as simultaneously locally at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budget and locally under agreements for the provision of paid educational services with individuals and (or) legal entities.

If the number of applicants exceeds the number of places, the financial support of which is carried out at the expense of budgetary allocations of the federal budget, the college (branch) of the university carries out admission to educational programs of secondary vocational education separately based on the results of the applicants’ mastery of the educational program of the basic general or secondary general education indicated in the educational documents and (or) documents on education and qualifications submitted by applicants, taking into account the average score, average score in specialized subjects (physics, mathematics (algebra) and Russian language), score in mathematics (algebra).

Educational program

210000 Electronic engineering, radio engineering and communications


02/11/10 Radio communications, radio broadcasting and television

Graduates of the specialty ensure the operation of television centers, receiving and transmitting radio centers, radio relay and satellite transmission systems, and space communications; design telecommunications equipment. They are engaged in the installation, technical operation and repair of radio communication, radio broadcasting and television equipment based on modern technologies.

  • full-time - 2 years 6 months.
  • full-time - 3 years 6 months.

02/11/09 Multichannel telecommunication systems

Assigned qualification: technician

Graduates of the specialty ensure the operation of digital and fiber-optic transmission systems on modern communication networks. They work for mobile and fixed-line operators, Internet providers.

    Duration and form of education based on 11 grades:
  • full-time - 2 years 6 months.
  • part-time - 3 years 6 months.
    Duration and form of education based on 9 classes:
  • full-time - 3 years 6 months.

02/11/12 Postal service

Assigned qualification: postal specialist

Postal service specialists carry out production, technological, organizational and managerial professional activity at all postal service enterprises.

    Duration and form of training based on basic general education:
  • part-time - 3 years 10 months.

230000 Informatics and computer technology


02/09/02 Computer networks

Assigned qualification: technician

Graduates build and maintain packet-switched communication networks, install and configure network equipment, computer equipment, software. They develop application program components for software and hardware communication platforms.

    Duration and form of education based on 11 grades:
  • full-time - 2 years 10 months.
    Duration and form of education based on 9 classes:
  • full-time - 3 years 10 months.

09.02.03 Programming in computer systems

Assigned qualification: software technician

Graduates create and maintain software and hardware for computer centers in the telecommunications industry and other areas.

    Duration and form of education based on 11 grades:
  • full-time - 2 years 10 months.
    Duration and form of education based on 9 classes:
  • full-time - 3 years 10 months.

080000 Economics and management


02/38/03 Operational activities in logistics

Assigned qualification: operational logistician

Graduates of this specialty manage and optimize financial and information flows of goods and services to achieve their goals. They are engaged in coordinating and planning transportation, optimizing the costs of transporting cargo, storing it with subsequent sales, selecting information systems and software products, supporting logistics, modeling logistics business processes and others important issues creating an effective logistics system for the company.

    Duration and form of education based on 11 grades:
  • full-time - 1 year 10 months.
    Duration and form of education based on 9 classes:
  • full-time - 2 years 10 months.

general information

License: reg. No. 2023 dated March 23, 2016
Accreditation: Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science No. 1930 dated May 17, 2016

A deferment from conscription is provided in accordance with No. 53-FZ (as amended on November 27, 2017)

College students are provided with places in the dormitory Shkipersky Protok, no. 15.

Prestige of the college

College achievements

The college is a laureate of the “100 Best Colleges in Russia” competition.

The student life of college students is rich and varied. Students can test their knowledge and skills in All-Russian and regional competitions and olympiads professional excellence, Spartakiads and creative competitions. Take an active part in the work of the student council.

Photo gallery

Bonch-Bruevich, the most famous and authoritative in his telecommunications industry, has been training highly qualified telecom operators for eighty-five years. The quality of education top level- graduates are 100% employed and always have the opportunity to make a brilliant career. Rossvyaz is the founder of this university.

Goals and objectives

Bonch-Bruevich University always and with all its activities is aimed at implementing the state policy in the field of education - this is accessibility and high quality education, as required by the innovative development of the economy and the modern needs of society. The main goals of the university remain unchanged: it is a forge of highly educated citizens and highly qualified specialists who are capable of professional growth and are mobile in the new conditions of social development.

Bonch-Bruevich University considers informatization and development of high-tech technologies as a priority task. A quality assessment system is being developed higher education and demand for educational services. New information services, training systems and technologies, electronic educational resources last generations. Bonch-Bruevich University organizes and conducts applied Scientific research in the communications industry and improves vocational education.


Back in 1930, in Leningrad there were Higher courses communications. On the basis of these courses, it was decided to create a university specializing in telecommunications and radio engineering. A little later, this institution was renamed into whose glory was great throughout the world. Soviet Union. Finally, in 1994, this institute received university status, and now everyone in the country knows it as Bonch-Bruevich University in St. Petersburg. But in fact, the name of this university is much longer - St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications. prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich.

Today, about nine thousand students study at the university, together with its branches - Arkhangelsk and Smolensk. More than a thousand applicants every year are happy to join the number of “Bonchevites”. Neither Bonch-Bruevich University nor any other university in this industry simply knows better telecommunications specialists than those who pass on knowledge to students here. Among the four hundred teachers, there are fifty-three doctors of science and two hundred and seventy candidates. This means that the university, which has brought together such a strong team under its wing, deservedly bears the name of Bonch-Bruevich.

About the structure

Bonch-Bruevich University in St. Petersburg has an extensive field of educational services, where curricula are constantly updated and improved. Today, training is being carried out in fifteen areas and more than twenty specialties in the humanities, economics and technical disciplines. Increasing the quality of training of specialists, St. Petersburg State University of Technology has established a system of multi-level education: from school to college, from college to university, where the same chain exists: from bachelor's to master's, from master's to specialty.

After graduating from a university, you can improve your educational level in graduate school and doctoral studies and, of course, through existing advanced training programs. Full-time students, citizens of the Russian Federation, can study under a special program at the Institute of Military Training, where reserve officers are trained. Total number There are more than 6,417 students, including up to sixty-five percent of state-funded students. Bonch-Bruevich St. Petersburg University intends to further improve the programs in which students study, as well as improve the level of education they receive.

The science

Since 2009, a research innovation center has been successfully operating at the university, created with the aim of introducing scientific developments into business and industry. In addition, promising employment opportunities are being created for industry specialists who are trained by Bonch-Bruevich University. Reviews of graduates of this university are always favorable, since they teach students according to innovative educational programs developed here, which widely use the technologies of so-called project-based learning, when knowledge appears through research, through participation in processes where pressing scientific and practical problems business and production.

In 1993, the university joined the Association of European Universities and Telecommunications and Informatics Companies, becoming its founding member. This association (EUNICE) includes leading specialized universities in France, Germany, Italy, Great Britain, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and Finland. Here, student exchange among partner universities is practiced, joint papers are written theses, here universities exchange interns and graduate students, conduct scientific research, seminars, for which leading professors and teachers visit colleagues abroad.

How do students live?

The university, proudly bearing the name of Bonch-Bruevich, photos of its educational buildings and dormitories are attached here, takes care of the comfortable education and living of its students. To examine the conditions in which students find themselves, you will have to visit the most diverse and always picturesque corners of St. Petersburg: both in its historical center and in the rapidly developing Nevsky district.

Also growing powerfully is the one bearing the name of the famous radio engineer and corresponding member. Russian Academy Sciences M.A. Bonch-Bruevich University, whose address is Bolshevikov Avenue, house number twenty-two.

How do students learn?

The first buildings, in the city center on the Neva, breathe tranquility, wisdom and antiquity, but how magnificent, how modern the new buildings in the Nevsky district are! There are conference halls, magnificent modern auditoriums, a gym equipped with everything necessary, a library filled with scientific and technical literature, excellent dormitories, and a recreation center.

Lectures can be held electronically due to the multimedia nature of the classrooms, and students can access them from anywhere in the world. Distance learning in this university is beyond all praise. There is a Wi-Fi zone throughout the university. The material is effectively absorbed because the material is translated from large screens in classrooms can be duplicated on a personal computer. Newsletters, schedule changes, educational materials in online mode. Thirty-four lecture rooms and fifty-four classrooms are equipped in this way. In addition, there are seventy-three laboratories, the equipment of which can be the envy of any university in this industry.

How do students live?

Students have a very busy life, both cultural and social. The student council plays an important role, the student trade union committee is active, and there is a council of foreign students. The university publishes a large-circulation newspaper under the professional name "Signalman". Any student can try himself in a video studio and create a video story, media presentation or television program. You can write scripts and develop storyline concepts.

Basic enterprises of the industry are in constant and close connection with educational process university. Students feel the partnership activities of many enterprises almost every day and at every step, for example, the Research Institute of Telecommunication Systems, Rostelecom, LONIIR, Megafon, the Lentelefonstroy holding, VimpelCom, Tele-2 and many, many others. This is because graduates are welcome at all these enterprises, especially those who graduated from the university named after Bonch-Bruevich.


Of the nine faculties, the faculty of RTS - radio communication technologies - receives special attention from applicants. Students strive to get into the department of "RS and V" - radio communications and broadcasting. Here, bachelors of radio engineering are trained in the fields of “audiovisual technology”, “radio engineering”; in the field of “infocommunication technologies” bachelors study mobile communication systems and digital television and radio broadcasting. Masters in the direction of “radio engineering” are profiled in “audio-video systems and media communications” and “radio engineering” itself, and in the second direction the profiles belong to “radio communication systems and networks, radio access and broadcasting”, as well as “special radio communication systems”.

The department has an excellent methodological base, three educational laboratories, standards, protocols and methods for planning UMTS, GSM, Wi-Fi networks are studied here. The two laboratories are fully equipped with software and hardware to study information transmission processes in existing networks and create new cellular networks. They also study the parameters of radio reception devices, resolve issues of digital processing of audio signals and radio signals, study sound signals of television and radio broadcasting, audio equipment and their properties, mobile, landline and special radio communication systems, terrestrial and digital television broadcasting and much more.

Scientific work of the department

This department gives lectures at three faculties - twenty courses, which are developed by teachers of the department and are fully provided with textbooks. Thirty-seven monographs have been published here, methodological works And teaching aids, books have been published that have no analogues.

Among the enterprises that conduct joint scientific research with the department of "RS and V" are the concern "Oceanpribor", "Rubin", "Vector", LONIIR, JSC MART, JSC RIMR, Institute of Navigation and Time, MTS, "Beeline", " Megafon", "Skylink" and many others. Research topics include optimizing network planning, organizing new services, and improving the quality of customer service.

Faculty of ICSS

At the Faculty of Infocommunication Networks and Systems, students are happy to go to the Department of Computer Science and Technology, where they study software engineering and digital computer technology. The department has six professors and seven associate professors out of twenty teachers, which already says a lot. There are three computer classes equipped with the latest computers, which are united into a single local network. There is always access to the Internet. In microprocessor and digital technology laboratories, students develop and test software modern communications.

Faculty of Information Technology and Technology

They study here Information Systems and technology of nearly six hundred undergraduate and graduate students. Teachers highly qualified- twelve professors, thirty-three associate professors - work at the faculty, preparing bachelors in three areas and masters in two. The faculty has four departments. The scientific and educational activities of the faculty concern mainly information technologies, automation equipment and control systems.

Cisco Academy developed here, integrating into educational process, classes are taught by teachers from among the certified instructors of this company. Students who successfully complete these programs have enormous advantages in employment.