Topic “Vegetables” (homework). Topic “Vegetables” (1st week)

Irina Bondar

Subject« VEGETABLES» .

Consider natural ones with your child vegetables; repeat the general word « vegetables» ;

Pay attention to their shape, size, color, smell and taste; tell where and how they grow vegetables(in the garden, on the ground);

Tell us what dishes can be prepared from vegetables; talk about people’s work in the fields and gardens in the fall.

1. Game "The Fourth Wheel"- development logical thinking. Name what is superfluous and why? (Record the child's answer). Apple, pear, potato, lemon - ___

Carrots, plums, cabbage, peas - ___

Orange, banana, peach, cucumber - ___

2. Game "Call me kindly"- formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes. (Record the child's answer).

Cucumber - cucumber, tomato - ___, beets - ___, pumpkin - ___, peas - ___, beans - ___, eggplant - ___, carrots - ___, peppers - ___, garlic - ___, onions - ___, radishes - ___

3. Game “What is there a lot in the basket?”- securing a category genitive case plural.

There are a lot of tomatoes in the basket (cucumbers, carrots, peas, beans, radishes, onions, garlic, etc.).

4. Game "Make a proposal"- the child must finish the sentence and then repeat it completely. (Record the child's answer).

The tomato is round, and the carrot...

Radishes are small, and radishes….

The cucumber is oval, and the pumpkin….

The onion is bitter, and the carrot...

The tomato is sour, and the garlic...

The cucumber is green, and the beets....

5. Place vegetables in the basket(see photo)

6. Cut carrots and potatoes (see photo).

7. Transform geometric figure V vegetable(see photo).

Publications on the topic:


Homework for parents ASK YOUR CHILD TO TELL ABOUT.... (REPEATING CLASS MATERIAL) Cognitive development (development of cognitive-research activities.

Homework for the middle group “Sound Automation [Ш]” Homework In front of the mirror, perform articulation exercises: “Fence”, “Cup”, “Mushroom”, “Delicious jam”, “Smile” - “Tube”.

Homework for the lexical topic “Spring is red” 03/10/2015 Spring is red I recommend at home 1. Talk with children about nature in spring. - What began to heat hotter and shine brighter? - What's happening.

Homework “Vegetables, fruits and berries” Theme "Vegetables - Fruits - Berries". Parents are recommended: 1. Help your child remember the names of berries: blueberries, raspberries, wild strawberries, cranberries.


Homework "Professions" DEAR PARENTS! This week's theme is PROFESSIONS. Task 1. Parents are recommended to: talk with their child about what is happening.

Homework on the lexical topic “Home. Furniture" I. Examine with your child different buildings on the street, compare them in height, name the details of the house (roof, porch, entrance, balcony, foundation, etc.).

E. Agranovich

A collection of homework assignments to help speech therapists and parents overcome lexical and grammatical speech underdevelopment in preschoolers with OSD.

The collection includes various games and exercises aimed at eliminating specific speech disorders included in OHP syndrome in preschool children. In accordance with the proposed planning of classes from September to May inclusive, specialists together with parents will be able to effectively correct speech defects in children.

Didactic material The manual is focused on the “red dates” of the calendar, on the implementation of the standard training and education program in kindergarten, as well as methodological recommendations, used in working with preschoolers with ODD.

For teachers of speech therapy groups of compensatory preschool educational institutions, teachers of mass preschool educational institutions in preparation for classes on speech development, parents.

This manual presents an approximate planning of correctional work to overcome lexico-grammatical underdevelopment of speech in preschoolers by year of study from September to May inclusive, as well as various games and exercises aimed at eliminating specific speech disorders included in the OHP syndrome in preschool age.

The purpose of the proposed didactic material is to attract parents to actively participate in the correctional process to overcome a child’s speech defect. The special importance of parents in the correction of speech pathology lies in the fact that, using the proposed material at home, they have the opportunity to consolidate with their child what they have received in speech therapy classes speech skills and abilities in free verbal communication - during games, walks, excursions, trips to the store, to the market, to the library, etc., i.e. V everyday life. It should be noted that the success of correctional speech therapy work largely depends on how conscientiously the parents of children with speech pathology treat the speech therapist’s “homework” assignments. Only close contact in the work of a specialist and the parents of a child diagnosed with “general speech underdevelopment” can help eliminate speech disorders in preschool age, and therefore further full-fledged speech. schooling.

This manual is based on such didactic principles as the transition from simple to complex, systematic and concentricity in the study of material, which is selected taking into account the relevance of a particular topic for children of older and preparatory age for school, as well as taking into account the leading activity of a preschooler - games . This material is focused on the “red dates” of the calendar, the implementation of the Training and Education Program in kindergarten and methodological recommendations that are used in working with preschoolers with special needs development. Didactic material can also be used by teachers of speech therapy groups of compensatory preschool educational institutions and teachers of mass preschool educational institutions in preparation for classes on speech development.

Approximate thematic planning of work in the preparatory speech therapy group DOU (ONR, FFNR)


1, 2, 3 weeks - examination of the child by a specialist.

4th week - “Autumn Fair. Garden-vegetable garden (vegetables, fruits, berries).


Week 1 - “Where did the bread come from?”

Week 2 - “Autumn. Man, clothes, shoes, hats"

Week 3 - “Home. Furniture"

Week 4 - Deciduous trees. Mushrooms"


Week 1 - “Pets”

Week 3 - “Beasts of our forests”

Week 4 - “Autumn” (generalization).


Week 1 - “Library”

Week 2 - “Wintering Birds”

4th week - « New Year»


1st week - winter holidays.

Week 2 - “Winter Fun”

Week 3 - “Our city. My street"

Week 4 - “How animals spend the winter” (wild animals in winter).


1st week - “Toys. Russian folk toy"

Week 2 - “Transport. Rules traffic»

3rd week - “Defender of the Fatherland Day. Military professions"


1st week - “Mail. Professions"

Week 3 - “Animals of cold countries”

Week 4 - “Animals of hot countries”


1st week - « Migratory birds»

Week 2 - “Cosmonautics Day”

3rd week - “School. School supplies»

4th week - “Tools and tools. Professions" (generalization).

1st week – “Victory Day”

Week 2 – “Garden, park, meadow. Forest is our wealth"

Week 3 – “Insects”

Week 4 – “Spring (generalization). Seasons"

Approximate planning of work in a senior speech therapy clinic preschool educational institution group(ONR)


1, 2, 3 weeks - examination of the child by a specialist

4th week - « Kindergarten»


Week 1 - “Vegetables”

Week 2 - “Fruits”

3rd week - “Vegetable garden. Berries"

Week 4 - “Autumn. Autumn clothes, shoes, hats"


Week 1 - “Poultry”

Week 2 - “Birds of Migratory”

Week 3 - “Toys”

Week 4 - “Late autumn. Changes in nature. Deciduous trees"


Week 1 - “Wintering Birds”

Week 2 - “Winter Fun”

Week 3 - “Coniferous Trees”

Week 4 - “New Year”


1st week – winter holidays.

Week 2 - “Winter clothes, shoes, hats.

Week 3 - "Pets"

Week 4 - “Wild animals of our forests”


Week 1 – “Our food. The work of a cook. Dishes"

Week 2 - “Transport”

Week 3 - “Defender of the Fatherland Day”

Week 4 - “Winter” (generalization).


Week 1 – “Early Spring”

Week 2 - “Mom’s holiday. Women's professions"

Week 3 - “My Family”

Week 4 – “Birds of Migratory”


Week 1 – “Our city. House"

Week 2 - “Furniture”

Week 3 - Pisces

4th week - « Houseplants»

1st week – “Victory Day”

Week 2 - “Spring. Plants of meadow and garden"

Week 3 - “Insects”

Week 4 - “Spring. Changes in nature. People's labor in spring



Theme "Kindergarten"

(4th week)

explain to the child why he goes to kindergarten;

together with the teachers, familiarize yourself with the kindergarten - its premises, group room, washroom, bedroom, locker room, speech therapist's office, physical education and music rooms, while explaining the purpose of each room, and also introduce the kindergarten staff: speech therapist, teachers, nanny, nurse;

tell your child about the rules of behavior in kindergarten;

learn the names and patronymics of kindergarten employees, teach how to politely address adults.

Task 2. Consider what games and toys are available in kindergarten.

Task 3. Learn the poem:

We come to kindergarten and there are toys there.

The locomotive and steamship are waiting for the guys.

Task 4. Build a kindergarten from building material(cubes).


Topic “Vegetables” (1st week)

Consider natural vegetables at home with your child: potatoes, cucumber, carrots, cabbage, beans, beets, pumpkin, radishes, peas, onions, peppers;

explain that all this can be called in one word “vegetables”;

pay attention to the following signs of vegetables: color, shape, taste;

if possible, tell and show the child where and how vegetables grow, what they are prepared from (soup, salad, vinaigrette...);

Together with your child, prepare any vegetable dish.

Task 2. Look at pictures of vegetables.

Task 3. Guess riddles, learn by choice:

· The red maiden sits in the dungeon, and the scythe is on the street. (Carrot)

· Round side, yellow side, bun sits on the bed. It is firmly rooted to the ground. What is this? (Turnip)

· Unsightly, knobby, but when it comes to the table, the guys will say cheerfully: “Well, it’s crumbly, delicious!” (Potato)

· My cheeks are pink, my nose is white, I sit in the dark all day, and my shirt is green, it’s all in the sun. (Radish)

· The head is on a leg, there are polka dots in the head. (Peas)

· I am long and green, tasty and salty, tasty and raw, who am I? (Cucumber)

· I was born to glory, my head is white and curly. Who loves cabbage soup - look for me. (Cabbage)

· The grandfather is sitting, dressed in a fur coat; whoever undresses him sheds tears. (Onion)

Task 4,Didactic game“Big - small” (word formation using diminutive suffixes): cucumber - cucumber, tomato - tomato...

Task 5. Didactic game “One - many” (formation of the plural of nouns): cucumber - cucumbers, tomato - tomatoes...

Task 6. Didactic game “Give me a word.”

· Although I’m called sugar, I didn’t get wet from the rains.

Large, round, sweet in taste, did you know?

I... (beets).

· In the summer in the garden - fresh, green, and in the winter in the barrel - yellow, salty. Well done, guess what our name is?.. (Cucumbers)

Task 7. Write a descriptive story about vegetables (optional), according to the following plan:

Where does it grow?

Which one has appearance(color, shape, size)?

What does it taste like?

What is made from it?

Task 8. Didactic games “Name the color”, “Name the shape” (coordination of nouns with adjectives).

Carrot (what?) - orange, tomato (what?) - ...

Cucumber (what?) - oval, turnip (what?) - ...

Task 9. Connect the vegetables with a line to the corresponding geometric figure.

Task 10. Exercise for fingers “Pickling cabbage”.

Task 11. Listen to the poem.

What's growing in our garden bed?

Cucumbers, sweet peas,

Tomatoes and dill

For seasoning and for testing.

There are radishes and salad -

Our garden bed is a treasure.

But watermelons don't grow here.

If you listened carefully,

I definitely remembered that.

Answer in order:

What's growing in our garden bed? (V. Korkin)

Task 12. Listen to the poem.

The hostess came from the market one day,

The hostess brought home from the market:

Potatoes, cabbage, carrots, peas, parsley and beets, oh!

Covered with a lid, in a stuffy pot

Boiled, boiled in boiling water:

Potatoes, cabbage, carrots, peas, parsley and beets, oh!

And the vegetable soup turned out to be quite good!

(Yu. Tu in them)

Question. What did the housewife make the soup from?

Task 13. Cut out pictures of vegetables and paste them into an album.

Theme "Fruits"

(2nd week)

look at natural fruits with your child and explain that all this can be called in one word “fruit”;

pay attention to the characteristic features of fruits: color, shape, taste;

if possible, show and tell the child where and how fruits grow (in the garden, on a tree, on a bush);

tell and show your child what can be made from fruits.

Task 2. Look at the illustrations of fruits in books and magazines.

Exercise 3. Solve riddles.

· Same as a fist, red side. If you touch it with your finger, it’s smooth, but if you bite it, it’s sweet. (Apple)

· There are balls hanging on the branches, blue from the heat. (Plum)

Task 4. Didactic game “One - many” (formation of plural nouns): apple - apples, pear - ..., plum - ..., peach - ..., banana - ....

Exercise 5. Didactic game “Big - small” (word formation of nouns using diminutive suffixes): apple - apple, lemon - ..., banana - ..., orange - ....

Task 6. Find related words: apple - apple, apple tree, apple; cherry - cherry, cherry; currant - currant, currant; lemon - lemon, lemon.

Task 7. Compose complex sentences with a conjunction A according to the example: lemon is sour, and apple is sweet; the lemon is oval and the apple is round; lemon is yellow and apple is red.

Task 8. Compose descriptive stories about fruits, according to the following plan:

Where does it grow?

What is the appearance (size, shape, color)?

What does it taste like?

What is made from it?

Task 9. Didactic game “Fun Counting” (coordination of numerals 2 and 5 with nouns, use of words one - one - one, two - two), one apple, two apples, three apples, four apples, five apples; one lemon, two lemons... five lemons; one plum, two plums... five plums.

Task 10. Didactic game “Name the juice, jam” (formation of relative adjectives): apple juice - apple; apple jam - apple; pear juice - ...; pear jam - ...; orange juice - ..., orange jam - ....

Task 11. Didactic game “What grows where”: an apple on an apple tree, a plum on..., a pear on...

Task 12. Solve a descriptive riddle.

· This is a fruit. It grows on a tree, round, sweet, ruddy. (Apple)

Task 13. Didactic game “Recognize a fruit by taste and smell” (natural fruits are used).

Task 14. Cut out pictures of fruits and paste them into an album.

Didactic games for preschoolers on the topic: “Fruits, vegetables, berries”

Author: Knis Anna Nikolaevna, senior teacher.
Place of work: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 3 "Smile", Kalach - on - Don.
Job description: I bring to your attention didactic games for preschoolers on the topic: “Fruits, vegetables, berries.” This material will help educators, children and their parents consolidate children's knowledge about fruits, vegetables and berries in a playful way.

Didactic game “The fifth odd one”
Target: Development of skills to classify objects according to essential features, consolidation of generalization words.
Didactic material: Cards depicting five objects, four of them belong to one thematic group, and the fifth to some other group.
Progress of the game: The children are given the task: “Look at the pictures, name what is depicted on them and determine which object is superfluous. Name the remaining items in one word.” Each participant eliminates the extra item in turn. If he makes a mistake or does not complete the task, his version is offered to the next player. For each correctly completed task they give a chip. The one who collects the most chips wins.
Cards for the game:
1. Strawberries, raspberries, kiwi, blackberries, currants. The extra kiwi is because it is a fruit and the rest are berries.

2. Tomato, eggplant, pepper, potato, banana. The extra banana is because it is a fruit and the rest are vegetables.

3. Gooseberries, peach, cranberries, currants, blueberries. The extra peach is because it is a fruit and the rest are berries.

4. Kiwi, apple, pear, peach, tomato. The extra tomato is because it is a vegetable and the rest are fruits.

5. Oranges, apples, radishes, lemon, banana. The extra radishes are because they are vegetables and the rest are fruits.

6. Pear, radish, garlic, cucumber, cabbage. The extra pear is because it is a fruit and the rest are vegetables.

Didactic game “Shop “Fruits, vegetables, berries”
Target: Developing children's skills to accurately describe the appearance (color, shape), taste, and place of growth of fruits, vegetables and berries.
Didactic material: Models of fruits, vegetables and berries.
Progress of the game: Children choose a seller. The buyer approaches the table on which the models are laid out. Without naming, he describes the fruit, vegetable or berry he wants to buy. For example: “I want to buy berries. They grow in the forest on small bushes. The berries are small, dark blue, round, like peas, slightly flattened on top, juicy and sweet. Jam and compote are prepared from these berries” (blueberries).
The child must describe the selected item in such a way that the seller understands what he wants to buy.
The seller sells fruits, vegetables and berries (gives the dummy) only to those who have completed the task correctly.

Didactic game “In the garden, in the vegetable garden”
Target: Development of children’s skills to accurately determine the location of fruits and vegetables.
Didactic material: Pictures of fruits and vegetables, picture of vegetable garden and picture of garden.

Progress of the game: 2 children or 2 groups of children play. The teacher gives one child (group) a picture of a vegetable garden, and another child (group) a picture of a garden. Pictures of fruits and vegetables are laid out in front of the children. A child (group) who has a picture of a garden is collecting vegetables, and a child (group) who has a picture of a garden is collecting fruits. At the end of the game, children check with each other whether they completed the task correctly.
Task options:
- one group comes up with a riddle about vegetables or fruits, and the other group must find and show the answer in the picture;
- tell what can be prepared from vegetables (fruits).

Elena German
Homework in the senior group lexical topic"Harvest" (Vegetables)

Subject « Vegetables» .

Task 1. Execute complex A.

Task 2. Do breathing exercises (5-7 times):

Smell the cucumbers - easily inhale the smell of cucumbers without raising your shoulders. And now on the exhale speak: “A-a-a-a-ah!”

Task 3.

Tell me which ones vegetables are picked(cut, dig, pull out).

Example: Tomatoes - picked

Cucumbers -

Eggplant -

Garlic -

Potato -

Cabbage -

Zucchini -

Carrot -

Beetroot -

Task 4

Give complete answers to questions:

What can you cook from vegetables? ___

What can you get out of vegetables? ___

What else can you cook from vegetables? ___

Task 5

Listen to the offer: “Cucumbers grow in beds”. Reply to questions:

How many words are there in this sentence? ___

What's the first (second, third, fourth) word? (orally)

Remember! NA is a short prepositional word.

Task 6

Learn a poem

There are many beds in the garden,

There are turnips and salad here,

There are beets and peas here,

Are potatoes bad?

Our cheerful garden

It will feed us for a whole year.

Publications on the topic:

Homework. Lexical topic "Fairy tale" FAIRY TALE. 1. Where do fairy tales “live”? 2. Who comes up with fairy tales? (people, authors, writers) 3. What authors, storytellers do you know?

Homework on the lexical topic “Trees” in the middle group for children with special needs development Tatyana Terentyeva, Nina Lobanova Lexical topic “Trees”. I. It is recommended for parents: while walking with their child in the park.

Homework on a lexical topic: “Vegetables” preparatory group Homework. Dear parents! Consider vegetables with your child: cucumber, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, beans, beets, pumpkin, radishes, peas.

Homework on the lexical topic “Visiting a fairy tale” for children 6–7 years old with ODD Homework on the lexical topic "Visiting a fairy tale" for children 6-7 years old general underdevelopment speech. 1. Smile – lips are held in.

Answer the questions

What word does the word “cabbage” come from and what does it mean?

Why do they say: “Not a single mouth can live without cabbage”?

What were cabbage parties called in Rus'?

Which vegetable flowers were used to decorate the hairstyles and hats of court ladies in France in the 17th century?

Where do potatoes come from?

Why are potatoes called “second bread”?

What are the benefits of carrot juice?

What root vegetable does sugar come from?

What do the expressions mean: “easier than steamed turnips”, “cheaper than steamed turnips”?

Which vegetable is called the younger brother of the radish? Why?

What did the peasants do on Lukov Day?

What does the expression “onion grief” mean?

Why do they place a saucer with grated onions at the patient’s bedside?

Why is garlic called “snake weed”?

Why are tomatoes called “northern oranges”?

Why are vegetable plants sprayed with infusion of tomato tops?

What vegetables are called “blue”?

Which vegetable is bitter and sweet?

What useful things did people make from pumpkins?

Why do they put hives with bees in the garden where pumpkins, zucchini, and cucumbers grow?

The name of which vegetable in translation means “unripe”, “unripe”?

Why is sorrel called a “leaf” vegetable?

What kind of cabbage soup is called “green”?

Which vegetable greens were woven into wreaths in Ancient Greece?

Which vegetables have both roots and leaves used for food?

What vegetables are added to the brine when pickling cucumbers?

Why are peas called “green nitrogen factories”?

What does the expression “it was under Tsar Pea” mean?

What vegetables belong to the nightshade family?

What vegetables belong to the pumpkin family?

Guess the riddles

The garden is empty

If not... (cabbage).

It's not at all difficult to guess

Anyone can guess!

Leaf elastic, emerald

It curls into a head of cabbage. (Cabbage.)

This scarlet root vegetable

Gives us sweet sugar. (Sugar beet.)

Curled up in a ball

She covered herself with her tail.

Smooth, strong

And it’s called... (turnip).

Round like the moon

Like an oak forest, green,

With a tail like a mouse

Kids like it. (Turnip.)

Curved, long,

And their name is “little blue ones”. (Eggplant.)

Even though it tastes bitter,

But inside it is white and strong.

And on the grater she is rubbed,

They give it to those who are sick. (Radish.)

To those who are ill,

It will help... (garlic).

Useful vitamins

This fruit is rich.

Northern oranges

We call... (tomato).

Who will put it in his mouth,

Your lips will immediately burn,

Although it is as sharp as mustard,

How the seasoning will come in handy. (Hot pepper.)

Multi-colored, like a flashlight,

Sometimes it looks like a ball.

It is shiny, strong, smooth,

Did you guess it? (Sweet pepper.)

In a green hut

Girlfriends live

Like beads are round,

Emerald and small. (Peas.)

Explain why people say

. “Without cabbage, cabbage soup is not thick.”

. “This bow has seven diseases.”

. “He who eats onions is freed from torment.”

. “Onion and bath rule everything.”

. “Horseradish and radishes, onions and cabbage will not be tolerated.”

. “In our land, it’s like in paradise: you can’t eat even half of an onion and a rowan.”

Write a descriptive story based on the plan

1. What is the name of the vegetable?

2. What does a vegetable look like?

3. Where is he from?

4. What beneficial substances are contained in the vegetable?

5. What dishes can be prepared from vegetables?

Play some games


You need to clap your hands when you hear a word that matches cabbage (potatoes, carrots, etc.) and explain your choice.

Vocabulary: head of cabbage, orange, carotene, crispy, steamed, protein, bitter, pickled, “snake grass”, “golden apple”, fragrant, paprika, “second bread”, black, hot, “blue”, “shovel”, baked , pickled, bitter, juicy, yellow, “multi-colored lanterns”, round, oval, seasoning, sugar, phytoncides, borscht, green, root vegetables, pod.