Theory of literature for 100 points. How to pass the Unified State Exam in literature? What mistakes do those who independently prepare for the Unified State Exam in Literature make during the exam?

The Unified State Exam in Literature is in a month, and you, dreaming about graduation, still haven’t studied the list of works from the school curriculum?! There is a way out! Often it is panic that prevents you from adjusting and choosing the right preparation tactics. The Unified State Exam in Literature stands apart, the complexity of which is legendary. But don't think that for successful completion This exam will require several years of dedicated study.


Of course, you will have to make an effort, but you can also cheat:

  1. First, familiarize yourself with the Unified State Exam codifiers, where a list of all works of art, which can be found in any version of CMM.
  2. Study summary of all works, but in combination with critical articles, there are plenty of them on the Internet. It's like reading about a movie you want to see in the cinema. If it turns out to be not very good, then you will be sorry for the money spent on the ticket. But you can prepare and study the reviews of those who have already seen the film on Kinopoisk. It's the same with books. Just read reviews from famous critics, not just anyone. Don't forget to write down the most important things to refresh your knowledge before the exam!
  3. Subscribe to public pages on VKkontakte, for example, to Literature-Unified State Examination, they post a lot there useful materials: criticism, summaries, trial options, analyses. While you're on the subway, waiting for a friend at the entrance, or bored during recess, open groups and study, you're still sitting with your phone.
  4. Regarding poems, there is also a method. If you overslept and haven’t learned them by heart, you need to classify all the lyrics into sections: nature, war, love, friendship, creativity. In each group, write the name of the poem and the author. This skill will be useful to you on the Unified State Exam in literature in task No. 16.
  5. The last part consists of a creative assignment on a literary work, where points are added for the use of quotations. Even without reading the entire work, on the Internet you can find quotes for each that you have memorized. This will be very useful to you.
  6. By the way, another good option is to look. Just please don’t look at foreign interpretations, which are more like a free interpretation and have little in common with the original source. Give preference to our cinema.

Life hacks from journalism students:

“I passed the Unified State Exam with 85 points, studying for only two months. The main secret is in studying structure.

If you learn to write essays stylistically correctly, then it is enough to familiarize yourself only with the key ideas of the works.

Cramming small facts will only help with the test part, which can be worked on in literally two days with the help of collections and practice tests,” Maxim.

“The Internet is for the strong-willed. It can become an invaluable source of information, or it can burn up all your time. During preparation for the Unified State Exam, I left all social networks, leaving only a phone number for friends. You’ll be surprised how productive even one hour of work will be if you don’t check your Instagram likes every five minutes!” - Marina.


“My secret was regular practice. The basis of the Unified State Exam in literature is four mini-essays and one large essay. For a large essay, there are three topics to choose from from different sections of literature. Therefore, the most reasonable thing would be to choose one in advance at the beginning of preparation. I love 20th century literature, so I focused on it. In a month, I managed to write several essays on each work in this section” - Anya.

“I believe my success comes from “rehearsing.” Often unusual conditions drive a person into a stupor.

Solving Unified State Exam practice tasks at home over a cup of tea and passing the exam in a nervous environment among strangers are very different. Therefore, try to write training tasks at least several times in an uncomfortable environment, timing the time.

For some it may be a noisy cafe, and for others even the metro” - Dasha.

“Preparing for the Unified State Exam in short term, alas, the information is packaged worse, not so measuredly. Therefore, my problem was that the names and surnames of all the characters were mixed together. During the exam, I couldn’t even remember my own... So I strongly recommend that you pronounce the names of the main characters from each work weekly, so as not to forget or confuse them” - Tanya.

You see, this is real! Only now you can’t waste a single day, take up your studies today, and everything will definitely work out. With proper time planning, the preparation process will turn into pleasure. Good luck!

All school graduates want to receive greatest number points by Unified State Exam. True, not everyone knows what needs to be done in this case, and in general, is it possible to get 100 points in Unified State Exam By literature? If so, what is it, a multifunctional recipe for successfully passing Unified State Exam ?

You will need

  • Desire to pass the Unified State Exam in Literature with 100 points.


1. In fact, only by adhering to this method is there a guarantee of passing Unified State Exam in literature for 100 points. The method, in fact, is very primitive - it is primitive to truly read all the literature needed to pass. This will certainly require a lot of time and effort, however, in this case you can reasonably count on a huge number of points.

2. Today, special aids have appeared on sale that promise that even without any skills you will pass Unified State Exam for the highest score. In fact, you can certainly buy them all and get acquainted with the “magic formulas,” but in reality this is unlikely to bring real triumph.

3. There is a belief that a truly interested teacher will be able to teach his student everything he needs to pass. Unified State Exam. There is some truth in this, and therefore, it makes sense to sign up with an expensive tutor. However, do not rush to pay money in advance. Agree on a specific outcome Unified State Exam and transfer money only in case of successful delivery.

4. There are a lot of school signs and rituals, by performing which you will supposedly be able to pass successfully Unified State Exam. In practice, these hoaxes have nothing in common with reality, but with their support you will truly be more confident in yourself.

Good writing Unified State Exam By literature represents an acquisition as permissible more highly appreciated for positive performance of tasks. The key to success in passing the exam will be intensive and long preparation.


1. Read fiction. The more you read, the better. It's about not only about the minimum of artistic works required by the school curriculum. Do not limit yourself to the school curriculum - read books that are fascinating to you and go beyond its scope. Knowledge is never superfluous - reading your favorite authors will broaden your horizons and will not be superfluous for the growth of the general mental level. Reading school curriculum at an accelerated pace, start with more difficult pieces. Short stories and almanacs of poems are much easier to read than a psychological drama or a novel about war.

2. Take notes on long works. A short table of contents, written in your own hand, will make it easier for you to review the material you have covered at ease before the exam. After reading it, you will refresh your memory of the main points of the work. Do not overload your notes with obscene details, excessive expositions of nature and insignificant dialogues. However, describe in more detail the morals of the characters and the ups and downs of life that became the central plot of the work. Take notes in blocks - for example, organize works by style. Before Unified State Exam By literature look through the notes, focusing on them - this will make it much easier to write results for the questions.

3. Be interested in related sciences - history, philosophy, cultural studies, social studies. This will give you the chance to develop humanitarian thinking and freely navigate historical novels, philosophical tasks of works and norms of law and morality. Writing Unified State Exam By literature knowledge believes to explain its thoughts not only within this subject, but also based on the lessons of history, ideas of legal culture and theses of philosophy.

4. Preparation for delivery Unified State Exam By literature also involves performing practice tests. You will be able to familiarize yourself with an approximate list of questions and think through possible possible results in advance. During the full exam, you will feel more comfortable and freely navigate the tasks. Examination paper is divided into three parts. The first part involves completing 20 tasks, the point of which is to choose one correct result from four valid options. The results for the 2nd block of questions require you to express your own judgment in the format of short results on the questions posed. The third part is an essay - a detailed result on the question posed in a particular work.

Video on the topic

Pay attention!
Remember that grades are not the most important thing, and therefore, even if you passed the Unified State Exam not because you wanted to, don’t be upset.

Useful advice
1. There is nothing wrong with writing cheat sheets; tea, even if you don’t use them, you will probably remember part of what you wrote.2. Do not doubt your knowledge and indicate the option that came to your mind first.

A high score on the Unified State Exam in literature is the dream of many schoolchildren who want to enroll in prestigious university. IN recent years this exam has become significantly more difficult, so the average scores on the literary exam among Russian schools remain very low. However, there is no need to despair. It is important to remember that the key to successfully passing the exam is comprehensive preparation and persistent positive motivation.

What a student needs to know to pass the exam perfectly

The theoretical part is the main block of knowledge that is necessary for recruiting maximum quantity points. Literature knowledge includes:

  1. terminology, which contains a wide list of definitions of literary genres, styles and movements, varieties of literary works;
  2. biographical information about famous writers, poets and other authors.

Students need to know:

  • historical periods during which writers were engaged in creative activity;
  • basic facts from the life of the authors, the history of the creation of works;
  • the content of literary works included in the Unified State Examination codifier;
  • basic theoretical concepts from the school course.

In addition to the main content of the works, it is necessary to remember the character traits of the main characters of the stories, to know the ideas and problems considered by the authors in their books. It is necessary to learn to analyze works, to be able to identify controversial issues in the works of writers. Reading critical articles is also encouraged.

The benefits of practical training

On the Internet, any student can find portals with demo versions of exam testing or use open bank on the FIPI website. By regularly performing test tasks, the student will gradually remember literary terms and learn the answers to tricky questions in the Unified State Exam.

A student who is accustomed to working with tests will be able to quickly navigate the exam. Solving such problems contributes to the development analytical thinking. In addition, the student will learn how standard exam questions are formed and how the answers to them should be entered.

Useful tips when preparing for testing within the framework of the Unified State Exam

Anyone who wants to get the maximum score on the exam results should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. It is important to be able to concentrate on studying the material. If you are constantly distracted by the Internet and TV, then your studies will not be fruitful enough. When studying and reviewing materials for the exam, you must fully focus on the material being studied;
  2. To make it easier to perceive and remember information, you should organize it. This can be done using various tables, graphs and figures. The complex construction of terms can be broken down into a number of simple features;
  3. a brief summary of the materials studied will help consolidate the information in memory;
  4. you should constantly review the information you have learned before starting to read new material;
  5. it is necessary to regularly engage in solving tests and writing essays on literary works, which can be included in the Unified State Examination task.

And most importantly, start preparing for the Unified State Exam in advance. Remember that it is better to work through large amounts of information gradually, and after reading a work and writing a written work on it, at least two days should pass. Good luck on the exam!

A year and a half ago, I decided that I would take the Unified State Exam in literature. Six months ago, I finally realized that creating, parsing and analyzing texts is what I’m really interested in, and most importantly, I’m good at it. All this year I did not study for benefits, did not go to tutors, did not delve into the intricacies of the historical and literary process. I just read books, wrote articles, notes, participated in various literary and journalistic competitions and Olympiads. In a word, I did what was interesting to me and gave me the opportunity to express on paper my understanding of the world and everything that happens in it. Yes, I solved tests, re-read works from the codifier, wrote essays, but I did all this not systematically, but on a whim.

Everything changed the moment I became the winner of the Literature Olympiad from the list of those that are taken into account for admission. Benefits confirmed by Unified State Exam scores of 74+ would give me a real chance to enter the budget of my dream university. I knew from the very beginning that the Unified State Exam in Literature is one of the most difficult exams. The most subjective. The most stingy with points. I bought a thick textbook to prepare for the Unified State Exam and at first I was afraid to even open it, because all my friends, who were also taking the literature exam, were already working hard with tutors and attending various courses. But I just always knew that I understood the subject and kept procrastinating on intensive preparation. Motivation helped me get started. When you set clear goals for yourself, the path to them becomes obvious. And I had one - to study literature every day for 4 months. No tutors prepared me for the Unified State Exam.

I started solving tests with 15-20 options every day. Very soon I realized that I wouldn’t need half of the thick reference book I had bought. This half dealt with theoretical-literary concepts and the historical-literary process. It turned out that preparing for the Olympiads and participating in competitions made me savvy in these matters. This served as an excellent impetus for my further vigorous activity. I started writing my essays thoroughly. I studied the assessment criteria and made it a rule to write three every day, continuing to solve dozens of tests. A couple of times a week I took my works to my literature teacher, we sorted them out and analyzed the mistakes. The main problem for me a month before the exam was the lyrics. For some reason, I always thought that I didn’t understand poetry and wasn’t capable of understanding it. For analysis at the Olympiads, I always chose prose works. But as soon as I forced myself to sit down with the collection of poems by the first poet in the codifier, I realized that not everything is so bad. My understanding of the poems in most cases coincided with their analyzes in the manuals. Gradually, by May 25, I repeated the work of all the poets whose works may appear on the exam.

I understood that I was objectively ready for any topic. I was not afraid that I would come across some unfamiliar author or poem. I was determined to analyze any text. At the same time, I was not at all sure that I would get high scores. The ultimate dream was still the cherished 74 points. All year I went to groups on VKontakte to prepare for the Unified State Exam in literature, I saw the essays of other guys, their ambitions and confidence in getting high scores. Against the backdrop of all this, I felt mediocre, a strong middle peasant, and in the depths of my soul I hoped for my 74 points.

The first thing I said when I left the literature exam was: “I’ve never written anything worse in my life.” It so happened that last essay, the most “expensive” in terms of points, I wrote straight to the final copy. I didn't have enough time and there was no other choice. For him, I dreamed of getting 10/14 points at best.

I was absolutely calm for nine days. On the tenth, June 3, I began to shake, I constantly refreshed the page where my result should have appeared, but it was not there. At night, one nightmare, where I get 69 points, was replaced by another, where I get 58. On May 4, I went to the Unified State Exam in mathematics, sleep-deprived, twitchy and nervous. Before going to the PES, I refreshed the results page again, but the literature scores still didn’t appear there. Needless to say, for 4 hours in mathematics my head was not occupied with sines and cosines. After the exam, I went home, and that’s when the bell rang... “You have 100 points in literature,” I heard and didn’t believe it, because that doesn’t happen. It simply couldn’t be that I was one of the 200 people who scored excellent on the most subjective and stingy exam, but it was so.

I've updated the results page. In the column test scorethree digit number. I updated this page regularly throughout the day. And I’ll update this before I go to bed today, because it’s still hard for me to get used to this idea. All my friends tell me that I deserve this result and are happy for me. I’m happy too, of course, but I know for sure that I could have gotten 70, 60, or 80 points. I could have gotten any score. And I am terribly sad and offended to read the stories of those who prepared for a year, two, three, but did not receive 100 points. There are many who, in my opinion, deserve it more than me.

On the one hand, the Unified State Exam is a lottery, on the other hand, those who are lucky are lucky. We can talk for a long time about the fact that the Unified State Exam is not an indicator of knowledge. But the most main advice The advice I would give to those who plan to take literature tests in the future is to prepare, prepare, and prepare again. Not for the sake of high scores, not for the sake of justifying someone’s hopes, but for the sake of your dream. Enjoy what you do, get high while creating original text and put your soul into every word you write.

This week, schoolchildren will write their first exams - in literature and geography. Gazeta.Ru decided to help 11th graders and conducted a survey among students who passed the Unified State Exam with 100 points and entered leading Russian universities on a budget. Survey participants shared the recipe for their success and told whether it is possible to cheat on an exam.

(100 points for the Unified State Examination in mathematics and physics)

I took the Unified State Exam myself, without tutors or any cheating. The Unified State Exam in physics and mathematics cannot be difficult, all the tasks are in the style of “read the condition and do not make a mistake in one formula,” but in the Russian language it was not possible to pass with 100 points. I lost a couple of primary points somewhere in the area of ​​“logic and coherence of the text” in part C. Here it already depends on the evaluator, that is, if in physics or mathematics you can get 100 points, guided by one formula (again, read the condition and not make a mistake, and, of course, format it carefully), then in Russian half of the success of part C depends on the examiner.

Write off for the Unified State Exam? I don't know, I haven't tried it. They say it's quite easy. I don't know if this is true, but it's probably possible. One of my students (I tutor here a little) stopped preparing altogether, she says she doesn’t need more than 60 points, and for 60 she’ll write something off. Yes, there are so many ways to deceive a theoretically honest system.

I heard from friends that their friend’s dad, a stern businessman, the terror of the district, came to the director of the school where his daughter was supposed to take an exam, laid out a large sum on the table and said: “She will write what she knows, and let your people there write the correct answers.” "

Thank God, everything ended relatively well: she wrote what she knew, but they couldn’t finish it. The money was returned to my father, he did not cause any consequences to anyone, but the fact is clear: whoever wants to write it off will write it off.

On English still more fun. Teachers I know who have been assigned as supervisors say that the quality of the microphones into which text must be dictated is, frankly speaking, not very good. That is, the recording may turn out to be so clumsy that half of the words will be impossible to understand. I don’t know if it was an accident or not, but I didn’t want to take the exam myself, fortunately I didn’t need it for admission. I’m not even talking about the situation of past years, when everyone was cut off on one task in order to reduce the number of 100-pointers in the country. No one was able to prove anything later, although people swore that they had written the problem perfectly.

Daria Titova (100 points for the Unified State Exam in Literature)

“Six months before taking the exams, I suddenly decided that I definitely needed to take literature. Partly because, frankly, no one else was renting it out, and I wanted to stand out.

And also because I firmly decided to enroll in the Faculty of Journalism, which greatly surprised my family of doctors.

Based on this crazy desire, at first I crammed the primary sources myself and read criticism.

But my real preparation began the moment I found a tutor - a university teacher who was once directly involved in the development of literature tests. She knew the kitchen itself: how things are assessed, what is and is not worth writing in essays. With her, my absolutely unsystematized knowledge of the subject was completely washed away from unnecessary tinsel and worries - there were clear plans for analyzing the works and the final answer. Nothing extra.

There was some luck: I knew all the works on my ticket well.

I didn’t even try to copy: I didn’t have enough time to think about it, plus it was my first exam, and I was scared by the strict environment.

Remembering this whole process now, I think that it is impossible to pass all subjects with 100 points. This exam does not test knowledge, well, or not only knowledge. Such a system requires a mechanical approach. It’s worth at least a little deciding on your future studies, choosing the exams you will take, and focusing on them. Five or six 100-point Unified State Examinations do not provide any guarantees of a future happy life.”

Alexey Kubarev (100 points for the Unified State Exam in mathematics)

“I passed the Unified State Exam with 100 points simply because of my abilities (both parents graduated from Mechanics and Mathematics; there were no problems with mathematics even in one of the best physics and mathematics schools in Moscow). I prepared for the Unified State Exam only at school during test exams, and I was also helped by a teacher who sometimes gave home problems from the former part C. I didn’t have any tutors - I just came and wrote. I didn’t worry about the complexity, I was only worried about the short amount of time (besides, I write slowly), so during the exam I tried to quickly assess how the problems were solved and write the solutions straight away.

I wrote practically nothing on the draft, except perhaps some calculations.

Naturally, no matter how capable you are, you cannot guarantee writing the Unified State Exam with 100 points, but you can guarantee 90+. Personally, when I went to the Unified State Exam, I hoped that I would be lucky with two problems from part C, but otherwise I was confident.

I can advise today's 11th graders to worry less during the exam itself and before it. Personally, I performed a lot on stage, so I got out of the habit of being nervous. Also, under no circumstances should you study all night long, especially before an exam. At least a couple of days before it, you need to start going to bed on time: it is absolutely necessary to be well-rested during the exam.

Regarding cheating: I have not encountered this, but I heard from friends from other schools that in principle it is possible to cheat.

For example, they say that people smuggled crib sheets by pinning them to their clothes: the pins are too small for a metal detector to sense them.

But this, of course, is not at all for those who are aiming for 100 points: they simply have no time to copy from somewhere, just have time to solve the problems.

Achieving 100 points on all Unified State Examinations is quite possible, although difficult. Firstly, of course, nothing will come of it without luck, and being lucky in three exams is not the same as being lucky in one. Secondly, we must not forget about the human factor. Here is an inspector sitting, your work is his hundredth, he is already tired, and you, let’s say, have bad handwriting. Naturally, he gets a negative impression, and the likelihood of getting a hundred drops significantly. In mathematics this is not so scary, but, say, in Russian you can easily get a decrease in the score in an essay on some point like “expressiveness of speech.” And then go prove that you should have the maximum score for this item!

In general, I advise you to worry less, get enough sleep before the exam, and also not tear your hair out after writing for discovered errors or unfinished assignments.

You’ll ruin your nerves (and your hair) but won’t raise your score.”

Ekaterina Kartseva (100 points for the Unified State Exam in History)

“I prepared for the Unified State Exam a year in advance; before that I had not studied history at all, I only knew the date of the Battle of Kulikovo. But it helped that the school treated me well, and in the 11th grade I, one might say, did not attend school. Instead, from eleven to eight in the evening, I hung out with a tutor several days a week, who, seeing my zeal, took surprisingly little money from me. Social contacts, of course, suffered during the year because I didn’t leave the house.

It is possible to prepare well for the Unified State Exam in a short period of time, you just need to sacrifice something (time, parties, other subjects). Well, the system is important.

I prepared like this: I started every day by taking notes from a textbook, then studied the notes. Then I solved +10 tests, flipped through the public pages on VK, sorted out all the mistakes and wrote them down in separate notebooks, which I re-read before going to bed. In the evening I asked my mother to check the dates (in both directions), about 25 of them. Closer to the exam, I already abandoned the textbooks, and mostly rewrote and re-read the collection of assignments for Part C (over the course of a year I collected a large Word file). In general, this whole thing usually took almost the whole day.

In my opinion, you can get 100 points in several subjects if you completed educational standard, and in the 11th grade you were trained to take tests, plus you were lucky in the exam. But for this, all teachers must be strong subject specialists, and the student must have stable motivation throughout high school. In general, in practice it is almost impossible to implement, I think. She herself sacrificed mathematics for the sake of the subjects that were needed for admission (it seemed like 49 points). But in Russian you can always get 100 points, the subject is easy.

It was possible to cheat on exams, people took out their phones, I had cheat sheets with me.”

Anna Landau (100 points for the Unified State Exam in Russian)

I studied with a tutor for two years, but I was also quite lucky at the Unified State Examination. I got it good text with a clear problem, and it was easy enough to pick up the arguments. I believe that it is quite possible to pass the Unified State Examination in Russian with 100 points; you just need to memorize a certain set of rules, solve tasks, select a sufficient number of arguments for different topics and write several dozen essays - so to speak, to get better at it.

To write off, as for me, it was impossible, because there was strict supervision and control at the entrance.

From my point of view, to pass the Unified State Exam with 100 points, you need luck rather than knowledge. I have also had cases where a person who wrote samples for 60 points scored 90+ on the exam itself and vice versa. So the result rather depends on luck and which option you come across.

Natalya Kirasheva (100 points for the Unified State Exam in geography and Russian language)

“It so happened that I passed two Unified State Examinations - in Russian language and geography - with 100 points. To be honest, I didn't expect it. Like everyone else, I strived for high results, but the number 100 was never cherished. I didn’t study with tutors: schoolwork and self-study quite enough. There was still time left for dancing, friends and hiking. I believe that high results are the merit of teachers. They were wonderful: they didn’t scare me with “this Unified State Exam on which our whole life depends,” but calmly, lesson by lesson, they put knowledge into our heads.

Was it difficult? To be honest, I don’t remember much excitement. Regarding the possibility of cheating: the most cunning ones will probably always find one, but for me it’s easier to prepare and be confident in your knowledge than to worry and be afraid that you will be “spotted.”

Although I had cheat sheets for almost all exams - not for cheating, but solely for confidence.

I think that it is possible to pass the Unified State Exam in both Russian and mathematics with 100 points; there are probably such guys. Although I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone like that.”

Olga Zinchenko (100 points for the Unified State Exam in social studies and Russian language)

“I received 100 points for social studies and Russian language. I studied with tutors (I don’t remember exactly, but, in my opinion, every time a week), in social studies and history I also took additional group courses (at the Siberian Federal University And preparatory courses). At the gymnasium we had very strong teachers, so, in fact, the preparation was multifaceted, so to speak. Additionally, I studied history, but last moment I didn’t take it (because I became an All-Russian prize-winner in English, which was enough for the universities I wanted to attend), although, according to the teacher, I could pass with 100 points (this, of course, is already in the category subjunctive mood, but still).

As for the recipe for success, I can say that I reached this milestone only through hard work. I took three or four tests a week (in each subject, including Part C), and also listened to audiobooks for history (on the way to courses/tutors). Without tutors it would be difficult, since the Unified State Exam is still a certain format, you can be amazingly literate, but if you do not write an essay according to a certain template, then the points will be reduced.

I didn’t cheat on the Unified State Exam, but I know that many were on their phones.

Some took pictures of the assignments and sent them, and then tutors/senior friends or someone else sent them answers. Now, probably, such a system will not work, I heard that they are installing jammers, although they scared us with them.”